Newspaper Page Text
THC DAILY ARDMOREITE Ardmore, Thursday, Nov. 25, 1909 PAGE FOUR m ol ml-. m..gnnleeiit ! mi.iIii it Is Jti! qui in li about Hp I'i'm: I i l't ' r v r. , ol till.. m..giHleeiit d- main II Is .1. qui n jtlnilV illlOniOLCUC. ' ,iu. v border on Tew, ArHanaaa. tn. MiPMiurl. Kansas. Colorado and New me roast youn pi un-i ARDMOREITE u'?"5. . - ' u.,i.. . rw nltltniin nutBM from noise, rising gravely to his fi . ; m PUULIUnlNr. lUi . ' - -,wi f....i ntw.i,,. ...a Imv..i m . 000 nouhced that II wan up to him t SIDVFY St'ilOS President) f,.,.t p mn) t,p snowing In Cimarron I settle the disturbance, and proceed La'trwl at the Poatorrfcc at Ardmoro , outity. the land of Hereford cattle. I to collect all the peaceful mem n ; tfecond-CInss Matter. ' alfalfa and hard wheat, and the h,' nA forming In battle arrny at nam.- day piccanliMileti In pajamaa re "' of 'i"4 ,''ei tho picking cotton under tb- brolllnu 1 turtwy hl" follownra to AND THE CITY OF AHDMOiiu , ,rf Choctaw county; farrows B '""' If It Is la the Ardmorelte, It l legal. i,M. sleeves are loading corn In Wag TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. otii r county; loads of elm- ore are MRS, SHEB LINDSAY ACCIDENTALLY KILLED PISTOL DISCHARGED IN DEIinu REMOVED FROM SATCHEL AND BALL ENTERS VITAL SPOT. PERSONALS The Dally Ardmorelle. One Yct 18.00 Our, Mjti li 0 One Wivk 16 The Weekly Ardmarelte. Pit Y. .ir by Mail $1.00 l 1 -.'llM 10 Thru Months & thr being taken ut of the mine tn Ottawa county under smiling iklea; boya are picking pecana In Seminole; asphalt la being ground In Carter county; t4i big red steer frolics over the grasay plain i of Comanche, while lendy chug of the oil pump makes dally music from Washington Phoned. li ... .--i Manager'! OITIce MJ county to Marshal), through over two C y IM.'.ir's Office hundred miles of solid oil country. '.oil" iJi-t.ltire MS v.. Inri. .wT It iimv M. annttlns and I At this affront to hi illKiilly nH leader of the Thanksgiving party Mr. Turkey culled for votuniccra. mid toon thu bnttle was raging and deadly ttilaalea such na Hatted almonds, grappa ami olive were filling the Marjnrlo noticing that the turkey waa no longer looking nt her, and thinking to make her escape sprang to her feet Jiut In time to dodge oik. of the lu-.koy'H wings which the pin ' in a grand fury had wrenched from hla beautifully baked body, but thu 4 j i i im-iiu illin ium m Minima iimi i in huh ni7 irr- vhiiiiiih i . i . . M , ki.i u..w. ,h,i.. chr f-r .landing or reputation of ,,.,,,,. mnv hlvp ....j, "r "...ghb i it.iMu.Mi imi ii int. nniiinr. nun miiii ill 11 mir. firm or corporation columni of be gladly cor- f nttcnton of the manngi'inent. any Wll - .1 u Tu ArJn.ori'lte wi ,.i .... ...... i Lu.,.u.n..w.. l - y appear in the columni of '-. 1 prUlngly aoft aweet voice "waKe up m great eiu,rp. an mi yol know v, wr,. ,g , t miiat rci' .1 m i. Its being brought to the, sue day. Oreat t.Mintry. thla Oklaho-1 .,,. . for ,iin1,.- u,i Wt, nttcnton of the lnatinKiment. i ..... . ,........ .... R"lta s 'ur """ r- ann ' I ma land of the f'Xr (iod nnd Calrer Ardture. Thuraday, Nov. 25. !909 THANKSGIVING DAY, 1 909. i i and ncyclopeittri are j i hi' ri'llgioua and social i annually oliHerd hi ii . TliankHglvltiK lay I .ifier tin- flrt harvest of i i mli col ny in 1621. whi'ii i. i ti .id ford wiit out men to I f t to li lp the feaat. I i . Ilile that there haa been i i ii ascribing to the harvvat vt the extraordinary i h.iiMMiVnga In after y arn i i1' Miitlallly to the growing n U ion Hint the custom dale fr in ii I.. Wvs ntlglnnd concelvwl the U i" tin- American protective i ff y i t in and aacmwuict plan of X Ui tobbery by means of which t i liiil.iu.t of the weat might be lit Id hi pci iK'lual vaHaalage ami for Mir piv trthnte to the vtchlHllTl i . 4i id Hie "minutest Ihmih trudera In t n uorhl." tntcivaU auiitml tlmnkaglving fi HmiIr wero held from 1112 1 up to tin t me of tho ii'vohitlotmry war win n 'lie i iillnetitill coiiki'chh reconi ididtil aiiiitial olmervance of the iiin'oin hut Uieie waa nu Intennls Ion .!(('.' thut, perhupa due to ; lii'n ltiu.. of deism anil skepticism, nu li i.s'.i, uiJien Itnwkleiit Waaliing t ii in ininied a day of thankagtvlng '.' ' i hiptlon of Hi- feileral com It i on u i ipHiuly varloua day a In No u i vv. ie reiHimmeutlwl by preal h i ind govern oia until, In the ami it ta niy mmc wno iari,..i.. ..n .... ....i.-ktv rui.t.Mii her eyes, anil tumbling out of bed ran to the window and clapped her handa delightedly when ahe aaw Jack Frost had covered the ground with beautiful white anow. After that It didn't seem more than a minute till she waa tucked into a big sleigii, and after a merry Jing ling ride through the snowy wooo, she arrived, all rosy and hnppy til grandpas, where a host of Jolly cous ins met her, nnd they were so, in sit ting down to a real Thanksgiving dinner, at a real table, better far than tin' wild one that she had seen dcstriu Itsi'lr In her dream. IIOItOTIIY MITUli:!.!.. limldeiaea lUr here ami breathe the oaonc from It? plney wood, Ita great pining or Ita fertile fields who can know tin joy of real living. 'Phoenix. oOn j Mixmling jour own town doc:t not ji iixlx: wholly In standing mi the I ntieet corner ntld ti'lilllg visitors wluit i tine town this Is. Kven mak ing i''ehea ami writing eiHtorlnls won t bring nliout a reformation un less thoae are backed up procrly. The bent way to booat n town la to iM'come wide awake, public spir ited riltliena. Acquiring crop rty and kt oping It In flratc Ins. condition le a flue way for a man to help a lly. The old inollo, "U't eery man keep hla own dmn' yard clean" I y t up to date ami practical Taking a live Interest In public ntfalrs hel some. too. People who are always palming out faults but who never rnlae a hand to help mat teia are not much good In a com munity It ta all right I . point out a faul', but the limn who iIihh ho should he willing to shoulder his shur nt the work of Improving con illtlons, Uigan County News. A warm llglii Tor the appointment r jvosliutialer at Paula Valley la on between .1. M. Ilornlieater, the pica cut Incumbent, nnd Marlon I lender son, an Htioruoy. 1ip latter is atild to Itavr the endorsement of the c nnty republican orgnnlHi!oii. Dor cheaters "pull" Ilea with Cecil I.yon. tlu Texas party liosa. oOo - hurry." News reached here l tulephune lust night of the death or Mrs. Shuh Lindsay which occurred yeatorauj afternoon at thu Woatbelmer D.iuhe ranch on lllue, twelve miles north of Tishomingo. The reports here ate meager, but It Is said Mra. I.ludaay waa the wife of an employe on the ranch and yoa tenia) afternoon In removing a platol from a grip It waa in Identally dis charged and the hall taking effect In a vital spot ahe waa ton dead. It la an Id one of her hrotheu waa III the home with her when the accident oc curred. Shed lilndany la a nephew of Mi... V. II. (Hover of this city. Hla wife was a wutiinii of only !!. yeara ami waa the mother of two or three children. AN ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Inmate of One of the Houses In Res ervation Tries to End Life. Willie Henderson. a:i Inmnte ol Ituby It utt's resort in the "reserva tion." attempted sub 1.1 this ii f tor neon 'v swallowlnu ien bl-chlo-i tile tiilib'th. A iht-ii . in nan hastily summoned and rcpnr she will pinbiibly recover. Ian I'se" oil at t: V Itltti r. N MniiMti. ,i , li In from his t -1 1-1 1 1 i to .-jii'inl Tnaiik vkImhh with hla ramlly. Mlas I.Ida Waldeii of N.ishMlIc, Ark., is here to apond Thanksgiving with her brother, Kdwitrd Walden ( MIhh Itegluii Illank went over to . Kulphur today to bo In attendance at the tonehors' convention to be held , there. Mlaa Mary Roberta, one or tho pop- , tiltir teachera In the city .ichools, went to Shonimn yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with home folks. Deo McCoy, one of Uncle Sam I railway postal employes, whose ' Is now at Idabel In McCurtaln coun j ty. Is here today enjoying Thank rI Ing at his imrental home. C. K. Morris was u business visi tor here today front Marietta. ; John S. Owen Is In Wynuewood .today looking after buRltums matto... I Miss l'attl ltyan of Oklahoma City ',ls visiting with Mm. Vnl Mullen. I Uugeno Wolverton of Mannsllle la spending the day here with relatives. I J. YV. Thompson and wife or Cor nlsh tire in the city visiting with re! a lives. Dr. (5. V. Amerson and wt of Mllo are here today the guest or Mi ; Ainerson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1 W. .lohnson. Mr. and Mrs. t?. W. I'rost. Miss I.augford ami Miss Bertha .lair.. II of Sulphur were here Inst llluill to .--i n I'lie Top ot The World. IC .1 i haniellor is here loila.v ii.un Mailetta with relativis Mrs. 1. N Murdnck Willi tne a tional l.lfe Insuraiue Co, lias n t il 1 . ii Pn I I ni of the civil war. under ANOTHER ICE PLANT AT PAULS VALLEY Pauls Valh v. Okla . Nov :Ti The Washltn Ice St Cold Stora.c Company with a capital of .".o,0(H, experts t.. be engaged ill the wholesale I c bus iness here by next summer. The new concern Is bucked by the Washita Hlectrlc Power Company and wilt give this city two he factories. TOWNSHIP BOARD ASSOCIATION. Notice el Settlement or Account. Mtatc or Oklahoma. Carter County, l.lueoln. the regular ob-' In the county Court. ibll I I Ol. v II, . I" I '. l h K I ( I - r "i - iinor- t a national thanksgiving proclamation by the prejl siippkmen(Hl generally by Carter County Trustees Return From Meeting at Oklahoma City. The meeting of the township tiu lees, tho good road 'builder.' con vintlon at Oklnli ma City was lu-1 1 on the tuwnty-ac.'oud and tveut third of thU month, and was well at it mled and much uthustusm in.' vailed. Joe Highlight and ll. J. Irwin, towiikhlp truatcea from Carter conn ty have rctiirneil. Mr. Irwin w .is m' WE THANK YOU I'Vr tli. bu.-.lne-- t .i.ti y ii liaw- nuin us tin, jear. And we will H ok as well afti-r It in the future as we have tried to do t:i the past. Our aim Is to always please our cuitoninra. Remember We wash everything but the I ibb and return everything but the diit. v . ' Excelsior Steam Laundry W It ItOllUtTS Mina-ii lu the matter of the estate or It V .loin a, ill ceased. N'otiie Is neroby given that W. 1A ... .1... H ...... 0I..A ... I . . -.-. .....i iixma i u niitiiiKton. the duly n!iatntel and lected a memb. r or the legislative i he last Thursday lu No-, qualified administrator of the estate committee. Xo better selection could ""' ,,,,y' i "f 11- A. .lone:-, deceased, haa ren-' have been made n Mr. Irwin Is a r. r commenU: "The wbaer- d red uiul prcsente.1 for seitlenienl j good road eiuhualaat. Mr. Irwin ami " deplorably fallen Into dla-; and filed lu said Court hU final j Mr. Illguiglit think that great good M. pt as the day has been m count and reHrt if his admlnUlrn-! will nault from this united erf rt ' '"c,w, tm ' mlnlater tojil.n a, su. h amlulaintior. and hla , on tho ,rt of the townahlp trustees. - mind on iHilltlcal and oth- ( petition for dlftrlbulloiiof-iniileatnte, In bulhllng good londa lu the state. " '"I''0'" and for hla discharge; m that on 1 No doubt a meeting will soon be neiical p ople have some the 2ltli day of ncceiuhor. 1900. 'called of the township trustees and be thankful for today. being a day of a regular term or aalil Mr. Irw in and Mr. Illgnlght will 'ii' m our free school ayateiu. , Court, at 9 o'clock In the forenoon inake a r. itort of tlil. nawwintlon. Col. Sidney Suggs waa made an houoraiy meuihor of the tiaauclu tlou by a unanimous vote. I he f.iu Lhat oar military biHlget of aula dwy. at the County Court i ic- .t.ite the largest in it,., w orW. ' rcom. In the City of Ardmoro. in hut t, privilege of the ballot U mW County or Curler has been duly .. . , u... muiviunai. tnat i appointed by tho cviim. for .h.. '!'! for the average cltixeu tl. ment of said account, nnd Tor hear-1 A Tennessee Architect. ',,m absolute WIH w iong, (,, petition, nt whi, time nud ' ! " Hunt, a prominent atvhltect ' . I - iH-alth, that the expnvs-: place any pirson interested 111 antd j f fhaltatiiKigu. Tenn.. is In the in Intelligent opinion does,,mte may tuinear and fHe his ev. !Uy on a brief liuslnesa trip and v t iide imprison c pUons in writing to the accounl ' vlaitlng with his representative here en "i no taxa-! and coin eat the aaine. f who U architect T. S. Sweet. Mr. "Mi on H Htlll! n luftiniony wherior, I have H?fo. ' Hunt says he is plena -d with the 'hat the rail-1 unto set my hand ami affixed the ! business he Is tUlng here nnd that ii- not yet Kf 0f aald Court, this PI ir I 111' 'Il if .111. i hi n "I. i'iiu it.II !' "111 n i l I' ,ii ..I Pi ' n 1 1 in 1 I'l'l.llS u . ,1 ' lal . .ht md tli i u-..( , .1 pl'i'tc Ull k'.l.. 1 il' a Kin -vh.'U 'n ' ' Ui i V'M'll " url- day of Novenrbor. the 2ith thla 'lit I aim. I. '.'S lm U MASON', County Judge MARJOKIH'S THANKSGIVING DREAM. It was a large table, but none too I vrge lor all the good things that sat -i'-amliig upon it All tin proapects are good for much more business to develop In the next f. w months. Oklahoma Is now doing tim e building and putting up bet tei buildings than any othei suite lu Hie Mint h west. We are Thankful I'll nt we pi.ii.- Cod from whom all lili't..iings cine. After this our hats nro off to our custom om who have stood by us, kept in out of mischief, kept unluij-y. our head above the waves and bread and meat in our 'homes. And wo reallw that to con tinue In buainoss, wo must liavo your support. Wo wish for yen all the 'bout of everything, a blr I'at turkey for your dinner today nnd a home coming of loved ones to help eat It Very truly yours, Holman & Best Phnnbers and Gas Fitters Would you deal with a house that is sipiare, Thnt handles hardware that will wear, That holds nil the trade, It ovor has niado? This house has that record so rare. If you want any tool, wnnt It quick, Any tool from a penknife to pick. A hod for the mortar, A Kill for the water, Or a trowel for layltiB the brick, A hammer to drive In the tncks, A aaw, a hatchet or nxe, A shovel, brace, spade, Any tool that la made, I nm giving you only tho facta, When I say thnt this tool you will find lu the store that Is norcr behind, Thnt Is second to none That is "A Number One" Jutd fix this Idea in your mind. T. K. KEARNEY lliirdwiiro and Kami Machinery, Iron, Stoves, Ranges, Building Material, Carriages, Wagons, Hicycles, Saddles and Harness. e seated around the board pro- d to partake of the goodies s intltully spread before them. Mar- had Just passed hr plate lor enormous drum stick that fatbei People Observe the Day. Thankagtvlng has been generally family 1 observed today in the city. Tho h. ,. l,. i. i . Nov -m.,. . , mu lie en i .inch that the than. . I OklaJn...! 1 1 Co- IN OKLAHOMA - in Oklahoma' a telegraphic dispttch In n ex'hauge. Quite poaal- una Is a big fclate. Pi- mi Quapaw in lw noitbwutern oilier to Kuiton In the extreme northwest s- 'u id ' . i f iv o i banks, poatonire, the county court offices and many of the business houses were closed The day has been one of rest and plea.uie Many persona with gun and dog we: t to cm c fur her, when the big tur- the country, othei stayed in town In the center of the tablespidug to witness the football game between feet and niklied Jldly acra Purcell and Ardmore and still a large ' h wae'e ii,(f a doen oyhtera number of others went to wor.hi at were playing riug-a-round-the-rosy, the Methodist church wini. uui I'lie ci inbcrry sauce nnd the chicken services were held, salad threw raisins at each other, -. - wiille tho celerj ulaytul horn with the baked sweet potatoes. Marj.irte Htarted to her fnt aiuaed at .ii. 'i ir.n ee 'liiu-. but Tom L. Wilkes Thanks you for past favors and wants your business in the future Phone 202 Ardmore, Okla. Notice. All members of th Woc.lauu ef Ml World Who have reccvo, the I must fell obi I nation are ronuested to mine t over, when the turkey cocked one e. the hall tomorrow i Friday i night to at her, and gobbled hoarsely "sit J receive the secret work and their down there." ; cartttUates of mcii(bership. iiie devils food cake and the pump-1 Uespoctfully, it .n 170 mile a8 the crow flies- and kln D,M in a mad encounter , T. .1. JO.VKS. clerk. fiom Quatiaw dlrH tly sou'h to iv whh h quite spoiled their appe trance. ' . ill tho cx'reine south' astern corner hilc the plum pudding made m io. Many.l'.-"' liest reel and rod oil. The A. C. Young Furniture Co. Thank you for past business, and will have what you want in the future. Yours truly A. C. YOUNG tiirniil from a very successful trip to points In northern Oklahoma. J. P. Myers, a prominent citizen o" Pauls Valley was a visitor nere to day. li. A. Mutt and wife of Wynuewood came down last night to ee I lie allow. Sale Coffey was a visitor here to day from I.oiip drove. J. It. Washington was a biuluot visitor here today from Marietta .lelT Oilrlen is in Davis ti.My spending Thanksgiving wltn his ram ny. Walter C. Dean of Oklahoma City, a former resident of this city was u visitor hero today. Prof. W. C. Canterberry nud Mra. Itawis Anderson of Marietta were hire today en route to Hugo to at tend a meeting of teachers. MIm Sue Frame Is lu Davis t may the guest of relative Miss Daisy Humphrey of Hugo Is In the city visltliitf with friends. Col. Sidney Suggs litis return, il from a hiiHluess visit to Oklahoma City. George II. Morris was here today from Durant looking after business allali. Miss Johnson u( Tishomingo Is visiting with Miss Marie Gilmer. ill-s Helen Pcterman ol Marietta was a visitor here last night to sec Tho Top of The AVorld. Miss Cora Smith of (iutlul. who came down last night to attend the Klks' ball, returned home today. Porter Karliart and wire of Marhtta wore here last nigh' to see the show George C. Gale of Galcaburg. 111., Is In the city looking after huHlucsa affairs. .Victor Williams is in from his ter ritory to spend the day with his faia k, 'ViTiSflPk-WirW' John Law, deputy slierllf from Pauls Valley, was n visitor here today. Gcorgo Collins of Cheek was a Dul lness visitor here today. Senator Harry IC. Allen has return ed from a business visit to Hugo and other points cast. J. h. Cunningham, a well known resident of Wheeler, was among the visitors here today. It. II. Haynes of Marietta waa a visitor hero today. Mrs. J M. Whitfield of llorwyn t In the city visiting with friends. $1.00 Per Week Buys a n Edison Phonograph at Luke's Music Store Established 1895 Have thnt old hat cleaned and re blocked by Gontry, the Hatter, with Farthing Bros. 2t-4 More Furniture Better Furniture F o r less money when y o u trade with C. P. HALL We handle everything in furniture, stoves and household goods. Phone 366, North Caddo Street. THE FIRST STATE BANK OF ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA Capital Stock, $30,000.00 Outgrowing the Fastest Growing Dank in Oklahoma ALL DEPOSITS GUARANTEED On August 1(1, 11101), when tho First Stnto Hnnlc passed into tho control ot tlio present innimneniont thu deposits were $fi,ri,o:i:i.lS On September 1, lllOit, tho deposits were Tl.SOO.OM On November 16 the deposits were $133, 903. 21 More Than 100 Per Cent Increase in 3 Montha Of fical Statement at Close of Business, Nov. 16, 1909. RBSOfROHS Loans nud Discounts Hki,7(i'.Ui5 Loans to Olllcors NONH Overdrafts 2,711. flu Furniture ami Fixtures 4,000.00 Cnsb nnd KxcIhuikc. . .Hl,HS7.(il) $1113,1(111 It MAUILITIKS Cnpitnl Stock $30,000.00 Undivided Prollts l.Cfi.i.OII Deposits i:n,i) flti5,lliii.ll Wo would appreclato your business and plcdso you courteous trontmont. Hyron Drwv, President. F. 11, Jones, Cashier. Carl C. Jones, Vice President. .1. M- Richardson, Asst., Cashier