Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY ARDMOHEITE Ardmore, Friday, December 17, 1909 $mdm sic J VA I 5IL.'RWAR COUPONS IN CVtflYSACK. made at That Dutch Mill, HUTCHINSON KArlS-pUAlLED HO'ATOE ELSE IMTHE UNITED: STATES. SOLD BY.' THE ARDMORE WHOLESALE GROCERY COMPANY Notice to Contractors. rilmore, Okla., Dec. 17. r.m'.i. Sciled bids will be received until ij o c lock noon, Wednesday, Decern ler 'Jtli, KKili, by the Coinmlssloner if Water, Soweni and Lights for al crallons In the cant end of tho i'olice -tuition for the Water JK-partment. ! bids must be arctniaiiled by a rtltied check Tor $20.(111. l'lanrt may i at the office ir the City Kn in r D. II. DAWSON, (tin:,, --imir of Water. Sewers and Light- 17 lot MIFF M 00 Aril ' J0Jt I The receiver will continue the sale of millinery from (lav to day at the Parisian Millinery Co.'s, and everything included in the stock will he sold at 50c ON THE DOLLAR This sale is under the direction of the court ami nothiim will he reserved. SAM H. BUTLER, Receiver i .1 11. i we ,.i ltu .in. it l-.ii'e. " We bac eon . li.iv.- bc'.i .ible to get Ml --in 'lie the si. i turm thai you want. An escidlcut property for ale, hcI located In th city, four . in hoik hoiuie, fine well wtei. . re hard, cement sidewalk, barn . HO It. trout, 111 ft. deep. Kxcoptioiuil!)' cheap for sumu.ou Mi entire Mock ot gtouuil for sale, Z'& feet by 400 feet. It !i 4sitl four-room limine, porch 1. gas f r I'ght and bent through .. the house; a wplemlid ore hunt of assorted fruit trees, a large .!. loittted on fine ground nut the eiy place the i.iriv ..mtiug lots of room ami soil tii.i. will produce auythliiK. mil for a poultry yard, A b.iitsulu ir sold at once; $lsoo c.idi; t.uo tush, balance payable monthly at $80 per month till paid Farmers, why do you not gel In on some ot the good Hiltus 1 1 are Ruing around, farms that tun b Id at pmo that . ili make you iwiuoy, and wo aie able to help you jm tor them ; you a homo while price Ii low, (pill renting ami Utug in 1. it a way as you hae been doing. Fnrm of 20 acres to 2O0O re. We make farm loans at low niton. Urn; time, easy payments, iwltw of pwyiiiK off nt any time, anil oan mnko you a proposl l that you ouituot i.isr, up. Vtemeiiiber the adage, "An ounce of provontlon Is worth a ad ot cure." We havo the b'?st fire and tornado Insurance in niii Don't forget about tlih T'nce Notaileh in the office, all Kinds of Omveyancing. Oklahoma Loan ? Investment Co. V : INVESTIGATION SPEAKER CANNON HAS EFFECT- IVELY SIDETRACKED CONGRES- ,, ,0 Htl). resolution, and him meted, SIONAL SUGAR INVESTIGATION oll, Kmr fates to scon of like mriisiiroM In ptvl sessions of con ! Kress. And If he should decide to utitMiltif n -miitttlttji,, ha linn It with. IP Tfl FIF j I Or by Another Name to the ComM,()) n..l.. UM.I. H- run.' mlttce on Rules, Whleh He Con trolsThe Ballinne.'Plnohot Con troversy Hit Same Channel. W'niihlimton. l-'. 17- imikur : Cminon ha effectively ldetruekil u congressional InvestlRAtion of the sugar trust, which threatened 10 in- dude lrohe of the Joker In I In sugar schedule of the tariff hill. When the jeiiolutlon providing for an Inquiry hy n Joint committee o'. Hit? house nnd aeimto wan offered, "l.'nclo Joe" referred the measure to the committee on rule, which he dominate absolutely, and which was oiiulviilent to referring the matter to himself. The eommlttee on rule l. com lioioHl of five members, three repub licans and two domocrnt. The speaker is the ehnlrniaii of the com in'llteo and he aitpolntfl the other four member. The two democrat might an wll not be on the eommlttee, :w they Htand no hot In otiiiK aKaiiiHt three reimblloaim. In addition to Speaker t'annoi.. the majority mdo 1 1 the committee consists of IMlzell ' 01 Pennsylvania, close friend of Al tli loll, and Smith of losva, Dal.ell anil Smith are mere figure heads on thin eommlttee. They allow Cannon to do what he pleases. Thus tho to.uniltt'V on rules Is to nil practi cal ends, one man Joseph (1. Can non. The rooolutlon for the Investiga tion of the Hitgar trust frauds will In all likelihood never be heard of ugiiln. It will tile a death that Is natural to all resolutions disapprov ed of by the powerful soelal Inter ests, which go to their final repose In pigeon holes In the desk of th" j1i.iIi.hi .r 1I1.. ..fitiinilt Imi ,111 rilled. 1 '. . ... , , , 1 . 1 4 I I. .... ..I. t In- KitL-Li All toil ItM T . 11 111 III fill till ."li-rii!WI Jllin (1411 ii begun, the sugar trust r 'solution H ! not the only one the committee If MILLINERY E22S5, 'i. ii'.v I'ropcit) and Carter I .-t il oth.i that we are rlgh', s. uie fl'ie bargain-. We la ni rule has mvallowod since Decern nor . A rwoltiUon providing for an lt.vcstlat:oii of thfl imlllitRsr-l'Inahot i iit.iiv.rny, which would necessarily . nn Investigation of iBallliigor. bus I . en i hloroformed by the speaker. T!n. resolution wa also sent to th" . imimlttM' on ruhm. What "I'ncle Joe" ha done u the ,tto TvM referred to. ho call 1,11 'MWr ,0 mn ""y IllWStlgU- (it'll III KIRk I;i' It 1I.1W iij packing the foody with men hostile In an honest. Impartial litvestlgu- In the enne of the two resolutions of lnvtlnatlon which have been noted "I'ncle Joe" htm IcglHlatod fcr the entire memhurehlp of the limine. Thun, In two lnntances al teady thin lemlon. the upetiker has i shown hlnwelf the manter limtead of the nervant of the house; one i man has ruled Inntead of a majority ol the membeni of the hoiine. And :r a democrat or a progressive re Mibliian should introduce a reo-1 fn-lght rates made by the Oklahoma lot ion providing for the appointment ! Corporation Commission, tempoiatl or a committee to change the pros- ly enjoined, begnn here today In fed cut order of things, the speaker era! court. would send It, too. to the committee J. K. l.oe. A. I'. Watson and J. on rules (himself), and It would I J. MeAlestor members of the Okla ui ver agHln see the light of day. j homa commlssloii will reiiri.'Hunt the The eommlttee on rub Is useful i "'. iHted by Attorney .(leneral in still another way to the group ' of n who. on behalf of the trust. ' imk lliiKeniuin or Kansius City railroads and kliis of finance, dom- l'1 t'"' principal argument Inntc iiBtluiial leglHl.n'on. ! r'' ra'lroads. When ;, bill Is finally leported Five-Gallon Lard Cans from a picked committee, the rules , M.lik ,M Ardmure CR. UlllH four to a large extent Interfere with the , tlI)us ,H U)l, ;S fj0,ory W1,H ,,ra,)k lliipiovemeiu of the meatmre on the , j(,trvj, 7.10 floor of the house. WIh-ii made-to- ' ) line r iiiciinuri' are oeioii' me uoiiNe, members. If lelt free and untraminel ed. 1 ,i!d offer amendments ami thus hnve , heir will t press oil. The com mittee 011 rules, with almost unllui Iti d iower. Is tlie machinery used to limit the right or amendment. The committee on rules has the port -r to Kit during the sessions of ', the house, to report al any time, ..nil for the modlflcalton of any rule k procedure, it is a flying squadron, under the direct command of the speaker. It can quickly and etficlent b rush to any point of attack made against him or his policy. The committee has the power to ri port a measure lor consideration. 11 cil tti flv the termu .if ttnlmt,. I 1 nn ... . 1 , tl rill il I I (till II I Kill (fit I nil nliii.ti. . i-miiiiiiiir, iijrwii 1111 11 illdl'IIU' n.i nm can he offered. Thus the com ndti-'e mi rules is a kind of supe. 1 lor or appullate committee to all elm' iinmittees of the house. Near 1' H the importunt legislation Is tit omluctcil under M-clal orders it pi ir ed b this committee, which ,'iil.H o ib rs are shrewdly devised 1 I.....I... II... I........ ..I .1. I "" '"n,u'lcourt to give him Judgment again u ' I""'"t' the parties named, ll'edeoe & I.lttl" How's This7 . We otfer One Hundred Dollars lie ' w.ird for any case of Catarrh tin can not be cured by Hall's Catdrrb Ctlie I F. J CIIH.NUV CO.. Tide lo. O. U,. Ill- Itn.lnral,, 1 1 1, mkj (Mini mii,iM ii, mm- .iunt 11 I F .1. Cheney for the last 1.'. yrtar ii'tl believe hint peifeilly hnuoVabl.' I in all business transactions and fl , gamar.,? ,W Waldlug. ICIunan K- Marvin, t Wliolcsale Druggls's. 'i'oledo, O. ' llall's -atairh Cure Is taken Inter known ui .11 inn, inn-wily 11 Mill me iiinoil .ml imw-nnu viirr.Pnv r n... v,;m ' Testimonials wilt fret. Price 7fi ctu . j p. bottle. Sold by ail ilruugls's. ! Tak.- Hall's Family pills fo.- con stlpa'ion. d.t-w Thi- funn actions of a woiuiin may due to her missing sense of I.,,.,,.,,- ! Fidey's Honey nnd Tar Is the best and safest cough remetly for dill-' .1 . . i. .1 . u.i-.i. ,11 1 lie un ti symptoms 01 a , cold, clve us dlroctc.1. ami u-:ir,l nf , danger of croup, bronchitis, ssre 1 uiroai. .old 111 tlie heilil, and stutfy nrtaintng. it Drums comfort audi ! ea-.o to the little ones. Contains t'o opiates or other harmful drugs. ' Keep always t;ii hand, and refuse I substitutes. Sold by all druggists. lkm't Judge by appearances. The I m. hi who wear a diamond pin may times lie really wealthy. A sprained anklo will usttnll dis able tlie Injured person for three or tour weeks. This Is due to luck or pi pev treatment. When Chamber. !aiii; Liniment is applied h euro may be effected In three or four This liniment Is one or tlie best and most remarkable prepara tion's In use. Sold by Ardnioro Drug Co., Itufus Post and all druggists. 1 Christian Church Bazaar. Ml those who huo promised do nations to the Christian church ba zaar and dinner Saturday, and havo no way to send hi their donations, will please telephone Mrs. Arthur .lumen. Plume 'o. SS. 1fi." Fear isn't the only ihlng that will I make a woman change color, as wit I noss the seashore tan wearing off TWO-CENT RATE EGLIN today OKLAHOMA CORPORATION COM- MISSIONERS DEFENDING STATE PASSENGER RATE. ( 1 Santa Fe and K.Hv Endeavorlna to Have Oklahoma's Two-Cent Pas senger Rate md Certain Freight I Rates Enjoined by Federal Court, St. LouIh. lMo., Dee. 17. The court proc;edltiKB In the stult brouht by the AtchlHon, Topeka & Santa l'e and the Ml9Hourl, Katisns ; Texan railroads to hnvo the two cint paH8uii(?er niten and certain SEEKS ft JUDGMENT AGAINST J, U AKERS SHERIFF AND HIS BONDSMEN AND DEPUTY SUED FOR A SMALL AMOUNT. .1. K. (Junior has filed suit In the district court against Sheriff Akurn and his deputy, W. 1-1 Landrum and his bondsmen (1. II. Akcrs, 1. J. Akers and Dr. Dow Taylor. IMalntlrf alleges that on the :t 1 k t or .May he obtained a judgment against Mary and John 4 Kills for 3ti7r ami that an execution was placed in the hands ot W. K. Landrum and thai he it 1 propei ty belonging to Mary and John lCilis .iut that he Indorsed the cvcu'lon "no proportv found" nnd that he let .1. H. Iloone have some cotton which could have been taken to pay off a portion or the Judgment and he asks the ' n . . Hied the suit lor plaintiff. The Klrst National Hank -f Ard more has filed suit against W. and R. 11. Colbert for $5&7! The bank .,tir,u thiil ilur.iiiilniiTs mive II three 1 ttlltilll ........ .....I ...l.l. ,1 Inn HUirn dill. Mini il.r i a i jrti.u. ... . , ,f 11 Hl,m!l ai'"t which has been paid the amount Is past due and asks Judgment for the amount. Cni"e. " " or are attonu,. 'r philntlff. wh(, hH., u. uxri au best herd . , . ... ,.. ' I"'r.v cow s In the t,tate The State Inspector .says the Ardmore Dnlrv nixi 1 Cream Factory ha. We can tak- care of uiur wants. Phone Us l7-:i U, S, GOVERNMENT MAY TAKE A HDh: EXAMINING TRIAL OF ERNEST 1 K-y AND OTHERS UEING HELD TODAY BEFORE JUDGE MASON. The examining trial ol Kruest Key and others charged with him In con nection wilh the striking 01 a Choctaw Indian last Friiay night from the re sults of which the Indian tiled, is lie- lug heard bclore Judge Mason In the county court room today. trial was Interrupted' by the county attor ney having to appear in district eonr and at press hour the -auiiii.uion was not concluded. An Indl.iu t mi tied in the case and an interpreter was used. Some of the oWdetice was damaging to the The death of this Indian ha- resul etl in letters having been sent to the Interior department calling the atton- j tlou of the government to the treat- ment that is given Indians here and j It Is probable that the government j will Interest Itself In the prosecution j of such cases as this one oc urrlng , here. Iielicaiesseu luncli, smoxe sal- mon, smoke white llsh, Neufchat-d iheese, sardelle and shrimp ready to I cat City Fish Market Phono .'15!i, Little Stories of the Street Moving Here. St. i At:ri Hltuntl Artfiu V. t). Hcntley was in tin- city today from V'lkon visiting with the dlatr.ct ugrl- Cll.tumi agent Hero, A. i. uranam. He reports ho Is greatly leased with thf work done hero by .Mr. Graham. .Mr. Orahain will leave hole tomonow for li Ik homo In western Tvmis and will mow his family hero. l.lccnscl to Wed. Marriage licenses have been Ishu- 1,11 lo oinn '.Mann and !la U.uili I Ardmore; T. J. Ilrlscw and Kffle ' - nnnoti of t'.iaham; KrneHt I). Arn old f Lone (inive and Lena amlth of Cheek. Girl of Thirteen. Willie M0C0) appeared before County Judge .Mason jesterday af tcrnoon to secure a marriage r cense, lit was accompanied by the brlde-tivbe and hei father and moth er, Rev. and .Mrs. J. C. Allison. The girl was otlll In her thirteenth year and Clerk Lattford Informed him that she would not be allowed to marry lit Oklahoma until she was fifteen. The parents were very will ing that the marriage should take place and clerk Lanford was asked I to write out a statement from tho 1 parents to the clerk of CtMjke county and the couple went there to obtain a licence. The girl was small and her tlretts came Just below the knee. I Sir Knights. W. L. 1 lagan and Luther II. Smith j both 01' Marietta were made Sir Knights at the meeting or the Knights Templars here last night. A Kildlcman and Dr. J. I). Ilatson accompanied the candidates to Ard more to see that the work win properly put on. Paving Script. W. H. Hurnltt has returned from a 1 trip to Citithrlo and other Oklahoma cities where he went to Investigate 1 the manner adopted by those cities I for handling paving script. He wants to 8co better streets In Ardmore. but Is somewhat discouraged by having many people to petition agaln:-t pav- "Kvcrybody Ukcs the cream" and If you want a gtmd cup of coffee these cohl mornings a small bottle o' our cream win uring tile ui'Sire-i rtsult". Ardmore Dairy anil fee Cream Factor'. Phone 288 :!00 K'ghth Ave. N. W. 17-:i NEGROES WILL BE Washington, Dec lii. The lirowns-1 vlile ('ourt of Inquiry hns reached i that -t:igi of It.s work when It i , in vestigating the IndiWdual on-. . for re-lns:atenieiit by dl.-tchnrgcd sol tilers of the Twenty-Fifth lnfantrj. ! The court, alter making a thorough Investigation Into the shootlng-up of 1 Brownsville, recomened tula week t: take up the applications of the men dischargid under I'resldent House velt's orders. There ..ere 100 soldiers tllschargetl and or but seventj- ! eight have applied for re-lnstatement. , Four of thcM' men h ive aiipeared be- fore the court In person o tar, and they were accompanied by couiuot. , I All who have applied for re-Instate-I incut have been served with summon.s 1 by the government and will be allow- d the usual fees and expenses to which they aril entitled as witnesses. ' I No decisions have been mnde public 1 1 in any of the InilMdunl cases Trent fish, lied lUli, Hock lUh and Cat llsh il teased and ready for the pun. Phone your order anil we will do the rest. City Fish Market. Pttou Who ha sweet cream The Ard more Da'ry and lee Cream Factory I phone 2SS. 17'1 NOTICE On DecembtT l, I will take personal chnro (if my res taurant (at tho UorniT of Main ami A Sts. nnrlht-ast, My entire time will bo do voted to tho restaurant and tho host service may be expected at all times. You Are Always Welcome. ABE ENLOE C. Dings. President. J. M Jones. Cashier. GUARANTY STATE BANK CAPITAL $51,000.00 In addition to our capital your money is guaranteed by the lOepositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Oklahoma. Interest Paid on Time Deposits A share of your business will be appreciated. OFFICIAL STATEMENT Made to the State BanKing Board of the Ardmore State Bank At Ardmore, Okla.. at the close of business Nov. 1609 KHSOUKCKS Loans, Discounts nnd Overdrafts SI 12, 0.32. 01 llotitls 1-lU 00 Furniture .-inii Fixtures 2, Louns to Active Ofllcers NUN'IC Demand Loans ..... $5, COO. CO WnrrnntH... U,4C7.Dt liills Kxcli.lOS,U2t;.57 Available Cash, 107,078.12 l2ao.-Hi2.tlS S'J7f,im.7l Tho Above Statement Is Correct HA HOLD WALLACK, Cashier. This UanK is 18 months old and still growing. If you are not a customer of this bank, let this be an Invitation to become one. C. T. liarrinycr. Pres. L. V. ANJJKKSON, Pres. O. L. ANDKHSON. Cashlor. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, OKla. Capital Paid In $60,000.00 Surplus Funds .165,000.00 Total $225,000.00 The oldest bank in Indian Territory. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with ood banking. J. A. MVtiNH, Prcoidoiit. A. II. PALM Hit, Cashier The City National Bank Ardmore, OHlahoma. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus Funds 100,000.00 Accounts of firms and individuals solicited. Courteous treatment accorded to all alike. More Furniture Better Furniture F o r less money when y o u trade with C. P. HALL We handle everything in furniture, stoves and household goods. Phone 366, North Caddo Street. Concrete Sidewalks Don't order them with out first getting bid from A. D. Hyde None but first class work. Phone 89. m ti OrTIIIS" LAalNti a M. Gorman. Vice-Pres. J. W. lamuih. Asst. Cashier. LIAHILITIKH Capital Stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus uud Undivid ed Profits 1,709.08 Unearned Interest ... 5,886.1.1 Dividend, Unpaid.... 710.00 Hills Payable 12,500.00 Hi-discounts 22,:s0.1b Other Jlorrowctl Money NONE Deposits :t0-4, 507.17 t:i75,l3.7l Harold Wallace. Casliicr MOHAN SCOTT, Vlco-i'ron.l UI) SAND LIN, Asst. Oashlor. DON LACY, President. O. II. WOLVEHTON, Asst. Oanhler. fi' United States Depository Okla. State Depository City Depository ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE. OKLAHOMA Capital, Surplus and Additional Liabilities $250,000 If this bnnk ts a safe place for the city, state uud nation to deposit their funds It Is a safe place for tho farmor and business man to keep his funds. THY IT. LEE CRUCE. President G.W.STUART.Cashter Onn of tho flrt to fi"i n'i ntlldavlt ss to the purity of Ingredients con tained In a r luedy vt l tbo illaponn nrB of tho f unjua laxntivo tonic, Jir, Cnldwoll'ii nrup P'tmln Prlco l) cents or 1 u bottlo e( unr ilructlnU Ardmore! to want ads arc tho best.