Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Thursday, Nov. 25, 1908 PAOE SIX THE DAILY ARDMOREITE FOR EVERY ILL THERE IS Person-, vum at .ni.lili' .:' !n'il i .1 he full .tr-!ii:' i ii 'I i'ii'tu 'f .rtl i ,ti arc open 1 1 1 n'liv . . wiiiik 'o nml in- Iiik -1 " w..i- 1 1 . . There ai i in "f uttt r -.! life I? made ml irraiib- by lamem-i- and d'i'1 Im k-uh" - t.i dWturbed with pain - miliary disorders. I t ihske this off i on . nn Probably .1 :h-- hidden cutse - i up! in ,'iinii'nt with i. I .. J'ill.4 wo, i'd llgW i l 1 r I l k l II M i i I w .-aVi' ii to-' IUne), i i- ilium ) dim" to etlm i . f f. m of iln- blood n "kint an tiny should. i ..' oiir lire the blood. I hm a.iinunt of .1 if i In- k' iiiey do , i o"- nii " urine, . . 1 . . -i i, trouble i i !i. It on I log the . iv . lit. dulls . id i.ti I lie 1 1 II , '-'A and i)w ,.iT.. ,1 ......nil In the i . Ii r and loin's that i i . ar.iti i i 1 t ' ', i. , , i n'i d SdJIiylltl Mm. HASKELL SPEAKS AT COUNT! INSTITUTE I DISCUSSES RELATION OF AGRI CULTURAL INTERESTS TO DE PARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT. liuthiie. Ohia.. Nov. Si. Annual iii.-tliia of tho l,ogaii Couiily Kanu- . s' Institute upt'tied today, the prln . uml apeakers being Oov. Haskell, l'realdt Oonnoll of the A ami l. ; t allege and l'raldnt Connor of the . . ..t. u , rortif liuaru Wl ,a' I'-llluu - Ilir ke ulked oil "Hulations of the Agrt ultural tntei ests to the Departments ' oi Oov eminent." It , I'odrKi'"- . What he had to say. the governor i deliver a pari oi tue tic ami oi in. mid the audience, applied to no noil- ( tallr In paying an' increased price ileal party in particular, hut that It r"r I'oimht. all for the sake or was a reault after abatractly applying protecting Infant Industries. In this tecont political events to actual con " farmer was being used s c Htlons In the west. ) I'1 the coffers of the eastern I have been mer two years trying manuraclurer. he said, i.i woik out the iiuilileiii r voMrn II N lo be hoped." said the gov- hi. Hi . i,(,o 1 1 ,i - i. e-1 1 .tnl I kiio.v i, "that the western republlciu. r i b , in f ,uii' ' v if' ' "I t1.' -outhein democrat, partlcu , . i lC-waa --m - Is an ordeal whicli iill women I WGimZMiMnnM WtJlZ Approach with dread, fori KJLalTA KL X3 lUJihuiK compares to the pain FZ. "M W l" Lhild-birili I'lie tliotiRht 1 aMotheb TluuisaiuN of woiiaii lim fmm.l eonliiiciiieiit of ninth p.i n tnul u tniiu. i ins iiniiiK in t- ji t iiiu t. ( I -1-1. . . . r I I hislimmtiit N.I Ciod .u uiily dots Mnilior's Fl'iillll . in i chiki hirlh, but it pitpsit the sytem lor thv uninni; event, itlietes "niurmn); .sickness," mid other dis i-nitlfirK H'l'l I'r ilrui'i i-'i $i millions. iiouWof iu,i,Kmfu !! t on inil I.-.1 frn IimiJUAIiKin.I) HIT.tlt ATOH CO Allinu. (m 8 But Many Tired, Rheumatic, Nervous' People Don't Know How to Find It. trtty Picture T,lh A Story. 1 1 OAN'S KIDNEY rricoSo ceils, romR'Mit&OTNCo.. BufMo. i. ii., Mil .1 ,i I'.ut; i .1 .ii.. i ; i ... i,, ,i 111 Oi.o- ItlOU to lll id.'il i 1 il 'ii hi 1 1,, it I w ould In- rum- no.M-d uiiili'i wen- it not fur Hi" miim!iI I Ki't fioiu honest men in othor political parties." Mi- wil.l that It was a matter for J free from debt than iv county court-H-joliiiiK that rollon was brlnsliig lie , house eontliiK lino.OOO. .mil wheat a dollar a buahel, btit told ih fiirtiiiTH that thMlr ennrav In that illreitlon ileppudeil upon how much of the price they were letting, and. to Illustrate the point, spoke briefly j alioiit the tarlif tevlwl by tho recent j congress under the theory of prote... , Ing Infant Indimtrles. lie anlil that it . ti... ..HJ.i.i ...... t . .a l l.,.l mnn ill mi- nriui m" b'tte, Cummins, Hristow .....i n..i-. '. , , ulleve in sticli - I M' was compelled ' that they did not bellev theory, for the fnrini oi the Millet inn in store lor Ik r robs the cpu mother ' dl aiitkipations. tho u ul' Moiliur's Frionil robs uu . -ifti to of mother ami nminii at thr tiitval time . . I . hi . M wmiiiii ai nil tiuvai lime inoi women safely through the perils of MOTHER tUl&ND Keep Your on NER A CAUSE ni - nt in tin- urlii I'aae b oiu' rr.K.ilar, m-auty am! painful Nih! .all anno) and weary you Illoatlnn hi'iph tn (Imp, Agonlilna attack of nr.iM'l. and there l danger of riiiiiilim Into dropsy, stone In the kliln- . diabetes or Hright'a dinease Don't allow the kidney trouble to e-t wofic Start using I)oan' Kid in-y 1111. which hmvc cured thour and and muit aurely help you. Ardmore Proof. Mra. J. N. Lathrop. 1 IS C street, southeast. Ardmore, Okla.. aay: 'In the spring of 1905 while living in Col'lnsvllle. Texas, I gave a state mint for publication, tellltut noV Dan's Kidney Pills had cured mc of torrtble lckachce that had made my life miserable. There was also at -onstant, bearln-don sensation! through ray kidneys and a pain In my hlna and lolna. Doan's Kidney IT j aave me wonderful relief In n short time and after 1 used two boxes, the tmublp was remove. I have had no ryjiitom of It since I have recoia ii'i tided ivians Kidney Pills to other! rerg, will be called for hearing In tht-I'.-i, mi .iff-riiiK fru'ii similar torn-1 , ,h . ., . .... . , , -h iM.t Ui- a'tta. taken picas ' rJ' r ,hftt t,,e have bwn fl,8u ii ! hi i j Friday and Saturday, December the PILLS N YPrcpiidofi. (nYrKifw il. ! " .vi M I'n- Mis -li-sippl u. i lu.n ' u, l t .LitiiiM tur tilt pro iln ii ,i t'li v ,111 tin-, viai. I ha in. 1 1 . i . of an apology to offer I'M Ilium K oi Vimim.i than I nave fur Aldiiih of Hhmle Island." He told the farmers that tiny wer.i more in need of coinfortalilu home, Kills Her Foe oj zu Years, 'Pi.. lUAul ItlilflttllUU Illl 11 111 1' I lin I f()r J' yi.arH jot lart'H Mrs. Jamus juncan of HayneavUle, Me . "da Dya- pepsin. I suffered Intensely after ea;-1 lK r lrlnkliiK and could "curooly dolors'" tr(Mi Kicctrlt- Hlttera, which cured me , ,,. V.i.i I n.ti. nlivttiltur tiiiiiii-..-.j . .... ..v r- 1 am iu years om ami am overjujuu to get my health and stretigth back ((tnlM .. ,,,or lll(1Kl.atl()1)i ,0B1I ()f A,,. 1 ,,,.tlte, Kidney Trouble, Utine Hack.1 l-'emale Complaints. It's uneiiualed. On ly SOe at Ardmore Pharmacy. MARSDEN. I I.. 1). Crotser vs. W. F. Crotzer. Marsden. Okla., Nov. 22. We are) Henry Klrklund vs. Charlotte Klr't having some cool weather and sev- j '"' entt hogs wen- butchered during Saturday. December 11. ii. imut week i Hearing ot motion and deinuncra Health of the community Is toler-' ably good. Mrs. Dr. Jacknon and Mrs. I. C. McCray are on the sick list. Prof. IVUb of Loves Valley was here Saturday and Sunday shaking hamlK wlih old ft lends. Mr. llawn ami wife of Whltesboro, Texas, are litre visiting the family of A. W. Whitfield. I.. C. McCray and famll are hire vlsllltig friends and rel. s. .) I.. Clifton, A. D. Harris a. s M 1'orbos loft Saturday for the t'luxuiw country where they will -ie ml a few days hunting and flsh nif.- fter preaching Sunday, Hev. 1. W. Whitfield was called upon to solemn ii the rites of matrimony between C P. IluilMin and Mrs Mat He lilount. In The Heart of The Great Wheeler Oi) Field Mutual Trust Company DISTRICT COURT CIVIL DOCKET - AS RE SET FOR THE OCTOBER TERM, COMMENCING DECEM BER 10, 1909. Notice to Attorneys and Littgaits. The olvil docket Is hereby re-iot for the October, 1909, term, commenc ing on December the 10th, ami will seaalou up to and Including December the 3lst. 1000. Ai w' n for the re-eeitlng of tlio docket all divorce cases will be call ml for final determination on Krlday, December the 10th, 1000. All pleading; motion and dmur- l"th and lit it. reapectlvely. A fur !er notice of five daya will be given o attorne.- .is to the setting of thn llotmn docket. VI civil c i-i a must have all plead-ltiK-s settlcu on tho above named days, and attorneys must be In court to answer when their cuius are call ed or tin same will bo dismissed if the attorney for the plaintiff does not answer or a judgment will be rond-1 ered against the defendant It the , defendant's attorney does not answa when cases are called. S. II. UUSSIll.U Judge. Hy THOS S. Oll.h, Cotut Clerk. 1 Friday, December 10. Annie (!. Urown, Adm. vs. Sullio Howell. V. It. 11 en ton vs. I'anola HoiiKon. I.eli.'i' Uunu vs. Churlle Hums. Thomas Overstreet vs. Magale Ov cratreot. Will fironei vs. IM (Irouer. Stella I.ovett vs. Hubert l.ovett. Xatlm Miller vs. l'rauk M. Miller. i... Ciiluil iml va III I rl land, Ma s . , Shannon vs. (leurge Shannon. Sarah Wright vs. John Wright. John S. Howies vs. Illanche Howie.. T. M. Schooler s. Pearl Schooler. In all cases ji'itllng A Religious Author's Statement. Hev. Joseph H. Kosperman, SalU Imry. N. C, who Is tho author of a ;v oral books, writes: "For several years I was afflicted with kidney trouble and last winter I was suddenly strick en with a severe pain In my kidney and was confined to bed eight daya unable to get up without assistance. My urine contained a thick white sed iment and l passed same frequently day and night. I commencekl taking . ; iV 1 . ui; " ' i. , j .,,, m. lirlnu ,CC!imo ,10rmal. I cheer-1 fully recommend Foley's Kidney Hem-1 eilv ntil lit nil itriitri'taf Avoid the Fall Rush. and save tlmo by placing your loans uow. Eight por cont money on farms and city property. C. H. COOK, Over CI co Adams' restaurant. Of So uther n OKLAHOMA WRITE " AHDMOHE. OKIAIIOMA Monday, December 13. Oriener Drug Co., vs. 1). II Colbert et al. Globe Home IMmlttire Co. vs. hltkasaw Fire Ins. Co. First National Hank of Durnut vs. Flist National Hank of Tishomingo. C. H. siiiitn vs. Martin Hrown. i H. I. Phillips, receiver, vs. Ouur-1 anty Ioan (c Trugt Co. of Dallas. i S. M. Faqun vs. (5. I. I.owery ot al. Tuesday, December 14. , C. Ii Hoyer et al vs. J. H. Adams et al. ; J. H. McCarty vs. J. II. Adams et I al. j Francis Willis vs. Davie & Tunu r ! Fulls Hy. Co. ! Ouy P. Cobb et nl v. Jumea Hen- ton fit al. S. T. Wlgilm et at vs. J. II. Hatch-' ors et al. I. M. King va. (Jeorge T. llodgoa ot 1. John S. Hngler vs. Albeit J. I.eo et al. Wednesday, December 15. l.eo Cruce vs. W. P. Torroll ot al. 1.. W. Cruco vs. W. P. Terrell ot al. John Dexter ot al vs. J. W. Starr et a I. Fled I. Schoeppe vs. Washita Flee trie Power Co. Victoria McClurg vs. W. W. Hun- , nutt. Henry lller vs. 11. F. Alvorson et al. C. C. Hartslll vs. 0. W. Hlnghuni. Felllah Jim vs. T. C. Itaudol. Felllah Jim vs. J. W. Newcomb. Thursday, December 16. II. H. Atkinson vs. 0. O. & 0. Hy C . iHryoti Drew vs. C. O. & (1. Co. State of Oklahoma vs. J. S. H. Ap polos. A. C. Cruce vs. W. J. Wilson et al. Max Westhelmer et al vs. U. W. j Hlugham et al. Max Westhelmer et al vs. O. W. Mc-! I.aughllu et al. j Friday December 17. Turner & Wiggins vs. Charles Co hce. K. L. Poland vs. City of Ardmore. Oswald S. Parker et al vs. W. C. Woods et al. Oswald S. Parker et al vs. Mary K. Woods. H. Hardy vs. City of Ardmore. First National Hank of Kiowa vs. j It. It. Mcl.lsli. Fd Hyrd vs. Delia Alexander et al. , First State Hank of Ardmore vs. ' H. Mcl.lsh. I Saturday, December 18. l.oren D. Dukes et al vs. The Tri bal Development 'Co. S. J. Heed vs. Western Union Tel. Co. First State Hank of Ardmore vs. T. J. Jordan et al. It. M. Cuuimlugs et al vs. U. S. Hottes et al. Riley .ii Cotnor vs. Udna Alverson H. J. Williams vs. C. W. Thomas et al. The Farraud Co. vs. .1, D. Fry. Ardmore National Hank vs. Mary H. j wiiitten ct al. h. j. winiams vs. c. w l'homas et Monday, December 20. Cutter & Crossetu vs. neorge A Mc j Corkle, Dec'd. Mrs. L. M. Hodenliouse vs. R.ches- can Insurance Co. .Mrs. L. M. Dodeuhousc vs. Roches-ter-C-ornian Insurance Co. J. H. Stetson Co. vs. George A. SEVENTY-EIGHT YEARS AGO this famous old medicine became favorably known as an effective remedy for Coughs and Colds. Today DR. D. JAYNE S EXPECTORANT is known and used all over the world for relieving and curing Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Inflammation of the Lungs and Chest, and Asthma. Countless thou sands of homes arc never without a bottle of this standard medicine. Sold by all druggists, in three size bottles, I.OO, 50c. and 25c. Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is equally well known as a gentle and effective tonic for the whole family. McCorkle, Dec'd. Kva Noble vs. N. Y. Mfo Insurance Co. Ardmore National Hank vs. H. W. Dick et al. R. C. Duff ot al vs. Hert'ia Do Koven. Tuesday, December 21. Curdle Hradley vs. 0. A. UraJloy. W. O. Horn & Co. vs. George A. James McLaughlin vs. C. H. I. & P. Hy. Co. Fssle M. Jackson vs. City of Ai d mole. 1. It. Hest vs. City of Ardmore. A. F. Jones vs. F. P. Harland et al. Thursday, December 23. H. A. I.edbetter et al vs. llattle Hell Fields et al. I. ee Cruce vs. C. It. I. & P. Hy. Co. II. L. Jennings vs. 0. C. & S. F. Hy. Co. i Walter Colbert vs. City of Ardmore. First State Hank vs. The Pointer , Publishing Co. ' Stella Farvo vs. Davis Shelby et ' al. j 'Marcellna Farvo vs. Davis Shelby I et al. Monday, December 27. A. N. Sharroek vs. William Grleger . 01 a1, F. A. Hedmond vs. Sam A. Weeks et nf. Donald Fitzgerald vs. J. H. i:uck.u . "urr'- .Margaret Wilson vs. It. F. Heavers et al. Carloa A. Wilson vs. It. F. Heavers ;t al. .Mutual TniBt Co. vs. J. S. Mullen. Donald Fitzgerald vs. Felix West. Tuesday, December 23. Undy Wood by her father, vs. Uuek Garrett et al. Dossle Davis vs. W. L. Davis. TJio Hankers' National Ilauk vs, M. F. Sotllff et nl. Ardmore Wholesale Grocery Co. vs. Porter Staples. T H. Hartee vs. W. W. Sullivan. Davis Colbert, Guar. vs. W. A. Ed wards. Wednesday, December 29. Wushlta Power Electric Co. vs. Helen II. Wnlcott. J W- Prltchett vb. (1. C. & S. Hy. ! Co. Washita Electric Power Co. vs. Ed ward Jialley. Frank King by his father vb. C. H. I. & P Hy. Co. J. IJ Stong vs. J. It. Davenport ;i al. Nannlo Dyer vs. L. D. Akers. I,. H. Tatum vs. J. T. Harris et al. V. Peers vs. Chickasaw Comprods Company. Thursday, December 30. Theresa Filtseh ct al vs. Fred D. Wnrnnr ot al. J. H. Wyatt vs. J. Mat .Moore. Etta Crlnor et ni vs. St. L. & 3. i . j Hy. Co. A. P. Ulackwell vs, Joe F. Hobln sou, L. C. Losuro vs, W. L. Uakcr. I Ada E. Ilailey vs. W. It. Cox. ; McCorkle, Dec'd. j E. J. Hoo Hat Co. vs. George A I McCorkle. John JInrtnett vs. S. A. Nowland. Crlner, Exec. Hudson-Houston Lumber Co Ardmore Foundry Co. Hankers' National Hank vs U.iuk ' ers' Trust Co. Wednesday, December 22. Hankers' National Hunk vs. Art more Foundry Co. Mrs. M. (J. Ferguson vs. C. H. 1 & P. Hy. Co. Henry Hourland vs. J. II. Willi -ct al. 0. W. Hell et al vs. Ardmore Tia tlon Company. L. H. Marston vs. C. A. "Walls. L. K. Marston vs. Joe Colson. A . W. Speake vs. Andrew Jackm.:. et al. iA. W. Speake et al vs. Andrew Jackson ct nl. L. It. Marston vs. Mrs. Susan Pfeir fer et nl. L. W. Cruco ct al vs. Max Vi holmer et al. Slgler & Howard vs. W. W. Wln.u - How's This? I We offer One Hundred Dollars K 'ward for any casu of Catarrh tin can not bo cured by Hall's Catar. l Cure. 1 F. J. OHENEV & CO., Toledo, O I w,e, tho undersigned, havo kno a; iF. J. Cheney for tho last 15 year ' and bellevo htm perfectly lionorat l u aj business transactions and t: j nanclally able to carry out any obi gallon mndo by M firm Waldlng, Kinnan & Marvin. I Whnlesali. DniL-irlHts. Tnlcilo. O I Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken lut ually, acting directly upon tho blooi and mucous surfaces of tho uy.tton: Testimonials sent free. Price 75 ecu' per bottle. Sold by all druggists Take Hall's Family Pills for con stlpatlon. d&' Ardmorclto want ads are the best. New Service TO Kansas City AND Saint Louis VIA Leave Ardmore 7:35 a. in. Arrive St. Louis 7:20 a. m. Leave Ardmore 2 .00 p. m. Arrive Kansas City 7:20 a. m. Through Pullman sleepers nnd up to dato dining car service. Reservation made on applications. For further information ask H. D. McCOLLOM, Ticket Agent ARDMORE, OKLA. Or Write C. 0. JACKSON, D. P. A. OKLAHOMA OITV. I W. A. Prldo vs. W. F. Whlttlng-1 I ton. I HIUU Willie, Dec'd vs. John U