Newspaper Page Text
The Ardmore?c' J s the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service rV ttMX0t tilt FARTHING BROTHERS Clothing French dtycleancd nnd Htonni pressed. Only Kronen dry clenners In olty. l'hoiio Hiue. FIRE ESCAPES built and erect od to conform with city nnd Rtnto lawe, have tin to do It. Joncs-Evcrclt Machine Co. VOLUME XVI ARDMOKE, OKLAHOMA WliDNKSDAV KVICiNINd KKHKUAKY 1(5 HMO MJMBKJK 218 mm ELKINS' ICE TRIES TO SUICIDE YOUNG LADY SHOT HERSELF THROUGH BODY, JUST BELOW HEART, AT KANSAS CITY. NOTt FOUND ON THE DRESSER Younn Lady Left Note Saying "I Am Tired of Life, I Have No Home or Friends-Physicians Says She Has Chance for Her Life. Kantae City, Mo., Feb. 10. Ml Agues Klklns, niece of United Stateb donator Stephen H. Klklnr, of West Vlrgi:ila( tdiot herself today In her room at a local hotel. The buret passed, through her tody, below the heart. The iiliy.slctanrt be iti'vc she has a chance for her life. A noto found on her dresser, read: "J am tired of life. I have no home or Mends. ' Ji)ts of men who Imagine they could navigate tho ftil) of statu couldn't von Mer a canal boat. In picking tho winning horne lr a; ttrst you didn't micceod do.;'t try again. Ramsey & Ramsey Farm and City Loans Wo inspoct our own loans 200 W. Main St. Ardmorc, Olclti. FRANK HUNT lhono M W. Main St. Notice All prices quoted on circular eubjeut to change. No worry nbout high prices when you do your grocery buy ing here. MR. CONSUMER Five reasons why you should buy Crown famous cnndles. 1st. HeuauBO they art) tho hint. (hat can he made. 2nd. It It an Oklahoma product :ird. It is made by Oklahoma labor. lth. Yon nro helping to build up nn Industry of which your state will be proud. 6th. We need your support nnd appreciate every dollnr you Bpend for (Jrown'fl famous brnndi. Ask your dealer for them, have no other. Crown Botlling & Mfg. Works Morgan J. Hayes, Pres. and Mgr. TRY US For BiiythirK you in u y need in dry "oods, grocer ies, hardware or anything kept in a gonoral store, the best of everything and n bs stock to select from. J. Mat Moore G? Son SEE ME For bargains In tho Wheder Oil District, Arbucklo Mining District and Washltu Valley lauds, I buy ill re. a from the allottee which saves tho pur chaser n nice margin B. S. CURTIS Ofnoe Sims l'enniiiRton ltldg. Office Phone 56, lies. Phone 806 Red. HOISTING MINERS CAUSE SHUTDOWN ALL MINES OF THE BUTTE, MON- DOCTOR JORDAN SAID HE PRE TANA. DISTRICT ARE ATA' PARED MEDICINE USED IN THt STANDSTILL TOOAY. HOISTING - ENGINEERS UNION Failure or Refusal of the Mine Op erators to Grant Concessions to Hoisting Engineers, Causes All of Them to Quit Work. Jlntte, Mont.. Fob. 1C. Thoro was a fiiiuL down of nil mining opera tions In the Ilntto district by ac tion of :i majority of tho hoisting engineers In deserting their posts this morning when thu concessions, from the mlnu owncrH In thu mat ter of jurisdictional disputes were not forthcoming. The men involved aio members of tho International Knglncors Union No. 138. ROOT'S QBSTINANCE DEFEATS BILL FRIENDS OF POSTAL 8AVIN3S BANK DILL SAY HIS AMEND MENT WILL DEFEAT BILL. Washington, 1). C, Feb. liJ. Un less Senator Hoot of Now York can ho Induced to withdraw or material ly modify his amendment to tho ,!til savings haul; hill, requiring 'ho Investment of postal deposits u i Culled States bonds, tho measuro ' will pHibabt bo defeated In thu sena'.o. Friends of tho hill practl I "ally .idmii this l.i tho .situation Are You a Member? Slnc.i thu publication In the Ard- j inorelt.i a fow days ago of a story to the effect that the Knights and Ladits of Honor wore going to enter Oklahoma, and that Ardmoru might become tho state heiidqunr- I ter for tho order, ft has developed I that quite a number of members j of tho lodge hcaldu in this city, and sold their membership In some other state. Now, Just lo ascertain who are I members and ,iow many thuru aro in .iumoro, wi: are gJing in asit each one to send ItU or her name to "O. M. A.," care Ardmorolte. Money and Land Money loaned on land at 8 per cent In'erest.payahlo annunlly. Wo pny strict intention to all npplicntions for loans nnd get tho mouoy without delay. Wo have purchasers for farms, who will buy, nlso have lands for Hale. Let us know your wants. LEDBETTER & WIMBERLY liledsoo Bide;. Phone 019 Farm Loan's Burwell it Dexter are making farm loans, as heretofore without any delay. They inspect all lands and pay cash down. Office over Guaranty State Bank. Ire You Looking for the Best If so wo lisivo It. Our line in com pinto, our equipment tl'i'ls'. (Everything clean mil sanitary. Wo are at yuur c.iminand, IMmio us your order. Cold Storage Market Phono 12 Phone 69 DEPOSITION OF A SWOPE PHYSICIAN SWOPE HOME HIMSELF. DOCTOR JORDAN NORN IN CHILI Said He Hsd Been Raised Since Childhood by a Ncgio Named Jor dan, Whose Name He Took Re ceived Thousands from Swopes. Kansas City, -Mo.. I-Yb. 1C In the course of a depositions given today by Dr. II. II. C. Jordan In Kans.i City, Kansas, In Dr. Hyde's suit, Jor dan told of having treated membera of tho Swope family for a perljd ((pe ering seven or eight yenrs nnd up t tho present time Ho had, ho said, bent to the Swope homo medicines prepared by himself, the formula of which none but him self knew. Tho medicines wop. he do'ared, composed entirely of hcrh:i. This medicine, the witness testified, was administered to Mrs. Logan O. Swope, Miss Marguerite Swope, thu nto Christman Swope nnd to Thomas Swopo, Jr. Kor his sei vices, Jordan said ho had received from the Swope family be tween $10,000 anil $20,000. , In answer to questions Jordan said ho was horn In Chill, but admitted that he was raised from childhood by a colored man, named Jordan, whoso name ho took. WILL ORGANIZE OIL AND GAS COMPANY MILO PEOPLE INTERESTED IN PROMOTION OF CONCERN TO DEVE-LOP THAT SECTION. J. W. Johr.son is In the city fiom Mllo and he brings the story that his people are going to build a town-yea a city at Mllo and he says they air going nt It In a way that will -win. Mr. Johnson recently put the Mllo townslte on the market and he sny. the lots are selling rapidly. Now, ho says, It Is proved beyond coubt that his townslte Is situated right In the oil nnd gas HoM and It Is for the purpose of Its development that the Mllo Oil nnd (las company is to be organized. So sure or success In tho undertaking, lie says that thu com pany will give a bonus of free gas for a period of five years to the first factory located at Mllo. Mr. Johnson Is a fair enthusiast, too. He Is highly elated over the or ganization of the Southern Oklahoma Fair nnd stands ready to back up his I enthusiasm by taking a good chunk of stock In tho enterprise. I Onu c'ock on a shelf Is worth more ( than a dozen on a stocking. Good Things to Eat Fish Oysters Fresh meats of all kinds Kosher meats California fruits Everything fresh nd clean. Prompt dni-,oi-y. J. A. CLARK'S Mt, ami OyUr Potior Phono 038. NO USE There is no u-o to decluroa boycott on the mont deal ers Our prices haven't ml vftneud. Wo uro still se'linir tho vory bt-st moats fit tho same old prices. Also it complete stock of groceries tit interesting prices. W. A. GILLIAM Phone CO E, Main St. POLICE SABERS FOR SOCIALISTS POLICE CUT OFF THE EAR OF ONE DEMONSTRATOR IN GER MANY. CALLED POLICE BLOODHOUNDS Mass Meetings to Protest Against a Suffrage Bill Started Riots Stones Were Thrown, Swords Were Drawn and Many Were Injured. llVrlln, Kob. 15.'. lis by thu socialists throughout the kii.g dom, alter mass mootlig- he d tod.iy to proton against the sulfrage bill, n suited In aorlous affrays between tin demonstrators mv3 the police at many piaces, In irorllu several ik ipo.iu n wen- iuveruly wounded by htones thrown by rioters, and many socialist sup potters received dacg.-ious Injuries irom thu sabers of tho police. Import .roin places outside of lb rlln gae i aumber of easua ties. Tin- worst a: fair of the kind occurred at Xeumiin.v er, In I lo. stein, where a wnikhigmau was mortally wounded by a knin thiough thu lungs, anoth r't han was cut off, while a third li-st .in tar At Halle, after thu cine of th- meeting, about two thousand soci-il-Ists attacked thu police, who drew their sabers and wounded many. At ivoenlgsberg, where tho socialists returned. In a group from thu Hiibur ban meetliia's, thu police, In attempt ing to divert thu ciowdb into thu side EtreeU, used their side arms. They also made a number of arrests. t ACoIogno huge crowds assembled In .vUthcdral Square intending to march In order to the meeting places In tho suburbs, but btrong squads of police held tho chief thoroughfares and forced thu crowds to take the sldu streets. In the suburbs of lrcrllu about forty meetings were huld In ciowdui hal.s. Most of them were conducted peace ably, but in Hlxdorf, a southern sub mit, the population of which num bers gently one hundred thousand, nu Immensu crowd gathered in thu pub lic sipiaru and listened to speeches by several leaders. A police lieutenant called on the peop'u to disperse, but they rofused iO obey. The police thereupon tried to bre ak up tho meeting, and somu -of thu crowd lesponied with a ahowor ot stones, slight y wounding thu lieu tenant ai.d a policeman. Alter thu meetings large proces sions paraded through thu principal suburban .struts, singing thu work lusmcu's Marseillaise. Somu of them tried to reach thu central sections .tbout the Sch oiis 1'latz, hut the po lice held all the approaches, and dis persed thu crowd without seilous dlf Utility. Later In the ifteruoor. the police orduicd a crowd composed largo:y of Half youths at thu ICronprln tin llrldge to disperse, 'but were gieeted with shout. of "bloodhound" and a shower or stones. An officer ordered tho men to charge with drawn arms, and several of the rioters wurr wounded. Thoro aro almost as many way for 1 woman to use up ttta'u hroad a.i thoro aro ways for a lovo ulTalr to sot slaetracked. No tootli3ho has oor materialize that hurt quite as much as the pain less dentist who treated It. A Kxxl range Is ulto as essential to f;ood cookliiK as to slntdnK- A woman's Idea of a truthful man Is otio who flatters her. THE COIN In the future it will he oasti on delivery for ovoryihliig wo sell. Wo pav tho oash nnd will savo you money If you trade with us. We hnudlH thu best In meats and groceries. The Cash Market Bon O. Forbes, Prop. WALCOTT ADDITION TO ARDMORE The choicest residence location in the city, and the HOME-BUILDERS' OPPORTUNITY The price of lots in this entire addition have been advanced $50.00 per lot, and arc now selling for ty.joo.oo per pair. Over 300 lots have been sold and a score of line homes will he constructed as soon weather conditions will permit. Kent payers should lose no time in securing a building site in this addition, as prices will be again advanced as soon as the development will justify. 'J his is a serious matter, orhhouldbo, to those who are throwing away their money paying rent. Consult WALTER A. EVANS COMPANY Over the City National Bank, AT ONCli, and get in lme for the benefits that will startle Ardmorc when they arc fully understood. THE TIME IS TODAY NOT TOMORROW EXTHE FULL BLIZZARD DROP RANGES OVER SOUTHWEST IN TEMPERATUfB FROM 50 TO 20. TEXAS PANHANDLE SHIVERING At Abilene, Texas, the Temperature Dropped From Eighty two to Twenty-four In Twervty-four Hours Colder Weather Tonfght. Knnsan Olty, Mo.. F'b. It',. All extreme fall In temperature, ranging from fifty d"Kr''eH In Hwlalla, Mo., to at Ft. Smith. Ark., was re corded In the southwest during tho last twenty-four hours. Tho local weather bureau reports the following changex durltiK that period: Concordia, Kunsati, C alwve, a fall of .'12 doKreew. Doilge City, Kantian, I above, a fall of .10 decrees. Wichita, Kanfa. 7 above, u lall of 17 degrees. Oklahoma City. If, abeve. a fall of IIS decrees. Springfield, Mo., 12 above, a fall of 1 1 degrees. A moat remarkable drop In toui vorature was recorded at Ablleno. Texas, when; the temperature is 21 today, after It r'glttrod J2 yes terday. Guild Meeting. St. Philips' Culld met at the pretty suburban home of Mrs. Newcomb yes torday afternoon. Tho beautiful spring like weather enticed many from their homes and much business was transacted. Plans were sit on foot and many suggestions made for inui: ey making during the leutt u season One plan adopted by the ladles will bo very remunerative. Kach lady has pj'dgedi herself to make one dollar. On Its presentation It Is to 'be accotn panltd by a rhyme telling how she made It. Much merriment Is antici pated from this source and there is I ro uestlon tbit If these rffu.etiH I were published the tutu realized from ( their sale would pay the debt on the , rectory. Refreshments have be? nu -j a feature of these meetings and thus t j served by the hostess were very dainty. Next week thu guild will meet with Mrs. MoNanght and a fall attendance Is desired, Tho bearded Indy of museum fame can truthfully say 1ier face is har fortune. TEMPERATURE W KSOffl STOCK IN DEMAND PEOPLE KNOW A GOOD THING AND ARE EAGER TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR. Since the Southern OkluhoniH Fair association -wart organized Monday night fair itock has been In great doniand that Is to say It will have a ready Halo when placed ou the mar ketwhich will of courso be after the charter Is rocelvodi and office and directors for the Institution chosen Thu farmers a. I over this section ot the statu aro very enthusiastic oor tho undertaking and aro ready to get 'n behind it In a substantial lluancln! way as well as to lend their moial support to It. .1. It. Pennington says that the In terest alioady marlfest In tho venture is real y Iwyond his most tnngu!uo expectations and that he Is approach ed every day by someone who Is anx ious and eager to boost It and pur chase stock , It will ho a matter of only a few FARM LOANS $500,000.00 of life insurance money to loan at 8 per cent annual interest. No broKerajje to pay. Privilege to pay oft and stop interest. Large loans handled as well as small. Prompt service. City Loans on desirable improved property. Wanted, to buy some desirable farm lands. A list of your for sale, trade or exchange property solicited. See me before placing your business. O. L. CHANCELLOR Office Handol Hldg., over DI tiler Office phono Ml ites. phone 322. Dry Goods Co. $100,000 TO LOAN on Farm and City Property Most Reasonable Terms GENERAL INSURANCE GORMAN, BOGIE & DOBBINS Over City National Hunk Phone SO ARDMORE, OKLA. daj-H now until tho charter will ibo re turned from Guthrie and who:, it does thu promoters will orgaclzo for bur.lnefcs and the stock will be placed on sale. TILLMAN STRICKEN ON CAPITAL STEPS SOUTH CAROLINA 8ENATOR RE- I muvcu iu ma nunc unucn CARE OF PHYSICIANS. Washington, I). C, Fob. 16. Sen ator Tillman of South Carolina was taken suddenly 111 on tho stops of tho capltol today. Ho was removed to his home un der the earn of physicians. Thanks to Candidates Thu Parkor Printing Co., wiBhoa to thank thu many candidates who have already come forward and had us print their campaign cards and othor literature. Don't wait till your opitonent guts ahead of you, but start NOW. Come to ueo us. Parker Printing Company Ardmore, Oklahoma