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PAoC F yfc. DO YOUl KNOW?! Tint Ardniurt- litei tho best e i n t t t il tn a market betvvpi i Kantaa City unil Fort Worth Tlint It Is located nt No il Kant Main Street, and that they keep the host of oeryth'iig in i lt-lr line. If not it Is time you wore Investigatlne. for at. investigation will convinee yon. Look over tliU lint: All kinds of (rood beef, pork, voal and mutton cuts, oxtr.i Kansas City loin stenks and roasts, cured ham, hollod hum, minced ham, breakfast baoon sliced to order,) homo rendered lard, wcines, bolognas, chilli boneless sauce, pigs feet, fresh Ha vifiKc, link sausage, corned beef, bruins, spare ribs, eggs, country and creamery hut lor, biitterlne, sealshlpt oysters, celery, drossoj turkeys, chickens, etc. We employ tho bent help that money will hire, and assure you courteous treatment. Our wajjon limbs at 0 a. m., 11 a. m., and 5 p. m. Assist us In giving you better service by phoning your orders early, we have two phones it one it busy call tho other. Cold Storage Market 1 PHONE 59 CITY OF ARDMORE OFFICE OF W. R. BURN1TT Commissioner Streets. Alleys and Public Property October "th. 1909. Corrugated Culvert Co., Guthrie. Oklahoma. DEAR S1RS:- Rcplyinp; to yours of recent date have to say that your culverts arc giving the greatest satisfaction. One week ago today we placed one of your Watson PatcntMetal Culverts 12 inch in diameter at the inter section of B Street and 2nd Avenue, and placed about 8 inches of LOOSELY PACKED DRY dirt over same. All of Ringling Bros. Pole and Parade wagons passed safely over same. One wagon No. 33, weigh ing seven tons and pulled by 16 large horses rode safely over with no effect, whatever, on the culvert, and we are more than satisfied with this test as no surer one could be made. You are at liberty to use this letter over my signa ture in anyway you sec fit. Yours truly, W. R. BURNITT. Commissioner Streets. Alleys and Public Property Don't Mfss Our Big Special Program FRIDA Y AND SATURDA Y Lowcnutein Orchestra Wednesdays and Saturdays AT THE MAJESTIC Home-made candies 20e a pouiitl ni Saturday at Peter Paul's Md! SEE Walter A. Evans $ Co. p'or Kcal Estate Oflices over City National Rank. Phone 5" Owners of Walcou Ad dition. T. E. HUWAKIJ, Mgr. tt it :: j: :: :: :s :: :: :: it :: : :: Money To Loan a a ti On Improved FARM and a a CITY property at lowest rate, a K Come to sec me at FIRST a a STATU RANK. Quick action a a nnd satisfaction guaranteed, a a a Byron Drew a President First State Hank, a :t a a a a a a :t :t tt :: n a a Real Estate Bargain 1 hnve 250 acres of fine prairie land which I will trade for Ardmore prop erty or for merchandise. W. C. Kendall Ardmore, Okla, PHONE 12 Gas and Water Are two 'ry important factory In the intlhlitii; of any town or city. Oil City htm an abundance of both. Mci:ijUOV fr SASS. Mere.. 0-ii i'10 .Main St W. O. W., visitors you are request cd to Visit the Hamilton Shoe Stoie before you return hoini. CHR6ANTHBMUM SHOW WA.L BE CONTINUED UMTIL 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NVGHT. TOM nOUDEN, the expert horae.diocr, and all rt 1 on ml blacksmith. Is at (iiy Car riage and Shot inp. Shop south Wash liiRton s'riet, iuv d or to tin- city Hall He ll do you right 10-1 Leslie & Pattie Arc pleasing the crowds at the CRYSTAL this week. Don't fail to sec them in their comedy act. To-night a Change In both VAUDEVILLE and PICTURES. 1 .MJI.WWP U, S, EXPRESS CO, E WILL OPcvj OFFICE TOWN IN VAN DENBER3 BUILDING ON SOUTH WASHING i ON STREET er a . ar's rrffort on t In m of ii : H' commercial club ami (Ti i i! the Itork l-.Oanrf and Kn-io vv - t n. nlnn'e will have ti.m oiitlnciital express do Iik iiii'lm In thU t It iMHif'.iin an office In the .-i t-t Km or flu city. .1 D Hcrry, Inspect r or tie- t in' 'I Si.-i; .- Kxpiess companv .t i i -v . , 1 in t. .veotct'ilHy afternoon ami .w.i in- ih ill with V P. n in . h'le on the Vandenlic i k IhiiI.I ii, "i' 'oiith U ashiiigton .-trcef f.n i rin o! i r :. The Clllted S;.r pi.-s, i niiiiiaiiy after Jan I. w.i handl- the traffic ov r t i i. - Vu- line iitiil f"'r March o.i . It ck IhTjiiiiI IIiii'h Into thl eit lie' , :n"it of the new cvpies. i"ihp..i nieaiiH the addition or sov : il f.millh s to the eliy, Hlnl the . I'ditcie of a considerable amount ot IDOhCV Tin Smith rraley Lumber ... - awarded the contra l for the offuc fixtures for the e :miatl.v. Tile Met that the Culled .States Kxprcs, company will nine a down tow ii ofi:-e may mean a similar mow on the part or the Wells- i Fargo at a later date. It will also ' tin an a more extended delivery of ' express by both comimntes In the snburlw i.f the city that are rapidly building up with new homes. Marietta Gains n Texan, lion. C. O. Jainea. a former mum her of the Texas senate, from Stil- i phur .Sprlngx, Texan, wan a plea.iant : visitor In Arilinon; yesterday. Mr Jame Ih hi, attorney at law and stands with tho.e at the head o Ids profession. Me will locate at Ma- ' rietta for the practice of his profes sion. The democratic party will hate an able ally In 'Mr. JaiuiM. lie is a trood speaker and Ih a eatupalRtiei with few equals, if id the Anlluoiviti' heartily welcomes him to this sec tion ot the state. Grant a Candidate. AmoiiK the tiroRpnellve eaiiillilate for county office is Charley (iraut. (iothiiiK salesman with .1. .1. Stm.. Mr Crant will (jet in the rac for : ei-oi (b r of (bnls ROUTE AGENT HERE TO CLOSE DEAL OVER NEW LINE WITH I AYERS, THE PROMOTER. If the deal i c msummatcd, Anl nion will hae a third large express company doing business in tills city. I' K. Kalgler. route agent of the American company, with headquarters at Denlson. Texas, was here today for the purpose of clos ing a ileal with Oscar Ayers for the use of that company over the and ChleUasha interurban when the line Is constructed and traffic begun. Mr. Ayiirs, unfortunately,' was otit of the city with the surveying par ty ha: about finished locating the line, hut will he hack In a few flays, when Mr. Ktdgler will return. 'IHie American KxprcKS company ' is another big transcontinental con.- p and operates oer many of the e large railroad systuiiih in the iuthw'st. ATTEND THE FLOWER SHOW SATURDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT. Penitentiary Well Kept. W. II. Horry. Sr.. has returned froi,. a islt to Halleyllle and McAlester where he visited with relatives. "While In the city or McAlester he visited the pi nitentlary and says he wiuhes every citizen of ttle state could See that institution and see how cleanly It is kept. The health of tho Instltu. Hon is almost perfect and tho pris oners seem to b as happy as men coiiid tie to be deprived of their lib erty The lioys In the prlRon all speak in the highest terms of Super inteiiib n' It. W. Dick. sprained ankle will usually dis able tho Injured person for three or four weeks. 'I'll In Is due to lack of pp per treatment. When Chamber lain's Liniment Is applied a cure may ho effected In three or four days. This Hnlmont Is one of the best and most remarkable prepara tions In use. Sold 1y Ardmore Drug Co., Rtifus Pus and aM druggists SUFFERED THREE YEAIIS WITH CIIKiC CMII. Ac l r,,!itf r ( -.,, . ,, , n. , .,;...v ' . .. WisJ'Stle Mlt.JOSHlMI V. DI.SCII i ., W. Jef ferson St.. Louisville, lw .. will, s: "1 l:Utee, pleasure!!! n eoin iii iilitii; your valuablo lVruna as k cuturrh remedy. "I hovo been sufferltiK for tlie psst three years with catarrh, and liml u-til aini'Mt overythliifc In the innrkrl until 1 read of your wutiilerful runa rem edy. After using two hottPtof 1'irn na I can cheerfully recomiiK'tid it to any one having tliohame dhtenM, "I was almost compelled to f:lve up my business, until 1 used your r ined, unil I hare nuvur been hotliered with catarrh since." I Inn. C. Slump, Congressman from Virginia, writes: "1 can cheerfully fay that f liiivii nurd your valualile rem edy, l'uruna, with benullcial results, and can uuhesltatltiKly reeoiniuend your reinwly to my friends as an liivic oratiti); totiin and an effective ami por manent euro for catarrh." People who object to liquid tiiiMlliines can now secure l'cruna Talili ti. .Sold by drii);i:Ists,und mautifactun d by Tim l'cruna Drui; Mfg. Co., Columbus, olilo. Man-a-lin an Ideal Laxative. L PULLS STRONG PIPE GUY E0HANN0N, AGED FIVE YEARS. SAYS FATHEft TAUGHT HIM TOBACCO HABIT. "Say. mister, please give me a mati h." asked a 1 ttle boy about five '-ai' old, wit 11 a pipe stuck between ills teeth, of a pasncrby oil Wcsi llroatlway early this moruLig. "Ijcu. your lather allow jou to muoke a s'rong pipe like the one you have?" inked the gentleman. "He (loon mil care, and I want to smoke idjI ban. The nmteli was glen the little fel low, who lighted his strong briar root pipe, ami walked off down the street puling it as big as any Invet erate smoker Ih the country. A ItirMier Inquiry from the Utile boy brought out the fact that tie lias been smoking a pl for a year or longer, with the sanction of a father who thought that ho waa teach ing his child to do something smart. The child gave his age as six years old, and his name as City llohannon. Thi'lght of a child hardly out u, dress smoking a strong briar root pipe fllbvl with plug ut tobacco of the strongest xarlety needs no com ment upon the part of'ny one, ex ci'iK that more missionaries should be kepj at work at home Instead of wndlng them abroad. This- n'srtd, perhaps like many, oth ers, does not know that its vital Is helfig sapped and it.- ;'uw!li stunt ed, iritis I, uo; The onh cafe of nils kind in Ardtmce, and something should he done to Stop tiff practice. We Can Assure You that on Wlieelei Town ite, In .'tlmu- the xact ecnte. . Is a well of Inex haust'ble. pure, sort water, out ot which 20 head of hor-es have bee w.itered during the lnt mioa; be sides this well, on the so'tthorn edgi of tile towuslte Is a spring ot tho best or water that runs owry minute In every day. Hoth the well and spring are conceded by eer citizen In the o'l and gas district, tn he the host, purotit ami softest of ntj water for mil s around. We are ready to get the signatures of 100 men, truthful citizens that tho abovi Ik absolute,., correct, posters alonif th-i toad to tho uinirary notwithstanding The knocker and liar only Injures himself. TIU: CONWAY & WON It Y CO. IK, TIrother Woodmen, w Join the peo pie of Ardmore In ex ending you a royal welcome H.VMTI .TON'S RHOR STORK zu7l if ' SUPT. CHAS, EVANS ON NIGHT SCHOOL ENCORSES THE CAMPAIGN THAT 19 BEING WAGED BY ARDMORr. ITE FOR THIS BLESSING. 1 n neiirtnt Ions are lieiim 1 lie 'il'i'o 1 , tic all .id '"i 1 1 .-.itii'M li I- m iking to M-tin .1. f ' 1 ois n ,!il . , Ity K. i-j . .111 Mb ' ' .1 in 1 11 .i)i,l .uuin d on ' xiil " In' , 1 hi propiwit Ion. 1 1! ftot , 11.11 1,111 In le.ii'ued it wi'l mt l' i"' in' In loie the yonii-: 1 n anil "n wlin ii' i'(iinnih'd h ' . In 1 1 . I i,i ,1 .bit Ing I lie il i 1 be i 'l' '' j; t .111 I'dlliMI ton In 1 "illlH, 11,. 11 ,i iHK'ls r 11 r 'iiiiw 1 1 1 k I' 'iei a iim ii ii ' 11 St I" inti'iuli lit Kvaiis of !ln 1 . in,i, t 1 1 - mo, mug. i'iiiloi.iii( ' inott .in 111 in.itiginated Ii) tie tilin reKe: r 1 the Aril morel te: k th iipnrlntmiilent of it seluxds, I wish to express m ap preclHtlon of the effort you are m.ik lug to extend the blessing and l.elteflls of the public scIiimiU to the needy one doprld f its da; ses sions, it was no mtrprlse to me to rend of the henrty wipimrt which member 01 Hie board offer the movement when it can he organlccd and ill lee ted upon a htliilies basis. It !i is , ever been their attitude In council , to rtirnUh this city with the bent , and broadest ertucati iim! MellRloi IHisstlde. "Let me say, that 11 11 1 git t sen 01 I.-, in line with present educational pi ogress. I stnml anxious to uatiHt In its or. in zillion :i; il no editeition til work in Ardmore will receive any loser gttidy and more enthusiastic rupport Ir-ni me than this night m iionl, lr It be properly adjusted. '('IIAItl,l)S UVANS.' Young Girls Are Victims, or hemiiiche, as well as olK , women, nit all get quick roller and prompt cure from Dr. King's New Mfe pills, He- world's best remedy for sick and nervous headaches. 'I hey make pure b!ood. and strong nerves and build up your health. Try th 2.u :j! vtdinore Pharmacy. Woodmen Choppers w are glad to have you as our guests. Make our store your headqitHrters while in the titv. Vlsl us often. You are alwa' w elcoilie II Utri.TON S SHOK sr.iiti: TWO ARRESTS MADE IN THE BEAL KILLING JOHN LOVE ADMITS THE Kill.. ING AND CLAIMS SELF DEFENSE DINK JOHNSON DENIES GUILT. Two men, .loliu Love and Dink Johnson have bce.i arre-teil nj the officers and urn in Jail on the cnarge of having kill) i I .en I near Wood ford on Wednesday night. John l.ovi one of the negroes arrested litun., that the killing was done in ., lr de fense alter a hard light vsiui the de-oc.-iM'il who was couiltiK at .iim with a knlfu. The dead negro 1ie Heal was hadh lliutllnt'sl. Ids head being almost sev ered I rout the body by two gaslp's In fllcted Ith a double edged axe. The dead njjgro ,was struck llrs. on ride of, the head and then on the other. In Hildltlout o that wound, a long gash was made In he . with some sharp p.'sum ibly an a, and a was kImj givi-n pu the back of the huad. ' Din. .lohucoii who Is al'o implUi ed, denies having had anytJi)l; to Hlo witn tl- Killing, exci-it that lie was present at the light. It scdpi .IS If tile three ue'me had been eugnged in playing i ards when the difficulty occurred an I three men lell the house and walked out Into the road, when the tight i resumed which resulted In the deata of Heal. ATTEND THE FLOWER SHOW SATURDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT. Revival Services. Hevlvnl service are being held every night this week at the Kast Side Presbyterian church. Kvcrybody cordially Invltod to attend. HBV. U. H. PAHKICH, Pastot , ' All up-to-date grocers handle the "(1 HUMAN" brand or flour, If your grocer doesn't handle It, phone ,t'fi nnd make the discovery of your il 7fl ATTEND THE FLOWER SHOW SATURDAY AND SATURDAY NIGhT. f'"rfTiiritiTi-rriir--T-i-TrT PATENT BLUCHER I j I )ui! tcj). short wiiiij), J j C ulun heel, welt sole. ih. riarire Special $3.00 A nobhv shoe at medium prices. LYNN, The PERSONALS I I , I .MWMHIt I ' 1 1 I I I I HOlU III t C r 1; , ;, , ll ' 1 ' toil l ' 1 -ale ill' 1 1 il t I' I, Knight .1 pi 11 i.Ki' in mi iv!i i'i was lleti' tioni (). wall n plenl lilng his stock of merchmnllse. I. . V. Wnl: man waa here rntm Mill Creek on. biultiens. II. ('. Noruinti was in from Klk .. matters of httsiness. Itev Wllniore Kendall who iias been here on u visit to his parents i, turiied to his home at Kouowa, Okla., ' this morning. W. (!. Ditsler re'.urueii rnini I.otll.t this morning alter buying an other IiIk stiH'k id goods. W. A.. Kdwards has returned Iran, i Cha'tniiooga wiiere he has been nt-1 tending a meeting or the Yohmtcc: i I .lie Itisiirauce coiiipNii) ngeutH. Hat Itlcketts was here to.lay rtom (iriiham. F. v. Iiyrd Is here from drove looking; alter business mat'ers. ICInier Mc.Cauley came In fiom '. heel; to v Islt friends. All up-todate giorers lianille the "liKlt.MAN ' lirand or Ho i:. If yon, gtei i'i' doesn't handle it. plume "'. and make the dl-'ioveij of your lite 7i Chrysanthemum Show Will be continued through Saturday and until 10 o'clock Saturday night. Beautiful Mowers auctioned every night. COMMITTEE MORE AND BETTER I am on rny way to a place where I can get more meats and groceries and better meats and groceries for my money than any place in town, they do their own lnuch ering. own their o w n buildings, have no rents t pay. expenses a r small, and they sell (or less. You had better go too, to W. A. GILLIAM East Main Street Phone 60 DR. W. M. ANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON Has moved to the Hlue Fr ut Ham on Hroadway, where he Is prepared to take care of all stock etitrus'ed to his care at a reasonable prior Office Phone 783 Residence 203 T.N. COLEMAN THE CITY Telephone . riTniiwrrrri - iMtrnMMii 1 1 t n $3.00 1 Shoe Nan JOHN TUCKER I In ! -' ini .1 ' i 1 1 1 ' 1 ' t in "i v H li h-i I" 'i i'itiii .v i ll nt tin- 1 ! 1 Storag,' toi tin' past li vi-.n now with U A lii:llain on " mil woii'il be glad to n ni u rrletnls call on him tor their r . i meals. Only the best meats .in 1 everything fresh and clean. I '.ion ymir order to (18 and they will i celve pr mpt attention. OUR I'RK.MIC.M 8HKAK8 Mt;; tlOINH FAST. Call and pay $1 ei, , uvanee on the (tally or weekly am it a iwlr of these RtiarnntMd she.n. old atihwrlbera have the sam IMtr'itulty as new ones. All up-todate grocers handle tin (HUMAN" brand or Hour. If yotn grocer doesn't handle It, phone a.l.J and make the discovery of your life 7ii The City Drug Store W. 0. FRAME, Proprlctoi PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Wo trikp particular prido in our Prescription Doi.artiiiPiit. Will (lispi'iiso exactly what your physician orders. Al solntoly no suhstitution prac tic.od. Graduate of Pharmacy in chat'iio. Wo solicit our pa- tronayo. Pyrography Pieces and Burning Sets Cooler weather makes the art a welcome oceupation for odd moments. Among- tho pie'ers wo show are a variety of pat ruH of: Collar antl Cuil Udies Handkerchief Hoses (Hove Hojccb Dresser Hoxes Tie Racks Tabourettes Panels Thermometers Towel Racks Figures Paces Tho work of burning Is sirnplo and tho product very artistic Coleman Bros. Druggist-Jewelers. 10.-1 W. Main Ardmore JOHN DORK AH Watchmaker mid l'Dgravur Fat Hogs Wanted I am pnyuiK tho h jrhpst market price fcr fat hogs and beef cattle 1 will make t to nur uriviiutagc to m11 me your stock. O. G. WARREN Proprietor Cold Storage. DRUGGIST .... 9 W. Main St.