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Q The Ardmoreke Is the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service Use The Ardmoreite Want Ads They H ustle Business 4 IliKhPft ah price pin 1 for npi oiul hand hoili ri en gines, mills, pulle i Jones' Machine Shop VOLUME XVI ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA MONDAY KVKNINU (KTOBKR is 11)0!) NUMBER 111 mmln I BURN II k FEED BARN FATAL FIRE OF INCENDIARY AT WICHITA, KANSAS TODAY THIRTY HORSES BURN. W. R. Keppllnger of Olustec Lost Life in Fire Which Destroyed Feed Yard and Barn Early Today Men Were ; Asleep in Hay. "Wichita. Kim., Oct. IS.- l'our mini ami thirty head of horses burned to death In lire which destroyed a leed yard and burn here today. The dead: W. It. KKI'J'I.INGKH, Olustee, Okla. AI.OXXA) VI0U1JNC1, Wichita. JA.UICS OlDMOKi:. Wichita. Out' body unidentified. IVed (icorge, 20 your old. wan la tally burned. Tin- property lois Ik small. Tito men wore asleep In hay. It Is believed that th" live wan of In cendiary origin. t: a a a a a a a a a a :i "Tell mi- what you drink :: anil I will ted you whether a, a; :: a! xu have health." There Is but healthful carbonated bev- erase in Ardmore and that Is the b 'verngo with the CROWN brand. See that your dealer sells you nothing eUe. THE CROWN BOTTLING AND M'F'G WORKS. -M. J. HAYS, President and Manager, a a a a a a a a a a a a a :: :: :: a ! ::; aj Oklahoma Loan and Investment Co. We are . losing loans every week on farms and improved city property. We pay as soon as you show perfect title. We have inquiries for good houses to rent. !-, yju want yours rented? If you want us to sell your property, we will spend noma money, lime and energy advertising and pushing it. We can write you a policy to protect you from loss :f proporty by fire or tornado, or liiiure your life in tho safest companies we know. If you want Notary work done, we can do It for you, and also prepare deeds or other papers for you in our office. The lines of work mentioned above constitute our 11USINKSS, and we WOKIC at It. Here are a few Items we can offer right now: No. It:: .Vow and nicdern fi-room bungalow, on car line, to rent for $20. Path, hot and cold water, gas, eloctric lights, fine well. No. Ill ."-room houeo In fin location, good repair. Water, gas. electric ligh's, b.illi, large barn, orchard; water paid $ IS. No. i::0 12-room house, close in. gas. water, suitable f.- roomer' and 'boarders. Per month. $2,".00, FOR S ALU No. 111! Two new n-room bungalows, and barn, on good lot on ear line. Kaeh rents for $20.00. Will sell separately or v change for good farm. No. ttr. l-rooni hcuse, water, sink In kitchen, lot C0xl,1.' feet. screened porch, newly papered, solid foundation. $1500. No m r.-room box house, good well, shed, orchard, near Wash- Ingtciv Ave., north, lot 1I02U feet, racing cast. $1000. OKLAHOMA LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY 'Phone 72tj Office over Nelson Ifros ' Clothing Store. THOUGHTS ON THE HORSE Tin v Is no wrong without a remedy" Is a maxim of law If you have tn-at.'d your family horse unfairly by putting 411-flttJiiz .ihoet on his feet, there is a remedy close at hand, llrlng your horse to '" "hop, where an expert horseshoer that does nothing else but fhoe horses will take charge of his foot.' Thoy will feel easy on hi.- feet, your horse will be mo ro obedient, less nervous and you wltl have the batUfaion of knowing you have at least been kind to dumb animal. Our Work Costs No More AL M. RICE 19 W. Broadway Ardmore SENSATIONAL FLIGHT IN me COUNT DELAMBERT SAILS OVER EIFFLE TOWER, REACHING RE MARKABLE HEIGHT. IMrls, IVancc. Oct.' J Count de Lambert, the French aviator, made a remarkable and scnut lonal flight In a Wright bl-plone thin afternoon. Leaving Juvisy avltatlon Held, he flow to I'arl. circled about the KlfTcl tower and then returned to .luvlsy. At times h' reacned a height of 1.0U0 feet above, the city. A 'ew minutes before Count I).' Lmubert returned from hi flight to I'aris. M. Illanc. the French aero naut ntteiniiied his tint flight In a Ilterlot machine. Shcrtly after as tendhiR, the monoplane, as a result of a false shift tlf the rudder, turned Into i he Tribune and roll. moriuHy wounding on- uoin.ui ami Injuring 'wclvc otln iv ROOSEVELT HAS NARROW ESCAPE BULL ELEPHANT CHARGED AF TER EX-PRESIDENT, LIFE SAV-1 ED BY CUNNINGHAM. .Vairobl. lltitWh Ka.u Africa. Oct is. OnMwell, the government engi neer at N'yorl, arrived here this af ternoon and declared that Roosevelt had a narrow escape when a bull elophnnt charged after him, after the ox-preldcnt had hilled cue of the herd with his bcooud shot. Cunningham, the famous hunter. kill the animal, Just in time to save. Roosevelt's life. . Kead Ardmorcite Want Ads. GREW TIRED OF PA1 RENTS PROMINENT WRITER AND SPEAK 1 ER SAID HE'D QUIT THE RENT BUSINESS WHEN HE DIED. IN POTTER'S FIELD' Foster Left Letter Asking that Body be Cremated or Sent to Potter's Field, as He Wanted No More Visits from the Rent Man. Salt Lane City, ttah, Oct. IS. "I have paid rent all my life. I mean to unit when I die," U the vntement In a letter left by Warren Fouler, a utwfiiaptr mail, speaker and writer, who died In Ongon Saturday. He asked to be cremated or burled J li the Potter's Held, and adds: "I want no landlord culling me ii from my rest to pay rent." The body will be cremated. Foster wsw prominent In the Popu list movement In Kaunas ami recently became identified with the Socialists. JAPS' PRESENT TO UNCLE SAM TWO THOUSAND CHERRY TREES FROM JAPAN FOR BEAUTIFUL POTOMAC DRIVE. Washington, I) C. Otv. IS. Two thousand cherry trees are to foe pre I sented to this country by the ICm- peror of Japan, to adorn the Poto I mac Drive at Washington, according I to TeraJIre Wastase, a prominent j Japanese florist who Is now in the , country with o'lier Japanese com , mlssiouers. j Wa'ase has been instruct .'d that with the plaining of 4he tree-t to I present them to i.Mrs. Tuft and by j her presented to the American gov eminent. PRESIDENT TAFT AT SAN ANTONIO SPENT BUSY MORNING BEFORE DEPARTURE FOR BROTHER'S RANCH IN SOUTH TEXAS. 1 San Antonio, Tex., Oct. lV-Prsl-i dent Taft spent, a busy morn- j lug. in this city before leaving for his brother's ranch at the mm t hern ' ond of tht state at noon. I Charles P. Taft Inu had golf link constructed at tho ranch and be- j Iween golf and horseback riding, the j president expects to thoroughly onjty the four days' stay there. Removed to Sanitarium. The friends of Mrs. W. F. (Ill mer will regrot to learn (hat her con dition Is not Improved and that her removal to the sanitarium was made necessary this morning. She has been sick for the past ten days. m a a n a n :: n a a n a a a t: n a a U'l C. P. STEVENS & CO. plnco your flro Insurance wltU either or the well known com panies: Merchants Flro and Marine a of illoston. a Shawneo Fire of Topoka. a Pennsylvania Firo of Phlla- I a dolphla. I a Philadelphia Underwriters of a Philadelphia. a American Centra' of St, a Louis. a Thoy aro all good AU losses a promptly adjusted, a Also have thorn write your ac a chlent policy In tho Continent tl nl Casualty of Chicago. You a can't beat any of them. a aauaanaaaannn :: a :: :: :: a :: :: a :: :: , it WEATHER ro RECAST :: :: w ori'Mn- 1.1 u i i :: Tie' i r in-r to . i '; i i ! i J5 a m.i for toiiu i .! i'ii.- ii. a i u-'ii. r iiiy ,,iv r ,',. 'on a 5 ...... "CASHIER OF DEFUNCT WISCON -:. - ? ll SS ,: " " St St " " ! SIN BANK ENDED LIFE BY ; DEATH SENTENCE FOR ALP HUNTER ( "I AM NOT SURPRISED. IT'S JUST WHAT I EXPECTED." SAYS NE GRO HISTORY OF CRIME. Watotura. Okln.. (M. 16. IMith sentence for Alf Hunter, negro, altiyer of Sheriff (loorgo (5arrls n of Okla homa City. Out 17 minutes, tae jury returned a ordlct at 11:27 today. The case wan given to the Jury at 10: 10. Tho negro did ot flinch when the verdict was announced, and answer ing the question of what he thought about It. said: "I am not mirprlsed. It Is what I expected." All the evidence In the case was completed la-t night at 7 o'clock, and the court Instructed the Jury. The argument wa opened by C. F. Oyet, ass'isttuit county attorney for the state. He spent an hour and thlrty-fHo min ute. In hU ploa of prosecution, lie was followed hy L. II. Hampton for the defense, oevupMng an hour aim torty-llve minutes. K. O. McAdams of Oklahoma City, for the prosecution consumed S. inlnuic.i, and court ad journed until this morning. Hen Smith, for the dcreiiso, opened the argument this morning, and was followed by II. N. Iloardman, county attorney, who cUm-d for the state. The court announced immediately after tho verdict had been read that It would eutortair a motion this artcr noon for a now trial. It Is predicted that the motion lor the new trial will simply be formal and will bo overruled and the death sentence glvom Thirty days must elapse before the death sentence can be executed, and h Is aupposed that a itate for the exe cution will be immed in about that time. The verdict wan recHved here with the general approval of the people. History of Hunter's Crime. Sheriff OarrUin was killed on the evening of Friday, June S. IMS, near Hitchcock. He. in company with Tom Warden ami Fate Sanders of this city, went to Hitchcock to capture Hunter for tho killing of Susie Pride, a negio woman of this city. Hunter had been here previously and in a quarrel with another negro began shooting. The Pride woman was struck by one ol the bullets. Hunter made his escape at the time, but was heard of by the oftcers in a number of places. Hunter's wife lived here and a.ulstod the officers materially in locating Hunter. Arriving at Hitchcock, the officers started across tho country to a farm at which they were informed Hunter was working. Pefore reaching tin place they obuerved two negroes walk ing rapidly across fields and bellowng Hunter was one of them started in pursuit. Being In a buggy the otflcer.i gained on them. Hunter disappeared, but presently catno in sight with a sun. Then the chaso became fast ami fu rious and shooting back and fort.i began. Hunter's companion surrcn dered to the offlcors. He is now serv ing a term in the iwitonttrtry. Tho light then took place between Hunter and tho three officers. Tho first to fall was Fate Sanders, shot in the hip. About this tlmo Sheriff Oar Tlson was struck In tho nock, with u bullet from the negroes gun, a Win cluster. Ho was heard to call twice and boforo Wnrdon could get to hun he was dead. In tho Intermission of shots Hunter escaped but It was aft erwards learned he had been shot In the arm and through the body. Tho chaso for him kuted through many months. Many times he was reported as having been seen at dif ferent places, but all efforts to cap turo him failed. Ho was captured at Pine llluff, Ark., when a companion turned him up. Hunter was almost beaten to death when captured A son knows more than anybody In the family until he geU o havo a son of his own. IS SUICIDE SHOOTING HIMSELF. HIS MOTHER-IH-II, TOO Sight of Dead Man's Body Too Much for His Mother-in-Law and She Dropped Dead Banker Had Been Working Night and Day. Mineral Point, Wl.. Oct is F K Hanson, cashier of the wrecked rlist National imnk of Mineral Point, shot and killed hlmclf late last nlghr The Isxly was Immediately taken to the home of his mother-ln-taw, Mrs John H. limy, who dropped dead at Urn night of It. Since the failure of the bank. Han sou lias been working night and day and Imd become very despondent Hoy Alexander of Muslin is in th.-: city makltix a very .brief visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs M. I. Alexander. Mrs. .lanle Pyeatt goes to lulu, today to visit her sister ami tie Te.xus State Fair. i.Mrs. MeClaln Rogers Is In the i from Clinton the guest of her parent Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Alexander. a :: :: :: a a a a a NONE OTHER. !a There lfi no other candy quite no good its the candy made by PKTUK PAl'L, a I a t a Near the Post fflre. a a :: ; a a It it It it it i ( $ it a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a I a Telephone '.'1 a a ARDMORE ABSTRACT CO. a I a Oldest In tho Couuty a I a W. S. Wolverton fc Sou a ; a Managers a . a Bonded Abstractors of Carter tl a County. General Insurance, a a Money to loan on City and a I a Farm Property. tl . a 113 North Washington St. tl , t: ts tt a a a a a a a a a a tt tt Money! Money! To loan on farm lands. I have the money here, and can pay out as soon as title is perfect, absolutely no delay. GEORGE R. FISH Iioom !i Noble hid' Ramsey & Ramsey Farm and City Loans We insppct our own loans 200 W. Main St, Ardmore, - Okla. Another Ladies' Ready to Year sol 1 Visit our Boys' Clothing Department. RETURNS AFTER TWO YEARS TO FINISH EDGAR JONES WAS STUDENT AT HARGROVE WHEN DORMITOR IES WERE BURNED. KdKur Jones, formerly of this city and who was a student of Hargrove college when that xtructure burned some two years ugo Iiiu returned to the city and will enter tho college for the second time hen it opens Tue.. Own your own honu O. L. Chanceller OftUe phone HI Uei phono 513 $100,000 TO LOAN on Farm and City Property Most Reasonable Terms GENERAL INSURANCE GORMAN, BOGIE & DOBBINS Over City Niitloiuil Bank Phone SO ARDMORE, OKLA. See the Demonstration of Hitih Grade Goods AT W. J. LANE'S OCTOBER 22.211 Music 6 to 9 P. M. hipment 01 8.5 I'od.iv s express aMrcl to our already n inplcte stock of Ladies and Mi bCs Ready to Wear. Some of the pret dresses and coat suits we have shown this season. Also some of the newest weaves in silk and woolens. We are now prepared to show you any of the newest shades in 2j inch Moirie, dark red, blue, rose, brown, raisin, and black, at yard $1.00 30 inch Black Moirie $1.50 3(1 inch Black Faille $1.50 The weather man says cold, you had better come down and inspect our blankets and comforts. We have them ranging in price per pair from 50c to $10 Comforts, each from $1.25 to $5 day morning, and will there llnlsh his 1 education. ( Since leaving Ardmore, Mr. Jonos, who U a most worthy jouns man, has been at work at Saltlllo. Texas, J and he snyb It Is with great pleasure. that he returns to Ardmore to And such a lino school rebuilt. 1 When a woman starts upstairs sho grabs hor skirts and humps herself Just as she does when she sees a mouse. Justice may be follud, but thcro ure any number of men willing and anxious to give her the proper steer - as thoy see it Farm and City Loans Reasonable Interest And You Ce: All You Uorraui Don't contract lor a loan until you see me Farm lands bought, sold anil e.t changed. 1 have inquiries every day for real estate and your property may suit someone and I would be glad to have you 11 -t same with me. Office Handol Itldg., ovir Ditzler Dry floods Co,