Newspaper Page Text
pace rou Ardrnre, Friday, Febr-ur 25, 1V0 Bail? Hromorcttc. LUNG HEMORRHAGES ' SOUTHERN TEACHERS GUESTS OF AROURE B th AOMOITC PUBLISHING CO I TOOK PE-RU-NA caw si"r ' - l .t .: t-ay 5 - -I J ' ' r . - d.' ooi- t ax In 1 f-ota ' a irtt . a - o. '. - - n . Sir " O . Fifty Yean the Standard V-d at tt YfVn'.'M at A" as "itUM Ma-vr official "paper CARTER CO A MO THE CITY OF AROWORE ;r if la la tbe Ar4avff'. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION The all Atmit tf,- Year . ''-' at Moat '' The VfH AJnareite pr Ymr f Ma -ttx Moata rnrse Mflttftt J'. Pbonea. fi .alas Vuirri (lffl: ii .itf Miter Office 4 Umt Dtataaee IM Any rroao rncttM et tb ' a a racier, ataadiai or reputation of any 'ir a . firm or eoraoratloi l wbe tmr appear eolaa&ae of Tao AMaeorett tll be gladly 'of rutod aaoa IU being browgat to '.be tttewttos of th Biimiit Extern Reprt tentative!. ' Wav D Ward. Trtbon Hnlldlnc Mew Torfc. Chicago Repretentative. f. f. Hurla. 1S4. Marque Ho) Mm : a yj, : Ardmere, Fnda. Februar 25. H10 VBLCOME TO TtACHEP.b. 'J t popi" .. n. I. (..:. ; '.' I '! At' '(! ' J K4)Ma III ArulOOfe 4 I' ( . or (An att(ot(" portion oi t.i ' , u. .. '. in eate on. ' u. nnf-j -1 ' on the par. ..: ue A. "R part o. ; ' .i. entire ' ' of fa- u;i i Mir iaiiiktr. ' "U." midat in -4 nolesoen in; i i. . art- glad to yoe wtthif, 'ui '. and in ru iira Toil at ,ii.infw, yu i r. goo tbitHI. y if lonwastkro ioa , werd Um upliit f namnrr. uiri , mar COod wrh 4v-nai ih- pror irftlnlag of th t-Miitrcii ! OkU.t ..'i ' .iwl yon feat In four won MpnrStion of orry ckmI iti VV cun m' u la I, yon tbar nr i4 iit cant aDKrtiR pln' hi.- -,m ar la iIm- r-at at- .ibama wnr- ducat lni '-ma flrat, rbrc cood rhml lionu -r W-lag Lrtallt and lir- -'iff ! i, ?niMla ai at aaldn to inalntain i'tHri. Yon Utm III a a'atM that a jir. dat oar aorrteoa aad pa icxni iUrta but atlll aa a pnfxlon x"i I may Im undrpaH In many lnaUn and tixin jmr own actlrliy tltx-nW 'ho a'Ur or br1nflr lh pay of fK'-hMrt op lo th lorM wlwr'- It "n W- art- Hh 'm In -iTy U-l.ili'n- undertaking W- li'ip- ymr iy In th -ltr lll ! pl-aantit and yon a III f'urn 'i ymir Ii'him i;ijiy In Ui tfionahl that n .l!, 'l 'l-nor WI33 MIMETTC POMTtH M N n-fi V,tur. I -.T V. a'nl, irr! V" : ''f hT f) t.-"i Wy I-ruBa. "I had fcTfl ftfr.' 'rr.l - V lmjr. Thi linrxntu did n h 1 p fr.i nnrb and "WW nrr hxi- 'of-l bk. "I mw a WUm'sfiiiJ ia a Pru I miai of kiiii ilmtlir u. mi aw, inrt I rnansl naln? It. I ioa a fir. Ifartania tnt aylrle. II kiodlf t r.. f flri. "f m not aM U nail on my If hn I tin tulnx II. I cam) ay ..!y at flrat, bot I moid that it helping ra. "Afur I ha1 ttken It a :.l. I mnv r.. n'-l to ralJK" np a neinxy. iky, 'ifM'ani from my lonf. Tbia rw and laa In loantlty a I roatiataari tb tmatnvnt. "I Kt.- mori flhy than t bad tma tot a loo; tin, and novr 1 call atyaalT A Bad Coulli. Mr. Kmmi Martin, ' Ma, Mo., mtWff. "I cannot tkanlc ym ooaath f'f ' urln m. "Y'it ro yr I doctored my naifh, hfh rt"l mi many tlulUr. bat atlll I "ibmI to Kt worn. My cook h wa ao bad I ronb! not alenp. ' Finally I parchawl a U.til ,t nana. Altr thiUMOf alx l.ii.- .' fcJ that I am curd." J'.pl who ohj"'! t'i'iii I ii -.hi inca aau ii'.'v cqi I'eruna ti ,!(,. 1 JTO Th Clima" a Great P'a t.ia day of dramatic 'l-irtr.ty ttaft) ta f antral tooi (or 'b- a craK play la tb wrmgH aotna fir th drtrd wrf. K t a aoai tlr rcltrf to oelronv- aoea a b-n Vito ac4aiMy rrat play ttko-Th'- ("limat." If ther fea inch ft thia aa piid- la tbo br-aa of the tht-r aqdVnf1. Joacph H Wttier. wno produced "The f'Hmax,' Kdvard lxrk. It author. Jtmt-pb Carl Bri; -otntio"f 'if h In ldntal iru: ard 'b ;layf!i alxi inak- ip th (xt. aricild i- rt.i'- upon t h--ro In "i iaua" of th- alan' mMi' an: . .uion o w- m - I- s draw a. Tfc r- --' i;i,-..d i -i Hair. In "Th- fMrnax" fa at prewat th runfh dtroaa4 menial antciiori Thli ho'-M:r." pb ''1m i t-,--. - K . t.'i baa who, in ord'-r to fol io a 'hat mi'Ui rh-wSp. a nuuf ca rtr r. Haywood inployi mental .'.KXr:-n to dtrr,y tae irtrt'a WI ;ty to fnx. aid r'e4a in doiot nodlnx bra !f dprtTd of ber iptrf. Adoliaa fonsafnt to weal Dr. Kayroocd. on tb4r bridal moretaif, a- -So tor. affthned with roaaora. rrr. his porfMy. w! m-i.i r -ror hr vocal facn:iy. ar.d tn- ttaartor wftbdnva. lea tin it to riapaiBM and sook- Th- rllmax" will be aeea at the iio i -on opera bouse, Tharsdajr atcfat s open Tuesday atoralnK. of -! i V.-. )' . .. . T.T Ton Vied ith iadUetlon. con--' no spytlt- or fl billon. '): -r.h;: '.n S'omafh an'l !-': . , w,'! i -.v.! aei - i e . fit - - M ' . aka 9tz- i - r .- . t .-e latrdilacea to ije . -. who were 4-'.llrt4 la -.. any coo rt -!- tba- th- . - . rr.icded. r .- t- ' h- ra from th ?oa be;- .-: .Normal at Intrant arrlrcd jrat-r morula aad were ap with the lark .K.I ruornlna arranxtr.a: tb"lr ft' 1 ' a. ? old 9cott-Drd-n ataad. Tnt SstJtheasterr! Nerrral. . Ta faculty of the Sontheaa::.. ' Norma! bare irrancv-d a dlaplay ' jtb'- work of tM- arhoo! at tftla u:.J. jlaz. Mr. Panl Liird l -bsinnaa of t committee pl-cti for tbia porp'w- ! and has bf-en aaaiated moat capar.i by Mian Thatka Baker. Mfaa MrK I ney and Mlaa Joe Terlon who mail- many helpfal monUoaa for the a: rancemrnt of the eshtblt. The other Trafher arrlvr 'rrl-.. rorn. Mr. M. R. Mooro. formerly of M rietta. ia the ;-ldnt of the aorma and will e t :: tnbrp4 by Ardmo t'athe'H. with nnrh pkaaure. a or. 'of th- ;ntnntor In h inrrr.a! o Dr.PRICE'S CREAM Baking Powder l Guarantee ef Light, 3wmmtP Pure, Wholesome Food 169 HI ll -. ! PERSONALS I III CONTEST il'ontluuod from imatr ouei :.-eiaKn aa portrayutf In beautiful :H 11- aniiurm and :. ' inilrably aulW to th- iibj t nii . aompkon I one tit the littu mv ' i of John II. Morgan an.p .ind - 'li ue oti laat nlRht I lie .d ..ii . i preaent audlbl) niutl'ir'l iu iilaa our llttlo aoutluT . t ' I aria of the Hour." was handled i i a very entertalnlu way by J-an ii 'to Nhoiicln- Hit volc' a line, ii' rJeili-ry aeeiiied p-rfi ( ' In t la- hmm ' ho doa not undi-rxtaiid how to lount pol'ila In con tn and hud Dm- i no aubject b--n hauilled iiy a boy "ui la the aamu nRectlvi- inm imt It would probably hv won 'I'd" liRiir" f upeech "I'iarla ot the Hour" !' ikn Ui bi inothi rliiMMl woman I'lM-re wr M-nti-ncia of lottle ami Ai'dom au1 ekM(uenc' i'oiiiliiii-i. lohn Ktlwarda of th Mnlra ta'kod tb N'obkt tiff aprliiK of the i lines." Ilia comparlaon of AiikIo moii rlvlllaatlnn with Am Tlcan H ii.a'kHi would KVe credit to any m iteaman on Mi) iM-caaUiti 1 1 In i-oii - iiakin no tilt- nohli'Kl oIThii.ii of tlm. wax AtiHTlean I'lvlllaatkni O'hrr -lvll it Ion H Iihv tHUKllt lieoplf " i te for I heir o u intercata b'lt X'nerlriin c'.vllltlon h lauaht tin -in '.. rem-t the ilglita of othi r. The ' K'Httht waa Hiiperb The uiuhIc for the orcaaton was nn 'U r tst direction of Mlaa Van Worincr. i Ma portion of lh program aa full "' Interest and the iiiaKiilAr.-m m ' oi of so many puptla aa aang a out ' nm aavti unmlatakaiile evidence thai ' kindly, yi forceful inuiti-r aa lit i ii' helm. Th octet tt. and the Im l rial Quintette covered themachm n h alory. V iimmt. IniwreatliiK aiM-ctai ular feu 'ii. ' of the entertainment waa a .tap- hh lire Mrlll by the pupil of White, director of manual tralulug. Itv. Italic Handera ami Mr. dm n' lly lik )rl In the relUloim porilnti the program. Hllperltlteli'ient i:iiiih wua llellght- 'I with th marner hi which the pu I'lla Mi'4llltte theniKei'vcx anil the M-nt whb one iu which iMiplla urnl pirmita nllhe were ilnllnhteil An attui'K nr the nrlp ia often followed by ii piiralituut roueli tthlnh In ninny i-ilwa pmvos a unmt nti tKiyance (MiiiiiiImh IuIii'h CoiivIi Itein 'dy luia been oxtmntl wily tiaeil nml xlth kooiI Mllei'tnia for tint riilinf .mil rurn of t Ii Im coiikIi. Mnny caam have Imen cured afier rill otlier nuii m!x IkiiI filled. Sold liy .-all ,e:i. I :l Wolllilll'f It be better fill ill fi leler til the vented llitere tM ,u 'lie ii n( I'liftt' t ' ... en t ' i Dcmett c Science Exhib t .1 i ,f f,. . . u .1 - - ,' ii-! . . ; .. d, -t i . xi.i 'i. v ,- . M - M K ' i ' ! j.-t, i a ..-- i" i :'i : is .! ., M. K t ' j V. ' C iXi . a 1 . u , , J ' i p ic- ih' .1 I: .-...ra' ii left ' . . ''.! 'i vlalt ti OKI mmia '!' (JeoTK' Hl'iiinoiii .Hid If' "f for nln r nnltorn here tola Hon. A K Kddleniiiii of Mari'tf.i waa here today nttendliiK court Attorney J. P. Hledsiif wnt v. I'nula Valley today on leal bunln'i M. (1. Nor veil, deputy marnhal from M i rietta. was a vialtor here todn) Oaear Hitter of the firm of III"' r (trot hers i In Oklahoma ( In lay. '. K. Htewart. a former msIiImii of thin cit, la here from VMn-t'H' Texaa V. II. Ilatla la In Inim h.- t r ri'ory to Hp'iil u f' i;ih h-n with IiIm f.imlly. A. J. f'raln of Itirff wan leu- to day en route home after ;i iNIt to IMillitH aouth. Ch.ii V '.Ullter left IimIi. for i ImihIiiii ktxit to point In iioi'Ik iii Oklahoma W N Morlfan Jr has " l irri' d from .i liiiia lo iximt, m nonher.i OkUhoma. T ll f.i'iiy ami lliir fathe;. 'nl to .Sulphur today where -he epeet to buy aomc horaea Ml May Career of Karim-' n Hi.- TeH, Is ill tle illy the (fie (if Mr. and Mm. ' O llnrw . Hi k W It SiM Ik- ,H to.! , v In: a bunliM-- in Temp. oin.i JiiiIk I W Hiirreld m ,n I'.tul V i t l'M.' i ii citdliu '. 1 till 'me neap. THE GHEAT ROOT JUICE WILL HE HERE III THE MORNING THE WONDERFUL HEALTH CRC ATIN& DISCOVERY WILL BE AT CITY DRUG STORE W. 0. FRAME. PROP Ou nun ii ii i. t i ii , i H - . . Hiild ULMIIII l.e ll. lliIKi ..I.. I umcoteiy sod ai man) r . . n . . ... e IOIU Ol Ule i,:i... . . I'll i It Ve tew ii.iit Mil. i i II' .1 I I K.llUk litWi. Jll.l .... i ill h ' i: M'jll a i.i . ' ii e t ,n I iUi 1 1 n . in i:.j nai Maui' i i t ne i i . . iii.iiiIiih i ! i ... in a iiiiiire , i.f II k i.. . ' . IIUIIlll -!.- "1 . IU. U.h.I I ,. . ., mit i and hohc ot i .-1 . . . are uintoa too ui. m . ... aald that ma y pi op:. :.. i,.i.i 'Up hope of ei-r .eelHK .i,!i. , .: 'day -even hoiiiu w hum He i.i-i l . tora of the oiyitr hud p iii.oii'. i I m jcninbic ufti r tnkiiiK i he jnii i a.-ii.i.i while Were realoretl Iii pill. ii ii.. ill. i ' I lie l. liud) aeelilK to ieinui all h.-L-' llt'K. 1 1 OKI the olll:i h. iHinils ,l!,il bluililer. anil noon ho Ik a s th.' K d;n a il livr that the Mood mil. n.' and IiIimiiI llltirlng orKaiia vkmk n. ':..i!ti. unlmin. Then all foi in of In Ut ion. Im IcIiIhk, heartburn, ik In ad:i,'l)i' ! and con nil pat Ion me .tiled as tie can-.' li.u lii'iv 1: ...i m tlllll it clli'i H I'hellllllltlxtil Ii) i't veil. iiiK f i ne n ation in ih,. ton..n U a imihi'Ik and by mUIiik th.- Iviilmi t h'-allli ami the at t eni-l il to tilt ; .1 in cumulated acid troni the ni.iod 'I n l'!er nil., told Hie ill IMOIMti a tlom noiiM ln'i.i in the moi'iiii; I'll) Ilnitf st.ire, V I! I'i. urn I' . Hoi t .l.lli e Is $ It liofMi Til i in' I i i 'o I ' '.'l WELCOME TO THE TEACHERS T' -''ire i .tend a hearty well one 'I' i ,i' to th- Sol'lnrri Asyocia 'rl-i I .f'd a 1 V'-HfirJ to ij y I'i.i ' I t 1 ' o'l !.. -- , it to ' '. - a'.H.oi- .i ; irt ot tie M.ii.- 'r r .' . . i . 1. 1 rt -in I.' - ' i USE McCALL PATTERNS DD YOU want to make, jn your own home, wlti ir h:i:idf. Ciothlnn for yourxelf an1 your .1 niiht. 'f wltli h l" alrsolutely arctirat - . .1 up to t.n r..o:i" r.t in style? Voit will 'ha. n '1 with tV.r -l-np it lty and .'urprlc,.l '" fnd how 1'i.y it is follow 'hern In you HOME DRESSMAKING. THE MOST MTRfkCTIVE FABRICS FOR SPRING WEARABLES ARE SHOWN IN OUR PIECE 000DS SECTION THIS WEEK cr before this carlv haw w been so well jjrcjjared to meet your exerv demands. If you want ine-j)ensit- material our prires will apjjeal to you: if you prefer the popular priced material we ave excep tional values for your consideration, and if you have a desire for the finest and newest fabrics for the new season we are equally well prepared to meet the demand. A visit to our store verifies every assertion. I Ail ill i MiCall I'alUrn Si.. 3243 M.W JI'KINr, T0IU.7TL Complete Showing of Pongee and Foulard Silks Indro, Salome and olhcr of fhc most prominent Silks for this season are shown here in all of the best colors- INDRO" (fie of the moHt luautlfu. .w well as ser W'fiihlc Shantung H. anil, T. productlonR of Hip u.-iatcM mil It hIiow bin natiirnl and a complete i.uiue or populai colorliifRi. a ynrd $7.00 FOULARDS The oholeeht Cheney Brothers produr-ioiik-Iii an nlni-t endlina variety of pat d A ft lerna amlwil be found here at the yard 4 1 iUL BROCADED TUSSA A aoft rllny material hhown or the lht time thia Meaon. Heaittiful ratiKe of ii'irlnu-.. Hpl mlid value at a j.inl. 50c 30 INCH PONGEE. Ill blue, natural and black; thin 1c. MinietlihiK yuti will mil find Iu 1'iiri store, 'he yard ODQ 27 INCH TAFFETAS, In hairline atrlpe In every iH-piilar aiirlntt tone; an exceptional ff -f 1J aiue, at a yard 41 11 3G INCH TWO TONE TAFFETA moit dcalrable fabric for dn r apring wearable,,, marK-d onlly ... $ 1.00 Beautiful Woolen Dress Goods and New Linens Several large shipments of new Spring Suitings placed in stock the last week. New Dress Linens at every price stage. NEW SERGES in the fuvored gray tones for the new .-ds n, light, medium and daik, inches in wid-!i. will he found here 4 at on j iP I FRENCH SERGES that are 44 Incho wide, In deep bla k. and a complete raiiRo of popular SprltiK tones, 'iv liKht weight fabrics, and stH tly ff 4 puie wool, leading values at ) 1 FANCY STRIPED PANAMA, ami Ilenptllnt- stripe in i.lack on y, a most lieautlfiil material for a nice skirt. 14 Inches wide, and Is Kiiarr.btecd P to p.- ewry thrmiil wo. I, a, the jmnl P PONCEE LINENS Will be morn used tills season t.iati any prevloiu time highly merctrled: have the ipjiearance of fine J'ongeo Silk; -. lee ranfiu of colors nt JjQ NEW LINENS For Spring Wash Suits, Skirts and i hlldrens wearables, full .10 inches wide, strictly n lifeii fabric, shown In the best spring 01 i.lir'.iiKs, at the yanl i Jl NEW SUITING Iu stripes and outline chicks, union I. nen fabric, white, colored anil natural ktoihiiIs for i.iexpenaive wafch units and skirts, r)(r sjili-ti'ldl values at price of tmlQ McCall Pattern No. 3241 Tim LATEST PHJNCEK I DC A Wash Fabrics i. ml. I our i i int. i 1 1 il h y . ii, ii" ,i ali (in (j,. DIAGONALS Satin stuped itepp 27 nicies vide. (ry neat cotton mate Htl to. Spring and ea.'ly Silininer Wl'.ll , lilies ('O'.UIMte l.Hlge Of mi nis ,ii 25c BENGAL1NE hill inercerl7.ed ' 'i ai'iii . ,i most b autirnt ma teilal lor an Inexi. endive dreas, lias proven a vir iKpular seller, marked urd 25c INDIAN HEAD SUITINGHO inches In widtli In all tills season's leading . lors, htrlpes, solids, etc. Tills fab ric absolutely has no equal when it comes to actual sen Ire; the )iird 20c uutjna Qur Corset Section ptcparcil to show you nil i rt tyli" and models of the i.s i . ,;oe-Klulng Corset . s at.-eliilely the best Corse' . . Im t er the p-l 'e, Wo have 50c to $3.50 Spring Hats Arriving I'ay the Millinery Department a vlilt and fi-e the beautiful styles In Spring Mats at the prices of $2.50 and up. Gents' and Boys' Furnishings We have Just received our Spring line of Shirts, Neckwear, Hosier)', etc., and can show you tho prettltHt lint In this section of any store lti the city VISIT OUR LADIES' AND CHIL DRENS' SHOE DEPARTMENT New Jabots Marked 25c to $1.00 We are almost dally receiving ship nients of Spring Neckwear Pay tills section ;i visit tomorcw and see the new lines on display NEW JADOTS Dainty creations of Sheer Swiss and, Including tho very popular H.vhy Irish effects, will he found here at the low price "f 25c I