Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO THE DAILY ARDMOREITE Ardmore, Thursday, Nov. 25, 190? NOW AFRAID OF k WORLD RE LEFT AfTiT ROWING OLD IN "HISON. JOHN roc.F RS IS TIMID LIKE A C Hll D T SWEETHEARTS FATHER " "9 Day He'll Be Free Alter Tt t Seven Year Has Nover ' . - j Trolley Car Firat h Want j N w Suit" and a Watch. -M. After i'tiltentlar . . (I o I'U i I -' an 1 ' .1 Si , v . ' ' 1111 I' (Milt ' N i '. distress .lo i it?" he re. I think I 1' 1 felt, .ii II e.u , B., i In ii i ,1 nl till, piisoii out tlit'le load, w.i'ii lie i'ieriii i.' Iii i i'. I i '. ko:. I'm .Ins; I olln. Mi'hlli- I III suie 1 doll'l MippOM' I'll knoT . .i' t." in I. lis,', I One Doctor - Cherru Ptc- total for Ihroat and lung Imuhlei. Doclort Mat prefer eJ UJ ' J r AitrC fMi.'.' Every citizen of Oklahoma will be interested in the greatest political battle ever fought in the state. Men are now being groomed for the final race, issues are taking form, public sentiment is being molded and the WEEKLY ARDMOREITE will be more ably edited than ever before. If you read nulling but the WEEKLY ARDMOREITE you will be well informed on state affairs. THE WEEKLY ARDMOREITE will be sent to any address from now until the first day of January, 1911, for $1.00 CASH IN ADVANCE. Send money order, stamps, or check to the I a 1 r Ii'i ' 1 1 .M i p r U1 i .' H i i ij. I t i v . 111" .1 ii J.I I lull' I- ,i !.ulv lion SI. .lost pli lm it, coming lor me. She'll sure . tune. ' in- rather anxloirh II I I (I'"' , t was a'-K- I it, "Wll.l H III I'll il ' ' l)o? Ulio, iiic' vii know how to travel from New Yoik to Cali fornia." tlut tu. ie was no confidence in Ills officer. The prisoner was -Johnnie" tone. lie hum u very little boy. to ,,. glwril aH nat, m,n ,iuartt.r boasting Hint he wan not nfrald to f eeiitury before, gi upstair In the dark, but at the -.lonnnle," he wild, "you have be,,.. I name time hoping against hojie that nm, H toK ,11H,, Ml)VlH. yo wm he would not be put to the tent. Hut homesick after n little while and "Uut she win come, all right ; I j want to come back." The old man. know It. because she .U she j for ho ls nn 0.a llmn , Mi Iookt.u '1.' wistfully out or the window at tlio "What are you going to do out jlrlg aVtuiue and littlo streets. Day "? ilroHin enine and took away his de- Rogers huddled a Utile more and tro for talkliiK more down Into the big chair In Mr r. T Artitp, wirp of a until, he was neated. The ehalr was ,,ierehant or St. Joseph, Hill moet imte large, rather accentuating his og,.ri, at the prison, Mr. and Mrs. -i.gin rranie. Wmldnl as if rending Artlll) h(Ui, ,,riuie.l the governor ins i tailor's thoughts he said: , tukl.,, uf tne oM man aiul slvo I was 2H when 1 ram.' In lieru, I ,m Hl.h work aH ,. u abll, u, ,lo, ii" I'm :.. I was a pretty young- j atni. Artjp iH.,.amt, interested in i. i t!u There wasn't no one In th j U,R.M through newspaper stories, .ins . i hi tank out easier tjgVortior Jioeh to issue lll't" "-"line I don't suppose ti, ,,rdon and then she asked for a 1 "lU " uow " i paro'i- from (lovernor Stttbba. Will- -iMlKhl.uUiK up uul.kl) as lhej,al) x,. Whlte helped In obtaining wot Us wen- an admission of age i 4' vri'iit-liiH strength lie agld: 1 supjioke ill Hud a whole lot ot iin different in St. Joe. 1 was ii- in 'T, you knoM. IK they ia. trolley cars ihere' You know I i ae never .seen a trolley ear--ex-tept those l have seeu in the pi - ' tuiv paper and it always seemed tint! In the pUtures 1 looked at Uk-tu'ib-.v tar was where you conldu ' fell 'liit it looked like," Suddenly .,iu t.. laugh, it was not the , lu.s.i "i normal person, but a halt buckle aud half croak. "Have oii nn thing in the office '1'iiri.g to jn'ii''' was asked b,v tht l stll!-. Y s I M in- ; iiiinltu be an- 'I iv n h show oi pi ide III Have only one doctor- - just one ! No in running from one doctur to ioiIktI Select the best one, then s'jnd by him. No sense in trying this t" i. ttutttunp, ,,Ur cough. Care til! v. deliberately select the best tough "led cine, then take it Stik I it. IS IS CAMPAIGN YEAR OREITE PUBLISHING COMPANY ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA I. i i ' i i it ) i . i $1S uat an mm , i" i ii ii "U . i I i it I . Itguriil that din h.n a J.'iO new -.uil hv lin.i' I lt . ill was Hi,- very lit 1 1.- fu' u,,v tulkliiK again), then I'm go- iiik to buy me u $0 lSlgln watch anil u IS pair of shoes." Nearby sat a guard who bad been In th prison for twenty-five yeuw-. lie utul John Rogers started In nt HlmoHt the name time, the one n iin- oner mid the other his controlling the parole. John Itogers was sent to prison in IKS? with a death sentence, lie U the oldest death prisoner nt the peni tentiary, lie shot and killed l.tttle- totl Wallace, step-father of his sweet- heart. Wallace and his wife, who was much younger, lived in Uuiirlmn county. Mrs. Wallace wanted to en- ape from her husband and persvntu eil Kegels to help hor because Hog- ers was in love with her daughtt., Atu. getting away from the Wallace farm Hoger wt.m uack to see how the old man was taking the fact that his vi ft- had run away. Wallace was threatening to kill Itogen with a cane when Itogers shot him. All of the Wallace relatives have died or nun eil and Itogers has ik relatives hi frli'iuU that he knows about. Knights Templar, Attention! idmore Commandery K. T. No. 5 .viil i n iter the lted Cross and Tern- I I I arte tonlglii beginning 7.:t0'er prominent vocalists, together Visiting Knights welconif. HOI1T II lll-JNHY i: c WILL BE FINISH WASHINGTON DEMOCRATS IN l THUS REGARD THE NEQRAS ! KAN'S INDORSEMENT OF PROS. I Washington. Xm, -.- William J. i llryan'a plan t force prohibition to the front as a ib morratic Issue will kill him with hia own party. That Is. Hlmoat without except!; ii, the opinion of Hin-h drmocnit of mi- ; ttoual prominence as are now in Washington. Incidentally, it Is the opinion of Mhri'Wil political observ ers In the republican party. The first difficulty to be met by Hi. van In his iitiempt to foist this Iswio on lils party, ncoordliiK to (leiuormtM here, will bo that It will furnish fresh and confirmatory evi dence of the charge so otton niude by republican tpellblnder In the CHinimlgu n year ago that llryan no loiifior In a sincere ortisnder. flulit Ing for wlint he believes to be right, but merely a political quack, seek ing to win vote by whatever nos trum he thinkK can he made palat able. Aside from that fact, ewrybody who knows anything ahem tlie rani palgn of Inst year knows that Itry- tin's nomination was accented bv a ! largo nmjoiity of southern demo - ' , ... . ., , ,, crnts Imply be, ause they believed . It iieiesaary to kill him off before there could be any succesnrul re ijiivenatlon or the party. j TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take IAXAT1Y1C ltUOMO Quinine ! jTalilots. DrugRlsts rofitnd money ir j It falls to cure. K. W. CHOVH'S slg- j nature Is on eiuh box. 2fie. 1 Edison Records for December. Sou-M's INmd In 'Wlnnhnttau lleach' and "I'.l I'.ipltun' marehes; j will be hcire on Decouiber t! in "Haeh's Air" rendered by Victor j "The Taming ot tlio Shrew." The Herbert and his oi-ohostm: "The anme company presented this Shuke Hilde of the Wai's," a cornet solo j play here more than ton by Herbert . Clark ; Harry Iamlor years ugo. In th old opera h use In three of his feature songs; iWheii it was located ovor the Pen Manuel Hoinain. Hood Miller. Will nlngton Wholesale (Irocery store Oakland, Udward M. Favor iuuI oth- Vvlth a pleasing musical program o: unusual vanity, comuine u rormpany cunes rcguiariy to .nimore I)i 1.1111IKI' nibnol tin IMi.on Phono inbirol and Stand- 1 l-'-i aiipiais the annual Hjie. Iilh arr.iiiKed t 'lirlstma.s band scler- iimi. In .iililiilmi to the com rlliiitloiis o! the rogulur start' of ICdlson artists the I wo-uiliiiite list comprises "Mon-dels.i.-hu'a Sprlns; Song," liy llurbert and Orchestra: "I1L-.NM) and I,J" sung "ij Josh) Sadler; "The Yankee Shuttle," by Sousa's Hand; solos by Oakland. Hoiiiniii and CIoukIi, and a mmologin by Cal Stowart. The Italian Amberol list is increased by three vocal selections and the Stand ard by one. In the list or twenty-eight Ain berol (irand Opera Records on sale December l, appear the names or such prominent figures In operatic circles as Flcrencio Constantino, the roted Spanish tenor; Ia'o .Siczak, the star of the Hoyal Vienna Opera House; Itlccnrdo Martin, the first American operatic tenor or note; Hlnnehe Arral. whose recent debut nt Carnegie Hall. New York, created a sensation; Adellna Agostluelll, so prano; M. Duiloi, tenor; Iouls Nil eelly. bai lt. lie. and (laston Dubois, t nor. A Card, This Is to certify that all druggist are authorized to refund your money If Foley's Honey and Tar falls to euro your cough or cold. It stops the cough, heals tlio lungs and prevents sorloua results from a cold, provonts pneu- ' monla and consumption. Contains no 1 'llnU's' The genulno Is In a yellovv 'package. Hofuse substitutes. Sod j i,y ajj druggists. ' ! TAMING OF THE SHREW. ' Hanford'o Manager Here Today His company Will be Here Dee. 6. , F. Unvrence Walker, who lor nineteen years has hem manager ror Charlu 11. llanford company, was here toduv. Slnco Mr. llanford has been a star Mr Walker has been with him. The llanford eoniiiany Ardmore on that occasion showed ' i's apprwlatlon ot Hanrord and of Shakcsporian comedy and the com- til- a' r.iitlvi It id 1 st ir Map'l III bo ll Inn f.i I mry Shaki 1 In M-t'i U "t 'ia Im-n (.'iMn i.y llanford and wlnn fit people have si ' 11 II t Ii r rd tlii v lme awn the bi.-t in ihr I lilted States Mr Viii el salj nlinure nas the firt town his company ever visited In Indian Territory, that this city always ap pealed to him, even In the early l;iys it had an air or business that made the visitor reel good and It has grown bitter every year. Mr. llanford will come here direct from Port Worth and will go from hero to Oklahoma City, (itithrle and to Wichita, Kansas. ArdmoreltP want ads are the bust. ft' STOP At the GRAND AVENUE HOTEL If you happen to be in Oklahoma City overjj night. Good Cafe in connection. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED The Government Pays Railroad Mail Clerks $800 to $1,200, and Other Employees up to $2,500 Annually. Tnclf Sam will hold examinations throughout the country ror Hallway Mall Clerks, Custom House Clerks. Stenographers, HookkceperH, Depart mental Clerks and other Oovornmout positions. Thousands or appoint inonts will be made. Any man or "'onian over 18. In city or country can get instruction and (roc Informa tion by writing at once to the Hn ronu or Instruction, 1010 Hamlin liulldlng. Hochcstcr. N. Y. The nicest city drivers and the best road teams and buggies at Hyatt's Stables S. Washington St. McFarland's Hotel F. J McFAHLAND, 1'rojirlotor McALESTEK, OKLA. European Plan. 75 modern rooms 75c and $1. Large sample room. A popular priced restaurant in con nection. iish dinners a specialty.