THl DAILY ARDMORCITE Ardmore, Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1910 PAGE SIX THE REPUBLICANS I1G MEDICINE WHICH SAVONS STRONGLY Or THC NOW TAMOUS SHAWNEE OR AND. REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE p. '.tm.-uters Were Controllln" Ele ment M TIiik O. O. P. Caucus anil Wiien in Ooubt Tell Uaek on their d, lite Court. i.i i H , .Inn. 17.- The tftmMkm' ' i.nnilliee met at the Ion1 1 1 . . r . hi (iulhrli' loday ntnl to nil 11.1. ! .nut mrjHWM t represented ,.. I III .lf . llf t III Ml, III' Thr I . Mi ' !i I II III I, ill I In I'llM I i i .'li I'M l .lllllln ,ln ' 'III JUST A LETTER To the People of Ardmore and Carter County: if you have never visited our store, you would be surprised to know that we have two buildings 50x200 leet each in dimensions up stairs and down stairs just full of the best Hardware, Stoves, Implements, Tinware, Ktc, you have ever seen. Our prices are the lowest for the quality considered. We appre ciate your trade and we are anxious to show you our ;oods whether you buy or not. Yours for Business, T. K. KEARNEY Our facilities for furnishing vou with ELECTRICITY For light, power ami luut ate unexcelled by any city 111 the state. We also endeavor to employ gentlemanly drivers i" -upply your wants for PURE DISTILLED WATER ICt THE BEST OF Vic A LESTER COMS Our main pkvwd customers are the best evidence i i the quality ol our products. Any irregularities will be p.impth ami ;ladl) ion cited. 1 hone i so. Ardmore Ice, Light & Power Company For quick service r i n ii 5 XW M3M i s i - a if ,4 '-V I ...'aT.. ,. . , . siii"ii from Oklahoma were all mixed uii together In one endorsa i.i "lit nni! the whole niimeailng moss r iitiiiipd down the throats rtf tbe iiiiiiWIiU without 111" Icaat ahow of merry on the iart of the poat iniiHti'M. The Insurgent aMllinnl ,m led by ntn-h men an Umory Iiniwtilni. Omar Iteiindlct and I'M Perry, and oiiUMp of thn com-mltii-e. represented u trmjnrlly of i he imwil thnl fltteiiiliil the meet Iiik Inside the ronimlttoe, howev er. Dm HittnlnlMl ration through Hie P miiundtoifi of the stale had done mhmii wonderful work In organlm Hon. W'heiitrer a committeeman showed any mIkhn of liiili'iienili'iit thoiiKht or aetlon he, win unrere nionlmiMly nut upon !y Hie tiiiii'lilni'. The luwii At'llt roull.ed (IiiiL It would 1i" Impossible to defml I lie I'liM-tlon of Jim llitrrla mid aourfhl t.i umbo a hnnnoiiy plea liy sup lHirllnpr hi in unit In return to have no resolution! iand endorsing the lulled Payne . lilrleh lilll or the tlliee lepilblli nil congressmen from OklilliouiH. Tile posliiiiiatcrM accept I1 with ninrli rr.ii limli' tin- Mile in! 1 1 . lull 1 1 nlil lint s. r tlielr IV 1 II I'l .llllltt 1 1 1 1 1 pl'lllll II and satisfactory k "''work in buggv . . - 1 i u ii 1 1 1 an u horse shoe- mil sec We Don't Mind the Owner watching us while we arc doing a lob ..f plumbing for him We do hon est work all the lime nnd ,t makes ii.. iliilorcii.-o Mhi. looks on or M ho cloc-n't. W shun be glad to tlgure i'o ) our next ie!t r w, K.t u ou i in! we mi:: i.ntii i.,. pi, ascd SAMUEL A WEEKS 'I ril VIIIXiiTON ST. thought ami aitlon to have a place In their proceedlnga. The postinnHt- er crowd hfld previously prepared a el of I'MMilntlona endorsing the Tnf ndmlnlstnillo.i and Tuffs declaration Unit tho Payne Aldrleh hill wan the twill tariff bill ever (Hissed, nlao endorsing the motion of lllrd Mr (lulre. Hick .Morgan and ('. H. Oreu gor. Of conrne the resolutions con demned the demoomtle statu ad- itillilHtrnllun. 'I'ho Inaumeiit eloniont j whmi lie was an officer, levied hIx under the iMaderalrlp of Senator and aoveii iiiltln, now levleH on an Htunfonl of OhnitilRon, offenil an j aver.ii'e I II tut I In. The brand of fitin-iHliiieliL which idlmlimti'd tin." ; hnrmoiiy which prevailed today .w-nn mimt iiniiHeatliiK part of tho rend- e.Mictly the same as that at Sliaw lutloriN, towlt: Tin' elidoraeinent of nee. the repubMcaii coiiRroNanien. The i Inhale itthlch follow ed Urn olTorliir of tho amoiiilment wax of nin-h I'hararler that ihiIichIoh roala would Im vii heen a Ki'iiulne eomfort. After both hIiIch had evhaiiHted the HlroiiK- i'm! worda eonlalned In WebMter'a t illcllomiry. a motion to table tint! ainomlnieiil waa jmide, ami upon roll 1 cull, developi'd a vote of Vi for j lablliiK (hi nmeinlmeiit to ill iikiiIiirI. j Por a fi'H iiioineiitM after the an lioillicomoilt of the vole the IiIihiiI ciiiilllnjt and oar apllttiui; i.oIki-h came from all coruora of Hie room. "PoHlmaiiterM! Pontmaa lii'" yelled the InnillKelilH. "Pi)Hl- ia.iti'is' machine!" va reverber .' , hoed by the crowds In ' , I, i fii-ilio In ..liinliiiHl'-it 1 .ti d .mil i e i i nil. iih c In ordiM' to empliimlze , ., . hi I tin hnriuoii) that waa irevallliig, i in other hide would yell, "Hurrah (oi Urn II. nils!" Tne pioccedltigH ftom this time or tt.'ie chararlerlfed by the bit tit est of fcelliiK. Someone nominat ed Turk of Checotiih for treasurer. liother Hlauil-patter Immedlalely moieil that nominations be closed. Hi fuii' the motion could bo put tin tiiMirgi'iit-. Mere thrown Into a ' " fii ny of laughter by Omar Item-' ""' The llexall Store. The City ilut luipiirlug in a loud voice: "la l)r,K Stole, W. II. I'raiiie, proprle-lid- ameeable at Washington?" ! 1,,r- Then Hie whole crowd would occu 'S a few inluiites by yelling, "Post-tii-i-ter. iiosttnaster!" 'I'o all intents and purpose I lie three republican congressmen tlnoiiuh their subservient henchmen have ualiied control of the repub In an macliiiiei n Oklahoma. About the sorest lot of republicans tha1 ever asM'iubled In (iiithrie are the friends of other candidates, who this owning are filling the corri dors of the hotels swearing venge ance against the postmasters' ma iliiuc ami predicting that the dem ocrats will carry the state by In i ivascd majorities. Tho i omiuittee refrained from pa-sing any lesolutlou condemning the .Mm Crow law, although several o'ored In ivthren hum- :iiiviiiiiuiv I ,. " ........... ......i.Mi ., oiuMiiii-iK ami insisteii ; mat suuiiry memiiers redeem their ii:iuiii- s almig this line. The coin- ulttco aHo failed to condemn the I two tent railroad fare, and as somV i..' l'."in explained, it would be daum rotis to do so. It seemed to the lonci a.-us or opinion that It um be b-iter to throw this re- -:ou-.ullt.v upon the federal court. In 111.- hurry and excitement the i emii.itli .iIm) forget to call for ,i i iioit nil tbe condition of the Capital National Hank which lulled a r.'M eais ano In (Iiithrie. l"ie ,n ople of the t i'" r-e iP in dense lgnorau as to just what tii po-tmasters wish to do with tin bank guaranty law. It is prob- iid' that tin.-. Is another Item that : Constipation Cure Free With the first signs of constipa tion you resort to the home methods of relief, such as hot or cold water on arising, lots of stewed fruit with your breakfast, etc , but what do you do when these fail? The majority then stnrt on salts and piUn-iHIvo waters, then rluni-n in kiiIui,. tli pills, etc. If you have Sone through im' various niiiRos you knmv thov v?r( all units so far ai pennan.-m results Kn't t.,,v Vl'.i".,u,ul11 ,ry. '! "nt anln amnW pom. vn mo tryuu; m accomplish, rfurti a l vim i y. us thousninls o.m i..silfv u suits, its iriKriHii.-nts ara smh that by n Mi. f use of tt tlt stomach ami bowel inu-.les nri tr.vln.-d to niiln do their work norm.illy. so that In the end you i .in do uw.iy with intMlvlnr of all kinds. That It will Jo this Mr Ci. V lXidson of S.invme. Va.. will cladly attest, and so w. l Mis S. ,. Hampton of Portl.:;, O. To those who are still skeptical thero Is a way to prove these assertion with-r-'it a p. iinv nf expense- simply ,fni your l...'iie and address to i)r. Caldwell and oh t.iin a fi.-e s.muil.. Kitile After uslncr It, if urn sro then ronvincril It is tlio rem dv von need, buy a flftv cent or nno liotlle of Miur ilruiCKUt nnd con nmio to use it f.r a brief lime until ':i,i. l,:"..',"-'::'1',,"l'ue simple mi the .1 Is sni.ill ii is tuensant to me t-iste. ml m. so ' sutemeut, are bi aranuVd of n '..iwv will iw. refunded. ,""'r'"u" ur This over a quarter of a cn t'irv old ond Is ttersonttlly taken by ' ""re dniKKlsts than mm other similar lemedv on the American market Heeausn I... i.7'''.,iv,',i7'. r,wl,Y t,,,:-:'-t I isle It I.i the Ue.ll laxative remedy for .hlUreti women .ind old folks ifenenillv Pr Cnlilwi-H (wrsonally will bo pleaseil l.t Klye you .my medical advice vol inav .iHslr,. for vnur-ietf or fumtlv m-rtalnlni; to 1 ' ' . lit . k l I lie :n.l is nrt-tntnllt.- .rAl fr.' !f "ohlrp. ViptatnH,vm,r '""'.i 'ter-ind b,. win reply to you in deuii. name unar add""iPcn "it'r'i-ard0"? we i buiMiinr, Minticclio, ill coiisIkiiciI to tlielr best friend' ami protector, the federal court, The eomiiilttei', o far iih state af fair weie eoneenied, wan a coifi- mlltei! or protuat. One poor f-dluw wlm had forlornly been u ntate of fleer uiidor the carpet-bag r-gl Ihtiiiiio very ImllKunnt b" aiiii' tho . ileinociiitlc admlnlHtratlon are nctu- ally colleetliiK Uim-h. lie forsot to ' A WISE AND CONSERVATIVE UNI mention that wheroaH tin territory. FORMITY DANGER IN PRESS FOR DYSPEPSIA YOU RISK NOTHING DY TRYING THIS REMEDY. We want everyone troubled with I Indigestion and dyspepsia to come I to our store and obtain n box of llexall Dyspepsia Tablets. They ' contain IliHiuiith-Subultrate and Pep sin, prepared by a process which idiielops their greatest poner to nt'i'i'i'iiiini il I i.tiut I v.. .1 tut ii i-l.'i tt.... ... .v. I IteMill I tygpepsla Tablets are very ! , ... ' ,, . ; deasatit to take. hey soothe the ' " I Ii Pliable, weak stomach, strongtheii , h ami invigorate tne iiigestivo or gans, relieve nausea and indlgiS' I. on, iirotnoto iiutritlou and bring ' I,.... i .. r....ii.... .......I-.... I i.MMit ,i n:i'iiiih m luiiiioii. ii you give ,iiean iyspepsia i lublets u reasonable trial wo will return your money It you aro not satisfied with the lesult. Three Hi'I'M "fi l.lilllil .ll f.i.ntu .11.1 l Ail ,, . V, , wbcli I have referred will reason Uemeiuber you can idtalli llexall . , ''inedlert In Ardmore only at our ' I store The llexall Store. The City' Notice of Sheriff's R.ilr nf L.inH. Notice Is hereby give... that it. pur- ' I""',k'U ls I,ruI,c,ly :l ',art wC 11,0 MJ of tin order of sale Issued out wf tlu' "r4,llucl' U 1,i,H boca -W.-J of the district court or Carter county. I UB r,imk'a " 80Und '" V Oklahoma, on the dav of January, ! pks !,ml Imt 1,1 1!M0, In an aetlon m herein .1. W. -,'" '' "-eady M'ho recognize that ciiiii,u i.ini.xiir i i.. i o .'otherwise great unfairness 6ft i n- ........,. ...... ..t,.,ii , ij, ,. oillllll and dazzle Smith were iderendanUs, directed to me, the undersigned Sheriff of Carter county, commanding me to levy upon, and sell the following propel ty: All of lot Xo. Six (t!) In block one hun dred and twelw (ll'J) situated In the City of Ardmore, Oklahoma, In accor dance with the official map and plat of said City, as prepared by the Chickasaw Townslte Commission and approwd by Thos. Ryan, netlng Sec- ret ary of the Intel lor, on the Kali day - ' . .. ...... . . m .muunrj-, A situan. in carter couny. Oklahoma to satisfy a Judgment and decree of fori .-Insure In favor of said idalntlit and against said defendant. Ii. .1. i Smith, obtained and made in said I,., nut on the 10th day of November, uttH. lor the .sum or Six Hundred Nino J Dollars and litt.i-seven cents (i'.o:i.:i7) with Intent at the into of ten per 1 cent per annum from the tub day of October, IHOH, and Tor costs or Ten 1 rollars and twenty-live cents ($10.'.'5) and costs accruing; 1 will on the LMst day of I'Vbiuary. lUln, at tho hour or i 10 a. in., of said day, at the front door 1 of the court house In the City of Arjinore, in said County and State, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the said property above described, or so much thereof as will satisfy said judgment with In terest and costs. Witness my hand this the ISth day of January. 1100. .1. II. AKIiUS, Sheriff of Cnrter County. Ity .1 W. (JINX, IVputy. KI-l'!o Eczema 1. Now Curable. ' f Mwa tho Mlwal and X.IJ.MO, a clean liquid for external tho st:u" wveniments. It Is said, de nse, stops itching Instantly and per- landing upon tin- idnt of lew, that, niauently cures eczema and every some states grant charters which are ""'V , v ,, X"?aR'V?I !?aJP,.18.- tu uiii- KM, says ZEMO Is the most success - f11' all'l meritorious remedy ho has ever sold for tho prompt relief and Positive cure of eczema nnd every form nf tohlr... akin a oi.- ,os of ntiy remarkable cures mad) by '.HMO. Fven th.. shoemaker may be con- M.iced that awl things are possible to ,i '.vl men. " UK -San' dS?,?. they frequently develop Into pneu. monia. Foley's Honey and Tar not only s:ops the couch, but heals and s the lunps ao that no ae- nous re-nuts need ue reareii. The ,.. . M, . 7 r"w ,,Hm' aim nr con- tains no harmful drugs and Is In a yellow package. Sold by all drug- cists. The V-js .1 woman has to say ., , , the longer it takes her to say It. ... t hrtiulerlaln s Cough Re.nedr U a very miHllclne for throat nn 1 lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a danger- ( congested langs. Sold by all dealjrs. UNIFQRMirr OF LAW iUT NOT ABSOLUTE ING TO EXTREME LENGTHS. ADDRESS BY ALTON I PARKER Neglect by State In the Enforcement of Law Is the Most General Com. plaint, With the Most Disastrous Consequences. Washington, Jan. 17.- It Mere un wise to think of nbxolutc uniformity of legislation throughout the Pnlted Stales, In the opinion of Alton IS. Par ker as expressed today In an uddie:is before the Convention on Uniform ' State haws. "We do not aim at absolute uniform- Ity or law.ibut a wise and conservative itiiir.ii-tiiiii- M uni.i in, I,,., ii. iM,.... i Is danger In pressing unforin ty to ex- , , , ,, .. . : ri.liln 1fni-Otu ' .i-.i i , ... , ... , . ,. , ' of climate, of production, of tradition, of 'heredity of liopulatloti, of pursui's i ninong the 'jieople of our several coin- 1 I monwealths which should be general jy ryspected 'Uniformity should be promoted aloty the lines marked out by the i Commissioners on Uniform Iawg. I and as much further as tho diversities .. . ... -A tti.ti'iiiit.tttl .wi.i.ilt.- 1....... t... " ' nuguraicu 10 mane eacu ministry near the 'burden of accident to employee, without regatxl to the question of ueij llgcnce, uiion the ground that mich. suits In easting uixm the einplojee ami his family the entire burden of accident legislation In lingland and (ierinany thus provides for the com- peitsation to lie paid to Injured em- ployes. I ho hngllsh statute provides for compensation idurlng disability, equal to fifty per cent of the Mage rate, and In case of death or total disability, a sum equal to four years' wages. Surely this country ought not I to lag behind those enlightened na- lions In righting what is now the most ' monstrous In Justice of the a'ie. Never- t ... , ,....,.,.., , theless that is likely to happen unlesj there bo uniform legislation In iuau, If not all, the states on the subject. I'or lu tho absence of a general move ment for uniform legislation, .New Jersey, for Instance, would hesitate to place her contractors at a disadvaut age In competing with Xew York con tractors. "From this convention now assem bled representing, not one or many, but all the cjvlc interests of each and all or the states, there should go out an authoritative expression in favor of uniform liglslatlou lu so far as It Is conducive to the common weal. Let us strive to promote unity lu diver sityunity in all that touches In like manner the Internal affairs of the. ' communities separated by state lines diversity In those particulars which are lH'culiar to each commonwealth." , Judge Parker thus closctl hi ad dress after having reviewed lu detail the eomvlleated relations between I state and national government. In j this res-pt he said; ' "ljattcrly complaints hae arUen of 1 Inefficiency resulting fiom tne division far KH.. broad, vl tar too .broad, -hlle others go to the . ,Mt , . . , "I'l'oslte extreme. That In some stales the law has not been enforced against corporations and their offl 1 e , s . ., M , )tllrs ,i10 u,aPIlrv is ' a rs- " 11,11 in ouiers uio it.iueni) is violate all law, Miltten or unwritten. ' nht nubile loinnlHlnt for the ores- puuuc iiiiiipmiiu lor im prtb i.nt lu mnr. i-r.initr.iltv rhiit Iho --1'itfii ,Km, b(,iu ,nx ,n t.ntoKvllwM of , wlth t Miwui CnIltJl!, i , , , 1 quenees. The charge of niylevt iniist I be admlttoil by all who appreciate that atlon - , struggling for life was ereated lu the 1 face of the law under which they are , ,,.,,,., ,..,,..,,. i ' utuiiiiiieu ui uie cui mji .tiiuu uiiiii- ders to ibe 'more honored lu the breach than in the obsenance.' "This Is not the time to consider whether the one government or the other Is tho more rcsKnslb!o for this condition. For the claim Is that in any event efficiency Is sacrificed '.. 'the dual form of government, and that In tbe interest of business prosperity 1 efficiency is o greater importance 'There U no jwlltical goverument on earth so efficient as the govern ment of the United States Steel Cor jwratlon from a jmrely bimlness stanl polnt. livery step It takes is In obe dience to n master mind. Hut It may safely bo said that no one would be willing to have our government thus managed, however much national wealth might bo augmented each year. "We are ambitious, It 19 true, for wealth and the comforts it brings, but we have not yet lost our faith In the proiKwItlon that the objee.t of goven ' inent Is tho greatest good to the great , est number. It Is desirable therefore ' now, as it was In the beginning, that wo should endure i less efficient form I i of government In order to avoid the i greater evils which would otherwlae i arise." j ' The Deadly Delay. ; Those who put off using HAhI3 I TliXAS WO.VDBIl for their Kldnoys, Illadder and Hheumntlc trouble make a deadly delay. It gives quick nnd permanent relief. Sold by nil drug gists. Professional Cards LAWYERS. . II. C. Pottorf. E. A. Walker I POTTERF & WALKER, 1 Altn"' and Counselors Ardmore. OUIa. it La KAPPLER & MERILLAT, Attorneys At Law. Practice before all Coarts. Co.i!;n.3S, Government Departments. lui'a.i Cases a Specialty. Office, llonJ U'dt-. Washington, D. C. H. H. Brown L. G. Shelton BROWN & SHELTON Attorneys-at-Law Rooms 11, 12 and 13 Wheeler llldg. Phone 'JOS. Ardmore, Okla. W. F. BOURLAND Lawyer i Wheeler Building Phone 29 Ardmore, Okla. PHYSICIANS. DR. WALTER HARDY SURGERY Office After Oct. 5, Over Hamilton's Shoe Store. ; q, H. MCKENNEY, M. D. V. Veterln- j ary surgeon. The only recognized graduate Veterinary Surgeon In Ard- ( ,nore Modern caulpned Hosnltal and ! Office, 130 XorUi Washington. Oppo site l'ostofflce. Phono No 9. Residence 517 North Washington. Phone 111. FREDERICK P. VON KELLER, M. D. ' Office Over Bonner's Drug Store. , Surgery, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat f'e3 accurately iuieu wiin uuibbcb. Phones: Office 14G, Residence 44. F. E. RUSHING, M. D. DISEASES OF THE STOMACH. Rooms C03 and 504, Flatlron Dldg Fort Worth. Texas. DR. D. G. JOHNSON OSTEOPATH Lady attendant In the afternoon. uver ""n ai""-'- ' "one i -. t.-. .Hi 1 n ti tn ARCHITECTS. W. A. Tackctv E. M. Tackett TACKETT BROTHERS. Archltecta Offic In Slms-Ponnington Building. Ardmore. Okla. New Service TO Kansas City AND Saint Louis VIA Leave Ardmoro 7:C0 a. ni. Arrive St, Louis 7;00 n. m, Leave Ardmoro 1:15 p. m Arrive tvaneas City 7:20 a. in. . T hrough Pull in a n sleepers and up to date din ing car service. Reserva tion made on applications. For further information ask H. D. McCOLLOM. Tloket Agent ARDMORE, OKLA. Or Write C. 0. JACKSON, D. P. A. OKLAHOMA CITY. United States Depository Okla. State Depository City Depository ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE. OKI,AHOI7a" Capital, Surplus and Additional Liabilities $250,000 If this bnnk is n sife placo for tho city, stnt" and nation to deposit their fundi It la a safe plnco for th famor nnd business man to Hep his funds. TRY IT. LEE CRUCE President G. W. STUAKT.Cashicr BETTER HURRY UP And try our famous brand of I BIG HAND FLOUR bc j cause it assures to every fam j ily using it the sweetest and I most wholesome and nourish ing bread, biscuit and pastry. You will be surprised at the difference in results between ordinary flours and this one. Tyler Simpson Co. Wholesale Distributers. , J. L. Wilson Transfer and Storage I have a good building leased in which I store all kinds of household gocds at reasonable rental. Phono 72 and I will do tho rest. Goods hauled anywhero or packed and stored, l'romp and careful atten tion to every order. I P. Poind f. H. Ftsler Poland & Foster General Insurance Office Over The First National Bank. Telephone No. 4S SEE Waller i Evans & Co. For Real Estate OlHcus over City National Hank. Phono 57 Owners of Walcott Ad dilion, T. K. HOWARD, Mgr.