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The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, December 17, 1909, Image 4

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

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H)ail ilrbmoueitc.
By the
Kntonxl ul the Iiwtofftec nt Ardmore
uh He nmU'laM Mutter.
If it l Wi th( Ardmorelte. It In Iwl
Dally Arclmorelte.
One. Tear. . . $5.00
Otoj Month 50
One Week 13
The Weekly Ardmorelte.
Per Tour by Mail $1.00
Ul. MnnMil till
Three Months M I
- , '
nilnM Manager Office m
City Editor's Office
Lons Dlstsnce : MK
Any era neons reflection on the 1
character, stnmllna; or reputation of
any ierson. firm or conMwatlim ,
wmcji mny appear in tne columns or
Tho Ardmorelte will bo almllv cor
rected unoti It. Mm brnimht to the
attention of the management.
Eastern Representntlves.
Wm. I). Ward. Tribune IIiiIMIuk.
New York.
Clilc.i(jo Representative.
V. Ileiirlfiuoa!, 15 IS Mnnptett
Texas Representative.
II. (lodhold, r.li'-Cl:: .Iimnlta
llitlldlug, Dallas, Texas.
Atdmore, Friday, December 17, 1909
m ...... . . . . t ,',ui,.r roiliily sincerely upiuceiut -
WHY LURTON WILL NOT DO. the honor paid It In the itelertlon o:
dvlccs fioin Washington state that KolM-rt K. Selvwlly. eliulrinnn of tni
leading leiiKnr.it have Joined with cm -r ecuttty board, lis president
pron-rert.-ilve repiibllean setmtors In , oi the state organisation. Mt. Hulv
opposing the appointment of Judge ' ally has given hU Morvl?e to tin1
Horace P. I.urton of Tentiosjieo u ; eiinmlsfHoiiera n their secretary.
justice of the supremo court to uc-
i ed Jits Ice Peckham of New York.
From Judg'- l.urton's homo town
lias gone out liic report that lin bus
becu hoinewhat a pel of the railway
In thu piist, anil that he bad been
frequently relerreil to as "Private Oar
Lurton '
Ills pro-corporation leanings have
causal progressive republluau sena
tors to oppose his nomination, mid
he is deemed undesirable for tho place
because of bis strict construction
of anti-trust laws In decisions Involv
ing corixiratloii combluatlous, for It
Is not the desire of the Judiciary com
mittee to weaken the position of the
goveruiti'Mit In Its victory over stand
ard Oil, whose appeal will be before
the supreme court soon.
The vote of this one man, were he
npiHiluted, might knock out the do
listen of the lower court ordering dis
solution of the Standard Oil trust, and
should thic decision be uullllled the
autl-trua laws would reimlii for the (
eorporatluii.N to .icoff at and to iI.hii
gard -"Oklahoma!!.
Kven the charity th.it begins .i
home 1 1 miH'tlnii s u.i- imI
If every r'flien of Oklahoma could
hi.ve nnc In dote touch ui'h i
county eomrnlwiloners of tlx- "i
I attending thu nrwusl mectuin '
the comtnUalonen whlcii vv i , 1
MrAlcstpr this wk ami I 1
have observed the Interest ina-i f i
by there men In the duties i
their office
it ml
Witnessed I'r'l
cMtertw to profwrlv
tbc statutes rcjruUtlnK
and at the wune time
wn the many nuestion.
upon trh eft the atatutes
(be t-ummlloiier r
would nave the Kymputli:
undci n I
lie bo.i I
. -i : I ivi
i i r
i. i
.hi .!
.in.) . .
1 ra,l n " ("r c,!Um"
tttale Kftftfliiner Chas. v in..
. . . , . . ,, , ,,
M Mn "'-. " '
ltlt the rommUnloncn, .mil tied
aovlic wan frequently .ho:iIH ,iti.
iMr coiK-tiuctloii of tie- In hi.
lonely list, e U to. There n-v i
aim-mliK-d n more alnc. re i . -,
in Mt bund of workers in .my .-'.it
These people feel th spoii-tibim
of their olflrl.ll duties .mil tlei .
allae the Importance of t!en .e '
with reference to the Htmix al
fait of their respective lonntic
Thu seeming IrreftiilurltliH wi'it tit
Imarda of oniuilaHlnncrs have grown
out of the conflicting opinion, of dlf
fen nt district Juda.es mid loiintv .it
torneys, and the commission! r. pa
(' ti resolution usMiik the iiimiii)
im neml of the state to Institute
filendly proceedings in the supreini
' Oi'l't to il tcvmlnc the rii.st I hi . tli.i
.nlxe ll.. ihe LonriiK.
He has attend. il every meeting and
has I u faithful to his duties and i
the commissioners gave lilm the lion-'
ors ns a reward of merit.
Mr. rtcivally U one of the niont
lroc,resslve fanners In the state of
Oklahoma, lie has resided here for 1
the past twenty-two years ami Is 1
thoroughly acquainted with the con- ,
dittoes of the state and Is In thor- 1
oiigh sympathy with the Institutions '
or Oklahoma. Ho li:u been Identified ;
with every movement which has .
for Its object the enhanceiiieiit of '
the Interests of the agricultural !
classes. He wrote the law under
wh'eh eountli'H wen- given the priv
ilege of voting blinds for road Im
provement mid he Iiim been Instru- !
uicr.tul in bringing about some of
th bet laws for the people Interest- 1
ed in farms and stock raising, lie Is '
it man of broad intellect of ludom- )
liable energy and courage and Is re-
(.vidcil as one f the strongest men!
the state. Oklahoma n -iiN the
services o! jiiM Mi'll lllen ai Mob'
SiHallv I'liohe uiiii have i. cue In
olitai : wiih lilm li.ivi- li .irned lo
ti n-' 11:11 .illd tin- st Ite W II be i !ad
!i m ... lie 1 of hi-. . ll.u.lrt
, , v;-aJ'4,) t . . ' t v V
allow no Music
The Next Best Present is a
edison Phonograph
'1 Me it Kl.itn e .i mini. tc tin
( Koine vei i .it iicii tan: work to do
, Thou- iipiHilnied on this committee
! are A. F llowsen. V. C. Ilrynnt,
i V. K. Utinynrd,
Hd Overholser and
Old Oruiiam.
1 The executive c onunlttee la com
posed of 0. P. (Jear, O. K. Harden,
i' K. Ilu.iter. I'red Tontz and J
i' Thomas.
There will tie no Investigation of
thi sugar Kc.mdal by a committee of
totigress. Speaker Cannon so de
cteed, not III so many words, but by
referring tho resolution piovldlng
tir an Investigating committee to the
committee 011 rub.
Spenker Cannon Is the committee
on rules, to all practical ends, be
cause he has appointed as members
ot that committee only men who
fcharc his vews absolutely.
Cannon's action in regard to the
.ugar trust I, mitigation will be sat-I'-racttry
to Piesldent Tuft, and all
Maud-pat and reactionary republi
cans. The pofdt'ou of the republican
lenders in Washington is that too
ii.uch prominence has already been
given the siii'.ir scandal, for the
g( ed ! the (i O. .P
So CiaiiU. to Tncli- Joe,'' the
n.ii tia-i, friend and all of the
i..rt) In pmver. will est am congres-
M. 0
iri mt '.'i .
I J"
of Our HIGH
Homse on Earth to Undersell
aCnnjAaffcjiiiijJTnw v 1 1
I I T T 1 ' T1 I I 1 II
1 i.i' , ivi stlgnt "ti on the following
iiargis. 1 am of rthlih was set out
, Pi the resolution so promptly throt-
tied by tho speaker:
1. Unlawful monopoly.
J. Violation of Sherman uuti-trust
la w.
1 .1. Conspiracy to ruin Independent
.-ugar ref:nen.
-l. Blacklisting grocer who han
dled ImlepmiUout sugnr.
Imparting cheap contract la
bor. , 0. Ilt'lblng olflclals of customs
M-rv ice.
7. Swindling of govenimeut by
, violation of tariff laws.
, S. Kobbery of goveininent through
u?e of short-weight scales.
P. Aectptlng rebates In violation
of Interni-it,. commerce lvv.
10. Violating ra.-tory and health
, laws.
The Ardmorelte acknowledged ic
! celpt of Xo. 1. Vol. I, or the Stlllwat-
College Jourimt "The New Kduc.itlon"
i which l.s withal a -iplenilld piece it
work. It Is neatly gotten up and its
live muttur carefully compiled under
Its variotiH departniciital heads. Th
duly as.siunid ijy The New l-Mucatloti
is a laudable one and its -cop '
Ixmulless, 11 iinely, to advance -be
uiati nal and moral welfare ot tu
Wash ngtoii, Jiw. 17 Senator
Owen hailttidoeurd . in cVIS
Owen has Introduced a bill in the 1
Mii.it- authorizing the M. O. & (!. !
nillioad company to ronstru -t a rail
luad bridge a.-ross ihe Red Ither
between Hiyan and (irayson eoun
tk'H. The measure will be referred
to the war di-mrttnent for reort
ahd If Uvi.iiiblj acted iiihiii will
doiibtlcsly hi- enacted Into law.
It Is uit'U rsiooil that the bildge will
1. coti.4ti lifted neHr carpenter IllulT.
Director Imrand of th" ichmuh or ,
fife I rteservlriK of )ngratitlatlon. ;
foi so aatisfactory have been his .
lections for cetuus supervisors for
1 Oklnhnma that none or the men ,u
ro'.ntetl hnvf been ptotcsted. As a
retult Ihe confirmation bv the sen-
at of the Oklalioma coiitingetit iniiy
now be expected at any moment .
The men who will have charge of '
the Oklahoma census are Hen Is.
lleikey, f. ('. t'hnpell, S. . Hmvk. '
I H. I.ungton und Y. II. .Moss.
In his annual report Juki mad'
public Attorney ilenerol Wlckershani
renews the rt .oiiilnemlall.ia of hi
prcdece.'sor in office that the gov-
rumen t wherever It Is a imrty de
fciulam In Indian litigation lie grant
ed the right of an appeal Officials
at the department of Jti.Ulee say
that a determined elTort will be '
made thin year to procure this
lunch needed piece of legislation.
1 The poi'tofflce dep.utnient has no
tified ltepreeiitntlve Morgan of the 1
establishment of a free rural deliv
ery at Cognr. Caddo county with one 1
cutler. I'ffecllv e.laniuiry 1st.
' Two aildltlonnl loutes out of Cur
tb, luuiiely routes '-' and I, as soon '
' b. the money becomes available also ;
will lie eiuabll.ilied.
most promising of clvill.ed stat-js
Tlu Ardmorelte welcomes The New
1-Miicatlon Into the Journalistic fo.i:.
The old, old story, told timet wttn
out iiuiuber, and mpeated over a.id
over again for the la.it :( jmirs, Inn
It Is always a welcome i-tory to thone
In search of health TIi-ro Is noth
Ing in the world that ares cotiahs
and colds as quickly a 1 "ha mi tier
lulu's Cough Remedy. Sold by Aid
more Drug Co., Itufus Pot and all
Piano .md Violin,
lieginiier.s taught on piano and
violin. MPs I.i! Inn IC Hurgess. 505
IS street, northwest. 7-12
Us on the Same Grade of Goods
Capital Stock, $30,000.00
Outgrowing the Fastest Crowing Dank in Oklahoma
On AuRtiot 10, 11)09, when tho first State Hank passe-l
Into tho control of tho prosent management the
deposits were , J((-, 4S
Oil September 1, 11)09, the deposits were.. . .... ...... TlIfcRO.OS
On November 16 the deposits were $133,903.21
More Than 100 Per Cent Increase in 3 Months
Offical Statement at Clone
I.onns nml Discounts S(i(i.7ii!l.!)3
Loans to Oillccrs NONK
Overdrafts 'J,711.f0
Fiirnitiiro ami Fixtures 1,000.00
CuhL' ami Uxeliange..,l)l,H87.0!l
shj?, ifjiT ri
Wo would npproelntu your business ami pledge, you cotirteoiH
i tuit inrii t
llyron Drew, President.
Carl C Jones, Vice President
George Adams . Hubert l. Wayland
Mams & Way land
Successors lo Geo. AT. Wayland)
Practical House Movers and Raisers
Handling Heavy Machinery I Specialty
Office 702 Broadway, N. C. p,0c 13
Mack Ross Confesses to Two Burglar
ies at Davis Now in Jail.
Davis, Okla.. Dec. 17. -The Duv
News says:
It. L. Kreeinan's store was burglar
Iml Friday night and il ::!S taken
from the cash drawer. Nothing eUe
could be inli-fed. The same store was
entered by someone two weeks previ
ous and a suit of clothes taken.
-Mack ltoss, who has been working
In the zinc mine west of Davis for
Mr. Uobnett, was arrested by Marshal
Parks Saturday He confessed to
both burglaries and Justice Dickin
son certltied the case to the county
oitrt, setting ltoss' bou.l at ?500,
Lots of fjood hay by the bale, ton or car load. Re
member all hay advances one dollar per ton January 1
Write or phone for prices.
Phone 19
k--kS -vC
Ardmore, Friday, December 17, 1909
of Dusiness, Nov. 16, 1909.
Capital Stock S3O.O00.OO
Undivided Profits ,rtf,r,,n
Deposits J.TI,U0n.2l
Ki, ir,rt.n
'. I J. Jones. Cashier.
J M Itlcliardfon, Ast . Cmhi"r
which ho was unable to give and had
'o go to tall lto.s is about H veai .
We are Inrornied that ltoss U un
der a sentence to the pen tor two
gear's for a like offense committed at
I Ardmore, the sentence being sufc-
pctided dating good behavior.
Retailers Meet Tonight.
The Itctillers' Association will meet
tonight. Some Important questltni
are to be decided and a full attend
ance Is desired.
I. It. IIKST, Prenidenl.
I'Olt HUNT A nice suite of office
rooms over Dltzler Dry Good.; di.
Phone It. W. Itandol. 17!f
Ardmore, Oklahoma

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