Ardmore, Wednccday, Dec 8,
the secretary of the treasury, that tlio
estimates of tliu expenses of tlio gov
eminent for tin- llscnl year ending
June SO, lllll-thnt Is, for tlio next
fiscal your-nro lews liy $",ii'Vt,000
tliaii tlio tolnl of appropriations for
the current fiocal yenr niul less by
$01,000,000 thnn the cstlimites for that
year. So fur us the secretary of the
treasury Is nhle to form a Judgment as
to future Income, there will lie no
deficit In the year ending dune 30, 101 1,
hut a small surplus of $7IL,(W.
In the present estimates the needs
of the departments nud of the gov
ernment have been cut to the quick.
lor the purpose of securing luformn
tion which may enable the executive I idiasls Is the need for an elimination
nnd the legislative branches to unite I ''"I providing a method by which the
lu a plan for the pennnneiit reduction im-rlls of olllcers shall have some of
ot the cost of governmental admlnls- f,,l "I"'" advancement and by
trntlon the treasury department has 1 which the advancement of all may he
Instituted an Investigation by one of '
the most skilled expert accountants lu j
the United States. The object of the 1
Investigation Is to devise means to In
crease the average clllclency of each
employee. There Is great room for Im
provement toward this end, not only
iy the reorganization of bureaus and
departments and lu the avoidance of
duplication, but also In tho treatment 1 Um'u '" l,l,v' Pressed ihclr J''s
of the Individual einplovee. uwnU '" which 1 fully concur, lu fo
under the present system It constant- , v,,r r "'"MiiK ' extensive naval base
ly happens that two employee lecelvo nt ,Vilrl Harbor, near Honolulu, and
the same salary when tho work of one , 1101 111 "' Philippines.
Is far more dllllcult and liuiortnnt nnd Tho Navy,
exacting than that of the other. Suy Tlio return of the battleship licet
perlor ablllly Is not rewarded or en- rrom its voyage around the world In
couraged. i ,n. ,.iclent condition than when It
Civil Pensions. started was a noteworthy event of In-
Ah the degree or elllclcncy lu nil the i terest alike to our citizens and the
departments Is much lessened by there- naval authorities of the world. The
tentlou of old employees who have out- marked hiiccohh of the ships lu steam
lived, their energy and usefulness It Ing nround the world In all wen then
It Indispensable to any proper system on schedule time has Increased respect
of economy that provision bo made so ' for our navv and has added to our tin-
that their separation from the service
shall be easy and Inevitable. It Is lin
possible to mako such provision unless
thcro Is adopted a plan of civil pen
sions. Wo cannot, lu view of tho ad
vancing prices of living, hope to save
money by a reduction lu tho standard
of salaries paid. Indeed, If any change
Is made In that regard au Increase
rather than a decreaso will bo neccs- 1
nary, nnd tnc only means or economy naval appropriations so that they nre
will bo In reducing tho number of thirty-eight millions less than the cor
employees nud In obtaining a greater responding estimates of Inst year, mid
average of clllclency rrom thoso re- ' (he request for new naval construction
(alned In the service. Is limited to two first class battleships
Fraud In the Collection of Custom. ' "'"I one repair vessel.
1 regret to refer to the fact of the 1
discovery of extensive frauds lu tho
collection of tho customs revenue, at
New York city. In which a number of
the subordinate employees lu (ho
weighing nnd other departments were
directly concerned and lu which the
beneficiaries weio tlio American Sugar
Itefining company and others. The
frauds consisted In (he payment of du
ty on underweights of sugar. Tho gov
ernment has recovered from the Amer
ican Sugar Helming company nil that
It Is shown to have been defrauded of.
Tho sum was received In full of tho
anion nt due which might have been
recovered by civil nctlon against the
beneficiary of tho fraud, but thcro was ,
an excess reservation In tho contract
of settlement by which tho settlement
Hhould not Interfere with or prevent
tho criminal prosecution of every one
who was found to be subject to tho
Criminal prosecutions nre now pro
ceeding against a number of the gov
ernment olllcers. Tho treasury de
partment nud the department of Jus
tlce nro exerting every effort to dls
cover nil the wrongdoers, Including the
olllcers and employees of the coiupa-
nles who may have been privy to tho
fraud, it would fccui to mo that an
investigation of the frauds by con-
grcss at present, pending tho probing
ly the treasury department and tho
department of Justice, as proposed,
might by fivlug Immunity nnd other
wlso prove nn embarrassment lu se
curing con ictlou ot tho guilty parties.
Maximum and Minimum Clause In
Tariff Act.
Two feiturc3 of tho new tnriff uct
call for ipcelal reference. In order
that the maximum duty shall be charg
ed against the Imports from n country
it Is necessary that tho executive shall
find on tho part of that country not
only discriminations In Its laws or the
practice under them ngulnst the trade,
of the United States, but thai the dis
criminations found shall bo undue
that Is, without good nnd fair reason.
No ono Is seeking n tariff war or a con
dition In which tliu spirit of retaliation
shall be aroused.
Tariff Readjustment.
The now tnriff law enables me to ap
point n tariff board to assist ino In eon-
ncctlon with the department of stato In ( delay, In which case n speedy hearing
the administration of the minimum und thereafter should be granted."
maximum clnuse of the act and also to I recommend that In compliance with
assist olllcers of the government In the j the promise thus made appropriate leg
ndmlnlstrntlon of the entire law. I be- Islntlon bo adopted. .Moreover, every
llevo thnt the work of this board will
bo of prime utility nnd Importance
whenever congress shnll deem It wise
ngaln to readjust tho customs duties.
If the facts scured by tho tariff board
nre of such n chnracter ns to show gen
erally that tho rates of duties Imposed
by the present tariff luw nro exccsslvo
under the principles of protection ns
described In tho platform ol tho suc
cessful party nt tho Into election I
shall not hosltnto to Invito tho atten
tion of congress to this fact nnd to the
necessity for action predicated there
on. Nothing, however, halts business
nnd Interferes with the courso of pros-
I . n .....nli na , I . . OirAnlniiml -ll V I
slon of the tariff, and until the facts
' . . . ....
nro nt IinilU, niier cureim ami uenuui
ate Investigation, upon which such re
vision can properly be undertaken, It
seems to mo unwise to attempt It.
War Department.
In tho Interest of Immediate econ
omy I hnvo required a reduction In
tuo estimates of tho war department
for tbo comlotf fiscal year which
brings the total estimates down to an
amount forty-tiro millions less than
tlio corresponding estimates for InM
yenr This could he ucuunpllshcd only
liy cutting off new projei ts and sus
pending for the period of one year nil
progress In military matters. IVr the
same reason I have directed that the
army shall not he recruited up to Its
precnt authorised strength. These
measures can hardly he more t u
tcmpornry, for 1 am sure that the In
terests of the nillltnry establishment
are seriously In netd of careful con
sldernilon by congress.
The secretary of war calls attention
to a number of needed changes In the
army, in all of which I concur, hut the
I point upon which I place most edi
accoieraieu ny ine oiiecmc eiimmaiiou
of 11 """'I'" proportion of the least
The military nnd naval Joint board
have unanimously agreed that It would
be unwise to make the large expendi
tures which nt one time were contem
plated In the establishment of a naval
base and station lu the Philippine Is
llonal prestige.
It Is a regrettable fact that the
higher olllcers are old for the respon
stlllHIe.s of the modern navy, and the
admirals do not nrrlvc at Hag rank
young enough to obtain adequate train
ing lu their duties us Hag olllcers.
Owing to the necessity for economy
lu expenditures, 1 have directed the
curtailment of recommendations for
1110 Mvroiary u me nay lias Innu
gunited ii tentative plan Involving cer
tain changes lu the organization of tho
navy department. Including the navy
yards all of which have been found
bv the a.loruev general to be lu ae-
by the atloruey general to be lu ne-
cordance with law. I have approved
the execution of the plan proposed be
cause of the greater clllclency nnd
economy It promises.
Department of Justice Expedition In
Legal Procedure.
The deplorable delays in tlio ndinlu
Istr.ition of civil and criminal law have
received the attention of committees of
the American liar association nnd of
many state bar associations iih well us
(ho, coimldcrod thought of Judges nnd
Jurists. In my Judgment, a change in
public procedure, with a view to re
ducing lis expense to private litigants
In civil cases and facilitating (he dis
patch of business and llnal decision In
both civil and ' rliiilinil cases, consti
tutes tho greatest need in our Ameri
can liistlluilons. I do not doubt fur
one moment that much of tho lawless
violence anil cruelty exhibited lu lynch
lugs are directly due to the uncertain-
tics and Injustice growing out of the
delays lu trials. Judgments and the exc-
cutlous thereof by our courts,
I therefore recommend legislation
providing for tin- appointment by the
president of a commission with author-
Ity to examine the law and equity
procedure of Ihe federal courts of tlrst
Instance, the law of appeals from
thoso courts to the courts of appeals
nnd to Ihe Mipre:ie court and the costs
Imposed lu such procedure upon the
private litigants and upon the public
treasury and make recommendation
with a view to simplifying nnd ex
pediting the procedure as far ns pos
sible and making It as Inexpensive us
may be to the litigant of little menus.
The platform of the successful party
in tho last election contained the following-Injunctions
Without Notice.
"Wo believe that the rules of proce
dure in the federal courts with respect
to tho Issuance of the writ of Injunc
tion should be more accurately dellued
by statute nud that no Injunction or
temporary restraining order should be
Issued without notice, except where
Irreparable Injury would result from
such Injunction or restraining order
Issued without previous notice nud op.
IKirtunlty by the defendant to be henrd
should by force of the stntuto expire
and bo of no effect nftor seven dnys
from tho Issu.mco thereof or within
any time less than that period which
the court may tlx unless within such
seven dnys or such less period tho In
junction or order Is extended or re
newed nfter previous notice nnd op
portunity to bo heard.
Anti-trust and Interstate Commerce
The Jurisdiction or tlio general gov
ernment over Interstate commerce has
"- Vmw of ho so called
."Sherman nntl-trust nw" and the "In-
Sherman nntl-trust Inw" and the "In
tcrstnte commerce Inw" nnd Its
amendments. The developments In the
i operation of those laws call for n dis
cussion and some suggestions ns to
nmeiulinentn. These I prefer to cm
body In a special message.
Postoffice Department 8eond Class
Mall Matter.
The deficit every yenr In the post
office department Is largely caused by
the low rnte of postage of 1 cent n
pound charged on second class mall
matter, which liu hides not only news
papers, but magnr.liies and miccb.i
neous periodicals. loss grow
ing out of the triiiiNiiiKiou of this
second class mail mailer at 1 cent a
pound amounts to nUuit Ji.ixhuxm u
year. The average cost of ihe trans
portal Ion of this matter Is more than
I) cents a pound. The si a I In Us of I.mi;
show that second class mall matter
constituted ii.Mll per cent of the
weight of all the mall and yielded
only fi.10 per cent of the revenue.
The figures given are startling and
show the payment by the government
of an enormous subsidy to the news
papers, magazines and periodicals. .
great saving might bo made, amount
lug to much more than half of the loss,
by Imposing upon magazines and peri
odicals a higher rate of postage.
Postal Savings Ranks.
I believe postal savings banks to be
necessary In order to offer n proper
Inducement to thrift and saving to u
great many people of small means who
do not now have banking facilities and
to whom such it system would offer an
opportunity for the accumulation of
: capital. They w ill furnish a satisfactory
substitute, based on sound principle
' nnd actual successful trial lu nearly
i all the countries of tho world, for the
! system of government guaranty of
j deposits now being adopted In several
western states which, with deference
I to thoso who advocate It, seems to mo
to nave in it tno seeds or iicmomiixu
tlou to conservative banking nnd cer
tain llnancliil dlater.
Ship Subsidy.
Following the course of my distin
guished predecessor, I earnestly ree- i
oniineud to congress the consideration
and passage of n ship subsidy bill.
Interior Department New Mexico nnd
The successful parly in the last elec
tion In lis national platform declared
In favor of (he admission as separate
stales of New Mexico and Arizona,
nud I recommend (hat legislation up.
propiiate to this cud be adopted.
Willi respect to the territory of Ai.i
ka, I recommend legislation winch
shall provide for the appointment by
the president of a governor and ais i
of au executive count II, Ihe members
of which shall during their term el
olllce reside lu the territory and v. h.ih
shall have legislative powers su(lnieii
" ' ",,
,"uvs '"'"I'l.H to I s pre cut grouil,
1 sMom;,r I'tvcale leKlsI.ulon look.. ,
to enable It to give to the territory I
to the elecliun of n lerriioilal
litre In that vast district.
Conservation of Natural Resource.
In several ucpnilmcnts I here h- pre
setiled the necessity for legislation
looking to the further conservation of
our national resources, nud the sub
ject Is one of such Importance as to
require a more detailed and extended
discussion than can be entered upon
lu this communication. I'or that ron
ton I shall take an early opportunity
to send a special uiessago to congress.
The White Slave Trade.
There Is urgent necessity for addi
tional legislation and greater executive
activity to suppress the recruiting ot
the ranks of prostitutes from tho
streams of immigration into this coun
try an evil which, for want of a bet
ter name, has been called "tho while
slave trnde."
Bureau of Health.
There seems to be no reason why nil
the bureaus nud olllces In the general
government which have to do with
tho public health or biibjects akin
thereto should not bo united In n bu
reau to be called the "bureau of pub
He health."
Political Contributions.
I urgently recommend to congress
that a Inw be passed requiring that
candidates lu elections of members of
the house of representatives and com
mittees lu charge of their candidacy
and campaign tile lu a proper olllce or
tho United States government a state
ment of the contributions received and
of the expenditures Incurred In the
campaign for such elections und that
similar legislation be enacted lu re
spect to all other elections which nre
constitutionally within t tic control ot
Speaking generally, the country Is
lu u high state of prosperity. There is
every reason to believe that we are on
the eve of a substantial business ex
pansion, and we hne Just garnered u
harvest unexampled lu the market val
ue of our agricultural products. The
high prices which such products bring
mean great prosperity for the farming
community! but, on the other hand,
they mean a very considerably Increas
ed burden upon those classes In the
community whose yearly compensation
does not expand with the Improvement
In business and the general prosperity.
Various reasons are given for the high
prices. The proportionate Increase in
tho output of gold, which today Is the
chief medium of exchange und Is lu
some respects n measure of value, fur
nishes a substantial explanation of ut
least part of the Increase In prices.
The Increase lu population nud the
more expensive mode of living of the
people, which have not been nccoiu
pnnlcd by a proportionate Increase lu
acreage production, may furnish a fur
(her reason. It Is well to note that the
Increase In the cost of living Is not
confined to this country, but prevails
the world over, nnd thnt those who
would charge Increases In prices to the
existing protective tariff must meet
the fact thnt the rise In prices has
tnken place nlinost wholly In those
products of the factory nnd firm In
respect to which there hns bs?n either
no Increase In the tariff or In ninn1'
Instances n very considerable W
Just Rece km
Af Felker's Grocery Store
New krout, .sour and sweet pickles, sweet
Mango pickle, Dill pickle, Queen bulk
olives, seeded ribbon cane, sorghum,
fresh line new evaporated fruits. Call
and buy of our new goods. Fresh line
of Chase and Sanborn coffee and 1 leinz's
57 varieties ol pickles and preserves.
And try our famous brand of0f'lto whwrtor nidg.
cause it assures to every fam
ily using it the sweetest and
most wholesome and nourish
ing bread, biscuit and pastry.
You will be surprised at the
difference in results between!
ordinary Hours and this one. j
Tyler Simpson Co. i
Wholosnlo Dintrlhiitnrs.
Winter Tourist
Rates to Texas
Through u 1 1 m a n
sleepers to San Antonio,
Houston and Galveston.
For ir.formation ak
Ticket Agent.
Or write
W. S. Kecnnn. G. V. A
Galveston. Texas.
Funeral Director, and Licensed 4
Largest lino of Funeral 4
Goods In Oklahoma. 4
VtTK I-Jlfl Ai-lrlr,Ul(.rANS
HIaMciMI II HAM) I'll.l.K. f I Vi
vtm I n wn I r ,l, Silcil, At kclltl la
Postal Telegraph Cabls Co.
N. Washington St. Tel. No. 31.
No Loafing on The Job i
when wo iindert.iko sour plumbing
work. Wo ootno promptly, work
steadily nnd get away as quickly ms
possible 1 tilt we d in t le.ivo until ,
wo arc thoroughly cert tin the job Is i
a perfect one. Tr our . t n I n plumb- j
'.ng next llnie. ou'll enjo thedit-
ferenee. Wo will repair iir plumb
Ing and gas works promptly Itctter
cull Phono 70 U furo cold went tier.
Our tonus on all repairing will he'
spot casti nud collected b workman. I
The WoeKs, SpreKulnvycr!
Plumbing a Sh ut Metal Co. I
.i,mh 111 wamiimu'on sr. ,
Professional Cards
II. C. Potterf. H. A. Walker
Attorneys nn.l Counselors l I.
Ardmore, Okla.
Attorneys At Law.
Practice hefou all Courts,,
! (lovernnient Departments. I h'.M.i
Cases a Specialty. Ofpjo, lion 1 li'ds...
. WaHhiiiKton, I). C.
Attorney at Lav
I'hono 9l
I Lawyer
I Wheeler Ilulldlug Phono U'J
Ardmore, Okla.
' -
Olfice After Oct. 5, Over Hamilton's
Shoe Store.
G. H. MCKENNEY, M. D. V Veterin
ary Surgeon. Tho only recognized
graduate Veterinary Surgeon lu Ard
more. Modern equipped Hospital and
Office, 130 North Washington. Oppo
site Postoffice. Phone No 9. Residence
.117 North Wu-hIng:on. Phono 111.
Office Over Ilonners Drug Store
Surgery, Hyc, Kar, Nos0 nnd Throat
Uyes accurately fitted with (llaoso
Phones: Offlcu 110. Residence U
Rooms 503 nnd &0t, Klatlron IUiIk
Port Worth. Texas.
I.ady attendant In the afternoon.
Over Hamilton Shoe Store. Phono G91
j W. A. Tackotv E. M. Tnckott
, lfflcti In Slms-Puuiilugton nuildlnx
Ardmnro Okli
Ardmoreltq Wnnt Ads are tho besL
J. L. Wilson
Transfer and Storage
I have a good building
leased in which I Btoro all
kinds of household goods
at rcasonablo rental. Phono
72 and I will do tho rest.
Goods hauled anywhero
or packed and stored,
l'romp and careful atten
tion to overy order.
3 Lines : 3 Times : 3 Dimes
W N TCI) Men to lenm barn. . ,
"j. !' Praulco furnished by free1
w.n:, t'.irefnl Instruction by ex- i
pi it-. lVw weeks completes. Toola
a. bo nil secured, esiwrlenre In
vIm ii I., lore completing. Catalogue,
tn.i.led f Moler Barber Ool-j
logo. K.insiis city, Mo. &()
wwil.n Knergitii' salesman. I
ttl-liliu: profluiole Hide-line, tell!
n i.i-. in yv eeri, market, flood I
mil .on- to men who can get i
l.ii-ln.-.HS W. II. Kllllnti Co.
ll.ilimnic, Md.
A.N I'KI) Itnllway mall clerk;
high salaries. Uxamlnatlon sou,,.
Let us prepare you, I (educed ratei.
Wr te Osment's College Dept. UO-Il,
St. Louis, Mo. 8-10
XFItSK WAXTTS!) A wet nurse, to
ntii so four months old baby. No
objection to colored woman If In
good health. .Mr. Salisbury. Itionc
WANTKD Thirty young men who
will attend a night school sup
ported by tho gehoil board, l.etive
jour name nt tho Ardmoroltu of
fice. 10tt
WANTIOD-To prepare YOU for a
Rood business position.
2 1-1 in Ardmoro.
WANTHD Two or three more day
boarders. Inquire ltr. It St.. 8. W.
or Phono ?:!2. liS-m
WANTUD fiOu pairs ot squatis. Joe
Uastlne nt City Klsh Market.
WAN'VI'JD To sell you old newspu
Iters nt tho Ardmoreite oltleo.
WA NT I9D- ( ! ood housekeeper, while.
Write Rox 501, Ardmore, Okla.
POR SAI.K Itl'JST paying business In
elty, one business house ami two
lots on Main street, two residences
close In that rent for WiM aibl
?.ri.f)0 per month. A harxaln. Am
leaving the state. Address P. w.
'Ito f,l, City 71m
KOR SAM-3 OR TR A 1)12 -D aero
Klhertii peach farm, 3,000 trues
from 3 to ('. years old, two miles
from Ardmore. Will trado for elty
or Hood farm property. Phono or
write Dr. .1. P. Son, Ardiiioio, Okla.
20d wl:n
FOR SAM: I have tor sale a dean
stuck of uptodatu furniture, In
voicing about 1 10.000 lu tho host
town in Oklahoma. Cood reason)
for selling. Thus. II. Harnett, Dal
las, Texas. 10-20
FOR SAM: 3-roout house, largo lot,
west Main street. Part cash, bal
ance easy payments without Intor
est. IliggoBt bargain lu Ardmoro.
Apply Sklpworth's grocery. IMiu
21-lm (3. P. SIClA'IIKilC, Phono 310.
I'OR SAM: Young Jersey Cow. Ap
ply H. A. Storie, 1030 W. Main street.
FOR SAM: Haled shucks and any
at tho com shullur. Phone HI.
FOR SAM: Span of match ponies,
good buggy toam. Call 170. Itf
LOSTIlotween Ouy P. Cobb resi
dence and office, two-baud gold
bracelet with small lady-bird, set
with diamonds and rubles. ITi.OO
reward for return to Ouy P. Cobb's
olflco 2tf
RUIIIJICR STAMPS, seals, notary rec
ord books, stencils, trade checks,
merchants' price markers, and all
stamp ppllo. 'Phono CCfi. O. K.
Rubber Stamp and Seal Co., 118 W.
Grand ave., Oklahoma City. 71m
FLORA!, DKSK3NS, cut llowors, cai
nations and roses. Shuman Floral
Company. PCono 2C7- 12tl
LOANS Real estate, tnrin ana chat
tel loans. I.edbotter & Wlmberly.
Illedsou IlldR. Phono filO. C-lmo
Go Auto Driving.
I will drive auto for city drln
any evening after 7 and any hour
on Sundays. Engagements must bt
made by 6 p. n. Phone 89.
lm W. 8. FJIALJEY.
Want Ads
I'OR UBNT- Vacuum house (hat.
Ing nut' nine, doos the work and
saves th carpets Rent mason itdi
t'honc Joe Uastlne at the fit.
Vlnh Market. Phono 35!.
FOU HUNT- A large front p.ulor
bed loom, furnish) d or unfurii,. lud
All modern conveniences, clot" In
I'hono i;m) or apply at fill W
.Main street. ,'tf
FOR RW.MT Two Mice unfurnHhTd
proms, all modern convrnliiKc
at the Ir. Alvls home place. T L
Smith. 7 i
FOR 1WJNT irvoni house, 1) rft
ami 1th Ave., N. W. Itune
green. Mrs. dray. r.
KOU RKNT Nicely fiirnlshcil foin
room bouse In nice
Hee O. M. Red field. JUtl
KOR RUNT Five room rolt.ig.
II street, southwest. App'.v
I.. II. Love.
t i
KOR UBNT Furnished room, tlo
lit. No muddy crossings. Plum
lot red. 7-:t
I'OR RUNT Office rooms in Car,!
Hooker build. ng. Apply J. C K:N-i
& CO. 18 f
Notice of Settlement of Account.
Stato of Oklahoma, Carter County,
In the County Court.
In tlio matter of tin' estate of
R. A. Joims, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given Umt W. 1"
Whlttlugton, tliu duly upiKitnted and
qualified administrator ot tho e..tati
K R. A. Jones, deceased, has nil
ib rest and proncntod for setllenit nt
and filed lu wild Court his final
fcccouul and reisirl of his adinlnlstra
Hon n such administrator, and his
pel I Hon for distribution or said estate,
and for Ills disohargo; and that on
the 21th day or December, 1300,
lH'liiff a dny or a regular term or said
Court, at 0 o'clock lu the forenoon
or day, nt tho County Court
room, lu tho City or Ardmoro, In
said County of Carter been duly
appointed by tho Court, lor tho set
Moment of Mild account, and for hear
ing wilil petition, nt which time and
place any person Interested In said
r.tito iiKiy appear and fHo Ills ex
ceptions In writing to the account
and content tho same.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed tho
soul of said Court, this the 2 Ilk
day of November, 1909.
25-lm County Judge.
Dissolution Notice.
Know all men by those presents,
that on tho 27th day of November,
PJ09, the firm of Pollard & Forbes
has dissolved co-iurtnersh p. U. C.
Forbes taking the stock ot goods and
settling all Indebtedness belonging
to the biisluoss.
28-121 I). C. FORI1KS,
Can Earn as Much as a Man.
Wo want boys and girls who want
to oam money to sol tit subscriptions
to Tho Kansas City Weekly Star
Don't husltato because you are youag,
as you can do tho work us readily as
older persons and we will pay you
just the same. Tho Kansas City Week
ly Star Is tho best known weekly
newspaper lu tho West and your spare
time spent working for It will pay you
hniidsotnoly, not In toys, watches or
otnor small wares, but In Cash, Write
tuday for terms and full Information
30lAiw2t Kansas City, .Mo,
If you want protection don't for
get that tho Woodmen of the World
Is financially the strongest frater
nal Insurance order In America, and
Its fraternal features are aa good
us any other fraternity. Give your
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Is t'i, instead of $12. For any In
formation, call on, wrltu or phono
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Ardmore, Okla. 8-lm
Five-Gallon Lard Cans
Made in Ardmore, CSc. Lasts four
times as long ns factory cans. Frank
Uerryhlll. 7tf