Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY ARDMOREITE Ardmore. Thursday, Nov. 25, 1909 - i , . ; ..u.-.l a . ilii" :nu )u may ant- wcarr .I NS Try us f.r that We haw it la!" six. k fi .in-l man v in i 1' of IUF1.I. slil.- Itl You IM tmd h.M.- ii full llti" i fpi'u Hi All. -n vim k hunting Stevens, Kennerly & Spregins Co. MISS BARNARD WILL SPEAK AT COURTHOUSE HIG UNION MEETING WILL UC HELD IN DISTRICT COURT ROOM AT R l. M. FRIDAY. OwhiR to On- ract that the tipem iioiiM,- "iik.iki-iI for Krldny iiikIh. i lie IiIk ii .lull iiii'u'h iiiiiinrt'il for l miiiii i . j li'lil In tln llMilit I'll- ciiuit luiuse Mls Kalr I til I li.ii l ini'i-tinK an- limlll Ulll Ik i 111 I imiiii a' .t il i n 1 1 1 1 1 - MiMrH.p-...;. rJTrTTiirfi i iii DAN AND JIM THE MARKET MEN Thank you for your in the past, and we nance of the same, have the best, in our Cured Meats. PROMPT DFUVFRY. HEAD AND STAPLES WAIST MAIN STRKET THE ARDMORE ABSTRACT CO. The oldest abstractors in Carter County are thankful to you for thebusiness given them during- the year, and ask for a con tinuance of the same when you need anything in their line. W. 5. WOLVERTON & SON NORTH WASHINGTON STREET Hunters! : HhrtTHK 12 and 1 Ruage new sun. !' attiiK itixi- V- '.v.- 'V- ill I'NI'M. imiauiiitiiiii. h (am Y Vl It W1MI MTION f lis If RIFLES of all kinds and nil price l"ln r (ii (liaiitlt s and corrertlon . will In the piliulpal si t aker, whll S a' l.alini ('(iniiilsKluiit r t'li.e. I. uiulu'itx, will probably addiTHt tlie ui'iliiK as well. II U fiei-lt(tl that several other irniiliii nt lalior lenders of the slate ulll ! hi atleuilaiice, while a niitn Imi Hi riiiiillilutes 'tir state offlues lll likely be ther". AriuitKetneiits hae all Iteon per fected fur the meeting, which will takf place at S n'clu k tomorrow I I'rl ilu i nUlil. and l ulilcli . v IhhIv Is I'Mi-ndi'il a I'onliil ins It iiluii Si'i mid I.Mi tiin i'ciiiH'' uaili'T, Me- iju.ik.-i Mai. ijuaitmi - Hum uilm Ii IS It mwii'iiwi win ii iii'i imnai winyoMfli wn liberal patronage ask for a contin We will always line. Fresh and . . . i ' x-jl Hunters i.uim. we nave any length barn-1 RBMI.NWCX AUTOMATIC ,i full .link of all the itandnrd y. ii want the best. AUK UIUIIT. liny Mir SHELLS PRESIDENT BARS A SUFFRAGETTE MRS. PHILIP SNOWDEN. A DRIT ISH SUTFRAGETTE. FINDS THE PRESIDENT DUSY. WawhliiKton. X v il. Mr. Itillllp SlHiwden, wlf, til' h Liberal llielllber of the lirliish i,ii'llameiit mid wlilelt known a ii sulfntn-Kte tried to iee I'lesldeiH Tafl toilaj. She failed. 5he abseiled that she doea not lielunic in (he militant branch of the or . iiil.ulloii that lias niHile the lives : Id III th statesmen mUentble for tar l.iM few months. Mrs. Snowdeti iii. Hi,, white house aiinouiieliiK that sin- would ondemor tomoriow agnln I.. iv Mr. Taft. I am ile.tlriiiis of ineetliiK I'resl di at Taft." ahe wild, "becauso 1 met e xpresldent. Mr. ltotevelt, and foiiml him to be uumt eharmlllg. 1 am anxious, therefore, to have the pi'Mlcae tif know lug hi successor." Mr.t Snowden called at the white house today In company with Itepio . ntutle David J. Poster or Ver mont and bis daughter. Miss 'Mabel Foster, president of the College i:iual Suffrage l.tngiie of the Unit ed States. The part) whs met at the door by KUttrds. who wore I'lomptly hit' rmed that .Mrs. Snow d. n was n Ungllsh aurfrairette. ' We're extremely sorry." sipolo Klsftl one of the officers to Mr. I'oMiM- and the two women, "but the in.Kident is very fcusy. i feel Uiat )! cannot be lUattirbetl at Uto pras- it time. Poaslbly you inlnht cnll ii:alu " Mrs. Snowden wsm soniethlng of i illsapiKitntmeiit to the members of tin- w4in'a suftrago tnovemeiit bi-i-f lu a lecture tonight in the Ma son I.- Temple she anld that Amor- ii an women could not entertain the movement wrloualy. This, Ju ex plained, wu by reason or the fad that there re some two million more men than women lu this coun try. The wrtmon hero arc treated so well that they fall to appreciate their political eiialavery, she said, lu Hnplaiid. she added, the women ut numbir the men by m million and the situation t reversed. Young Ulrls Are Victims, of headache, as woll as older womon, but all get quick relief and prompt cure from Dr. King's New Ufe pills, the world's best remody for Kick and nervous headaches. They mako pure blood, nnd strong norvos nnd build up your health. Try thorn. 25c a! Ardmore Pharmacy. Tho Quaker Malo Quartette Friday ( night at the opera house. 23-3 ' CELEBRATING T FROM WASHINGTON TO CALI FORNIA. EVEN IN LONDON. PARIS AND OTHER CITIES. ' Pre, dent to Dine Well. , w.i!iitmtoi.. Nov 2S.--Pmilit ' Ti:t iil iiaj ; his first Thanks- j ;ii:i dlnii' i riuce be bream pre-, I fit. nnd th- people of the country endeavored to see that nothing - la -kliu i:i tti- white house lar-' Many -nikey 4we been stt j t.. !!. nrPKi.i. nt front all mm i.f iruni an mru ui i ruoit U t ft eve hare ' the country. Sut :..-pu dintribnt-l among White House 1 employe, and th 'bird U) RTaoe th ;!'-idnt ibl.- will be the thirty pound Itlioil. Inland turkey supplied ti) lb-race Vose, who hoi had a inoiioixily In supplying Presidential turkey foi many years A lx-foot mince pie, u;an barrels of choP-eMf ;''d"S. geteial hundred pounds t i bin cranberries anil other fmltn are anionic th- T lanksslvlng glftH to the Taft family Thankful on the Coast. 1 San I-Van. is-o, Nov. 25. Thl ' Tliankniilvlnn Day Mnds Wie Pacific I CiKiat iK'onl." nlovina n hlh decree of pro'iK-ritv and with more to be i thankful fur than In many years. It i Ii state to say that there will not be j ;i hunirry i'ison In San I'mnclsco ( liy this fteuiiiK. ta every prepara tl ii has bi'i'ii made to provide fenxtx for all. The sam Joyous coudltloiiH ' tirevall tlnoiiKMOiit the Went. Quakertown's Dig Feast. I'hlladelplila. Nov. 25. Tons upon 1 1 ns of turkey will be consumed by I'hll.ul.dphlaiiH today. Dealers estl- mat ' that 17".uuo turkeys, averaKliiB i n pouniln -ach. have been sold the LTutiriiMium nf Tlmtiksiflviii!? , '-brants. My t. night. I.7OU.00O pounds of su - ctilent meat will have gone the way of nil good turkey; 170.000 wlnhbones land 310.0011 strlnnr.l ilrimnMi.Va will , be lu readiness for the soup tureen ! and the chopping bowl. i There will be turkey enough to til low each person In the city, big and little, old and young, at lwist one pound of meat for the Thank.tglvlng feast. About 170,000 1 aves 'or bread will be used to at lift" the turks, 320. Oiio quarts of eninberrl' s will help them on their Journey down I'lilla- delphla.t hungry maw. and tons of celery will be used to garniill them. In terms of cash the city's Thanks giving turkey will about $IOn.-! "00. and Hsslhl) more. in Europe. Celebrate Umilon, Nov. : Several hundied American and several distinguished Kuxllshiueti will attend the American Society's dinner at the Hotel Cecil totilghi. In honor of Thanksgiving Day. There will -uIho he celebrations and baiuiiiets In IMris. Merlin, Vienna ami other continental cities. Shortage In Turkey Crop. Chicago. Nov. 25. The usual an nual shortage of the turkey crop Is evident In Chicago, ami as a result many iieople will have to bo content with less expensive fowls. A i Chicago consumes 750,000 pound of tut key, In addition to half a million pounds of other poultry at ThnnkKgivlug time, the "Hhortage" cost this city alone a pretty iKinny, In the neighborhood of $125,000. Uut year turkey prices soared like the wl.t old gobblers that tnke to r outing high Just prior to the fes tivities, the advance coming about the time tint housowlveg began buy - Iur In arnost. Curiously enough the severely of the annual "thorttiges" of turkey, cranberries, pumpkins and oysters aro simultaneous all re ' short together at the crucial time, j Everything that U handled in South Water street get "icarce" lu the retail markets ami the scarcity Is d to the commission nier ohimts, whoso consignors hear only f a glut In Hio Chicago miirkots. Iat year tht) commission merchants blamed the fanners and ,oltry shippers, oho poultry MVln point- U an accusing finger at South Wa- it-r oueei, wnero pniciicaiiy the pro- 1 .!.. .. . . . i iuo in me ciiy in wikii i some 1013 Is handled, and the retailer put the bluiue there also, pleading Innocence or extortion ihltnself. If you desire a clear complexion take Foley's Orlno l.axntlvo for constipa tion and liver trouble as It will stimu late these organs and thoroughly cleanse your system, which Is what everyone needs lu order to feel well. Sold by nil druggists. Attention, K. of P's. There will be work In rank of ICnlght at our regular convention to night. All members are urged to ol present. Visiting Knights Invltod. A, 1X)VB.N'3TKIN, C C. TIE MARKETS If TELEGRAPH Liverpool Futures. Mterpool, Not. 'jr. The range of cotton future today was . Close- Open 2 p. in. Close Vest. Novnc . 7.44 . 7 37 ftec-Jan 7.U71 7.12', Jan-1-Vb ..7.C3 7. IS 7.10 7.05 Tone Opened quiet and sternly. 2 P- n. barely stoutly; cloned steady. Liverpool Spots. opoi coimn wuuy easy mm i oy; - 1 c,0w American l.oou. receipts Awn 1,01 K,vc- No American Markets. Today being a holiday. Hu m no !ncri an markets arc FURNISHED BY W. J. LANE. The following prices prevail In . i Ardmore today on cotton, com tad frin products: (These prices will bi 1 ciinngeu uany anu can no roucj up on Lotton, HH, to .13 i,i 25.00 .Ci 13.00 .25 .25 .S.. .11 . Cotton seed, per ton, $20 to. Corn, CO to Hay, per ton, 12.50 to . . . . Hsgs, per dozen Iluttcr, per pound, .20 to. Hides, green, C to Hides, dry, 12 to Chops 1.30 Ilrnn, 1.25 to 1.35 Turkeys, per pound SVi to.. .00 Turkey, per pound, .O'Vs to .OS Oecse, per pound .07 .00 Vi 3.00 .03 U 1.2ti .05 ! "K G ' Ven, -"' t0 j ,,c-'' 02 10 Wheat, 1.00 to ! Oats, HO to Jltye. $1.35 to 1.15 1,arIoy' 1,20 to Swuct f0008- "Cc to '. Potatoes, S5 to . 1.35 1.C0 .05 4.00 4.00 Spring chicks, doz. $3.00 to Hons, per dozen. $3.00 to.. BLACK FLAG AGAINST WATERS-PIERCE Cff j ATTORNEY GENERAL WEST SAYS THERE WILL DE NO MORE COM- PROMISES OUST OCTOPUS. tiiitnrle, Ukla , Nov. 21 "I have , ,. tlu. blat.k fl.1(. gaIlgt tllc I WntorS'IMerce Oil Company," Attor- ncy (ieneral Charles West Is reported to have declared Just prior to hU de parture for St. Louis, "and there will be no more conferences in efforts to j compromise or settle out of courts.' The attorney general' notice of no ' quarter to the famotu Standard On ' tentacle follows several years of fight ing on his part to punish and bring to terms tnat concern. Within the last six 'no i 'i , he has had .several conferences with Vnter3-I'lcrce rep resentatives toward a settlement 01 . the CJailleld county case against the Waters-l'lerce for monopolistic prac- 1 tlces and other violations of the antl- , trust law, and It was believed that 1 the company would finally settle j matters without further flghtiug. The I attorney general's asset Hon Is taken 1 to menu that all negotiations have i lulled and Hut he will now try to i oust the Waters-l'lerce from Oklaho- j ma ;w It has been ousted from Tux 1 a. j i McGUIRE-GARDER DEAL. Underground Story But the Frills Are Plainly Discernible. , tiitthrle, Okla., Nov. 21. An una. , ground story, fairly well authenticat ed, Is to the effect that Congressman 11 1 id S. Mctlulre Is behind Judge tiurbcr's candidacy for congress. The ktory goes that C.irber is being groom ed by the present congressman In ,,, ,. , .,.. ,. j lllltes out o , flolJ( th.u Gar,K.r J al,a Mc0ure will both enter the prl- , Illarv aml tllat nt an opportune tluib. 1 MeCuIro will wltudraw from the race, leaving a clear field to the (J.irfl.dd 1 county man. Mr. McGuiro lus Just ' placed Mob l.owery of Stillwater out ' ot the "danger zono" by endorsing 1 him for United States attorney to juc ccod John Embry. Lowory has been j llshtiug McOuIre, but Is now effectu-1 ally muzzled, whether ho lands lu I Etnbry's shoes or not. The deal Is ; for tho Oarber adherents to make a show of opposing McOuIre, but tm. understanding between tho (larflold county candidate and tho present congressman Is full and complete. Mctlulre, after looking over tut. field, has found that the lassoing of a nomination this year, lu the fac THELOCALMARKETS P. C. Di'n7., PresiJint. J. M Jonen. Cathier. GUARANTY STATE BANK CAPITAL $51,000.00 In addition to our capital your money is guaranteed by the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Oklahoma. Interest Paid on Time Deposits A share of your business will be appreciated. OFFICIAL STATEMENT Made to the State BanKing Board of the Ardmore State Bank At Ardmore, Okla., at the close of business Sept. i.'on HKSOl'KCES ho tins, Discounts and Overdrafts $182,512.77 Furnlturo nntl Fixtures 2,:i(i'J.I5 Loans to Active Olllcers.NONU Warrants. $5,103.33 Avatlnblo Onsl $01,002.31 $00,705.01 S2Cl,lilO.S0 The Abovo Statement Is Corrcct-HAHOLI) WAMjACH, Cnsblor. This BanK is I Year and 3 Months Old If you nro not a customer of this bnnk, let this be an invitation to become one. C. T. Darr'mger, Pres. h. I'. ANDHHSON, Pros. MOIUN SOOTT, Vice-Pros. O. L. ANDHPvSON, Oaslilor. EI) SANDLIN, Asst. Cashlor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, OHla. Capital Paid In $60,000.00 Surplus Funds .165,000.00 Total $225,000.00 The oldest bank in Indian Territory. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with good banking. J. A. MIVHNS, President. A. II. PALMEK, CnBhior The City National Bank Ardmore, OHlahoma. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus Funds 100,000.00 Accounts of firms and individuals solicited. Courteous treatment accorded to all alike. of anti-Cannon sentiment and other talngs, is n harder proposition, muck harder than an election, hence the ' McOulre-Garber denl. Mrs. Mlrd S. McOuIre gave out the following Interview today: "I did not say lu my testimony for divorce that Mr. McCJulre had sub jected mo to physical violence, and I did not allege it la my potltlon ror i the reason that ho never did. I can conceive of no reason why my testi mony should be misquoted lu some of the press reports, uuless It be for political purposes and I sincerely hope in Justice to mo ami common fairness to him that misrepresenta tion of my testimony will be discon tinued." . "Many-l'se" Oil. will not gl.v oil stones. 2 oz. spout oiler, 10c. Concrete Sidewalks Don't order them with out first getting bid from A. D. Hyde None but first class work. Phone 89. M. Gorman. Vice-PreB. J. W. Hannah. Atst. Caihier. MAHIMTItiS Cnpitnl Stock $ 25,000 00 Surplus nnd Undivid ed l'rollts 3,741 ,2'J I'lienrned Interest ... 5,b80.1;i Dividend, Unpaid.... 750 UU Mills I'nynblo NONK Rediscounts NONK Othor Horrowqd Money NONIi Deposits 210,203.11 $251,010 'ti Harold "Wallace, Cashier DON LAOV, VIca Prosidont. O. II. WOLVEltTON, Asst. Cashlor. United States Depository Okla. State Depository City Depository ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE. OKLAHOMA Capital, Surplus and Additional Liabilities $250,000 If this bank Is n safo place for tho city, statu nnd nation to deposit their funds It is a safo plnco for tho farmer and business man to keep his funds. TRY IT. LEE CRUCE, President G. W. STUART.Cashier Keep a complete record of your mortgages by using duplicate mort gage books on sale at The Ardmore I Its office.