Newspaper Page Text
Artfmort, Monday, January 31, 1116 Just Received At Felker's Grocery Store New kro?.t, sour and sweet pickles, sweet Mango pickle, Dill pickle, Queen bulk olives, seeded ribbon cane, sorghum, fresh line new evaporated fruits. Call and buy of our new goods. Fresh line of Chase and Sanborn coffee and Heinz's 57 varieties of pickles and preserves. Our facilities for furnishing you with ELECTRICITY For light, power and heat arc unexcelled by any city in the state. We also endeavor to employ gentlemanly drivers to supply your wants for PURE DISTILLED WA1ER ICt and THE BEST OF McALESTER COALS Our many pleased customers are the best evidence of the quality of our products. Any irregularities will be promptly and gladly corrected. Phone 156. Ardmore Ice, Light & Power Company STOP At the GRAND AVENUE HOTEL If you happen to be in Oklahoma City over night. Good Cafe in connection. Stop at the Maxey House when in KINGSTON, OK. Best Hotel on Frisco R, K. New Sleeper Service Ft. Worth to Kansas City on Train No. 12 which loaves Ft. Worth 11:00 a. ro., daily, and arrives Kansas 7:10 n. in. noxt day. tt'. S. KHKNAN ;, r. a., (i. :. s. r. k. Galtrttun, T-x. Notice to Contractor. Scaled bids will bo received by the Mayor until 12 o'clock, noon, February 15, 1910, for tho extension of tho pres ent sewer system of the City of Ard 1X1 si McFarland's Hotel F. J. McFAHLAND, Proprietor. McALESTER, OKLA. European Plan. 75 modern rooms 75c and $1. Large sample room. A popular priced restaurant in con nection. Fish dinners 0 j specially. Whitfield Hotel DAVIS, OKLA. A three-story brick, Just over hauled anil nowly furnished. MoBt conveniently located hotel in city. One block cast of depot on Main Street. J. M. WHITFIELD, Prop. mon1, according to the p.ans and spec Ideations of tho City Engineer and tho ordinances of the City ivla'lng to sowers on Hie In tho office of the City Clerk of tho City of Ardmore. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for tho sum of $230.00 same to be forfeited to tho City in case tho successful bidder falls to enter into a contract and she a bond within tho required time, ''he con tractor will bo required to give bond in tho sum of twenty-fivo per cent ot tho contract price for the faithful per formance of said work and the hold ing of tho city harmless from any dam age's which might occur during the construction of said sewers. I The BoarJi of Commissioners re ! servo tho right to reiect any and all I bids. O. H. niUTCH, City Clerk. (First published Jan. 30, 1910.) ! 30-ur. Avoid the Fall Rush. and save tlmo by placing your loans now. Elsht per cent money pn farms and city property. C. II. COOK, Over Geo. Adams' restaurant. ' Special prices In photos, fine $".00 j cabinets at $2.S0 per dozen for 28 days 'or as leng as they last, commencing February the first. 30-2 SOl'TH SIDE PHOTO STl'DIO Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will bo received ly the Mayor until 12 o'clock noon, Feb- ruary 21M, 1010, for tho construction of sedimentation basins and flltra- tlon plant and extension of tho pros- tnt water main at the City Lake; and also for the construction of two sewage disposal plants to be located at tho east and west out falls of the sewers of tho City of Ardmore, according to the plans nnd specifications of tho City En gineer on file In the office of tho City Clerk of tho City of Ardmore, Oklahoma. Em h bid must bo accompanied br a rertlfled check for $2.0.00, same to be foreflted to tho City In case tho successful bidder falls to enter Into n contract and give tho re quired bond within the required time. The contractor will be required to give a bond In tho sum of twenty five per cent of the contract price for tho faithful performance of said work .mil the holding of tho city harmless from any damages which might occur during the construction of said Improvements. Tho Hoard of Commissioners re serve the right to reject any nnd all bids. O. H. HRUCE, City Clerk. (First published January 30th, 1910) 30-lOt Order for Hearing Petition to Sell Real Estate. State of Oklahoma, Carter County. In County Court. In tho matter of tho ostalc of llobson Tupper ami TommloiC. Grimes. Now, on this 2Sth day of January, 1010, V. .1 Grimes halng lied herein his petition for tho sale of tho real estate described in said petition, for reasons in said petition stated. It Is Ordered, That said petition be and is hereby set for hearing on the 2Sth day of February, A. I)., 1010, at 2 o'clock p. m at which tlmo nU per sons Interested In said estato are re quired to appear and show cause, If any they have, why an ordor should not bo granted for the sale of so much of tho real eslato of said llobson Tup per and Tommlo C. Grimes as is nec essary for the reasons in said petition stated. U Is Further Ordered, That a copy of this order be published for three successive weeks In the "Arlmorelte" of Ardmore, Oklahoma. I. It MASON, County .Judge. OLKNNIE MITCHELL, Clerk. 30-0-13. Ardmorelto Want Ads aro the beat. Professional Cards LAWYERS. II. C. Potterf. E. A. Walker. POTTERF & WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors at La Ardmore. Okla. KAPPLER & MERILLAT, Attorney At Law, Practice before all Courts. Congress, Government Departments. lur-a-j' Cases a Specialty. Off'.'e, UonJ il'ds... ' Washington, D. C. j H. H. Brown L. G. 8helton ! BROWN A. SH ELTON I Attorneys . it-Law Rooms 11, 12 and 13 Wheoler Hldg. Phono 'JOS. Ardmore, Okla. W. F. BOURLAND Lawyer Wheeler Building Phone 291 Ardmore, Okla. PHYSICIANS. DR. WALTER HARDY SURGERY I Office After Oct. 5, Over Hamilton'! 1 Shoe Store. j i G. H. MCKENNEY, M. D. V.-Veterln- I ary Surgeon. The only recognized graduate Veterinary Surgeon In Ard - j more. Modern equipped Hospital and I Office, 130 North Washington. Oppo- ! site Postorflce. Phono No 9. Hosidencu I 517 North Washington. Phone 111. Offico Over Bonner's Drug store Surgery. Eye, Ear. NoSo and Throat Eves nceuratolv fitted with C.laiio Phonos: Office 1IC. Residence H F. E. RUSHING, M. D. DISEASE3 OF THE STOMACH. j Roomi S03 and S04, Flattron I Fort Worth. Teiai. Bldg DR. D, G. JOHNSON 08TEOPATH Lady attendant in tho afternoon. r ak.. ci... 111 ai U'CI '"""" " ""c '"'c' "uua L ' AHCMITECTI. w 1 W. A. TackeU E. M. Tacketi j TACKITT HOTHIRS. Arenltecta H' "' S'm? PiTiiiL gf 11 0il dlru Ardmore. Okli. THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. Notice of Sale of Landa Under Exe ! cutlon. , Notice Is hereby slu-n. thai in pur- auance of a writ of execution Issued out of the Clerk's office of the District Court in and for Carter lounty, State of Oklahoma, on the tith day of Decern ber, 1D00, In an nc.lon wherein Charles F. Adams was plaintiff and . G. Kendall nnd .Morris Sass were defendants, commanding mo to levy upon property belonging to said de fendant, W. V Kendall, Morris Sass, sufficient to satisfy a judgment rend erod in said action In favor of Charles F. Adams against said W. C. Kendall and .Morris Sass, for tint sum of Five Hundred Nino Dollars and thirteen cents ($500.13) with Thirty-Six l)ol lars and forty cents ($30,101 costs, a 1th interest on tne principal sum at the rate of six per cent per an num from the 20th day of May, 1000. 1 have lovlod mon certain lands and tenements belonging to said W. C. Kendall and Morris Sass, not exempt irom sale under oxecut.on, for want of goods and chattels of the said W. C. Kendall and Moms Sass, to wit: Tho Southeast quarter ot Section ten (10) Township three south, range 0110 (1) Hast of tho Indian Rase ami Meridian, situated in said Carter county, and havo duly caused said lands and tenements to bo appraised according ,0 law at JS00.00; now, therefore, no tice Is hereby given that In pursuance of tho commands of said writ, I will offer for sale and sell for cash to the highest bidder, said lauds it ml tone incuts, or so much thereof as will sat isfy tho said Judgment and costs, on tho nth day of February, 1010, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, at the front door of tho Court House In the City ot Ardmore, In said County and State. Witness my hand this the 3rd day of January, 1010. J. II. AKEHS, Sherill of Carter County. I)y V. E. LANDRUM. Deputy, to Feb. 4. 1010. Notice to Creditors to Present Claims. Notice is hereby given that lettuis of administration on the estate of George M. Wayland, deceased, were granted to the undersigned by the County n'ourt of Carter County, a: Ardmore. Oklahoma, on the 1 Ith day of December, A. D., 1000. All persons having claims against said estate aro required to exhibit tho same to the undersigned at 70? Fast Ilroadway, Ardmore, Oklahoma, for allowance within four months af ter tho dato of this publication with nco-ssary vouchers or they wi'i lie, forover precluded from any benefit of said estate; or, said claim may no filed In said County Court. Dated this 2Sth day of December, A. I)., 1000. NELLIE WAYLAND, Admlnlstratrx with will Annexed. (First published Jan. 10. 1010.) 10-20-2'J Notice of Sheriffs Sale of Land. Notice is hereby givon, that In pur suance of an order of sale. Issued out 1 of the district court of Carter county, Oklahoma, on the 5th day of January, j9I0 lu ., nt.t,m wherein J. W. Thomas was plaintiff and E. J. Smith aml Clilzzc Smth Wero tfofendants, llrectol to me, the undersigned Sheriff of Carter county, commanding mo to levy upon, ami bell the following property: All of lot No. Six (C) in block one hun dred nnd twelve (112) situated In tho City of Ardmore, Oklahoma, In accor dance with the official map and plat of said City, as prepared by tho Chickasaw Townsltc Commission find ' approved by Tho. Hyan, acting Sec 1 retary of tho Interior, on tho IGth day (of January, A. D., 1902, situate In ' Carter oouny, Oklahoma. I to satisfy a JudKmcnt and decree of 1 foreclosure lu favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant, K. J. I Smith, obtained and made in said , court on the 10th day of November, 1909j for ,. um of six nlln,lred Nine ! n)(, , NB (C09.B7) 1 wjth nt tM0 raU. of . ppr ' t pr nnmim ,roln tho 01h (lny o( Octoucr ,r,0, and for toils of Ten ' Doanl ,, twt.nty-nvo cents (110.23) and t.,sls ar(.ni,nK; 1 -will on tho 21st I day of February, 1010, at U10 hour of 1 10 a m., of ,ald day. at the front dcK,r ' 'f ,tho ""rl h'"s" ,n , 0,0 (of , Ardmore, In Mild County and SUte, ! offer for wile and sell to the highest bidder for cash, tho said proporty above described, or so much thereof as will satisfy said Judgment with In terest and costs. Witness my hand this the ISth day of January, 1010. J. H. AKEILS, Sheriff of Carter County Ily J. W. (JINN, Deputy. 1SJ-F20 Hnnrlnnlnn WorKS wonders. ' I . . . ' " " : just surely as ram and sunshine raise crops, It produce a thick growth of luxuriant hair when all I other remedies fall, W'e (tunrantet 1 Danderlne. All druggist soil It -!c, Wo and 11 per bottle. To prove lt worth send tills ad with loo in etampi or HVer and "o will mail you a lnrf frP0 Bninplo KNOWLTON DAN DKHINE CO., Chicago, III. I Notice of Sherifrt Sale of Land; Forecloiurc. Notice Is hereby ghen, that in pursuance of an order of sate Issued out of the District oCurt of Carter County, Oklahoma, 011 tho 19th day of January. Iflfl, In an action where In It. P. Carpenter was plaintiff and It. F. Turner nnd Mrs. 11. F. Turner were defendant, directed to me, the undersigned Sheriff of Carter County, commanding ino to levy upon, and sell tho following described prop erty, to-wit: Lot three (3) in block four hun dred and twenty (120) 'of tho City of Ardmore, Oklahoma, according to the official plat thereof, together with t'.io Improvements thereon; sub ject to a prior mortgage to one W. E. Dnnawav, for the pilnclpal stun of J 1.300.00, to satisfy a Judgment nnd decree of foreclosure In favor of said plaintiff and against said defendants obtained and made In said I Court on tho 20th day of June, 1900, for the sum of $1100.00, with Interest! thereon at S per cent, from tho tlth day of August. 100S, $30.00 nttor t cys foe, IS.G0 accrued ooaU, and costs accruing; 1 will on the fith day of .March, 1010, at tho hour of '.' p. 111. of said day, nt tho front door of tho Court House lu the City of Ardmore, lu said County and State, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the property above described, or so much thereof as will satisfy suit! Judgment, w It li Interest and costs. Witness my hand this 2Sth day of January, 1910. J. H. A K lias, Sheriff of Carter County, Oklahoma. 2S-1-1 1-1 8-25-1 Notice for Publication, Stale of Oklahoma, Carter county: In the District Court. Eliza Tldwell, plaintiff, vs. W. M. Tldwell. lefend.uit. No. 500. Said deiendant. W. .M. Tldwell, will take notice that ho has been sued In tho above named court for a dlvoiee and must answer tho poll-j tlon filed therein by said plaintiff 011 or before the 7th day of .March, A. .1)., 1010. or mild petition will be taken as true, and a Judgment for said plaintiff in said action for di vorce will ho rendered accordingly. Dated this 2 1 Ith day of January, 1910.. SIC.LER & HOWARD, Attorney for I'lalntlff Attest: C. T. VERNON. District Clerk. 27-3-10. Notice for Publication. Stato of Oklahoma, Carter County. In tho District Court. Hettlo Lofton, Plaintiff, vs. Jim I-ofton, Defendant. No. 507. Said Defendant, Jim l.ofton, will take notice that ho has been sued lu the above named court for di vorce, and must answer the petition filed therein by said I'lalntlff on or before the 0th day of March, A- I)., 1010, or said petition will be taken as true, and a Judgment for said I'lalntlff lu said action for di vorce will bo rendered accordingly. Dated this 2.'th day of January, 1010. CHAMPION & CHAMPION, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Attest: C. T. VERNON, District Clerk. 2S-I-11 " . Ily S. M. PARKER, Deputy. (Seal) Treat for Music Lovers. An opportunity Is given Ardmore music lovers to hoar Shorwood, tho greatest master of the piano In America, and MIbs I.lstennan, with her marvelous voice on February 2nd. Opportunity knocks onco at ev ery man's door, will you avail your self of it? 20-:j Railroad Time Table SANTA FE. Northbound, No. IS 11:37 a. m No. )' 12:07 a.m. No. 12 3:03 p. in Southbound, No. 17 1:22 p. m. No. 5 i"i:10 a, in No. 11 1:18 p. hi. FRISCO SYSTEM. Westbound, 525 0:30 a. m. 503 . 12:30 p. m. 527 i:2."i p.m. 503 8:55 p.m. Local Freight. 515 3:30 p 111. (Dally excopt .Sunday.) Eastbound. 300 7:00 a. m. 521 11:00 a.m. 520 1:45 p.m. 501 1:00 p. m, Local Freight. .HO 0:00 a. in. (Dally except Sunday.) No, No. No, No. ! 1 .No. I No. No. . No. 1 No No. ROCK I8LAND SYSTEM Weatbound. No ti'.l No, 051 No 152 No, 071 1:15 V- tn. S-50 p. m. Eattfcound. 7 30 u 3 10 at, 111 Ardmoreite I 3 Lines : 3 Times : 3 Dimes WANTED WANTED -Young men to liarii au tomoblle builneiw by mull and prepare for positions as chauffeurs and repair men. We nmko you ex pert lu ten weeks; assist you to secure portion. pay big; work pleasant; demand for men great; lensonable; write for particular nnd sample lesson. Empire Auto mobile Institute, Itmiiester, N. V. WANTED 60 Holowneii, experienced Mollliift Imisirted Calendars, Wiill poekets, TlMiiew, Opals, iinsoltsl CoihIs, etc., from Ohio to Cnllfor li Hi . Canada to Clulf. Sample ready. Commissions weekly. Itond requir ed. Lincoln Novelty Advertising Co., Lincoln, Nebraska WANTED .Men to learn barber trade. Apprenticeship saved by free work and careful Insl ruc tions. These advantages given only by us. Few weeks completes. Tools given, board secured. Catalogue mailed free. Moler Harbor College, laiiKas City, Mo. 'Mr, SALESMEN W.VNTMD Men now clearing $3fi and JOfi weekly hand ling our 101(1 maps. 1010 census feature. Exclusive territory. (!uar antee if desired. Add less The Scar borough Company, IndliinaiMillH, In diana. ACIXNTS WANTED We pay .XI a month Hilary and furnish rig and all expetihes to Introduce poultry and stock powders; new plan; steady work. Illgler Co., X 071, SpriugtUld, Illinois. WANTED To prepare YOU for a good business position. SEI.VIDUE 1IUSINESS OOLI.EOE. 211m Ardmore. WANTED Tow sacks, Brothers. nt Dawson 27-12 FOR SALE NICE HOME FOR SAMS Wo offer for sale our homo place on tl street Southwest. This Is a well built home, modern, with all conven iences, sewerage, gas, electricity. Oak floors, llrlci Dutch Mantlus, largo coment cellar, good barn, servants room, good orchard, fliiu grapes, everything couiplo o and comfortable. Somebody wll' get a good home at a low price. Also several pieces of good farming land at low prices. FRED M. (1ATES, 21 tf Ardmore, Okla. FOR SALE House and lot on west Main street, good three room house, water and lights. Lot 150 front, 100 deep, will sell cheap See W. O. Alexander at Skin worth's. 301 in FOR SALE Stock ot buggies, har ness, saddlery, good paying busi ness, established six years, Invoice J5000 to 17000, located at Norman, Address Sam Noble, Ardmore, Ok la. latr FOR SALE Crystal White Orpington eggs for setting (Kellerstrass strain) $2.50 per setting of 15 eggs. Phone 072 or 700. 20-10 FOR SALE Two full blood Jersiy cows, at a bargain If taken at once. See R. 0. Tabor, Sr. 28-3 FOR SALE OR RENT A set of watchmaker's tools, very cheap. J. Coldsmlth Loan Office. (i lm FOR SALE Large team work horses, cheap for cash. Seo Mj Elroy & Sass. 19dl0w2 FOR SALE Horse and buggy, a bar gain If taken nt once. See R. 0 Tabor, Sr. 28 3 FOR SALE OR RENT At a bargain, iny homo In McLli-h Place. J. Cross land. 28C COUPON HOOKS Of 5, tlO and $20 denomination at Ardmoreite office. FOR SALE Prettiest residence lot it Anlmore. J. T. Coleman. 301m LOST AND FOUND. LOST At opera house Friday night, ! brown fur, with chenille ends. Mrs. ' T. K. Kearney. 30tf LOST Saturday night E k'n tooth 1 t clwnn "H. P. O. E. filS" In blue j n.amel. Notify Roy Hrady 313 (Jot something for sale? Want ad Ardmore, Sunday, January 23, 1910, Want Ads FOR RENT. FOR RENT OR LEASE - Hotel Pre ml- e, located nt the famous Iln ml le .tprlngB, llromlde. Okla y ply E. II. I'ugh. 21 1) itree northwest, Ardmore, or John Wa nor, owner, 52f West Fifth Hi Oklahoma City. ,10 FOR RENT-Croonm and kith. tUr ets, etc. Sewerage, city water, 17.1 Slable and feed room Front ami back yard. Cull Phone 7M r Peter H hmnhl, HUh Ave ..nd II street, soiitluuKt. W I "OR RENT -iModeni 10 room home paved district, boat home lu the city Modern S-room home. Wont Mailt St., very deidrable. Phone 0(1 O M Itodlleld. Insist1 oil city reall'. 2 1-tm IN ORDEIt TO PROVE the merit tho Huntley Vacuum cleaner, 1 wll rent my machine for 1.2.ri a da Phono 122 nil. Mrs A exander 2r, k FOR RENT Furnished mini, moil urn conveniences, corner A and Second avenue, northwest. Phom .SOI. 30 3 FOR HUNT Two modern, d-room cot lages, close In, H street and Hoe ond avenue, northwest. Seo J, W Kemp, or plume 21. 28 J FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, at I each; gas for heat ami lights. R, (irccultorg, corner II nnd 3rd avenue, northwest. 38-3 FOR RENT- -fi-room house, model 11 conveniences. Apply Mrs. II Moses, 711 West Jlro.nlwny Plume 500. 28 1 FOR RENT Dwelling!!, oil kinds from 2 to 110. Special attention to city leoM'H, O. M. Redlleld. 30!! FOR RUNT Olio of beta 2-story stone building on Main street In Ardmore J. L. Jordan, Marietta, Okla, 21-lm FOR RENT A nice, sulto of office rooms over Dltzler Dry Goods Co. Phono r.n. It. W. Rnndol. 17tf FOR RENT Three rooms for light hoiiKvkeeplii 220 C street, north wesL Phono 201, 2 rings. 30-3t l')R RENT- A good O room house, all mixleru convenh'licoi. Phono 80 or W. S. PrnVy. n tf FOR RENT Flvo room house, clow In on Ilroadway at 110. Apply W. I". Whltohiiral. 303 FOR RENT Flvo room cottato cm II street, Muthwct. Apply to L. II. Ixivo. 14-19 SPECIAL NOTICES RANKJIUPT SALE 1 will on Feb ruary 1st, at 1:30 p. m., at Crash er, Okla., offer for sale to tho high est bidder for cash, tho stock of goods, formerly owned by C. C Dues, consisting of groceries mitt dry goods. E. E. (liilllot, Trustee RlIIUER STAMPS, seals, notary rec ord books, stencils, trade checks, merchants' price markers, and all stamp pj.iluH. 'Phonu COS. O. K Rubber litamp and Seal Co., 118 W Grand av'e., Oklahoma City 7 lm INDIES Our new "Protector" Is safe and sure; price Kvery woman wants one, made of silk rubber. Fairbunk Supply House, Dept. 8, .10 Wabash, Chicago, (iOVEILNMENT FARMER HX'AMl NATION April 13. Salary $75, Free living quarters. Prepare now for examination. Write Ozuicnt Dept. 412, St. I-oillH, Mo. MY FINE HULL, Captalu W. II, sea son $1.50. C. P. Hall. 01m I SELL AND RENT TYPEWRITERS 24-lm 0. P. SELVIDOE. Phone 310 Don't waste your money. Thorn arc plenty of good uses for It. Don't jny -10 to 50 cents a pound for bakliiK powder. K (J linking Powder is gnar anlecd to do better work, nnd it savc-i you 30 eentfl on n pound can. Strong Market O n hofjs weighing joo pounds or more. Bring them in for highest price to O. G. WARREN