Newspaper Page Text
PACE TWO THE DAILY ARDM JREITE Ardmore, Friday, December 17 (9C- No Man is Stronger Than His Stomach n m A rtronf! man is Mrnnt all oier. No man rsii lc Mron wh n sufferm IriMit neuk tlnnmcli mill it ronsnpitnt inJiietion, or (nun mhic other Cudivc ul tlte sIomi.h li mid It nMici.itrit or(iin, nhich im pair digc-lion nnd nutrition. I or o hen tlir Moms' li in rteii. or dieaed there i a lo of llic nutrition contained in food, vilucli in (he source of nil phvn-.l urcntth. When mn "doesn't feel juM rilit when lie dorm't lecp licit, J1.1 an tinroinforliMe fr-Jin in tlir Iimii:l-K .liter riling, i l.infiml. nrr cat, lio is losing tin- nutrition needed to umke strtnhl Such a man nhoutif use Dr. Pierce's Dlrcovery. It cures .- r. men of tlir sttiin.ich and nfticr urjl.iM.t ut digestion .ini nutrltlvn. It enriches the blood, ni flor.ifo the liver, trcn&thenn the kldneis, nuurlthcx the nerves, .mil sn UI i:S HIli.l.TII 'AMI STtlKXtiTtl TO rut: wntn.i: nour. can't nflnrd to acctpt a r, 'ft nostrum substitute for tlti nftn- Irohotio tneiluttir m- r.sos i ..miiuhims, not even though the urgent denier nmy therein mul.c a little bitter profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. m m mm g :MPiQMP M I L HI 1 HC HAN Di Of TLRDY. n bSIG N ATiON IN CONGRESS YES iff t tie nnd denpond" Uvlilcn Medici 'WO COURSE LEFT FOR The Cons of the Revolutlenitta 1rtrttnM end Uncle Sam'a Wr shirs Lay id NtOftraguan Parta ."-. Will tt Hit ucc:ltor? h-nied. It finally brt unif known th.V. In ko were without a ahred rf truth iinl tiny lobomded like n tinonic iti". i I t one deputy ,ind the:, unnthc r o ! ii. the dentine atlon of JCol.-iy i n t'i hj:ncr-r, and later In the pu i It .1! !-.-. .-rtft Hin throughout tie l' d'l, o : ttatlnnft were held I ' . t ,1 en ;i i"!t voltrtl. nluj ito'i nr. a imt-XHnyi! Ii .i-i .i:lo:i 11. itKi-d thf erfRlyn i r'l!RI, .mt till hud HO vtlvrl out Id- tho w.V'm of tin- Anxtff. Tin rl-imt .- mote i..n!ni todii.i than .in mil tin prtnld'-nt ducidod tn ? il'ltr:u Iio.h office. ILIJ8 CUKUD IN TU 14 DAYU. P.Z( f)INTMNT K rnili.nt.vd lo cu-o tiny ia of ltMn, i:::ntl Bli'i ilh -t: n I'rotrn I.iik P.lo In tj 1 1 din o.- money r undnd. .",( 1 T'.'-'-r'" " Willi !! IWIllM,WIIIHMMMnjJimBiyiirjHmilW1WIU ;;r, tin $1 with hi in. h.iiy iny ai Informed n i-1 1) tH 1 mr, irl there d ', tha f 1 thst that the urerl.-.t had be:ii ordered! and that, .. hud Ihh-ii tirade a victim of a ;tr . .(Kim, ,ii ..r.iijiin. Dee. It. AiMtO 'lita h . rlncd ti- i n -iaVtrry rf .Mcaragua. . WOMAN UNDER A R WEST. Ms Id In Connection with Clilnea RATHE. B SV.OJTH RUSE WAS WORKuD AND THE NEORO GOT THE MONEY. Smuggling Caie. .trie 1 u.i.m Chief Oarr.nt waa In-; tl ,, p r-iiiiriiutlon In th" ; -,,w orima. 1.11.. Dw. l - "tt;- 1 ni; r.i i wh-'n Hie detalla of th ' aati In uf .-.i-;rer8 th: mnmlnR. An-l,t'e" ""Hi tears. Ijiura Mvau : '! ' ' Mpi Ihotiirfit j i u: ntlv tiicie wan no other eonrne dalf, allaa ijmmu Aihima. lit" Nc ' :'". inmi unu nu no - n t. MUt: Te p-riil. were w.i. .1 1 1 .--it ft!. The evldenc la u iJk num. e.l. Tii- kiiiih of th" ariiu- t. lii'h and prohably ' re.)!tu!onltH t,iri'.iti nd. Thn nr. Georgia's State Chemist Praises "Nature's Gift from the Smrny South" J. H. McCiUulless, State Clicmift of Georgia, before a recent gathering tf Cofton Seed men. govc emphatic praise to the high quality of CottoUat. fie said: "'1 lie sale (if this product and tlir prnclr.tnation that it i made of cotton .ecc', oil hste ilone tnnrc to brini: cotton seed t il riitlifuH, nnd faxorahly lu-forc the puHic tiuin attxtliinu else in iccti.t i'iMory.' Mr. McCandlcss then pointed out that a pure, refined, vcgetablc-oii product such s Gotoctif, is the only assurance a woman has of a clean, digestible, cooking fat. It seems a por-imc wonder in the light of all that has latelv been said and written, ind of what is known of lard, where it comes from, of what it may be made, that anyone will continue its use, when pure, sweet and healthful CitltJttif 1 an be o easilv obtained. 1 'tun. v!i. il- lilt 1 ..iHi'tt effe. ted the aire't ' j v 1 bout tho allrkeat n?rn In .it: 1 'i. .'.n.i I'naeal H wanton lit i 1 ' ik who dm' n:' liWe orh v iv' 11. and he fel' i;:k n u plan ii won'tl tt'.ve lr to any t'lil- 1 ' on" to obi.iin iiiowy wltti 1 1' .' ; iilin; it. Sw.inii,i went d wn to lien : I o'tie-.' -toif nnd udd the elerK be j r.iut i' .-:ui ii.OO worth of rto- j 1. r tho lady he was working i t fid told the ehrk when the foo!H turn delivered thut hU ml-1 ! i s njnt"d "btini.o brought for a Jl'il .M So fje u:ftr IrtJitght $"' ! of-ii "i 5-ods nnd went with th- 1 olli boy !ien the rimkJh wtre j t. keii Wliott the waajon reaohwl j tl'o liicno cf Tom N'ortnan, IMeal j t.ild ''h- U).v to take tho h:iy to the ; t irn .ml 'io ttiml'l tiiko the i;ro nl 1 and tin- tm)nc .mil pot .hi J.J 'HI Tl nem-o did jnil th" uriKirk iii t'ic ,H)ri'i, uit jn. .i In did ii vt ) t it nt y, t.i' 11 nilli'linn 1 i.lri.) 'XI BAKk-LAY. lu ;,i,:i lio.. fi'ri.aid to UuUr bay 1 ad) v.i"1. nl:h .-. r.Htn keen Inter r: mi phtfHM aiiili UMtlou? I nd'T too i'lhr t hi.'. -inns I; j-lumld he on ot 1,1" i'nl i'd KtMl iny irti-Aiti.i tMi.t. l.r.:!::il 1 m-' ,1 till. IK f ' j In).. IT.i- ni r -yo'it hi-'- I i jiii. id to . - oV tn,- jiniui'.'. 7. ,1 r ill.- , Si v . 1 , ' 1 i- . . .1 , ' 1 1. ( '( :'j' ."-S ' .1 ' aii'.n- i K C V.rU ).f ct tn'-.i' '"tiarupi ."I.' t.'t "i, .. l' i ; .'1 :i -itn 0!' b JUol:et pin;. : - c -, iin 1 a ei'nnlnty i'i .-. ihinx y,..j h:.i," arc .1 f:. i-lnnlii.i. : s iin. I " a ill phi- yi u : p. -nttld (iilloi-i i 111 !' ic !! . I'M!, 1L1 I' P ." Jf ' 1' . ' "'. x. .'.i i'iii. !j mii f..ili::-i . th bat at any price, o:- -111 I'Ultl ' .11.1.1! r-.-i ni 1. n 1 i-yii'B tor Hline!f with go '.;d. tin iwpu- :l l!l IIU.I tU- the end i,r the .1 "i r It 1 I- 1 '1 I -. (, . - i: t ) ! 11. 1 p'-.u:. r t,' , r. v " H:- 1 t . i th'- i... .ii- 1." It MK" vo;n! ! C l-n&trna- ( ovvers and plants at Slui:ii."-i F cral Company's flower siiop, Wer- Mfn street. 8tf The Stomach and How To Cure Sis Ills, Free I !! ol-.l. iiTiH-lnl n!- ihe nw reine. Who will tako up the ruins no 'one know, 1.1 1 .ire. It ts sufficient I that Zeiy 1 :ik dictator will In knov-n no imtr -. Yhere U no it:ulit I 1 hill con?, 1 . vi I mi ou t-kly on hl ' U'ftiriiauon tor tli ikiiix'i- have dp 1 r,':nide,l 1:. t).'. lot-'- .Vi.i.irl. jt J-;.- i-l the (Viv I i- .: vinriuin ourt m jonlre .it I'iii tliasi- v. liit been rl -e ! , X-l,i-;i u:.d M IIKft- e.loll-e for , Ii' i-!' in, l 011 hiH lu-i". II' will art u' e.i Saturday. Mnd.U ha--hl, tollowiit. Mo'ig and Inihii-ntlal. i'ii .tinont- '! reolutlimlhU, hm Ci-ii' val KkIi Kin. -uid r who-e itnii in. ml the Ri;,t dy ut flgln n In t!-t: .ntj- mi :.!i- ':i-n,uvis't troop- ;; 'am. ri ;i.o nono t him. I M-..dif oiil vvill hear we'ttlit i'i t.i' 1 uotot n! ;i"e.-,ldeiit. ' 1 ' 1.1 !"nn. too, thiM Mud Orleans lrl charged with ennaplrlnr. lo mdxRlo C'hlniM- Into the I'tiltod rtt.'itea wa plaeed under arreai ajsa'" thl- niornlnp on lt:i indletment re nr.i -d atu'tiM he,- nt nrovt'tisvlll Tio 1 har-" :,vM nli.- lia-i j vi-'i v H'holas ii.M,aki , t. Ii-, ' fitiii'.-.isli' ''h'nntiien It. to tlil-- , u - , . Sit v.. 1 ,i-. .' .-, on l,,i'i,l . ; 00 11 rtipe?.:- - : t!i- ;' ! i nit; 1 a; ttii'.M '-tf.i '. ,1, II -ilte v .i.. a" "d t !: ird tll.H h . ,i;'. ini, 1 - !;;. .m-.i' M:. I.I..' ni.'i . j',ii. i 'i,t i!:tiii-',i'. .! 'iiiim I ho seem .1 ,i:.itt-tl. i.m". "I'i- attorn'-. State Si ivitor C;i.i.-!.-. lique. ii,- ,arl he would flRht the ftltla removal Ui tlalvtuto... '- II fight tin- coae on the ar.i.uul t.itu n I nvaluft the eon-tl-.l".iri -f tin- I'nltPtl Stalest for a to ) t.ied outaide cf the , ,iii-e tSc offnte la alleged to hae been 1 oju.iilttt'd. 1 is hall till! ; h il miii:. r prot .tlnjr, ugtilnat thn J m . olne of the nil! to Texas for trial on tiie Indie !in 11: returned nt I'townnvllie." ".'lie xoveriltiient k lound-up of th" i alle il CttlneM' s:nu(t!era has be-' cue of toe blgrgcai ever inada , . In the tiouth. 'l'h! arroat of Vee r'ook Im Aan AT.tonlo 'lit.-.-'day on a cbarjje not plfjsed, ittrr jeniie. -;u.-.i I .Jiiolrin. 1. lair tri. TIifrr n!fl in 'titlrnt U pat-Lrd in paiN :n alr-tiulit, tup to never ootct m LfUi ,t,p i( (..ftt1( jfr,h MA xtMrMmri Mj ttoru tatiliin diet and .i.-.iiiiuie i!i.ij-rrrhle oW, "i-li fili, oil, etc. Made only bv III i; N. K. FAIR BANK COMPAXV - a r - V. V '"."c- ' '-v .ifv -VL 'r,-iiivmrwii,ivwnMwv , -wir 1 - More i'-.ti lit i, m 11,1, i 1 Mmnacli toi!,T- than to ran. Dii'inr anil .1 Inn-' things .iri -it'iji -.f-il. I tt tl mail), th,. 1 w h.ii,. to , 1 .. Il- IM. in v.-r .in- 1 .iiiim tin 1. ' t t . 1 't r ir d . - , . f nt n 1 til 1' in t'Mlll t'Xl.lV ll.K lh-t'll t.ltiu Imililr'-.I of M-ar-. The point, then, i to timl a v.n of rcmedniiK an eil wluu we '1H1I it Tlii-re t onies 11 time In the liven ,,f idl of n. w-Iipii a IuxiiIIm- N n" i "-.jry. I lllf - 1 1 Tl foine title I i-.llll i'1'll 111 ar- ', ., . lii.iii.iiltv 1 1 tun villi oilier. lilt Vii'lller the ih'l"v,i'l It tr d'lelit or r.n.- Il In Imimrt.-iiit thin , l.-ik .1 iluipii- 1. Kinnl n-ine'lv. Tl' iii-. .i t ,i in 1 nun Ihe man- - . ! t il,i, l ,.1 'i'i .in I tile willy iurH-.ii. t -- iV: 'll. Villi Wlllll - lllMtllllUr OlMl llllll- lUie 'II" illlli e .1 I i. tve .,li,l t ll "ilflllllH' til it l - lie In in I ' 1 -I t pi, i, me 1 i-ii , ' ICO' , -.lit mini . . utl.-i 1 i 11 MM- ta''l I pi inn hni It i- i, i'.iI.i. W il 1 U l' 'tn II, , 1 1 rli 1 III I el .1 .1 Inn , .-, , .. ,1 I -Ml I. n.t in I i.. 1-11 ,,' , 1 ,, . 1 v , 1 1 r -ni ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 i- !!' ' . I Ii. . 11 m-I.I. ,. df.ift.. 11 11 I .11 -,,a . 1, f ,1 . I 1 1 1. -il 1 to 1 1 i '- Ti 1 li.m. I 1' II r in no ,1,1111.1 III Mll,l roe. 111 HI 11,1 OI u l.llltl'l 1 II ' ' .III . Ill-''i-l 1 0 1 1 ulvr lli il th.O 1 .1V1' 1-1 11 . 11 lie rir, . -ni '1, 'l . ol 111, tern u-ll t I 'i ',.il t i. Ill.lJi'IltV 1 ,'tv lint '11 t he ,. Mil V '! W ill ill) J, In oil will -iliillv Iml lie tree of I'tiat-Ru of 1 o?toiracy tnnke. tiie twentyilrat . ' ft'-i'inald. in tiie riilt.d''" eiinuiK'tlr.n with the caa. Sua 1. 1 he in- h. night t: learn l1'1""1 ha v.- Ie.i taken in nearly all Itirire eit ia loin Hit!' Antcnlo n N'i-w Vork upon leeelut 01 Mini- n-one .mil iutilrrv.4 Then, li' Il filiate you. vmi enn trtiy It of Mitir tliUKiil't at nftv renta or 1 "lie ilo!!. it .1 liottle. jn.-l t-i tlinununil-t 1 I ot'ieiM nu- ilnlnir. .1. ir, l'unili'rliurir. ' S.-oi-Mti 1. Te.. not oiiy iim-H it with ISOOll HUi'l-et'M lllllixell', but RlVI-B It to 'il eiilhlr' 11 for owun; lo lt( -i.ililn. i mil ultneulile l.iHe tilt r- it 1.1 ti. tier l.i-.alive (,u . htUIn n 1' M-.t,l, Wnn eoiiui. In,. Im- .il .i inunj it ,,,,) i,.mlly lein'ih . lr. I'aliWetl prrxonnllv will l pi, '-, il in civ, vnu .iitv 1i11dle.1l mlvl. e ,ni ni iv ile-lie fin- veieBilf in fnnilt 11 'li.eiK i" I'm- ftoiiiti. ', liver or I.,'m u .i'-kiIui, l ii-.,. ef ,'! ir-je ' I'l 'I 1 mi". , , . In .t Ii It r at. I he u i'i I " In i" tl .ll l.lll I',. I (In ', "iil'i, -In.,' 1. 1 vein n.iiii" .ind .nl 'In 11 "it ,' 1 .1 r I 1,1 mhi rw i-r 1 it 1 " i -1 i 1. ,,M',ir'' .i'I.Ii-' , ,J I' W t. I' ililw. ll II . I 1 Clilv-i II ' 'I ' M ..1 II. . III .'l I 'liil l.j.l ,- 'i"! the ut. 11 lai .1 I. .UlllJ Lit latjly t.lii ve mln-il 1 I'll').!..' I ' :. I iijo!i n.oeiH .IK Amerl.-an 1 an ho with fa it! ue-govern-learned. 1 .11 tr - ,1 m.m and the eiiok-e ",e ith Iho-e who !.t upper hand. p i i-i-.-ftvulo.i .eiaya ,11 : me- -a -i to eon- The jireittei liaiiaet- fi- 111 influenza 'm of ii rnrt':iK in pneumonia. Th!.- j lothlnqi. I T THEORfES SWITCHED FOLICE NCiV,' CERTAIN THAT HUNTED AND ACCOMPLICES COMMITTED CRIMES. S.i 1 .niii.ih (i.i., )ec. ;i, li 1 n eat hot uluh, In the uftcrmatv! o'' the triple murder of lust Friday afternoon, ?ae birth to the autrt Hnir theoi-y that not a idngle mtir deter. Irit rwo or pomibly three were i .nt.'K'.'d In the coinmiaakm of the terrible eilmci. Ciuuty ofTlcem toi;lht claim that J. C. Hunter, 1iiih bund of Aire. Maggie llun'.er, whuat death uxlay addvd :. third t-t tho number 01 murdered women, In eer td'nly one ol the murderer. I'hey viy that the i-haln oi' vl denie ii i-omplete, aoaortlng tliu". fojiie t-'ouilnx liadly atained, iipjm rently npitteied with blood, wlileii waa fatnd late today and Iio1oiik t tlunt'i. If ilie final link. Th1.- i; ii dielared. waa worn r ) th 'I 1 !. .Ill ill 11 eatl.ied il i'i ' i a.-, 'i' i i 1 in- li.'ou 1 her d",t'.i. I, I'der, paaur of n Ha! m ie, atated iha Alrn. M-t-oRnlalng him. do. ii 1 man had luruok thn 111 Ui .1 : in i, .1. S i (iuirih Jlunti r. a':. 1 i.. (! a I; I. i:t 11 'it-. Touljibr 1 i(. iifricera continued fn if iin. . ;..ininu of Hunter, who l'ait been prisoner alnco Saturday. He ftiHtt'.y tlenioH any kiiIK. Major Tedaman tonlg-ht aitkml tha; n 1 extra PtiLlona of the news- hr. llin , a- 1 ;i n-il u, hoop ' I). 1 Id Cit . N. '1.. - fltleral vvi'l in- lv M . .. i "Hire.- Mere itn;n-fM-lK-. T,i--o' the school wa.i filled ulth t dent body, officer. ticher. frlcinU from toam. The euaki-: ate In the rocop:!on r-om - bi'hool and wan i-owti-l with f1 cent by niiplla, te.jr.i":-s iiietnbera of tiie hoard and it 0.11 town. After the aervleoa the studen- 1. marched to the attitloii anil fri attention while the cnelfet Via '. to the train pant the ttaltlmtc Tho pallbearers: Jle":i4. lis?' a. 1. t ""i , -.lie -t. it ity 1 tt' liipo.a 1m laaited carrilna the de velopments In tho ease, and thoimh ! ,,,ore' I'ric, 0v . iSllen. oiie pane-- wa almost on the proaa. th- extrn otiltio.i waa auppre. ."ed. FUNERAL OF MISS HATTIE B. RCK Sulphur. Oid.t.. Dec. Iti.-The body of MUa Haltie II. Kelt, teacher in the Oklahoma School tor the Deaf, w!i; died here .Monday aiternoun, i.ter a Harmaa and ilctilnne.. Mies lien was educated at. i Nt briukfl School of the lienf and . li ' lundet iColleno the National e ! lor tu deaf at Wa'hlnKton. Rrurf.titrii- In the olatU of lio. She iii-re-.-ii )Ki itlon in the Okallioaia rt-ln n u. u'tiumn of llios iin-l -iiev. i d t u auill-. UK a ti uchi 1. & & 'ii ef W fit Fetk Grocer Stor INi-u k rout, sour . mil Mvcct )ir!lis,svcet. ! M;mii) pirkk. Hill pickle, Ouccn hulk g olics, seeded ribbon cane, sorghum, I fresh line new evaporated fruits. Call fc and buy of our new ooods. Fresh line I I of Chase and Sanborn coffee and 1 Ieins I 57 varittics of pickles and preserves. !' :, ; . i i i " e t eiit'ist inn's In a ie i i , . n '.,!. , :ili':rri''l , all o .' - 11 ..ill" . it'll. I it'll puttl, t- ,' i p , I p.L ; 'il i 4 ml ei. i ".It ,i, , HIV I'" ' I 'jo " ' - ' In ' ,! !l- ' I I 1 v : nu "I tale V:io . ,i r , i . nu,! .t llllll'' o ill; a tl i ',11-.'' i'le I! i:'-. s,H,. . h nt ,,tid a '.ii n:t ' ti"' ' ' ,i li im n-, in ' , I I ! , p I'l'l, lj " ,1' t ; -li, )'. ;,. . , a .It ii- ' i 't. up ' i I i . i hi ! " i' -, u-.iti'il very- -'I. . n' a , ! oir .-.'.!: i . i o,. i it, i and i '. it t'i dtilii i - , " d"' I r i i a,... w,.il,l 1 '' i .ie ..i .i - i ii t -urn .i 1 1 i i - 'ii ;'.'. I iu rt bv ', i in- naiina' ' . il... in:- I'.-.n-ii! of the re- 1 l ' iuv i -. n i-:' office, h hlch nil" I i' a ubatltiitlon of !' .lnr. ' i the hopt? that i i " lesu t in nofiil lo Xica- ' . ' 1 " ' 'il.-liofellt Of pe.i' e 'I 'I " itl.nh id the hostility of i ' l it- St -., to which 1 do not V' i t -in , ifMtf'M tor luterveti can be oinlaw l by u.diiB t'attmbei-lain'.-. Coitah U -tnody. hi It mi- only (Ul'- S illtlueuxa. but i (.'iii.e.aeH at)" ti nilctn j nf -i" d!-"-ii- 'ui, .ir,' pPe'lUKUM i 'ii ii In il i )i lt Co., Ittll'il- !'e and .iii il u.-i;I-! b Hunter .m the day the erimex re -omtnitte.l. It w.i- du-lan-1 teniuitt b a p.t) .-Icitin .It tlv Sa- inn it 'ii . t:i it --t.iteiiu v.t .:..eli 1I11, . .1 11 i'i- il '' 1 ,1.1s I" ; " - i 'i il-i.i r eariy t.i 1 .- . '' . . -,K s liilM.t. h. II. . . . uu..m,i,.iim -sa-i..-, jLM KV-O.. JT i-f . I,il'j. . -il; .- In. 11 1' iin, e.ii'in, iM.irlil, c 1. ', ' ; ji ilf'.i".-..' 11: liip-.. i-ol'ow ' ip', !.'..i li .n.-'iiilf. Aii ilrvint ilrcv- n. j . i'u. . l I' 'nr fOoes nest CJoilor tU& l"iasr s 1 tt it ir cpF wi; "vj JUi aiy JSk tfi ,Vr 1 lye"' V --.VJ, 0.. i 11. .1 and ?i hkif , ' Vr, Zr FOR U OMAN-KIND t cyzz&. No Loafing" on The Job when wo iindcrtnko your plumbing work. We cotuo promptly, work Htemlily und Ret n way as ipilckly us poHBlMo Hut wo don't Inavo until wn are tlioruulily certain tliu 10b is n perfect one. Trvour .lml of plumb uk next time. ou'll enjoy tint dif ference. Wo will repair jour plumb ing nnd km works promptly lletter ail I'hone "ll li fore Cold weatticr. Our tcnis on hII repnlrlnn will bo pj 1 inn anl( Jllected by workinnn The WeeKs, SpreKelm yer Plumbing & Sh-et MeUl Co. , ai.souiu WAHiiiNoroN sr. i . .1 V ' I .... I Ie.. of lie (It-piltll . tt.l- .1 . in, .,1 to t Ml a bill looking to t ,1'i'it 11,1c of .elnja'H n sitjna tion. uni ii ! now cor.sltlcred a mere t'l-niltti .News ot the president' 1 ' pr.-ad throughout the clt ad .""i great i-rowtlH moved ii.-.iua th- Htiiwts. shouting for the 1 nited States, Ratrada and the 1 iiiutltiti He'd in rontiol 5.v Zelaya for 20 )'.it.-. ihe people bridto throuKh the ns!i..;iii when ll a eertnin the diclator eould not th tide that h'is Uvn rlalnK agnlnst him luirinn the latter days Xelayn has ti nirted tu nil the known tricks nnd (ontriuiKes to hold tile people o! Managua with him. Ill-ports of n government victory r.' Itamti have been froidy clrculnt 1 and ruinot i that 11 mns.-acri of 11 volutionlsta mid ociurrcd, wero nl lowed to aproad unchollongiHl and un- i Live HI 1! a nice at t ot " orlrl-llrand Silvrrware, alio will M;o it. '( liuve Ktiivcc, ToiUs, I'ulile Spootts, Ton Spoons, HiiK-'ir Shells, Hotter Knlvea, ote., all of bent urado (ll'AI'AM'lilil) w.lverwuro. Or pcrhapK the woulo lito a nice et ol table CAHV13H.S. Wo havo them III Ilird f.cta, umall Meet hoti and lare.e nlmeh, In fuct th best lino of Cart era to be found in the city, and our pricau are always riKiit. 'lr us for jour ('hrUtmas gifts in J-'Ilvcrrrare. FOR MAN-MIND Ci Pi I f n 8 i'STiBrsJirii Give HIM n '(lillotto" Hafoty Ilnzor for a Olirlstmaa prekent, It 3 sure to plcnee him, notbinp; could bo more appropriate. Wo hov them Jh all s'jlca and prices. FOR BOY-KIND Suvory Enumuleil Ronslcrs Never Burn Roasters Is Mow about a iood HOAKJ'KH to bnlie that Chrittmas Turkey In Wi- Itavn them, tho fnmoim S.WOHY HOASiHK in threo atylec, und the Never Hum In three siei,. (ilvo tho'llOY a Rood Tool-Cbest for his Ohristmas present, onn with a full het of IiIkIi Rrado Tools. Ho will onjoy thorn and they vvill be useful nbout the house. Wo have thorn nt different price. Yours for Useful Christmas Presents Stevens, Kemierly Si Sprajiii$ Company