Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Monday, Januar 31, 1910 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE AOt PtVC The Way to a Man's Heart I s through h i s stomach. Hence his better half feeds him on SOLOMON'S VERY I3IST BREAD and pastry, the best that can be made. Solomon's Steam Bakery Money Talks After February 1st our business will bo strictly cash to nil, no exemptions. '(! n u o tl I h u monuy to run thu business. Hut it will pay you to phono uh on tho morning ot February lat mid 8oo how wo aro soiling (rocurlt'H. Wo will Bell Roods uhonpor than they havo over been sold here. Wo thank nil of our customer for their pant business ami ask tor n contin uanco of sumo. We will Have you ninny dollars. Frank Hunt Phono (34 W Main St. TONIGHT A big program that Will please all. The Majestic PERSONALS Simon Westhelmer was here today ' irom Marietta. I Dr. Hawlen Anderson was a vis- Itor hero yesterday from Marietta. Knox Black was In tho city yes terday from Marietta visiting with friends. Malcolm Henry returned yesterday from Oklahoma City, where he made a brief visit with his family. Dr. O. I a Hounds was In thu city today from Graham. The doctor Is thinking seriously ot entering tho race for tho legislature. .1. II. Brady left hero today for Oklahoma City where he will super - Intend tho transfer of a car ' seed ho has thoro that has broken do wu In tho railroad yards. Mr. Tho Morey Stock Company. Opera Honso oil this week. Prices 15. 25 and 35 cents. Special matlneo Saturday. I NEW COPYRIGHT BOOKS-LATEST MAGAZINES FOR SALE AT RUFUS mt niosn vb mr.n DELIVERY. "A WESTERN MAID' "A ROSE OF THE GREAT CITY" "THE CARD BOARD BABY," (A Fairy Story) AT THE THEATCRIUM Mrady says It i tho largest shipment of need ever billed to Ardmore ami that It will bo here in a fin- days. Iten Moblcy Is In the city today i from Kollan. .Mr. Mobley says his ' section of tho country Is in fine shape, and everybody Is busy. 1 Dean JIarr, who for some time has been at Vernon, Texas, has sold' his business there and arrived hero I lytsterday. Ho will probably reenter Iflwi nnlviii-alt V nt Vrirmntl. .Floyd Heard of Fort Worth spent ' ' 0 1.,.. In !,.. nllv ..lultl.ii- ulttl Ilia Ulllllll.J II. ll"J I.J fll.VI.ip, " .VI. ..." parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ikrad. Ho returned .yesterday afternoon. MIssres Mr' WItherspoon and Mary I tall, two teachers in the Gainesville city schools, were hero yesterday, the guests of Mrs. T. II. William-'. l T. ltoxxroat has returned from Guthrie, where ho spent several days with the legislature. Mr. Kexroat is a candidate for the legislature. Miss Kslo Majors has secured a position as committee clerk In the state senate and has gone to assume her duties. Chilton lllley Is in the city from Duncan, lie says tho people In his section aro not talking much poli ties yet, but that they are very fa orablo to Leo Ctneo of this county for governor. Walter A. Kvans of Kiowa Is in the city todny making arrangements I to push the selling of lots in the I Walcott edition. Mr. Kvans Is nu ex I perlenced towiiBlte man and is sue j ccedlng nicely with tho sale of lots ; In this popular addition. .1. It. Thompson, a business man , of Shawnee, was here Saturday and , left Sunday on a business trip to , 1 exas. While here he visited Oil I City and made the prchaso of sev- cntoen lots in the business district of that new town. Col. It. A. Wlilto, who will man age tho salo of tho Walcott addi tion to Ardmore, has arrived horo and entered upon his duties. Col. White spent thirty-ftvo years in tho newsiaper business and has been at tho head of some of the best papers in the country. Ho snys he leformed last May, but ho still feels kindly towards tho boys and still loves tiles mell of Ink. Soino of the boys In the Ardnioreito office were formerly connected with Col. Wlillte. J. W. Anderson of Tallhlua was among tho out of town visitors hero , today. I II. E. Reeves and family ot Mllburn were visitors here today. Kugeno Wolverton was here yes terday from Mnunsville visiting witli homo folks. John Cooner Is spending a few- days hero with friends IE. C. Adams, a prominent business man of Legate, was a visitor hero today. A. C. Itungo left today for a bus iness visit to Duncan. Ilev. W. It. Solvldge and Dr. .1. F. Young returned today from Ihirney vlllo where they attended a fifth Sunday meeting. W. H. lint Is left today for his territory after spending Sunday here I .. 11. II.. " 1111 "1M """. A. O. Kdwards left todny for a business visit to Chlc)(asha. J. S. Howmnn left today for a business visit to points north. . Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Hutch-Ins ro turned to Damn today after spend ing a few tkiys here with their son, Holi Hutchlns. C. H. Parks of Davis was a visit or here today. W. H. Ingram was a visitor hero today froiu his farm near Healdton. Herbert Williams returned to Ar , cyf K-ilnS!lHi t0(la). !lft(,r :i I visit hero with his parents, Mr. nnd j jra pr,uik Williams. j ' ,,'rank wmlains .iml h,H ,,rolh. or, W. K. Williams of California, who has been hero visiting with Mr. Williams for tho past few days, left I last night for Decatur, Illinois, In response to a message announcing tho death of their mother which oc curred there Saturdny night. TOSTSFKOP. CORNER MAIS AND I) STREETS. MISS ELLEN STONE LECTURES TONIGHT WILL TELL THE STORY OF HER CAPTURE DY BRIGANDS IN FOR EIGN FIELD, Mrs. Laura IIIumib has boon no titled by wire from Oklahoma City that Miss Klleti Stone will arrive here at 1:20 this afternoon. Miss Stone will lecture tonight under the auspices of the W. C. T. 1'. nt th llroadway Methodist church. Miss Stone w.m an American missionary in the foreign field some six years ago and while In Turkey she was captured by Macedonian brigands and carried Into the mountains and held until she was ransomed, l'eoplo all oer tho word were touched to pity by the capture of the woman and subscribed to a fund to secure her release. The ransom was $05,000. which Is said to be the largest ever paid. .Miss Stone has several lectures, )hut the one selected for this evening will be the story of her capture. She Is en route to Texas and Mrs. Illvens thinks probably she can be Indm-od to remain here several days. TO OUR FRIENIIS ID PATRONC nr ,,f r.i..ii .n.l U..M I from the north had the misfortune to j break down, hence will not arrive for several days. Wo kindly nsk you to hold your orders a few days for us w can nave you money. Yours respectfully, 31-fiwl RIIADV & IMtADW SERIES OF SERMON8. Rev. Leslie Lee Sanders Preaching. All This Week at Baptist Church. "Hetween Unclean and Clean lie Hu mility and Willlngne.-M." This was the central thought In a very slrong sermon delivered lnht night by tho llev. Leslie jee Sanders at tho llroadway Baptist church. It was tho Initial sermon of a series he will irrciich this week and probably next week. There was large attend auco and his words were listened to closely throughout. IMio lesson taught was found In the history of Naaman who was a leper. . , , . , I he terrors of leprosy wero portrayed ! to tho people and the disease wis 1 taken as an emblem of sin. Leprosy j mado a gulf between man and wife and so (does sin. Ho pleaded tor the pooplo to weed out tho leprosy of sin and told of tho slmpo euro of Xaaman but humility nnd willingness wero re quired to perfect tho cure. Preaching service will bo hold to and iKiglnuing tomorrow ser vices will be held ouch morning and evening. j :: :: :: tt :: :: :t :: :: 1 :: :t tt tt tt DO YOU LOVE ART7 Von will be delighted -with a visit to Mrs, Hartley's stu dio with Mrs. Jordan, 119 A street, northwest, More than tt tt twenty dltfercnt kinds or art tt tt work on exhibit. She has a tt jj tt kiln and fires cl)!u.. at her tt studio. Pupils loam rapidly tt tt and aro delighted with the tt tt work. Lessons aro not expen- tt tt slvo and It Is Important that tt , tt the child have lessons in this tt , tt work. They learn more rap- tt tt Idly than older persons, nl- tt tt though anyone can soon grasp tl tho work under tho superior tt tt methods of teaching used by tt tt Mrs. Hartley. Monday, Tues- tt ti day, Wednesday and Thurs- tt tt day aro riovotod to tho classes tt tt in A i'd more, nnd Friday nnd tt Saturday to Marietta. Use tho tt telephone or call. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt t: n tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Notice. paid on or before the 10.1. or you will bo cut otf and tho penalty charged for turning on. Don't let this slip your mind. It. S. HAVDBN. 31-10t City Assessor and Col' cto; Special prices In photos lor 28 days during February, or as long as present Mock of material hsts. We will make special prices on our regular 5,00 rnhlmt at J2.S0 per dozen. .10 2 SOUTH SIDE PHOTO .STUDIO. WHAT YOU THINK? Hamilton Is selling $4.00 ind $5.00 shoes this week for $2.95.. 30-2 T The Morey Stock Company, Opera Houso 'all this week. Prices 15. 25 and 35 cents, Special matlneo Saturday. ROBISON Opera House All This Week. The Ever Popular Morey Stock Co. TONIGHT -THE OTHER WOMAN" Tuesday Nijjht "The Vagabond's Wife" Prices 15c, 25c, 35c Special Saturday Matinee Prices lfc and 25c - in ord. i- to :nak ........ r,.r car of pa.dui .n Ib id m .1- w. offer you .V.O wuUs of 100 pound.. wi h of pro ' falfa stock food, the best on earth, at j t. 2." per hundred pounds cash. . liuvnv jo miDV .Jneuulte, the little daughter of Mr. I ""1 A. W. McGee, died at 7:110 lal !ht "- ronlilenco In south Ardmore, after an Illness of several days witli pneumonia. Tho lemalns were buried at 3;30 this afternoon at Itoso Hill cemetery. , , , , , 1 Chaninerlaln'H Cough llenicdy never .... . ... . disappoints those who use It for ob- stlnato coughs, colds and iriltations nt Mm Hiricil fin.1 lntlfrc It utMllilu nn. , ,, . , , ,i . rivalled as a remedy for all throat and lunc diseases. Sold by all deal- ers. Fraternal Aid Astoclntlon. Tlio Fraternal Aid Association meets tonight in Odd Fellows Hall at 7:30. livery member of this associa tion Is urged to be present. JAMKS STAIM.F.S. Pres. .IH.IA UIMMID, See. The Deadly Delay. Those who put off using HALL'S TFA'AS for their Kidneys, 1W and Ilheumatlc troul. e maKe a deadly delay. It gives quick and,llt rL.ilof, Sohl by all drus- gists. Tonlnht, The Morey Co. The ever popular .Morey t-un-K com l:y will open their annual week's en gagoniont at tho Hoblson opera hou.. tonight. Tho Morey company Is now on Us eloventh annual tour and very seldom has Ardmore been missed. '1 ho company will present a reper toire of entirely new plays during their M:iy this week. .Vaudeville of Hi" highest order win also be given during each production this season. organization numbers fourteen people, Miss Beulah Monroe and Mr. Law- renco Den,,,,,, appear In the leading roles. Tonight Walter Sanford's excellent me:odraniatlc success "The Other Wo ! MiUl" wlU W Pluee.l Popular price of 15, 25 and 35t will I prevail during the engagement. As a spec i a, lonigut oniy, n jauy win ue udmltl'rt free with each 35e ticket. Special inatlm - Saturday. OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT I Tm, M()1(J. KtXK?k Cflmi)a)1). 0,K.r:l I uouso ill thiK wr-ok. Prices 15. 25 and 35 cents day. Special matinee Satin- New Life Pll-s In Constipation, bill Jewish Aid Society. j ousness, Dyspopsln, Indigestion, Llvei The Jewish Ladles' Aid Society I troubles, Kidney 1lsmisoH and Howe! "I will meet with Mrs. II. Blank, Tuos n j day afternoon, Feb. 1st, at 3:30. "! mhs. mx wi-:stiii:i.mi:h. Secretary. Wanted-A chance to show every mm, vjunmnn .inH r.hilri ntii- h.-ir. I Mns Jn ghoes th,s week 30-2 HAMILTON'S SHOE STORE. Meal Tickets at Adrien Hotel 21 Meals I $5.00 MAJOR D, M, RUMPH DELEGATES ELECTED TO NATION AL REUNION AT MOBILE RETIR ING COMMANDER HONORED. , John H. Morgan Cainp of Confeder I ate Veterans he'.d a very Interesting muting yesterday afternoon. The attendance was mode up almost exclu 'shely of veterans and the very bt of fel lings provallisl throughout the ' meeting. Officers for the ensuing year wero chosen ami delegate and ultei I it ites to the annuat national reunion at Mobile. Ala., were chosen. Tlio e'rclett begun with n sotiu ' service followed by a very tender , pravcr by Comrade (tonJaou. ; A communication Irom W. F. Gllmt r 1 ' i'i-ad in which wag em-lorn-d a till i whicli hi- htm Introduced In the state legislature nppropi latin 20,l)l)i) for til" maintenance ot the Confederate Hume after title in fee simple to , twenty acre of land han Iieeu turn, d ! oir to the trustee, of the home and !ull,' -0-000 lm" uw'" ,l",,,t 0,1 instruction of Uie home, other com niunlcittons wero read. Tho camp tt,lB rwiiiMlud to tako life member- ""l' ' J'""i UnM Memorial i nwoclBtlon, hondipinrtom at New Or-1 leans. -' Capt. Wood nnm.une, thai uomluatlous were In order for of Ileerb for the ensuing your and stated that by no means was ho to be consid ered as a candidate for ro-olecMon. lie gave a brief account of hlq steward i ship aylng that two years ago wh-n i ho ami Capt. I'ulllaiu were elected I Commander and Adjutant tint the 1 , , ., , ... ,. , . ! on ni p had nothing and he turns t Viet; w ith ;i book ease, books, a piano, clear I of debt and money In tho bank. A ris Ihk vt of thankn was given Captain .... I Wood. . I Major D. M. Humph was ele-te l . commander, Huiry Sutherland, adju tant, W. T. Simmons, llivt lleuleuiir, .1. C. Itoucher. second lieutenant, F. Kin Yy, third lieutenant; C. A. Wall orderly serHnuit; Comrndo Goodsoii I eli-ipiln. Tho delegatert chosen ;uv Majcr ltumph, Henry Suthei l.i.el, j Judge .lohn L. Gait and W. T. Sin- I mons. Alternates, C. F. Fraley, W 1 T. K'tlp.itrlck. C. A. Wall and .1. C I Boucher. ' , Si? Major Humph addressi d the camp . up. m the oc 'as'.ou of hU o'.ectlou. he coiwratulati d tho outgoing officers upon t!ielr splendid record and flaked ' li. co-operation of tin comradis dur- ! li'g t!ie time he Is ill office I FURNITURE FACTORY THE FRALEY MILLS MAKING MIS-, SION FURNITURE, STORE FIX- ! TURES, ETC. : i I Several now customers have been j 1 i thing In furniture or wmkI work here , cheaper than sendliu away for It. We '"an take care of u few more orders , WO I1IUKO PLATE RAIL, MISSION BOX SEATS, SKIRT BOXES, LAWN SEATS, COUNTERS, QUILTING FRAMES, STORE FIXTURES. Out of town work given prompt at tention. All builders will tlnd It to their Interest to let us do tholr mill work. FHALBVS PLANING MILL. H. T. Hunt, Manager Making Life Safer. Hverywhoro life Is being made mop safe through the work of Dr. King's i Disorders. I iiey ro easy, nut sure, and perfectly build up the health 25c at Ardmore Pharmacy. After February they will bo $5.00 as before, now $2. SO per dozen, the best , ,:'"lnet photos over mado In the city and looK you Ktive ami (ion i tie too4 late. - 30-2 SOUTH SIDK PHOTO STl'DIO. Don't miss the opportunity to buy Wlchert & "ordlner $4.00 and $5.00 shoes for $2.95 this week only at 30-2 HAMILTON'S SHOE STORE. A -dmorePo Want Ads aro the beU MONEY To hum on improve'.. FARM and C ITV property uL low cst'ittt', Coino to sou mc at Fifht S,t!itf4 Uimk. Quick action and satisfaction guar an toed BYRON DREW President First Stato llnnk. Heum Hey wood Slices Weai? ' LYNN, The Shoe Man Kxclusive Agent for Holeproof Hose (iiiarantccd for Six Month.s. Wo will lonn you money on both tho most reasonable rale of interest. w. s. T. N. COLEMAN ... THE CITY DRUGGI8T .... Tolophono 4. Main St. Tomb Stones 1,10 "s" of l!U3 .sklllcd labor and tlio only (iloctne mar IVloniimentS bio cutting machinery in tho Southwest no other linn can compote with us on prices. If you need gravo stones, tomb stones or monuments write us Tor piiccs. We soil all ovlt Oklahoma and Northern Texas. Wholesale prices. 1IANWAY ti OWKNS, Anlmorc, Oklu. i: Good Improvements Good improvemenls add to the value of your property if you have good concrete walks around your place it looks more attractive to a prospective buyer and would bring a better price. Why not let us build your walks and do your other concrete work. We use only the best materials, Iola Port land Cement and Tishomin go Granite- Gravel. Come tigure with us anyway. Ardmore Concrete Co. D. 8. BLACKBURN, Mgr. QUINN WICKER, Atit. M.. C. P. HALL .lust received another ble; ear ot mixed furniture that was or dered before tho advance of nil factories, that was nn absolute faet Nov. Ihth, IDOlt, put on by all factorlos, and have o n o ear back ordered with signed contracts tliat wo are holding tho foetoiy to ehlp, which tlioy tire trying to cancel, hut must chip at once. C. P. HALL Tho new and (second hand out litter of everything, on Caddo St. and Third Avo. l'hono JKiO. Concrete Sidewalks Don't order them with out first getting bid from A. D. Hyde None but first chss work. Phone 89. Vnlmori' tu want nd aro tho best. Ardmorel'e Want Ada arc tho best. jOllu&JneTt Your Money In real estato. 1 hero Is no safer InveBtinent on enrth, In fact It isi tlio earth, (lot it pleeo of t, Wo havo on our list somo of tho host bargains that havo been of fered in Ardmore. Hero are some of Ilium: .1 houses and Iota oloso In for tl.HOU. An entire blouk oloso in on Main St., with II go'iil houses, nnd nil mod ern eoiivoniunoes. You will bo surpr sod to tlnd how cheap thU property can bo hud. Homo of tho fioBl biislnoHH property on Main tttroot nl bargains. elty property nnd farm lnnds at. SMITH The City Drug Store W. D. FRAME, Proprietor PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST We talte particular prido in our Prescription Department. Will dispense exactly what your physician orders. Ab solutely no substitution prac ticed. Graduato of Pharmacy in charge. Wo solicit your pa tronage. u i: ti tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt u tt CHANCELLOR BROTHERS tl tt HACK LINE. U tt t tt Meets All Trains Day or NlghL tt PHONE 190. FOR PROMPT SUIIVIOU. it it it tt it tt tt tt a tt tt tt tt tt DR. W. M. ANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON Has moved to tho Dluo Front Darn 011 llroadway, whuro ho Is prepared to take caro ot all stock entrusted to his caro at a reasonable price. Office Phone 783 Reidence 203 BROWN & BRIDGMAN. Funeral Dlrectorj and Lkenied 4 Embalmeri. f Largest lino ot Funeral Goods In Oklahoma. Vou can buy Clapp'e $7.00 shoe for $5.00 thFo week at ,302 HAMILTON'S, tt U tt tt tt tt tt tt