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"ME DAILY A.HDM0REI7E. A-omere. 7hu-sdy. Sept fit. BaHBHr&morclte. By the AHDMOFtEITE PUBLISHING CO. f-llPY Sl'(i(iS I'll Mi fit Kb Ted at tin- PoMolTite at Ardmore iik S" niil-('lh Matter. AND THE CITY OF ARDMORE If It Iff In the Ardmorclte, it I legal. TERMS OF SUDSCRIPTION. The Dally Ardmorclte. One Year 16.00 One Month R0 One Week IS The Weekly Ardmorclte. IVr Year by .Mull $1.00, Six Months r.o Three Months.. . '.'C Phonei. I Iltislnc Manager's Offlco G38 City Kdltor's Office C, long Distance.... 538, Any erroneous reflection on the' character, standing or reputation of nny person, firm or corporation which may appear In the columns of The Ardmorelto will ho gladly cor-1 reeled upon Its beltiK brought to the attention of the management, i Ardmore, Thurd.iy, Sept 9, 1909 SHARE IN CROPS; RENUNCIATION OF HUSDANDS FOR HUSBANDRY HAS PROVED, MOST SUCCESSFUL. Chicago, Sept. 9. Tho 770.or.ri giru and women who have renounced husbands for hushnndry. already have grasped a big share of the $.1,000,000,000 crop of tho United State. According to Kate Crotchett. In tho Woman's World for Sop-cm-1 i .i .. her, tho woman farmer now li a factor to he reckoned with. From what wa a broken down cotton farm during her liuhaud'tf lifetime one woman ham made on ton $2110 .in acre, she nj. An In hun dreds of other Instance women ulio Irnvo begun to handle tho bul- lies end of farming are making It1 ...... .. pay inanelinisly. Many take up oth- 1 1' upoclnltlo. such ns violets, roues, or fine voge'able for special mar keis. Some have peony or enrun-' Hon farms, Then there are cattle' ranches, hog r.iuchcH, silk worm cul-j ture, chicken farniH, plgeiu cotes, dog kennels, catteries an Infinite, number of goud occupations lu which I women may excel. Anil on the worn- , , .... . i , I'wumiii ,i imiimi nun wiii imi ens farms there w 111 he te ephones, ft . .... . , , ...., . , ..... ,1 farming. At the end of four years grn ho ihoite.s, books, bathtubs anil:,,,,,,. ,,,. , . ,. . . , ., ... ., ..... .... hnve found themselves able other inltlgaMons of the solated fe. , ., , , , , , .... , ,,,, ., . , , o buy an additional hundred and Carolina was left a few year ago, n widow, with three shlldron," sho ii'iiiii-K. nue i i a coiiott arm. nut ,. . , , , the jiroflts were sma . and nhe al- .1 must made up her m tnl to gve! , . , ... up the f ght. move n o town and . , , , '' ' keep a boarding house. Ths ilea , , , , , I was distasteful to her and her chll dren objected to It, too. Mrs. 1011k- i worth decided to stay and try a now plan She visited the tea gardens at I'rincohurst, and was shown thei H,yet of tea railing by Dr. Sheep- nrd. Then she went home to have It out with her farm. For the first j uirei- vinr4 unit ,u,i tint rtwini'it linr 1 cotton crop, but used only her surplus land for tea. I'rom the plants lu the second year he ftath cred and sold a little more than flrt pounds to the acre, i-r.e was out of pocket, but not at all dis couraged for he knew the heaviest pense had already been met in the preparation of the ground. She pcrae ered, and now hn ten acre in biarlng tea plant. Tito pUmts be come more valuable each year, and uiitilre leu work, which inako tht nip an excellent one for a woman to undertake, but of courae. a nece- Abandons Plan to Reach Pole by Air sity u well drained ld"d. rich salt. Route, ami a ellma-e whier- doe not falli- chrlatlana, Sept. s! A peoIa dli IhIow tweuty dereeB. jwteh from Troinww to the Afteit Women are going Into rarmlng i pott-n mays that Walter W. lltua i ba ,i. never before, in the old way, It j Instructed hi agent to arrange for ii- the men who had 'the rigor i the return of ull the explorer uron- .i the game.' and the women who waited on the men while they played It. The !?t of the life wa for the men. and the women patched thoir i lo:!ies nnd wore tbelr down-uthcel k1h , aud at night wrestled In ptaer a to whether they ought to ask pa' for a new calico frock. N'owj they are going In'o buslneg for themselves. It 1 they who are play-1 General West will not brtnu itilt lug the same. It 1 they who havo against It cut. Gov. D.-llauty for ro th reponlbIllty a very entertain-hum of the money n has received! in thing, reapoimibllty, by the way j from the state banking board as Its ' they who pay the bills, reap the , cha'rnian, but will allow the matter proff and spend the money a they! o be tested in the mandamus suit ; pla. Among the successful coffeo which .Mr. JMIamy riled In the lr planters is Mr. .Lino J'. Itnlrd of gun county superior court, lu order! Vera Crux. Mexico. It take five lo qualify tho lieutenant governor in J years to derive profit fiom coffee court, the Mute bunking board re-' raining, nnd thin, Mrs. I'.alid no, fused to pay him his salary ,i ci.i r. Jtoepfi many from going into the man for lu y ami Vugut Tht at i.tiBliiefc!. Mr luird cvir pl..cs hir tonty gn als dt-p.irtir.ent w'M ,p coffee in the bauds of a wemou irld l'n. fcr ' tat Uik'g l.-irtrt DEMAND SALE OP SEGREGATED LANDS COALGATE CONVENTION DE CIDES TO DRAW BILL TO PRESENT TO CON RESS. Colligate, Okla . .Sept. V -Congics next winter will lie presented with n hill from a senator or a ruprowenta tlve of Oklahoma providing for the sale of the tirfnre of tho half mil I'on aero of HoiroMntoJ coal nnd asphalt land of the Chickasaw anil Choctaw nations, and that bill will have been drawn by citizen of those nations who are familiar with condi tio!, tin' nattiro and value of tho landi and the concensus of opinion regarding the land In tills stnte. Tills was the plan decided upon by the mcmberH of the segregated coal lands convention which adjourn ed it nut.-dou of two dayH hero yester day. The convention decided to abandon Its former plans of pending delegations nnd petitions to Wash ington. Tho prliupul nddresH was delivered by Congressman C. I). Car ter of Ardinore. Dr. H. N. Wright, tho Choctaw nation's representative In Washington, advocated tho sale of the lands with tho minerals to nny person, persons, firm or corporation that might submit proper bids. This Idea waK not relMicd by tho con vention. Coventor Haskell made a brief ad dress In tho afternoon nnd wan taken In an automobile to Phillips where he Hpoko at n lithor picnic. illeinan. 'Among tho 'stock raisers' of' the country Is Mrs. Katherlne I'onr son of IMioenlv. Arizona. Her os trich farm there yields n net annual pioflt of J'.'.tlim and U the largest breeding much In America. She has ItflU1 utfirl.,.1 t, r.iriti II f, 'Una, "It In quite common for woiiijii to take up government claim, but or the great company of those who have essayed thin, few equal lu cour age or Inllallve tho three Creutt sister of Colorado. They lived down Lost Cteek way and are orphan. WhAn Ihnli- iini-.iula !..... - ,, ., ' from them they were mere children the eldcnt not sxteen. They were nil hut destitute, but they had n low cf atlveu'ure, and weio not (if raid to test fortune. They look up a hundred and fdxty acre and built a shanty, planted corn themselves and raised a good crop, which they marketed, and by Ihlug In strict economy put up a three-room cot- I t...... I... ....!. .. I... 1 r-t.MJ in irh IMIIII IIU K" 'lllllll '111. This Is partly timbered and they tluttr fnttl fr.itn II rPI,,,. ,.... . , lliu' ' ''"'X' supplied with the nee- .1,1,1 essarles, good farming Implements, .. . .... ... ... horses, cattle, chlckuns and other , , . , farm animals, and rank among the ,..,, , leading farmers of the coniiiiunlty for Industry, thrift, Ingenuity nnd steadiness. RISE STRIKES OKLAHOMA. Canadnn Rver H her Tha , Hag Deen for Three Yenrs okla)llllm( chy s ..,,, ... ported tilg wall of water coining down the South Canadian river struck Oklahoma this morning and the river, while not dangerous, Is higher than It has been It) three years. Ilntlroads In the state had been forewarned nnd railroad traffic, will probably not stirrer. From the fact that the rlcr bed had been mi dry ami the s-tttd will alworh so much of the water. It ' not lielleved the pro'ent rlao will cause much damage at any Kilnt. WELLMAN GIVES UP. r:y from Virgo. Hpiter.bergen, a well & the three men wha were to , have apont tho winter there, It ia understood Mr. Wellman hni I i bun dotted hi plan for reahlng the! north nob' for the next year. Bellamy' Suit Will Dnelde. Outbrle. okla . dept. s. Attorney jt :: :: :: :: :: :: i: :: :: 2: 5 St CITV ORDINANCES. x :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ORDINANCE NO. 33. N OltDINANCK CIHWnNtl A f te l X I DISTRICT WITHIN TIIH ('(Xltl'OUATH LIMITS OF TIlHi CITV OF AllDMOKH; I.KVYI.NO A; TAX All.AI.NW Aid, (TITHNS OF HAD) DIKTIHCT; CUHATINll TDK OFRCH OF STHHOT OVMIIUSHKIC FIXI.Vt: HIS SALARY; DUFININC. Ill Dt IT 1108 AN'D DKCI.AItlNOl AN' HMHKC,.VCY. Ho It Ordained by the Hoard of CommhMilolieis of the City of Aid-; more: ! SUCTION l . Titer "liTheTeby ere ated a district which shall bo known a a separate road district Including Hie entire areti within the corporate limit of the City of Ardinore, which district shall be under the exclusive' Jurisdiction of the Hoard of Commis sioners of the City of Ardinore. SKCTION a. All male persons ho-1 I wwii twenty one (21) and fifty (50) year of age. who have resided in the State of Oklahoma for thlrt) ( days, and are residents or tho City, or Ardinore, who are capable or perronnlng labor on public highways' and are not a township or county, charge, and are not otherwise exempt' h law, Hliall he liable each year! In perform four days work of elgntj hours each on the public roads, tin-1 iler the direction of the road over ! seer within the said district or) ward of said district In which I hey reside, or shall ho required to fur nlsh it substitute to do tho same, or pay the sum or Ono ($1.00) Dol lar per day to such road overseer. SUCTION It. There Is hereby ere- ated the office of street ovuraeer, j who shall be appointed by tho Com missioner or Streets. Alleys and l'tlli-. He Property, subject to the approval j ot the Hoard or Commissioners. Said overseer ahull serve 1'or the term or one year from the date or his up-' polntmeiit, nnd as compensation for hi aerrlcea aliu'l receive ten per-' cent of all monies collected by him as audi ovei-Hcer. SUCTION I. It shall be tho duty! of such mud overaeer to give a five day' notice In writing, to pot-! on residing within the corporation limit of the City of Ardinore, of, the time and plttco he will attend and direct the work to be performed.! SUCTION 5. it Hlnilt bo the dury1 or sold overaeer to collect all taxes,' known as road taxes, iisseesseilj against the Inhabitants or tho road, dlstilct within the corporate limits j or the City or Ardmore, receipt mr; the same, ami pay the same over to i the City Assessor at the close of! each day, and take his receipt there for. Said tax, when collected, nhall he deposited In the Street and llrhlge Fund, to he used In accordance wI liI law. SF.CTION ii. It Khali be the duty or the toad overaeer to certify all delinquent road taxes to the County Clerk on or before the 10th day of November, of each year, which list shall be placed mi the tax roll for! collccMon by the County Clerk, sub ject to the same penalties and to bel collected In like manner as other j taxes are collected by law; and wVt i collected shall be paid to tho Cltv ' Treasurer of the City or Ardmore. SUCTION 7. Herore entering upon his duties as mich overseer, he shall exeeti'i to said City or Ardmore. a bond to be approved by the Hoard of Commissioners in the sum of One Thousand $1,000.00) Dollars, conditioned for the faithful perform ance of his services. SUCTION S. AH persons violating ' any provision of this ordinance shall! he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor j and upon conviction thereof, Ii- i ! municipal court, shall ho rttied lu any sum not to exceed One Hundred j tf 100.00) IXillnrs. SUCTION D. For tho luimM!a: preiorva lon of tho public pe-e e , health and safety, an emergenry if hereby declared to exist, by reaoii whoreor this ordinance shall i.;ki i efftct and be In force from and af tor It paage and approval. I aancd nnd approved tills 7th dav Of September, l0fl. JAM IIS A. COTNHIt. Mai'n: At I eat: 15. 11. UHl'CK. City Clerk. (First published September 9, Jfl08 ORDINANCE NO. 3-1. An Ordinance providing a service pension for retired member of the PI re Department and for member ' of the KIre .Iepartmont for sickness or disability arising from Injuries re-' reived In tho line of duty and pro-1 Wiling for nn emergency. He It Ordained My The Hoard Of ' Commissioners of the city of Ard inoro: Whereas the Leglslntiire of the j State of Oklahoma In Senate lllll 13." approved May Uth, 190S. and entitled An Act r- latlng to l-Vc Departments, nnd authorizing tin payment of pen hois V n' 'tl members thereof" did empower the cltle of the State of Oklahoma to pension retired nnd : disabled firemen. And whereas. It Is necessary lunl ixpedlnit tnnt an ordinance he null ed putting the mild Act In force. Now, therefore, be It rciolvud by , tho Hoard of Commissioners of the ! City of Ardinoro: ; SUCTION I: A sorvlcu ponslon of Forty (fln.00) Dollars per month1 shall he paid to each of tho retired niomhers or tho tegular organized Flro Deimrtment of tho City of Aril-1 more, who shall have arrived at tho ago! of fifty ("it)) years or more, and who shall have done active duty for a ! uiiai oi twenty izui years or inoro aa ; a momtior or trio nro departments or cltltie, towns, villages or municipal j corporations of the State of Oklaho-1 ma, ami continuously for two (2) years preceding retirement there from; and who shall have been a member of said flro department for n total of ten yours (10) or more, prior to said retirement, nnd who shall conform also to such other and additional conditions to age, service and membership, as tho City ot Aril-1 more shall by Its ordlnnnco provide. I SUCTION 2: An Accident ltenc-j fit of Ten ($10.00) Dollars per week shall be paid to nny member of said i-tro Department, or Ardinoro for a period not to exceed twenty (20) ' weeks for sIckncKH or disability nils lug from Injuries received nnd suf fered lu the lino of duty whllo In the flro service In the City of Ard more, and said benefit at no time shall exceed Otto (1) per cent of tho premiums collected In the City or Ard more. SUCTION It: Any peraon receiv ing benefit as herein provided shall receive no further relief from the city. SICOTION I: A complcto roster of the members of tho flro department of the city of Ardinoro shall ho kept with the City Clerk and the date or enlistment ot each member. SECTION U: It shall ho the duty of the Chief of tho Fire Departmeif to report all accidents to tho mem bers of tho riro department occtirlng In the performance or their duty In writing within three (n) days after such occurrence to thn Commissioner of the Fire and I'ollco Departments, duly verified by the Chief or tho Fire Department. SUCTION ; All chiinis foV nccl dent shall he made In triplicate and made ptyable to tho City or Ard more, ono of which shall be retain ed by the Chief of the Fire Depart ment; one by the Commissioner or the Fire and Police Departments; and tho original sent to the Sf.ito Auditor. SF.CTION 7: All claims shall bo substantially In the following form, towlt: "To the State Auditor: I'lnue make warrant payable to the City of Ardmore, claim rrom City or Ard inoro Fireman , mem ber or Company or the Ardmore Flro Department wns disabled while In tho line of tint on the dny of , 19 ' and on account of such accident, has been rendered unable and unfit for service ror a period or week, and under Section 2 of tho Ordinance of the City of Ardnioo, Ip entitled to J . City Clerk I hereby certify that tho above claim In correct and true. Injured Fireman ATTKST: City I'hyslclan. Chief of Fire Department. ' S1CCTION 8: A warrant whn Is sued by tho State Auditor shall Imme diately bo transferred to the Injured fireman or his order. SKCTION 9: To receive a service ponslon the record of the City Clerk nhall he taken as nroof of tho terms of years the applicant Mr auch pen- .Ion ha served as a tni.mbor nf h nre department. SUCTION 10: No benefit shall bel paid for any period les than one I week. 813CTION 11; Kneii claim shall be attested by the City Physlelnu and Chief of the KIro Department. SrXTION 12: An emergency Is hereby declared, by rennou whereof. , It Is necesary for the Immediate pres ervation of tho public peace, health and snfetv. tb.t tl.U et mv affan. ImmiullilAlv nivin it- ,c.n ... i 1 immeutateij upon Its p,Rago and ap-. provai. Passed and approved this the 7C' day of September, 1000. JAM lis A. COTXlfllt. Mnyor. ATTI8ST: C. H IilUJOH. City Clerk. (Klrst published Sept. Oth, 1900.1 ORDINANCE NO. 35. n Ordinance chanclnc the L-r.nio on KaKl Mnln , f n ' -v. ... . U Ardmorr, from K 8tre Southeast. to F Stnct Southeast- and de-lar-Cty j Ine an wnergency. He It Ordained by the Board of Ccinmlaelotieri of the CHy of Ard inore: SratTION 1. The grade of Hast Main Street of the CI y of Ardmore, beginning opposite H Street, South wist, at Station 15 plus 7,"i shall be at an elevation of, thence t tinning easterly on a grade of 2 2MM0M0 per cent to Stn'lon 17 plus SO, at an elevntlin of sr.0.00, I thence on a grade or 0 ft-10 tier cent Station 18 plus 1.0, at a elevation of KlO.f.O and theneu on a urndo of, 1 5-10 per cent to Station 20 plus r0 at an elevation of Si11!.r.O, being ,,0nl , ,.:;iHt Ml, Str0et op- poslte F Stree, Southeast. SUCTION 2. An emergency Is K.rt.i,y declared, by reason whereof It i upusanry for the Immediate nr..K. ervntlon of tho public health and safety that this, ordinance take effect Immediately upon Its passage and npproval. Passed and approved this the 7th day of September, 1909. .IA.MICS A. COTNKH. Attest Mayor, 0. II. HIIL'CIO. City Clerk, (Plnit polished September 9, 1909) LABOR MAN APPOINT ED JUSTICE OF PEACE D. N. FERGUSON APPOINTED TO FILL OUT TERM OF J. R. PUL LI AM, WHO RESIGNED. grounds. Tho erection of tho agrlcul- tural building, which covers an acre In The roslcnatloti of r -ii,- I it imi "''nt. bf"Kht o Fair last yenr thlr uil rusitnaiion or tap.. .1. It. I'til- ly.two collnty cxhbts, which for ar- who hold tho orrico or Justice tlstlc arrangement and varied display, of the peaco ot Ardmore township 1 could not be equalled anywhere clso made It necessary lor tho county com- U,10 ""IK'1 StntCB- This yenr tho m.S.ot,ra to appoint his successor. SR W "wheTou i hero woro a number or applicants i sands of Immigrants are securing or tiio place nnd the commissioners iveio given another knotty problem to nolvo In the lnterost of tho city. Howuvor tho matter was settled wht ii D. N. Keigtmon a good it i ii and n pioiitlnent labor man an g ven too appi-iiitniont. Mr, Fi t gun. n's filPitds nro greatly pleased .vlth his selection and evciybody In the city hoi.! nlai In wry high re jurd. The appointment will meet wl.h the approval of tho people gen- erally. He is a uuoil man unit u-iti till the office witu absolute justice and with iliilltv and with .ibllitj. l or county attorney Sam II. Hutler and Hugh MeC-Ill would put up an Interesting race. There are a number of favorite sons who havo been men tioned for tho office of county coin- mlsslonor. They nro Jnmes Cisco, Walter Harbor, Joe Wllllford and j i i ,w,i i i- ., , , , Arm,w- hor 1110 K'RWttturo J. W. Harreld, J. 1". Taylor and .Mike Cor- man are being prominently mention, ed. The office of state senate seems to have attracted more attention probably than any other. Tho retire ment of Mr. Graham leads the repub licans to nurse a hope that they can elect a man to this office. Some good material has been mentioned . The) aro C. D. Worthnni, Sam A. Weeks and Col. Uedfleld. There will prob ably be others to enter this race as .Mailetta, Jon, Hurneyvllle, Davis, Sulphur nnd other good towns nro In the senatorial district. Estray Notice. Tho State of Oklahoma, County of Carter, ss. Notice Is hereby given that on the Oth day ot August. 1909. W. It. Hlgnlght appeared be- fore me and mailo affidavit of the taking up ot tho following described Ootrnys: Ono black dehorned s w nbout S years old, branded -1 X (with bar underneath) on left side; also ono heifer yearling, black color, unbraiidcd. I i nai i no resiuonce or said Taker Up Is on the SU quarter of Section i 2a, Township 1 S, Itango 2 10: th.V ' "V, ',M",U"" "" ' Arumore. 0k,nhomn; thnt tho Bamo wa takcn I up on tho 0th d-ty of August, 1900. Witness my hand and seal this 21th day of August. 100D. Will. H. KKAMR. County Clerk. W. It. Iin-.NIGHT. 25-1-S Taker Dp I'm In flu- lluliy Knrlj ,iiit kk you train th baby to dreoa "r.7r.f.i:: ..rv'v .'l:.r0."n.,..B" .!,.., vry ilay Ht u roKulnr hour. Oet It to .In t lita .tnflf In 1 1 f a u n,f tl,n t .iVw Vr v..r ' a. V m . : V; '" contlnuou lu-a'th. Hut If It Ih back- ward in thu lennect. nnd itwiinc.i to comeipotlon and bllloiisnom.. then help it ItV If IVIniT umull ilnsiiu nf lit fnlil It by Kivlnir Hinall iloscs of Dr. Onlil weir Syrup I'epKln, an prercrlhed In , Mib illrcrtlntiM on the wrapper. A bot tle can be obtained of iinv ilriiplst nt M' cunts or St. ThommmlR of families kfep It contiiHntlv In the hoimo for n ptnmiich, liver or bnwel dtrnrdrr. It U 1 plnHiit to the tnfte. gontle In action ut cllectlvo. mid children llko It. w , 1 Do not be persuaded Into taking anything but Foley's Honev nnd Tarl for , ' ,' Cm i " T"i .... ...v,,, luuhiiB, u.uiiL-iiiiiB. uny ever, astnma. and lung trouble, n I 1 stops the cough nnd heals the i lll"S- ll .HI druggists, Shcephead lake cat nnd red fish. , hlh Market l'hone 359 92 1 BHEAT CORN DISPLAY. Forty-Two Counties to Exhibit at Coming State Fair. CORN DAY A FEATURE, Doys' Club Will De Organized Dalr) And Bee Exhibit Exposition Oeglnt October 16. Visitors to the twenty-fourth annual meeting of the State Fair of Texas, which opcnH nt Dnllns Saturday, Oc- 1 tobcr 16, nod continues sixteen days, will find a marked Improvement In the agricultural department. When It 1 taken Into consideration that Texas (ins 137,8CE,00O acres of land unculti vated, It Is plnlnly seen that tho man agement of the Fair has tho proper Incentive to mnkc this department a paramount feature of each exposition. Forty-two counties have Bccurcd space for tho exhibition of tholr farm, or chard and garden products. This I tho largest number In the history of tho Fair, and will exemplify in a way as never before, tho rich agricultural resources of the atate. Although tho $2,000 In Individual and county ex hibits create a good humored nnd cplrlted rivalry among tho agricul turalists of the stnte, tho benefit that tho exhibitors receive from a display of their products nt the Fair is Incal culable. Oreat rntlrond systems have nrrnnged to give stopover privileges at Dallas during tho Fair to nil home-1 seekers, for the purpose of furnishing a rare opportunity of coming In direct contact with the pooplo of various por-1 tlons ot tho state and there see and ' Inspect tho diversified products. j Until last year tho farm, orchard and garden displays woro In tents ' scattered nbout the main plaza of the nomes annually, will send ovcry variety of grasses, corn, cotton, fruits, vegetables, sugar cane, etc. South Texas will end its rice, corn, cotton, citrus fruits, vege tables of ever kind. Knst Texas, whero associations havo been formed for tho purpose, has promised a won derful exhibition of tho farm, orchard and garden products of Utnt section of tho state. Central Texas has prom ised an exhibit eclipsing that of last year. Much Interest centers around tho corn show and the Hoys' Corn Club Day nt tho Fair. Cash prizes totalling i 1 , "!11fn ',"? av""'v ' ' c" vlsl0"- rll,s lm,,1y 'a divided Into nrif(.fl rni)K,,1R from n (o ?50 Kv(,ry farmer In Texns Ib urged to send ten rari! of co to tho Fnlr, as thoto nro V . ,,y . . ul ,zcs lo 1,0 con tested for nnd the chnnces of winning should create nn unusual contest. Hoys' Corn Clttn Dny" will, It Is do- j stored, cniiFo great Interest nmong tho ! fnrnir the snB or rnrmers of tho "tnto in tho raising of th s crop. It 8 the Intention to organize n stnto I hoys' corn club nt the Fair on this i dav The sweepatakes In the farm nnd mill department follow: For tho host and most completo Individual exhibi tion of corn, cotton, smnll grnln nnd other products from Texns, $25 first and $10 second; beBt farm exhibit from any county or association In Tex as, $100 first, $75 Kecond, $50 third and $23 fourth; best nnd most com plete Individual exhibit of corn, cot ton, small grnln and other farm pro ducts from Mexico, $25 first and $10 second; best farm exhibit from nny stnte or association In Mexico. $25 first nnd $1N second. Visitors to tho coming exposition will find l'rofcKor Louis Scholl of New Hrnunfcls In n "den of llvo boos," situated In tho agricultural building. In this department prizes totalling $260 will be nwnnled for exhibits of bees, honey-products and bees wax. All tho different phases of the Inrinutrv win i, ,imr.i-ni.i rr.i... different vnrletles of bees will bo ex hibited and compared. There will be displayed honey In combs, In liquids, In sugar, otc. And then tho many table delicacies In which honey piny a largo part. Mrs. Loul Scholl will be glnd to Impart to the women visi tors some of the secrets connected with the art of cooking with honey. in ttte dairy department will hr, round a splendid display of the dairy nnd creamery products of tho state. . uuer "nu c"pes . Da n.llJltC(l Inn m ft)i l-iifrf norn Iin lintl4 m . for tho purpose. All the ln,ol!t. l,cvlce? ,lnlr' "till creamery machinery will be seen and butter for commercial purposes will bo made each week dny dfirlng tho Fnlr. There will bo plans of model dairy and farm houses opon for tho Inspection nnd education or visitors. A purse of $70 will bo nwnrded In tho students; Judging contest opon to student of tho Agricultural nnd Mo chnnlcal college. The contest will con sist of Judging two clnwcs of dairy cnttlo nnd two classes of dairy pro- ducts, in ih.. students- or mnlf. MR contest. koIu nnd silver mortals .. til i . . . '"Pioma wm no awnrueu. Unst Tias and West Texas nrn tn meet In tho ngrlculturnl hulldlng of .. . . ' tho State of Texas, nt tho twenty- fourth annual meeting, which opens at Dallas Snturdny, October 16, nnd com tlnucn sixteen days, nnd tho diversi fied products of these two great sec tions of the stnto nro to bo compared, lloth aro rich In ngrlculturnl products nnd this rivalry will result In great & .. ru"".,y ""oc'!,i,on. lmvo 1,CCI! """ ,l,r ul "nsl 8evera' months preparations havo been under fnr . TrtvnQ . nnn ... .. nf 1:nrili,ivB.V .XX Fair through Its" competitive exhibits. Is doing much to attract the best of , ",f r ..V cJ,nBBe" of Nortu uv Oklahoma Loan & Investment Co. Formerly Ailnm Ilros DKl'AltrMENl'S Farm J.nmla Fire Insurance Farm Loans Kent Collections City Property ln est incuts City Loans Life Insurance Notnry. Thero arc n lot of fellows skating on tho ice who should bo cutting It. A very prominent man who Ihes here, said If he had $200, 000.00, ho would Invest every cent In Ardmoro property btf foro January 1st, next. We have n clinncc to help tho fellow who wants to help him solf, some very desirable property can be bought by paying soino down and tho dui ancc like rent. Wo havo It for you if It Is real estate or money, city projv erty or Insurance. If you can't remember, do 'iko tho woman tol I her husband, "Tie a Btrlng around your finger." Yester day Is gono forever, tomorrow may never come, got busy now. For example Brand new house, 4-roouiB, reception hall, bath, pantry, back porth, front porch, electric lights, city wa ter, terraced ltiwn( cement walks around house, lot C5 by 150. Price, $1350.00, complote. $230.00 down, balanco $20.00 per niontn. Good six room house, NW, two fine corner lots, each 115x140, servants house, goad well, sheds, nil planted In fruit trees, on scwor, water and gas mailt, ono bhvk from 1st ward school, nn exceptional bargain tor cash, hut may be had for $250.00 cash and balance monthly at $25.00, prleo $2, 000.00. If you need money for nny purpose, wo will bo glad to loan It to you, to clear up your debts, take up your prcsen' mortgage, or to improve your property. Ixiwest rates, qutcK service, and yon get all you borrow Summer Trips Very Low This Year VIA A. Y. P. Exposition Pacific Coast Points Colorado The RocKies The LaKes of the North New York and New England Points. Superior service Courteous treatment Best trains Via Frisco. AsK your agent or write C. 0. JACKSON Division PiiBM'iiKer Agt. Oklahoma City, Okla. EIGHTY-THREE PRISON TERMS. Aged New York Law-Breaker Gets Caught Every Time. New York, Sept. S. Al'aough ho Is 72 years old, William Morton will begin his oighty-thlnl term lu prison In n few days. In special sessions court ho was sentonccd to Imprison ment In tho penitentiary for one year, having been convicted of ntialing Bovornl palra of women's stockings from a Sixth uvenuo department store. For years ho has been a law brcakor. Latoly ho has conlined hiH operations to shop-lifting and in tho last threo years ho has been In the ponltentlary four times. uiinuLUHL ,t pro(1llPfH ,ln,r jtist iis surely ns rnln nnd sunshine mites cropB. It prodbres a thick prowth of lusurlant balr when nil other remedies fall. Wo Kuprnntee Dandrrlno. All drtippiate bo!) It 25c 60o nnd f 1 per bottle. To prove Its worth send this nd with lOo In stnmpe or silver and we will mail you n larire fre ssrrple KNOWITON DAN LER1NE CO., Chicago, III.