Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Tuesday, Aua"t 17, 1909 PAGE SIX I HE DAILY AROMOREI 1 1. .53 - A iuiiiiiM ii MiiMii 'MMitwimi mwnHiiwm i 111 ill minimi i iiiumn rnr-iir- Water Power Ii THE IS DRUNK i M'uln t. i.' , diir ' 'I ii. i :n. i ' I.- mippoi I . aiO,l tIS 0 10 ilr h tw ) . ,ra lie I ' il ..' Iij frt i . $ 'i a month ! tin ) i o ti i . Plant in i or oaie 5,000 HORSE POWER HERE IS THE UICGEST , BARGAIN . OFFERED WHERE IN THE STAT.E OF OKLAHOMA EIGHTY ACRES OF LAND, STORY GIN AND MILL STORE HOUSE, 'AflY- TODAY. 1 It PERFECT TTLE,. (TWO- HcJbsE, DWELLING HQUBE., DLAC kSMITH SHOP, AND OTHER OUT DUILDINGS,. GARDEN -AND T HUCK PATCH EST 30dD HOG AND CATTLE PASTURE. THREE. JO-SAW MJU'J6R' x GINS COMPLETE. 6.NE RCVOLyiNC PR6S,ONe COjN ' M'L.L,WAGON- SCALEH-. I M - P A OT -C YTmiI lliw ll flSf? " PL ETEA''DTm:7DT,FOl JD S j'"'? EV ER LASTING WAXER JRUNS. THHOUOHTHE EIGHTY' ACnES'"6VTfND S00O HORf.EPOWER CAN BE DEVELOPED' THE pjLANT NOW HAS INSTALLED 250 HORSEPOWER, LATEST IM PROVED, "TURBINE WHEEL THERE IS SUFFICIENT POWER TO RUN A SAWMILL AND TO FURNISH POWER TO THE FIVE RAILROAD TOWNS THAT ARE WITHIN A RADIUS OF FIFTEEN MILES OF THE PLANT. IF INTERESTED COME TO SEE ME, AND I LL SHOW YOU THE' PROPERTY. I , . Sidhey Suggs Ardmore, - Okla. A STRANGE PRACTICED DIANS. PISCATORIAL ARl AMONG THE IN- Tin' honu Is oim.'II to nil 'irpiun I'lUdrm over the ttin'v, whether 'li- ir mrejU bi- IlaptU'.t or sot, or wn though t)i. Ir iflrfiii had tin n-' ligluus ntrilnllwu, whntv, ild Mr McKlnncr. "Am ,i inu'tor of fact, w- have only ono child In (he Itmtjtu- . (loil WhOHH , pHrdlitl ' IUlliHtH ,11111 lllU lllptt Or till! fc'UtV illt' , behind thu work, mid I am nuqi they OF "xTATF I AW w"' i'u"u ,irau,"' u, ivi uu;rLof i Ul 01 MIL LHII tlu. homo,, once, thuv undliMta'h'r "its . great, w.or and needs. .lore!,,lifhh , 20Q ;lillilr)iii , arc now ..applying ?dr The Oklahoma Laws Prohibit "Pols- j ndniJHmi, but, iyn, h.Ht! not the mon , oning" F1h, ami Six Indian's' Are to support ?o tnuhyi 'Oftt-mqwc I- in Jail for- Uelnd' an Unknown hiie to hustle to keep up cxpnnion '. ( Wed In Making a Catch? and .MlPlwrta Mhbii' wo nnw .hii.TC. 1 ,,,,,) Smoly tho' tavflrtH itid purges ofutlw . j people of OklntUitnfi will Up opened i . . . . . ... .1,. A I . i . , ,, . t, ,i,.j, Mini imp tiv ntenn win neip p:nee Muskogee, Okla,, Aub. l-Si '.'0(1 stniKClltij orphrliis w, u , ,r" ' . ,h."f""',JnpUt iif-tho Mtrit.i 1,ftvo l.Wp lib-1 ,11ml Hilly Ilrotor, nr..,lit.jalMn Vltts- pn ,MtP,bMNirf, ,h JV hl; mmw Mi.K .U.iy, ol.awd with P0ln.,fefll.rv(. M tno orHit. Vor li.HUnc. ' , Ad oruniK io tun liuonuiuiiii ' Sanii: wanlt-n . . l . ..a.. tk. I.J n.M ( tllMiilum if I IFSf II 1 11 II Willi H ll'V I1M IIIUIH fl . I oi llli- sain.: mini.'n n rri. . - . tlui, .!.,, Indian. wIM. m or .nV( ,, fflr . (.,)i)(,roll. rs ho rad pnll.-.I rf .,n V-110Wt..l,uJl,)ol. Jn,t com. of b.KK.v.1 KII1...K. tlmtrhnirirlwI w h)m ni(, nn ot)r jak.n mac, In M,aion tor a. j,, ng(i v, nllnml ,!'"K ,imi'- ' ' them 'thin' wlnt'-r. If our prtwont Tin- MUiif num.- Wiw Htrlrtly Joj. (, ,mt ni1,rarrjr Wo ,, ,. l.uU KtllttiK fluli by pol!onVnit ilu-m ( mtnly ,,Iiy rf IUf. llPl)t Malwl t)10 I- in s.ild that tl.iww Indlaim had mh- ( ,,, b( Bltuflt, ,hnt w(. ,,, ..d.d in takliiK r.lio pound of find .,,,, , can, f01. -00 of tll() or. In Miln iiiiiiincr. TlKrc m a curlaln wimm! known only to ludlaiiH that Is Ktliord and plians of tlie. ilnt." VUltor to the liniuii aro ontlniH' , latc The iililldrnn arc all nlcijlv i , boiiint toRfthiM- in HhoaVM or IiuihIIi-h ,ri.sHi il. rigidly cloan and well rartjil tin wm drt bHiiR pulled up by the : fur. Indian orplmnx lire revived atl rootif. n-n u niiium-iii iii.uiuiy tun nomc, anil or tlioso now bclnK ban h'ii pailwri-d this Indlaim drlvn can'd for, ono U a. black-i-ycd Utile! plkH Into tlH river at tin; uppor "Injun ehieiialn." :i I' i Only An Ad-Reader Can Wisely Manage Household Finances : 1 ' The ads malcc 4 'management") of "inrtney It it :. 1v. 1 ''. .X't . I, . lii.i ' matters in tile home L'UbblbUii'. lid .wife 'who aKVa'vs studiesVlii working : i in business partnership with the husband , ly. nas to "Know imngs in, , .i ti i. ' , '! it , vnd of u law' bote where the water flow nlowly. The sheavea or weenn i are then taken out to these piles tund 1 pounded Into it pulp and dropped In to the water. The effect on the fish Is curious, I wniie the ween is eaiieu poison, in reality It tuaken the fish drunk. i'hoy float to the t"P of the watei In u shiRKish condition and are then Speared or Khot, by the Indians. If allowed to remain In the water very lone, or If they can get Into fresh .water, they revive nnd appear to bo nono the worse for their "drunk." Tho weed does not appear to Injure partially tho fish for food purposes in any .wayi Some of the fish takon In the Jant haul weighed as high, as fifty i pounds. 'fhU method of poisoning Huh bn 111 vogue nnupig, for' many years, ijver slpee they N tlie njoney.. On her part, , . ,. .. Art 1 1 who,' stipposct: , .i .vi'uvorder'to IC.'VK . , r , 1 , 1 . . I ..." I 1 : i, , if biiioicnu'wiic coinu? io Know values, anu. putub, ,,..iuh -ill' .inel' ' j 1 and wliere aTitl when and how u' buy and " I ! sucli knowlJdi;e, such" education, comes ; i itAJta chielly through reauin and answering; ads. ' MouseTK)kl')ispent)'a-is"UsSUfed n. : tt the wife'mnkesl adrn5aHiiii!',a nan )V Iter daily routine flCvcry ad m Ardmore V0Vlh ' ' rcadliW is foumjl in thti Daily Atdmoretto. "It seems ,prtty hard," said .Mr, MeKlnney, "to think that in a big j prosperous slate Ilko Okhihoina, there are i!00 ehlldren without home-! who could be eared for and .' by us. If only wo had a little more support." Tho Uev. .Mr. Kinney came to Oklahoma from Texaa. lie. has been in the Baptist ministry for the pa.- fifteen years. Among his plans forJ me iiuure or me nome is inu oh- tnblishmont of a widow' asylum wnere women may ue receiveu wn nave children they are wholly oi ... unnuie to support. Xo ,i:itt'riq6w, lonii J'ji hftvoi Btif' fordil,,Wplpx,i;J.JMiitymdmidyv-' will I nVa.viOJW. Va.;ir(teji: H was ff.U mUZ1 7 mi ""rt "wr imv?' ? VmM in., in.lufi.S b iiin i 'i 'ouiu tioi Kei oui oi ueti, l"' '"'liana l . .,, , ... . ., L" 1 A (A . ..... ... . II siraigiu. i iook hoiey s Kinney jiera-in uuy,! 1inii"ioiian"ioiiio'nnii 'pan. on thu i oiui,cnridimo entirely.'' It will ' dfire you. , i ijojd, by, ( .drugnists. ' Mewl t. HEWITT. Ok. a.. Aug. it;.- -With thei i-uine vcst, In fac,, and. u?lr ifls frit's' wefe celeprati'ims, rivaling thos or Hie greeii corn daicis. Tin)1 In dians Hinder1 arrest Jived near the Old Hickory' (.rouiidu. in tln Snake settlen.uiK and It Is quite probable j (XWl,,ti(m of ft shower Haturday iney nave neyer nemnv jienni oi ,, ,U ,.ontlnll,Wt st0..k Waten Tiu sia'e game law, rew of tnenn i ,pnst. t, r. ' !' , . I Cot Ion Is holding up, very well nnj Mr W Tt Prnnii, 1h i, n.iHnil In nn . . ' " nonnee to hlM Miht OmerK that ho has ' UmKU a ,0 co.npla hi Of secured th; nKnoy for Zcmo, tho l'i"'r i-ottiin shedding consldvra jly. ucM hiiown f niiii.'ii)' ior urn posuivu r mm Tunis were reKiru:ii wei ami i and permanent euro of Hvacran, Pirn. , north of this place Prfday "Iglit am piii, w.iniiriiii, ami i4 vry , ot. form nf Skill or fir-Mi. iHRnnso. ZHMd CT"ni.i. .i a t lean liquid for internal tiso. Trtdd brothers' ln is about coin- Is scarce and grass a thing of the j THE BAPTIST'S ORPHAN HOME; only iilout onc-na,lf I i Ml ( j!, THE WONDERFUL BROMIDE TJiisasthe greatest health 'g'iviii water., . Should beXlrnpk as water, not as medicine, ilt is kept in its purity by our eneraljaet JJ ,tli, ' gives Ipstant r.ollef and cures any pleted rtud will be ready for the fen- iorm ot sKin or scaip uiseaso y sanA crop, t .I...........I.... I IM-ni I UJ IMj; UK- Kl'lill III.IL L.UlSUrt lllU, ,-(.. .1.11 ! i,.-t 1.... I ... Idixe:,,.. leaving a clean, healthy ' K,,,"i, Nnrdlm-e Jns'.ajled m , skin. Mr. Kruno will glndly show 1 ohlnery In their gin so Hewitt is well jou proof pt many rCinnrknble prepared to gin the i-otttxi, qrop IfiiteM made by ZICMO. I which will be ,'riecofdlng to every I omm opinion I crop. I ll'rank Tiraner of Ixino (Jrove Is ooiiduclfni: u stng'fhg school with a fair 'ntti'ndnrice. ' 11 The llaptis'1 preaching, closed last Thursday iit the' baptz(ng with fjv additions to the Church. The health of the commuul'y s fairly 'good. I (From The Oklahoman ) l II heat i tonchul by the cry of (the orphhn. ihe llev. W. r. MyKin iniey two atio gne up hU work as pastor of n prosperous ITnptlst I E. Phone 497 M. GOFF ' Ardmore, Okla. CARUSLIO jMIUTAKY ACADEMY ij . l'DDUri' J'OJIfi t l (HtCr-iitj IV I :i lli'! 'i m rt Mi,;t(j Jwul. i " - i,.iiH"inrim!ini'!i aim i ii 'mTi'i' ihim tiiin iiinl w.uim'n? pool. Atlili-di ih-lil rji. k llmt triu-t . in rlii' l.'riatiiUvyiiijKn'litlfltfiilar" CAKU.Un MIUI Am ACADK.MY, Ultudfon IVxns. . H ,.r .it ' ' " ' tr ij . rnwvKf ) iTlf r I ' ir J i l il st r i I"-. ' i- i 1 n-V llu tljtlin.i!-ti XV1 l,s,'l'un",l",, ",',tr,l -.1 . oliunii nt Ardmore, and liecame sup erintendent of t. tr ijjBll. orphans- Eema NovV CurabIe- lioni.- at Oklahoma t'lly. , zkmo. a idean linnhl for external U In n MV 'teKl.-mi.v iu.i rini,. unn. i use. stotis Itchlnn lnstantlv nnd Tier-1 . i in, mi. ... ..r ii... siiii,. iii.i.iui nr. I "mnently euros ecnia and every ... i form nf Itching skin or scalp dls- l.nims ni.iiie yer ,iRO, uti nau ; ,,., Mr w n Frame, tho drug. m-vi-iii.-i'ii neipieKH in i n- wans iiuiiur mst, says ya;mv is ino most success its protection. The Institution m i f"l and meritorious remedy" ho hns housed In a snia ) rcnl.-d l,nildli. , ' " prouuu renei aim . ,K '"' . , positive cure of , .eczpnia and every , Slu.iY 'h.-ti It Ipis aeipilieil fi , hiMU- - form of Itching sldn deaso, Ask tlfiil site of forty acres of Jand ;ivnr i for sample and sen dlsplaj' apd pho HMle Isle, tin'- jlft of I, M. riiimm, ! fjnnny rentarkablo fcurcs mails i by ZEJio. ' i,..n.i.... i... . i. i .. i i .mii.i.iiK imp p.Tn erumvu utrce jo All Owners of Dogs. siori.-s ami nwinein. )fu us , own I .ll dog owm-rs who hnve jipt ob-1 system of water. bef)Hi and light-, trtlned doc tnes must do x or kill I ing- The property hn pr'VU. till it j their dogs between n'pw iwd tlio :".th is won n .....iiiM ami. ,1111, Buiiiniir ot0f the month, or you bo pwsn, i children has invreasjjd from 17 toieuted. T J JOVK"? 51 HI " , 1'oligu Commliowr. mo .urn-nt, . pcns'i of lhi Instl- I , uMon at" fviOO a month -and It taken I This would' hi. ' n fine hid world 'an.itl r Tmnd'-iHl to pay Interest on I to live, la If a ' man could swap ' halt u doren of hlfl. air castles for 'Diinderillt wks wonilersJn thre room cotlacc nn u few i . u. .i iU ,rH',llclH uair j gijunro feet of reil estntc. t-ltist as surely ns rnln and suiihIiIiio , ri.lhnu nr,,i.u It nmriiinia u t,l.,l. ..mwih nf inriiri.. ,t. ii.iir- ,i.A ..oi I'ojiplo with chronic brcuchlUs, as- other remedies all. We. Kimrnntoel (1,"m Jn trouble, will find Danderine. All lriigKltssellt-2So. i.P' ""elief and Oomfort In Foley's iiml II per hill 1 1(7. To provo its "'' litr- indcnn avoid suf; wouh.seiid, thU il with 10c In stntritis ' '" bv mmenclng to trtWl nt or silver anil wu will iiioUaoii nliirfl-li0ncott .Sold, by j all, dhiKKliti I .a FREE MAPS The Only Reliable ARDM0RE1TE T Begs to renew its acquaint ance and reconsecrate its pages to its friends and the de velopment of this, the best city and county in the best state in the Union. Subscribe tor The Ardmoreite and keep posted on new developments that will oc cur daily. As stated thousands of times at home and abroad, Ardmore and Carter County have more natural resources than any other city or county in the state. Subscribe now. $1 will pay for the daily for two months or the weekly twelve months and you get a copy of Thelnd Best MAP OF OKLAHOMA Remember One Dollar CASH pays for the paper and the map Send or bring the amount now We Keep ALL KINDS of LEGAL BLANKS! ARDMOREITE i PUBLISHING COP ANY' ARDMORE OKLAHOMA I fj... .1 ti ll! lt ; io ( ii i. i:t it'i . , . x ,(t r.i 1' ! I b. ' i hI J-I-.I' i 1 'i i ' 1 . SI !( 8 .. 'i'ii'' ,. , -. ii '.' ,i .(fl'-ii .1 :!t!i ' ' : in . Mi''-" ,il 'el 'it .. V il lnll ' . .lin ,' t ' t . ultll''' 'Till - j . i, tUi V'l ' ioit nltni'.l id. 'U . . 'I',"' . i '.)! I ul"1 U t ti I U 1 ' ) 'i (A. iO ' r. ii k lie - I v. ,:l . I'll n- It. , )'..' i ( lor. 1 tt ti tt ' ;;!)Gll Is! t i"i . , .mi. ,1hlll7blV t-! .! W'X ..l'il'l'''' fno ainHH K.NOWIION DAN-1 - ; DUR1NK CO., Chicago, j Ueo. Ardmorelto Want Aia. Jtad Ardnioreite Want au'.' H UH I ' ' Head the JnJinorpUe,, , r 'i 'i