Newspaper Page Text
iAC,C tlGH7 THE DAILY ARDMOMEITE. Aidnore, Tuesday, August 17, 1909 DEPOSITS GUARANTEED III- i at-1 d Ok .thoiii.t Ikis provided .1 I .'cp v-iitor-. (j' i l U I' il l to protect oiir iiiniiev Ifp .sit'-d in the GUARANTY STATE BANK Mlri i --nr In Hunker Hank I'-vti courti'sv consistent with sound liinkiin; we extend 1 ATTEMPTED JAIL DELIVERY AT MA conspire, td defeat FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL FRANK SCRIBNER PEAKS BIG ROLE Heretofore Candidate Receivlntj Hlgheat Vote Was Nominated Ef fort to Chnnuc This. Means $$$ To von if you buy furniture, stoves, lloor covering, 'ill kinds, shades, wall paper, juccns ware, glassware and enamel ware, from W. M. I I II. LIS. the eenterlieldcr. If vou don't want to I'll swap new inods for some of your old eve sores. Phone 10 . W. M. HILLIS Furniture Stoves Housefurnishintfs Announcement! irlv in Smitomliw tlm M KV x- 'P i illy hervice between St. Louis mid ICnnsas City and San ntomound IKiuston. Texas, u nmv. fust, iilllltllfl t.t-litl III Itch direction. TllO.M' tl'.lillH Will l)l lllU' 1 1 1 1'llll irti rill t. milt' iiiii.Iikw w coin lies, now . ....! cepm?,' cars will bo electric limited, with eleelrie runs and .).. I 1 .1. II. .1.... lll-l III Hlll.. I lie now trams will bo oven faster than our already lehrated trains 'The Katy Xlyer." iSD.OO IN GOLD OFFERED A suitable namo is desin d fir tl in iiihi' ini. il. .t Ishoit eom iso and to the p nut. To secure such a uutiu- 1)11 ' oi mo. mi in yold is ollered. The competition is open all and tlu award will l.c mailt 10 the successful eontos u whosw siijostion is adopted. In the event t.lo name leeieii is siilenitte I liv two or more nersons. the nrio 1 he di ided pio rata. The Ada IjvftiliiK News of .Monday say rhnt n timing anil n-rlloiiRly ii'-nr utirci-iMftil attempt at wholesale lull delivery (HCiirn il Hnturthiy ulKht in Hit- county Jail. 'I' In- main m-toi In the drama were Frank Korlbni-r, a prisoner charged with rompllrn .. In two murder thnt of hid own wife mid of I'ntiisrn nml l,owery l.'o. n Kill Jiill Riiunl. 'I'lic story of Hie Intildeiit im r-lnr- i I liy Mr. I substantially that I'.iini :i ir, oelork Saturday ovmilnjt ' whin nil was iiil about the Jan. and li- miii sitting In the front cor lidor. Hint iorvi a a Jail office u- I wi ll its corridor, hp heard Fran S.tibner wty: "DM you pvor tt j mhiihImk up your hantU?" Jce din i i'ti turn around to look M ' In- supposed It wan merely o'iia i llllng" on I ho part or tin- prWun-' i Tin1 ipiostion waa repeated, how T, ami then Iap turned round n ml iiMikiil Into the yawning depths of i In- niintalp of a Winchester nu.rp shot gun and hoard fkrlbncr ay. i.i ' i you, r moan It? Up with in i inl I,ooa hand wont tip good aid' high, slneo thoro seemed to bo .hi i otliiT imo to which ho pnull "in. I SvciiiiMilty put thi iii Just at that ;iai. ilnilnr limp. ' ..l..l..ln.l ..... ... nil.--n ,IMII IM'-Wllllf V 1 llO ni'xt qiiPHtloa. which aniounti'i) to a ooiniiininl. and l'o utilil: "I'll hv It to you. Fnmk." and started to Uiwor hlH lunula, imt Sprlluior waa tak-i. i. no Hiirh ohniicoti and ordered h'.u to keep li I h liniutH up. and hlfia up. .1 W llriK)kn, who was IipIiik held for officer of Sherman. Tex . on Homo minor charge, w.-ir In th" corn . dor. the local officer not wiutln to lock him up with tin other :uli- oners In the cane, nnd SerlbtiT or VV. S. ST. GEORGE (J. I. A.. M. K. T. RY. LOUIS, - - - MISSOURI NO COMPROMISE lot Cases to be FouqIu to the End. e , OKlii Ann 111. S M. I (I, of (oiiiim I fur F. II So- 7 KiikIIhIi la t lie town non t-xlii) denl-il the Mto- Wa-hmctoa In which M. 1, IliUJll Hitoniiy for tile 1 v. h t prohccutlltK the I :rcte Sidewalks order them with st Ker; from Hyde None but lass work. Phone town lot eabts. staled thai Wimis and K'umHhIi iiail tiffi n-d pa '.io. HIMl as a cumpromiMi- and li.m 1 1 1 . -1 1 Miils dlHiatssed. "We have iinn unVn-d ;i mil to itunproinlhe, mid we will mn." said (Nilntii-1 Hutherf.ini. "The defendants j In hoth tlie civil and crlinliial canes, us well as their attorneys, believe' they nan bout all the eases, and ' they are Kola o flaht thom to the. end. Ther.i will he no compromlsp i Tin- statement of Mr. Mott Is entire-1 I) wit hunt foundation." ! Avoid the Fall Hush, and save time by pac!im your loans now. I'Jlaht ptM- cent money on farms and city property. C. II. COOK. Over Geo. Adams' restaurant. It d&w I'eoplo who talk too much receive little at'entlaa. Ykffkm Iun ol character and ability, to w -ti "iii-l HUUU I-Wlll III IMSIUM ncc territory. i table tions for ucers WKITI 1IIAS. W. GUNTER, General Aticnl Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co, Philadelphia un i iiuub nidi. Ardiuorc, Okla, jdered him to take the rihi from .ho Kuard. llrooks obeyed. Scrlbner now deinnniled th:e I..o I unlock the ciiko door and !. tn pled that he did not liavo th. key but asked llrooks to ro to the d.nk In the corner of the front eorridT and find the keys in a drawer. He hoped that llrooks would make a bolt through the open door of the oirldor and raise the alarm, n.u llrook- ici-mcil to be too much sear 'd 'o do auythliiK. In tin- mouu'ilil-' beXKei! inbiu i to not nothliiK rash nor to hoot and promised that lie wouid "Pen t In- door and allow htm to an. bopiin; to ilehiy inattors as mucn as possible and that somethiiiK would oinir to relievo the situation. Scrlb. m r coat limed to order to open In- door and the KUiml stepped to ward Hi,- desk but lus'oad of kdIiis to It ctepped behind one of tlu ste.-i boe on the float wall of the au. in w hich are Hie levera operat liiK tin- cagp doors. Scrllmer con.) sc.- Hi- Kunrils root lint coal I not s.-e hU body. I.oo. from tills cove-, thi n told Scrlbner that ho wo.i' 1 n -t oii. ii tin- door. Hut lu this defl.tiico of the deaperato man he had for-lo'i'-n one ihliiK. and that -v.m lir.t tin- prisoner had his slv shooter. Scrlb ner wimdrew the shot mm ml Piiik to tlie corner of the 'eal.i .-.ip riacln-d throiiKh the snia'l np.-uiii; thiimuli which the prlhonera food U I passed, reached far around the in.- ! nor of the oaiie and imlnted :h.. uun at the xuaril. Thouh from tin 1 Point Sciibner could not see the Kuard at all. on account of the fact that the wall between the caae und the front corridor Is milld n- -1 'n s'wad of bars, the auni-il could sen ho kiiii a'l rlxht and cmild see that fur the mm to 1h illschnrKo i wmim. bit very unhealthy for him. So he told Scrlbner that ho was only Jolly. iug and for him to mo to the drxir and he would open the oae by niejois of the lovers In the box. Sorlbner withdrew the pistol aim atepood to the door. With a wild leap for life and liberty Uw siprtuiK throtmh the open door of the eorrt- I dor and Into the hallway of the I court house. Thl whs ihi Jockey ' race and the time though not on,, cl.tllv recorded Is minraiiteed by Mr. ' to be up to the very highest ' '-t if the ou'er door of corridor hud liivn lorked or oven temporari ly fastened the guard con hf not have .scaped without being shot. 11a made some little noise in pettina awiy and Incidentally gave out the information that the prlsonets won a'l armed to the towth and ready to break Jail ud murd. r the uusus Dcctlng popiilaoe. I-cin Mitchell, .loe Foster and Tom Itnrdeu weiv liuiiiedlately on 'ho scene and others soon followed sn hit th. re was plenty of help at hand Hut then wa no f irtlu r trouble. As soon as Seribner saw Foster among the guards h said 'hat he was willing to sum-rdi r the ' mi guns to hint, which ho did N'o other guns nor Implements of aaj or were found and there doomed to ( it ivldiiic.- of any irxniii.eil effort on Hi.- part of tin- prisoners to inaki- the escape- So far as the evldojifc goes It seems that the woik waa all by Frank SitIImmt. though ' If ho had succeeded In forcing tile guard to open tho cage It Is likely , that every prlooner would have iiiiuih a break for liberty. Thp iiiieatlon now to !. answered waa: Where did Scrlbner got the ini? Il waa found that Iip had iiinde tiae of a mop slick and aotup sticks ' that had Iipiii given the pitnonera to fix their biuika with, llelna thpin logotlier to makt a long pole. h. one end of this polo he had u-id" a ImhiV with a mill, lie also had In his iMSMosslon a small hand mirror. One end of the corridor l nit off and makes n siutiil IkhI room nbon flo by eight feet lu also and In Ihla little room Is a cot on which .? ' guard ale. p at times. I'mler this cot several guns are usually kept, ' loaded and ready for nae. From the cage lu which the pna- oners ar kept It la poaalbh- to sev ' Into this room from wo Klnts. one through the main door of the pagp acroaa a corner of tho front cor ridor and the other from the aim of the cage across a corner of fne narrow side corridor and through the door In the end of the little room. It waa Horn Ihla latter point that .Scrllnii'i- secured the gun. 1 With his hand mirror he reflected the light in such a way as to make It easy to aee the gun and with his Impiovlsed pole he reached across the corner of te corridor, a distance of five or six foot, and pulled tho Kim from under the hud. The guns kept under the bed are the property of the county and are for the use of the guards. The Jail officers think that the gun wns secured about two or three hours before tho nttcnipted delivery, but thoy state that It may have been secured earlier lu the day. t'liderslierlf f Miles states that though the Jail Is full of prisoners and they make a lot or noise lu a r.ood uutuiod sort of way they are lospectful and submissive. There has been no apparent 111 feeling anion thorn on account of the incident of Saturday night and no Indication in any farther trouble. Mr. .Milt says that after his fui' urn n escape Scrlbner seemed to be xery despondent. He think he was desperate enough to have gone tn any length In order to have escaped mil but for the shrewdness o.' the guard under the mrat trying clrcuiu stancoa ho likely would have ac--ompllshed hU purpose. Aa there are several prisoners who ire resting under the most sorbin charges and one. ll.m .Scrlbner. and a brother of tl m attempting tho Ml very, under entence of death, the success of the attempt would have been extremely serious Mttle Itock, Ark., Aug. Hi. It was learned from rollnblo souico today that a movement has already been atarted lo change the rules gowrii lag the democratic state primary when a aticceisor to Sonator H.ivls Is to be nominated. Heretofore It has been the prevailing custom to "oMI mtoots for a'ntt! and other offices by a plurality vote, tho can didate receiving t, highest number of votea In tho primary always heiiirt declared the nominee. Ui the resolution adopted by th" atuto convention held lh I.lttlo Hock ' last ,iine calling (or a blanket pr. iimry. the mime rule was adop'ed. f htia been whispered In political cli He for the past two months that efforta will he mndo In the conven tion to 1m- held flo.xt .lime abolish that rub- as far aa It applies to can- ; dlilatoa for the Fiiltetl States senate, and make a majority vote iiec s.try I lo win. If this plan Is adopted, It Is beli.-v i ' od by those oppow-ii lo the j,.. ,.),.,-. J ,ioii or collator mil that his do. rt ran he eaally accomplished, eim aouuently Seun'or Davis Is doing all . ho can lo have the old pi i.aary rules remain in force. All weli-iuforme,. politicians concude that Senator Da via would receive a plurality von lu enso he nail two opponents, but It la exceedingly ilonb'ful If he could get a majority of all the votes , on at In tin- primary. la the event that two candidates are In opiKisltlon to Senator Davis, a plurality would give him the nomi nation. If the present rules were lu i force, but. If on the other hand. -1 i.iti i..fii .. . . , . . i.. ........i-..., i. " il- I tillll til, II WOUK1 I necessitate a second primary to set I tie the contest between Senator D.i j vis and tan candidate who received I the next highest number of oes. . honator Davis says ho Is not ni all apprehensive that tho rule win be changed, and even if It Is he Is confident of receiving a second term It is now known that former Con gressman S. Itrundldge of Searcy. , will opiwso Senator Davis, and It if vory likely that friends of Congress man Joe T. lloblnson of Iinoko wll Insist upon that gentleman also en terlng the race. If tacro are three candidates In the field, the finest loi of a plurality or majority vote wll cut ipil'e a figure lu the contest, If you an- all run down Folev'r Kidney Honiedy will help vou. ' It strengthens tho kidneys so tliev wll' eliminate the Impurities from tin blood that depress tin- nerves, anc' cause exhaustion, backache, relm unities, and urinary Irregularl'les which sap the vitality. Do not tie lay. Take Foley's Kldiiev Homed) at once. Sold by all drugalsis Head Ardmorelto Want Ads Seared With a Hot Iron, or scaltltsl by overturned kettle -cut -villi a knife bruised by slammed door Injured by gun or In any other way -the thing needed at once Is lltieklen's Arnica Salvo to subdue In flaminatlon and kill the pain. It's earth's supremo healer. Infallible- for Molls. Ulcers. Fover Sores. Fezenia and Files -.'.".c at Ardmoro Pharmacy. THREE-FIFTHS MAJORITY. Amount of Votes Necessary to Leu ' alize Bond Issue. , nuthrle. Okla.. Aug. n;. ..M r- , oils Iiuiulrles have been coming Into the state suporlnroiiilont's offu-,. j lately from count v superintendents over the state In regard tr the ma Jorlty nectwsary to logn'lie a bond election. In reply to these Inritilrip, -lohn W. "Wilkinson, assistant stat superintendent, has Informed Mi.-. that under the law passed by tin last legislature a throo-firMi m.iinr. ity or those voting at a bond elec tion Is required to authorise a school board to Issue bonds. Hinder the old law Miroe-firtlm of all the ele, tors, male and female, residing In tin dls trie, must cast their ballots In fa vor of the Issue of the bonds !n or der for them to be declared cm rled. Head Ardmorelto Want Ads Electric Bitters Succeed when everything eUe fails. In nervoui prostration and female weakness they ate the supreme remedy, as thou, and have telified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It U tb le:t medicine ever void over a JnigGM'n counter. Oklahoma Loan & Investment Co. Successor to Atlnins Ilros. DKI'A HTM K.NTS Farm lands, farm loans, oitv property, city loans, tiro insur ance, life insurance, rent col lootlous, investments, notary. All tho Kood thing- are not nailed down, wo have somo ol them loft for you if vou will waku up. A good agent Is not an ex pense in a real estate deal, lie Is an economy Delay piivs no dividends, the waiting man's time never comes. Do tiii want to rent a house, or liavo joii a house vou want us to rent for you'.' f.ots of In iiilries. Wo have money lo Iohii for the asking, but do not wait till you are uraiuped to get inattors ready. One time to sell your place, that Is. when there Im i. ..., .. for il who is satislled with your price. Time of year when the. Nor thern buyers uro planning to t'oiiiti this way, list your prop erty and be ready for them, wo linvo letters from prospective buyers every day. No one better able to servo you hi jour real estate, and II nanolal inattors than we are, oiieh department well ropru sontod. A few real bargains In Ard moro oily property, improved and unimproved, tho kind vou are aorryyou didn't get noxt'to. Fifty Duiikard families want to locate In this country if thev can get sutliciont lauds In a body at a reasonable llgure. We have a customer for SO acres of good alfalfa land rex onably clou to railroad nation We have a customer for to mo gracing Und In large body. Have 100 (tre line meadow land, all tlllalilo, in heart of oil bolt, a bargain. Byron Drew, Pres. Carl C. Jones, Vice-Pres. Fred li. Jones, Cashier J. W. Richardson, Secy. FIRST STATE BANK IMRK0TOU.S- llyron Drew, loan business; Curl C .(ones, ,'in husine'-s; W. A Witnhisli, Manit'.'er A id more Oil tt Mill in,'0).: G A. Ix'ttmsey, loans; Fred IJ. Jones, bunker; Harold Wallace, Hanker; Uobt. l' Seivally, Stockman and County Commissioner; .1 W. Richardson, banker; J. M. Jameson, Capitalist. It will Ik; the aim of the ollieers of this bank to keep in close personal touch with its patrons and tlvo thorn the best sorvico possible These Deposits Are Our Best Ad Watch Us Grow This Bank Was 12 Months Old June 1st J"nu u'8 S'S.575.03 July , SI2'"I-', September S ioo.'oSs! November , IO - February 1909 s 15 2. 150.20 Al)riI Si6-:toiv6-i JUNE 1909 $190,125 25 We invite at any and all times inspection by State Batik Examiner or by our Directors. Ardmore State Bank C. T. Barrintjer, Pres. Harold Wallace, Cashier U. P. ANDEHSON, Pres. U. h. ANDKIISON, Cashior. MOHAN SCOTT, Vlco-Pros. HI) HANDMN, Asst Oasblor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, OKla, Capital Paid In $60,000.00 Surplus Funds .165,000.00 Total $225,000.00 Tlie oldest bank in Indian Territory Accounts of (inns and individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with fjood banking. J. A. I1IVKNH, President. A. H. PA1.MKK, Oashior DON LACY, Vlco President. O. H. WOIA'KHTON, Asst. (.'ashler. The City National Bank Ardmore, OKlahoma. CaPital $100,000.00 Surplus funds 100,000.00 Accounts of firms and individuals solicited. Courteous treatment accorded to all alike. SCOn MACREYNOLDS CASE State Appeals From County Court Decision Involves Prosecution by Governor Haskell. Outhrle. Okla.. Aur. lfi Tho atato has appealed from tho county conn decision rendered some months ngo III the prosecution of Si-nit Heynolds upon affidavit of Gov. Has kell for alleged conspiracy. Mac Heynolds was In Oklahoma as a rep resentatlvo or William Handoipn Hearst, against whom Gov. Haskell filed libel suit at Omnlin fnr i,. I 000. llasls for the Offonillnir ,...1,11. ..(-, I'vawai- nation, alleged to havo been mndo m the Hearst strlm? nf Tl slit" bllu itAKK grew out or Incldonts of the last Jia 1 tlonal campaign, when Oklahoma's governor for a tlmo was treasure, I of the national democratic commit- j to.-, following Maelteynolds- nrroa. hero nn order was obtained from the court for seizure of his nanors. upon tho allegation that the papers woiiiu tend to show that a conspn acy ngalnst tho governor wns In progress. At the hearing of tho case tho court awarded tho papers io Macneynolds. but by stipulation they were held by the county court pond ing final determination of tho case. United States Depositary Okla. State Depository City Depository ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK The Crime of Idleness. Idleness means trouble for nnv one It's tho s.uuo with a lazy liver It causes constipation, headache. Jauii d ct sallow complexion, pimples and blotches, loss or appetite. nausa, , . '. r' Now Uf0 '''Ha oon banish liver tmnlil.. nn.l .. . . . . ii uiiiiu It If your health. 2Cc at Ardmoro Pharmacy. ardmore. Oklahoma" 9a.n'.''. Surplus and Additional Liabilities $250,000 If this hank is a snfo place for the city, state and nation to deposit their funds It is a safe placo for the farmer nnd business man to keep his funds. TRY IT. LEE CRUCE, President G.W.STUART.Cashier ALBATROSS Thafa tho namu of tho hot floor Hold lu Ardmoro. ,r VOTB TOIl Till-: Tt'USDAY, AUGUST 17. Head ArOmorelto Want