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The Ardmoreite Is the Only Neiuspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press Neivs Service Use The Ardmoreite Joncs-Evcrcll Machine Co. For quick, reliable ami sat Isfaetory rpir; yn, n k our customers. Phone Want Ads They Hustle Business VOLUME XVI ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA W1CDN KSl)A KVKNINCi DKC10M Ki S !!)()!) NUMBER l.'is mm SUFFERING FH LDWnSPRE r r CITIES IN OKLAHOMA AND KAN SAS FEEL. EFFECTS OF HEAVY USE OF GAS SUPPLY. TEMPERATURE BELOW ZERO At Topcka the Temperature Today Was One Below; Concordia, Kan-, sas, Six Dclow Coal Dealers Can't i Supply Demands Upon Them. I Kansas City, Mo.. Dec, S. This portion of Uiu southwest expert oneod still colder weather today. The toinporntiiios, generally, being two degrees lower than yotorday and ranging from zero in Kansas City to six below at Concordia, Kansas. Much discomfort Is being expe rienced In the cities and towns of Oklahoma, Kansas and Western Missouri that depend In part upon natural gas for heating purposes, because of the extremely low pres sure In the pipe lines. Coal dealers nro also finding It impossible to fill orders promptly. At Topeka, Kansas, the tempera ture -Is one below. Oklahoma City, 10 above. Amarlllo, Texas, Hi above. Good Things to Eat Fish Oysters Frush moats of all kinds Kosher moats California fruits Everything fresh a n tl clean Prompt delivery. J. A. CLARK'S Mrif, Hnh unJ Oyter I'urfor Phono B33. Farm Loans Burwell & Dexter are making farm loans, as heretofore without any delay. They inspect all lands and pay cash down. Office over Guaranty State Bank. ss O. L. CHANCELLOR Office Randol llldg., over Dltzlcr Office phone 141. Res. phono 513 Dry Goods Co. $100,000 TO LOAN on Farm and City Property Most Reusonuble Terms GENERAL INSURANCE GORMAN, BOGIE & DOBBINS Over City Nailonul Bunk Phone 50 ARDMORE, OKLA. Mines Forcb' to Close. .Joplln, Mo., Dee. S. Many tutniti; plant luivo shut down In tills vi cinity today, because of the ex- tin mely oohl weather. The tempera r-1 hen in - aiiove. Dismiss School at St. Jo. St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 8. As :i result of the Inadequate supply of natural gns from the Kansas gas f leliln. ses sions In all school houses here, In whliii rub wns used for heating pur poses), were suspend'-"'! todny. A num ber of factories have also closed down. IT COPENHAGEN UNUSUAL PRECAUTIONS TAKEN TO SEE THAT RECORDS SAFE LY REACH DESTINATION. Copenhagen. Doc. 8. The North Polo olwervutlons of Doctor Cook leached here today on boaid the Steamer United Status. Kxtraonllnnry precautions were taken to make suro that the data was dollvered safely to tho Uni versity authorities. At the univer sity they were placed In a strong rocm, where they will remain un til a committee, appointed to ex amine them, l.s ready to begin work. TO KING'S HEALTH KING LEOPOLD HAS PARALYSIS AND IS SAID TO BE UNABLE TO RAISE FROM HIS CHAIR. Brussels, Doc. 8. Information from prlvato sources today Is that King Leopold's health Is causing tho utmost anxiety. It is reported that rheumatism lias beni complicated by paralysis and that his majesty j Is unable ralHu himself from his chair. THE GOULDS RETIRE. Representatives of American Tele phone Co. Succeed Th-m New York, N. Y., Dec. S. A large part of the Could Interests In the Western Union retired at a meet lug of the biard of directors today and were succeeded by men rep resenting the American Telephone fc Telegraph company. A BARGAIN FOR SALE Throe room house and lot located on 0 St. Oih Ave., S. W. Lot 177x155. Runts for $7 50 per month. Price $175 .00 if sold at once. $150.00 of this amount can run three years and six months at 5 per cent interest. MUST 131' SOLD AT ONCE CROP ESTIMATE BULLS MARKET THIS YEAR'S COTTON CROP IS MORE THAN TWO MILLION BALES SHORT OF LAST YEAR. MARKET UP SEVENTEEN POINTS Activity In New York Cotton Mar ket, Following Census Bureau's Report on Number of Bales Gin ned up to December First. Washington, 1). 0., Dec. S- Tin re were S,7S",l"i niniiliiK bales of cot ton ginned from the growth of the MOil cotton crop up to Docombor 1st, as compared with 11.00S.C81 for l'JOS, according to the bulletin of the census bureau Issued to day. Cause Bullish Market. New York, N. V., Dee. S. The bullish tone of tho census bureau on cotton was followed by Increased activity in the cotton market here, with May selling up to 115.81), or seventeen points abovo yesterday's dope and a now high record for the aeuson. NINE BURGLARIES IN A NIGHT. Thieves Loot Oklahoma City Busi ness Shops. Oklahoma City, Dec. 7. 'Nino burg laries was the total here last night when thieves looted grocery stores, tailor shops, baktr'.cs, etc., ami goods and money to the value of about 1500 was secured. It is believed that boys committed a majority of the thefts and tnin they were uciiualnted with the busi ness was shown by the means they employed In gaining entrance to the i""""gs. i no ponce nave mi uu "bl ,l a' w- RIBBON BALLOT REFERENDUM VOTE REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE WON IN SUPREME COURT ELECTION LAW SUSPENDED. , .1. A. Harris of Wagoner, acting chairman of the republican stato ! committee, has sent telegrams to ' every county to the membera of tao j ftute executive committee advising them that the supreme court sin I tallied Nerrls and iloufo on every point in the Taylor election law case It will be remembered that when tho j last legislature enacted tho Taylor election law a great howl went up . ti oni the republican party. The lac.' j provided for tho ribbon ballot j which was very objectionable to j that party and petitions were at I once gotten up to have tho law ' submitted to an election of tlu j people. Tho secretary of tho st.uo claimed that the filing or the pett - Hons wore irregular and that lie was not required to submit tho law to a referendum vote. Tho supremo court In Its decision which was written by Judge Hays has decided that the petitions were properly filed. The fact that the decision was rendered as It was, will serve to suspend tho Taylor election law. It is believed that where bond Issues have been voted, and It Is doubtful whother tho vote should havo been taken under tho old law or tho Taylor law that tho doubt will bo remcved and the bonds validated as tho court decision indicates that the law has been suspended In fact since the day of the filing of tho petitions. S. W. Burton of MusKogeo Is In tno c-lty visiting friends and attending to business matters. Mr. Burton for merly lived hero being employed at the land office. s WEATHER FORECAST. s New Orleans. l.a . IVc s. The weather f r. east for Oklahoma for tonight and Thuiaday Is pull cloudy. Warmer Tltun-.ln t: tt it u ti :: :t tt t: :t :: :: u :: . STRIKE ASSUMES ACTS OF VIOLCNCC IN MANY DIFFERENT PLACES OCCURRED AS RESULT OF The STRIKE. SEVEN ARE INJURED Rl ORIO House occupied by Non-Union Men In Struthcrs, Ohio, Blown Up and Seven Men Injured Men Benton at Newcastle, Pennsylvania, Pittsburg. P.i., Dec. 8. The Mrtke of the Amalgamated soclatloti .. Iron, Steel mid Tin Workers, against the American Sheet and Tin Plato company, which has been lu pronto for the past five months, assumed serious proportions today when acts of violence In many different places occurred. In Strutliers, Ohio, a house occuplad by non-union men was dynamited ana seven persons Injured and several non-union men were ni-crcly beaten at Newcastle, Pcniisyhaula. SHELDON INDICTED IS CRITICALLY ILL DEPOSED PRESIDENT OF PHOE NIX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY INDICTED BY GRAND JURY. New York, N. Y.. Dec. S. George P. Sheldon, recently deposed as presi dent of tho Phoenix I'lro Insurance any of Itrooklyn, who Is critical- at his home at Greenwich, Conn., was Indicted by tho grand Jury u. day for grand larceny, lu connection with the alloged looting of tin1 Ili Insurance company's treasury to tli' extent of $1,000,000 or more. II. T. Rexroat or Keller was hero today enroute homo from Kt. Smith, Ark., where he has been for tho past few lUiys. it t: :t :: n :: n n it n tt it FOR THE HOLIDAYS. j. Crystallized IVults Assorted Fruits and Pineapple. 50 CENTS a pound. This class of goods sells higher everywhere else. See us for tho best homo inadu candles and lino chocolates. PETER PAUL The Candy Man Near the Postofflco jj jj ' jj I ( ' jj tt ' tt 1 tt tt , tl j tl tt , tl I tj H 1 tt tt : . . tt II It tl II It H n 1! H II 11 Tl tl , tt I tt . tt j tt tt 11 NOTHING BETTER. You can't got anything bet ter In candbs and carbonated beverages than la made hero. Kverythlng nice and clean, and only the txst used In the manufacture of our goods. Ask your dealer for tho Crown Brand, and insist on getting It. THE CROWN BOTTLING AND M'F'G WORKS. M. J MAYS, President and Manager. " ! 11 II It II 11 t: SERIOUS NATUHE tl tt ti n n ti n K n a n j HASKELLRECALLS C OF ATTOHNEY WEST PROBING OF LOCAL MATTERS BY SPECIAL GRAND J'JRY AT OKLAHOMA CITY CEASES HIS ACTION IS CONDEMNED Attorney General Was Prehlmj Into Columbia Bnnk Atfnlr, Coi-.try to Governor's Wish Juv 'n Pov region of Evidence o.' Corruption. OkUhoma City, Doe. ".- -Tho i slon of the special xnnd Jury which lm been nr')'oI ii; .r-i a1 mat Krs pertaining t .oiiuty iml st'ite .fflcora, proililed ovur by Attorney General West, whi su.ldui'v LmuKhl to at least a tempom: y teriuina tion Into this afternoin, when Gov ernor lluskrll revoke.) the (diuium lion he had given the ttor:i' gruernl to conduct the hearings be Tore the Jury. The 40vnr)r In Id a short coiiii ' "fe wilt Distil-' .ludgo Clark, sfter wit' m Hi- JinU',' called the jury before him and told it that .Mr. YVott no l ng' had i coiumlsnlon to appear lii'f-ir It. Tho cause for Mto is'ivei nor s ac tion, while net being announced Is taken as a con.ieiiueiice of eon dltVrus known to (! Sum days ago the governor stated 'hat tho afTtlrs or the Columbia Rank fz Trust company should not be In vcatlgtitod by tho Jury now be cause of the conruslou It might cause In liquidating the bank, ac c rdlug to the governor. It Is also said that the governor told West I when ho gave him charge or the ' Jury that If the bank's nlTalrs were gone into, he (the governor) would lecnll West. It Is known that for lb past two days the Jury has been considering the bank's affairs, under the guidance of the attorney gt neral, who later appointed a lo cal attorney to assist him. It if alKo Intimated that some IntereU lug liiformatlcit was being plnc-d before the Jury. Hy revoking West's commission as the legal advlsyr before the Jury, the probe lit any matters would stop. The commis sion was revoked. The members of the grand Jury tonight Issued a statement lu which the action of the governor Is con demn) d. The Jurymen say they are In possosslou of evidence of cor ruption In both county and stato of ficers. Tomorrow the Jury was to I muke n report of its findings, lu which it Is said that ono or more ' Indictment would bo returned. Y STEEL CONCERNS COURT AT BOSTON DECIDES THERE WAS NO MONOPOLY IN BIDING FOR CITY CONTRACTS. Boston, Mass., Dec. 8. Thirty-three American stool firms and agents for stool companies were ac(iilttei of col lusion In bldd'ng fiy city contracts hero today. Tho court decided that there had tt -been no monopoly and also that the tt defendants had a right to advance tt I their own interests. ..! I VOTE ON PROHIBITION TODAY. Another Missouri County Likely to Go In the Dry Column. Sprlngfluld, Mo., Dec. S(. -Taney county Is today voting on tho local option quest'un. It Is predicted that K the county will go dry. Miss Grace I.ederwood and Miss Maglo Cox of Tishomingo are In tho city visiting with Miss Poarlo Gal-.Ion. ACQUITS ATTEND THE GREAT D ecember Sale AT WESTHEIMER 6? D AUBFS Anil ;et an ou rcoat, suit. crsliirt, hat, cap, or any thin:; in men's and boy.,' lurnisliings cheaper than t.u ever bought the same grade of guods in Ard uore before. Suits that were 20.00 to 3000 are now 4 in selling at lO-OV Suits tint were 16.00 to 18.50 nre now go- 1 t nn ing in this sale for i 0.0 Suits that were is.sonnd 15.00 are going j a oq in this sale for 1 UO Suits that were 10.00 and 1 1.50 are selling in nn this great December sale for u O 0.50, 7 50 and 8 50 suits regular, arc going in -l no this sale for 0.O MEN'S OVERCOATS Overcoats that wore 3.50 are now going in nr this sale at I Jo Overcoats that were 5.00 an, selling in this ? 0 0 gn at December sale at u0 Men's overcoats regular price 7.50, this r sale's price 0Z Men's overcoats regular price 10 oo, Decern- nn ber sale price U.O Men's overcoats that were 1 j.50, are in this n on December sale at ) 0 Men's fine overcoats, in Kersey, Cravencttes and Meltons, in the late styles, regular 15.00. it no December sale price 11 .0 Boys' overcoats in all sizes and prices. 3 DISMISSES OOXEY SAYS THERE IS NO EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE CASE AGAINST HUSBAND OF MRS. DOXEY. St. Louis, Mo Dec. 8. L. I). Ixoy, who was arreste.i yestorday arter tho coroner's Jury d .lured him the pos sessor of "guilty knowledge," of tho murder of W. K. Krder, with which Mrs. Doxoy was charged, was released from custody today by the circuit at torney, who said thero was no ovl- Money! Money! To loan on farm lands, I have the money here, and can pay out as soon as title is perfect, absolutely no delay. GEORGE R. FISH Hoom a Noble HI tig. j -rr Have You Seen Them? Our holiday mounts in all the shades and sizes are here. Xmas pictures finished the day you want them. Webb's Studio dm e to substantiate the charge The grand Jury will take up Mrs. Di'Xcy'a case thlB afternoon. Kverctt Sanders left yeJterday for Ardniore where he has accepted a po sition in one of the meat markets at tllilt ldace -(ialnesvllle lleaporlan Ramsey & Ramsey Farm and City Loans Wo inspnet our own loans 200 W. Main St. Ardmorc, Okla. tt ti ii ti ii ii ii n ti it ii n It Telephone 21 tt tt ARDMORE ABSTRACT CO. tt 11 Oldest In tho County tt W. 8. Wolverton & Son tt 11 Managers tt 11 Bonded Abstractors of Carter tt 11 County. General Insurance. 11 11 Money to loan on City and tt tt Farm Property. tt 11 113 North Washington St. 11 tl It tt 11 11 II 11 11 II tt tt II II tt tt