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MntWi Monday, January 31, 1110 THE WEEKLY ARDMOREITE. PARE THREE SI M tt tt tt tt tt U it it it it Ui tl i It u i 1 TOMORROW'S CALfcNDAR Hecciition from 3 to '. nt Mir. Vnn Donbcrs'H. Christian Circles moid. Circle Ono nt Mrs. Gbff'H. Circle Three at Mm. Rob ert'. 1)1-0.141 u-ay Muthodlttt Home Alihjtloa Society at church. Carter Avenue Methodist Home Mlrtslou .Society at Mr". AstonV. Jowlsh l.adlrn' Aid Society with Mrs. lllank. tt tt St tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt it tt tt tt tt tt ..jt Tut valter staled at him In awe; I Dm .in,,i u-nq !,-( ii..iif.f: ! He'd I'one Into a restaurant ami nonchalantly ordered beet! ' The waiter told the second cook; the second rook Informed his ; wo ro 1,01 acquainted with tho viicf, ; " hie, we dare say he has exercised Who hustled to the manager and J t,,!,t 8a,m' K' Judgment In the Re paid a man had ordered beef! ll'lth,M of " llr Partner. Miss Kern- I hie comes from Ardmore, Okla., Tho manager grew weak and palo. ' tlK" courtship dates back several Mi. !lm?ers felt lilu rrnltnir head: , M'1"1. 'J having known each other "Do careful with that beef, Alphonso, utid make him give n bond," he wild; 'loek all the doors until ho'a througti, and If they let him got awny, li ho should get out on tho street I wrmehow before we make hint j p3y We'll have to tnko tho debtor's oath 1 id close the bloomln' Joint j" I Dallas .Vews. i -tt Surprise Party. I Mlv tinl! Cruce wa tho honoreo of a surpilse party on Saturday a', her home on C street, southwest. , Aflffl Ciuce and Mr. Thomas Oil-' mer, on returning from tho picture, showF, discovered a parlor full of yueMs who announced their Inton- Hon of remaining the rest of the j evening. 1 While .Mlsn Cull was ontlrelv lu-: itorant of who was to be her callers I during the evening, late that after- noon fhe had learned of the inten- tlon of her friends to "surprise" i her, and was not who unpre-1 pared, as was evidenced by the daln ly refreshments that were served. Among her callers were Miss KHz- abetb Simpson and Mort Woods, 1 Vflao IIIti ernnii ntul liititiii Mm. I Phy, Miss Mary Williams and Will j Mcbamore, Miss IXirothy Dixon and Payette lllake, .Miss Rachel Camp ehn and Dow Walker. '.Miss Daisy Maude Webb and Fisher Ranllns, Miss Antoinette Cobb and Hoy HER PHYSICIAN APPROVES Taking Lydia H. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Saliattus, Maine. "YoTi told me to take Lydla I'.. l'itiKlutin's Vegetable (' o in i o n ii d a n (1 J.lver l'ills before child-birth, and we uro all surprised to set; now much good it did. My iliysi. clan said ' Witliout doubt it was thu Compound that ' he 1 pud you.' 1 thank you for your kindness in advisinu nionmlL'ivo you full my name in your tebtimonials." Mrs. tl llf It T -m . . H. W.MiTciti.i.t.. llox 3, Habatttis, Ale. I street wore fragrant with carnations GraniWliie, Vt "'l aV'iwiVbins ' "i"'' " VkmaUt througlitheChaiiKOofLlfoandhiinerc-d; r,,'H ol KAnwa " lu",llt'0 was served fronuiervousness and other annoying 1 n-' courses, .symptoms. Lydia JC. lMiiklmm'H Vege- Those who were so dollghtfull en tnbleComiKiuiidiestoiedmyliealtliniid , 1,1 btrengtli.amli.rovcd wortli i niniintiifiie ' tertn,n?! "r" Mi-'sdames John of wU to inc. For the sake of other ' "it-ho!H. II, A. Simpson, John Whlto- ol void tome. For the sake of other' sintering women I tun willing you villi', VL ' Women who ino inspinir (hrouch i this critical jterlod or wlio arc F.ifler- hicfrom am of thoM' dbtuMiti !!. peculiar to their hex tliould not m- daht of (he fact that for thirty earE l.ydJ.i K. I'inkham'H Vegetable t'oi.i- pound, vihleli is mado fiom roots and lierbs, lias been the standard lcimdy lor lemnie ills, in almost every com-1 munity you will And women who have- been restored to health by Lydla K. Ilnkbaiu's Veiretnbl ComiouuU. m ' UY MARY tJWYN Wl I ITEM AN TELEPHONE ONE-I'OUR-TWO Hn-chcr, MIhh Ruth Paul IIokIo and I'oli (lardenhlro - H- Kemhel-Crum Wedding. Tho Klote (c ('rum jilnno jurlors j were cloned yeMenlny nil day, and , the Bmnd of nniHle was hushed, j T"-',u " reason. The local man- auer, .Mr. Iteiyl rum, donned his Kind raKB' early in the day, anil with al lnht heart and music In his K .iul, hied himself to the county jt I'eat, w'laro he met Miss l-Mit;i Kern jj I bel and the two proceeded at once j I to take iiH)ii themselveK the vows j I of wedlock. Mr. ('rum came to this jj'city several mouths ago mid opened .j j the Klote & ('ruin piano store on M:li tre(,t- 110 "'iKlnally from Q'llncy, H'- I ' Kcnlal, hustlluK "" business in.m, and In the short tbiie ''' his been hero has made n I lt ft-tntlilj In li l..ii. " """h Ior s a !''" location .Mr. Cruin M,I0"'M ood Judgment, and, while for some time. The groom has pro pared a home on ICIghth street whoro thoy will go to housekeeping Fow ler (Colo.) Tribune. The bride in tho aforesaid opi sedo is none other than Miss Kdna, sl'm'r of our ,tllown townsman, I1(',,r' K- Kuinbol, manager of the Ardiuoro Lumber company, who qui. (,tl" ,,!ft t0" a t even ""vulglng her secret mission to her most Intimate friends. Miss ICdna wa 1111 L'ar,icst- church worker here, possessed of a Jovial and loving ills- position and has many friends wish- 'uu her a happy, happy Journey "long the pathway of life, tt Honoree at Box Party, .moug those who occupied boxes nt ''ogee on Thursday evening to M,nu- Irculln Sembrlcb was -Mlss Mnr' olnon of Ardmoro, the KU,'fit of slia- n- Gangster. M,ss ')pson Is being entertained ,iulu' l,xi-iislv.-ly I" Muskogee, where "hu '''-' "t of friends during a ! lormer visit. -St With Mrs. Pfieffer. A very delightful hospitality of the , week's end was enjoyed at .Mrs. Wil liam Pfleffer's on Saturday when ' several friends played Korty two In a meny series of irames. 'Phil irl?fi fst li I. K twtjtf, ... L. ...iiuv.ii'. mm ituu i iv ,ll rs. naioiu Wallace. III a cut with all present. Mrs. Von Keller was awarded tho con solation prize a water color sketch of a "girl at a desk." A delicious luncheon was served Mcsdameji T. P. Von Keller. .Mike i (Jonnaii, Harold Wallace, D. K. Alton, Shelton, Ham P. Ilee, Abgar J of Kansas, Stlllwell Russell. Connol ' lee, K. K. (,'itlllot, Vox. Howland Yarrow, N. C. Woods. tt With Mrs. Blake. j The Walking Club will bo enter- i.uneu oy .miss Virginia RIako on Wednesday afternoon. They will take a stroll to tho Ktandpipo after school and the host ess hotos every member will be present. tt- With Mrs. Moran Scott. The members of tho Rrldgo Whist club would ho greatly disturbed should the party of Mrs. Mornn Scott's on Saturday bo regarded as a precedent in entertaining tho club, for so beautifully was It ntnntuxi and t.o daintily was tho luncheon .,, ,i, , ... , ... m-iti-u inai 10 equal it would so verely tax the Ingenuity of the other club membora. me pretty and artistic rooms of I th( facott ,lomo 011 N)rth Washington ...... Mehols, II, A. Simpson, John V man, It. V. Turner, T. A. Thiin T . Coleman, H. II. Say re, Thurmond, arietta, John Dixter. Ji-orL-e u'.iivoi- u i i.m uitU I v nmUm, tii ' p.,.,.,nn ',. , ' ,noilso"' "al c'""lon', ' l''land, Charles Andorson, Cici'e Jones, C. L. Ryrne W. D ' jottir, T V Morg-m Mnrk Kirk, i ' ' ,, , ; rk , , , Pa,nc'. v Horkshlro, and .Miss ( - i.owucn .Mrs. Scott was assisted by her sister, Mrs. H, p, Drown of Etevii, t who has tn'on her house guest since 1 m. Wednosdtjr. - tt The Value of Art In the Public Sertoli. Tho display of art In the public schools the past week has Impress ed uiKin the imtrons tho value of J art In public education. Thero are many arguments to be advanced for kIvIhr art a placo In tho school program. To bepln nt the bottom, It will develop a power for accuracy. Me chanically accuracy l desirable In any kind of manual work, while tho ability to observe correctly and tecord faithfully tho observation Is a fjanieiitnl reinlrement of stolen tmc nimH. Hotter yet, the study o( drawing develop Imaginative ,,owor was It over broimht to you that the root of Imagination Is tin ae t'lat to Imagine Is to recall or recom'ilno Images? And did It ever occur to you that every great achievement was first done In imag ination? No bridge or skyscraper was ever built, no engine oer annihi lated space or furnished the power of myriad horse no campaign over al tered tho direction of the world's affairs no business denl ever caused millions of dollars to change hands none of the acts that Influence hu man events was ever consummated th,(t u..l3 not fjj accomplished by that wonderful power of the mind to nssoclato and reassoclato the va rious sonsatory .Impressions It re ceives: the Imagination. It Is bv means of this nower that we may build for ourselves out of that which is perfect Ideals that arc living and growing becoming higher as human life 'becomes higher al ways Just ahead to be approached, but not nttnlncd. China Is an exam ple of the result of crystallized Ideals. Confucius founded a system of Ideals, the mos. nearly period he know, and they were fixed mum mlfled In stone, as It were the Chi nese attained to their best, and stop ped China has made no progress since then. We can i:ot shut the lalulKiw in the ntone, but must ex perience It anew for ourselves, see ing new beauty and greater perfec tion theieiu as at each Ight we bring to it all the experionre of the past. Again, men oi science are proving to us the powerful effect I hat col o.'s have upon our emotion.) and .nerves. We have alwayu felt certain colors to be "of good taste," while othem were condemned as "poor taste.' If choice of color In personal belongings or Hurroiindings stamps '!nv more than that, Influences largely his very disposition, Is It not im portant that he be given opportuu! ty to learn what men have found out about it? Along with the feeling for color, is It not Important that l.e devlop his appreciation of and capacity for attaining harmony of form aim proportion? It seems to mo that Ameilc.i needs the training that will make the Incongruous and the ugly as impossible to all her people as it now In to the very fow disci imliiatlug ones. Another quali ty to bs developed by systematic art ttudy Is the appreciation of the di rect way of doing things. A c"u. prehension of the essential point is the thing to bo accomplished and tho strnlghtest way to tho point. To be able to plerco to the heart of the matter under discussion, and to ban- ' die it effectively without any waste of time or means, Is a distinguishing mark of the master mind. Further more, there is a fundamental Joy in producing the pleasure of combin ing raw materials Into an artistic, complete and valuable whole quali fied to minister to the needs or wants of living beings that is only very slightly fostered In composition work. Vet this Joy in the work Is the thing that distinguishes the true man working from the mere work man, ami lifts Mm out or the bonds of "making u living" up to the heights where he lives In tho fel lowship of the great splrlu of the ages. Something that Is far more Important In its results than men the fact that the Intrinsic value of his product depends largely upon Its harmony of form, proportion, coW, Similarly sound arguments, almost (Continued on page four) fffTffll BAKING i COST J (Copyright, 1909, Dy G. V. Dilling ham Company) (Continued from yesterday) Synopsis of Preceding Chapters. Cyrus Vance, a lmdoii playwright, motoring on a lonely rond, enters an Isolated shop, finds the dead body of the proprletrc!.. Mra. Cal dershaw, with her left eye. a slais one, missing, and Is alined of mtirdorlng her. While In the shop a woman In a white cloak run nay with his ear. n to tho house of (Hies, who has accused and arrested him, Vane inooU Miss Destiny, an elderly lady of mi serly Instincts, who also becomes a guest of Wiles, She says that Mrs. Caldershaw, whom ahe was about to visit, set remnrkable store on her glass oyo. CHAPTER VI. Facts. "It's remarkably strange," I milt tiled, for tlx mystery of tho oyo was beginning to attract nte. "IKco you no idea " "I know nothing more than 1 have told you," said Miss Destiny sharply "lly the way, ho did Anno die?" "No one knows," sjkI Mr. Faith, determined to join In the conversa tion and restless at having kept silence for so long. "Frampton de clared that sliu had a fit." "Nonsense! Anne, no far as t know, never had fits. A lean, spare woman such as nne was could not have a fit." "Loan people may hae fits as well as fat ones," I said wisely. "1 am not doctor enough to say," said Miss Destiny wearily, "and 1 am very tired with the Journey and the news 1 have received. I'oor Anne! sho wan a good and faithful forvant." "She wasn't popular here," said Mrs. Faith tartly. "She kept ciy much to herself," said Mrs. Oilos. placing the eggs before Miss Destiny; "a very close w oman." "Aune never was one for gossip," observed Miss Destiny, sipping a cup of hot tea. "None knew her better than I." "Tell us all about her," wild Mrs. Faith curiously. Miss Destiny shook her head. am too tiled," she confessed, "and afn-r I have had my supper I shall go to bed If this holiest woman per mits. Tomorrow I shall toll the po lice all I know." "The police!" Kald Mrs. (lllos, with, a start. "Certainly." Mlh Destiny looked hard at the green-grocer's wife. "As Anno ' Is so mysteriously dead, and as her gass eye is missing, and as this gentloman'u motor car In., leeti tarried oil so they told mo ui tho shop tho police will certainly ask questions, I shall answer them." Mis. Faith struck In again. "Hut can you give any reason?" "I shall say nothing at present," Interrupted Miss Destiny, with quite a grand air of rebuke. "Oh, l.u-clnda!" ino uoor had opened while she i last was on guard at the ahop spoke, and a gigantic figure, wheth- j door, before which a group of pen or of a or woman, stepped ctiin- j plo were chattering excitedly, and b-.iualy into the room. I doubted Warshaw himself attended to the In the sex because, although I.iiclnda side of tho limine. A few words tl wore pnticoats, she also wore a dls- the Ccrebus gained (lllos ami tnv tlnct mustache and displayed a rug- self admission, and wo -were informed ged flat face, masculine In contour, i - - - - With u man'h cap on her scanty mmhhmwhmb diah-hued hair and a man's poa-Jauk i et clothing her spare body, with large' driving glove and tt i M mufflor, and 1 nothing feminine about her save a ! short drebs of light blue, beneath ' which appeared a pair of largo lace up boots, I may ho excused for my doubts. Mer eyes ero gray ami , small and tlretl-lokolng, but thoy lighted with tender love, when she j beheld hm mistress. .Miss Destiny looked smaller than over as the huge woman strode toward her to' speak In one of the sweetest voices j I have ever heard. These nlghtln-1 gale notes, proceeding from a klpd of female Illunderbore. wero scarcely In keeping with the coarse exterior "Are you rested, mistress? Hv;j you oaten? Is your head bad? Are your feet cold?" demanded I.uclndi In a broatn and with tho voice of an archangel. "I am mush better. I.iiclnda," said Miss Destiny wearily, "but I should llko to go to my room," and sho closed bor bright little black oyes. "I'll take you there, ml.4rm, raid the Amnion, and picked up the little woman like a feather, turning to address Mrs. (llle.i as she did so "Where's the bedroom, muni0" Til show you," sntd Mrs (Jili--, and conducted the odd couple rn Inner nun with nno air of nmcic incut, which showed frit l.u ind.i had startled her also by ilii iim I sixtial upi' she piv.:-t.tid I rould not help thinking tin Cile and his w re wore a Klii;i!arl good Matured couple to allow th lcius to be stoitniul in this f uhio i. What do you think of ; al asked Mrs. Faith ivheu we win alone. I wna beginning t.i ul-dik 1 1 wonitiu for her tniwar'noMii' if' oslty. "It Is auuistiiR." "Aniuslng!" ahe stared aghast "The uiieu'poetod Is always niiui--ing,' Httld I. "Rut come outside and we'll see Giles I want him to t . - mi to Mra. Cnldorahaw's shop .igil'i It la iiecpsnry for me to see Wu shaw and tell him my stor. I lo'U waul a pnrnled version to a- 'i It 1 1 it a it la hard to routine first Impression." Mra. Faith, Keeping a Jealous io on me I verily believe that h" still credited me with knowing mm about the death than I would eon-feaa- ahopheided mi' round the cot lam' Into the small stable wluve tllles wai attending to tho liorS'.'s. After delivering mo Into Ills charge with the air of a police officer sho remarked that she would go homo and drink a cup of tea. 1 was glad to see tho Ir.ick of the Inquisitive woman, and said as much to (lllea. 'Ay," lu remarked, smiling tiuletly. "she's a rare ono for other people's business, Is Mrs. Faith. Wtdl. sir, what's to he done now?" "I want you to come with me to Mrs. Calderahaw's Hlmp, as 1 musl o the iMillcemaii. And I say, Olios," I added, as we turned out of the yard and walked along the dark damp load, "it's ridiculous all of us using your cottage as n hotel In this fashion. If Miss Destiny doesn't pay you I shall do so, and In any case I shall pay for myself." 'Voti're of a forgiving nature, Mr. Vance, seeing how nearly I broke j your neck, sir," said Olios, smiling again. "Pooh! I would have done the saiuo myself, seeing that I was tak en, as It were, rod-handed. Ry the way, yon heard of the way In which this strange woman has run my motor Into a field?" "Yon, sir. I.iiclnda she told me her name explained what had happen ed." "I hope my car isn't smashed up, I grumbled, turning up my coat col lar, for the night was growing chil ly. "I don't suppose that thief of n woman could drive for nuts. Wed, well, It's a queer business altogether I ! I wonder how It will end?" "Wo must wait and see, Mr Vance. Them-things are In tho hands of Providence, you know," said (ll!es soberly, and then I g.itherod tint t'.'f retired green-grocer had a string religious vein evangcllstlo-il for choice. "Or In the hands of Mls.i Dm tiny," r murmured, for 1 still held to the fantastical belief I hat tho shabby little woman had cini-' from Olympus. During the two hours w! h.i 1 elapse,! since Olios look 'no Int.) 'Us tody, law and order hod been es tablished In and uliout tho tragic little shop, Warshaw as I after wards learned had come post-haste fiom Arklelgh, which was no very great dlstanco away, and had broug'.it with him a brother constable. This T I HERE is a cake of Ivory Soap in your bathroom; or, at all events, there ought to be. But if you use it only for the bath, you are not getting all the good out of it you should. Use it for the toilet as well as for the bath; and for fine laundry pur poses, too. Ivory Soap 99"rSo Per Cent. Pure . ini THE GREATEST CURE FOR COUGHS' COLDS DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY GUARANTEED CURE FOR Croup, Whooping Couh, Bronchitis, Ln Grippe, Quinsy, Hoarseness, Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Weakness of the Lungs, Asthma and nil diseases of THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST PREVENTS PNEUMONIA Eleven years afjo Dr. KIhr'8 Now Discovery permanently cured me of u severe and danp.etouo throat and lung- trouble, und I've been a well man ever since.- G. 0. Kloyd, Merchant, Kershaw, S. C. PRICE OOo SOLD AND ARDMORE Initdcutalb that a niossi'iigor on M cxcle had been h.-nt to tho Mur i luster Inspector with details of th. death and of the loot of the motor car. .Shortly, said tho policeman at the door, the Inspector would arrlvo to take charge of the ease. Warshaw proved lo bo a lean, iid-halrod, sedate young constable, Alio had been In tho army and who know a gentleman when ho saw one. lie was therefore extremely civil to mc, and heard my story with gieat gravity. Afterwards be ques tioned (illos, and then loggetl Imth tales In his pockothook. Ho did not seem to suspect that I was guilty of asattli or robbery, hut Intimated politely that It .votiht be Just as well If I remained In his company until Inspector Dredge arrived from Mtirchester. Then l offereil him a cigarette and he bognn to chat. "What do you think of tho case?" I asked, lighting tip. "I don't know what to think of It, sir," ho replied with u doubtful air JUST A LETTER To the People of Ardmore and Carter County: If you have never visited our store, you would be surprised to know that we have two buildings dimensions up stairs and down stairs just full of the best Hardware, Stoves, Implements, Tinware, Etc., you have ever seen. Our prices are the lowest for the quality considered. We appre ciate your trade and we are anxious to show you our goods whether you buy or not. Yours for Business, T. K. KEARNEY BECKHAM CAFE (Oilinor Hotel) Entire now inunaj,'omont. Strictly lirst class new cook, now waiters and a now and delightfully ofliuient .sorvico which pleases everyone. Finely appointed ladies' and gentlemen's dining room. Surpassingly good regular meals, the best in Ardmore for L'3 cents. Lunch counlor, linest steaks, chops and short orders sorved at tables or counter. Call just once to be convinced. Open all night. Best Meals in Ardmore for 25 Cents AND SI.OO GUARANTEED BY PHARMACY The (h i eased ir dead, but, not being a doctor. I i ant see how she cann b her death Jler left oye whh h I bellow was a glass out Is missing, and a man said It was In her head at five oclock when sho attended to him In thi' uliop. Yes," ho tdiook his iloely cropped hair, "It Is a queer cane." "Do you think she wan assaulted and rendered Insensible for tho sake of this Klaift eye?" "1 can't wiy sir, and If I might suggest to you, lr, It will bo best to .isk no questions and to nay nothing on your part until Inspector Dredge arrives." "I shall only ask one question, Warshaw "lias anything been sto len?" ".Vo, sir. It Isn't a case of burgla ry, i swear." After Wnrshaw's hint, of course, I held my tongue. Wo wero la tho hack room, and the corpse of Mrs. Cifittlmied on l'ago Six 50x200 feet each in I We Don't Hind the Owner watfliliifj us while wo are ilohiK a job of plumblne; for him. Wo do lion est work nil the time and It makes no dltrorenuo who looks on or who doesn't. Wo shall bo gluil to tlguro on your next job. If wb get It you end wo will both bo pleased. SAMUEL A WEEKS J SOUTH WASHINGTON ST. v fT rm,.-,m.- 1 -,i.r ,