Newspaper Page Text
Arcimere, Tuesday, January 11, 1910. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE THREE DY tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Xt tt IX i TOMORROW'S CALENDAR. tt tt tt it Kenidale Rcvlow Club at tt tt Mrs. Strango's. It First Ward Mother's Club tt tt . mm :::::::::: ::::: - :: TlIK SCAMI'IRK. A lad there wai, and he went to school (Kven un mo and you), i Hut ho called It a "college," by rot ; and rule. So he started right In to play the fool. And ho never took In that the dance's stool WV waiting to 1 1 ml a crew! A kid no w.n, but he led the nut (lCvon a kldlots do). Hp whooped anil yelled like a bleach- j or fan, A brash nnd as void as an empty can; IHiit ho thought ho was really a great big man, Anil leading the bunch, a few-'. A dream ho was, In his roaring socks (Kven as all must .see), A dream that awakes and alarms and shocks, With sweaters that howl for a block of blocks, And charming the creatures of frills and frocks With swagger of deviltry. A .Irouu be was, llko a lazy Turk (Kven as one might guess) He worked at his play and played at his work, He nettled his books with a slam nnd a Jerk, And lit oa a thniignml ways to shirk. A little bit less and loss! A chump he was, with a clgarotto (Kven as flows the- tide), With a cuss word ready and cash to bet Hut waiting a lesslon ho won't for get. When the wind Is cold and the rain Is wet And the world will ta his hide: Judge (with Apologies to Kipling.) Joint Installation. The '.Modern Woodmen and tho Itoyal Neighbors gave a joint In stallation last evening at the K. of I' hall, which in. point of social pleasure, could not bo surpassed. Tho lodgo program came first. Miss (iladys Robinson delighted tho visitors with a piano solo. Hov. Welih gave the invocation. It. I). Knight of the Modern Wod nmn delivered the welcome address. Tho 'Modern Woodmen then gave their Installation exercises, followed by tho Installation ritual of tlu Koyal Neighbors. Thu Koyal Neigh bors degreo team, about ' which so many complimentary tilings have been said lately, put on extra work. A musical program, representing our best talent, followed at the open session. Tho progiam was: Piano Solo Miss filndys Itoblusoa Heading .Miss Hoouo. Vocal Duett Messrs. John Free man and Pnather.) LVcrompnnlst .Miss Joiner. Violin Solo 'Miss Ida Knloe. Ac companist, Miss Joiner. Selection Ardmore (toy's baud. Roadlng -Miss Hoone. Solo Miss Dickie. Accomianlst, Mr. AlvJn Hoper. Folowing this musical treat a ban nuot waa served to about throo hundred guests. It With Mrs. Buchanan. Mrs. Hal Dttehanan entertained a lew tables of bridge whist this af ternoon at tho rosldcncu of her mother, Mrs. L. J,. Hlako on Wash ington Mroet. 'Mrc. 'Buchanan leaves the latter The coffee with two million friends (Two million cups drunk daily) LUZIANNE COFFEE Amciioii'.s FortMiKist II rand Not a nnjir coiTon n i ui'ilr -l liovu eolTec, but n smooth, rk'li, s'l'oni.', hL'h-L'i'ado, real nofloo for red-blooded pcoplo ivliotlontttnd tho brt Audits piici is .so nudiMMti'. ASIC YOUR GKOCEU THE KE I LY-TAYLOR CO., New Orleans, U.S. A. MARY CWYN WHITEMAN TELEPHONE ONE-l-OUIl-TWO part f tho wci'k for .Moiuphls, where she will itiitUc her homi and her leave-taking Is deeply regretted by a largo circle of friends and ac qiialtitauccs. At Mrs. Westhelmer's. The Ladles of the Leaf enjoyed ' iiook Review Day yesterday with 1 .Mrs. Max Westheliner. i Roll call was answered by quota- j Hons fioin r''cent proje. The program wan prefaced by si j beautiful plena duet by Mrs. .1. It. , renuiiigtoii ami Mls Lillian .MoNeei. , .Mr. Dextor's paper on ChnrlM Hand Kennedy's play, "Wlnterfoast" 1 wan read by Mrs. (I. W. (inodwln. j Mrs. Dexters paper was of more I than usual Interest, not only liJ- i demise Mhe reviewed the book moil I Intelligently, but nUo for the rows- J on tlmt the play is reproscnt.t'.ivo ' one of modern drama. Kennedy's "Vervant in the House," will be played hole soon ami the members were glad to learn something of the author's jtyle. " The llrlde of tho Mistletoe," was reviewed by Mrs. W. 1'. I'oland In a most capable manlier. .Mrs. Poland called on tho club members for discussion anil a very lively and spirited debate ensued. This book Is written In a cycl only the first part "Tho llrlde of the Mistletoe," having boon publlsti ed. The oilier two volumes are still In the hniuls of the publishers and not until they have been made public can tho decision in yesterday's ills i lisslon be reached. Mrs. Suss was 111 and sent her pa p:r which was road by Miss Hoouo. .Mrs. Sass gave a short, pithy re view of John Marvel by Thomas Xolsou Pago. .Mrs. I'feiffer gave a short, Inter esting tall; on "The Chippendales" by Judge Clrant. Mrs. Harry Lee Crockett review ed "Mr. Croiivo's Career," to tho entire satisfaction of the club, pre senting her views on the book In a.t Interesting manner. Mrs. K. L diilllot sang a vocal solo and tne pleasure of hearing hor sweet, melodious sopraiia was an unusual treat to the club. .Mr. Opp, a real hero, about whom eveiything was luslgultlcaut except his clothes, o.inio Into some post humous praise in Mrs. Hyar's rovlow of the novel. .Mrs. Hywrs gave two very Interesting and characteristic leadings from the book. "The Whito Sister" by Crawford was reviewed by Mrs. John Whlto man. The debate was postponed until next meeting. l tile business session it was de cided to have the club banquet on the eighth of February, since Lent begins on tlie ninth. tt Drldcjc Whist Club. Tho Thursday afternoon Hridgo Whist club will meet thU week with Mrs. Charles Anderson at her resi dence on C street, southwest. -tt A Quarrel in Colors. An Artlmori wonriii is having the very worst luck in the world arrang ing or parlor to the satisfaction of her nctialutaiue.4 and at tho same time, re'alnliig her self-respect for her at tlntlc: sense. "Those pictures," she said with a aad smile, "these cushions, these ta-blo-covors and throws, wore given me Christmas by Dear Friends, and It would hurt their feelings If I didn't Hit them In my parlor." Then she rearranged, the purple and blue tidy on the red lounge, put the yellow shaded lamp lit the center of the tirlght pink mat and gave a shh that shook seventeen buttons olf her clothes. - Here and There, Lent beg. us early this year on the nln li of February. The Ladles of the Leaf will have 30 YEARS OF SUCCESS THE CITV DRUG STORE OFFERS A REMEDY FOR CATARRH THE MEDICINE COSTS NOTH ING IF IT FAILS. th.vologlst would not rcipilrc mnri' j than three minutes (o clanlfy him an When a medicine effects u suc'cosi- H)ie),,ir. fill treatment In a very large ma-! Jorlty of oases, and when we olTet j a Little Cold, that inoillelho-on our own personal He caught a llttlo cold guarantee that It will cost the user' S(, . y mM nothing If It doe not conipleto.y re- . tn,.v Withered round hi lied. love catarrh, It In only reasonable that people should bellow us, or at least put our claim to a practical test when we take all the risk. These are facts which we want the people to substantiate. We wan! th!!! to try Itevall Mucu-Tone. a medicine prepared from a protcrtp tion ot a phytirlau with whom ca tarrh was a specialty, and who has p reconl of thlity years id enviable riicrust to this record. We receive mure good lepoii about IN'Mill Mucu-Tone than we do of all othor catarrh remedies sold In our store,- and If more .icopl. only knew what a thoroughly de pendable remedy liexall Mucu-Tone In. It would lie the only catarrh reniiMly we would hno any demand for. 1 Hoxall Mucu-Tone Is quickly ab- I soi'ljed mid by iti therapeutic effect tends to disinfect and cleanse the entire mucous membraneous tract, I 1 1 destroy and remove the para- sites which Injure tin; membraneous j tissues, to (ootlic the Irritation and I heal tho snreuoss, stop the mucoii.i db-charge, build up strong, healthy tissue and relievo the blood and sys tem of diseased matter. Its In fluence is toward stimulating the mui'o-cells aiding digestion and im lU'MiHt. nutrition until the whole body vibrates with healthy activity. In a comparatively short time It brings about a noticeable gain In weight, strength, good color and feeling of buoyancy. Wo tune ou to try Hoxall Mucu Tone, beginnliiK a treatment today. At any lime you ato not aatlstloit simply conic to and tell us, and we will quickly return your money without question or quibble. Wo huwi Itexall Mucu-Tono In two sl.oi, ."u cents and $1.00. Homoniber you can obtain Hexall lleineille.s in Aril more only at our store, The Hex all Store. City Drug Store, W. II. Frame, 1'iop. their dub banquet on February cifthth, instead of the fourteenth. Miss Kthel Nisbett bus returned Irom a very pleasant visit with rela lives and riiends In Win Alstyue and Sherman, Texas. The Klivt' Ward Mo her's Club meets tomorrow afternoon promptly at :;::;o o'clock. Misses Jennie II. and ltuhy Dyer have been visiting lu Anlniore as the i guests of Miss iOli.abuth Simpson. The .Misses Dyer wore extensively en tertained while In Ardmore Oklaho ma City Times. Dr. Cook told a lie, and. It mud. him a hundred thousand dollars. Would you tell a He for that amount'' Inasmuch as a million lies are told evoiy minute without reward, wi do not look upon Dr. Cook with as inn ' horror as some others. Mlsiies Dorothy Craycroft ami n nabel Harper left Wednesday for St Louis where they will aCend school at the convent of tho Sacred Heart --Oklahoma City Times. I Mrs. John Threadglll will go to j Norman Friday whole she will moot 1 with the Coterie, ami talk on "Club I i:teiiHlon." On Wednesday she will i go to Newklrk, Okla., where she will ! be the guest of Mrs. P. It. King. Corresponding Secre'ary of the State Organization Mrs. Threadgill and .Mrs. King will make the llual ar rangements for the publication of t In state Year Hook, which will appear mioii after the middle of the month . Mrs. W. It. Clements, presl I (lent of Ihe City I'ederatlon of Wo ' men's clubs Is Issuing Invitations o the leading business women of t'i city to meet Sunday nlteruoou at the Pounelly-lteld hall for the purpose , of oi'.iiinl.lng a business women's j dub which will have (or its prlnci- pal object the bettermen- or business conditions for women. Oklalioin.i. Mrs. and Mrs, .1. II. Sykes have j gone to (leorgla to spend a month wltli .Mr. Sykes' mother. Mr. and I Mrs. Sykos have been at linttle Creek for his health, lie reports that he Is much better. Muskogee Phoenix. An Indian wife Is asking a divor because her husband snores, and lie admits it. W are sorry for tho man's doiiios'lc Infelicities, but It Is refresh- H wou'd li.ii Irm'H a find Ui Id Hesslo I)ool tin- daiuinv girl, seoiim In a fair ay to wet a great deal more than a dollsr a word for tin letters written to hr Ity Frank (Jould. If Frank were a llsh, an ton When they heard that he was dead. '' F"m Tlifil it't.u till (Puck.) Ni'Klect of a cough or cold often leads to serious trouble. To break ui a cold In twenty-four hours ami cure any cough that Is curable, ink two ounces of Ctljveiine. a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pin.- '(impound pure and right ounces ni pure Whis key. Take a teaspoonml ewry four hour.- You can buy tit- - .r any good dim! -hue ami easl ling., l.oltle in a T T NEW YORK POLICE PICK UP CHILD IN SPARSE RAIMENT HEEDLESS OF COLD. New Yolk. Jan. 10. Hio.idwa got a new sensation this aftern on. Thoiinuuils ga.ed in wonder as llttb-l-yoar-o!d Mc-nolkas Daman, nephew of I sailor Duncan, the dancer, ( ptoiucitudHr down the street, i-lud ! only in the short skin and sandals which have formed his only raiment since his bit th. The thout Wild" shivered in the cold wind, but not so little Moualkas. With the toddler wi re tw of his grown-up friends, 10 lino Slkelnatiis, an art student, and Andrew Devasls, an artist. They wore the usual Now York raiment, ami tin- collars ()f i 1 their overcoats were turned up, Crowds of astounded and curious ; Saturday promeiiailers rolluwod lh strange party, iiuy n-ached tho cin nor of I'llty-roiitth Street and ran plumb l.ito Policeman McVlsh. As .. .....It Hi.. ..vtlul ..ii.! tint almliillt " , " ' . arc i tho West Porty-novoiith . . , , .,, .-11 eel rHuiioii iiiiiigiii nun inn ' Meiia'.kas" pareii.i, an- tiying to get tho child out of the tliiti-hea -f the Children's Society. The iMillcemati was shivering lu his groat, thick overcoat and stamp Inn hard to keep bis feet warm as the wind swept around the corner. He saw llttlo Mennlkas wearing what loosed to him like a bathing suit, and his teeth liegan to chatter and ho shhewd more than ever. "That looks like cruelty to child ren," he said 1 1 liiin.ielf, and walk ing up to the trio ne arrested the older folk and chargd thorn with endangering tho health of tho boy. Then the three walked to the sta- I l..n limm. uml tin. f 'liltdrnti's Sn. doty was oinnilllilcateil with. On the arrival of an olflcer Mennlkas was sent to the society. live., at tho Hotel St. Margaret with in-- mother and father, h both wear m-t as scanty cloth- Irg in i T. l,ou- . their little son i doc-, but when ' go out ft M a dllffitni m.iiti Free Sample For Baby s Ills Something 1 must uc done for liic pttiiv. en baby, for the child that r'ioc to cat and is rest less in its sleep. And since the basis of all health is tlx proper working of the tliccstivc nrt ins. look first to the condition of the stomach and bowels. A cldlil should have two full and ficn movements uf the ln.wi-ls n day. Thl iinpiwii or ine iiowcis is very Imiiottunt, ns Willi It conn h a lirar head, a llKht ncss of tii. Knd nipllto und sound idt'cp. Hut tt la ciii.illy Itnimrtanl to know what lo idve tho i lilld In tho cmcrKcncv of roiiHili..illn and Indices Hon. Cathartics un too strong and Baits and oilier purgatives are not only too stronc. lint the child refuses them he caue of Ho-lr had tnetc. Have you vcr tried l)r Caldwell's Swap Populn? It la ft liquid tonli tint families havo heeu UJhu; fur a uunrter of a century. It It mild. iilc.Manl-tiiMInK mid promptly cf fictlve, li h Kood for you ns well as the child, hut tli. rn i nnthlnc )iettr r to ho found fur (hlldreii. They llko Its tastn you will not have to force them to tnkn Jt. First of nil. If you havo not yet tued It. l)r Caldwell would lllce to send you a sample bottle ficc of charge. In this ivy juii (-an irv u ei-iure iiuyiitx, tvaicr. when convinced of lt merits, you can get It of your drucglxt at fifty centi anil ono dollar a bottle. ns thournnds of other families ate il'ilnu. The family of Mr. D. W. Spanalrr of Strnttonvlllo. Pa.. as well n tlmt of Mr A. F. Johnson of walnut tJrove. Tnnn rntnrtr..! .. lit. I, I that wnv nml now wrltn that It In their mm family necessity next to food lUolf. If vnti nrn tinrnriunnto enmiL-li tn liivn n elckly child, one Kivin to cormtlnallon and Indigestion, you "hould send for a iree hiiniiile of Him t nieilv Dr. Caldwell personally will bo pleased to kIvp you any ined! n ndvleo you may deslrn for yourelf or family pcrtolnlnc to the stomach, liver or bowels absolutely free of charge. Kxplntn your tnso In a letter and ho wift n-ply to you In tlotill. For the frco sampl" simply send your name and address on a postal card or otherwise. For either request the doctor's address is Dr. W. II, Caldwell, U.OllCalil. well building, Montleello, III, ll-I (' II' li , ' 'I. , 1 'Iumiv ii to admit thai I - i TUFT'S LETTER TO GIFFORO PINCHOT WHOSE DISMISSAL WAS DASED UPON INSUBORDINATION SEC. WILSON'S ADVICE UNHEEDED. , W shlngton. Jan. 0. President Tuff letter to (ilrford lilichot. chief , j fori tor Informing him of his dlsmls- j 1 sal, follows: 'The White House, Washington, 'January 7, HMO. Sir: The secrctan J of agriculture Informs me that Decern i bor 2S our associate forester. Mr , Price, wont to him and pioposcd to resign on tho ground thai, he had been engaged with Mr. Shaw, assis tant law officer, in lustigatuiK the publication In various ncwpaici and m.tgnxlncs attacking the good i .im. of Secretary ILillllucr ,nnl i h.ii ulni. the Interior department an'. !n I. mil olflco Willi corruption Tin ut.ii thereupon wrote a note to win. mid- i date of December i"J, asking m oui n co.limelldfltloil ill 111'' plellll Vo l ilid not answer, hut .l.iuii. it v I wm hid a conversaion with liiiu i win. li ,wnt said you wished to make ... t.iu in. nt which should he it-ad in the M-iiate at the same time thai nu s-.ii' transmitting Hip iccoid in Mi.- til.ul. case reached ther-c, and thu .m tl.onuhl you could Induce Senator Dili liver to intiodlice the statt m lit for you. "The secie'ary ailWxt d .in.illist Mich a course, hut asked ou for a recomnieiiikitluti as to a icptlng Price's resignation. In older he might bring tho matter to mc. to 1 whom, ho told o, it must ul'lmately come, because I had considered the (Havls charge ami had passed upon them. Without further conference with the secretary, ami before mak ing a rejtort to him, you succeeded In making public, by having it read In 1 the senate, a lo'ter from you stat ing that you had sufficiently tllsctp. ii i in ii i i li e nun aimw liy ri'iii'iiuunii- lug them ami that your recommeuila- ,lm w,",a 1,0 thBt 110 furtht'r l",tah- WM" n'iu,1"'"-' 111,11 11,18 iH'if' II. .1 . .........1..,!.... ....... L...l....ill.l i.-iniiu. -nun.!. iii mir. nil ii ii 1 1 iid i to the sccrnary anil mo wuose power nnd duty It was to determine, upon Price's admissions as to his compile- Ity. what action should be taken wlih . . ,, , ., . tespect to his resignation. "In older to understand the full i purport of your letter, In which you I admit the complicity of Price ami I Shaw in the publications of the prosa, It should be said Uhat the (ilavls charges were that Secretary llallinger and the others were all affected by a corrupt wish :o patent thirty-three so called Cunningham claims upon ro.i! lanis in Alaska; that the ipiestlon whether tihese claims were fraudulent or not remained to be decided upon the evidence after both the I'nltcd S'latcs and the claimant had been heard; that every patent as an exec utive act Is completely within the Jur isdiction of the president to direct the withholding of It lu order that lie him self may examine tin evidence as to the validity of the claim. "These facts understood, the plain Intimation lu your letter are: First, that I had, reached a wrong coticlu- slon as to the good fal'h ot Secretary ' llallinger and the officers of the laud office, although you and your subor- dhuites had only seen the evidence of (Ilavls. the accuser, and had never ' seen or read the evidence of those ac i i-usoil or the reconU that they ills 1 t-lowed which were submitted to hie; and. second, thai, under these clr ciiiustances, without the explolt'itloh , ' b Shaw and Price In the idly, week- 1 l and monthly press of the charges of (il.tvis the administration, incliul lllg tin- president and the olt leers oT the InierJor ileparMiiout and laud of fhe, would hnve allowed certain 1 fraudulent claims to be patented on .coal lauds in Alaska, although the matter had been specifically brought to the attention of tho president by the (ilavls charges. You solicited the opportunity to make such a dolcaratlon lu cougrcas for the purpose of offsetting, If possi ble, the pubi c liiluil the president's di eisiou in the (ilavls case, supported 1 tin- opinion of the attorney general ad i- a full examination by bo h, of tin- evidence adduced by the accuser, ami tin- evidence on behalf of tho nc cuiid. while the latter evidence you ami your subordinates uovor had yceii "You did th.s against the advice of tin- set rotary of agriculture, wlttwu'. notltj 1 iik 'him that you Inteudod to cto so, and without conferring with me ' at all 'iolir letter Was, III effect, all ' ImiirotM r hiioikiI to coiiL-reMH and tho 'mi""IMI aiH" coiihri ss nun tin- 'public to excuse 111 advance tho ijuilt of .wiiir subordinates befoie I could 1 act, and against my decision lu the j (llinU ense before the wholo ovl- deuce on which that was baspd could bo consldfreil. i should bo glad to regard what has happened only as a personal re flection, so that I could pass It over MOTHER'S FRIEND A LINIMI2NT VOR EXTERNAL USE. Baby's coming wilt bp a tunc of ro-oitr. ; and not of ap prehension and fear, If Mother's Friend is used by tho expec tant mother lu preparation of tins event This Is not a mcdl cino to bo taken internally, but a liniment to be applied to the body, to assist nature in the ncccstary physical changes of the system. Moth cr's Friend Is composed of oils and medicines which prepare tho muscles and tendons for tho strain, render tho ligaments supple and elastic, aids In tho expanding or the skin and flesh fibre, and strengthens all tho membranes and tissues. It lessens tho pain and danger at tho crisis, and assures future health to tho mother Mother's Friend Is sold at draft stores. Write for our free book, containing valuable Information for expectant Mothers. THE ORADFIELD CO., ATLANTA, GA. Just Received Af Felker's Grocery Store New krout, sour ami sw eet pic kles, sweet Mango pickle, Dill pickle, Queen bulk olives, seeded ribbon cane, sorghum, fresh line new evaporated fruits. Call and buy of our new goods. Fresh line of Chase and Sanborn coffee and I Ieinz's 57 varieties of pickles and preserves. ami take no official cognizant .- or it Hut other and. higher consideration must govern me. When the people of the United States olectod. be pres ident, they placed me In an office of tlie highest dignity -and charged me with tho duty of mahrtaliling that iIik nlty and pioper respect for Hie office on the part of my subordinates. Mine over, if I were to pubs over tlilr. mat j !r In silence It would be most dunui ; nllzliuc to the discipline or the . w . u .... - .. i tivo iiraiicn or ine government. j "ify your own conduct you have de Btroyed your usefulness as a helpful subordinate of tlie government, and It therefore now becomes my dut to remove you from your office ;i . tho forester. "Very slnceroly yours, "WILLIAM II. TAFT. "Hon. CHTorJ. linchot, Forester." Secretary Wilson was swift in car lying out tint decision of the presi dent, lie addressed to CltTonl Pin chot, forester; Overton W. Price, as soclale forester, and Albert C. Shaw, assistant law officer of tlie forestry bureau, letters substantially Identi cal. That to Mr. linchot follows: Sir: lly direction of the president, you aio hereby removed from your office of forester. You will deliver possession of your office affairs, be longing to the government, to Mr AI beit F. Potior, assistant fortster. "llospcctfully, JAM!-:S WILSON, Secretary ot Agriculture. It Is a dangerous thing to take a cough mnillclui) containing opiates that merely stifle your cough Instead of curing It. Foley's Ilonoy and Tir loosens and cures tho eo'igh an 1 ex pels tho poisonous germs, thus pre venting pneumonia and consunii..o'i Refuse) substitutes ami take only : ,,e genuine Foley's Honey and Tar :n the yellow package. Sold by all drug gists. RESORT ROBBED NEAR PITTSBURG TWO MEN KILLED AND ANOTHER WOUNDED IN ROBDING MINING CAMP RESORT. Pittsburg, Kan., Jan. 10. II dibors raided a resort, known as "Turiwr Jlall" In Crowhorg, a mining cimo lu j this vicinity, killing two and nooning another, escaping with $200. j The dond: i FRANK AXSLLNK. (HCOHdU SMITH. I Albeit Craven and Kdward .V'.oa wore arrested, charged with tho rob i bery, ami are now In Jail at Olrard. I Twenty men woro lu tlw resort . when the robbor entered. They w?rc foicod to lino up and deliver their valuables. Anslliio and Smith rosiktod and . were shut, and Hurt Turner, who sought to aid them, was wounded. Chamhurlnlu's Cough Itumt-dy never disappoints those who uvo It for ob stinate coughs, colds and irrltaions of the throat and lungs. It stands un rivalled as a remedy for all throat and lung diseases. Sold by all dealers. United States Depository Okla. State Depository City Depository ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE. OKLAHOMA CtjpifiiJ, Surplus and Additional Liabilities $250,000 If this bank Is a safe place for tho city, state nnd nation to deposit their funds It Is safe placo for tho farmer nnd buslnesii man to keep his funds. THY IT. LEE CRUCE, President G. W. STU ART.Cashicr COMPARE OUft 6ERVICE WITH OTHERS. Postal TeleQraoh Cablr Co. N. Washington St. Tol. No. 31. The difference between a real will ower and a grass widower Is some .thing like the difference bit'.veeu an 'heirloom and a haud-mc-dovwi Making Life Safer. Kverywiiero life Is being made mor. safe through the work or I)r King j ! New Lift. Pllut lu Constipation, bll i ousliess, Dyspopsla. Indigestion, l.lvi troubles, Kidney Ulstmses and Mowed Disorders. They're easy, but Kin and perfectly build up the health LTn at Ardmore Pharmacy lt you want to llud out all a unit a man's virtues marry his widow A" COLD bath can be taken at any time of day: but the best time is be fore breakfast. A hot bath should be taken only at night just before retiring. Cover the body with Ivory Soap lather and rub it in. By doing this, you not only cleanse the surface of the skin, but you also cleanse the pores, which is equally important. Ivory Soap 994ioo Per Cent. Pure