Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Sunday, February 13, 1910 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. PAGE SEVEN ARDMORE AUTO M GARAGE CO. DOES general LIVERY BUSINESS, makes all Interior towns out of Ard more. Makes all trains, city calls and drives. Theatre Parties Calling Parties Driving Parties One to Seven Passengers City Prices Same as Carriages PHONE 70 DAY OR NIGHT TOM CARTER, Manager COMING Round's All-Star Specialty Company Including His Celebrated Ladies' Orchestra The Greatest That Has Ever Visited Our City BOBISON'S OPERA HOUSE Monday Evening, Feb. 21, 8:30 P. II. ONE NIGHT ONLY It's not alUafljc way IK done: mucR depends upoa trie material Good Wholesome Bread and pastry cannot ho made from poor flour. Tho moBt skillful and experi enced cooks who havo nil tho modern appliances will make a failure if not provided with tho right kind of Hour. That Is the reason wo use the best ingredients and is one reason why Solomon's Very Best Bread can not be boat. Solomon's Steam Bakery Hearts and Flowers The most effective Valentine Beautiful, blooming llowers arn far more in keeping with the tender sentiments of St. Valen tine's Day than any expression in tho form of tinseled paper. Nothing expresses the spirit of tho day so perfectly; nothing you can send your sweetheart or wile which will convoy tenderness, lovo and affection so well, for "Flowers are lovely; love is llowcrliko." Of all the missives SHE re ceives throughout tho "DAY" none will win her favor so much as Flowers from Shuman Floral Co. Wise is the man who on St. Valentino's Day remembers his wife, even as in the days when she was only his .sweetheart, English Daisys and Sweot Peas 1.00 a 100. Carnations $1.00 a do.on. Order by phone or call Shuman Fiower Shop 215 W Main St. Phono 207 Blue. Green houses, Southwest Ard moro, Phono 2(17 lied. NEW COPYRIGHT BOOKS-LATEST MAGAZINES I OR SA IK AT 7ZIFUS " ilgJ:liinl.iaHr PHONE N6. FR ER DELIVER V. All New Pictures Monday and Tues day at the THEATORIUM Moving Pierages THE MAJESTIC Has tho Latest and Host ..Moving Pictures.. Entire change Monday-Tuesday PERSONALS Ivey Coffey and family were lions ! jeaterday fr m Duncan en route to Iono Cirove to visit with relatives. t Miss Myrtle Frame visited with 1 relatives at Davis yesterday. uoi. and Airs. .1. r. .Mullen are spending Sunday in Oklahoma City. Attorneys (iuy II. Siller and It. A. Howard were In Sulphur yester day, where they had business be fore the coutts. Clyde Wyatt, who has been on- Raged In the livery business hero for . extends a cordial and pressing Invlta- the past few months, left yesterday , tn to the people of the city to visit for Sapulpa, whero he will locate, j the plan any afternoon during the j Oeorgo II. Ronnie of l'auls Valley . week and witness the care of the was a business visitor here yester- meat from the time It leaves the stock day. pons until It 13 on the market. In . W. T. Davis or Oklahoma Clty!othcr word". Mr- Warren wants tho was among the cut of town visitors P0l''o to acintalut themselves with hero yesterday. Sidney Suggs and .1. O. Hiiehanan left here Friday night for Oklahoma leit here Friday night ror Oklahoma ., . .. . . , , City, whore they met yesterday with .11 .i . . ... the democratic state committee. NEW SPRIN3 MILLINERY. WE ARE RECEIVING DAILY EX PRESS SHIPMENTS. EARLY TO WEAR STREET HATS NOW ON j DISPLAY. NEW LINE OF NOVEL- I TIES, HUMAN HAIR GOODS, NEW SPH,NG ladies' furnish - ,NG8, AT LOWENSTEIN'S. Five-Room Dwelling For Rent. Ixicated on West Hroadway; has been thoroughly renovated and re painted. Klectrlc lights, gas, city water and bath; amide garden space, flood neighborhood. Concrete walks nil the way. $1G.00. Telephone ISU. CORNER MAIN AND U STREETS, SEEKS OFFICE OF DISTRICT CLERK FRED WILLIAMS ENTERS RACE AND WILL HAVE STRONG SUP- PORT. The olfleo of dlKtr.ei elerk Is an Important one and should bo presided over by a man who knows how to per form the antics In connection there with In a manner satisfactory to his constituents ably and systematica ly. Anions those who have offered for this Important office today Is added the name of Mr Fred Williams, n 1 resident of Carter county for tho past f urteen years, and who. thiotigh cars of practical experience, nonesfy and elfloloney Ispooulla-';' fitted to i rforui the duties Incumbent upon him In whom the people repose this trust. Mr Williams has boe.i n i.lVnt of this s el Ion of the slate tor tour teen years. res;umg live years at Fox. He came to this state from Texas.whorc he served In an official 'capacity wltli S S. Tolson for five years. Since the adoption of .statehood Mr. Williams has boon serving It' the ca pacity of field deputy under Sheriff Alters during which time he has handled every legal Instrument finding Its wnv through the district clerk's olllco. This alone has given hint an Insight to the duties of the position he seeks, and coupled with the expert. ciieo he has had In county official circles for a lout? period or years makes him competent to handle the n.irk Inle'.lluenth- and satla. idol I v to all concerned. , , Should the people . lit 'i pinto Fre.l Williams In this Important posi tion he promises to give strict at- 'teution to the duties ropos" ! In him. In announcing Mr. Williams ad dresses the people as follows: To the Voters of Caitcr County; i 1 hereby announce myself a en ml I ,lntt' for the office of District Clerk oi t:arier county, suujeci to me .icuuii of the Democratic primary, August 2, 1910. If you should elect me. to this office 1 promise to Rive to the voters and Carter county a clean, conserva tive business administration and will show the people every act of kindness and courtesy due one to another. , Very respectfully, PHEIJ WILLIAMS. PROUD OF HIS WORK. People Invited to Visit Packing Plant , and Witness Care Taken of Meat, j O. Ci. Warren has fione to great ex- i ponse In flxliiR up his model little , packing plant near Main street In I the east portion of the city ana ' proud Is he of his enterprise that he his Improved and sanitary methods of caring for moat; he wants them to know with what care llvo stocR i . , , , , ,. . i Inspected before they are slaughtered ' ... ... , . , . . ,., ia'"l the care with which, meat la In- I , , , , upocted after It Is killed and before . being placed on the market. Ho Is not 1 afraid of the public, but wants to j take them Into his confidence. He- member the urgent Invitation of Mr. Warren and avail yourself of the op portunity to witness this, the most Important enterprlso In tho city, as far ih Ulo hcaItll ortho miopIe ,R concern. 'ed. DEATH OF BAMBERGE. Former Resident of the City Dies in Mississippi. Word was received by telegraph i Friday night of the death at Merld- Ian, Miss., of V. M. Hamborgu, who who for a period of about fifteen months was located In Ardmore, ser ving In the employ of the depart ment of agrl'-ulture. At tho time of his death Mr. Kamhergo was employed as Indus-. trial agent by tho Queen and Cros-! cuit railroad and was In Meridian! In that capacity when ho was stride en and died. , . ,i.wi,L-..u.,a e. B ,.. wic- iressag. as to the cause f 111" ,,,iat'1, Mr. Hainborgo held inenibeiMhlp In 1110 local lOllge Ol r,lKd, anil iiunilg his brief residence hero made many warm fi lends, who will regret to learn of his demise. Hoi't ml-s Hound's All Star Special ty America's greatest ono night on ly. Hemember Hound's Specialty com pany and l'idles' orchestra. February a I, s:30 p. m. A. II. Hawliiw Co. aro neemug the furniture you wish to sell, Phone 371, ENDORSE CHAS, EVANS FOR SUPT. SUPERINTENDENT OP THE CITY SCHOOLS ASSURED OF SUP- PORT OF LOCAL TEACHERS. Since it has become known Hint Sup:. Cliu. tCvans, or the Ardmore schools might 1)0 a candidate for State Siiiirlnt(MHlint of luhicnilon ho hn ri ri'lvnl iniirh eiiooiirflKemetn from till parts of oklnnotnn, Ill" homo people lmv" Kotii-n l.i behind i hi- move iiml want to see liltn Kit In tho race ami they want to wd him win Apropos to Mr. iJVnniT cuudtikicy the Ioal teacher hne drafted tho fo'luwlng: "Ardmore, Oklti.. Feb. 11, HHP. "Whereas, A man's notions speak a gra: deal more clearly than any oth er Informant : nnvl "Whereas, lii'ii In- flnils h Ik only uuiieronis among in., acquaintances witn wiiotn lie huh na t snort inter course, there In room for some ition lion concerning his nlnlt; but when lie Is uphold a'ld supported liy those who have tho sure loyalty t hat losult only from the close contact necessary found between co-workers aim intimates or ins uauy atrairs, tner ,l, 0,l 1k' " ,,"l,,,t of ,,'! worth: "Al". " !' '"''' ' oars, ,llat ,",r honored superintendent of '"-v schools. Chus. Hvhiis, may asplro the holiest educational office with- the gift of the .citizens or UKianu- ""; and knowing full well, as we do. the Inestimable value or his work In tile public schools of Ardmore; the Incentive he has given to higher ki , rational standards In our starr; his 'enthusiastic Interest In his chosen fle'd, as shown, not on'y by his local visitation, but by the fact that ho has been a welcome visitor In very many of tho schools of Oklahoma; .Vow, therefore, be it rifolved that, we, the teachers of Ardmore city schools, take til's oportunlty of assur ing him and the public of our heartiest nipport. MISS MATTHEWS, "Chairman of Committee." ORATORICAL CONTEST ON FEBRUARY 11 FIFTH ANNUAL ORATORICAL CON TEST TO BE HELD AT OPEHA HOUSE THIS MONTH. The FiLti Annual Oratorical con 'St (if th. Arilnwir,. hti-li uptiwi'u will In, ,,,, ,, . . , linlil In WnhlKnli imir-i liritiu,, -t'ti.. day evenlnit. February at S . -MJ o'clock. Mls-t Van Woriner has arranged a patriotic nusleal program for this date and arrangements are being mad,, for decorating the theatre. I The following Is the program: Invocation. Music. I First Oration "The (lenliis of Wa sh In gt o n " Hz ra I )y or. i Second Oral ion I ine' , i Offspring John 'Edwards. ' , , u .Music by High School ch Second Oration "Time's Noblest by High School chorus. Third Oration "Some Present Day Heroes" Oonovleve Nlvoucho. Fourth Oration "The Noblest Ho I man of Them AH" Annlo Thompson. ; i.Muslo by the (Jleo clubs of the city. ; Fifth Oration "A Present-Day He ro" Walter Dltzler. ! Decision of the Judges. Awarding of meJa's. The judges will be out-of-town poo , pie. Two of the orators were selected by tho faculty and three by the High ! school pupils. There Is considerable (class rlvn'ry. n.- two are from the j luniors, two from the seniors and one ' from the sophomores. Notice. Noblo Hrns., having sovcred all connection with the Now Stato Hardware fc Harness Co., their offlco can now be found with the A. H Ilawllns Furniture Company, thrco doors east of the hardware store. Phono 371. 8dC wkl Your "Make-Up." furnish wIks, beards and I can masks ()f Ascriptions. Let IIIO J ffKuro wltli you. when you neen .... j artlht to "make you up" for amateur j thuatrloa's or mas.Urade. Max , mreh Theatrical MaVivl'n ArllKt. Oalnesvlle, Texa. 9-3. COMING. Hound's all-star Specialty Compii'v Including his celebrated Ladles' O; chestra. Watch for date. 9 -1 You'll be torry If you forgot the Hound's. Monday, Feb. 21, one nlsht only. A party hits loft with me several hundred do'lars to loan. Whn wmlv It? Will Sanford, Phone MM, in fit MRS, MARY N1BLACK STATES HER POSITION TELLS WHY SHE ISN'T ACTIVELY AT WORK IN CAMPAIGN AT PRESENT TIME. In reply n the inun innwiuins being naked me every day l" rcnanl to my wishes fjr a econd term. 1 de sire to sflj to my friends that my , mind Is entirely made up as t w I I hn!l do. but In i lew of the f t ! that we are now in the very middle of the school year, I deem It in-t 1 for the Interest of our children, an I for all our durational work iliat no aim tinceineuts whatever he 'made lfore May 1st, when nil iin schools will be closed. I I can think of no areat i lis:isier to scii.Kil lii'erosts. nor more lament able spectacle, t'J our seh'ol patron i iirc, than for the county sup"'lii tendon) and a half iIoecii Icidln-.: i i,.nr.i,1.r u. t mm .. ....i.t for office, whllp the s.-hools are In ses slwi. Itlnltt now. the c unity super ' liitendcnl and every teacher Is n ed ed at his post of duty with his whole mind on his work to brlnn It to a triumphant conclusion. i Our rotinty teachers tiro doln a niaKiilficent work. There are half dozen of them who would make e. cellent county superintendent-, hut I think It itutllKniflcil, unprofessional, and wholly out or pl.u-e to beitln it cniupalKii now, and would deeply dephre nny such iiiovcmout lief ire tho clone of our schools. All my constituents will bear wit ness to my statement that I never refer to oifleo, or to my candidacy unless the subject Is broimht up and then my only reply Is that I shall wait till my schools close bo'oro i 1 make any nnnoiiiiromcuts what ever. After May 1st. we shall hate three months to campaign. That's enough. 'Itesldes, ifs the early worm , that nets caiiKht. Itespectfully, MILS. MAUV V. NIHLACK. Superintendent County Schools. C. M. Campbell, J. B. Spraglns and i W. P. Poland. Will be seen on tho streets or Ardmore together Monday. Hotter hike, find your hole and pull it In after you. If you don't want cheap i fuel. They will lie out for that pur- pose. They will be hunting people I who would see Ardnuro grow. It j takes a little money from the many I and much fiom the few to build j a town. Hut .she must be built. I Don't argue with them and take up j time telling your tales of woe. Kay i yes or no, and tell y mr trouble:! to your haulier. I Kvery inby under one year of age n Carter county is entitled to a fine gold ring by calling at the atore of A. n, itawllns Co. . Hound's All-Star Specialty company, Including his celebrated ladles' orches tra, opera house Feb. 21, S;30 p. m. With the Sick. The llttlo daughter of Mr. and -Mrs . Crovcr Chase Is very sick of pneu monla. Your Shoe Repairing. I must have your shoo repairing. I save you money. II. .1. Dixon, II street, northwest. Phono 719. 1 I Hrlng your baby unc r one y ar of age and let in fit them with a fine gold ring nbsolute'y free You need not buy anything. MONEY To loan on improved FA KM ur,d CITY property at low est rate. Oumn to see inn at First Siat Dank. Quit k action and satisfaction guar anteed. BYRON DREW Prosldent First State Hank. 1: t: it it v. it u ;: tt n v. CHANCELLOR BROTHERS HACK LINE. Meets All Trains Day or Night. ti 1! Si it Si PHONE 100. FOH PROMPT SHRVICIJ. ti ti ti ts st st it ts ss ss ss ss s: ss it DM, W. M. ANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON H moved to the Hlue Front Dsrr, on Ilroadway, where ho li prepared to Uko rare of all stock cntrustcil to bis care at a reasonable price Office Phone 783 Resident 203 TIIE SICK ARE HEALED II j modern, common sene, pleiifaul Chiropractic methods, without medicine or the sur peon's knife. (Mllropraetlcscietieeemliodies the latest, most wonderful anil most sllccessltil rational treat lnetit evolved by iiiuu for the restoration of perfect health t . 1 1 1 it i ) i' it a ( : 1 1 u i it r. a i m i :m s Itelieve abnormal ihtvo pros mires by seientllle spinal adjust moots, restoring balanced nerve force tti every pint of thehoil) All diseases of the heart , ltms, stomach, liver, intestliii's and kidneys: anil apoplexy, coiikcb tioiiH, paralysis, pelvletroiiblcs ami diseases ol women and children are suceessfiillv treat ed. Our many remarkali'leciires ill Ardmore will convince the most skeptical ami discouraged patient. co.vstJM AiioN ntr.i: And a lull explanation of our marvelous Chiropractic met hod K I veil without elmro to all callers scekli k the truth Ladies received, ad vise -I. treated and euriil l Clnro praetie lady specialist. Do not let jour trouble run mi but M'corc relief h cailint; at once DRS. IM1.KY & COX i iiittnriMt inns N . .1, 1, I'.l.l. nlt.i-.ii- I - ti r n1' Good Improvements flood improvements add to tho value of your property if you have good concrcto walks around your place it looks moii' atiractivo to it prospective buyer and would bring a better price. Why not lot js build your walks and do your other concrete work. We use only the best materials, lulu I'orl land Cement anil '1 ishomiu go Granite Gravel. Come figure with us anyway. Ardmore Concrete Co. D. 8. BLACKBURN, Mgr. QUINN WICKER, Asst. Mgr. C. P. HALL .lust received another big car of mixed furniture that was or dered before the advance of all factories, that was an absolute fact. Nov. ISth, ILIOO, put on by all factories, and have o n o car hack ordered with signed contractu that wo are holding the fuctoiy to fillip, which they are trying to cancel, but must ship at once. C. P. HALL Thi! new and second hand out litter of everything, on Caddo St. and Third Ave. Phono ,'lt)(l. BROWN A BRIDGMAN. Funeral Dlreetori and Licensed Embalmeri. Largest lino of Funeral Goods In Oklahoma. Ardmorelto Want Ads are the besi Ardmoreitu want ads aru tho best. nesi uiihiiibhs property 0:1 mnin tjtreut at bargains. Wo will loan you money on both city property and farm lands nt tho most, reasonable rate of Interest. W. S. Tomb Stones Monuments Southwest no other tlrm can compote with us on prices. If you need grave stones, K mb stones or monuments writo us for prices, Wo sell all over Oklahoma and Northern Texas. Wholesale- prieis, II AN WAY & OWICNS. Artlmore, Okla. T. N. COLEMAN THE CITY Telephone . flL MONTHS guarantee AgalnM lioloi. No more uarninif " vou buy HnlsqrooP All Um tmrmliircototil trOM si i Kcyptmn . i ounn itnemupi or i light wcmlil) iiotil inbrteinf nirpmra Ton I-Atin s- lCL-yplliinl'olton n't ' w i ,.Hiiiirr. , art Exclusive Acfcnt LYNN the Shoe Nan PUREST CANDIES Home made, best in bulk or boxes for all lovers of de lirious swe ts. Fresh Kvery Duy Costs no more than inferior candy, only 20 cents per pound and up. Saturdtiy Special Sales ARDMORE CANDY KITCHEN PKTKIl PAUL 11 Washington Htreot. Concrete Sidewalks Don't order them with out first Retting bid from A. D. Hyde None but first class work. Phone 89. Your Money In real ustato. 'i'horo is no safer investment on earth, In fact it is tho earth. (Jot a piece of .t. Wo have 011 our list some of tho lirst bargains that havo boon of fered In Ardmore. Hero are some of thorn: 3 houses and lots close In for 11.800. An entire block close in 011 Main St., with II good houses, and all mod ern conveniences. You will ho siirpr sod to find how olioap this property can bo had. Homo of the SMITH IJy the ii!e of the best skilled labor and the. only elcctrie mar ble cutting machinery in the DRUGGIST .... ?V. Main St. I -1 11 It 0 i P