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Suits, Skirts and Hosiery I h it we want to call your special attention to this week. . v. invite you to come in even time you are down town i look through our store, a we have lot of new things Suits , i- . -.try exfre brir " a 'j-u This win be . ol ait yoarf f - t Sde it owicerried. l"i fvr sijrl strictly iu"t-A Ion ct taitif th i tfcit is recemnt the - admixes. We hare ' ) pcctal effxt to fit trie ladr the large id . f. - year v no matter ; :r s:r- we have Special - v-e lat one lot of .'jote lide hose. ",: doobie heel, sole, knee, wortD 43c. tm ata pair . . .25c shade that you k of in a mercerized ."jidered hoe. -.aloe . our price i!e a fra:r 49c F;ne line of the new Elaine Bck cich &33L 49c &SOEST.o5 FORM TAPJAERS. Ct & 't-. Hottt P.'JC- t'.( CeHOibon. i . ! -pt --Tb - t'bi'4 HMU are aal .'.jrb iatrate4 ia lb ' ."P.r aa4 lanaa that . t A1i U. IMS. m oft " to be ooer4 by tft -oij ooaoaa. uamr :mr Iftiatat by rtt- hara for tft pwr ox eoauaoftU apoa ocft- -' loaftiSlftn acriealtftra v th paat The Sirec- "umm weioojftoa all aacb . a&4 fit thai earefal aa la aaxtoaa to - vita of th eoalag oea .'f.d aa nearly aa amy be -. 'it to aop aaMt Is- i to ataaylas earofajly - '-Um th director hao i.-siUatlre rsuoat4 oor 't of rnomlc and as more iaaportftftt uni te country, aad othor . -. aoMilaliaoS la ajrrl 'n -r to rrw to Waobing i Vf tiun- for tbe punrw Cpncrete Sidewalks Don l ordi-r thr ru w:th out hrst netting b ' frorn A. D Hyde None hut f'rst clisi work. Phone 89. W5lf -Okfl "i j.IllfU""vliorn we and choice territory. P rofi table ositions for WKITK roducers GHAS. W. GUNTKR, Generul Atient The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co Philadelphia Clly UimiU HldJ. Skirts The "aj:t) f our r,e dress skirts are now u. and we are shosnng a very strong line of the new plaited styles as well as a large line of the new satin finished noveh'ty stripes. We remembered the little and large ladies here also, and we feel sure that we can sust you if ou wiii only give os a chance to Special ; lot of r;atx rit". o:ac or noveSity bockies. wh ie they each. . .r. ..25c 14x27 H .ckabach towels. Si 3c : n' ty. limited o to a customer special each . 5c 1 xoo no tfeam sheets, ex tra goo! va'ue at 6;c pc for t . d;. - r. u i DiC I Manager. f 4 r --fi. ! - - '' piata now uader way Eftp" iai:y m It d-air4 to obtala tbeir ooinioa rei-a-.lre to (be qaeatkma to b aak-d an4 tb-lr form, aa Ut- ralu to b otrtfc.n -1 will ao larfly depend apon lb f-barar-ter of tbe aebodah aad the iuain-r la wbieh tft qaoatioaa are propoaftded. Tbe aageatkMa. coat as fraaa oatald esperta, are proriat to be of rwat raiae, aad It la h tkreed that rn coftaeajaoaco of Us if prwUcnl&ary atady aMr rahtable sad ac-rate data will be obtained tbaa rxild otbonrlae be aecared. After tbwe rtadenta aad esperta have mad their preliminary atodie. for mal ooftferwocea are held ia th offle la whleh tbe whole matter yt the barftrtr of th acbedniei aad th beat methoda of caring the Infor mation are thoroughly aoao over. Tbe dopartmeot la ftwo aee- -rf to eerare the edrir aad co-operattoa. aa tar aa poaalhw, of th officer aad eaperte of tbe department of aartcal-tar-, of the atate aricultural eoi lfi. farmer1 aocletlea aad like or saaiaatloas. 1 The Singer Sewing afaebiae com pany, ia Mr at No. I Woat Mats near the rirat NatloaaJ Baftk. w J Koby. manager of the ofilc. h M-f-urad th ftarvtcea of i. K. H ti'.n. formerly of St. lyia, who tirartiral marhinlit aad who !, r pair any kind of sewing ma- Mr Baby riuu tie people vie .( bis nfw off'ri-s Kery mi-tt'ni- wlil be demonstrated or tbe ;, on repairing '.ur o ii mab!ne li- furri!Ld 2 .-ijiv 'it- ii ApmH) Ardiiior-lte. character and ability, to can offer j;ood commission Ardinorr, OUIa. I). ,C mi fronts ft UlLfMUVUliV Ui J O USHER. Hosiery i ';a .y: hare hosiery to match ever) sett, well here ts where we can please you for oe will not be able to find a nxxz raiied lire of shades any where than yoe will find here ut now. Anticipate yotrr wants and buy now wh ;e the shade are Dress Goods Special p.eces 'A y :nch plain and fancy striped mohau. 36 inch storm serge. 36 inch Panama. 42 inch fancy plaid, worth si ooard and a number of pieces of 75c quality fancy suiting, it all g-- -r. one !ot at a ard 49c Fine line of Ladies' Neckwear and Veilinf CILCETTE VOULD ACCEPT. El P.eo Judje Sa If Feotral At trfhta 11 Offered Yet. Oklahoma fit) fpt - Judg P. E CiilWe. mt-uitx-r of tbe o'J territorial supreme 'our:, of El Reno. dnid bte report that be la seek ing to succeed John Bmbry as Unit ed tt'at-s at'-orrw-y for tbe w --.--. dla ri' t of Oklaboma. '1 was u' In Kaaaas whea I h rd Mr. Kmbry bad resigned." aald JudJE- Olllett-. I am aot making aay feb or ern an appliratlon for th poal tlon However. It la a good awe, and if tendo-red to me i woald ac cept h." "1 am going to rewtgn from th at supreme ctloa hoard say way.'' aald he. whoa at teat lea was c'.)d to th tact that bis o-e-ptaac of the fodwroal ftttoraoywhip would make bis real nation aece aary. "There will he ao actirlly by the boar un tl srrmngemenu are made for the primary elections aat year The p!ee ta not at all remunera tire and a repubHcaa oa the atate election board ti about aa oaefal aa a fifth wheel oa a wftcoa." OeKtided from Shawnee Prineeo. Stillwater. Okla.. Sopc S. The wedding at Fair land of Albert Sidney li of 8t.l)wat-r and Mlas ntshuh liyrd is the culmlnatn of a ro mance that began daring th laet ).-ar. ho Mlaa Byrd was attending the State Agricultural and Xecbanl 'l college at Stillwater. whre Mr l i-' is a member of th f amity Th i r d- H a daughter of Dr O J Byrd arid on bar mother's aide she la a 41-r-rt descendant 0( tt family of Shaw-n- Indian chiefs. )ir mother waa a Kiinceas of tbe ghawnee tribe aad i said to have been a most beaatlfn! Mhtwnee woman for several yean Mr I-ee wag prominent la social circle la Baltimore, where her riy r-hooldaya were apat Before coming to Oklahoma, three - ago, lrof. Loe as editor of a l'p-r at Bro'e-nwooti, lei. and he is asalataat chief er of th nrat I-gislatur of Oklahoma. H baa rbl.-v-d fame as a magaaine writer and poet. Read Thlt . Yates Center. Kan.. Sept 13, 13S3 After my dootors gave turn up to die. Ha ti, Texas Wonder cared me of kidney ami bluldar trow hi It t U tbe best medicine on earth. Mr ff a Jbn-ja jM by il l-jiu THE STAGE CALLS IS. ME COREY 7S STKEL MA6K T " Vfir esrT h us-e xju. AOtS&t. rjn sm u mob uk 9 ra. sr Ms.i ou- mi rv t Corrr itfiiM t ft : krr twt afc s4 vtO V ttMl4 SSUt S MVM ' -.i- Ml T tkl UBftft. M M rzi. Hn Corrr Jims t ker of Ijiotttww. h h4 to Ht-'i-r . ar wfcAt :ijf clkia to or tot. 'ft oa:y tftftt 1 r- u o.' trio! Uib u t3m tk7 t. &t Mtf. htm sat4 to tfcte faa At fim I hLr4 their otr. ttt tJMT 14 iotroteo x tV ,itrm rt of ik royl " ta E(X t kfivw ltr oar. I fo :aio ijt nbopt aa4 bar ijr 1 sown. yr. a.-rtMS- I bav brs ft&4 cr- a4 motor K n a P ' - 'os'xl src a b4urr oft if I wis!4 it Bat ft p-raos of tb- kis4 :aat I rare aboat eaila on AI. I Cftft So VtU Slf SMMMT 1 to !ar btir. bay tftt&ss taat I f-ft"r doa t arftftt "I cast ataa4 tftia Iff aiacb loss r. as wattes. "1 axa goin teek to tfta stfta That Is tft pUcc tor mm. after alL I law it. an4 I tar -Mrvar ac4 to lore I avvar oagta to fear M: It. Moacr ia a SoS tfcias. bat it eaa't bmr tap plBMu aftS a lot of other thtnga " CbtM Heir .' MMItoni Dead. Wil Urn Goddard bote, the 7-year-old heir to between SS aad mi: Ika dollars, la dead, at Baden Baden, accordlag to a cablegram receired si tbe borne in Now Bocbelie of h'.i parents. Mr. aad Mrs C OHrer lae iia. Tbe boy waa Mr. laellas nrat child by his second marr'.age Hi moh- waa Hope Goddard. daughter of u te Col. William Ooddard of Prorldence. R I. At tbe cbrtctening tf the boy CoKnel Ooddard iaeea't-1 one million dollars In stock i and bonds for th child aad that prin clpal and accrued latere' won -bar been hla when be came of a- Whea Colonel Goddard died W laelia reeird tea million d outrigbt aad eventually the b-j . th estate, amounting to about mlWoa dollars win be b-r tUr n whew death Is Jaat reporved oi;i bat lobe riled moat of tbii as - . aa a considerable bar- - f '., er'a rery large fortun- A Priett Writet a Play Father Paul p. Outria. ml,' . at St. Joseph church and founder S St Joseph Operatic gocle-y A ! araoa. X. J, baa written a con..' opera. Under his direction tbe o .. . preaented The Merry Mille.-i. 1 !. 'Tb Oondollers." "The G-ui. .'. "The Toreador" in tbe la.-t fo-r years. Pkthor Oaterta ha 4 ;.p-r. d as the compoaer of solos and 'h ruse for th severs 1 production 4 Jn writing tb opera be o aln-l the aaataUncee of Joseph P. Ban. man "script editor of the Benztgers. who Is secretary of the Paale-Brgen Pederetlon of tbe Ho!y Name So ciety. Mr Egae comosel the n bretto. Th compaoara laid tbeir plot at tbe time of th Burgundy wars and selected as their central Hgur th Dream King. Louis X, and t& pt-et. rraacoti Villon To fu.r.Ufi comedy tbe composers Introdu -d th qaa a a loader of the ju' fragctu movement The society v-ill preawat the opera In a Peteraoa tbea-er in the h-ll days. A Rrnaee Broken Up. Triads of Cart Harrington Hanna tb yonax grandaon of th late s- r. at or Mark A Haiuia. bo. betauw hta father. Oaa K. Henna, would not coaatwaaac kia match with the boau tlful Mlaa Owrtrad Leavitt of Stas.-' ford, dropped his collexia-e studk-i aad barrlod oS to CWveiaad to be coat a IIS a cWrk. learned today that UUi Iavttt'a -cial ; vllri . 'it !(. her fvu ' tA jS7 h. the axea. M i aaata. '.'ii ts?-;. r t ? ikt r .- vy th- av- t rrf SThea ': - atitt airi-. -4 i-i' -jft Straw fcr-7 H SXaaaSars. an.)-ra cf -ft-- Skat eaaftS rto-.- .ft at ; ftvaay .sr v-5a taci -"ft Him LmtSU yjvif.-tkf- -JRa TV-'.r rati- E4 arS L4tiic-. or l'4 a n th tox nim Irsf. rirw aaar aa4 a haeiaft a ra brc--1J thft Ml A Btfwi-r7 kI aa4 5 to :j at Warttm-T 'Va. TS ftrta ceftr ates tfcrt yw aa. a4 M- lai-t BumoS Mr Lostaa Dvax b- m a slstcr-ift4r f ku fi-v. l a ia WoftShwr. Coftft. :ia- Ku.ii as4 Mias Lavta fim m. -1 ttachssoftt fts a: sc &s-sa. M Lrt w acvea rai H- - -ftjer. iaat tb rirl it &o - i sot ft Wrft4L hat it u u.d i ia either at the hoaae of i.r r. SMther at WooSbarr of her fttotftcr. Gjt :-. tea Ovthrle. Okku Sep. I Jadf Harry Bostoa la th Cau-v--. here toSay : : p.: i s of State Ga Wa.-4a Ak-v 4 rlrk asha tut a rh of aa&4as -g 'ra pel State Aaatebr Trp to i- i raftta oa the atat for ca-z. tc tioa ra&4. This tear Ak . j pv.fttozit ta to Bftr tl-aaUoc Th' hMt h-etalatire prTia4 for i prsteetioft fn4 to b d-r.H f- t. the feea froca haaten 1 "iw ftS aeoeeeoft of tbe aal of -r.2- ' 4 saaae. The la prrr ftm4 ahall be kept ia tb - ary it vat tbe latB.n ba- ! ahooM be expeadH tu4-r 1 tioa of the state faae artn I-' tft cooaUtaUoa proHde mrmr ahsil be paid oat of ti -rotary eseefX by direc-t appro?-it. -. si the Vstalfttnre. State Ward '-a A. kw will iare so troobl '.a .-i.'-t SapwUea U the ft Id aa th-y - ;.a 1 a eommiaaioa on th flot r. ;- White aad Pos'oak !iaibr fir ill 1 la oar load lota. Cheap Pbos Tt! . red. Peter Scbaiaal. Ardxor Ok a ltth-f-a-lm Avoid the Fall Ruth. lad save Ume by placing your ioaa: sow, ajh: par tea: money oa .'arm! isd city property. C. H. COOK Orr Oeo. Adamt' ret'aarast 11 th O.VLY THE BE3'.T aid :.: M German flour It coets no aor by the Gorman ml III-:? proeeeia th&t ta pronounced to be the beg: tjt 'ea la tb world f-.r rr-adis? Hoar ask your proc e- United States Depository Okla. State Depository City Depository ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE. OKLAHOMA Capital, Surplus and Additional Liabilities $250,000 If tbta bank t a safe plar for the city, state and nation to deposit their fundi It ta afe place for the farmer and busine mas to Veep bl funds. TRY IT LEE CRUCE. President G.W.STUART.Cashier For Sale or Trade 1 ki tt ir,.l ,n '..'ustun Vt) ifn fltie Ui.-l 4 in lultlvatlon IA ki r line 1st d tti ru)tlvati'n TijlSe, ie.t (roritlr.: on Matt Street ( tre bulldlnfi and o5l e r-Kmn 1 ff'tii c1i-lllr.w' aij'l three jti roijtn dwelling, lot KOillS M0n7 to loan at per cent L. L. Tyer & Son Wheeler Bldg W. Main St. 3 r. - "-rTr 'I-- F- H .'-.r tr..T '"-" " ?". .' 'A R. .ar: n. .. dcAtet '.oea Al Drpotis Guaranteed by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund or the State of Oklahoma FIRST STATE BANK ARDMORE. OKLA THE BASK THAT ACCOMMODATES DEPOSITS GUARANTEED It depot u. a; voar rone in a bank the fir: tb;n to b- con-tide.-ed i ABSOLITB SAFETY. Tbl baak 11 operating aader the OkJabo-3 5ut Oaarantv Law aad every dollar depottted with a. it rfCARAXTBSD. Hrt.-y ute Hank in Oklahoma bat taoney de pttd in the -tte lr.wrT to protect depoaivori ia Sute Bank ariifitt any Jon There 14 no chance for jou to loe a ceat. For All Time Deposits We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest We a.-. tAi 't tddiaz to our )it of dpoeitor mm-, of the Uoaret people of tbii ' jrcmnaity We alo want yoar accoeat. your .adaeace aad our f.-.adbip. DIRECTORS Oeo a IUme. loan and ronl estate. Carl f. Jtttr. pinner and cotton buyer. W. A. Wimbi'b, Manager Ardmore Oil Mill. J M. Jaasieon. capitalist. aa.-old Wallace Cabler Ardmoro State llaak. P.-od) B. Jone, Cable.- First State Baak. Robt F Spirally. Stockman and Merchant J. W Richard'on. IJanker Br-. n rrew l.-,tn atJ Real Kttate We Pay Depositor s Guarantee Fund Ardmore State Bank Fastest growing hank in Oklaho ma. We allow no bank to excel us in SERVICE to our customers C. T. Darringer, Pres. L. P ANDERSON, Pres. MORAN SCOIT, Vioe-Pre. C L ANDKRSON, Caabler ED SANDLIN, Asst Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, OKls. Capital Paid In $60,000.00 Surplus Funds .165,000.00 Total $225,000 00 The oldest bank in Indian Territory Accounts of firms and indi-iduals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with good banking. J. A. BIVENS, Preildent. A. H PALMER. Cashier The City National Bank Ardmore, Oklahoma. Cepital. . $100,000.00 Surplus Funds 100,000.00 Accounts of firms and individuals solicited. Courteous treatment accorded to all alike. P C DINGS. Pre ident M CORMAN. Vice Pre GUARANTY STATE BANK $51,000 Capital 4 per cent interest paid on time deposits. Largest State Bank in Southern Okla homa. We solicit a share of vour busi ness. DEPOSITS GUARANTEED. Notice to the Public. The people will take notice that I have been appointed puardlan of 'he estate of R. F. Crlner, who has ben judged an Incompetent, and that they are warned not to make any trades, cash any cheeks or transact any business whatever with the aald It. F. Crlner. 1 will ac cept do ohcka iisned by him. No You Reeve Protection by Deposit ing in Harold Wallace. Cashier DON LACY, .vi President, O. H. WOLVERTON, Asst. Cashier. J. M. JONES, Cashier. J W HANNAH, Asst Cashier tice Is also given that I will prosf cute to the full extent of the law, all persons ho sell or give hint In toxicants. GEORGE CRINER. Guardian. 15-lm ALBATROSS That's the name of the ut rUw U la Ardmow.