Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Monday, October 18, 1900. Just Received Af Felker's Grocery Store New krout, sour nn J sweet pickles, sweet Mango pickle, Dill pickle, Queen bulk olives, seeded ribbon cane, sorghum, fresh line new evaporated fruits. Call and buy of our new goods. Fresh line of Chase and Sanborn coffee and I lei nz's 57 varieties of pickles and preserves. Right in the Neck Is where the dealer should get it who for a few cents extra j profit will foist an inferior flour' on his customers. The way 'or you to avoid such impost-! tion is to always ask for BIG ; HAND ilour and take noj other. Then and then only arc you sure of getting the best ilour milled. Tyler Simpson Co. Wholosnlo Distributors. TEXAS State Fair Dallas October 16-31, 1909 Low Fares vin Extromoly low lares on Bhort limit tickets. Slightly higher faros on longer limit tlukots. Kor detail Information m JSuntii I"u urrnt or address , W. S. Kt-iia, ( r. A.. (listia BROWN &. BRIDGMAN. Funeral Directors and Licensed Embalmen. Largest lino of Punoral Goods in Oklahoma. QHICHESTER S PILL . Till: IIIAUIIMI I1RAMI. irruHU i klin.lrr'l llllMeilRriV Till In llrd an.l Uold mrulllcV I nirt. tralr.1 tltll Mu Ultimo. ' TaLe m vlbrr. Ilur uf tup llrac(UI. Akfn'll. lOXTKHf DIAMONn MlttNU I'll.l.H, . tb SOLD BV DRUGGISTS EYERtWHERH COMPARE OUR 8ERVICE WITH OTHERS. Postal Telegraph Cabla Co. W N. Washington St. Tel. No. SL ,1 I No Loafing on The Job when wo timlertako your plumblne, work. We come promptly, work steadily mid j?et away nn iUiokly nH possible. Hut we don't leave until wb nre thoroughly certain tho lob In a perfect one. Trvotir kind of plumb Inn next time, "i ou'll enjoy the dif ference. We will ropnlr your plumb ing and gas works promptly. Iletter call Phone T!l huforo cold weather. Our temiH on nil repairing will be spot cash and collncted by workman. The WeeKs, SpreKelmeyer Plumbing S Sheet Metal Co. M SOUTH WASHINCTON ST. Notice. XoMce is hereby Riven that by ilr'tir of an execution Issued out of the office, of the District Clerk of Carter County. Oklahoma, In tho case of Cruce and Cnice, iTalntlff, vs. ,T. fi. Dillnrd. et al, defendants, and which execution I have levied upon tho following described real esta'e. to-wit: The Northwest Quar ter or tho Southwest Quarter of Sec tion Twenty-seven (27), in Township Four (1) South, and Range Two (2) West. Carter County. Oklahoma, and levied upon as the property of .1. II. Dillard, ono of the defendants In said execution, after having been un able to find any personal property of the said J. 11. Dillard or 1M Simpson. J. (1. Dillard, or (111 Dil lard, the other defendants In said execution, within said Carter county, Oklahoma. Xotlce is hereby given that I will, on the 0th day of Xoveniber, 1909, between the hours of one o'clock and three o'clock p. m., at the Court House door in tho City of Ardmore. Carter County, Oklahoma, expose for sale to the highest ami best bidder for cash In hand said above describ ed property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise the sum of $531.25. debt, interest and costs of said action, and the costs of this levy and sale. (liven under my hand this the Mh day of October, 1009. J. H. AKBRS, Sheriff of Carter County, State of Oklahoma. Ily W. Ii LAXDRUM. Deputy. C-l 5-20-27 Notice of Sale by Guardian. State of Oklahoma, CJanin County, In the- County Court. In the matter of tho guardianship of .Icssc James, Minor:- Xotlce Is hereby given that In pur suance of an order of tho County Court of Garvin. County, Oklahoma, made on tho Cth day of October, l'JO'J, lho undersigned piardian of tho es tate of Jcsso James, minor, will sell at public auction to tho highest bid der, subject to confirmation by said court, on Saturday, November tho 13th, A. D., lyOD, at 2 o'clock in tho after noon, at tno court houso door in Car ter County, Oklahoma, all tho right, title, and interest that tho Bald minor has by operation, of law or otherwise acquired In and to tho following do scribed real ehtate situated in Carter County, State of Oklahoma, towit: An undivided one-fourth Interest after tho lire estato of Dicey James, in and to tho following lands, towit: The Wi of thu XEVi of tho XB',i. J. L. Wilson Transfer and Storage I have a good building leased in which I store all kinds of household poods at reasonable rental. Phone 72 and I will do tho rest. Goods hauled anywhere or packed and stored. Promp and careful atten tion to overy ordor. Jnnd the NAVU of the NKtf, .ind tho , : of the XWU and tlu WM: t the SW; of tho XHli, nil tn section 1G, ' a-id tho WV6 of the SW., and the HVs ;of tho X1V4 of Hie SVj. and the RWJ of the XK of the SW'.i. and the SU'i or the SW'U. and the K4t of the sW'i of the SVl, all in section 0, and the X' of the XVi or the NW'i, and the SHU of tho SW'V, o. I the N'W'i of section H), township I South, limine 1 West. Said estate to he sold Tor cash lliin delivery of deed subject to con tinuation by thin court. W. .1. THOMPSON, llimrdlan of Jesse .lann!. THOMPSON R. .IOXKS. Attorneys for ' (iunrdlun. K.-22-29-5-J2. Notice of Sale. .Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned trustee, as the of W. It. Illenkmore. Trustee, in pur suance of a Deed of . Trust slven by W. Colbert and Henrietta Colbert, dated the 7th day of October. 1003, to W. It. lllonkmore. Trustee for the PI rut Xatlonnl Hank of Ardmore, Okla., which Deed of Trust wan re corded at Tishomingo, Indian Terri tory, In recording District Xo. 22, on tin- ISth day of October, 1905, and upon which default has been made by the failure to pay ihe debt when the saino matured and ilium which there Is due $7,253.78; will soli the prop erty secured by said mortgage or so much thereof as will satisfy said dobt with five jter cent as Trustee fees and cost of sale arcordlnc to the terms of said morunge, at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash on the 1th day of Xovember. 1909. at 10 o'clock a. in., at the front door of the Johnston County court house at Tlsh onilnco, Oklahoma, the snld property being described a follows, to-wlf. The N'lCU of the SW', of Section in; and the NV4 or the NW, of the SW, of Section H, in township 4 south, range 5 Hnet of the Indian Has- and Meridian: and the WU of the SWi of Section 21; and the SKYi of the N'Wli of Section 2C; and the Xortheast quarter of the XW1,') of Section 27; all in township Tour south, range six- east of the Indian Base and Meridian. Alio the SV of the XVj of Section 10; and the N'W'i of the SK'i ot said section 10. The S',4 ot tho XWi or the SWU of said Section 10; and the Kast half of the SKi of the SIC', of Section 9; and the XW'.i of the Ni;Vi of the SK-4 of said Sec tion fj, all in township 1 South, range 5 Kast of the Indian Meridian, all or said land ben.g in the Na tion, Indian Territory, and being in all 170 acres or land, together with all and singular the improvements, thereon, and all the rights, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances tnereiiutn In any wise belonging or appertaining. WltnesR my hand on this the -ah day or October, moo. KlltST .NATIOXAI. HAXK. of Ardmore, Oklahoma, lty W. D. I'OTTKIt. Trustee. cupel:, citijci-: & iiuukmoiu-:. POTTICil & I'OTTKIt, Attorneys. novr. Suppiy your home now with a Quick Comfort gas heater. Give morn warmth wlih less gas than any other stove. Sold only by Otf lllVKXS, COlllIX & FKBXSI.KY. I 1 Good examples have virtue Just ; I like oatrtor oil, and they are almost i a. pleasant. Don't be Deceived. Hut buy the HKKXOU GAS HEAT ER from T. IC. Kearney. 0-12 The thing women can never for give In a friend Ik for her to get i invited to a welding they didn't. Railroad Time Table SANTA FE. NorthboUnO- No. 18 ll.Iif a. m. ' N. 0 12.07 a. m. 1 No. 20 6:40 p. m. Southbouna No. 17 4:22 p. m. Vo. D 6:io a. in. 1 Xo. 1'J 12: SI p. m. FRISCO SYSTEM. Westbound Xo. :,r,i t0:f.r. a. in. ! Xo. fil i: is p.m. Xo. ."U.'i . . S:30 p. m. Eaitbound. Xo. r.Oil 7:3!". a. m. Xo. C52 2:00 p. m. Xo. 501 0:00 p. m. ROCK I8LAND SYSTEM. Westbound. No. G51 1:16 p. u No. C7J (dully except Sunday) 7:00 p. m. Eaitbeuna. No. C52 3:10 p. m No. C74 (dally except Sunday C:16 a. m. (Xoh. 673 and 674 aro mixed trains aid run only between Ardmore and Lehigh Nos. 671 and 672 do not carry paaaongers sine Xo'a 171 and 674 vera put om.) City's Financial Condition The followins report of th. . i:y treasurer and auditor an- nlfn le i. with. The owrdiah In the juditor report Is not shown in the triMMi". '. report from the fact that the treasurer hs not yet paid some auann which nre outstanding, hut Milch show as owrdraft on the auditor hooV HeMirt of HAL S. DUCHAN AN, City Auditor. Tn the Mayor and dry Commissioners at hp Close ot Itnalne epi, Water Revenue ltalam- on hand luat reiMii t Am't reeM , Sewer Italance on Am't rec il . Salary Itnlanee on .$ R.S0IM0. I'MA mil hand Inst nport ... . 07S,??. Intt mii band Inst rep Am't re.'d 22.S07.Si5. I id out Imprtvemcnt District No. I Hnliince on hand last report Am't ree'd ... 1.7:.5.'.t.V I'aM out Improvement District No. C Itnlanee on linnd last report Am't ree'd ... ir.fl.0fi. l'tild Wt hrprovrmeiit District No. 3 Itnlanee on hand Iftftt reort Vm'trcc'il ... "7S.7I. I'uld out Improvement District No. 5 ltalnnce on hand laot report Ain't ree'd .. . 71 T..4S. I'ulil out Street and Bridge liHlance on hand liwt reKrt Am't rec'U . . . 2,457.40. lald out Contingent llalitn.-e on Am't ree'd Library Malnnee on Am't rei 'i. Light llalance on Am't rerM School Ilulance eti Am't ree'd Cemetery Itnlanee on Ain't ree'd hand luat nport J.OiaW. Ittid out hand Inst report. . .. 1.1H1.87. Paid out hand luat report .. I.M0.SI. Paid out. liaml last report 2Sli,rl. Paid nut hand last reiwrt 177.00. Paid out Interest and Sinking Itnlanee on hand last reiwrt..... A m't rec'.l . . . Pi.r.UU'iS. Paid out Sundries Sidewalk Italance on hand lust report Ain't ree'd ... 20(5.7... I'alil O'lt Total I l:i Itepnrt of J. W. HANNAH, City Treasurer. To the .Mayor and City Commlailoncp., at tho Cloxe of Itualuoa ! Septeuilier. Sllttl, P.l0!l. ! Water Revenue IVilauce on hand last report ni't ree'd ...SU2.20. Paid out Sewer Hil.iiiee on hand lant report Alll't ree'd . . UTS.' Paid out Salary 'linlaiu 11 hand last report Am't ree'd ... 22.S07.SI5. Paid out Improvement District No. 1 lialuiice on hand lac! report Am't ice'd . . 1,755.115. Paid out Improvement District No. 2 il-ilauce on hand last report Alll't ree'd . . . l.'il.Oli. Paid out Improvement District No. 3 l!iil:inee 011 hand la.l report Am't ree'd ... 77.S.7I. Paid out Improvement District No. 5 Jlilauce on hand lat report Am't ree'd . . 715.1S. Paid out Street and Bridge 'Italaneo on hand last report Am't ree'd ... 2.H57. IC Paid out.. 1,95G.1S Contingent Itnlanee 011 hand lat report Am't we'd ... 2,0a::.:!5. Paid nut . . 1.S20.0S Library .ltalnnce on hand litht rt-port Am't ree'd ... 1,191.37. Paid nut.. 175.50 Light llnlanco 011 hand lnat report Am't ree'd ... I.5C0.2I. Paid out,.. 2.592.77 School lialanee on hand lnt report Am't rn-'d ... 2S0.5I. Paid out.- Mu.77 Cemetery aifilance on hand last report Am't ree'd... 177.00. Paid out . . 201.50 Interest and Sinking 'jmi-ince on hand last report Am't ree'd ... 19.519.CS. Paid out.. 0,301.112 Sundries Sidewalks IValanee on hand last report Am't rer'.l . . . 206.75. Paid out . . 203.75 REVOKED DOCTOR'S LICENSE. . Alleged That Criminal Operation Was Performed by Him. (luthrle. Okla.. Oct. 17. The state The state board of medical examiners has re voked the license of k. J. M. Muuns, a prominent Claremoro physician, on the ground that he performed a crim inal operation at Independence, Kan., on a Tulua society Rlrl who arter wardK died In the Tulsa hospital. The charges were 11 led aswtnst Dr. Aieuns by Dr. Ross (Jrosshatt or Till M. who waited on the girl at tho Tuba hospital and took her dying statement concerning the criminal operation. The name of the girl Is withheld by tho state board on account ot tho tact that her family Is well known in Tulsa, and the disclosure of tho daughter's disgrace wold at this tlmo do not Justice. It Is bUted, moreover, tha ta very wealthy Tulsa oil man h 3t luoit. mtnb. J 1.H0A1 ?.Si53.3tt $ i.lM.Oil Tto.lti SfiUM ff)S.IS NuBo 1,571.8.-. :I.K. 7ti0.sri 1.0SI.SQ .17.48 4.?a ..".0 i None 1H0.7S 38.71 037.75 141.111 715. IS IIS..V! tut. t8 2,ri27.SS 3O2.0S None 1.HS1.4J 121.H1 Noli' r.3!.2! fi.'i2.0X None 2.M12.77 1..W.I7 None 235 77 14.71 :t.YSi0 21.50 2,t'lS.2rt Ii.217.7t5 . . . None 201. 10 1 1 .iw) ,;! !.!l 2 1.1.1 :s:l.02 20.1.7:. 3.00 IQ.0Sl.iri 710.111 lafif'tTi.'-T, 7 1 n. in i 4IO.S7 .5 n.:iri.U 1.H.HTI j.i. i.i 1 52i5.(!: r,ir;.;:i 25.11 SU.2H Xono 12.IliO.80 H.:i7s.i7 Ui?.S5 1 .755.95 37.14 I.7S CO, Xolle 1,113 1. SO ! 1C0.7S 852.71 1537.75; XflllO Xone 452.50 715. IS CO I. OS 021. IS None 1751.5 X0110 no.os Xono 1,5(57.1. Ximo 11.71 21.50 II. no 2,915.20 10,217.70 i:j.ih::.02 None 3.00 $30,133.50 Involved, and that .mould the story j over come to Unlit or the grand jury mUo tho matter up, a scandal In hlK" . , life would Immediately ensue. Much ; myhiory nurrouiius me cuo. aim es- . peelully a young man who appeared at j the Tulsa hospital a few days before the Kill died and claimed to be her j Dunce. This young man. a drummer wlio passes through Tulfca. reumliied I with tho "gir luiitll she died. The mat ter ha.i not yet been brotiKht betore a Brand Jury because ot tho uncer tainty as to whether KanwiK or okla Jionia was the home of the crime, it there was such. ! Mr. .Means Hied an uiuwer with tin 1 board several days ago. denying the Irhargo In eery particular, but failed j to appear toady, and Ills license wan 1 revoked. He Is said to stand well with Claremoro (society and to own a .sani tarium In tho "radium" water town. Ardmoreite Want Ads arc the bwt. JS ADS WANTED I.KSii:. few tu-Ml .im Ol tlkUli in. I, i,i IM id.M TTtie her.ilK fh oiil Kill e our nun i evil e.ian ' ti inteil and a ii niims i.i ,ililli' i:nl ii- 'ry. To eerl. need men e eull offer you map 'ale -a Nplemlld I opcnini; and to tbinx who t.unlllui lth the worK, are not ' We an I .ake In hand and develop Into Iliad urade Rtilemien ir tue uhlltty ix at hand. Hand, Mc.Vaily Jk Co, CMcniro. 111. t7-l-20-33 '.'. WAXTKl)- To loan money lamin. city property or Will loan Tot five year or ty mlnuten. B me for on farm t hattelH. I for thir- j til" tll'Htl i?rle. M. h. Alexander. II lm WAiNTBSnlCvcry family to uo meatii j from tho (leriiinu Market. Phenv ' ISti, former C. P. Hal) ataml. I- i llvfrlea to tiny jwrt of the ett . Per- Kiiwmi .sy IISIh, prona. 20-1 in WAXTKI) Ily Nov. Ith of l.Mh,. fur nlahed houae. ,1. O. I1aher, iaiv MUler Drjr CikmIm Co. 17-:t V.XTHn-At once, an experienced HMleMlutly. none other iil apply.! Iii(iilr' al Aidiuorelte office. U" 1 VMM.'ll -l. I...., ,1 ll.t.i ........... I nuiHt he elieap. Telephone X2.". ex- rept Suiidiiy. 1 , NVAXTUD-To buy aeeond liaml gin heater. C. (5. llarvoy at Hoffman I Drug Company. I.V3 , WW'XTHI I cooK, man or wiwnan I A IninMer. .luhti Imrle, rner .Main and Mill. istr 1 WANT Ml) -All iHlttl.'H III V klinla of P. llaJI'H whlxkey I furniture j 17-lm I utore. 1 . FOR SALE KHAIj KUTATIJ Jf It Is bargain you want in real ehtate. either for enab or on tho Installment plan, ee iih as our liHt n w ex tensive that we can please you either in ii Ice or location. $200,000 to loan on farm and elty pioperty. W. S. Smith, phone 222. 20 1m FOR SALIC At a meat bargain one 5-room hoime and lot 75120, 511 1 3rd Ave., X. V also one corner lot, 75x120, corner 3rd and I. X. V. Apply .Mrs. DciinliiK or phono 2i51 21tf wlx a FOR SAJ.1C Moikjii uottaKO, rooms, large reception hall, uiodurii coiivenieueeK. Faat front, beat location In town. Address A, euro Ardiuoeilte. 24tt I'Olt SALU OR RUNT- A Xatlonal caalt rilnter and He vera I HUimlard typewriters, wry retiitoiiable. .1. (loldHliilth Loan Office. 21-lm FORSAU-:--ShTini in Chickasaw ll;o Club. $100 cash, balance terms, If wanted. AddroiM A, care Ardmoreite. 24tf I'l.OltAI. DRSItlNS. cut, cai uatlona and roiiert. .Shiinian Floral Company. Pnone 207. 12tf 1 FOR Some good hoines and Spniildlmc btiKRies and haelis. , T. I.cdbetter. 5tf COUPON HOOKS Of 15, $10 and "0 denomination t Ardmoreite office. FOR SAhlv Choice milch cows. A ply Xeweoinb Taylor, llox 102. J5-t) FOR SAl.K h i-, rlnt 15lf Shucks at tile corn ihcl Main Street. Phone S2.. FOR SALlv Ten car loads ot hay. M. 1.. Alexander. 29-lm 8PECIAL NOTICES NOTICK TO CONTRACTORS- Mealed bids will be lecclved at tho office ot .1. II. White In dure building until I o'clock p. in., Weunesday the 20th day 01 Oeotber, 1909, for the erection and completion of founda tion and other remodeling to colored wliool building. Plans and speclti eatlons eau be seen at the FirU National Hank, ami at the olflee ot .1. H. White, architect, In Cnice building, Ardmore. Okla. t.. II. HHl'CIJ. 1S-2 Si-. School Hoard. FOR O P-T O DATli K I eet rl c wiring and supplies drop a postal to P. O. Uox 183, C. Q. Squires, or phone 732. Out of town work solicited First-class work guaranteed. 1-lin I) V HI NO NOW liondon, tho steam cleaner, dyer and hatter of ladles and gentlemen's fine clothing, with J. J. Stolfa. 27-lm LOST AND FOUND. KSTRAYKD Ulack sow Finder Phono 835 or 183 red. 17-3 Ardmorotto Want Ads aro tho beaL FOR FIENT VOU IM-JVr CI.eap. from no until yept. 1st, 1!)I0, on hrlek Htor. imlMliiK, on wont Alain rtre.-i. formerly occupied hy .1. W. Kpj. pr; srmion foot, -Hlth rerwaa fron' Would like to got r Rooit lookln red headed milliner, and wffl pa water, light and Apply A. l)oaK. Hi KOIl BMNT-5-f.iom cottage, gaa, w.i ter, newer, clow In, only t0. Mod -rn bunnulow 1 tT.r0: modern eo, taite, clone In, I5. O. M. ItJ lfkld. I Itoal Itatate Aont. 2Mn KOIt HWNT ciTkw--llrl'ek buHtllrrj. 2i1x7. with eonerete floor, on Cud do atreet. Trocknge property. Ai Ply Mm. w. A. Pride. Phono I.i i r"d. 3jf iWll ItlUXT -'iwo ilesirabto rowmn. all modern eoiivenlfno, In private family; will rent to gentlemen i-wpk-; for partleularn phono 779 KOW 1IKNT A. nWly fornMhe.i wmtliHaHt room. All modorn con MiiJtnee. Mm. Alexander, 12K a Strepl, northwest. 15.1, I'Olt HKNT- thie 7-ro.mi hmmo, nea. he foiimlr), very cheap. Hue I Ham lano at Pennington (Irocon . or phone liUti. II POIl ltl?N'l'-iJ'Hiriiiiiliej room, and Kt-wraHe nPuehed, Itiqluer 711 W'mi llromlwaj or PIi.hi.i 5511. lV:t KOIt ItlONT- -PnmiHh-il 100m. Appt. .r02 C Htreel, norlheHl 15-1 m KOIl ItlONT ill. Knriil.Hlied nnn. l'hoie 17-:! FINANCIAL I.OAXS Heal estate, farm and chat tol loann. L:dbettnr R- Wlmborly, UledRoe Hldg. Phono (540. fi-lnio LOANS P.irm and elty; Insurance, life, fire, accident and liability See or write li M. Klkln, Sill phiir, 01.1a. 291 111 CAPTAIN' W. It., n fine tbormiKh- 1 bred bull. Season J1.50. Produces fine ' calveH. C. P. Hall. Caddo htrcct. 4tf I Ardmoreite want ad.s will rent that : vacant houe for you. Professional Cards LAWYERS. 1 ji , C. Potterf. E. A. Walker. POTTERF A WALKER, Attornu)H ami Couneelora it Lan Ardmore, Okla. Chan. J. Happier. Chan P, Merlllal Compiler "Indlnn Ac 1 e Court Ijiws aud Treaties." Practitioner. j KAPPLER A MERILATT, Attorneys and Counselors at Law j Practlco beforo nil Courts; Congrwn, (.overnmeiit Departments aud Com- mlHslons. Indian Casea a Specialty. Office, Pond llld'i?., Washington. D. C. L. C. SH ELTON Attorney at Law Office Wheeiur Hld. Phone 258 W. F. DOURLAND Lawyer Wheeler nuiMluB Phonu Ardmore, Okla. 298 PHYSICIANS. DR. WALTER HARDY SURGERY Office After Oct. 5, Over Shoe Store. Hamilton's G. H. (VlcKENNEY. M. D. V. Veterinary Surgeon. Treats All Domestic Animals. Oradiinto of thu .McKlllIp Vetonunt. Collego of Chicago, III., a College rec ognized by every Btato in tho union and tho Dominion of Canada. Hospital and olllee 130 N, Washing ton. Phonu No. 9. First door south Salomons Lumber Co. Residence 514 W. Main SL Phone 0S0. FREDERICK P. . VON KELLER, M. D. Office Over Honncr'a Drug Store. Surgery, Eye, Kar, Xos and Throat. Fye-j accurately fitted with Glasses. Phonos: Office 110, Residence 44. F. E. RUSHING, M. D. 1 uistflats ur 1Mb. muMAun. Rooms C03 and SOI, Flatiron Dldg. Fort Worth. Texas. DR. D. C. JOHNSON OSTEOPATH Iidy attendant In tho afternoon. Over Hamilton Shoo Store. Phono 091 DR. A. G. KINSEY Chiropractic Hooiua 0 nnd 0, Noblo Hulldlng. Office phone 409. Office hours S to 11:30 n. in.; 1:30 to I p. m. Lady attendant. ARCHITECTS. W. A. Tacltett H M. Tacketl TACKETT BROTHERS. Architects Office In Stms-Ponnlngton Hulldlng, Ardmore. Okla.