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The Ar'.moreite Is the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service Use The Ardmoreite Want Ads Jones-Everett Machine Co. For quick, reli.-i'dc mi I ti ifctor n i,iu h : i . lc our eu-ttomer. I'hnr... They Hustle Busing VOLUME XVI ARDMOUK, OKLAHOMA FRIDAY HVHNINti NOVUM l!Hli -'(! I!0!l NUMBER 1 1 f ar3 A a Come To The After Supper Sale Tonight From 7 to 9 O'clock A BIG BARGAIN FEAST awaits vou. A Molly Munsing Doll Cut Out and a Pony Stocking Lead Pencil FREE for the children. gi The Store for IS HERE TONIGHT Kate Barnard Will Speak at the Court House Tonight. The announei mc-nt that Miss Knto Barnard would arrive hero tills nf- it it tt :: :: :: :: :.' :: CROWN CANDIES. The Candles with a reputa t Ion. Contract made thin week for monthly dellvory to Texan wholesale firm of 5000 pounds. See that your dealer gives you only the Crown goods. Candles and Carbonated Hevcragos. THE CROWN BOTTLING AND M'F'G WORKS. M. J. HAYS, President and Manager. tt it tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Ramsey & Ramsey Farm and City Loans Wo inspect our own loans 200 W. Main St. Arclinorc, . . . Okla. Farm Loans Burwell & Dexter are making farm loans, as heretofore without- any delay, They inspect all lands and pay cash down. Office over Guaranty State Bank. Money! Money! To loan on farm lands, I have the money here, and can pay out as soon as title is perfect, ahsolutely no delay, GEORGE R. FISH Room 8 Noble Bldg. end all the People. Umoon :md speak tonight a eight o'clock at the district court room lias pleased the people here and tli- will all go to hear her. Miss Itaru.'ird has legions .f friends In this portion of the state, they al ways eto to hear her speak and she always has something new to tell them about her work. She holds the office of state commissioner of char ities and corrections and in this line she has made a reputation for Ok lahoma. She has Invitations to other states sufficient to require all hor time If she made reaopnsc to all nf them. Another girted speaker who will be lie re in Daugherty, state labor conimlbslouor. He will have some thing of inleretrt In his line of work L tell the people and all those who go to the court house tonight will be well repild for their visit. ECLIPSE OF MOON. Begins Shortly After Midnight Total From 2:15 to 3:30 O'clock. The moon Is due to go Into eclipse shortly after midnight tonight. The eclipse will continue until r::iS a. m. It will bo caused by the moon pass ing through tho earth's shadow. The tctnllty will be from 2:11 a. m. until a. m. If the -sky Is partly cloudy, the moon, while liuniorsed In the earth's shadow, may bo completely hidden from view. If, however, It Is a clear sky the sunlight will be sent Into the earth' shadow, thus causing tho rim of the moon to bo visible, shining with a deep, dark copper cqlcr. Those falling to gee the ecllpso Parly Saturday morning will not havo another opportunity or seeing n total eclipse until May 2.1, 1010. Dining tho laBt threo months tho nocturnal skies-have been bombard ed with thousands cf telescopes by those eager to view brilliant, wnr like Mars, the rare star of llethle. hem, Halley'i orniet nml other phe nomena. ITALIANS BY THOUSANDS. This Nationality Flocking to Amer ica Immigration Figures. Washington, Nov. 23. Durhig Oc tober lliero were 75,108 Immigrant ulleiis and 10,78 1 nou-linnilgrnnt aliens admitted Into tho United States, 20,151 United States citizens arrived and l,31 aliens were do barred, according to the October bulletin Issued today by the Innulgra ilon bureau. Uy far the largest number of Im migrants during October wore from Italy, 11,251 coming from southern Italy, and 2,010 from the north of Italy. Poles constituted tho noxt larg.U class, with 7,:i30, and tho Hermans, with 0,950. There -was a single Koroan, and not a man frcm the Paclfl" 1&land admitted, S D1UD FUNERAL PROMINENT PUBLIC MEN OF MIS SOURI AND NATION ATTEND BURIAL OF CONGRESSMAN. VICTIMS M HIED TOGETHER Governor Hadley, Former Governors Folk and Doekcry, Speaker Can non and Congressional Committee Among Notables at Funeral. Ilu tier, Mo., Nov. 20. Hundreds of prominent public men of Missouri and many fiom outside the state Joined the citizens of llutlor Ldny in , paying respect to the lato ilepresent i atlvo DeArmond. who died In a vain effort to safe his grandson, "Wad i die," la a fire that destroyed the Do rtiioiid honi. here last Tuesday. The bodies of both or the vic tims were burled In one casket In a local cemetery. (Jovcrnor Hadley, f. riuer (lover norn Folk and Iockcry, Speaker Cannon and the congressional coin I nilttec. appointed to attend the fit- neral, wen .imong the distinguish ed perse ns present ACCIDENTALLY SHOT HEART IS PIERCED MRS. SHED LINDSAY MET TRAG IC DEATH TWO DAUGHTERS SURVIVE HER. Cionoial Calloway ami his mother, .Mrs. Lottie Calloway arrived In the city this morning front Tishouilngj, where thuy attended the funeral in .Mrs. Sheb l.lndiay, who was acciden tally killed on the Wostohlmur H Daube ranch. Mrs. Lindsay dropped a H-callbre revolver cm the floor, It was discharged, and the ball passed vlear through the body entering over the heart. She called her hiubanil with one word. He was In an adjoin ing room and ran to her. As he picked her up she said "oh" and im mediately died. The woman was 2fi years of age and was the mother of two little gins, one the and the other eight years of age. Mrs. Culloway, mother of the woman. Ihes wcu of Aiduioro a few miles. CITY ATTORNEYS TO MEET. For Purpose of Considering Existing Laws Regarding Cities and Towns. (Juthrle, Okla., Nov. 25. Sam H. Harris, chairman of tho Oklahoma code commission, has requested city attorneys to meet with him In in. commission's ofllcos here Due. 0 to consider existing laws regarding cit ies and towns. In revising tho laws, the commission has found numerous conlllctlng provisions, which appeal to Involve tho law In almost lnox trlcablo confusion. In a circular loi ter mulled city attorneys, Mr. Harris calls attention to tho following; Tho question of city tax levies, as piovlded by the old laws, and Unmet, by tho constitution; the limit of an nual expenditures; tho limit of bond ed lndcbtodiiesa; the power of einl uont domain for various purpusos, un der the old laws, the caiutltutlon and tho law of 1008; paving procedure especially In cases whore stroet or steam railways are Involved, and, In the sniuo connection, the quontlon or the improvement of street and alloy crossings; the sidewalk laws, which Is In a highly confused state; the sewer law tho proaent application oi tho law of 1003 regarding district sowers, and of tho Issuance of bonds for a general storm or sanitary sower system; tho question of tho appoint ment of pollcomen in cIUcb; and num erous others, Sooners Defeat Epworth. Oklahoma City, Okla., Nov. 20. The Thanksgiving game hero yester day betwoon tho Oklahoma University and Kpworth University resulted in a acoro of 12 to 11 In favor of tho university eleven, HUNDRED ATTEND i :: :: :: WEATHER FORECAST. :: it :t it :: New Orleans, La . Not. 20 The weather fore - xat for okla honiu for tonight and Baturduy Is generally cloudy ami unset tled. Colder In Hi - w'8i Hat nulay. it n tt tt it :: :: :: :t BELIEVED THAT PRESIDENT S.Z LAYA IS INTERCEPTING DIS PATCHES TO STATE DEPT. UNITED STATES DELAYS ACTION Until Specific Information Regarding Situation in Nicaragua is Received From American Vice Consul, Noth ing Will Be Done by United States. Washington, I), c , Nov. 2U. Tho tato department ls -till without ay Information from the American vice consul at .Managua, Nicaragua, and there Is strong Inf. -tice that his dispatcher havo been Intercepted bv Zelaya's officials, ' joveininent official, here wlllprob- aLly delay action tint I siieciflc Infor I trillion Is received noni the lc consul. TEDDY'S GLAD AN IT NATIVE RUNNERS CARRIED NEWS OF PEARY'S DISCOVERY TO ROOSEVELT IN JUNGLE. Now York, N. Y., Nov. 2'!. In a letter to Secretary nrldginan of tho I'onry Arctic Club, rucolved here to day, ox-l'rosldent Hooiovelt expresses himself as "rejoiced at Peary's won derful triumph and proud beyond measure that this, one of the great feats of our S'lieration, should bo performed by a fellow countryman of ours." The news oi ivary's dlscoory was conveyed to lt" evelt by native mn tiers. IS GIVEN TEN YEARS PHILIP ALLEN OF DEFUNCT MIN ERAL POINT. WISCONSIN BANK. SENTENCED TODAY. Madison, Wi ., Nov. 20. Philip Ai Ion, Jr., former lco president of the defunct First National Hank of Min eral Point, Wisconsin, was today sen tenced to tot tears In the Leaven worth federal i' ison. Allen wa n 'ged with the embez zlement oi $ "00 of ihi' banks funds. LOSE THEIR READS LOEB DROPS TEN MORE ASSIST ANT WEIGHERS FROM NEW YORK CUSTOMS SERVICE. Now York, N. Y Nov. 20. Ton more assistant wolghors wore drop ped from the customs sorvlco today by Collector of Port, Uieb. This makes eighty-three, since the Konera! "house cleaning" began, brought about by tho wolghlng frauds. Miss Toy Mayhew left yestovday for Donlson to tnako a brief tlslt with rolatlve. :: :: :: :: it : NO INFORMATION mm intfrftfr with him mmm nfiinan rn nni : 11 U HU FRISCO LIS RUMOR IN BANKING CIRCLES IN NEW YORK THAT HE'LL BUY frisco and turn to hawlby Yoakum Refutes to Make Any State ment Regarding the Wall Street Humor Deal Has Not Yet Bean Closed. Negotiations In Progress. New York, Nov. 2G. In reixnlble bankliiK circles this afternoon K was Intimated that nenotlatloiiN for the sal- of the St. I.cmiIb Sun 1'nin Imv to Henjnmlti I'", Yoakum of the Rock Island were in proreaa of couHiimniatlon. It Is believed thnt Yoakum will turn the control of the Frisco over to Hdwln Hawley. with whom ho l already intonated in various vim tares Yoakum would not make any state incut 1 1 i - af'iriionn reganlliiR the rn iiior IS LEANDER STILWELL OF ERIE, KANSAS, SUCCEEDS DAVEN PORT AS FIRST DEPUTY. Washington, I). C, Nov. 2(i. Il la ai'iiouiiced here today that lAalnler Stllwell of ICrlc, Kansas, has been aplMilnted first deputy commissioner of pensions to succeed James i,. Davenport, promoted. Stllwell ls a lawyer and hits also served on the iKiich In Kansas. Sen ator Curtis and C ngresmimu Camp bell were his backers for the ap pointment. UNCLE JOE IN KANSAS CITY. Speaker of the House to Oe Princi pal Speaker at Banquet Tonight. Kansas City, .Mo., Nov. 20. Speak er Joseph (!. Cannon of the house of representatives, who will bo the principal speaker at the dinner giv en by the Knife and Fork Club tonight, arrived here today. At the Jail. Ilynum Johnson, a negro, from near SprliiRer. was brought hero today and j placed In Jail charged with sealing ! some cattle. "Walter I -M wards who was convicted some time past for selling whlsto. and escaped from the county road j force, cnuio lu today and surrendered laud will finish his time on the roi-l Neither Team Scored. Ardmore and Pin cell played foot ball yesterday afternoon ut Uireiu park. The attendance was aood ud a good game was played. Nilihei team was able to make a score. Tin (fame was played In 20-iuinute Ii.iIwh t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: tt t: tt tt :: n n tt CANDIES tt tt FOR tt tt THANKSGIVING tt tt tt tt :: tt :: Made as clean as you can make them In your own kitch en. Made as pure as snow. Come here whara you can get candles for the holidays cheaper than you can make them. PETER PAUL The Candy Man Near the Postoftlce tt tt tt t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt n MRS. ROOSEVELT RETURNS. Wife of Kx-Prealdtnt and Daughter Will itity at Oytr Bay. York, Xov. 25 Mr. Th. iloK- Itimst-vt'ti and her daughter. Ktlifl. ho returned from Buror , en th oteamer Koenlg Alebtr, will go to ( t. r Hay at cm- spending the liiankgivltig li llday hwo at the j home or Ikugla Koblnson. It. side, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, ! iIh.s,. a! Hi.' pier to greet Mra. Koose- M-u .inn ii. r uaiiKiii' r were Mrs. Nicholas lniortIi ami Collector r the Poll William loeb, Jr. Ravl.i RMeives Mineral Dlplom.i. Hala. Okla.. Nov. 25. H. tS. Hup (111, nilneroloalst of Kavla, Okla., has Just received f diploma from the Ok lahoma state fair association for tit fluent dioplay of mlnerala. lonxlsitn; wf lead, zinc, nsphaltum, granite, limestone, shale and fire clay An of the samples were secured near Itavtu. There were five different samples of fire clay In the exhibit. The Hock Creek Oil and Mineral (Vnn pun have roachml a depth of near law feet, and nro In a red rock, sni aa covers the oil In the Wheeler on field. The company is expactliiK n Rusher at an early day. Two other oil companies have secured a number of leases near town and are arrang ing to commence work before m. first of the ear. Finds Valuable Stone. , Frederick. Okla.. Nov. 23. -l. 8. Boule, until recently of the Freder ick Bnlerprlse force, but now with the !emoernt at Snyder, has recent ly a valuable atone on his mining elalm In the Winhlta iiinun- tains, which .leweler Fnud of this place pronounces a blood ruby. It ; weighs considerably over a carat, , and when cut, Mr. Freud thinks it j will weigh about three-quarters of a ' ( .11 at This kind of a ruby is as 1 valuable as n diamond, and la worth I f Kim 150 to $200 a oarat. Mr. Soulu will have the atone sent to New York to b cut. Catholics Will Celebrate. New York, Nov. 25. The various Catholie churches and arhoola lu (his city will celebrate on Dec. I the ceutennary of the fouiwktiou In the I'nKed StaUs of the Sisters of Char ity by Mother Ullaabothon Seton. A Hpeclal mem rial service will be held at the cathedral lu which 1,000 children from the pnrochlal ac-hol will have a prominent part. Bible Student Kills Wife. Chicane, 111., Nov. 23. William MeCormlck, thirty-one yonin old, stu dent at the Moody Biblical Institute here. Jumped from a third story wlu- j dow lu the dormitory today and died j while being taken to the h spltal 1 He . believed to have been dcrallg I e.l. Don't mist tliCHO lnrgnlns O. L. CHANCELLOR Off n o Kando nidg, over Dltzlrr Office phone 111 Hes phone 513 Dry Cooda Co. 1 o o TO LOAN on Farm and City Property Most Reasonable Terms GENERAL INSURANCE GORMAN, BOGIE & DOBBINS Over City Nutlonnl linak Phone 50 ARDMORE, OKLA. KILLED AS IE! ESCAPE WOMAN AND DAUGHTER SHuT TO DEATH IN WEST vip 'NK BY SHERIFF'S POSPE TODAY i TROUBLE FROM FAMILY FEUD Jim Darnels and Sen, Sought by Old etrs, Escape From Rear of House as Wife and Daughter Drew Fire of Offleers to Front of House. Williamson, w. Va.. Nut ri' Ing from the doorway of t:e Ir )t i on the sheriff's posse to i . Mnr father and brother time to i n,ii, .Mrs. Charles Daniels and lu r lfi. year-old daughter were shot : , , i- at i today by the officers' po- - ne.n Devon. The trouble grew out or i ranilly f-ud between the Christian family and the Daniels family. Mm Daniels and his son. t u.irlc , were being sought for shoot in tf mem bera of the Christian family They escnKd while the woman fought with the officers. New Governor of New Mexico. Washington, Nov. 25.- Chief Jmi tlce W. I. Mills of the N.'tv .Moxlco supreme court has be..i appointed gou-riior of the tenltory to succeed Cl'orge Cttiry, resigned. Good Things to Eat j Fish Oysters Fresh moats of all kinds ICosher moats California fruits lOvorj tiling f rosh and clean. Prompt delivery Clark's Market Phono 033. jt: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt it Tolephono 21 tt tt ARDMORE ABSTRACT CO. tt tt Oldest In tho County ' W. S. Wolverton & Son it tt .Managers tt , tt Ilonded Abetractora of Carter Jt ' ft County. General Insurance tt tt Money to loan on City and tt tt Farm Property. tt tt 113 North Washington St. K , tt t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt u tt tt tt it n For Sal e At n HAIKiAIN if cold at onco, a nice G room cottugo on North Washington St., nil niodorn con veniences, terms easy. Also a nice modern 5 room cot tage, close in on 1! Street, N W., tonus if desired. PLHNTY of cheap money to LOAN ON FARM A N D CI I'Y PHOPIJUTY. Uxolusivo ngoncy for properties solfeited and given prompt attoiition. 9 o o o