Newspaper Page Text
'Ardmore, Tuesday, January 11, 1910. THE WEEKLY ARDMOREITE PAGE SEVEN Ardmoreite Want Ads 3 Lines : 3 Times : 3 Dimes Winter Tourist Rates to Texas Points Through p u 1 1 m la n sleepers to San Antonio, Houston and Galveston. For information ask II. D. McCOLLOM, Ticket Agent. Or write W. S. Kcenan, G. P. A. Galveston, Texas. Stop at the Naxey House when in KINGSTON, OK. Best Hotel on Frisco R, R. Hato 12 per day 1 block from depot i HOTEL GRAND ANDY YARUKOUGH, lrop. DAVIS, - - - OKLA ' j Railroad Time Table SANTA FE. Northbound. No. 18 No. No. 12 No. 17 No. r No. 11 ..11:37 a. m. ..12:07 a. m. . . 3:03 p. m Southbound. 1:22 p. in. 5:10 a. m. 1:18 p. in. FRISCO SYSTEM. Westbound. 9:30 a. in. 12:30 p. m. 1:25 p. in. S:55 p.m. No. 52.-i No. 503 No. 527 No. 503 No. 313 Local Freight 30 P. 111. i (Daily except Sunday.) k Eastbound. No. 506 No. 524 No. 52ii No. 5111 7:00 a. in. 11:00 a. in. , 1 :45 ii. in. 1:00 p.m. Local Freight. No. 5 1 ft C;00 a. m. (Dally except Sunday.) ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Westbound. No. cr.i No, i!73 (dally except Sunday) Eastbound No. 032 No. 17 1 (dally tcept 1:13 p. m. I :00 p. in. 3:10 p. in, Sunday CMS a, m. (N'os 073 and 071 aro mlxeil trains and run only h twecn Ardmore and l.chlgh EH Keep Your on JOINER CITY Notice of Sale of Real Estate. I State of Oklahoma, County of Carter. , Notice Is hereby given, that In pur-,! suance of an order of the County Court of Pittsburg County, State of , I Oklahoma, made on the 30th day of Nov. 1909, In the matter of the cs : tato of Katie Harnhlll, minor, the un- 1 (dorslgned as the guardian of tho cs-1 . tato of said minor, will sell at public ' auction to the highest bidder for cash subject to thu confirmation of said I j Court on the loth day of January , . 910 at two o clock p.m., In front at, the Court house In said County of 'that tho said estate has, by operation of law or otherwlso ilciulred In and to all the following described land , situate, lying and being lu the Coun-, ty of Carter and Johnston, State of , Oklahoma, bound and described as follows: The of SEU of N15U aud 13Vj of Ni:',4 of SHU and SKY of SI3U, Sec. 21- and NWU of NB4 of NBi nnd SHU of NEU of NHi and ND'4 of SHU of NBU, Sec. 25; and SBU of SBU. See. 1C; and Ni of NBU of NEU and NEU of NW4 of NBU and SWU of NEU of NE U. Sec.21, Twp. 4 South, Hango 3 East, and SBU of NEU and SBU of SWU. of NBU. Sec. 33, Twp. 5 South, Hango 3 Hast, and B'.i of SWU of SWU Sec. 18; and WVi of SEU of NWU and SBU of SWU of NWU and W,fc of NWU of SWU and SWU of SWU of SV'4, Sec. 19; and SWH of NAV'.i i of NWU and NWU of SWU of .nw or swu oi NWU. Sec. 30. Twp. 4 South.Hango 4 Hast; and S of SWV4 of NV and of SWU. anil SBU of SWi See. 24, nnd N4 of N of NAV',4 and S'A of NEU of NWU. Sec.2D; and k'l'K ,f VKI! nf Vl! . Sec. 26. and iiiis'ot SU, and BIS o! sw cl , SBU. ami N.WU of NWU of SEU. Sec. 23, Twp. 4 South, Hango J rcast, , rndlan Meridian. Tonus of sale, cash upon the de- llvur' of guardian deed. Dated this the 20th day of Decem ber 1909. IIBNHY HAHNHILU Guardian. Hy M. M. UNDIiEY, Attorney. 21-28-4-11 Notice. In ro application of .Charles Alex ander by his next friend and father, J. A. Alexander, to have his disabili ties as a minor removed. Notice is hereby given that tho said Charles Alexander will on tho 17th day of January, 1010, fllo In the dis trict court Carter Co., Okla., by and through hia noxt friend and father, J. A. Alexander, IiIk petition to said Court prayias that his disabilities as n.l..r. Lit paitim'iil nnrl tlmt lw )w . . nnntrnnt , ,.,,, , i......n.v.. v - . ... ids property, both real and personal, as a person of moro than twenty-ono j years; ror the reasons ana upon tne grounds stated in said petition. chaulks am:xandbh, Hy J. A. Alexander, his next friend and father. SIGLBIt fc IIOWHD, 9.1 2-1 ft Attorneys for tho Petitioner. Chamberlain's Cough Homedy U not a common, everyday cough mix- ' ture, It Is a meritorious remedy for all the troubleeomo and dangerous complications resulting from cc'.d 'n the head, throat, chest or lungs. Po'il by all dealers, In The Heart of The Great Wheeler Oil Field WRITE Mutual Trust Company Notice to Contractor. Sealed bids will bo received by tj)0 .Mayor until 12 o'clock noon, , February 1st, 1910, for tho coustruc-1 ,i0I. of sedimentation basins and filtration plant and extension of the present water main at tho city jnhc according to the plans and ' five per cent of tho contract price ! s,le(.'fcatlons of the City Engineer for the faithful performance of said , y oj fu ,n the ()(Ilce of tnn j work and tho holding of tho city j ckrI. jt the chy of AnIlI)or0( ' harmless from any and all damages i ok,uhoma. also sea,Cll b!d8 wIU lu. which might occur during the con- gclUmt,ntat,on baH,ns s,rction of said Improvements. TIle ll0iU.d of Comm,Mlonora re. ' , ',,,.-..,, , -,, ((l ri.,n, !inv. !ltll1 , ',lllo S"110"3 l,or Ja' ot llours' oniraciors to ,unSIl u.c. u "J 0 , bo"11 for "e-"alf of , tlie I,r,lco; firautceing that when their plant ( i i-i. n.-i.. Is Installed that thu same will fur-, n'sh, for a period of not les3 than Notice of Sale of Lands Under Exc one year, tho above named amount cution. of clear water not less than nine- Notice is hereby given, that in pur-tv-flve ner cent nure. Scaled bids Kuauce of a writ of execution ImhiumI will also be received by the Mayor ' until the samo hour of the same day for tho construction of two Sewage Disposal Plants to be lo- cated at thu outfall of tho east and west sewers of the City of Ardmore, said plants to have a ca- pacity of not less than six hun- dred thousand gallons per day of 21 hours, contractors to furnish their own plans and specifications and to glvo bond for one-half of the cost price, guaranteeing that wncll tnt,lr plants aro installed that wncll tht,lr nlantg aro installed that the salm. w, dlsi0S(, of tno sail) amount of sewage for a period of year, so that the watei at least one flowing therefrom will be clear, odor, less and practically pure. KM bl" " ccoipnlcil to New Service TO Kansas City AND Saint Louis VIA Leave Arthnoro 7:00 a, m. Arrive St. Louis 7:00 a. in. Leave Ardinoro 1:15 p. m Arrivo Kansas City 7:20 a, in. T li r o ti g li P u 1 1 in a n simpers and up to date din ing oar service. Iieserva tion in ml o on applications. For further information ask H. D. McCOLLOM, Ticket Afiont AHDMOKH, OKl.A. Or Writo C. 0. JACKSON, D. P. A. OKLAHOMA CITY. Of Souther n OKLAHOMA ! AKDMOKK. OKLAHOMA a certified check for $250.00, same to he forfeited to the uty In case the successful bidder falls to enter Into n contract and give the required bond within tho required time. The contractor will be icqulred to Elvis a bond In tho sum of twenty- bM- 0. II. I1HUC1C, City Clerk. First puhllshed Dee. 21th, 190D. IMtf , out of the Clerk"s office of the District Court In and fo- Caiter county, Statu of Oklahoma, u i.e .;th day of Decern ber, 1909, In au action wherein Charles I'. Adams was plaintiff and . (1. Kendall and Morris Sass were' defendants, commanding mo to levy upon propel ty belonging to said 1 fendant, W. c Konilall, Morris Ssikh, I sufficient to satisfy a judgment rend- n1 In said action In favor of Charles , Adams agaln.-t said W. C. Kendall a"A Morrls SahM' f(,r "w '" "f ''ve , "" ' """ aim iiu.u eii """dred Mn.i Dollars and thirteen cents (09.13) with Ihlrty-SIx Dol- Iars nnd fort' Cl'"'s t3fi-0) roHls-I . w,th ,n,w,,l on th" Principal sum! ;it the rate of six per cent per an mini from the 20ih day of May. 1909. I have levied upon certain lands and . tenements belonging to said W. C. Kendall and Morris Sass. not exempt from sale under execution, for want of goods and chattels of thu said W. C. Kendall anl Morn Sass, to wit: The Southeaht quarter of Section ten (10) Township three south, range one (1) Hast of the Indian Itase and . Meridian, situated in said Carter i county. and have duly raut'd said lauds and i I tenements to be appraised according 1 i to law at ISOO.00; now, therefore, no I tice Js hereby given that in pursuance of the commands of said writ, 1 will 1 offer for sale and sell for cash to tho highest bidder, said lands and tene- . .. , . meiits, or so much thereof as w 111 sat- Isfy the said Judgment and costs, on tlie 5th day of F. bruary, 1910. at 10 ! o'clock a. in., of said day, at thu front door of the Court House In tho City of Ardmore, in said County and State. 1 Witness my hand this tho 3rd day lof January. 1910 j J. 11. AKBHS, I Sherili of Carter County. Hy W. E. LANDRl'.M. Deputy, I to Feb. I. 1910. Go Auto Driving, I will drive auto for city drives any evening after 7 and any hour a Sundays. Engagements must be made by li p. m. Phone S9. 9-1 m W. S. FRALBY. Avoid the Fall Rush, and save time by placing your loans now Eight pir cent money on farms and city properly. C, II. COOK, Over tieo, Adaim restaurant, To the Qualified Voters and Citizens of the Town of Wheeler, Okla. Notlie Is hereby given to you. ami all other persons lutereste i in the cor- poratlon of tho said town of Wheeler, that on the --ml day of January, 1910, tho County Hoard of Commissioner of Carter County. Oklahoma, have or lI,,"''l tlmt an election be held In said town to determine whether or not the town shall be Incorporated under f the SU.te of Oklahoma relating to the Corpo.utlon of Cltlc, Town-, and Villages, and you will ' take notice accordlnuly. HOHT. I'. St'IVAM.Y. O. K. DAHDKN, W M. KIKKI'ATItlCK. 5-10 Professional Cards LAWYERS. 11 ' C- I0ttorf. E. A. Walkui POTTERF & WALKER, AttorncyB """ki"' ' ' KAPPLER 4. MERILLAT, Attorneys At i,aw. iiraclclJ ti,.fl)ru .,u Courts. Co,u;i. as, csovuruniuut Departments. lic'.'.u (jast-B a Spuflalty Off' e, Hon 1 ii'dj.,., Washington, D . C. H Hi Brown l. C. Shelton BROWN 4 SHELTON Attorneys at-Law . ,t()oms ,,( y, mA ,., wllL.l!liir llg l'hone 29S. Ardmore, Okla. W. F. DOURLAND Lawyer Wheeler Ilulldlng Phone 29 Ardmore, Okla. PHYSICIANS. DR. WALTER HARDY SURGERY Olfice After Oct. 5, Over Hamilton's Shoe Store. G. H. MCKENNEY, M. D. V. Veterin ary Surgeon. The only recognized 1 graduate Veterinary Surgeon In Ard more. Modern equipped Hospital aud Office, 130 North Washington. Oppo- ultii t..utnirl.ut l.lif.TW. Vn O m.ulilonr... i 317 North Washington. Phone 111. . B FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. D j offc 0ver Uormer, Drug Ston Sllrt;erVt By0f j.:ar No3(, ana Turoat i Kyes accurately filled with (llasse ) Phones: Offlcu 110, Residence 44 t 1 E- RUSHING, M, D. DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Rooms 503 and 504, Flatlron Hldg Fort Worth. Texas. DR. D. G. JOHNSON OSTEOPATH Lady attendant In the afternoon. Over Hamilton Shoe Store. Phono 091 ARCHITECTS. W. A. Tacketv E, M. Tackett TACKETT DROTHERS. Architect? iffl tf in 8 ins-p.- nlne'n IJjldl" Ardmore. Okla. WANTED FOR RENT WANTED A 11 1 li i l ton m young muii to become traveling salennien. Expe rience itntKH't'Miiry. HrndMrcut System, Dept. TiSl, Rochester, N. Y 911-13 WANTED- Couple to tke front room with or without hoard. Rates rea sonable, convettleitliy located on car 'lilt'. Aj1.v r.lG C Street, N. W. Phone 322. 7 (1 W'ANTUI) AT ONCE -Colletvtor unil route checker Apply lit nnoe Muph M. Ilnwie, man.!"" O-iaLoman Apply Hoffmann ru 8'.or-. ).M I VII,I, l'Y you rash for your .t olid IiiiiiiI furniture, cupcclnlly cook stoves. .1 (loldsmlth'H Loan Office Vim WANT HI) To prepare YOU for a good business position. SBLVIDOE HUSINESS COLLEGE. 211m Ardmore. WANTED To sell you old newspa pers at the ArdmorclU! olfleu. FOR SALE NICE HOME HOH SADB Wo offer for sale our homo place on O striet Southwest. This Is a well built I home, modern, with all touvcti- I li'tlc'i'H sewt-r.-iue. n:tt. !ifl rli-lt v I Oak floors, Hilck Dutch Mantles. large cement cellar, gooil barn, servants room, good orchard, Hue grapes, everything complu'o and comlortablv. KomulMxly wll' get a good homo at a low prlc. Also suveral pieces of goo:! farming land at low prices. KHBD M. (iATKS, 21tf Ardmore, Okla. KOH SALE Oil MAI' Our home place, I-' St. aud 0th Ave. N. H. Lot 310 feet, east front, three room house, fine orchard, other Improvement. Mrs. .left Thomas, Phono 2".S. U G KOH SAIH 1 louse and lot on west Main street, good three room house, water aud lights. Lot 150 front, 1C0 deep, will sell cheap Seo W. O. Alexander at Skip worth's. 301 in IV! 1 1 KM.K Sldi-k of buttles, bar- I ncss, saddlery, good paying busi ness, established six years. Invoice $5000 to $71100, located at Norman, AddresB Sam Noble, Ardmore, Mk la. 12tt I'Olt SALE CHEAP Piano in good coutlitloii. .I'all at once and gi-t a bargain. Apply A. if. Cook. Tenth Avenue and Washington St., N. W. l'hone I'.i.l ll-' FOR SALE OH TRADE Au uprigh'. piano in excellent condition. In quire of II. A. Keinbel at Aril inoio Lumber Co, 0-0 FOR SALE A big bargain at 2. 000, i lots, 2 l-rnom houses, orchard, barn, sidewalks, all well improved and "wndl located, Musi soli by Jan. '.-. II. F. MI 1 . 1 7 1 f FpR SALE Four good horses, and fine span of mules, party leaving town. See II. S. Curtis. 10-3 FOR SALE Some cnolco cows for sale, fresh lu milk. See A. (1. War ren at '('old Storage. 2ltf FINANC'AL LOANS Heal estate, farm and chat tel loans. Loilbetter & Wlmborly. HledKoe Hldg. Phono 019. IMin FOR RENT. FOR RENT- Suite of light house keeping looms. Modern consili ences, l'hone 0S0 or cull at till West Main. 5tt FOR RENT Five room houo be tween II ami C on Second Ave. S. W., all modem eouvenliiiei. W I M. ilobliison, l'hone 2M. .iuu TOR RENT- My liunjalow. North Washington and Sth Avenue. Phone 11(51 white Mrs A. I). Wutthews. ii-r, FOR RENT Furnished rooms. W. M. Robinson l'hone 2K1. I t'. Eviry Woman ! nut rf uui tnuuiu dow Rboui lUdVOiiiHUUI tMARVELWhirllnnSpray 1 'J tie new uulnu1 fyrliir Ikti ill fclromen irtit, H ClmliKa I Am TOnrilnu-rltlfcrlt. . If c ' 'I ui c y tlie I M It 1. I tk I no 1 ut t it il l ii f r I II! ir.' il k c I It elvf f t,-. i r n. 1 In- mm 2 I M 1. t . II I I. I o. 4 W.u.l -JIM M, lit, M.W VIIIIU. V FOR RENT LnrRe, well fuiut . o front room, cIihu. In nil modi convenience. Phone nsn t ,i' Oil West Main. I'Olt RUNT--Nicely flirillsh-.t f Mtoni, all oonveiilHiieeji, torn-: V Hitil Second avorntP, nott'tw." Phone SOI. 9 I'Olt IIBNT Teii-room I,....m1ui' house, clom In, nil ntxhtu w'iiIpmwk Apply Dr. V. T Hi, Mil". ' FOR ltHNT--I'ivr-room house. Uo U Htn-et, N. W. linn ever onven tire. Phone 310. 11 f FOR HUNT A nice suit.) "of office rooms over DlUler Dry Good-, t o Phono 55. It. W. HaiMlol '7t I'Olt RENT Five room cottage on H street, southwest. Apply to I.. II. Love. Stf KtHl HBNT Furnished loom light housekeeping, l'hone 201 9 3 LOST AND FOUND. STILVYHD It.iy horse, ten year old, 15 12 hands high, branded (1 on jaw. For reward return to (i. T. I.edlwtter, Ardmore. HVlwtf STHAYBD OR STOLEN Sunday morning, two gcs Liberal re ward for return to 310 West Main St. T. II. Johnson. 10-3 STOCKHOLDERS MEETINGS Notice of Shareholders' Election. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of thu shareholders of tho Ardmore State Hank of Ardmore, Okla., will be held at Its banking room lu the City of Ardmore, Okla, on the second Tuesday In January, 1910, being tho 11th day between tlie hours of one and four o'clock p. in. for the election of dlrec'ors for tlie ensuing year. Please glvo us your attendance In person or proxy. IIAHOLI) WALLACE. S-lm Cashier. Stockholders' Meeting. Tho annual meeting of the stock holders of tho City National Hank, Ardmore, Oklahoma, will bo held lu Its banking room between thu hours of 10 a. in. and 4 p. in., on January 11th, 1910, for thu purpose of electing seven directors to serve tho ensuing year. A. II. PALMER. 12-lm Cashier. Notice of Shareholders Election. Notice is hereby given that a mee lug of thu stockholders of tho Firs' State Hank of Ardmore, Oklahoma, will be held at Its banking room In thu city of Ardmore, Oklahoma, on the second Tuesday In January 1910, being tho 11th day, between the hours of 10 a. in., and I o'clock p in., for the election of directors for Mo ensuing year. 12-lm J W. RICHARDSON, S e SPECIAL NOTICE8 .NOTICE lO CONTRACTORS- -Scaled bids will be received t our office ut Anlmoro, Okla., on the 3rd Monday In January 1910, for the complete construction of one 21x3(5 foot box hoiwe, H) fool wall with O. O bats 14 pitch rilling!) roof. Wainscoted I feet, celltid overhead, mith nlm openings on rock piers laid lu linn Material all furnished on tin ground, located about 20 .miles N. W. of Ardmoiv. A good and tuffi clout bond to bo furnished, a certl lled check of 10 per cent for thr faithful performance of same. Done in open Mwsiou tills lh ' u day of January, 1910. HOHT. F. SCIVALLY Chairman Hoard of County Comiuts (doners. u r TAX PAYAIHNTS aro now du- 1 attend to such matters for nan residents. Special attention to rent collections aud leasing city propc ty. O. M. Roofleld, Phono 90 24 lm i RUHHEH STAMPS, seals, notary lec I ord books, stencils, trade checks, merchants' price markorn, and all stamp pplles. 'l'hone 6C5, O K Rubber Stamp and Seal Co., lis W (Irani! ave., Oklahoma City 7 lui MY FINE HI LL, Capt.Uit W II s. son $1.50 C. P Hall. 9 1' I SELL AND RENT TYPEWRITERS. 21 lm G P SBLVlDCiB, Phon- 310. 0