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PAGE FIVE t One Hoosier Cabinet FREE! Regular price of Hoosier Special $31.00. Buy one during "Hoosier HOOSIER special week for $27.50. OOME housekeeper who visits our store this week will receive a $31.00 work-saving Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet free of all charges, on Monday, November 8th. There are no strings to this offer. It isn't necessary to buy anything, or to obligate yourself in any way. Just calfand see the big Hoosier display and ask for particulars. ' Why you should have a Hoosier Cabinet The, llooidcr Special Cabinet In an lnfttnient. not In lumber, but In leisure It clips off needless trips to pantry, cupboard and kitchen table drawn nil your kitchen rtiipplles to one ip:H and stops n.ebH walking. Abo It puts an end to fo)t weari ness and buck atraln, caused by ftniHlliif,' hour after honr over your kitchen table. The aluminum work table top of the Hoosier Special extends out Hi Inches kIvch you plenty of knee and f ot room to idt down us you would at your dltiliiK table. 1: brltMh into your kitchen pr,i Ileal ronvenienceR the crenni of the Idea of n quarter of n million prnr Ileal housekeepers who have iism! Tlooaler Cabinets In the hint ten i'onrn. Very few persons enn tell by look In? at a ."ehenponcd" kitchen cabinet ivheie the value Is taken out. Hut Milt 1 sure. If you pay legs than the Hoosier price you net less. Less roil enienre, fewer years of service, re duced value. HOW TO GET THIS CABINET By special arrangement with the manufacturers, we arc in a position to place a large number of Hoosier Cabinets on the club plan at the regular spot cash price. This plan puts this wonder ful kitchen convenience within the reach of everyone. The terms arc surprisingly liberal. The special terms and prices will be withdrawn at the close of the display. Display November 1 to 8 inclusive. Bring in your coupon. A. C. Young Furniture Co. phone ir3 Undertakers PAID FOB COTTON HERE THIS SEASON PRICE STILL GOING UP FOUR TEEN AND ONE-HALF WAS RE ALIZED YESTERDAY. CONFEDERATE HOME WILL BE BUILT HERE ARDMORE WILL MEET ALL RL OUIREMENTS COMMITTEES DOING GOOD WORK. With It mdred t lotixnnd il.i!ar. paid out In Ardniore thU season, whi. li is within the pnM two month;, t'ar'er e .uuty farmers are enjoying a touch of prosperity le-ldum real, ied, and Ardniore merchants aie having Hiich a trade as ihey nave i art ly experienced. A rcKiit front the Chldwsn Com prcf. company ytnterilny at the clote ot hitHlncRM showed tlmt during, the pant week there hud lieen liRO lmle sold on the n'cetn .1 re The total nuinber cf bale reeohed at the com pre -i, Ik l.'t.OOO, or which S.ROIl bales 1s street cotton and 1,500 bales has been received from the various roll rands from netirby Hilntn. Manager Colley of the compress cMimutcK that there N still to come L5no niore bales from the country and at hi i,"nn more from the inll ronds. Asked f It was not a fact that tin triliiirrt( or 10,1100 lmlex a ijiont'i ago was not too low. he said that it wan. and that the number would come netuer being 1 11,(100. Il( until the receipts f street cotton were much beyond expectation and that It watt being brought here rrom siri-UH dl.( nice. on a-ioi.ii! or the high market which prevalli-d here Venterday the top of the niiiikt , was leached, fourteen mid a half renin being paid on the Htrect. Ituy ers are prepared to go the limit ,uid It is m ire than likely thnt 1. cent , will ln paid before all the cotton Is in. Mr .1 It IVniilnxiou ln,,,, , Miitiinetit imt night that w,i four follcttlim committer 1 , . t Conffltlcmtf himie nad m.uit- tii reports nnd that mire than h.tlf . the fiiudit had been raised tu.r iieceasnry to purchase tin Mn ,1 Peitnl'iirtoii opree the opinion that the town wilt meet the input' menis and the home will in ,1 ir I for thin lty. In this connection It might be 1 tcrentln to note what I M Putnam of okl.ih.nm city stated on ins , it li.'rv Krlda) night. Mr I'litnam Interested In the home. He bus gl 1 one thousand dollars towaid 1.1. mnlnteiwiue of the Institution ,md said he wanted to nee Arduiore com pletc the deal and hind the hone', but In ease the people here did 11 1 want It bad enough that Oklalu , OILy stood ready at any minute to meet all tin rmpilroiuwus and take 1 o-. er the home. ' I'hone ,V.i for n nice re I llsli, c at llsh or mime seal rfhlpt oh iv Tie City llsh Market. Celerj, tonintoes, let uce and fr -U borse mill di roots at Tne t'i l''l-li Market I'hone II.V. CLOTH TOP BUTTON SHOES $2.50 $2.50 to $3.50 3.50 Mi' 1 ttc .t tls ami newest ircitions in won. ens Imitwt r ait 1 au nt, Imttcn duth t(p, liluc rc ami l)hiK LYNN, The Shoe Man 1 'A roil ud ureen lay. fi cents per St. inue. bone makes liens pound, at the Cold ' We Are as Near You as Your Phone, Call 267 For CUT FLOWERS. CARNATIONS, ROSES, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, WEDDING BOUQUETS and FLORAL DESIGNS of all klndi.. HYACINTH, TULIP AND NARCISSUS BULBS. We Rive every order, larnc or small, our prompt and careful attention. Kavor us with a trial order and we wilt .surely receive your future patronage, as overy order Is executed in a manner that will merit our rccclvlnR tho next one. Out of tewn orders re ceive the same attention. Shuman Floral Company Greenhouses, Southwest Ardmore. Visit The Majestic Kntiro chaiiKo of program Monday, Wednesday and Krldn I.OWUNSTKI.V OROUKSTKA WednoBday and .Saturday. Wo will kIvo away a TlianksKlviiiK TurUev every Wednesdny nl(,'lit from now until TiiunkHKh in(j. PERSONALS Mrs, .1. It UIi-kKin and daiiKlm is. Misses Kllen, (iMiothy and .loiopiiliic havo returned from a four montln' tny In .MiclilKan. They repor. a pleasant time, iMr. and .Mr.f. Tom Ca.ter and Mrs. Krnest Atkins have been vlsltlni; .Mr. and Mis.'' II, Cane In McAlenter this w;eek. Mrs. A. C. Cruce spent part of last week In Chlckasha vlHltlim with htr friend, .Mrs. F. B. Illddlo. Mi- .1 T l-owle. or Wapiinu ka. iwjas here yi-iirlay hhoppliii,- and I -.I. ui" itli fiieiidK Mr a id Mr.-i .laiii'-s Di-xeii-ux, oi Outhiic, were down ye.-terdny hpeun IiiK t ic day with trlends. Doiset Carter, iiresldent of thu Ok lahoma Central railroad company was here yesterday atteiidliiK a case In the lederal court In which he win Interested. Senator and 'Mrs. Franklin were here ytnterday from Madlll shopping whllo on their way to visit Mrs. Franklin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hud. Young at Ilerwyn. .las, llucklngham of Den'on, Tcai, Is In the city for a few days on bus iness matters. 11 A Craycroft of the firm of Cray crolt HroH., Dyer, fo.mer Ardniore Insurance agents, was hero yesterday from bis home In Oklahoma City. 1 .Mrs. S. I). Trent of Durant, v.;. over yesterday shojijiU and vHitiiis with friends. A. C. Parsons and H. H. I'rolfitl of Durant, were in town yesterday io )'a Ing after buslnuss matters. .John I'. Shields, T. It. Hruusou and K. II. Knox, all of Little Hock wor In the city yesterday on business au1 j pi-ospcctlng. i.Mrs. Itawls Andeii-on was up ye, terday attending the meeting of thy Carter county Teachers' Asbociatb-n M. I.. W.ildrop. a well known eh izen of Sherman, Tex., was her.- on business yesterday. Mrs Margaret Shock of Woodfoid, iUo .Mrs Chun. I.. Cau"er and .Mrs. Call'e Mitchell of the same place wrc here yesterday attending the cession of the Carter County Teach i r-' s.-ociatlon. Frank ebon loft yesterday for a Miree weeks trip through Arknnan'i, Mimoiiri and Kansas for hi houc. Mi and .Mrs. Thomas I.. Frame returned from thoir bridal trlii and will be at home at tho resilience r Mr and Mrs. .1. I. Hlglns. Mrs C. A. Fiicke or Oklahoma City was down yesterday spending the day with friends. Mrs. F. K. like or Colorado City was here yestcrdny vlnltlng with her many trlends. dlon. Win. Murray was here yea 1 urday afteriHwu from his home av .Tishomingo visiting with friends and. talking polities. The "Sage of Ti.df Is In the running alright. 1 H .K. (Jlaaco and .1. V. Hooker of ' 1 Mi reel I, were down yesterday being: 1 Interested in tho receivership cortl ! flcates case in the federal court fore Judge Campbell. Rally Day Service. Tin following program will be rendered at the Broadway chinch at eleven o'clock th3 for -iioon; liano IMelude IM-or. Itoper. Opening Hymn, "All Hull." Invocation. Song, "lliing Them lu.'iiy t,he I'll m.iry Deimrtment. Scripture and Intwductory He maiks. Son, "Se.itter Suiifchlne." by the uditoriuni section of the Siindav S IkxiI. Address by Hyrou Drew; subject, Tin- TcMcher' Duty to the L!.i-. Diiet--Martha Hopur and l.oiidiii" Shulton. Addles by Juntos Ha38. . nbj. . i, "What the Claris Owen to the '!V. i ( r." iitheiu, "Our .Shepherd," b h chair. Addiess by X. II. Aluaworth. sub ject, "The Infliionce of the Sunday School upon' the Church and the Home." Sung by the entire school. Address by .1. (), Fisher; subject, "All the Church in the Sunday Sunday School and All the Sunday School at Church." Violin Obllgato Angle Osborne. Address. Subject. "Our Sunday School Financial Fn.lilem, and How to Solve It." Offertory and Offering. Doxology. Benediction. I'ostlude. Good Things To Eat S'cak-. of all Kinds Veal 1'oik I rk SauuHge llotieleMH Until Snnr Curml Hams l'lg Feet Cheese Mutter IX'gs I trend Ci'l.-ry We have a life.; clean place, kill our own moats, and you will alwayi get flrst-cla. meats here We want you to us a trial ordei. thin you will he our ctiitiiincr (J'll. k deln.ry Phone 2 Pollard Forbes The Cash Market Hed nli, cat fish and seal shlpt oysters at The City Fish Market. Phone 3r!l. VISIT THE Crystal Theatre Vaudeville and Moving Pictures. TONIGHT ELLIOTT AND F0SSETT Singers and Comedians The Mothers' Club of tho Fourth ward will moot In tho .JeHer.-on school building next Friday. The elec Hon of olTlcerti will be held and a., nioinher are urxcntly reipir.Ui d to attend. ri n ti n a it n n : Money To Loan Fresh seal shlpt oysters Cold Storage. Phone VJ. at :n-i; The ladles Aid Soolety or t.n llroadway Ilaptlst church will meet at the church Tuohday afternoon ai :! o'clock. All members are request, ed to be present. Hed llsh, cat oysters at The Phone :i.n. IUM and .!;( shlpt City Fish Market. Jewish Aid Society. The Jewish Iulles Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Sadie Oolilberg on C Street, northwest, Tuesday, N'ovcni her 2 nt 3:30. MRS. MAX WKSTJIKI.MBH. Secretary Ardniorelto Want Ads sr the best. Celery, tomatoe.s, lettuce and fresh horse radish roots at Tho City Fish Market. Phone I :: On Improved FARM and CITY property at lowest ra'e. St Come to see mo at FIRST 11 It STATU HANK. Quick action s: mid satisfaction guarantod :: t! Byron Drew Preslui-nt First State Hank ?! a n ; tt it t; ;t ;t n tt st t; DR. W. M. ANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON Has moved to tho Hlue Frnnt Harn on llroadway. where he Is prepared to take rare of all stock entrusted to his care at a reasonable price Office Phone 783 Residence 203 NEW MARKET I have opened u moat market on K Street and Sixth Ave, N. W., near the first ward school building. I will keep a choice lino of meats and will approelato a share of your business, I'rompt uoiivery mono 637. HENRY C. BYARS Apples, Apples, Apples I'm ici1h"I Wiio'is.iie and utii! a fn' (.ii ii Santa IV team tiack Sec mi. If ou want apples UV! FI) D MARK Kit If you really enjoy h cup i f ismid (otl.-e. s'ii ami K1' a cup of IJulib ii (!a: .u IIOFFM N S )ltl ii STORI Furniture far pi Is Took Sioux O Runs ! Healers Mailing Tabic Hair linolcara hilthra fait Comfortables o Blankets Mallressts Pillons Go Carts, lite. For sale by RAWLINS 211 W. Main St. Cash or Installment Household "uods bought or taken in exchange for your purchases. ON THE SQUARE (. i- u i Io , .i ( ii '(,nii i I I li ibiii'L- ii." Mi . Willlll WHY? U' ep the lies! j;i I .uid iiic,r tint cm M- mi, ' and lie pi'ompt with i' ' In eric I'hone u The East End Market and Grocery IIOFFM & ItKN'SON' I' . Still Growing OUR BUSINESS CONTINUES TO GROW. LAST WEEK WE ADDED MORE FLOOR SPACE AND ARE STILL PUTTING IN MORE GOODS. WE HAVE ANYTHING YOU ,i" WANT IN GROCERIES OR MEATS, AND WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOUR BUS NESS. WE SELL MEATS WHOLESALE. W.A.GILLIAM East Main Street Phone 66 The City Drug Store W. B. FRAME, Proprieloi PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Wo take p.uttctilar pride in our Prescription Department Will dispense exactly what your physician orders. AI). solutely n--, substitution prac ticed. Graduate of Pharmacy in charge. We solicit 3 our pa tronaL'c. Brown & Bridgman HAVE RECEIVED A LARGL AND BEAUTIFUL LINE OF PICTURES AND PICTURE MOULDINGS, WHICH THEY ARE OFFERING AT EXCEED INGLY LOW PRICES. COME IN AND SEE THEM NEXT TO POSTOFFICE Pyrography Pieces and Burning Sets Cooler woathor makes tho art u welcome occupation for odd inomontB. Among tho pleoeB wo show nro a variety of pat turQH of: Collar and CulT lloxes Handkerchief Hoses (lovo Boxes Drt'Hser Hoxcs TIo HaekH Tnbourottos Panels Thermometers Towel Hacks lflj?uron FaceH Tho work of burning Is simple and tho product very artistic Coleman Bros. Druggist-Jewelers. 10.1 W. Main Ardmoro JOHN DOKHAH Wntchinaker and Uorayer Fat Hogs Wanted I am pajmg the h ghost market price fcr fat hogs and beef cattle 1 will make It to yt ur advantage to sell me your stock O. G. WARREN Proprietor Cold Storage. T. N. COLEMAN Telephone 4. THE CITY DRUGGIST .... 0 W. Main St.