Newspaper Page Text
Ardmorc, Sunday, October 31, 1909 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE, PAGE SEVEN Just Received At Felker's Grocery Store New krout, sour and sweet pickles, sweet Mango pickle, Dill pickle, Queen bulk olives, seeded ribbon cane, sorghum, fresh line new evaporated fruits. Call and buy of our new goods. Fresh line of Chase and Sanborn coffee and Heinz's 57 varieties of pickles and preserves. 7 BETTER HURRY UP And try our famous brand of BIG HAND FLOUR be cause it assures to every fam ily using it the sweetest and most wholesome and nourish ing bread, biscuit and pastry. You will be surprised at. the difference in results between ordinary Hours and this one. Tyler $ Simpson Co. Wholesale Distributers. TEXAS State Fair Dallas October 16-31, 1909 Low Fares via Extremely low fares 01 short limit tickets. Slightly higher fares on longer limit tickets. For detail Information see ".Santa I scent or scidress W. S. Krraaa. G. I. A., Oiltclloi I BROWN 4. DRIDGMAN. Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmeri. Largest lino of Funeral Goods In Oklahoma. StXD BY DRUGGISTS EVmHERr COMPARE OUR SERVICE WITH OTHERS. Postal Telegraph Cable Ce. 4 1 N. Washington St. Tel. Ne. SI. Mb CHICHESTER S PILLS . W m . TIIK ItlAUOVII Ull.VM). A S7H$ !fL?J ' '-jct iTrpier iriimin lirilUf I'lIU In 1U4 nl UI4 muIlicV hUI .4ik til... Ir ,t.k. XWSA No Loafing on The Job , when we undcrtako your plumbing work. Wo como promptly, work steadily and get away an quickly an possible. Hut wo don't leavo until we nro thoroughly certain the iob is ' a prfect one. Trv our kind of plumb ing next time. ou'll enjoy the tllf ferencc. We will repair your plumb ing and gas works promptly, iiettcr call I'liono 79 before cold weather. Our terms on nil repairing will be spot cash and collected by workmnn. The WeeKs, SpreKelmeyer Plumbing Sheet Metal Co. Vti SOUTH WASHINGTON ST. Notice of Sale. Notice Is hereby given that the tin J derslgned trustee, as the successor of ! W. It, Hleakmore, Trustee, In pur-1 suance of a Deed of Trust given by ) W. Colbert and Honrietta Colbert, j dated the 7th day of Octobor, 1D05, to W. It. Hleakmore, Trustee for the ! First National Hank of Ardmore, Okla., which Ieed of Trust was re corded at Tishomingo, Indian Terri tory, In recording District No. 22, on the ISth day of Octobet, 1003, and upon which default has been made by the failure to pay the debt when the same matured and upon which there Is due J7.2ri3.7S; will sell the prop erty secured by said mortgage or so j much thereof as will satisfy said debt I with ll vo per cent as Trustco fees I and cost of sale according to the terms wf said mortgage, at public outcry to ( w. highest bidder (or cash on the ' 1th day of November, 1000, at 10 o'clock a. m at the front door of the Johnston County court house at Tlsh- I omlngo, Oklahoma, the said property , being desorlbed as follows, to-wlt: . The NHV4 of the SW'J of Section ' 10; and the SUj of tliu NW't of the SWV, of Section 10, in township i i south, range 5 Dast or the Indian Ilase and Meridian; and the W',A of jthe SV,4 of Section 21; and the Ki jof the NWJ of Section 20; and the Northeast quarter of the NW',4 of Section 27; all In township four south, range six- east of the Indian Ilase and Meridian. Also the SV4 of the NV6 of Section 10; and the NWJ of the SHU ot said section 10. The S of the XWH nf the KWl of sale! Section 1 10; and the East half of the NKU of i the SKU of Section ?. and the NWU 1 of the NH4 of the SK'4 of said Sec tion 9, all in township 4 South, range : 5 Kast of the Indian Meridian, all of said land being In the Chickasaw Na tion, Indian Territory, and being In I all 470 nores of land, together with all and singular the improvements thereon, and all the rights, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances tnereunto in any wise belonging or appertaining. Witness my hand on this the 4th day of October. 1000. FIRST NATIONAL HANK, of Ardmore, Oklahoma. Hy W. D. POTTKK, Trustee. CRUCK. CRUCK & HLBAICMORK. PQTTBR & I'OTTBR, Attorneys, nov.i J. L. Wilson Transfer ad Storage I have a goad building leased in which I store all kinds of household goods nt reasonable rental. Phone 72 and I will do the reHt. Goods hauled anywhere or packed and stored, l'roraj) and careful atten tion to every order. Rate n per day 1 block from depot HOTEL G1AND ANDY YARIRODQII, Prop. AVIS, - - - RLA. DIED IN JAPAN RESTS IN HOUSTON REMAINS OF BISHOP SETH WARD WARD GIVEN TO EARTH AFTER EULOGISTIC SERVICES. Houston, Texa?. Oct 3u - Ministers from every chunfli In lloii:vtn ami from many Texan fit It wort pr" en: In Houston at St. Paul's Metho dist church Thursday morning o linen to the eulogies and to pay trttmtt to Hlshop Seth Ward of tins Methodist church, vhre mortal re- mains wore given to the earth after she xervlees at the church, lllshop , Ward died In Japan set era I we-.ks ago: on Wednesday the icmalnrt ar rived In Houston from the Far Ka ' and the funeral services were held ioday Flowers filled the pulpit and chan cel and decked the altar rail .'long Its wide aud sweeping curve, and as the funeral party entered the htirih, the organist played the fieieiat march by Chopin. Kvery church In the city iiail ci t flowers, ami designs mad" a back grittnd of fragrance and b",iuly against which Bishop Warren Ciud ler stood when he uUcied Vi word in eulogy of the dead. Sifi-rn church, St. Paul's'i, T.inei'i.t cle church, the loeferenc t.nd the Cleaners Society or St Pauls had t.cnt speehal set ,- -e rt" signs in Hovers. That of the t'.lean ers was a ,heaf oi gold wheat filled with pure white rosebuds. St. Paul Quartette, composed of Mrs Turner Williamson. Mrs. Je rome Swlnford, George Doseher and r.eorge Myer, sang West's "I Will Give You Rest." After prayer by Pastor Uyland the choir aud congTegat.-;n sang Hilltop Ward's favorite hymn, "Forever with the Lord; Amen; So It He." It was the one lie had sung while dying. Hishop Candler's theme was the desire of Paul, the great msslonar iblshop of the early ehuivh. to "Fin ish Ills ('curse with Joy." lie described the life of the apostle up to the time when his missionary Journeying being complete he want ed to go back to Jerusalem and cany the offering from the (.entiles tr, the Jew.i, who in Jerusalem wen suffeilng the pangs cf hunger and famine, and there give visible proof to them in the comcrtcd Gentile. of the power of Christianity to save the heathen, and by the bounty ot the heathen break down the racial piejudlces that existed In the minds or the Jews. Paul's Mends sought to dissuade him. but he went beyond in the spirit of Jerusalem. He .said: "When they wept and besought lilin: none or those things move me, my veiy Hiv s not dear to me can finlsii my course with Joy I am ready pot only to go to salem, but to die there." ir i , and Jem- Against the background or the life ol the tlrst great missionary to the heathen lllshop Candler drew a word picture of the life of the last mis sionary bishop or the MethodlK taith to lay down his life In a for eign land, weailng the harness of duty and going from the battlefield to the thiolie. He told how during the long years I in which he had known lllshop Ward ho had never known him to heal-! tate. to complain or to ask for any easier position than that which was offered to him. Dr. George Sexton paid tribute to the greatness and goodness or the dead man. 'Mr. Huff master, at the organ, play, ed the solemn strains of Heetboen's funeral maivb, "On the Heath of a item, and the mourner, the minis tcr and frlendu filed out to tin long line of wait'rg carriage and ac companied the reiif.ilni. to the grave.! At l.lenwood, fi,i- a few brief vords of tribute aud if prayer from the mlnlrters present, the ipiartetto sang, '. Faith looks Fp t Thee."; Then the mound wa heaped wjth great inasbt's of i!o.-s and thol dead was left to rest li .s land Frightful Fate Averted. "I would liavo been a cripple for life, fiom a terrible rut on my knee cap," writes Frank Dlsberrv, Kelli her, Minn., without liucklon's Arnica Salve, which soon cured me." Infa! llblo for wounds, cuts and bruises. It soon cures Hums, Scalds, Old Sores, Rolls, Skin Kruptlons. World's best for Piles, 25c at Ardmore Phar inacy. HARGROVE COLLEGE ITEMS. , Several new pupils have enrolled i during the week. Misses Nora and Jimtnie Hlaekiwood of Kiowa are among the new comers. Clovis mil and Nicholas White of Duprood hare alto enrolled, others have atplled and expect to come next -vrek. iMr. Fralcy is pushing the work on girls' ilor oi- up mo next week. The settlement 1etmeen Mr (illl and Ills associates and the lug committee was a pleasant M. .1 build iff it:- Ml were pleased, Ardmore has a school plant in Hnr srntf College that any city ought to feel proud oi. Our locution is beautiful and healthful; our building are now, commodious and comfort able: our tenns are reasonable: we have a good faculty front the prima ly and Intermediate department!, through the college course. Our de-! partment of specials, voice, phino' and cvpresion will dii good work. We want the friends of Christian education to patronlre the school. We expert an Influx of pupils In the near future, when we get Into our splendid now dormitories. Now is the tlm4 to pcak for rooms. .1 M .TII.OSS. 1'reiddent. It's a Top Notch Doer. Great deeds compel regard. The world crowns Its doers. That's why the American people have crowned Dr. King's New Discovery the King of Throat and Lung remedies. Kvery atom '- a health force. It kills gernn and rolds and la grippe vanish. It heals cough-racked membranes and coughing stops. Sore, Inflamed bron chial tubes and lungs are cured and hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo, More, Hlack Jack, N. C, writes, "It cured me of lung trouble, pronounced hope less by all doctors." COc and 4100. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Ard more Pharmacy. ORGANIZED LABOR OPPOSES LURTON TENNESSEE JUDGE SUGGESTED FOR SUPREME BENCH UNPOP ULAR WITH LABOR. Washington, Oct. .'10. Fiom a pri vate letter received In Washington today, written by a friend of ex-Secretary Luke K. 'Wright, an inference has been drawn that the president has Indicated his intention to appoint Circuit Judge 'Horace R. Lurton of Tennessee associate Justice to suc ceed Justice Peekhain, deceasctL. The Information may Ik sa.d to come di rectly from both Judge Lurton and Gen. Wright that they are conflde.K of the :ipKliitment. They think, moreovir, that the appointment will be made immediately after President Ttift's return from his trip, In ordei to prevent the possibility of a long ami embarrassing consideration. Orga.iUcd lalsir is not favorable toward Judge Lurton because of his decision under the employers' liabil ity act. It Is regarded a hopeless to attempt to secure ultimate rejec.t'ou of any nomination Pre:l.i..nt TaH may make, but it Is known that soun determined work is now In progress aiming to make up a showing of the Judicial record of Judge Lurton, with a view to disuadlng the president from appouting him. If people tvlth symptoms of kidney or bladtler trouble could realize their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. This great remedy stops the pain and the Irregularities, strength ens and builds up theKcorgans and there Is no danger of ffrlght's dis ease or other serious disorder. Do not disregard the early symptoms. Sold by all druggists. How the Southron Accepts. "Ask .-t -northern man to take a drink and he'll say 'sure,' " saltV "T.'iwm" Pence, the well known Wash ' lugton correspondent. "Ask a South erner and be Impre3sid by the more courtly manner of his acceptance. "I was Impressed by this one rainy night in New York when I espied former Governor Henton McMillan ot , Tennessee coming along Thirty-fourth Street. I was In the station and he didn't recognize mo when I sung out an Invitation to sample the Hourbon In a nearby establishment. "I haven't the vehy faintest Ideah In the world who yo' ah.' " said the Tennessee statesman as he shaded his eyes to peer In my direction, -not the faintest ideah in tho world, but the new dom,ttorics. The inl-.ory will bo ready for niitivotyo' vehy generous Invitation falhly wahms the cockles of mnh hcadt.' " I From Norman K. Mack's National Monthly. Foley's Honey and Tar clears the air passages, stops the Irritation In tlte throat, sooths the Inflamed mem branes, and the most obstinate cough disappears. Sore and Inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and tho cold is expelled from the system. Refuse any but the genuine In the yellow package. Sold by all drug gists. QUICK MEAL COOK STOVE. The Quick Meal is the only suc cessful gasoline cook stove ever made and the Quick Meal gas stove Is the best stove ever built to use natural Rs. This is a broad assertion but we stand ready to back it up. Hold only by UWcvi, Corns ft Fieiuler. f-ln THE 1IRETS 8Y TELEGRAPH AS RECEIVED BY THE ARDMORE ITE EVERY AFTERNOON. Liverpool Futures. Liverpool, Oct. 30. The range of cotton futures today was: Close Open 2 p. m. Close Vest. Oc Nov . 7 66 . . 7.01 7.00 Nov-Dec . 7.01 . .M 7.5'! Dec-dan . . i. CI . . 7. 0(5 7. MS Tone - Opened firm; eloicd flnn. Liverpool Spots, f-tton today fulet; mid. 1 1.000, Atnerican 12,700 ; 37.000, American 30,1100. ' Spot sale oclpts '.su re New York Futures. New York, .V Y. Oct. .It). -Colt 'in lutures opened firm, closed steady. The range of cotton futures today Close Open High Iiw Today Vest. Dec 11. ST,, 17: H.7S-S0 li.rt'l Jan . M.!) HOD H.So It S3.,vT, .M h . . 1 1.JM 1 1 iS 1 4.M 1 1 1 1 Ml New York Spots, maiket quiet and L'0 up; nilil. no sob s reHrtel. SH)I l.VOG; New Orleans Futures. New Orleans. La., Oct. HO.- Votton In tu res opened firm and closed steady. The range of cotton fu tures today was: Close Open High . 1 1.71 I I.7S II..S7 II.X l.' 15.1;! Low Today I l.f.9 II.70-7I ll.SI H.S2II i:..oj 15.020:: Vest 1 11.15 1 1 1 1.77 I ii.nti! l).c Jan 'Mth New Orleans Spots. Spo ma-;:.- steady am! ',: mid. II 7-!i; sales I'i.'iO; to IO.'.ii; on c. ii tract !o0. i up; nrrivc GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Chicago Grain. Chicago. 111., Oct. SO. The follow ing is the range or the active futures on the Chicago Roaid ot Trade to day: -Close- i High Low Today Yest. j 10.1 "6 10.1 10.1'ia 10.1tiaj nil loi J0-Hib io.V!;a! 50 V, .III ',!!', a .V.lifcb IIHh ll'x 01 'i ulVjb 10 M"4 ,-IOa Klb I2'k I24Ii 12 Wheat Dec I'l.lU May 105 Corn Dee 5!l', May f.l Oats Dee May Hi 12 FURNISHED BY W. J. LANE. Tho following prices prevail In Ardmore today on cotton, corn and farm products: (These prices will b changed dally and can be robed up on.) Cot -on, i ;i, to nu Cotton seed, per ton, J20 to.. 251)0 Corn. CO to Hay, per ton, 12.50 to 13.00 Kggs, per dozen 22 '4 Htltter, per pound, .20 to... .25 Hides, green, i to .X.. Hides, dry, 12 to it Chops 1.30 Hrau, 1.25 to 1.33 Turkey, per pound, .07 Vi to .08 Geese, per pound 07 Hogs, at G to 06" Veal, 2.50 to 3.00 lleef, .02 to 03; Wheat, LOO to 1.2u Oats, CO to ur, Rye, 1.20 to 1.25 Harley, 1.20 to 1.35 Sweet potatoes, 75c to 1.00 Irish potatoes, h3 to !i,1 Spring chicks, doz. $3.00 to 3.7.1 Hens per dozen., $3.00 1.00 Both Boys saven. Louis lloon. a leading merchant of Norway, Mich., writes: "Three bot tles of Foley's Honey and Tar abo-' lutely cured my boy of a sev( j-e ' cough, and a neighbor's boy, who ' was so HI with a cold that the dot tors gave him up, was cured by taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Nothing elso Is as safe and certain ' in results. Sold by all druggists. Negroe's Endorse Gore's Scheme. Sapulp.i, Okla.. Oct. 30. Negro- of Oklahoma, In convention her- to day, attended by fifty delates from 1 all over the state, selected five dele gates to go to Washington the first ! of the year to lobby tor the plans pioposod by Senator Gore of tnU 1 state to colonize the representatives of the race In Liberia. The delegates ehosca are G. W. Washington nun . C. W. Neloms of Sapulpa and J. W. Anderson, C. C. Clasgett and A. H Johnson, of NowaU. Heaven Is not won by succebs, but by effort. Tun nri uadtc jzzs I IILLUUnLllini lL J Ardmoreite Want Ads 3 Lines : 3 Times : 3 Dimes WAJNTCD TOR SALE. W.WTIT Young men to barn u o mobile Ims'ties by mall and pre psre for Mltlons ai chaff curt and tepalr men We make you ep rt In ten weeks, annul you to se-u e pos tlon. Pay big. work pleasant , demand for men (treat; reasonable. Writ, for particulars and smmple loMon. Kmplrv Automobile Insti tute, Rochester. N Y. 31-2 WAN'I'KD- Merk lor mtliosil titTice. $S5; ticket seller railroad. $im. bill clerk, $.10; stenographer, $S5: Itookkeeper, $100; stationary engin eer, $75; to dry goods clerks, $7!!; shipping clerk, $76; wilesmnii, . Week au') coillinlslou. Hllslties Mt-n's Clearing House, III I Luin bermnn'M Hank Hldg.. Houston. Texas. w"ANTi:i-For large" linn in "stnitn Texas, bookkeeper, 1100; assistant, $75; manager lumlxw yard, $100; le age and experience. Alllerleail Oppoituulty Co, D 50'.!. Houston, Te.u. "SVS WANTKIVTo loan money lands, city ptoperty or Will loan for five years or ty nilnuti's. See me for service. M. L. Alexander. on farm chattels, for tblr the best 1 1 -1 tit WANTKD Kvery family to ue meats from the German Market. Phone 1K0, former C P. Hall str.nd. De liveries to any part of the city. Fer f.iison & H!le, Props. 2(5-1 in SALKSMKN WANTKD - To sell to grocers, druggists ami confection ers; $100 per month and expenses. California Cider .i Kxtmct Co, St. louis, Mo WANTKD To piep.ire YOU for a good business position. SKLVIIK'.K HtJSINKSS COLLKGK. 21-lm Aidmoie. AUVNTKD- Position by .experienced young holy sieuograplier, will work reasonable. Addicss 17, 7th Ave , n. k. :n WANTKD- A milch cow ror Its keep, will take good care of some. Clay Merrell, at Ardmoreite. 25tf WANTKD To sid as new. elietip. L 107 Hlue. a gas range, good IC. Goldshy. Phoue ;ll-3 WANTKD Messenger boy. Apply H. L. Goodman, .Manager Westem I'uloii. FOR SALK New l-iooui nouse, bath .iioin and good barn, lit 100x200 feet III good location. Pi Ice leaon able. $250.00 down and balance monthly installments as reasonable as rents. Good home on N- Wit-ill-Ingtita St.. i lose in on easy terms. One of the best locations In the city. I can show you anything In the way or either city property or farms. And the prices an- right, and the terms tire better. See me for bargains In all kinds of real estate, and for farm or city loam W. S. Smith. 2C-lm FOR SALK 'At a bargain, one Kill son moving picture machine oirtlt, including 2 Kdlson Rheostats, i. wind .automatic shut off and an extra fine pair of lenses. This m. ehino has been run four weoks and it is or the latest model. Guaran teed lo be in first class condition .AddrcHs S George Clgnr Stand, St. George Hotel, Dallas. Tex. 31-2 FOR SALK Modern cottage, six rooms, large reception hall, all modern conveniences. Kast front, best location in town. Address A, caru Arduioerlte. 24tf FOR SAL13 - 12 lots "together." near PaekliiKtown, Oklahoma City. This is a bargain. On payments. Ad dress Armour, care Ardmoreite. 27if I'OIt SALK OR TRADI'-Manstlei., Wagon Yard on West Alain. Includ ing store house. Appl J. II. Mans Meld on premises. 31-i "FOR sTLK-Shuro" ln"Cbickasaw Lake Club. $100 cash, balance terms, if wanted. Address A, care Ardmoreite. 2Uf FOR SALK - New open-toil, cut under, j auto seat, black rubber tiro runabout buggy. Cheap. Moss Hrady. 28-3 l'Olt SALK - Quick Meal ,,'u-iilint' range, worth $28. ror $7.5u. J II .Smith, phone S71 blue. - 2'J i FOR SALK-Some good horses and Spauldlne buggies and hacks. G. T. Ledbetter. fitf FOR SALK Nice strawberry plant 75c u hundred. Phono 19 Blue, Mrs. Potter Staples, 31-3 I 'OK SALK Ten car load of hy. M. L. Alexander. 29-lm 1 SHI.I. AM) RKNT TYPKUlUt Fit Sl-llll (i. P. SKLVIDGH. 'i n. . FOR HENT FOR RHN'i CHUAP Hrlek b u 1 20x76. with concrete floor. tn ( do ftreet. Trackage property A Ply Mrs. W. A. Pride. Phom I red. i FOR RHNT Nlrely furnisbed uu for tentl'-niBn. verr om t Phone 6 or ill. J. M. i FOR RUNT- 4-rooin hotwe win, x G St.. N. W., near car Jin- Ih C McCoy, jihone 107 red. i FOR RKNT Nicely furnished "nm n tit 217 Went Hro.'ulwiiy. Mi .s',i Smith, phone 7t!7. ;i FOR RHNT Furnished room ,, , 502 C street, northwest. 1 , V 1 Ardmoreite wnnt ads will rent Mm : vacant house for you. Got something for sale? Wan' a I will soil It. FINANCIAL LOANS Real estate, farm ana chat tel loans, Ledbetler & Wlmberly Hledsoe Hldg. Phone GO. fi luu SPECIAL NOTICES Hl'SINKSS ( HANCKS The l,l',. ami best eombliiatlon petinui pip com and candy palace on c u doubles sales over any nt'i.-i nu chine. Adilress Dal llovb AITk Co., AltlJllllii, Tex. FOR UP-TO-DATK Klectric wiring and supplies drop a postal to P. 0 Hex 183, C. G. Squires, or phone 732. Out ot town work solicited First-class work guaranteed, 1-1 m RKMOVAL NOTICK-- Have moved to No. !l North Washington St , In Pos tal Telegraph Hulldiiig. Real K , tate. Rental. Ian A gen1 Phone !l0. O. M. RKDFIKLD. 22 In FLORAL DKSIGNS, cut ilowojs, cat nations aud roses. Shiimau Floral Company. Phone 2C7. 12'f COUPON HOOKS Of $5, $lu aim $20 denomination at Ardmorel e office. LOST -I let ween Cadilo street and If street N W.. lady's size llamito.i watcn, plain gold, very small Fob advertising --Dr. Pepper" on wa'i Finder return to Amelia llun'tr at Majestic Theater and receivt ward. nuttnnnaannuauu H tt Vou need an Ardmoreite U t! map to assist you In deter- tl tt mining the location of your tt tt oil, asphalt, gat and oil sand 11 deposits. Send 91.00 for the tt ti Weekly Ardmoreite one year tt tt or the Dally Ardmoreite two tt tt months, and we give you a tt tt copy of the very latest may of tt tt the new state. tt o n n q n o nnnnn tt u u Faith Is the oil that keeps tht Urn of love burning. Railroad Time Tabic SANTA FE. Northbounfl. No. 18 11.37 a. m. N. 8 12.07 a. m, No. 20 6:40 p. m Southbound No. 17 .Vo. 5. No. 10 4:22 p. m. 5:10 a. in. 12 .11 p in FRISCO SYSTEM. Westbound No. 551 No. 521 No. 505 No. 500 . . 10 55 a ni .. .12 45 p.n . . S 30 p m . . 7 .35 a. n Eaitbound. No. 552 2 00 p. in No. 501 G 00 p n ROCK ISLAND 8Y8TEM. Weitbound. No. 651 No. 073 (dnlly except . 1.15 p, u ,.7 00 p. ui. 3 10 p. in Sunday) Eastbeuna No. 652 No. 74 (dally except Buuday 6.15 a. m. (Noi. 673 and 674 are mixed trains and run only between Ardmore and Lehigh Nos. 671 and 672 do not carry passengri slice No'a 7t and 674 were nut e.)