Ardmore, Friday, February 25, 1910
5 mrzpKTCaa7i55Cicii7ajus2a
Spring Opening
Tomorrow and Tomorrow Night
Music: 10:00 to 12:00 a.m., 3 to 6 p.m. and S to 10 p.m.
Let Everybody Register Teachers Welcome
Ladies' and Misses1 Ready -to-Wear
That tin's store lias ever shown at this season of the year. Our store is tfrowim at a rapid paee and
we have antieioated our needs by huyin(! a larger, better seleeted and finer line of merchandise
than usual. Ardmore ladies no longer feel the necessity of tfointf out of town to supply their needs,
because we have the ritfht styles, the ritflit tfoods at the right prices. If you have never traded at
our store begin now. for when you do we feel that we have added another booster to the crowd
that is making the THE BIGGEST AND BEST STORE of its kind IN SOUTHERN OKLA.
Illicit a rul while Shepherd i-liccl Suits; .12-tnoli jacket atm
lined oilk trimmed, pmtcd skirt.
also fine line nf new white and
Crcy utripc. :i2-in. jacket, fancy
lined with plaited kirt. Ilnyiiiick
Strictly tailored jacket, late styled skirt, in navy, black, tan,
1,'rccn and the new shade of
raspberry, or yiiu cjn have
name suit with collar and
lapels tr'niM with silk Mnrei
We carry the latent and best Imes of Ladies1 Ready-to-Wear in So. Ok1a.
iIk Sklith will lie very kihiiI fur llitH
i-tpihiK. V !mr ;i very nlfc Hnu from
tfi.OO to $18.00
llliicl; l'airit:t Silk SklrU ;iro K'n. Tlioy
wo:ir IwUiT mid rIvo butter m-rvlre tliun
any other nllit. pto v lilvil you ux tliuiit
all the time. I'tUc vuv.U 1I.IS and $16.98
Kino Chiffon TulTitlii HklrtH In hlack. four
elllKtlT plaltX, CDIIIIIII'llrlllK 10 Inclii'H lio-
!ov waltit T I Our irlc, oat h $10.98
Vlue (Sivy Sccllli;ui Skirt, (wo hIiIc riun
Nt jiliilU, a Ixmilty, ouch $3.93
i:aiillful Wool Hop, two cliiMtci' ami ail
lltloual plaits In iulnrn, cull . ...$9.08
licmitlful lino of Nuvrlty .Mohair SltirU,
lull plaited and cIuhUm- plaltn. each.. $9.98
tlood I'anatna Skirt, t it til i- offccl, hralil
ulluiued, full plnltutl llouuce, a beauty at
aeh $4.98
l ine C'lilfloii I'linania. Satin piped plaits,
a d.tmiy at, each $1.93
Pull plaited I'mi.iruit Skin, s.illu trluiineil,
e.ieh $4.89
Novell) .Mohair Skirt, hut ton trimmed,
tunlt effect, each $4.48
I lain Alohalr Skirt, climter plaltx, huttoit
and llk Ntffftn trlmiueil, each. . ..1X25
'aeh ..
Skirt. Mlrap trimmed,
. . .$2.98
tirey Novelty Cloth Skirt, plaited...
I'tne lltui or .Mhwcw' Skltm. prleoi
Vf. to eneh
City diagonal vvimve, Hfi lui h satin lined.
oal trlttl tailored, eaeh $15.48
We almi ha" h very fine line of Sprint,
silil.i. no two alike, i.nmlnj; in prliv from
v, :is to .... $"50.00
I'lne line of Slh'plicnl CheckK and tin1
new stripe in lalTeta Silk Drosses; neat
yoke, Heir button trimmed, full flounce
tltted waist, oath $12.48
Irrlileseent Taffeta Silk Dressus. braid
trimmed yoke, tuck waist, self button
trimmed, fitted belt; twenty-four inch full
plaited flouuee, ouch , $16.98
1m" !t
V allien
number of other equally Kood
l.verj day vi have KomethliiK
new In the Ueady-to Wear line.
In case you d' not nee It to
il iv come tomorrow, wo may
in' it then
(iood quality Silk Petticoat, tucked and
firap trimmed, lo-lneh flounce, each. .$4.19
Kxtru iiuallty Tnffota Silk Skirt, lC-luch
riounce, heavily strapped and corded, at
each $4.98
(iood TarTeta Silk I'ettlcoat, 14-Inch circu
lar llouuce, it beauty at, each $5.48
We make a specialty of odd sizes in
black tor largo !nlles.
Special While They Last.
.Mi line Taffeta Silk I'ettlcouts in coloib,
values worth to ?".. strictly now, our
pi rial price, each $5.48
Tuekid trimmed chiffon Shirt WtilsU.
made over net in white and colored, at
ouch $5.00
Kine Urn. of colored Silk Waists In taffoU
and mesitolliie. from $:i.9Soach to.. $12.48
We have a very largo line of White
Unon and Kmbraldery Shirt Waists, but
we have two lots of special Interest for
jou for February
Lot No. I -A ureal number or styles,
latent make, at ouch $1.23
l,ot No 11 Values In this lot worth J'-'.OO,
al new iooils, choice $1.69
H'c (iiuiritiilt't' the fit of
civry ivnrmi'iif (ha( leaven
(hif nforv. It iimti-s no
difference whether it be
the cheapcM rkir( or f fur
bent mit in the hnime
J O I ISfl Ujr
We have had the firt
shipment of our white
and colored LINEN ami
l.AWN nil ESSES,
which will be the very
thing for Summer Veir
( 'Jlli lino d frotu I'aKe l'oir
k .. a: tin- '.niildlim and will have their
.mi" 'i il- am'.isttated
Basket Ball Game.
Mi4- llojii. liiMinutor In gymnasium
air vi d ai i oon nun sixt. t u Kins
ioiii f tit- hchooi, who win piav a fcauic
(ii UiiKKt t pan a. l.;io o'c.ock this
alt. moot, with all Hie snap ami vim ut
toilt go uthletlcs. Drills In Kymtias
tic work will be Klven and their v alii-
ami tin UiKcrcnt exercises for dt
V' "jiliiK .iftetttit parts of the body
win be the subject of a shoit lecture
1 Miss inker.
Wlreies relsgrasri.
Mi I'uiil t.aird, Inotrurlor ot t lieni
isit, will cm a ilemoiistrailoti lit
w in. ess tciCHMPhy toiuoiiovs iiioriuuK
.vii 1..HU was too busy this morning
puttniK up xhibtts to say anyUun
itori of his eciure tliuti tlial his suu
en would be wircdesn tebvrapb
u:tii dt mons. rations
Senior Class to Attend.
lor class of the liounal will
Hi a body with the exception
young liuly who was io() ill to
i liwmi .ml
r Ycriloii, t'rudup. I'ei y, No
ml W are will be present and
tne iiistmetot-H when called
.ri- nd
it Olll
i .m
All ;
The Faculty Well Represented.
TtU- faculty Is well reprcsoi.teil. tliose present are:
.Ml--. Yerrlou, KlmliTKiirteii Teat It
er. .Mr Paul l,alrd, Instructor In t'lx ui
Istrv M'-s llun", I:structor In (ieolou.v.
M I'. maii'.l. Instructor In Homainlc
Mr Kaufman. Instructor In .Modern
Miss Iloyil, Instructor In Oratory (iyiuiiastlcs.
Miss llaker, l'rlnclial of Primary
, TiiilnliiK Ieartuient.
.MIhh .McKeiiney, Instructor of no
mi stlc Science.
.Mr. Prophet, lnstruc'or of .Mn the
Mr Parsois, Instructor in Biology.
Primary Work Exhibit.
The exhibit In primary work will be
Klven by .Miss Thaska 1), J. llaker, n
very cliarmltiK .vmiiiK lady with a per
Kouallty that suits well her depart
meiit .Miss llaker will display work
actually done in the school and kIvo
luterestlni; dots of education for the
Utile folk.
Miss Matthowson, one of the Carter
cou.'ty teachers, arrived this moniliiK.
.Mr and .Mrs. Jim Sliced and Mr.
(!eorj;e Sliced are attendliif; the asso
ciation. Miss Dora Mlrts ol HosweOl was
one of the early arrivals at the asso
ciation. Mr. McCovv of Arilinorc was busy
meeting the teachers this niornlu?
ami showlni; them to lieadtiuarterH.
Mr. and .Mrs. Steed, and .Miss Stan
ford represent tho Woodvlllo schoo'a.
Miss Dlshmnn Is nttentllni; from
Platter. Okla.
Vou vi heard of the liusy lleeb, the
busy-bodies and tho busy housekeep
er, but you should see Mrs. Mary V,
Nih'.'uk, county superintendent of
Carter county, for, verily, who Is tho
; busiest of them all! Mrs. Nlhluck
taki h a personal Interest In every
ttachi r as they nrrlvo ami sees to It
hat someone dikes them In hand ami
in ikes them feel at home.
In addition to this l Is throimii her
energy that the assembling place was
made ready and lonifortablo for the
Ami too, It Is .Mrs. Nlhlack who is
busy with the Y. .M. C. A., ladles, see I
lug tha- proper preparations are be
ing made for serving the guests.
The iladles of Ardmnro and the i
teacln-rs of tin- city schools should :
arise to the necessity of giving Mrs.
Vlblack their unstlcted support
Y. M. C A., Serving Meals.
Tho ladles of tho Y. .M. (!. A., atix-
lllar) tiro serving the teachers with
till oo meals a day at the old A. (.'.
Young stand. They are being assist
ed by Mie Y. M. C. A.
Thty are expecting all tho help pos
sible fn ni the townspeople nntl -ire
pet ally anxious that every mom
Ik r of the Y. M. C. A. auxiliary do
tioini tl lng to help them In the work.
Mr Yaiuhn of Kingston Is an early
vlsit i'' to the association.
Th gi in ral opinion of the teachers
who .no v'sflng Ardmore for tho first
time so i ins to be "I lovo my l.jtuo
town 'ait, eh' you paved streets!"
Guaranty State Bank
4 Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits
We solicit otir business on lil.cial terms.
.). !?. Sjiray ins
M. Coriniin
N. 1!. Kenyan
.I.M. Hall cl
l. C. Ding.
S. T. Klcilsuo
W. A. Gillinm
.1. W. Hannuli
.Ins. H, Humphtc.vs
Ardmore State Bank
Ardmore, Oklahoma
CAPITAL $25,000
Deposits guaranteed. Fastest groiviny bank hi
Oklahoma. A home bank oivneil by home people.
Our Motto; Safety. Courtesy and Promptness.
Deposits, Individual, Juno I, H!i,fi"."!
Deposits, Individual, July 1.1, stftJil.o:;
Uopqsits, Individual, Sopt. J3, i?100.0!)b 1H
Doposits, Individual, Nov. 27. 1 9,it37."L'
Deposits, Individual, Feb. 5, s152.150.jf
Deposits, Individual. April 28, $162,035.0,;
Deposits, Individual, June 23, $190,356.05
Total Deposits. September 1, $216,263.44
Total Deposits, Nov. 16, $304,567.47
1.. l. ANJJEllSON, Pros. MOHAN .SCOTT, Vico-l'roi.
V. U. ANDKHSON, Cashier. HI) HANDMji, Asst. Cuslilor.
Ardmore, Ollla.
Capital Paid In 360,000.00
Surplus Funds .165.000.00
Total $225,000.00
The oldest bank in Indian Territory. Accounts of firms
and individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms
consistent with good banking.
J. A. UIVKNH, I'roBidont.
A. Ii. PALM Kit, Cashior
DON 1.ACY, V....1 I'rosltlont.
O. II. WOI.VKRTON, Asst. CiiPhlor.
The City National Bank
Ardmore, OKlahoma.
Capital $100,000.00
Surplus Funds 100,000.00
Accounts of firms and individuals solicited. Courteous
treatment accorded to all alike.
answer was In tho affirmative they
continued, "Well, we're dellverlm; the
teachers and w deliver them V. O.
!" and then Mil away for fear that
home of the hlckorys which nro nl
ways supposed to be In closo provlui
ty to any of tlmt profession, should
l c forthcoming.
Wo Invito you to tall mid ox
atiilno our spring line of ovt'orda and
auklestrap Hllppers.
I'lve little boys were
h vvn Mn. ii Ktreo this uiornng tic
cistin,,- very stranger with the salu
ta lon. "n you n teacher'" If the
tramping Miss Ccrtrudo Hodgers of .Marietta Kl)lt SAI.K Oil TltADK-Storo and
a former hlgli schmil pupil of Aril residence coiublnetl. Also stock of
nioro Is vlstlug her brother, It. T groceries. Apply to Htun Tumor,
Rogers this weok . f.'Jl Hewith Avo., N. Ii, City. 25 f.
Yon Had letter Look. Around If
You link There Is Any Difference Between 50c and $1.00 t.ilknl Closim" Out S.ilos arc "vntMully a 'do(1 thiiii for I have had that experience. .' I am not closing out, but I owe some good old
uulitors, who are needing some cash, and I want to sell for cash or easy payments, or .is the Coon says "Estallmen Plan." But you had better look
arcund good. Of course we have the name of being the Largest Second-Hand Dealers in Oklahoma, but its only a small taste compared with our new
business. . 1 lere's the prices on a few things, all Bran New, bought in Car Load Lots, direct from a Big Cheap Factory, all Bran New too:
WorK KocKmg Chairs, solid oaK, 95c
High Arm, solid oaK, veneered,
saddle shape seat, rodiers . $2.50
Beveled French Plate Glass Dress
ers . . . . $7 to $28
Dining Chairs, each
Carpets, per yard
flatting, per yard .
55c to $4
. 25c to $1
. 18c to 30c
$5.50 to $24
Art Squares, 9x12
ii ii v i i'v ji1- t't! iii i-"i ' u I ) u nu'.n s i .i ,s ) i.l bin 1 p tve or relic of soniw' kin 1 tint you can trade your old stud for.
qocjcIs. Sell aintliiii'; to an hotly on t'.isy payments. . Call, send word or Phone No. 3o onlv, at
C. P. HALL'S BIG CHEAP HOUSE, on Caddo St. and Third Ave. p !? yai w,nt " "') anv k,nl t uh,ni household goods, ou iron, mei,, or ho.M. can u. UP .w , cumt , ce , uive you h
Floor Oil Cloth, yard, 25c to 33 l-3c
Linoleum, per yard, . . 45c to 80c
Cooh Stoves . . $6 to $35
Dishes, Enameled Tinware and
Household Goods of All Kinds.
We repair, rent - ll, ( rite, toru and ship