Newspaper Page Text
The Ardmoreite Is the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service Stella FARTHING BROTHERS Clothing I'rcn?li thycJoaned mid steam pressed. Only French dry cleaners in city. Phono 401! nine. FIRE ESCAPES built and ercc t oil to conform with city nntl statu avt, have uh to do it Jones-Everett Machine Co. VOLUME XVI ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA SUNDAY MORNING KKIiKUAR V NUMBER 2I. HEM DROPPED SATURDAY MORN NG THE SOUTHWEST EXPERIENCED QUITE A CHANGE IN THE TEM. PER ATURE YESTERDAY. SNOW STORMS IN THE EAST Most Severe Snow Storm in Fifteen Years Experienced Yesterday in New York and Pennsylvania Two Fishing Vessels Driven Ashore. Kansas City. Mo., l'eb. II!. A tie Wiled fall In tlif temperature was I reKlaterwl In eatern Missouri, north rii Kaunas anil .southern Nebraska ' ilnrlnp; the last twenty-four hours. In this city the temperature fell I this morning from .'10 to S nti ve zero, j At Concordia, Kaunas, there was a rail of twenty decrees. In southern Nebraska a fall of 28 decrees and . at Hedalla. Mo., a fall of ICl degrees. Severe Snow Storm. ' New York, N. Y., Feb. 12.- North- m New York, l'ennsylvanla and i portions Muth today suffered the most severe snow storm In fifteen , years. In Now York City and vicinity fourteen Inrhes of snow toll. Two i fishing vessels were driven ashore SAVING MONEY Many people are saving money by buying their Groceries ltrre, yon should do the same. We buy fcr cash, sell for cash, anil Uivlilo tho profits with you Try uh and bo convinced. FRANK HUNT Phono 01 W. Main St. Thanks to Candidates The Parker Printing Co., wishes ' to thank tho many candidates who ti.ivo already come forward and had us print their campaign cards and other llteratiue. Don't wait till your opponent gets ahead of you, but itart NOW. Come to see us. j Parker Printing Company Arilmore, Oklahoma MR. CONSUMER Five reasons why you should buy Crown famous candles. iBt. Because they are tho belt that can bo made. -2nd. It is an Oklahoma product Hrd. It is mailt! by Oklahoma labor. 4tli. You are helping to build up an Industry of which your state will bo proud. nth. We need your support nntl appreciate every dollar you spend for Crown's famous brand. Ask your dealer for them, have no other. Crown Bottling 6 Mfg. Works Morgan J. Hayes, Pres. and Mgr. TRY US For anything you m a y need in dry goods, grocer ies, hardware or anything Itept in a general store, the best of everything, and a big stock to select from. J. Mat Moore & Son SEE ME For -baritalns In tho Wheeler Oil District, Arbuckle Mining District and Washita Valley lands. I buy direct from the allottee which saves the pur chaser n nice margin. B. S. CURTIS Office Kims Pennington HlOg. Oflue Pliose oC, Rm, Puoe B(). and thee rows roM'iietl after heroic eff rN of the life-savers. In iiilildle and went TenniMt there Is a foot of snow on the level and still snowing TWO ARRESTS IN IE CHARLES WILTSHIRE, WEALTHY GLOVE MANUFACTURER, RE CEIVED THIRTYSEVEN WOUNDS Chli-UKO, III.. I'eli. f.'. -The two men an cfttcd last uUlit In comma Hon with the d'.Mth of Charles Wilt shire, a wealthy glove manufacturer, weie today Identified as l.avtetico Kartell, aged 21, and Frank IChbole. 27. Te police today hegan a search lor tile latter br:il;er. Chris Kbbole. Chris was drawn Into the ease, when his wife and daughter, una ware of the mimic". Identified a stiletto bheath found by Wiltshire's 'oily as belonging to Kbbole. There Were thirty-seven stiletto wounds In UIU-hire's body WAS POISONED RAISHULI, FORMER MOORISH BANDIT CHIEF, POISONED, SAYS REPORT FROM MOROCCO. Tangier, Morocco, Feb. 12. It Is icportcd here that Ralshiill, governor f DJebala province, and formerly Moorish bandit chief, Is dead as a re ult of being poisoned. HERMANN'S CASE GOES TO JURY CONGRESSMAN ON TRIAL AT PORTLAND, OREGON, FOR CON SPIRACY TO DEFRAUD. I'oitland, O.'c., Feb. 12. The lustrue. Hons to the Jury, which Is trying Con gressman Dinger Hermann on the charge of conspiracy to defraud the government of public land, were de livered today by Judge Charles K. Walverttui of the United States dis trict court. Aidmorel'e Want AOs are the beat. Money and Land .Money loaned on laud at S per cent in erost, payable annually. Wo puy strict attention to nil applications for loans ami got tho money without delay. We have purohasors fur farms, who will buy, also have lands for sale. Let uh know your wants. LEDBETTER & WIMBERLY llledsoo Hltlg. Phono (H Farm Loans Htirwell - Dexter are making farm loans, as heretofore without any delay. They inspect all lands and pay cash down. Office over Guaranty State Bank. Are You Looking for the Best If mi wis have it. Our line in compline, our equipment tl'i bsi . Kveryl hing clean an i .sanitary. We are at your commuud. Phone us your order. Cold Stongt Marktt Phome 12 Pbon M El ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SIX 1 PERISH ON GENERAL CHANZY IN MEDITERRANEAN. Woist Storm in Years Raging in Med iterranean Passengers Were Most, ly French Officers and Their Fa ml lies En Route to Algeria. Marseilles, France, Feb. 12. It was learned positively today that tho only Americans aboard the Ill-fated French steamer (leneral Chanzy, which crash ed upon a treacherous reef near tho Island of Minorca, were the three vaudevlllo performers, Mtab Henry, I.con Dora ml and a man named Green. Tho sole survivor of the 137 per sons aboard tho vessel Is Marcel Ro il el, who was rescued by a fisherman. He lies in the hospital at Clndadela, a raving maniac. The passengers were mostly French officers and Hieir fam ilies, cnroiite to their post In Algeria. The ship left Marseilles at noon on WediK sday in command of Captain Cnyol. Incoming essels roport the weather lectntly in tho Mediterranean the worst In years. News of other wrecks were received bore today. Good Things to Eat Fish Oysters Fresh meats of all Winds Kosher meats Oalifoi nia fruits Everything fresh n tl clean. Prompt deli. or J. A. CLARK'S St tat. t'inh unJOyitrr Phone 6.')3. NO USE There is no tuo to deehirea boycott on the meat deal ers. Our prices haven't ad vanced. Vo are still selling tho very best molts at the samo old priced. Also n complete stock of groceries at interesting prices. W. A. GILLIAM Phone (Hi E. Main St- A. L. HAWKES Tho celebrated optician is at tho City Drug .Store and will lit your qvps free. Onl.v two days, Monday Tuesday TALK IS THREE AMERICANS ON DOOMED VESSEL So is our work, in price but not in quality. We do the very work, employ only skilled workmen and use the very nest materials. Wo can make you anything in our lino to bo made from wood and iron. Be sure that you see us when your horse needs shoes our best man devotes his entirw time to shoeing horses. and every fchoo i.s made to tit the hoof. We aro us particular to give your horse a well Utted shoo us wo would bn in buying .shoes for our own feet. Hring your horse hero it doesn 't cost any more. AL M. 19 W. Broadway t: :: tt tt tt t; : t: tt tt :t tt tt n tt tt J! tt tt tt tt it WEATHER FORECAST. New Orleans, !.. Fob. 12 Tho weather forecast for Okla homa for Sunday Is fair nntl wanner. tt tt tt tt tt tt :t tt tt tt tt tt tt :: :: tt tt tt tt tt tt u TAFT SPENDS DAY PRESIDENT TAFT DELIVERED PRINCIPAL SPEECH AT LIN COLN DAY DINNER THERE. New York, reu. 12. - President Taft arrived here this morning from Wash li gton. He met Governor Hughes. Lloyd C. Grisconi, Timothy Woodruff ami other lepuhllcau leaders In an important conference this afternoon ami made the principal speech nt tho Lincoln Day dliuier here tonight. FRENCH EXPEDITION NEAR SOOTH POLE FRENCH ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION REACHES LATITUDE SEVENTY DEGREES FIND NEW LAND. Valparaiso. Chill, Feb 12 The j French Antarctic expedition under Dr Jean M. Charcot reached latitude I seventy degrees south, longitude 120 west, and discovered 120 miles of new land to tile west and south of Alx ' under Is'and. Tl CENTRAL FOUNDRY COMPANY OF NEW YORK, WITH FOURTEEN MILLION CAPITAL, IN BAD. New York, Feb. 12. The Cential Foundry company, capitalized at III, 000,000 manufacturers of east iron soil pipes and fittings, went into the hands of a receiver today The creditors allege the liability amounts to more than $1,300,000. BRIGADIER GENERAL RETIRED. Fort Riley Officer Will Succeed Gene ral Chittenden. Washington, I). C, Feb. 12. Ililga ier General Illium M. Chittenden, 1 who was recently promoted from lieu tenant colonel of engineers and sin ' tinned at Seattle, has been placed on ! the retired list. 1 His retirement will be followed by the promotion of Colonel Frederick I M. Ward, commanding the Seventh , cava'ry at Fort lllley. President Lewis Holds Conference St. Louis. .M ., Feb. 12. President Lewis of tho Mine Workers of America . began a conference hero this afternoon with themlncrs and opeialois of the south ami west. The two organizations, according tc Lewis, are at nuts over the wage scale and breach of faith of con tracts. The miners president U acting as arbitrator. Tho southwest ! territory iirludes Missouri. Oklaho- j j ma. Kansas, Arkansas and Texas, i CHEAP RICE Ardmora, Okta. IN LIQUIDATION RESIDENCE OF W. R. MOORE I Ins is the costliest hoiiit jh Ardmuv. and ix i-uw d b) one ( t nr must progressive and enterprising nti 'ins It is U ated t.nh four she rt I locks north of Walcott's Addition the place where what yon waste in rent will provide you a beautiful home ol your own See Walter A. Evans & Co.Over City National Bank II SI OF SWOPE CASE GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION IN TO DEATH OF MEMBERS OF ' SWOPE FAMILY BEGUN. mvESTHun Jurors, Who Will Investigate This Complicated Case, Appeared Be fore Judge Latshaw Yesterday and Took Their Oaths. Kansas City, .lo., Feb. 12. A new chapter In the Swope mystery was begun this afternoon when the grand Jury began what promises to be a moid thorough invt .ulgatlou of the j now complicated case. I i:ery detail of the deaths of Col- onel Swope, James Moss Hunton and Chrlsttaan Swope, as well as the Illness f nine members of the Swope household with typhoid fever, ! will be gone Into. The Jurors appeared In criminal couit here today before Judge Halph ' S. Ittshaw to take their oaths and be charged. The following the Jury: T. 3 Gie, n, Kansas City, real ! e, in e man. F. I). Spruel, Dallas, farmer Walter Hider. Independence, real j estate do.llet I J. II. .Moody, Independence, teal ' t state dealer I THE COIN In tho ruturu It will lie cash on delivery for everyihliiKWu Holl. Wo pay the cash anil will save you money Ifyoutrado with us, Wo handle the best in meats und groceries, The Cash Market lieu C. Forbes. Prop. Ramsey & Ramsey Farm and City Loans We inspect our own loans 200 W. Main St. Ardmore, . Okla. CRM nsMsHBanMBaa .l.tmt , li llurnlcv, Uiu-kiicr. bank t , H. H Montgomery, nine Springs, hunker, William Uanen, Grain Valley, nor hunt Julian Jackson, loiiu .ack, farmer. Hubert Howard, Lee's Summit, far- me. William Taylor, Kansas City, vice president Taylor Dry Goods Com pany, ft Jay II. NetT, Kansas City, ex-mayor ami owner of Drovers' Telegram. II. C. Gai tlner, Kansas City, buyer for wholesale grocery house. Summons Packers as Witnesses Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. 12. At torne Ceiiei; Major has notified the attornes of the packing com panies today thai he desire as wit nesM'n on February 17th, the follow ing officers or employes of Arm.nir, Ciulahy, Swift, Morris and Schwartz child & Sul.berger Puking Companies of Kansas. Tho superintendent .r manager of t u'li plant. The manager in charge -if dressed meats and the hem posted man on by-products Ardmoreite Want Ada aro the beat FARM LOANS $500,000.00 of life insurance money to loan at S per cent annual interest. No broKerage to pay. Privilege to pay off and stop interest. large loans handled as well as small. Prompt service. City Loans on desirable improved property. Wanted, to buy some desirable farm lands. A list of your for sale, trade or exchange property solicited. Sec me before placing your business. O. L. CHANCELLOR Office Itandol llldg., over Oltzler Ollice phixw 111 Kes. phone 322. Dry Goods Co. $100,000 TO LOAN on Farm and City Property Most Reasonable Terms GENERAL INSURANCE GORMAN, BOGIE DOBBINS Over City National Bask Phone 50 ARDMORE, OKLA. JAKE BODOWITZ IS BADLY WOUNDED IN ALTERCATION LAST NIGHT W. H. KERBO IS PLACED UNDTR ARREST, In an altercation, which had. Its start In a friendly scuffle at Tom Huberts' barber shop about 8 o'ciotk last night, Jake Ilodovltz, president jf tho Ardmore Wholesale Grocery com pany, was seriously stabbed by A. H Kerbo, who travels out of Ardmore for tho American Tobacco company. Kerbo asserts that Itodovltz struck him In the face several times with a whisk broom and that after ho had repeated It, when requested not to do so, several words were passed and the men camo to blows when Kerbo brought Ids knlfo into play, cutting Itodovltz four times, twice across the breast ami twice In the right side, Kerbo siirrent'eredi to the officer nntl was taken to the county Jail. Hodovltz was removed to tha Saiv tarluin, where at a late hour last night his condition was reported to b serious, the wounded man having "be come unconscious.