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The Ardmoreite Is the Only "Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service ttttt Use The Ardmoreite Want Ads They Hustle Business Joncs-Evcrclt Machine Co. For quick, rcllnblo nnd sat isfactory repairs; yen, ask our customers. Phono 81 VOLUME XVI ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA MONDAY KVKNI N(S I ANI'AIIV II) ItllO NUMBER 18(1 mdln (8; Great Closing Out Sale I We will sell at COST the cleanest line of in Ardmore during the next sixty days BROS. CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS NELSON FINANCIER'S DEAD IN RESORT RRFNTs TAkFN :: t: t: :: :: it :: :: t: :: :: :: :: :t tt WEATHER FORECAST. tt tt tt tt x v oil. an, i.a , iu tt The weather foivmut for Okla tt tt lioma for ton ilil N i ur and tt ,tl tt inner. TupkiI.iv fair tt it XI MYSTERY ATTACHED TO DEATH tit! it li I! tl i! !! !i i! !l I! II I! i! I! I! '.! REPRESENTATIVE D W I 0 H T OF SON OF ROCK ISLAND MA3- v - KNOWN A3 REPUBLICAN 'WHIP' NATE IN CHICAGO RESORT. "IAI1J IXC 01 MCflU!! TAKES INSURGENTS OFF. OFF WHIP' I KT Annual Lsiearmq bale! POLICE SUPPRESS THE NEWS' For Twelve i than el F. Hours Moore Death of Na In Resort on WHITE SLAVERY1 NOW UNDER FIRE JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR., FOREMAN OF GRAND JURY, IS PUSHING INVESTIGATION. Chicago's South Side, Was Kept Secret. Chicago. HI.. .liin. 10. Nathaniel V Moore, son of James Holiart Mooro, Hock Islam! financier, was found (lead today lu a room In a South Side resort. Tho nows had been suppressed by the police for twelvo hours. Coroner Hoffman Is not satisfied with the death explanation of heart disease, and will thoroughly Invoatl- gate. DKLAHIJMAN KILLS SELF ON T Now York, X. V., .Ian. 10. Syndi cated "white slavery" Is under tiro today. In the grand jury room today District Attorney Whitman tukuil the investigators to find IndictmeutH against certain individuals, alleged to be leaders In the business. It Is believed that the searching investigation undertaken by John 1). :Rcckefeller, Jr., foreman of the giaud Jury, has already proceeded far enough to show not only an or ganized "whlto slave" traffic really (.xlstlng. but that close relations are maintained between the traffick ers in women, in the principal cit ies ot the country WON'T ASK THEIR ATTENDANCE Senate Adopts Amendments to Ba!-Ilnger-Plnchot Resolution, Provid ing That House Be Allowed to Choose Own Method. Washington, I). C., Jan. 10 It ,v,is said In the house today that Itopr.' tatlvo Dwlght ot 'New York, th e publican whip" had taken the irnu.'.t of the insurgent republicans off ". llbt of representatives, to whom he regularly sends notice demandin? their attendance at times of division. WILLIAM T. McMACKIN OF FRED ERICK SWALLOWS POISON ON FRISCO TRAIN IN KANSAS. SUGAR WEIGHERS GIVEN ONE YEAR Olathe. Kan., Jan. 10. William T. i MoMnekln of Frederick, Okla., com-1 mltted sulcldo by poison on a Kris- j ca passenger between Paola and I Olathe, today. ! He left a note saying. "Insanity Is , the cause of deed. No remorse of conscience Jaw no chance of ro covory. Daughter, Mrs. M. 31. Hoov er, lives at Independence, Kansas." IMcMackln was seventy years of ! age. FOUR FORMER EMPLOYES OF SUGAR REFINING COMPANY SENTENCED TO ONE YEAR. Senate Adopts Amendment. Washington. 1). C, Jan. 10. '111! senate today adopted tho amoiidin.-iit to the lialllngcr-Plurhot resolution, reported by the coinmltttee .which provided that the house may choose Its own methods of electing the house membership of the Investigation com mittee. The amendment, providing tint "Any, or exoffelal," whose con duct inUht be considered, might up pear In person, was defeated. Here is your chance to get ANY two-piece Suit or Overcoat made to ORDER for 525 Ready -to-W ear Suits ? O 'coats Lot No. 1, Suit or Overcoat $12.50 Lot No. 2, Suit or Overcoat 10.00 Lot No. 3, Suit or Overcoat 7.50 Sale Discontinues Feb. 1 Railroad Fare Refunded 111 West Main Street J. J. STOLFA 17ie Merchant Tailor and Clothier tt tt tt tt tt tt t: tt t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Short Cut From Sickness to Health. I Some of the diseases no cure Asthma, epilepsy, female trouble, L headaches, heart diseases, indigestion, j all liver and kidney troubles, catarrh, .find make a specialty of all nervous diseases. IULKY & COX, Chiropractors. Rooms 3-ti Noble ltulldlng. I'hone 409. 9-Ct New York, X, Y Jan. 10. Thomas Kehoe, Kdward S. illoyle. Patrick .1. Hennessey and John M. Coyle, four former employes of tho Sugar Refill lug Company, convicted of under weighing frauds, were senteuecd to one year's Imprisonment each by Judge Martin In the 1'nlted States court today. .Miss Vera Smith and Miss Amanda Jordon of Glasgow, Ky., are the guests of Mrs. Will Hartnltt and Mrs. C. C Frampton. Head Ardmorelto Vfr t Ads. Down to Business We expect our business in iyio to be greater than ever before. We are bet ter prepared to look after your work with all the latest machinery and tools used in our line. Figure with us on anything you may want that can be made from wood andiron. Remember us when your horse needs shoes. "We know how to shoe a horse." AL M. RICE 19 W. Broadway Ardmore, Okla. KEEP IT IN MIND. That there is one of the clean est candy factories Jiero that can bo found. Tho Crown Ulrand on Candles and Carbon ated beverages Is the sign of purity. Help home Industry, Insist on getting the CHOWX HltAND. CROWN BOTTLING AND MANUFACTURING WORKS MORGAN J. HAVKS, President and Manager. MILITARY ACADEMY TO NEW YORK ACADEMY AT CORN WELL DESTROYED BY FIRE CADETS MARCH OUT SAFELY. Newburgh, X. Y., Jan. IP. -The Now York mllltaiy academy at Corn well, X. Y., was destroyid by fire early to lay. Meet Raffles Tonight At The Majestic Will Give a Short Talk at Each Show Tonight Without Any Disguise A Truce Is De clared From 4 P. M. Today Until 6 A.M. Tuesday. When the tiro was discovered, a ! buglo was sounded and the cadets, ' with military precision, marched out, K tt tt a tt tt t: Xt H tt tt tt tt tt , mostly clad In pajapias and batl robes. They lost all of their personul 1 effects. There were about 150 students In the academy. The loss Is 100.00J. Ramsey & Ramsey Farm and City Loans We inspect our own loans 200 W. Main St. Ardmore, Okla. Ardmoreite want ada ire tho best. Do you take The Ardmoreite? Farm Loans Harwell iV Dc::ter are making farm loans, as heretofore without any delay, They inspect all lands and pay cash down. Office over Guaranty State Bank. Good Things to Eat Fisli Oysters !Vesh moats of all kinds Kosher meats California fruits Kvorythiny fresh a n d clean Prompt delivery J. A. CLARK'S Mir, Fih and Oyter Parlor Phono U3U Raffles, niHii o: .many mysteries, makes a proper personal appoarauco tonight at tho Majestic Uieatro. Tho largest crowd ever gathered In this beautiful play houso will see Mr. Raf fles as a common citizen, ulso hear him tipeak .and tell you many things which may add greatly to his ultimate downfall. Xow, Mr. Sleu'h, If you are in earn est come, and get lu lino for the big rowurd here Is a golden opportunity. After Raffles makes thU appear ance he wI not linger long In our midst, as some clever sleuth will spot him soon. He right on tho Job tonight and study him carefully, It will be your last chalice. 1 After this appearunco Raffles will come out iu another dlsguisi-d appear ance and no doubt he will not last long after that. It ha.s come ) the ears of an un derfed newspaper reporter on the Ardmoreite that O. O. Warren of cold storage fame, was hot on the trail of Riffles In tho 'wet small hours of the niornlitg. If Mr. Raffles knew o vMs net on the part of Warren, there Is no I doubt It would cause no little amount of mental disturbance lu that gentle- man's mind. It Is also understood thut Tom Wilkes has "designs" on Raffles, al 1 though Jut strongly maintains It would not be fair for him to lnnd the reward. i (Continued on l'ag' Four.) SPECIAL! 200 acre farm to exchange for Ardmore residence property. Must be desirable. Farm nine miles from Ardmore. Act at once, if you want this deal. O. L. CHANCELLOR Office Haudol Iildg., over Oltzlur Office phone 111. Res, phono 543, Dry Goods Co. SEE ME For bargains In tho Whoolor Oil District, Arbucklu Mining District mid Wsshlta Valley lands. I buy dlreot from the allottee which saves tho pur chaser a nleo margin B. S. CURTIS Ollluo Minis Pennington MUg. Ofiloo Phone fill, Hes. Phono HhO Red. Money! Money! $100,000 has Leen set aside for mo by the Union Central Life Insurance Co.toloaa on farms between now a n d March 1st. 1 have private funds to loan. Inspect my oaii loans. Always have tho money. GEORGE R. FISH Kooin Jl Noble 11 d'. $100,000 TO LOAN on Farm and City Property Most Reasonable Terms GENERAL INSURANCE GORMAN, BOGIE & DOBBINS Over City National Bunk Phone 50 ARDMORE, OKLA. Mitf Sue Frame will take your order for any book or magazine delivered at publishers' prices. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt it tt tt Telephone 21 tt tt ARDMORE ABSTRACT CO. tl tt Oldest in tho Couuty t: , tt W. 8. Wolvenon & Sou tt tt Managers tt tt Ponded Abstractors of Carter it I tt County. General Insurance, tt ' tt Money to loan on City and tl tt Farm Property. tt tt 113 North Washington St. It! nnnRxttunnuttttuun FOR SALE My property at the comer ol Broadway and C Streets, N. W., now occupied by the "Ardmore Lumber Co." $ 1000.00 cash, balance like rent, either in monthly or annual payments. For pi ice and further particulars write A. F. JONES, Box 576, Phoenix, Arizona.