Newspaper Page Text
.Ardmore, Monday, October 18, 1900. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. PAGE FIVE .I Artistic Tailoring r vl SAVE THE TREES THEY CAN NEVER BE REPLACED VISITOR SAYS ARDMORE FAIR GROUNDS ARE PRETTIEST IN THE STATE. I ( I Col. lko Henirovv of Sulphur, one of tho 'iidgea at the fair Just closed is aluo a horticulturist of noti ami ! who has made a success In this line said yesterday that Ardmore had the most bcatulliil grounds for lair pur IKiscs that he hud ever seen and that was nono in tho state to com pare with It as to .natural beauty. Co.l Hciifrow wild that with the aid of experienced gardeners the grounds iinlght be made, tho most attractive In tho coiit'i .in tl took occasion to speak of the handKonie trcow which arc to tio found all over the grounds, lie mild that he had called tht attention ..r ,,r Mm vi i-t- n.ii, ... i tho absolute iK. esslty of preserving When the signal waa given the , -hat-the beautiful trees ami pointed out , ", ln "roups all entered the targe numerous places where the trees had ln"'I,1' 1,ni1 wl,ll -M1 Madden piaye.i heen mutllaled and abused bv nerso.ia tlu' 'l''liK march from Uihetigrin. I.elng allow e dto hitch their horses ;md teams to them. In one place lie;"1'" " wn-aiucu stairway, ami iook : lound a huge and beautiful tree tlmt j vUm' uniU'r tno an'hl '''"''"ted had its trunk chopped awny In order j wl,h '"V,'H f,,,rt 1,1 -v',llow 11,1,1 to' nail boards to it for a lemonade ; wlllt0- htanil. ttttirttl ami impressive iiiar- Col! I'ryor mid that the stumping ! rlaS(' "'rv,CB Wils ''-v lla" KtfV- -Mnt" of horses around tho roots of trees would injtiro them and whilo the sap wris down lliev u-milil .Ho m. less ste.-s were taken to nreserve . tnem now. flaltl Col. Itenrrow "those trees are tho most valuable asset you have In your fair grounds and they should be looked after and carefully tended and preserved for they can never be re placed. There are no other grounds in tho slate so naturally adapted roi oxposltioti purposes and It should bo tho lirst duty of your park commis sioners to see that every tree of the size and age of tliejwj is saved." Go Auto Driving. I will drivo auto for city drives any evening after 7 and auy hour on Sundays. Engagements must be raado by 0 p. a. Phono 89. S-lm W. 8. FKALEY. The only Vacuum house cleaning apparatus In tlu city of Ardmore. Phono r:c i"-t; n it tt tt i tt n k :: :: t i ti :: Money To Loan tt tt tt tt tt tt ii tt tt tt tt it it ti On Improved KAHM and C1TV property at lowest rate. Comu to see mo at FIHST STATK HANK. Quick acUon and isatlsfnctlon Kuaranteed, Byron Drew President First Stato Hank, tt ti tt tt tt tt tt a tt tt n tt tt At the Majestic Tonight "The Wallace Jewels." "The Gota Canal, Sweden," Scenic. "The Little Soldier." Lowcnstein Orchestra Wednesday night. rjiHlS .style is an English walking suit. It is the parts you don't sec that holds shape in tailoring. We will tailor your suit just as conscientiously; just as carefully and just as honestly as though you were standing I by the bench while these master craftsmen worked away on your order. It is the care ful attention to the little things that makes good durable tailoring, cutting is the basis, but the skilled tailor is just as essential. Come in and see our fall line of goods. Test us with a trial order. FRED. W. HORN Fashionable 1 14 West Main St. INGRAM-LOVE. Beautiful Country Wedding, of We I Known People at Hcaldton. A big country wedding." What vl tons or abundance, crowd.-, jollitj . lr'tty bride mid bridesmaid :md gen eral happiness theso words conjure up. lor soy what you please, a city wedding with It formality, Its strict lines, and oft times, with Its Hilly, apiiiK. tlio cUHtoms of tlio floU. Is not , ,R,ar 8), "heurtsoine" an affair, a. Is ' a wedding In the country, where Hie. Is simpler, where convention are not j so all In all, where neighbor fuel fre. to drop In, go all over the bonne and see all there Is to see. I hen there is the country aiiun dance, no tiny specks of salad, morwel oi cake or dub of cream, but big gen erous dishes full of things sittlim ubout. and if you want two helpings, why Its .".11 right. All the children come, and nobody is under any con straint. These Ideal conditions were all proa cut at the wedding of Miss tiertriKK Ingram of iieur Cornish, daughter ot W. II. Ingram once of this city. The groom was .Mr. Arthur live, u rising young iiusims man oi i.oiuen. business 1,10 wl'i"K party came down the ol- inews or mo rresnyieriun cnurcii. .Mr. .Matthews Is in charge of a large lillMrah " u hpeaKK wen lor un nuegroom inai lor mve oi mm, this 1,l,8' mm 1q11 nls work and tori two i ,"" """try rides at night, to olTl- , elate at his wedding. I .Mr. Love Ir, an ardent and devoted I're'-hytcrinn. ! "All went merry as a marriage hell." but soon the Jollity and fenMIng was over, the long procession of bug gies, carriages and wagons began to , depart and then came the sadness, when the bride bade rarewell to her childhoods home, and the devoted j home circle, and stopped out into an 1 unknown future, brightened indeed by ! love and hope and youth yet a part- I ing. and Parting at best is underlaid with i tears, i With toara and pain." i The presents were many and varied ranging from the useful to the beau-! uful only In all lines. There were the usual Joko-glfts for tho groom, and the ever useful check for the brl le irom lu-i- father. Mr. and .Mrs. lvo departed on their wedding trip from this city and will bo at home to their friends In Colbert after their return. When you own a Quick Meal gas cook stove, your homo Is suppllod with tho best. Sold only by, ctf jhvicns, comix & frbnslkv. Von will abou' the Phone 7"ll. miss I- if jou don't asl. I l,l!,rl' Br"-'i,l1' ry way. This Vacuum house leaner. 1 lllBn',1,f,,u ,,oes ,m' 'flll,,0 diarrhoea, nausea, flatulence, wiping or any in , i convenience whatever. Itexall Order tlllg lies are paitlculaiiy good for chil The skill touch of the painstaking of Tailor Ardmore, Oklahoma ERECTING THREE STORY BRICK ON CADDO STREET CHAS. FRALEY FINISHING BIG STORE AND OFFICE BUILDING TO BE BUSY STREET. .Vow- that the fad building season Is approaching the sound of the Ham mer and the saw may be heard In ev ery Noctlou of the city and there are no idle carpenters and building trade- men In tho city. Scarcely a block in the entire city in which then- is not an improvement ot some kind be ing mud?, either the building or a new house or tho addition to anothei, with plenty of sidewalk paving going on nil mound. Tho largest Ktrncture of any eon- r scillence is that being built on Caddo street at tno corner of 2nd avenue Just south of Hall' store. Charley Km ley is erecting t!"-:- z large three story store building, having three store moms on the ground Hour and T(. es and rooms above. The work was going on today at a rapid rate J and the builders arc iKiiriug the top of the second story. The building has a frontage of over 7." feet on Caddo street and a depth o about a like amount. .Mr. Krnley will rent the lower floor lor store purpose , while the rooms above will either be ; iiiaiio into nam or oiuros. rue nilllil- ' Ing is a handsome one of btifl colored ! pressed brick and will bo an ornament to this street which Is destined to bo ono of tlio business streets of the city. WORTHY OP AN OFFER BACKED BY ONE OF OUR MOST REPUTABLE CON CERNS. .,, We pay for all the medicine during the trial, if our remedy fails i to completely relieve you of constipa tion. Wo take all the risk. Yen aro not obligated to us In any way whatever, if you accept our offer. i That's a mighty broad statement, but' I we mean ni ry word of It. Could ; anything bo more fair for yon? I A most scientific, common-sense ! treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which j are eaten llko candy. Their active i principle is a recent scientific ill.. ! eovery that Is odorless, colorlosi and tasteless; very pronounced, gen i He and pleasant In action, and partlc dren, aged and delicate persons. if you stiff, r rrom chronic or hub ltiial constipation, or iii associate or depi 'ident chronic ailments, we urge you t try ltexull Orderlies at our risk. Hemembor you can got them In Ardmoro only at our store. 12 labkts 10 cents, M tablets 25 cents. -Tho Itexall S'orc. City Drug Stor. W. 1). Frame, Prop. NO HEED NOW TO SEND AWAY FOR BAND MUSIC THIRTY FIVE FINE NEW INSTRU MENTS ARRIVED YESTERDAY FOR ARDMORE DOYS BAND It mt Mkrly that Ardmore will m ' : - nd oik of tho rtiy attain v.kmi to- mimic for public entertain m in-, -u !i a fairs, street parade .ind i In- Ilk.-, for yoaterdny there ur iiM-.i t,r the Ardmoro loy Uun4 tlilt-tv In.- new silver mounted ln.trtl-m-n.- on which practice will begin r oi 1. I). Armstrong, R brother of Mi (i:ill of thin city, and who 'i.i- much experience In this line i diH-ttnu the boys In tholr work and ln-iiii-.-i within three week to lie alii. u Ke public recitals and will n. n.- the hoy ready to play for any i 1 1 ml; iimit-K along. The inst.-u-in. nt h hae been delayed or they would have been ready to furnlt'h inn--ii t'.i- tie- fair. ll ill.- inxintnunt. are of the inm quality and the yolillK fellow who i . ineiniii i s of the build were greatly d. In-hied to net them. They an- all tin iv th.riy-tlve pieces Irom the tiny liliiol.i to the big Itass ilriini ami the Horn tli.r. winds rounil your neck and wliii Ii hiM a spoilt big enough lo lioln a barrel, almost. At lea Ml IhatN the way one of the iMiya dem-rlbed II. Tne in-uriinicttts are all taken but a tew and those who wish to Join -liniihi make application at once, as piuitiei- with the old Instruments ha: been -join! on for some lllt" A mil account of the Ardn tire Hoys Hand will appear next wi.K In the -.Musical Register, a paper devoted t- such things, .mil which in pnhltshcd In Chicago. Read This. nurant. Okln. This certifies I wan cured (if Kidney, llladder and Hheu liiatlc trouble by tho use of one V.t tie of Hall's Texas Wonder. I fully recommend it. for it Is a medicine with inerlts.W. U. WAIU). Sold by all druggists. UNCLE BILL CROSS IS ABLE TO SIT OP HEAD OF OKLAHOMA VETERANS SENDS GREETINGS TO JOHN H. MORGAN CAMP YESTERDAY. The .Iiio. II. Morgan camp me- In regular session yesterday afternoon Tll,,r(, wnK ,,.,., uanl(.. larly oi young ladles who graced th- meeting with their presence. Among those who contributed to the enjoy ment of tb afternoon, liy voice In strumental music, ami select remllie- WPro iUmm Iklnl Ann!l 0 Uu,)y U()(I()I (!rllovIovi, Nl. vouehe and Itomenu liymim. Short talks were made by the ve: oralis and some thrilling i,.i(i,.ntH of their war experience were re lated. Mr. Fred Klnkade was ptvsen' and made known his generous offer towards building the Confederate Home: hy so doing he ingratiated himself with the old soldiers, and ho cimp expressed their appriHiatlon of his generosity by a rUIng vik. of thanks. While in session word was received from Cenerai Hill Cross by a special messenger that he was much Improv ed in health and abb- to sit in, ami sent kindest remembrances to the camp. At the dispersion of the mooting , evory one gave expression to th 'ir pleasure ami enjoyment of the eruoon. .if. Stove Exploded, Htlt it wasn't the RhY.NOIt GAS HUA'PHIl sold by T. K. Kearney. 01 Mrs. Whiteman III. It Is with regret this morning that we learn of the illness of Mrs. Mary tiwyn Whiteman, soeloty editor of the ArdmoreUe. Mrs. Whiteman is confined to her bed, being a suf ferer irom polnon ivy, having come In contact with the dangoroiiK vino "m ,MU'"1 ine Ir,,m ",s several days ago, but It was not I oal whlch n,1,,,,tl at Calgate. uiMll this iiiornlng that it began ii,' "al,l ,hftt 010 "-"I of " develop si-riously. During her sick- ,,,w of miva' w, 1u locaUnl 8t turns, which Is hoped will bo of short "''"H"'"!' 'hw tho roml Intersect . duration, the Ardmorelto n,u,j,,rB i with the Santa Fe. will have to forego the pleasure of, Th" Arbucklo Improvement com- 'Society." Cut Your Gas Dills Hy using tho KBA'OH GAS 11 BAT Bit. Sold by T. IC. Kearney. 012 A woman is ap to regard a secret as something taut Isn't wsrth keeping. CAME ALL THE WAY FROM ITALY TO HELP BROTHER THREE ITALIANS IN THE BLACK HAND" CASE BEFORE FEDERAL COURT THIS MORNING. A pretty example of the devotu- i . a brother won shown this morniir. i the rerteral court In the heartim t -Black Hand cuis originating at l , a small mining town cmr Meie-i. i Bustle Utppaula la one of the del.- .1 ants, he la charged with bavlnc u- d tho malt for tho purpose of Inn and his brother who is an otTi hi from Italy arrived her for tin- i m' and has plenty of money to a-m-t m the defense. The tnrec Italians w. i arraigned hefore the court Mil. mo n Iiik. They are Carnwia ttaytator Dlbella and Baslle ciipp.mi i They are charged with an attempt to extort money from Joe Nellls. an ltai Ian merchant. It la alleRed tin wrote the merchant u letter askUm hi into leave one thousand dollar .it a lei-tuln place near a coke oven. Tie v told htm If the money was hit in would be treated with reaper! and no Ilium would come to him mid thai it the money was not left that .lomethhiu would happen which the town ol Kreb and his relatives would always remember or somethliiK to that elteet. Two other letters were written warn ing the merchant to leave the money and making further threats. Tho let ters were signed "ltlack Hand." Xoi i lis saw- the officers and told them oi the letter. 8o on night the mer chant left a b-tier at the place desig nate! in the black hand letter. $ln wan placed on the outside of the en velojH' and sonic lwpers were en closed to make the package resenlle a bllllille of bills. When one of the defendants came for the envelope of- tleers weie watching the place It is alleged and arrested the Italian with (he envelope iii hla posesloii. When the case was called this morning, Vj. I.. KUtler of Muskogee, attorney ror the defense filed a demurer to the In d.ctiiient on the grounds that the statute under which the bill was re turnitl did not make the olfense a ( crime. The court overruled the demtii " I- and the following Jury was empan elled to try the case. W. 11. Johnson. , (!. W. Ilatlleld. J. It. Kent, Hob Spark-, W. II. Itnybiirn, Ilooley Faulkner, J. T. I.ovvery, A. H. Honoris. I-Mwnrd Yost. John Cregg. C. H. Illudorn and '.I. 11. (ieorge. It Is thought tin case will get to lie jury late this afleruoon. .Mr. Klsller, attorney for the tie :'eiise. received Ills fee Iii Italian money. He has a bunch of the hills In , denomination of 100 down to $20. 1 Hy order of the court twenty days were allowed defendants in the Mus kogee town lot cases to prepare mid present a bill ot exceptions lo the rulings of tin court In those eases last week. The general demurrer In those cases will be Hied Thursday uioinlng ' iind argument will be made on the , 'JSth of this mouth. Tho court ordered the clerk of the Jury commissioners to draw in accor ' iH'lt;0 'Ith the ruli-s of the court the names of twenty-three grand Jurors and thirty-six petit Jurors lor the Cblcliiisha term of court PROM COALGATE TO DOUGHERTY i COAL OPERATORS WANT OUTLET TO WEST FOR PRODUCT I WASHITA IS BEING DAMMED. James !) F. Junkiii. or Philadel phia, promoter of tho Great Uasitern & Western railroad which l pro posed to bo built from Coalgate to Dougherty. In a letter to C. 1. WH I llama of Sulphur, says -that the work ! on tho road will bo slanted this wlu : tor sometime, and that within a year i tho road will ho In opcratlou. Mr. . .lunkln is owner of the Coalgate : mining company and is promoting this road In order that h will have ty is (lamming tno wasmwi a- Dougherty for the purpose of develop Ing siwer to run electric plan's and manufacturing establishments ilia' the town hopes to get with the new railroad. It won't cost anything to phone 7 bout Vacuum house cleaning 1" mm W in- i- l ' . (' i .1- .i (. I, .1. ',il v- !'(.- s i - i.i n s . M i j in ti I'us-. LYNN. The PERSONALS VI I. II I I'nv ii .ii 1 1 il le i e ' 1 1 .it ,i iii ri m ill 1 1 1 m i i r ,i I he Hiliiis I'imiiii w.ililiug 'Ml- I.. .1 Mev. I- nl Men W -ll-aeeitllip.illieil h In I' uiMlnl .not In . Mr. (Ju.irlei, h:ive airlvin to .i ' - tul tin HhTKins I'l utile wedding. Governor and Mrs. tiun. N il.i kell after sH-tldlng five day- in :iu-'; city during the trial cf tin- Mu.-koe. tow it lot cases, retiirnul to Ciitlni' last night. Mark (looilwln, staff corresponded, of the Dallas News, and O. I). Hall, start' correspondent of th- Kiiusa: CHy JmiriMil, who have been here reiMie. ing the -Muskogee town M cases f. r tholr papers, will i turn to , tiiMhrle today. , C. H. Huchaiiau, manager at M.ul- j den's, will leave tonight for the ('lit , eago markets to make purchases or ' new goods. The sales .,o far ihl season have been far ahead or c , pectutli ns and fill In ordei Ikiv, beetliue lieceasnry. W. A. I.edbeter of Oklahoma City was In the city yesterday morning I on a brief !sK with his family, lie J was accompanied home hy his son. i Louis Iedliettor. wiio Is In tin- s'.n.. . , university at Norman. Kied Tctikei- of Alllburn Is in Aidi.'ore visitor today. I Judge 1. It. Mason went to Shaw-1 nee this morning on official IiiihIiumi 1 to 1h gone sevm-al dajs. Simon .1. l.oeh of New Oilcans lr I III the city on business for a few ; days. i Wright Itunford, of Hugo, In in the cPy today lo.iklng after some , business matters. j Cal Stewart, of Marietta, Is up to ' day meeting friends and transacting I business affairs. A. II. Roberts, 12. T. Johnson and J. C. Denton, all of Muskogee, came down yesterday lo look after mat ters In court here. !t. !'. Taylor, of Durairt. Is In the city today visiting with frlemU and transacting business. ilr. and Mrs. II. W. Cleveland ami children of Hleo. Texas, were here yesterday vUVUng with friends. W. M. Homier, of CuHirie, clerk in the supreme court is down for a few days visiting with friends mid relatives. I'. I.. Carsvvell, of Muskogee, Is In the city on business this week. C. H. Stevens Is reported quite -It k today, having been brought In from Ruff, where he has been, to hits home tills morulas. The Kcxnor heating stove Is the only heating stove that has a money back guarantee. Ask T. K. Keurney. 17tf The '.Missionary Society of the Uroadvvay liaptlst church will nice-: with Mrs. Sidney Suggs tomorrow afternoon nt " o'clock. All mem bers of tho cli 1 1 rch and their friend' are Invited to attend. Quick meal gas cook stoves, built tilMin honor, have every new improve ment and are the host. Sold only by t'tf HIV1-5NS. COHHX & FltHNSI.BY. Hay! Hayl! Hay!!! Plenty of hay hy the bale, ton or car load, liioue 1'.), Porter Staplws, The Red Headed (iroccr. ir, :t For f Jiint drinks ot the better Mini Bo to. tlOFF & ItHll.Y. 17-U L'l". W .Mam Sir. t T- N- COLEMAN THE CITY Telephone 1. Built For Service Wlu'n you 'my School SllOCS yotl W.lMt, slid- will tit, hold tin- sli.tpi', and siiitul ti i K imcUsand roiiL'11 tu i. '!' of school rlltldl l-l ii. t'.i'!, l'.iti nt. K '1 Hi S' - -rl $1 e" t i t: 1 to $J " Shoe Man Keep a complete rscord of your mortgages by using duplicate mort gage books on sale at The Ardmore He office. Tin- lull player shouli) .trway member Ii it a hK in time s.i . nine The City Drug Store W. D. FRAME, Proprietor PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Specials at the Fountain For Today Cliocolato FulT 10c draiu Do Mint 10c Try the Soul Kiss 10c Carnation Stindui-. ........ 10c Monana Split 10c Grape 1uneadu 10c Watch for our opening of hot dr'm Us and dolicatosson. Pyrography Pieces and Burning Sets Cooler weather makes the art a welcome occupation for odd moments. Among tho piece h we show are a variety of pat terns of: Collar ami Cuir Hoxor Handkerchief Ilexes tllovo Hoxes Dresser Hoxes Tlo ItaoliH Tabouruttes 1'anoiH Thermometers Towel JtackH Flijurcs Faces Tho work of burning Is simple and tho product very artistic. Coleman Bros. Drutftfist-Jewelers. 10.1 W. Main Ardmoro JOHN DOHHAH Watohinaker and Knravor To Oar Patrons The market on hogs la con siderably lower than It has been recently, and the tone of the market is -still downward and very unsettled. We are unable to adviso yo u when same will settle down. Use your judgment In regard to selling at present. However, we are always paying the top of the market and .nvlte you to see us If you decide to sell. O. G. WARREN Proprietor Cold Storage. DR. W. M. ANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON Has moved to the Hlue Front Hani on Uroadvvay, where he is prepared to take care of all stock entrusted to hla caro at a reasonable price Otflce Phone 783 Residence 203 Tho Vacuum will clean your house complete for $l.ilii per room No dus nor discomfort Plwine 7 2d. 17-0 DRUGGIST .... 9 W. Main St.