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Artmore, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 1910 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. PAGE FIVE ARDMORE AUTO M GARAGE CO. DOES Rcncral LIVERY BUSINESS, makes all interior towns out of Ard morc. Makes all trains, city calls and drives. Theatre Parties Calling Parties Driving Parties One to Seven Passengers City Prices Same as Carriages PHONE 70 DAY OR NIGHT TOM CARTER, Manager COMING Round's All-Star Specialty Company Including His Celebrated Ladies' Orchestra The Greatest That Has Ever Visited Our City ROM'S OPERA HOUSE Monday Evening, Feb. 21, 8:30 P.M. ONE NIGHT ONLY DON'T MISS our big feature pro gram Wednesday and Thursday at the MAJESTIC ROBISON OP! RA HOUSE TONIGHT PRIMROSE ALL. star MINSTRELS Kirst tliiH' in the city 10 IM30PU5 JU Prices: 50c to Sl.iiO. Hntlre biilcony for colmcd People FRIDAY. FEU. 18 V. F. MsuiH presents "The Fighting Parson" A play witli u at Heart Story Pr cos 2re to 1 00 SATURDAY. FEU. 19 Matinee and Niht Famous Comedy Success John Ii. Oumpson ag Ole, and u Grout Cast. Pieces: N.;hl, Sue to $1.0": Matinee, lOuand 25c Kvory child nitiHt hnvu u ticket TUESDAY. FEB. 22 (Washington's Iiirthilny) Mathr e and Night "LENA RIVERS" Prices: Night. Sfic to 1.G0; Matinei-, 10c and L"ic. Tickets on sale at Post's Drug Storo FIRE DAMAGES THE DAVIS PLANING MILL RESIDENCE OF JIM PRITCHFORD ALSO DAMAGED AT EARLY HOUR THIS MORNING. PERSONALS Hie ADVENTURESS "77ie Modern Highwayman THEATORIUM Muslcale Postponed. boon arranged by Clrclo No. 2 of the Christian church, has been postponed Tho inuslcalo which has been an- j untli ROn)0 tuno npxt wt.ek on account fiouncod for tomorrow afto-iioon at of tll0 inclement weather. The date tho bomo ot Mrs. W. It. Roberts on agreed upon will bo announced "West Main street, and which had j through these coluinns in dm time. MONEY To loan on improved FARM and CITY property at low est rate. Uumo to sen mo at First Stat5 Bank. Quick action and satisfaction guar anteed. BYRON DREW President First Stato Hank. PI re of unknown origin wa ills covered In the planing mill of Davis & l.nwronce. located Just off Hrondwny near Washington street, alrtit S.I5 las: night and for a time It looked as though tho plant woul.l he consumed by the flamos, u the wind was blowing a perfect gale and the flro hail gained con siderable headway before being din covered. Tho fire started' In the bum, pro Riimably from ii cigarette or match carelessly thrown by tome one and the damago was confined almost entirely to this (section f the mill. Tho firemen subdued the flames In short order, the loss being estimat ed by Mr. Unwrcnce, one of tho OWIlOrti Of the btlslllOSS. lit IllMIIlt $300, only partly covered by Insurance. iPcsldos the damage to the build ing, a buggy and iimintlty of feed were destroyed. Residence Damaged. At 0:110 o'clock UiIb morning an alarm was turned In from the resi dence of Jim Prltc.hford, corner of West Main and M etreota. This fire was caused by a defective flue and the damago to the house was about $7S, protected by Insurance. i: S I ll ii - of Lindsay Is In the city W P Tu Ui r o; Tulti.t In here to day Hud lloa-vl of Madlll In In the city today. J. 0. ltlsor of (lalnoBvllle U over today on business. "Uncle .llm'' Alvemon I In tho elty front Woodford. K. T. ltlier, tho asphalt mini, Is In the elty today from WoodfrtnK Senator "llud Young" of llorwyn was In tho city on business today. Miss Myrtle Promo left today for Davis where she will visit with friends. K. Ii. Cox of Oklahoma City Is visiting Dr. Howard Cov of Aril more today. P. O. Illnghani, district deputy or giililt'-T fv the Modern Woodmen, Is In the city. O. I). Thomas, a popular knight of the grip or Gainesville, Is In the city. I). II. Fernando, editor and pub lisher ot the Oklahoma Law Journal of Culhrle, Is In tho city today In terviewing the local attorneys. Mr. and Mr. J. II. MiiHgnives of tit. Louis w III arrive in the city I today on a lslt to relatives and I friends. Mrs. Musgraves Is a Bister I of Mesdames W. It. and Tom Hob- erts and John Veil. FEBRUARY SLEET INSURES FRUIT CROP .MONTHS WEATHER MAN GIVES US TOUCH Or SURE ENOUGH WINTER WEATHER. GUARANTEE Aflolnst holni. No more clariilnd If you buy , Opera House Tonight Primrose Minstrels, Id people. Dig post and greitest minstrel oer In tin' -1 1 Opera House Tonight Primrose Minstrels, 10 people. Dig geht and greatest minstrel ever In the rty. Hound's All-Star Specialty company, Including his celebrated ladles' orches tra, opera house Feb. 21, 8:30 p. in. livery baby undo." ono year of ngo In Carter county Is entitled to a flno sold ring by calling at the store of A. II, Uawllns Co. Min&ttcls Arrive, tieo Prlmr so and his aggrega Con of nil htar minstrels, number ing fifty, i.rriveil In the elty to day and hold the bo.irds at the Itolilh'iu tonlqlit. Mr. Primrose Is a pioneer In the mlnstteUy, was for merly "Villi tho Prlmioso & West show, and today he has ono of the few companies composed of white ui lift on the road. The wiiither ninn tuts been glv lug the people of thin section all kinds of weather dining the pnst fen day the balmiest kind of spring weather nnd Just at a time when some were wont to don their summer garments tho elements got bity, tho wind switched to the north and we find ourselves In the grasp of n "norther" tlmt would almost freese the tall olf u bras monkey. Yesterday the mercury In the thermomuter played around In the seinty column, but by nine ol.xk lust night It had dropied down t almost the freezing point, while this morning It Mood at 30 degrei . above zero. While this Is nlKiut fls cold a snap as this section has experi enced nt thlfl senion, our people can probably In- consoled by g lug back a little bit and digging up mine weather statistics. For In st mice, in February eleven years ago the severest kind of weather prevailed, thousands of head of livestock fro.o to death and there was much suffering among the peo pie throughout Oklahoma and the Panhandle of Texas, when the ther mometer registered front II to IS degrees below zoio. It Is a matter of history that I the liinit of wenrtber we are now experiencing Insure a big fruit crop It being claimed by those who have watched the condition that sleet In February Is sure ti re sult In an abundance of all kinds of fruit being produced. At least this has proven to hold good In the past. HnlERronf5, siery All tlio popular ci Int run miihi Ivuyiitinn lotion (medium or Ill-lit wcfichll. fin ill in bone of nil pain Fen I.tntrv IVvDIInii Cnllon! l pan lor vim, ,1 tomanlte I t its tlih fdir ff Attention, Masons. i A meeting of Ardmorc ljdgo No. HI, A. F. & A. M. will be held In the Mnsonle, Temple tonight. Work in the Master' degree. Visiting Masons Invited. !BO. HHICHSION, W. M. o. ii lmucra, Sec With the Sick. Mis. I). W. Dawaou Is reported seriously ;ll at her home. W. It Hoberts, who haa been sick for the past ten days, Is still confined to his bed. but Is some better today. You aro entitled to 20o coupons o.i every 1 cash purchase at tho storo of A. II. Itawllns Co. Ask about them. 13 t Don't mips Hound's All Star Special ty America's greatest one night on ly. Head Ardmorelto Wr i Ads. Exclusive Aent LYNN The Shoe Nan Opera House Tonight Primrose Minstrels, 40 people Hlg gest and greatest mliiHtrel ever In the city. You'll bo fiorry If you forget the Hound'H, Monday, Fob. 21, one night only. CLOSING OUT SALE HAVING DISPOSED OF MY ENTIRE STOCK OF Furniture, Stoves, and House Furnishings to Simmons & Branaugh, who not continue the business longer, have decided to throw the stock on the market and have employed me to close it out at once regardless of cost. In other words the goods have to go. $12,000.00 worth of good clean stock consisting of all kinds of Furni ture, Floor Coverings, Mattresses, Springs, Shades, Cots, Etc. If you need a good Cook Stove or Heater, either in gas, coal or wood now is the time to get it. Everything is spot cash, no charging, no exchanging. Here are some prices, look at them, think of them, and then act when you can. All 75c D grade Linoleum at 52 l-2c All 60c E grade Linoleum at . 45c All 40c 116 Warp Matting at . 25c All $1.00 Duplex Window Shades 60c All 70c Oil Color Window Shades 40c All 40c Water Color Win. Shades 20c All $1.25 Dining Chairs at . . 90c All $1.75 Dining Chairs at . . 1.15 All $2.00 Dining Chairs at . . 1.35 All $4.00 Dining Chairs at . . 2.65 All $2.75 Rockers 1.75 All $4.00 RocKers .... 2.90 All $6.00 itocKers at . . . 3.75 All $10.00 Rockers at . . . 6.25 A thousand other articles must go at same price, nothing reserved. Come first and get choice. Goods delivered anywhere within city W. M. HI L LIS - - - MANAGER uudcr3ln"d Sheriff of Carter County, I now, therefore, notice Is horoby glv, nead Ardmorelte Want Afta. No. Uai No. 671 v.ju a. m. 3: JO p. in S'ews. Democrat .tree sampio mumu: wai DKH1NF. 00., Olilcaifo, HI.