Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Wednesday, Dee. 8, 1909 it m :t i: :: :: :: tt n r n n " TOMORROW'S CALENDAR. It tt It Presbyterian It.izaar at Mrs, tt tt C. P VanDenbcrg's tt Methodist Ifa.aar down r. tt town. jj 4 tt tt tt tt tt tt ti tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt An Exchange of Christmas Gifts. Shu was a flno Chicago girl, And he 'twas rather shocking Sent her a motor runabout To "put Into her stocking." Hut sho was good at repartee, And, 'stead of getting tcary, Sent him two big horse blankets ).-;; " ged: "Hnr Tabs for Llttlo Dearie." JlUl !.-. It All to the Good. .Vow this Is what my wife exclaims Since oht new girls forsook her, "I lovo my gas stovo with Its speed, Ilrclcsa cooker!" Tho llroadway llaptlst Ladles will continue their bazaar today. tt Presbyterian Bazaar. Tho Prosbytcran Ladles solicit the patronage of the public at tbelr annual Christmas Dazaar to be given on to morrow afternoon at two thirty o'clock at the residence of Mrs. C. P. Van Donberg. All sorts of nrtlcles for Christmas will be on sale. Tne delicious home-made candy, that has been sold In such abundance at past bazaars, will be on sale again tills year. Lunch will be served throughout the afternoon. a Methodist Dazaar. The llroadway Methodist Ladles will conduct their bazaar and dinner on to morrow and the day following and will have an abundance of salable ar ticles on display. They will also havo a home-made candy booth, whore de lcloiis and wholesome candles will be on sale. On Friday they will have their an. nual Christmas dinner which will be one of the old fashioned Methodist turkey dinners, with all sorts of good things on the menu. tt Jewlch Divorce. Tho Jewish women in Russia have presented their first petition to cin Doiimu. In this petition they beg that legislation be enacted to provent hus bands from sending their wives bills of divorce by messenger. As things are now, a Hebrew husband can di vorce his wife with the consent of th rabbi by giving her a bill of dlvorcu ment. If the wife does not wish to bo divorced she can refuse to tnke tho papor, and It docs not become vatiu without her acceptance. When tho bill is sent by n messenger, the wife, not knowing what the paper Is, has no means of protecting herself. Lecture at Oklahoma City. An arrangement has been made through tho courtesy of Tho Dally Ok Inhoman for Miss Olsa Nethersofe, tn. colcbrnted actress, to give a lecture on tho antituberculosis movement next Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock bo foro tho City Federation of Women c'ubs. Mrs. Kdwln L. Dunn, who, VeIva Breakfast Syrup Made from The Pare Juice of the Sugar Cane in the P. & F. Way 4 It Certainly Makes the Griddle gf" I1Y MARY GNVYN WHITEMAN f telephone oNn-rouu.Two I prior to her leaving for Kurope, was J president of the city federation, has j Kuiciuusiy ouoreu ner spacious home, for the lecture and a brief reception will bo he'd before the lecture i the federated club women of the city will have an opportunity to meet Miss Nethersole, who is one of tho most In teresting porsonalltes on the English speaking stage, ltecelvlng with Miss Nethersole will he Mrs. W. It. Clement, president of tho city federation, Mrs. Dunn and a representative of The Oklahomnn Ity reason of their activ ity In the Hod Cross work an Invitation Is also extended the members of the WlmodaughslH society. tt Christmas Music and Customs. In . the Christmas customs of most all couutrloH we find music Is almost Invariably an Important pait. SupK,c wo follow the good old Saint Nicholas In his Christmas eve trip around the world and en joy some of the pretty mimical customs which still linger with us In spite of such unromnutlo thing as Htonm radiators and black holes In tho floor called registers, In plate of the groat chimneys whore the Christmas logs onco flamed and roared when boars' heads smoked and fun and frolic held high carnival. In the days of "good Queen Hess" the Christmas holidays lasted over a month. Advent Included the four Sundays bof -re Christmas and was tho ! or aid of that great day. Both In Protestant and Catholic couutrlcj choir singers and school boys gj from house to house during thoio holy nights singing special songs or Christmas carols, with which to usher In the gladdest festival of the whole long year. In Hohemia, Syria and other (lor man provinces It is customary for tho young folks to form themselves Into a dramatic company ami per form Christmas plays during Ad vent. The story of the Saviour's birth, his persecution by Herod and the flight of the Holy Family Into Fgypt forms tho plot. j The ones who represent tho holy personages Instead of declaiming thoir parts in distinction to the other nctors, but they accompany ' their singing with tho same ryth-1 mlcal moton.ojit as do their fellow j players . j St. Nicholas as every one knows, Is tho patron of children, tho most t popular saint in the calendar. . lie In said to have been UIslto-, of Mycea In Lucia during tho time of our first Christian emperor, Con-, etantlno tho Great. Such was his goodness of heart that ho is ro- J lated to havo supplied three ioor i young girls with marriage iwrtlons by leaving a sum of money secrotly for each one at her window as his birthday came Just before Christmas. He was supposed to bo tho brlnger of gifts of tho season to the children cf Flanders and Hol land, who on Christmas evo sing a 1 loving little invitation to him which ' begins: Sold only in these Sealed Tight Cans. Served by Hotels and Dining Cars Cakes Go." Pemick aForo.LYo. NEW ORUANS, LA. Scott's Emulsion is a wonderful food-medicine for all ages of mankind. It will make the delicate, sickly baby strong and well will give the pale anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich, red blood. It will put llesh on the bones of the tired, overworked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter. tin hvi.i: hv am. niii'iKiisrc Hetvt 10, , n.inp of iat Att.1 (hi for out bratitlfHl Km Inn- Hank M. I'hll'V.. hkrtrl.Uk, Krtch iMttk (imlftllK ft lltuwl 1,u.'k lVttHf. SCOTT & IIOWNi; 4011 IVail Si.. New York "Welcome friend, St. Nicholas, wel come! Ilrlng no rod for u tonight! untie cur voices bid thee welcome., Kvery heart with us Is light." "I'llI each empty ha and bashot; 'TIs thy llttlo one who ask It, So, we sing, m wo sing, Thou wilt bring us everything." lecuit lecture hero he dclaretl that (he principal fumtlou of American The (ionium nation maUos Christ- woman Is the rearing and not the mas a religion season Kor sevornl bearing of chlhlrod. days clinrelt Is held twice a day The lecture was ;i,e third of a and It Is the time when the glo-, st rles glvm under Hie auspices of Hons choral works of llach nnd the society dealing with the eoclHl Hiindel (lit the acrcd places, llac!) , c millions of tho human race. The wrote a Christmas orntoilo and per-j former lectures denlili with "iiinr liaps one of tho happiest day.s In the rluge relations" and Die origin of life of I'ellz Mendelssohn was that J tho family." 25th of December hi when h" 1 " rioverul .,! u... i . u.. .. , ... ... , ...... . louiid under the Christmas boll .Searing. 'Theodore H.x.nevelt wrote s-iiH'ining nc nnii eagerly desirid to own n copy of the "St Mat - UiewV Passion," by Bach, u very tare work at that time. Later In life ho wrote Slv Christinas Plices. as he called thorn. He said they who to be Christinas pre(nts lor his noting frlJirls. 'During the last century there but before they could 1k publUu d . has been a gradunl d'mlmitlou lu the "Happy .Musician" had finished j the number of children In the av hie busy life and had been laid at i etnge American family. In iJjnn rest amid universal mourning. When Mnrtlii Luther was a boy he and three or faur (omrades were singing carolF for alms at tho doors of the wealthier citizens, after the old (ionium custom, when his bright face and sweet voice won him a temporary home at the houso of .Madame Ursula Cotla, the wife of a leading merchant. All his life long ho loved music enthusiastical ly. "I can see," he said, "why D.i- vld and all the other saints put "l-ooklng from tho problem from their dlvlnest thoughts into song." I all standpoints, wo find tho de He played with much skill upon crease lu the number of children tne mite, nnii into also. ....... ... imiv In the South Kensington .Museum In London Is still treasured an or gan that once belonged to him. :x Here and There. .Mrs. Clint ltiinn of (Juthrie Is here for the holidays. The Lawton high school boys are state champions of the foot-ball Held this season. On Christmas day thoy expect to play an Interstate game with the Dallas high school. Three weeks hence, nil of us hope to wake up bright and early In t.n. morning, happy but broke. Mrs. .Frank Hass of Fort Worth Is visiting Mrs. Little on llroadway. .Mr. and .Mrs. Val .Mullen have re turned from n trip to Dallas to see Olga Nethersole. Clrclo 'Number Four of the Home .Mission Society of tho llroadway .Methodist church met with Mrs. it. W. ltandol yesterday and completed ar rangements f' their bazaar tmorrow and next day. Misses Irene and Verna Kddlemnn hnvo returned to .Marietta after a visit with friends. Many porsons find themgelvos af fected with a persistent cough after nn mtnek of Influonzn. As this cough can bo promptly cured by tho tiso of Chamberlnln's Cough Itemed)', It should not bo allowed to run on until It becomes trouble some. Sold by Ardmoro Drug Co., ItuftiH Post and all druggists. Piano and Violin, negiunors taught on piano and violin. Miss Lillian H. Ihirgess, 505 B street, northwest. 7-12 Tho peculiar properties of Cham berlain's Cough Homed- havo been tnoroughly tested during epidemics of influenza, and when it was taken In tlmo wo havo not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by Ardmoro Drug Co., Itufus Post and all druggists. Try llrown's chill at Vho Llttlo Com Restaurant, W. Main Gt, ltf Ardraorelte Want Ads aro the belt. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE ICE SUICIDE" rooseveltian theory is not HELD TO DY EASTERN UNI VERSITY PROFCSSOR. 10 TELLS Iff IS NEEDED - I . No' ; tAa"y, Ch,l'ren- Dut Bettcr , Ch Idren-Glve. Economic, Per.o - nal, Social and Reh9lous Reasons In His Lecture. ! Phllnilelphlii, P., Dee. 7.- Prof. Scott Nenrlng of the I'nirorelty ol ivntmyivnniu noes n,n ho d tho , ean.e views on ' ne ,Mclde" us does Prof. f, i-.i.i. ... !., . Nenrlng beli . , the futtiro of the nation enn !. nldeil by tho iieciease lu tho biiiu rale, fn U, woma which he foA the '..n I te.,1 in mi. urn r.u. muciut. nee a dlscuHHl ,, has been u letter 1 popularized Ki en hIik .waged between thoh. who believe the average slzo ol the family 1 should be enlarged and those who believe It should l rentrlcted. we find the average number of . children to u family to have been six. In l!)0!j It had diminished mi-I til It was approximately two. In a certain pjrtion of New Kngluud Mates the average nun. her of native horn children Is l.s. In a census made among the families of gradu ates of our eastern universities within certain yiars wo find tho inorage between l.s and 2.1. and this Is only natural. - ... tji.i .i.ui.iKi' i.iiiiii in nave 1 decreased I100 per cent during tho to tho average famllv to have century. So that icii Mr Itnoxn. volt ridicule suicide ho is ridiculing one of the great tendon- ties of American life. "hi America e now find two children to a family. What Ik It that makes this restriction? I shall deal with the subject lu four phases. The roa-utis aro economic, nersaunl. social and rellcloim. "During tl ntury Industrial , conditions luue .hanged. In 1S00 the work wiiK lno in tho homes. : Today It is done In tho ractorles. ' This means that people must work I If the factorlcK and that they must work in the cltl.s where tho fac- torles are local, d. Therefore social j life Ih concentnil.d in the thloklv i populated city districts. In tho I the city It moank expense. In tho ! i.rtitiit.. u ciiim tiie.iiiH inoncv. 111 country a boy is a producer from early childhood. In the cltv ho miiHt be educated, clothed and fed with ' no return. He li merely nn ex pense. In c .lHcrpii nee city people prefer to stop h iving children and that Is what tlu-v aro doing." ! Prof. Nearlng dwelt on tho unfit- nohK of wiinic i l.miorlii iilifnii i.w Hiss or worn. , i nrouhht about W , uie cDiniii. u in city mo. tjio 0' NLY rich people can afTord to use poor soap. Fortius reason: Poor soap contains an excess of alkali which weakens the fabric and shortens the life of everything it touches. Rich people can stand that sort of thing. People who aro not rich should use Ivory Soap for everything but tho coarsest, commonest things that need to be washed. Ivory Soap 99jSo Per Cent. Pure IS NATION S MO effect of tho eompoiltlon of tHKilnl Ufa In reducing th birth rate win d m-iiMPi! ni tame length. "In spltc of Mr. ltoowrell's dt !ariigement, race tutrtde In a grout thing for tho'oti," he continued. The iiuallty of tho children pro diKcd Is more Important than tho quantity. The test of tho problem I too apt to bo quantity when It lion'il be quality. How many ehll dron can you bring up and educate to bo good citizens? If you Ii,t tiio ability, time and money to t-.- tt two mich, then you houl.l h.i two children If you have the aM: Ity. the time and the monev t tear children and turn them M'T to tho nation as g od citizen then you should have six ililldron : .Th(, , .,, ,,,, ,, wnr,, four ,.,,, ,, ,, , ,Mto p ,lllsHmB,. lrt far ,,. j tnoriil thnu the man who result ts , th" children of his family to two. Title nation would be no better off i vlth the aoo.oon.noo imputation of .. " ! muni, ii u eon once m a genera I " ,,Ur" 01,1 u, l,!",0,l, U wl" "unianiiy uian it could do by IncnmiiltiK the pop j 1I())g tilatloii to Itullti'it hundreds of mil ' j "Wo are approaching too cbsely to the bread lino. Necessities an" going up hi cause the demand Is greater than the supply. You say i the trust are raising the prlocH . of food atuffe. It In not true. They I are going up boonueo tho demand can not lie met. The liumiiu populu ! Hon will ultimately overtsku the supply of food. , J?? '" ?Vf '' ,UmVn n,"l I vnniimy rnmiitii in it mulili'ii cliMI. which if , nut nun.,.-.! in i.ii.....i....i.. .. .n '' "y ."i'lug a ' 'vi Paii.k.ller in half glia of W, wut.r or milk, the w1k,10 HHl..m W(U )0 heated nd the danger of ,,dd av. id.d. , :V!,il1 ,HlstituteM, tin re in but emu l'.iin killer, lVrryl)avi'. l,rice2Cu.,:i5c.niidr.(j(j ' ' FIGHTING DISEASE. New Use For Movlntj Plcture Films, Show Germs and Microbes. Paris, Dec. ,S. -Some new ami as-1 Initialling niovliiK-plcturo films, de-! plcting various gt rms and microbe .i I In action, will be shown tonight at I a meeting of the savants of tlr I Academy des Sciences. This Is not J the first exhibition or the kind, but ' It is expected to shew xonio startling j developments In the way or utilizing j the moving-picture film In fighting I disease. j Dr. Coinniiilon, a young physician j well versed lu the study of the In finitely little, has lately bien allow- ed by the Paris Krorog to mukoiiso of their apparatus for a blograph , ... - ! '"' ,l,!1l"lfil,t""o b'vo!op a new 1 """ """"''"ui appucaiou or this ""'"'"'''roscope. Ho has micoeoded ' Photographing these ultra-micro- scoplc Images upon the celluloid tape. A few weeks ago members of favor the plan declare that a llxea the Academlo des SeleiieoA miw "'"'" f salaries according to f.o them enlarged ujioii a Hereon, show- Kfiido of certlllcate. would havo the Ing all BortH of animated scenes result or Increasing the pay of teach that had never In on witnessed save 'rs and in Improving tho elTlcloncy or by the eye of the most Hklllful nil- I oducationnl work In all the schools. ; W- "'"'' corpuscles jostled """ a,",tlll, 1,1 l'" MinMurluH of a f,VK'rt r""t: l,'';l''1,' lvourlng rwl "lobuh's; hard llttlo gl.nlet-llke "artlol"s wt'n 8,'u" fIolltl,, ' t'1" 'l,1,MMl of ' 11 Wn,; l,n" t,L'ls' wlth W,B K""K fl"H' iacMt'A Ml corpuscles Ktl11 tlnl"r Um" tl't'inaelvtH; these w,'nl belonged to the Kil""' ,;llllls w,th tho fll10llH t'TPan I i-onies which determine the sleeping ,,ckl,W8H 1,1 m""' thm,,;M th, case ii was a rat that was afflict ed with them. Other dlHplays s,low,,l tl1" coagulation of blood and tho reformation of corpuscle as blood dries up. Still more as tonishing films are lu preparation. l'.0. 1,0fil n.iklng Powder nt any ..-i,... i .i .n. .i j. living i u tviicr m nnv J. iiiu .i-iuiui. hi uiiixo who iry K C IlnkliiK Powder. Puro and wholo- some. Savon you 30 cents on u pound cau, TO IMPROVE SCHOOLS. Superintendent Cameron Favors Civil Service System for Teachers, (luthrie, Okla., Dec. 7. K. D. Cam eron, stats superintendent of schools, hns started an agitation to havo tho , teachers of tho stnto placed under civil sorvico regulations, similar to tho civil service system of the United Stat03 governmont .Mr. Cameron has sent out a letter urging the teachers who will attend tho Statu Teachers" assoclalon at Oklahoma City, to glvo serious consideration to the proposed reform. It Is believed that tho adoption of tho civil sorvico system Is to combat tho Insecurity In tho tenure of office of school teachers' under tho prc3cnt educational system. Superintendent Cameron stateB that to the profession at large tho annual election of teach ers Is embarrassing to all teachers i and not conducive to tho best intei ests of the schools. i.Mr. Cameron will ask tho teachers' association to adopt a resolution dc- More Friends We'll soon count It's just a matter more housewives style, hir-rli-priced. J "ousanus arc turning to v One trial docs ppcaK to your grocer. Ltglitcr, sweeter baking or money rcund-j. Far bet ter, costs much less. You won't uciicvc it till 23 Ounces WEST'S There is Only One 6t That is uslu me wo ma oven ro AIw.ijs remember tho full naino. for thin Mgniiturc on every box. .r m. . it ' H,""l,,m "' ,h" ""'I'h.v ..lent of tea-., , crs In the schools of the state. If the i State Teachers' association sees lit 0,1 rrc"r" 111 r'lvor l,llB "''" know them when she Hicr j novation. It Is prolmble that the next Tho woman who has no ide.i of qual- legislature will bo asked to pass a bit putting the system Into olTeot lu Ok- i '"hoinit. W'MUt the details have not been woiked out. the plan contemplates In a general w.iy the establishment of a state civil nervlce commission for teachers or the conferring upon tho state board of education or powers that would be exorcised by audi a commission l.'ncli toucher lu the state is to take the examination Tor the grade work Tor which ho is lltted and the plan contemplates that when a teacher la employed by a school board he shall hold his position us long tis competent and on condition stock Is broken, hut sne may doubt that none of tho rules and regulations , loss Hud something .,UU! t lary. of the civil service system are not Leader violated. I " The Idea lu the uiltuls of some of j the educators is to fix the salary for ! each grade of teachers' prollcluucy, ! the state to hoar a small proportionate ' sharo of the expense of the teachers' salary to bo paid for a fund specially 1 created for that purpose. Those who WOMEN WATCH THE ADS. They Read Every Line In an After noon Paper for Bargains. Many women who really spend but little for their wardrobo nre able to make a good appearance by Judicious shopping. They may not wear the latest mode, but no one knows the dif ference, for the good taste nnd excel lent Judgment displayed prevents them from gutting anything notice ably out of date. As a rule their pur chases aro characterized by a true economy, which loads to tho selection of duo mnteiial well put together, Tor moat of these women buy ready u. wear garments. Tho wise, shopper wutches tho ail vertiM lnif ilium of t in niiwananM. - "-- 1 especially the afternoon newspaper, Aro ndvcrtUeiumit road? Ask any live advertlsltiK manager lu a depart ment store and lis will tell you thai oven a lino In tho Ilticst type will pro moto sales If It conveys Information of a real bargain. Wotngti who have their clothing "IRi,e t" Qr or who procure the ma torials and muk their own uanm irs profit by those sales as well ns ths who buy the ready to woar clothing Kino clothes are often sold at reduc ed prices, especially at remnant sales, lly tho aid of the excellent P'lttorns, nlways to bo had for a dime, tho house dressmaker can save a con siderable sum by tho end of the year. A good shopper must of necessity be n Judgo of materials and values This Is an art which Is required by many nmr(ni.:nn Works WOtlllora. ' Jt produces hair Just as surely as rain and sunshine 1 raises crops. It produces a thick growth of luxuriant hair when all other remedies fall. Wo guarantee , Dumlorlno. All druggists sell It Via, 50c and II por bottle. To provo iti worth solid this ml with 1Q0 lu stampi or silver and vo will mail you a large 1 free sample KNOWLTUrs DAN DEHINK CO., ChlcHgo. III. PAGE THREE Guaranteed tinder nil Pure I ooU Lows Every Yeai? vou amono- f.hpm. of time. More and are rrivinrr tin rim nM. Trust-mado ttnfeinrr BAKING POWDER it. You'll neve go back. you try for your- for 23 Cents Jaques Mfg. Co. Chicacn cunc a couj in ohc day. Look '.'Go. women m the hard school of , e ity She who must make $1 pur, h, wlut her wealthier sUter pays $ln foi , wl i search diligently for bargains vol search diligently for bargains and ty, who judges solely by the I paid, will never be so well sit'-i d by email outlays. Sho dares ti if ohOj) at the cheaper etoroa becaiu - relies Isrgoly on price and the .-mil ing of the bonne when she nuk , r purchases. The true economist, ejpecii'ty If she Is a busluues woman, who.3 ttiio has a ilellulte value, watches fir tho end of the season sales ani pays from one-half to one-third of tt.c prl"o which similar garments wer-5 said for earlier. Sho will no', have so wlijo 'i range of choice by walin eii'll tho TERRIBLE STRAIN RESULTED NOT AMISS A Lenoir Lady, After Two Weeks Grinding Labor, Feels Bettcr Than Ever. Lenoir, N. C "I am not tired at all, and am stouter limit I have ever been," writes Mrs. Kale Waters, of Lenoir, N. C, "although I have just finished a two weeks' wash. 1 lay my strength to Cardui, the woman's tonic. I have taken a lot of it and I can never praise it enough for what it lias done for me. I can never thank you enough for the ad vice you pave me, to take Cardui, for since takinn it I look so well and am stout as a mule." You are urged to take Cardui, that gen tle, vegetable tonic, for weak women. Its use will strengthen and build up your sys tem, relieve or prevent headache, back ache and tite ailments of weak women. It will surely help you, as itlias helped thousands of others, in lite past 50 years. N. II Write la: Ladie' Advlwrj Dent Chitu- Ulfi. I1nilti..r-A . .. I- ...... .., ! "uinne v" . iiuiMiiwifa. i cnn.. inrwrta i ........ - A' -r i invruaioni, antlOJ-page b"k, "li.ime Treatment lor Women.'' sent la Lun wrapper, on rciuciu h P. Poland V. I rosier Poland & Foster General Insurance Office Over The First National Bank. Telephone No. 48 - . . .,. , , . . , , . lUto 12 Por aaV 1 block ,ronl JoPot HfiTItT PDAXJfl ANDY YAUUHOUail, Prop. DAVIS, - - OKLA.