Newspaper Page Text
PACE TWO r-r 3 a LY aai0ErTt Arrvsre, Friday, Feri 23, 1 5 Noah Was the Founder of Indigestion He Forgot to Leave the Pigs Ashore People, in tome -ucr. c. r.v.e s.r.ce left victims o? li'd-cookc d fcod and indigestion. Lard leaked food is no' tit for human stomachs because lard is made froirt greasy, indigestible hog fat and is bound, sooner or later, to make trouble for irour inner machinery. C'AtrAtnt is the only rational, national shortening. It is a pure, vegetable product, and its source ftbc cotton fields of the Sunnr South) is in striking contrast to the i tource of lard and there is just as much difference in the healthfulncss of the two i products as in their tource). C'Atoltnt makes food that nutritious and healthful. If superiority of C'AtrAtnt over itandpoint, lard would never COTTOLENE is Guaranteed Nwr (nA in Rnllc f1'"1 " " 18 "f "Kh' "' lieVcr POlll in DUIK Wf ,, , irA hlvr. nd t,'vT U Made only by THh N K I IRBNK COMPANY - . a. When the Agent Talks Life HERE Anlc hi 111 to 1 tin pan hi figure with them . ( ut thU out, ki it on liiniin, study Wood' raft a 11 ! you 1 an "how it' the beat iniur ance m the orlil FARMERS MEETING MARCH 18 AND 19 CHIEF OF BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY WILL BE HERE AC HICULTUHAL MEN. Ir Knn 1 WwklilitKtou, i In.-f o. ihr liarfau of plant IniHiatry for th ( BttAd Statm mnriii. in Arilmorc ri-t morth IN- will In liin'l h.-i h, -Mr -!.... I' cf k ' i timi i ' i' . i i r if 'i" i .'IT ill i r ,li Y. j , ' ! , . n i i i 1 .if' i . Tutt'sPills atlmuUte the TOIU'ID I.IVIiP. trtnifthcn the Of icentl c crrn. rcruUtc the huorli, and are un cqualcd at an ANTI-HII I0IJS MI DItlM , In mulurlal JUtrkU their vlrtura re widely rrcinnlrj, n they p" xii peculiar pnipertlcii In Irrtlnt the )ntcm frum that pvlKjii. gantl)' ni(nr coated. Take No Substitute. Insurance 0. any stomach can digest palatable, American housewives but knew the lard, both from a practical and health again enter any well-regulated kitchen. ARE SOME FIGURES Plr' an iim;nt Ih.icjJ H-jti-m r 1 lifcneflM paid to Jan I, Wrt. tlH.vl ! 7 7' Vvtk K' of mTnbi-mhifi in 1'fOH, yearn and I month Average mortality per 1,000. si per runt A oraif amount i-olli-ctnl pr II, 'ii in surance In 112. Total Income during bOi, IB. 1 19. II I Total illnhtjrn"T7!'nth "luting I9uS I7.0ij Htirplii lor lt0) IH.SHT.l't Kxpnnn of management for IWrS wa V pi-r member. It ix the moil economically managed in-nurani-e noeli-ty In the world During Wf.t mom than one hundred thou land men were granted Woodmen rer till'.-ates If you want to JOIN THE WOODMEN OP THE WORLD ami j(f t the bent irnurarr Hen any vii l-er, fir all 'it -rit; J. . tm MM Orjismr. ,.1 t . II-TC . Ill "i.-'t in 1 1 ir' i m tin irr 'il'ijra I -Hi j'i'l i nirii ll m- tin- , .i ;.il.l. F'H ' Klllint IH' KIV'II in :ln thK- mcIiikiIh of IliMtru' uii ir ilayH .in o"i'ital(iii lor lh'-raili"-inK of th- moat pmrolnt-nt anriiHurlta nl atork nfiMr In tii- mail- nr two dya m-n of lc.t :irnlnir I i Hi- artctK of UK-ri'ii'tur- will r .-' vi .ik-iii how to Impart fii- nl-'lK- ff farmer In t a may kriovvl-1r- - an lit- p- I i piia! on th" farmii In fhJaijua;.i Scri-ry Mr f n alii makf t-y-ty arrnKmn' 'i' In nv-!inin- f fhi- lOfrft- ,nv ii. ih of th- opinion mat rhi-1 ! .11 attract th 14-adlnn ax i 1 1 i.-4il- f th- itat- PILES CURED IN 6 TO It DAYS. OLN-r.MHNT la ipiarante.-d to ''(' ar,y aa of IU:hln-. IMInd, i1'llriic or l'ntnilln lll In to u 'li or money riftindid. 50-. Avoid :ht Fii Ruth, i-i'l iv time hy plArlax your loitu r'i KiKht jkt -nt money on ' 'ii. v. 1 'ity proper' r 11 TOOK i i !.i i .i rant ( , -i l ' r . I , p , 1 n , i VVTu liuv. n-lland rt'iitoonntry w and i-ity jiropi-rtv. Wo now ha vi t hi- u'iMicy for Colh'L'O Hill Addition. 'J'hn'i L'orjd Main Strci.'t hiiildinifrt for kiI Also hoiiP! of the clinic.' lots in High land Park. Scij us for bargains of all kinds. Wo mak" loans. Kinkaih1 Realty Compuny J'hono ft 111 W. Main Su -Si FURNITURE FACTORY CUSTOMERS COMING THE FRALEY MILLS MAKIMC MIS SION FUP.NITUhE, STUrtt F.A TURE3, ETC. AVliA to '.' Ri.l Ul plt WV 1 b j taT lirned tbr St T hint m furniuir or wd ork h"r . -r than tndiajt y for It. W r. uk cr of x -m more orl5ff PLATE RAIL. MISSION BOX SEATS. SKIRT BOXES, LAVM SEATS, COUNTERS. OUILTINC FRAMES, STORE FIXTURES. o-jt of tows orX K;vcn ;ronpt av '-it.on All bU;Mr will and It to ti!r ntT-t to l im do their mil: r'UAI.KVR PLANS NO MILU H T. Hunt. Mam:r A Safeguard to Children. Our two rhiblrea of lx and eight .im havt- bn Hi or Infaary uuh-;i-t ' tu rolda and rroup Atoot tkr rtarn ao I aUrvd to u Foley' Hoik-) and Tar, and It han never fall 'I to pi r vent and cure tbe iron-il-H It i th only m.dtcine f ran jet the hildrn to tak" without a ro'." The above- from W. C. Orntila, Treen Ray, Wit . dupllt thn mt per1n of tbomiandi of other inert fn' Kolejr Honay and Tar. It i urn tour hi, mlda and rroap, and pre renta bronciiitl and pneumonia. Sold by a'l dnwtlata. No. Maiid- dear tut t f'.li- i (iietkn niimw 'ii to jh 'i mil' h l ot 'o hull l jn' o' 'r. ..",iii hunica w- Mere Vihlng rever Qrlngi Succen To make a turew in the cu.-.- of Kidney, flladdtr or Rbuumatlr trou ble take Hall' Texan Wonder, it fle quick and permanent r-lief Write for taatimonlnl. K. W. Mall 1926 Ollvw St., St. Ixwlt. y Sold by all dnntulaU ll anlj a hricV. n ide u' i lav .in Mi Finnrlorinn wonders Junt rh HiirKly nn rain and nunshlni rnUi'H rropH. It produiM'S n thirl growth ol l'i jrlant lilr when nl other renio Him full H it cuarantei DandiTlne. All (IniKKUtisolllt -Wc Vjr anil tt per bo' t o To provo lt worth fend tins ail with 10c in nt.impi or ullvnr and "'it will mall vou a lari freo narnple KNOW LI O.N I IAN DKItlN'K CO . i hltazo. Ill Pro. W. C. . da.-.'Ua csirA S.; Mod of Jin!hm-r. V.- J Freedom la ! (''. Pir. ii VartlM m To'' Fact at Trie Are. T.-.e taieaant4 appanr.s- .. ;.. i.n.i" &apr o? to 23rd in it ur. r . adiaji. The RevoiatMMianr i-i.r. Still Li.e." ar to far at ar- ' n-- rm 'b 'nitb in the eaae that I a: 'om polled in -lr-d,Jen and ' :n defense of the Marietta cboix to u yrit pnt;icatoa of lb facta aa I -i til them. H. i-iuae of the arranaeraenca of the Kx-r it!-, e Com ml tee of th South--a.. n Stat Teachers' .vaaociauion ,4i Tie Ardmore meeting shoold b t '4 m Kriday. rVb. 22Hb. rather than o.i Wa.iliurtor. birthday, aa 1 th "iViit, '.he M:lefa racol, in order to rombne effective tchcol vsr'- with TR E PATKIOTISM. arranaed for a pa:rioi vrtUfr. on the 22nd, and a holiday on the 2r,th. B.ry room cele-br.-d the day with appropriate er cl in the room l nr. an-l th entire al'ernooo aa riven a a time of re, and further ceiebration in attending: a Waohlnaton tea tfven in the home of ' one of our btt ritz;n ?1asa f'oated oter acbool tmlMla'i. room werx ap propriately 4evratvd, and the true tpirK of patriotism prevailed every where. A pptl'kja ntxn'ii by mow thirty pnpiU out of an attendance of four hundred m I our eyos when we r ach ed tb fxnrcfetlow duiklin Tuesday mornlnc. It waa taVen tip in mornira eserctaea in th aiM-mbty room; the pupil rerelred an explanation of the coodliiona an atated above, aad were aed for tlx-lr opinloa aa to the ad vltabili'y r.f bavins; the Keion a ar ranged. Wttoout exception all thought it wine Fourteen boy falleil to ap pear in school who had been on th" around and raed the petition. These boy did net make h" demon , atration an stated, but wont out to a ' firm-house a mile (rum town and ! uperi the day. When th fourteen boy were arraigned iieit mornina for truani), 'bey, every one, admit te' thf-ir wrocj and our fairness in dealing aith the mat'er and It ?oe without caying that the Superinte f, iiii i measurina out to them im proper antidote a forfeiture of .. fijii di time 'l irlna : i-resHeji and af er t,ii' 'niir. arid ."'i oer rent o(C of .I-.. I .MirTri,'--t arad. THL'S VI K". KH TO TRUANTS whore t - i, r. l"t lit .i Ma- : . t'l :. jT'.';- 1 l'. . . , ' OR- j ; .. i -i Bowel Tonic For Old Folks Free No muter how soun . ..t ' i , n,y old people are they mi I -uf. r ith their howi-U The maclnmry ..i the -ttm (Iik--.ii t wurli ai it did when they were yitinR anil active. Hut while you can't restore youth jou can help to live more pleasantly. 'I I at a lai.ilivc l neAlnl i yi ry llttlo M il.- tiy rM.-uli. hk they jjel niunil fifty ii i l yoni. tt.ere In n d'Milit hwt It u lni. riant which laxative i t!ien. "'I f" I-"' ortien and all. xi'-pt Ihoio i fe In trie prime uf life, nho'jld a. 'I'l .in-.lhltu; kIvik a ho. It to V n nytim nil. nlilih t leni U but a fmporary if dlnt. Amnns ihene are 1 1 ami . itli.utlc tnbl'-ti. aln and 'VaNve -,item. They -r ton ntron 1 t'lly do t'-mporary irooi). N.,t only t 1, it, they rially tilml the bOwrM r.rt Uy W it miii w.irit In ROinelhlnK Hint will r-S .iti.- the Uiweln uml nolii ;. t them It l ie r ii,t of pi-rfnrmlnt; a .-ertaln r in 'Ion at a certain time, whllo nt the m III" tonlni: nml trenKtii.iiini: the l' of Oie itomarh and liw. It Much a remfdy In Jjr Caldwell's Syrup I'ep. r and If vuu havn never ui It it t' diKi- r m-nd vim a jitniile txittle f of rarer In thin way ou ran try It f.iir t i o.l All ilriiintHt ll It at rrt centi anil one dollar n, liottle, and II -B who hive uti-d It will continue to Imv It It In (ile.-isnnt tu take, very ef. live and very ei-onomh a a a hotma I rrni--dv. aa nil the fair.llv run uas It Hut Or Caldnell la raiter to I urn n l riadera utinriiiulntid with It to and r r a free narnple. Tl'-uaarda of old people and lieds of re ni-ver wlthnut It fur In thl wi'' the-- mrn and avoid mrirtlp.itlnn, 1'ver trouhle IndlitrMlon, aour atnmacb, ? ,k, , I" I'll fhr alreplneM after eatlnic. Iie'-hlnir and clmllar atnmarh. liver and J'',w,: dllurlances. Mr. Tlllle Koman. 101 Wautanca street ICnnxvllle. Tmn.. nd T II Marshall. Nail. Okh hi well a; thnua.mda of othera. attrllmtn murh of their tueaent Rood health to thla rnd laxative tonic lr Caldwi-ll perannallv U lie pinned 1 to i.-ivc you any mrdlrnl ndvirn you mav nealre for youraelf pr fiunllv ;iert.inln to the rtnmarh, liver or lioeU nhuilutejy fri-e of rharce. Kxpl.iln vour nw In a letter and lie will replv to you In detail. Kor the free a.impln almply m nd your name nnd mlilrma on a postal card or ntherwle lor either reiieiit the loctor'a addrtaa l Or W. It, Caldwell, It ill Cald well hullillnf. Montlccllo, III. Canterbury . 7t - ; T-vjbie U Tall Hi- .', . t Rat. r SniS the Air nt '. Thi to Atte-.d , ; i j A kno-Aia me as you 2o j.:A i. -very Ardmore citiaes, df. I aondr toat you aire apace or crl eaoe to nch uareaaoaaMe thlm;s I aV for a correctkm and I am ur that you will do me the deaened r , -o make it fully. We contend that these t did not dVmorstrai the :nt American spin', tor that is True Patriotism. Loyal' Respect for Authority, sad all bt foea with progressive school work .Vnd further the Xo-A c itisens do a-re wi' eoamad such a departure from !' path of right Very sincerely and reaoedfuliy W (' PA.VTBRBL'RV. Super in"-nde: TaVe.i Tea Seriously. The ArlOMwelte :a's p!eaiiur.- in publiabrBi; the letter from Supern tentteiit Canterbury The story reach ed as throi?h one of the oxi p-opl-of the town. We did not mean th t the boys literally threw th" tea over board snd cro'd the Delaware amid floating ire during a storm of -t aaad snow. w do not want to n courage th boys ic doin? wror.t; out etery tc-arher must know how dlffi U it Is for him to instill the true Ami r lean spirit into the boy a exemplnl -d ii the life of Wa-ihlncton without x inx them that darin? spirit of u. pe.dencw that must aosert itself :: the 22nd of February. We bell--., la the American !yy. w. iooV: to him for Jtrr.'U 'hitvs. e believe he would undergo the hardship of ValVy Forge to obtain his riRBH and . ev : murmur Ool blesit the- Am-.i-.i.: boy Somitimev our symjja'hi'-i are with the teacher who miu' be worried by h'- American spirit a it Mm timer itfierts itself. Ho'Vt Thlt? We offer One Hundreil Dollars Re ward for any caie of Catarrh that can not be cured by IfaM's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHBNBV & CO.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, hav Known V. J. Cnny for the patt fifteen yoars and beMere him perfoctly hon orable in all business transaction i and financially able to carry out any otillgntion made by bis firm. Waldins. Klnnan & Marvin. Wholesale Dmlsta. Toledo. O Hali's Catarrh Cure, is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the ystens Testimonial tent free. Price "'i cents p-r bottle. Sold by all dm?- TuXe Ha . Fam.Iy fill for ' on-Ip-itioi. dirw ACCIDENT AT SULPHUR. Van Bruised by Boulder from Blast. Street Paving. i..iiiir. Okla., Fob. St. Struck by "iniclomerate oouliior hurled by a j an fin-d by tbe lvi'joy k Russell i-oi.ntruction comiiany of Oklahoma City, wlio are grading and iruttTlns Huii.iiur'n rfildi'iice Htn-i-U, .1. W. Oinn fon-nian of th- lilaxtliit; nans, li'i dunK-ruuI wound I'd. uff!iins fr-:n fivi' liioknn rllw, a damaRod Him .mil ,i UUfiKiirwl fan-. Tin fori'tuan 4(tfr flrlnK thi shot ran in-hind a rifildi'nfi' whire ho thnui;ht bf aould I' 3fc' frm flylntr rock. Hut u tMHililnr lrhliis fifty pounds wiiifh ir.d ixii'ii hurled hlsh over th' hous. -hi' uKn him. triklnu him In tin- ri jnil crushing hlni to th lartli. !n falling his fafp struck n lioulili-r anil ai lirully hrulHi-d ,nnl ili-f'ftur'i. With tin- iumiiIiis of thi wild wave, the Shelby Downard Iaint; company reunird ork on lu pavinR contract In i In- IiuIii.'hk wctlon of Sulphur , Sulphur loi'r of the inovinn pic tun- show are lieins entertaliuM this week li the iiiwIkij- artist, Duke II. I.'i- of Vlririnla and Wyoming, with hl fllmii of th' cowboy paraili-, rop I nK i-oiiti'Mi ami broncho liuiitlnu re i ci-ntly held In Oklahoma f'lty. Tin Central Presbyterian chunh ol Sulphur tins drawn on Virginia for Its pastor, Itev. A. I). Wauchope, who will pn-a li hi initial sermon net Sunday. Hoarse Coughs, Stuffy Colds pain in chest and sore lungs, are symptotng that quickly develop Into a dangerous Illness if the cold la not cured. Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough, heals and cases the congested parts, at.d brings quick ro ller Sold by all druggists. THE KING DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR COUGHS amd COLDS. FOR WEAK, SORE LUNGS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, HEMORRHAGES AND ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES. PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I regard Dr. King'i New Discovery at the grtadest metUdae of evaders timet. One bottle completely cured rae cf very bad ccogb. which was steadily growing worse under other treatment!. EARL SHAMBURG, Codell, Kai. PRICE SOo AND tl.OO 3 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C ARDMORE PHARMACY Our .facilities for furnishing you with ELECTRICITY For iiht. power and heat are unexcelled by any .!ty in the state. We also endeavor to employ gentlemanly drivers t j supply our wants for PURE DISTILLED WATER ICE and THE BEST OF MOLESTER COALS Our many pleased customers are the best eviderce of the juality of our products. Any irregularities will be promptly and gladly corrected. Phone Ardmore Ice, Light & Power Company A Sunday At a popular price at the ADRIEN HOTEL Best in the city Meal Tickets and regular Table Board nest ousinesu property o:i Main btroet ot bargnin. U'o will loan you money on both city property anil farm land at the moi-t reasonable rate of interest. W. S. BECKHAM CAFE (Gilmer Hotel) Entire ntsw uian.if,'ument. Strictly tirt class new cook, new waiters and a new and delightfully eflicient sorvico which jileascs ovi-ryone. Finely appointed ladies' and gent lemon's dininj.' room. Surpussingly good regular meals, tlio best in Ardmore for S5 cents. Lunch counter, linest steaks, chops and short orders served at tables or counter. Call just once t.) be convincc.l. Open all nijrht. Best Meals in Ardmore for 25 Cents T. N. COLEMAN ... THE CITY DRUGGIST . . Telephono . - . . . g w MaJn st Use Ardmoreite Want Ads OF CURES Dinne: Your Money In real estate. 1 here is no nfrr investment on earth, in fact it is tuo earth. (3et a piece of it. We have on our list some of the best bargain that have been of fered in Ardmore. Here arc some of them: 3 houses and lots close in for ll.SOO. An entire block close in on Main St., with 3 ro-i1 house, and all mod ern conveniences. Vou will be surprised to llnil how cheap this property can bo had. Home of the SMITH