Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY AUDMOREITE. Ardmore, Sunday, January 23, 1910, Our Annual Clearing THE KID STATESMAN AND OLD POLITICIAN E nTwil United States Depository Okla. State Depository City Depository PAGE TWO 1-4 Will last ten days only. To everybody that feel that they are entitled to an annual discount sale, may have 1-4 all furniture, carpets and rugs, except Globe Wernicke section cases, Hoosier Cabinets and the Sealy Mattresses, will sell at regular prices. A. C. Young Furniture Co. Bivens, Corhn & Frensley We are better prepared than ever to supply you with HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE CHARTER OAK STOVES, Gas, Coal and Wood Burners The Famous JOHN DEERE PLOWS AND CULTIVATORS Corrugated Iron Roofing Barb Wire, Hog and Chicken Wire Fencing We are prepared to handle both cash and credit trade. Make our store your headquarters. Phone 49. Corner Main and Washington Streets. Ardmore, Oklahoma. JUST A LETTER aPgMRCBMUBSajUtWM.I'VltiilWMiiM To die People of Ardmore and Carter Count)-: If you have never visitei iii t i you would he surprised to have two buildings 50x200 dimensions up stairs and just full of the best Implements, Tinware, Ktc ever seen. jur prices for the quality considered . .1 1 ciaie your iraue am show you or not. our tfoorls Yours for T. K. KEARNEY Subscrlbn for The Ardmorclfe Off 'ilfliliM'HSI our store, now tli at we feet eacli in down stairs 1 hardware, otoves, you have the lowest We appre- are we are anxious to whether buy you Business, Jttad Ardmorelte. Wr t Ads. Sale off for cash on These three items This Davenports $25.00 NET L ESTATE DEAL JONES DROTHERS PURCHASED THE WHEELER DUILDINGS ON WEST MAIN STREET. A real estate tloal which Involved si'iout fd.OOl) was closed yesterday. M Whcoler olio of tho oldest resi dents of the town has nld to Car'. .1., and Fred C. Jones three business houses at the corner of 11 and Main street. The price wa. about t25,iJo. This property Is located on lie of the nest ionics In tho city. Tho Jones llr.ithcrs will Improve tho property t idler liy adding several stories or by tearing the present 'building on tlfil away and bu'ldlng a inodeni office bull ling. Their plans have not hi u comp eted as yet. Tho deal has been on for some time and u third lart sent to the offlco or Mr. Wheel er, a check for $23,000 for th. property and when the Jones men saw what was golirs on, they Immediately clos ed the deal. Mr. Wheeler also sold the Adrlcu hotel pro-verty and tho adjoining bus iness houses nnd his home on West .Main street nnd other roslMioo proi erty In that section of the city, aggre gating 10,000 to J. r. Smith of Kansas City. Mr. Smith will nt once mid twenty or more wxn to tho Adrlcu Ivotel and will otherwise Improve the property. Mr. Wluelor took lit etchanse on tho deal with Mr. Smith l.f.tW acres of hri In Mitchell county, 7eaj and will mo vo to that snto. Ho has boon a. citizen of Ardmore for a number of years nnd lins accu mutated a largo amount of properly. Ho believes tho Toxas country odors him tho opportunities ho seoks and wid movo to that stato, $65,000 THEY DISCUSS THE QUESTION OF POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT REVEAL A SCHEME. tIJy T. I'liMlV HENSON, Author of "I ho Singlo 'lax lu Oklahoma, or the White Man s Hurdon." ' Old King Coal laml, or Awake at thtr Switch," "Hill & Hill, or Why Elephants Climb Trw,'' and other works on political economy.) Old Hill Smith has cot It sized up 2T! ami alKiut right," sild the Kid statesman, he aimed a ball for tho sldo pocket tritd to look iincoiicerned when It went Into tho corner one. And what loos 11111 say?" asked the old Polltb Ian, nuletly spotlng the ba 1. 1 "Ho says this man Cmce alnt any advertlfier. He dont faeoihls game up bold before tlio public. He alnt onto tho 11 rut principles of political advor , Using. Where would Koosoolt have I lu'eii If It wasnt for the a mora men? i ncro would Teddy have been polit ical y If old Vewhagin badnt painted J li i in on Jilu tlery steed, with his sword . up In tho air, riding like mad up San iJu ui hill, nt tho head of ttic gallant j Hough lllders, when ho was really up on KetUo Hill looking nt It with his J spy-glass." ! The old man llghtoi, his ilpe and j used tho bridge to carefully slide a ' Lull Vw.t.t.. K.t-jtu. tV... (nli n.iH ....I.I nothing. "He's lettlnr Alfalfa William get away with the goods. Old you seo the ist number of Watson magazine? "rui-hii.' I "That's the stuff that goea that's , tho creamy dope for tho hoi pollol. Tney !ap It tip llko Hudwelser suds. There sits old Hill with a threo weeks i growth of beard on his face and a 1 pair of bib overalls on, with some . ton foot corn stalky stacked up behind . lilm and a look of weary toll upon his countenance I "Vc8," broke In the old Politician, . with energy, "and by IiIr sldo sits an 11.S00 a year private secretary, with an Eng'lsh worsted suit on, an1.! a ' diamond pin that must have mado t .at photographer blink. You may be I right, my boy perhaps Lee Crueo Ir not up on tho advertising business, , but by the sanio token, neither Is , your friend William. Have you over (studied art, my boy? Hnvo you ever . gone lu for art for art's sake? Well, there's a thing lu art that they call unity I don't know what the devil It , all means myse.f, lint I have got glim, mi rings, For Instance, If your'ro going to take a picture of a cow, you mus'nt put It abxiaJ, ship. If you want to ' preserve the unities, you wouldn't take a picture of a gun boat on Hick ory" cretk, or put a bull lu a parlor, or a line lady in an empire 'gown nnd a (ialnesborough dint a twisting a calf's tall to git It to go through tho barn yard gtte. you understand? i "1 don't catch you, I'erclval," said tho Kid. Ightly. "I'll oloosl.late the bearings of tho observation, Mr. Kyrley Ilcllow," ans 1 wered the old man. "I'll not let you suffer for '.ack of comprehension. I'll take the blue 'ball for the side good. , ou see, my lad, overalls and beards Is i right In their place. I have nothing agin them. As adjuncts to a 1 iKlltIc:i campaign, they may bo used to good purpose. Jinny a man has vot ed for a pair of overalls and a ragged r beard nnd foui'd out afterwards that neiCur one of them went Into offlco ! with the man after ho was elected. Hut that's neither hero nor there. Hut If you are going to bo a horny limited son of toll, I say, nicopJing to tho canons of true art and whnt would the world bo, my loy. without art If you are going to do the thing up ar tistically, you must look to your stage settings. Now, who ever heard of a man cutting corn with a private sec retary w'tli a diamond pin lu his era i:i and his hair parted In the inldd'o trotting along taking notes? Now. I want to bo fair with 11111 perhaps : tint's what they oall this new fangled Intensive fanning. Mnybo so. I am sure I don't know. Hut what I say Is that It lant art. my boy. and It isnt n proper preservation of the eternal un't'os, you understand. "Now, of course. If It was Intended j for a picture of an English landlord In couti'tatlnn with hU overseer. It i would have come nearer hitting the mark. As It Is. It is like that picture of the last supper that Mark Tw-iln tells about. In one corner of It the artist, by poiiio strange freak of fan cyyou know them artist fellers aro I all freaks anywav had pilntcd In an I olil-fahloned lnlr trun' with straps ; over It, and Mark says that when he ' i cot his eyes on that hair trunk, ho eou'dn't seo anything elce In the pic- ture ever 'ifterwards. It was a pic ture of a hair trunk with the last sup ' Irr as a bark ground. And to it Is I with Hill's magazine poster. As tho presentment of nn llllgant private seo , refry. arrayed llko So'otnon In all his ! i g'ory. with cokleburry Wlllhm as a back ground. Its a glittering success, ' but as a campaign document, my 1ioy, I mark my wonR It will keep Hill busy tmm now till pr'nmry day explaining 1 j that private secretary." i I "Well Hill's the bov cm do It," sild the KH, "If there's nnythlng that Hill can't explain, I dont know what It Is." ".Sim-. well. wo'H wait for his net lecture on "How to Farm with a l'rl nte Secretary." I'll go to hear it. ! I'm nlwnys anxious to heir of the latest modern devices. Tho only kind I of f.irmlnj the old man was used to . was to do sentry-go with a niulo for pace-maker and a pair of s ick hin i dies for props. Hut there Is one thing 1 sure, I've never tried to nlse corn with a prlvato Focrotary. Mayle It's , all right. We live and learn." "You don't catch the Idea lad." "No Well, give me a bit of It a - little at a t'mo, bo my fovb'o jntclllct can ubHirb It." I "It's ono of Bills frchenus that private secretary. Ho s a foil for 1)111. I.ook thou on this picture, nnd then on this, as my friend Hamlet Uied to say otm think ny prlvato ecretnry was Th Distinguishing Feature of Ore nuilHloti Is ILs Ct'ILVTIVE Qt'ALlTV, Which All Other emulsions I.nck, HOME TREATMENT FOR TUBERCULOSIS. It Is not necessary to go away j fiom homo and Incur tho great ex pense, of the "Outdoor Sanitarium j' J to cure Consumption. Many thoiH amis victims of tuberculosis--cannot afford It. ' Fortunately there la t method of treating this dreadful disease wh"re b. the poor have equal chanc.' wlt.i ; the rich. It Is not a question of any par ticular climate or outdoor llvlu-; In luxurious ''Homos for Consumptive'." PLENTY OK FRESH AHt, SUN 1 SHINE and Wholesome Food nt Home, together with OZOMUI.SION which Is within tho roach of til! will, If taken In time, afford all tho relief that the most expensive sanitariums offer. O.omulsIon Is known, recommend ed and sold by worthy dniggists ev erywhere lu Hi o.. nnd 8 oz. bottles. Always ask for Ozomulslon by , name. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE BY MAIL , That nil may experience for them selves what this exclusive -prepara-, tlon will do, a .'! oz. Trial bottle , will 'be sent by mall to all who send their address, by postcard or letter, to tho Ozomulslon Co., 5 IS Pearl St., New York. tho candidate It's as If Hill Is sayluc , to the voter 'but It ism the joke's '6n you It's plain old Dill, the man ' of tho people, that's tho Candidate, , ha-ha. Now, If I was running ax Cntco's campaign "You would put him among a bunch of dagoes on a hand car and tako bis picture a hold of tho crank and Cjo sweat making rivulets through tho grime ou his face, and you'd put that out to catch tho labor vote. You'd play that again the hornii-handed far mer and tho private secretary. Well, maybo there's something lu It 1 dun- ; no. Hut " Hero tho old man paused for a long pace and took two or threo long , draws on the pipe. i "Hut," resumed the o'd Politician, with a dreamy look lu 1ils eye. "Ta'k lug of thcosophy and the nebular hypo thesis and all that sort of thing I seo that Hill Murray has opened h's headquarters at McAlestor?" "So I hear,' renin feed tho Kid. 1 There was a silence between them for a while. "That's -where Frank McMurray lives, Isn't It?" asked tlie old man, Innocently. "I wonder If they .i e 'any kin?" A Wild Blizzard Raging 1 brings dnngor, suffering often de.vh i to thosuands, who tako cold3, I coughs and lagrlppe that terror of Winter nnd Spring. Us danger slg J nals aro "stulted tip," nostrals, lower part of nose fcore, chills and fever, pain In back of head, and throat gripping cough. When Grip nUacks, as you value your life, don't delay go'tlng Dr. King's New Discovery. "Ono bottle cured me," writes A. L. Dunn, of Pino Valley, Miss., "after be ing 'laid up' threo weeks with Grip." For sore, lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs. ColdH, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Its supreme. 50c. $1.00. Guaranteed by Ardmoro Phar macy. Santa Fe nrnkeman Hurt. Wynuiwood, Oku., Jan. L'2. L. I. Marsha, a Santa Fe brakeman wan in Juied hero Thursday morning, when he was struck by an open gate to one of the cattle chutes nt the stock yards. The Injured man was taken to the Santa Fe hospital at Temple for treatment. Foley's Kidney Remedy will cu-e any case of kidney or bladder 'rouble that Is not beyond the reach of medi cine. It Invigorates tho entire sys tem and strengthens the kidneys so they eliminate tho Impurities from the blood. Hackacho, rheuma'lsm. kidney and bladder troubles are all cureu 4iy uus great nieuicine. uom mence taking at once and Hrlght's Disease nnd Diabetes, by all druggists, avoid Sold Wynnewood Hap Curfew Law. WyniKwocil, Okla., Jan. 22. The Wynnewood council 'has passed nn or dinance prohibiting boys from loiter ing on the streets after U o'clock at night and repealing the former curfew law Making Life Safer. Everywhere life Is bolne made more safe through the work of Dr. King's .New l.lfe PIlis In Constipation, bill ousness, Dyspepsia, indigestion, Liver troubles, Kidney idsoasos and Howe! Disorders. They're easy, but surp, and perfectly build up tho health. 25c at Ardmoro Pharmacy. Pneumonia Follows a Cold but never follows the uso of Foley's Honey nnd Tar, which stops the j cough, luals the I'iiish, and expels the 1 cold from jour system. Take nt flrt 1 sign of a cold and avoid a dangerous illness Sold by all druggists. Lot of pcop e aro Just Idiotic' enough to think they aren't. Thin? Pale? Contull vour doctor freely about medical mat' Itrt. He knows. Truit hlm. Da as he iatj. I'ollau) hit advice at all timet. fvSf"'?;' ASPHALT INDUSTRY MAY LEAD TO PROMOTION OF LINE OF RAILROAD TO NORTHWEST. J. E. Parkor has arrived In tin city accompanied by his family front Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Parker has been Interested In this section of Oklahoma Tor two years or more. Ho nnd his company have purchased a largo acreage of land near Wood ford, from .1. S. Alvorson an I have leased other large tracts. This prop erty Is covered with asphalt whlc'i is said lo be the finest In tho 8titJ nnl that nicatM the finest In the world, for tho reason ilia". Ok lahoma leads In the quality of ns nh.ilt nnd nlso In the quantity Refineries will bo built. It Is to the advantage of tho company to place these refineries near the gas mains nnd most likely they will be built west of hero somewhere on the gas lino which connccta tho Wheeler fields with Ardiaoro. fl.o business Interests of 1 It :dty It scorns should get busy and make tbo Inducements to this company to lo cate tho refineries here. Tho mut ter of transportation of the asphalt l.i now a problem with the company. The men at the head of tho companv have been accustomed to handling matters of tho kind and they wilt solve tho transportation problem by tho building of a railroad whlcn will bo extended to I.awton or they will build an asphalt road Into Ard more and use traction engines for transporting the products of th i mines. T. W. Garbutt, president of tho Chickasaw Asphalt company, Is now In New York on matters connected with tho business here nnd ho Is expected to arrive In Ardmoro wlthlr ton days, He will nlso brh.T hit family with him anil reside here. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ' Take LAXATIVE BUOMO Quinine' Tablets. Druggists refund money If i It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S sig nature Is on each box. 25c. I FURNITURE FACTORY THE FRALEY MILLS MAKING MIS SION FURNITURE, STORE FIX TURES, ETC. Several ne.w customers have been j add led to our ml 1 tho past week, i They havo learned they can get any- j thing in furniture or wood work here eiitaper man senium.; away tor 11. Wo ; can take care of a few more orders Wo make PLATE RAIL, I MISSION BOX SEATS, SKIRT BOXES, I LAWN SEATS, I COUNTERS, QUILTING FRAMES, STORE FIXTURES, Out of town work given prompt at tention. All builders will find It to their interest to let us do their mill work. FIIALEY'S PLANING MILL, H. T. Hunt, Manager. ) Chamberlain's Cough Homed;' u a , very valuablo medicine for throat an I lung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painful breathing and a dangjr i ously sounding cough which Indicates I congested lungs. Sold by nil dealsrs. Notice to Probate Will In the County Court of carter Coun ty, Oklahoma. In tho matter of the estate of tho said Mingo Inpunnubbee, deceased. Tho State of Oklahoma to the heirs, next of kin and creditors of the said Mingo lnpunniibboo, decoaBoJ, you aro hereby notified that John G. Oll lard on the 11th day of January, 1910, filed In tho court of Carter county a written Instrument that purported to bo tho last will and testament of I -Mingo Inpunnubbee, and also a pe tition asking that tho same bo pro bated as the will of .Mingo Inpunnub bee, deceased; nnd that letters testa mentary lie issued to the said John G. Glllard of Durwoo.l, Oklahoma, to car ry out tho request of the above men tioned will. All parties interested In sail es tate are hereby notified that the pe tition of tho said John G. Glllard Is set for hearing on tho 21th day of January, 11)10, at Ardmore, at 10 o'clock before tho County Judge of Carter County, Oklahoma, for tho purpose of proving the above mention ed will, and granting letters testamen tary to tho said John,G. Glllnrd. I. R. MASON, County Judge. 12-19-23 A woman makes up t,o carefully that even when her red lnlr isn't really rel she can have a temper as If It was. All run down, easily tired, thin, pale, nervous? And do not know whit to take? Then go direct to your doctor. Ask his opinion of Aycr's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. No Alcohol, no stimu lation. A blood put iBer, a nerve tonic, a strong alterative, an aid to dlgeatlon. ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK ARDMORE. OKLAHOMA Capital, Surplus and Additional Liabilities $250,000 If this bank Is a Bafo place for the city, state and nation to deposit their funds It U a safe placo for the farmer ami business man to keep bin funds. TRY IT. G. W. Stuart, President P. D. Maxwell, Cashier BETTER HURRY VP And try our famous brand of BIG HAND FLOUR be cause it assures to every fam ily using it the sweetest and most wholesome and nourish ing bread, biscuit and pastry. You will be surprised at the difference in results between ordinary Hours and this one. Tyler Simpson Co. Wholosalo Distributors. J. L. Wilson Transfer and Storage I have a good building leased in which I storo all kinds of household goods at reasonable rental. Phono 72 and I will do tho rout. Goods hauled anywhere or packed and stored. Promp and careful atten tion to every order. W. P. Poland I H. Foslcr Poland & Foster Ceneral Insurance Office Over The First National Dank. Telephone No. 48 SEE Waller I Evans S Co. For Real Estate Oflicos over City National Bunk. Phono ,r)7 Owners of Walcott Ad dition. T. K. HOWARD, Mgr.