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.V. r The Ardmoreite Is the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service Use The Ardmore,. Want Ads They Hustle Business Joncs-Evcrcll Machine Co. I'or quick, reliable nnd But Isfaotory rcpalrri; yes, nsk our ct.stotnors. Phono W5. VOLUME XVI ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY II 1910 HEIRESS IS FOUND TIE GALLOWS F0 PASSES Ml M L IB. IS NUMBER 187 WITH HER WAITER PRIVATE D'HEAL APPROPRIATION PUSHING PROBE CHICAGO POLICE ARREST PHIL. ' SOLDIER WHO KILLED SERVANT BILL CARRYING MORE THAN ADELPHI A GIRL IN COMPANY IN HOME OF CAPTAIN AT FT. NINETY-FIVE MILLION DOL WITH FREDERICK COHEN. LEAVENWORTH TO HANG. LARS PASSED BY HOUSE. SON OF STANDARD OIL HEAD CONTINUES INVESTIGATION OF "WHITE SLAVERY." SAYS IT WAS HER FAULT JURY REACHED VERDICT TODAY OPPOSITION FOR TRE EXCESS THE MARKET IS LOCATED Annual Clearing Sale! Girl S.ivs If Court Proceedings arc The Crime Occurred on a Government The Bill Carryimj an Amount In Walter In a New York He.taur.ini .s will " ; a r r . l. l . . r-t. Dlfinl ll.wlr Arrit Tnlilv (. 1 1 1 IV. Reservation ann Kansas tjusioni ti.s m mc ubh",1CI1' &hm- - w..--. .... .,. - o mates Was Opposed by Mnnv ef ed With Deinn 'White Sme At.;..t Apply t) O'Neal's Case. ' the Congressmen. i Yourtn oin uonipiainnm. Instituted Against Cohen, She'll be His Chief Defender Grand Fath. ' Aualnst Death Penalty Does Not i er Glud bne c r-ouna. Here is your chance to get AlSfY two-piece Suit or Overcoat made to ORDER for Chicago, 111.. .Ian. 11. Hubert a Delation, the Philadelphia holreioi, who was arrested hor yesterday li company with Frederick Cohen, a waiter, said today that If court pio ceedlngs 'At-ro begun against Cohen she would bo Ills chief defender. Hhe was emphatic In her dednra atlons that thy elopement wan all her fault. It Is expected that tin; pair will ho taken back to I'hlladulplila tomorrow. Grandpa Is Delighted. Philadelphia, l'a.. Jan. 11.-Hubert llulst, grandfather of Roberta Dojan on, nabl today: 'I'm 'perfectly delighted to get back my llttlo girl." Regarding probable action as l tln prosecution of Cohen, UuUt re ferrod the reporters to his counsel, Henry l- Walton. "You can rent as sured that a charge will he tnado against Cohen ami otto that will stick," said tlio attorney, adding that lh) will hold a conference with the district Attorney this afternoon. Kansas ("tty, Kan., Jan. 11. ('has. O'Neal, private of the fourteenth In fantry, United State Army, watt found guilty by the Jury In thu fed eral court liere today of murder In the Hrst degree, Tor killing Minnie Scharboro, a nun-ant In tho home of jCuptalu iMurphy at 1'ort Leavenworth, last July. Judge Pollock Imposed the death penalty. The crime having occurred on a government reservation, the 1 Kansas custom of not Inflicting the extreme penalty, does not apply. The cilme wiu a sensational one, cieatcd ureal fxei'cniont at the fort OPPOSITION TO TAFT'S NEW COURT DELEGATES TO LIVESTOCK AS SOCIATION DISPLEASED . WITH PROPOSED INTERSTATE COURT Washington. 1). C, Jan. 11. -Carrying an appropriation of $!)fi.'.!00,000 for the maintenance of the army for the llscal year 1111 1 the army appro priation bill passed the house today by a vote of tv! to inc. Present and not voting, il. The opposition was due to the furl that the department estimates wi evei ded. WILL MANEUVER New Vork. N. Y. Jan II "white ulave" market has been ed by District Attorney Whitman in the Inquiry Into the Immoral traff" . which was again under Investigation today by the grand jury I lr h John I). Uockefeller, Jr., ... i. man. The police today touk Into custody Paul I). Itiiike, a waiter, charging him wltn being a "white slave" agent I A 17-year-old girl furnished the com ! plaint against him. AT FORT RILEY MILITIA OF KANSAS, MISSOURI. IOWA, NEBRAKSA, MINNESOTA AND TWO DAKOTAS THERE. Ramsey & Ramsey Farm and City Loans Wo inspect our own luan 200 W. Main St. Ardmore, Okla. Deiivct, Colo., Jan. 1 1. Opposition to Tail's proposed Interstate com tin n r court is (he position taken i') ilie leaders among tho delegates tit tv nn National Livestock -.-ut i.i Hon lotiw ntlon, which open- d U ii today. 1 1 The n.i iiilii i s .ivti I lie railroads be. I Inil the jiroposltlon, they assert. mong the live tuples of discus sion Is the demand that the duty of l"i pi r ci nt on hides in- restored. SPECIAL SERVICES TONIGHT. Omaha, Neb., Jan. 1 1. Instructions fturu received yesterday t the head quarters of the department of Mis souri to arrange for n maneuver camp and camp of ln.Unictlonii for the de partments of Mist-ourl and Dakota, to be held at Kort Kllcy, Knntfis and n maneuver camp at Fort. I). A. litis st II, Wyoming. Mrs. J N. Dyer ami -on m okl.ih inn City are visiting li- (". Dash- TRY WHISKY CASES IN COUNTY COURT LAW AND ORDER LEAGUE HEAR WITNESSES TEHTIi-V AND LIS TEN TO ARGUMtNT. Ready toW ear Suits & coats Lot No. 1, Suit or Overcoat $12.50 Lot No. 2, Suit or Overcoat 10.00 Lot No. 3, Suit or Overcoat 7.50 Sale Discontinues Feb. 1 T TT CHHnfY T71 A Railroad Fare Refunded J a J . J j JJJL J a 111 West Main Street 77ie Merchant Tailor and Clothier Rallies at Opera House Tonight County court is grinding on tli mis U'tiieanor docket which Is ni iJ up almost exclusively of wIiUm y cases. John Nelfon charged -.vita selling beer Is on trial toil ly . Ik P.irnpll was cliiirueil Jointly wiMi h'm They are to begin In September . bu( 1ai.mi)1 forf,.t,.(1 lmu, V1(l left the coun'ry. Slgh.'r .t Howard Vow good peojde I am soIiir to nib elbows with you but a short time longer, 1 urn tired of the Job and want to see some one get thin ward. Ohio on I am willing to bo ami continue for one month. The militia organizations of Kansas, Mis- mMuK a ,,ar(l ,w,t for . (1, sottrl. Iowa, Nebraska, North an I ! South D.ikota and Minnesota are to fui3e and Interiiose Irequet't obj c- tloim to counsel for the state. Some Farm Loans Burwcll & Dexter are making farm loans, as heretofore without any delay, They inspect all lands and pay cash down. Office over Guaranty State Bank. Rev. Sanders Is Recovering From Recent Illness Baptist Church. Ho. Leslie .Siiiid?rs of the Broad way Haptlst church announces that spc lal service will be held at his , chun-h tills evening at 7:15. The , membership of the church is re i quested to hi present and all per sons tiro Imltcd to come. Mr. Han dels Is one of the mo.U Interesting pulpit orators in the country. Ho a ways has a good message to do livt r Ills health U improving and he is "ager to arouse general Inter I est In religious work. unite nlth the regulars at Kort Ulley. ' t) l)lo ,,,, ot tUl, !llw flml onl,.r league were In the court building to 1 witness tho trial. At press hour ar guments in the ca.-e wero in progr ss. 1 The case tried yesterday In which the Odd Follows woi-' su ing Dawson & Whitfield on a rental contract resulted In a Jutlment f r i tho Odd Fellows for $U!.0 the amount 'asked for Judge Mason was a wit ncss in the case and retired from the lunch. The trial was held oefa'e COSTLY BLAZE AT WEST MINERAL Will See Mr. Patton in "The Block head" from the Audience Tonight Ty. m ii 1 . t i oino on I am in uisguise i aucea to a juarge immiu. if yu hand u to mo right. -i it . "KT 1 i it K f . ,r' 11111 i'"t captured tonight at Krowa juast jwnt at tne iviaiestic i Itoblsou's opera house I will niako If Not Captured Tonight Raffles Will Appear in Disguise Again the Majestic Tomorrow Night. TWO LODGE HALLS, BAKERY, AND TWO GENERAL STORES ARE DESTROYED. special Judge, L. S Dolman. one more disguised appearance at the Majestic tomorrow night. I will Will Appear in Disguise Again attfTJ: SVir,,; three shows and some one Is almost cei tula to get me at one of theso appearances. The Majestic Is a very ( IMipular place with the people as It Is decidedly up to you. Just go i well an with llafflos ami ho la often nf.lor mo with studied systems and ' In attendance, but look for mo to you may land mo at my next an- monow night miles i aptured he poarauco at Itoblsou's opera house. ! fore. WAFFLES. Yesterday, I drove out with O. (1. , Warren to his large new pae.ktug I'lttsburg, Kan., Jan. 11. Fire at the town of West Mineral, near here last nUht destroyed two lodge halls, a. bakery and two general stores. Thf estimated loss Is $t;i',,nOf. The Itoss Dry (loods company lost $2",oit0 , Wnlbert Tunberl.iker. $:jr..0(0. SPECIAL! 200 acre farm to exchange for Ardmore residence property. Must be desirable. Farm nine miles from Ardmore. Act at once, if you want this deal. , O. L. CHANCELLOR Office Handol Uldg., over Dltzlor Office phono 111. Res. phono 512 Dry Goods Co. :: t: t: WEATHER FORECAST. : New Orleans, l.a., Jan. 11 V, 'I he weather lorecast for Okla lioma for tonight and Weducs JJ '! Is unsettled. Cooler to night In the north central section. :! t: :: n u a ;i n s: :: :; tt :: :: 2: :; :i tt tt tt tt tt tt it Good Things to Eat Fish Oysters Finsli incuts of till kinds Kosher moats (Jalifomia ft tilts Kverythin fresh n n d cleun. L'rotiipt dolivory J. A. CLARK'S Mi'iif. I'i'h anJ Oyiltr Parlor Plioiu Olia. The mysterious Mr. Unifies talked to a large gathering at tho Majestlo theatre last night a'ud once more In vited tho gifted bright lights of this city into the chase. Plw.r,. 1 iittt.. -1. ,,!,. i,i itnifbiH ... 1.1.. 1 i,t.. .Short Cut From Sickness to Health 1 ....... ... ...... ......... i,iii,.i lii inn itiifu iivn iiai'.niiih .... 1 ... 1 ,... i.i- -..... .,fi,.r . . . . ., , . . Some of the diseases iwe. cure- ..11 .ni in i-i n ........ ...w , iaui anil .ih greaiiv surprised ai ' ., ,, ... coming out Into the limelight In such , tlll, ilmI up.,o,late equipment I,.- M"n"' tvma " ,1lr0k'' an undisguised manner. In fact Uaf- ,t(ll Tll,.s llliml ,lr. NVarroll st!lt. "" ne-hes. heart dl,eases Indigestion. .1.,. u-ni .mil.... 1 1 , ,iiu,.,.i..i .... ... I'1" Uvi'r ill"t Sidney trouble:, catarrh. - - w.." ...... .....n..... 1 (EI, i.uuni 111 im; niiiiu, .inn I appearance In public anil some on will unveil the Human $111,0110, everything In the packers i enigma. llnu Is to bo manufactured, and al-, it tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: tt tt tt it tt tt tt tt tt it it tt FOR SALE My property rt the tuner t i Broadway and C Streets, N. V., now occupu d tic "Arduoro Lumber Co." S 1000.00 cash, liKc rtMit, cither in monthly or annual payments. For jute and further particulars write A. F. JONES, Box 57G, Phoenix, Arizona. tt KEEP IT IN MIND. That there Is one of tho clean est candy factories here that tan bo founJ. Tho Crown Brand on Candles and Carbon ated beverages Is the sign of purity. Help home Industry, Insist on getting the CHOWN IMAN'D. CROWN BOTTLING AND MANUFACTURING WORKS .M0I10A.V J. HAYKS. President and Mnnugcr. tt it it it it it it tt tt tt it tt tt tt Money! Money! $100,000 has I nn set asido for mo by tl 1 Tnion Central Life InsurancK Oo.toloan 011 farms h tw 11 now a n d March 1st. 1 have private funds tn loan. Inspect my on loans Always havu the money. GEORGE R. FISH Room 3 Noble ft djf. hero, and his chosen vocation cer tainly Ills him to tho letter, calm and iiiKibHiunlng 'nut ovor on the alert. Watch for liU next nppourunco which orcuis tonight at the produc tion of 'The Klockliead" at Itobl sou's theater. I will appear In the audience and all you have to do In c. pi k me out. After tudyliitc my 1 1. ..r ..11 ,,, ' 1 .11111 ilium- il .iM-ciui'; "l 'I'l UVUVHB hiirei) leprosented an Investment of about 1 ,, .... . tiiHiinses. UII.10Y &. COX. Chiropractors Rooms .vt: Noble Building Phone I OH. 9-Ct I was greatly Impressed , italfles liiolcs t lie part of llourlug'si togoth(r uieiit. with tho" thoroughness of tho oqulp Obviously a rloli harvest of busl ncss awaits .Mr. Warren, us he possosses tiemendouK advantages of iieiiriutsg to the raw materlul, like wise tlio peolo of Ardmore receive tlie benefit of-buying this furnished moiliiet at much dimmer nrlces than f,aluies las', night at the .Majestic I jfHm f(,r,.Rll .h,,,,,,,,,. seme one surely will recognize tno ( Mr u..(.r((ji , thankl4 and if you have your Ardmorelto , f nvwy mm n ,n m .1 you and say the words right, ,0 -ot thlJ ac0 for uii' .u in yours, waicu lor nie u I will surely lie there. It in really ennetessary for me to say anything tt tt tt tt it it tt tt tt tt tt it it ii tt it tt tt Miss Sue Frame will take your order for any book or magazine delivered at publishers' prices. :i t :i I! it it :t it it it tt tt : :: it tt it tt it it it :t it tt Telephone 21 il ARDMORE ABSTRACT CO. ii Oldest In tho County t: W. S. Wolvetton & Hou ii Managers ii Ponded Abstractors of Carter ti Comity. Oeneral Insurance, tt Money to loan on City nnd ti Farm Property. tl 113 North Washington St. ti In behalf of "The Hlockheud" and Mi Patton as he has appear, nl hero ( . nil times and Is an o il time fav oi he llu .e. ullar comody uUiy. n a hit with his uudiou. -es an I this year In "The Illo.-khead" he i better I huu ever. The play Is a v hoi. 'some, entertaining; comedy and M - Patton lias surrounded himself with a very excellent company who always p.ease, ho don't fall to see The Illockhoad" and Raffles to night at KoIiIhok's opera house, It may mean ?!iu.0i) to yon. Ho right on tho Job, loaded up double barrel ed, and should you see a suspect, go after him, and don't get excited. A few llnoa from llaffles as fol lows: The opportunity has been present ed to you that you have heen look. Ity, while others talked, ho has I demonstrated what can he done for ' Aidmoro by doing It. SEE ME For bargains in tlio Wheeler Oil District, Arbucklo Mining District ami Wushltn Valley lands. I buy direct from tho allottee which savos tlio pur chaser a nice margin. B. S. CURTIS Olllco Sims Pennington Hide;. Olllco Phone 'ill, Hes. Phono 85U Ited. 100,0 TO LOAN o on Farm and City Properly Most Reasonable Terms GENERAL INSURANCE GORMAN, BOGIE & DOBBINS Over City Nutlonel Knnk Phone 50 AKDMOKE, OKLA. 1 tt U tt tt tt tt a ii tt H tt ti tt tt ti, '"'K for. I I Now, I havo dono my part, (