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Image provided by: Oklahoma Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
The Ardmoreite Is the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service Me FARTHING BRQT "S Olothlnp French tlryc. f nntl steam pressed, t. ,v French dry cleaners In citj Phono t9(l Hlui!. FIRE ESCAPES liuitl anil oroot eil to t'.onform with city and state laws, have us to do it. loncs-Evcrcll Machine Co. VOLUME XV I ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA SUNDAY MOKNING KKHKUARV 27 1910 NUMBER 22(1 WE ARE READY! For Your Two Piece Suit These suits are extremely clever, a newness that par ticular ladies appreciate. The vogue for two piece suits is strong lor street, church and general utility wear. These will be worn with the separate tailored shire waist, the finer lingerie blouse, or the waist to match in color, but of thiner inateiral, according to taste and occasion. Price of these suits are moderate, the range in price from $15.00 to $40.00 One Piece Dresses We expect to show Monday our first shipment of silk and choice wash one piece dresses. We promise when you see these new arrivals you will be more than pleased with our painstaking selection. You are specially in vited to visit this department, we think you'll catch the enthusiasm. Dress Skirts We have never enjoyed such good business on high grade skirts so early in the season. The real tunic and the new plaited skirt, the aurora and new panncl skirts arc shown here with other new models. We feel fortunate to offer the trade such a line as wc show this season. Again we assure you, you wont go wrong if you buy your skirt from Maddcn's. You can make your choice from $3.50 to $20.00 Dress Fashions for Spring and Summer Wool materials range from the darkest to the lightest The preference for weaves is surges, diagonal, invisa blc and shadow mohair, and checks and striped wor sted A great many black and white serges. Panamas and other weaves find favor, and black is strong and favorably sought in many new weave?. These wools can be had from us at 50c to $2.00 yard New Silks Wc show silks from the roughest to the smoothest, the lightest to the darkest. To say silks are good is useless. Foulards are especially strong. We are showing these largely in patterns giving you a distinc tion of exclusiveness. Changeable Taffeta, Cloth of Gold, Pongee, College Widow, Tussah, Changeable Mtissoline and others are here for your inspection. The price range is from 50c to $1.5 0 y ar Dress Trimming We are receiving new dress trimmings daily. Small braid such as the Pig Tail, and Rat Tail the new band ing in and to arrive await your inspection. The new trimming buttons for wash wool and silk dresses is very good. New Belts and Belting The new belts are very different and classy, and if you want the newest we can certainly please you, they can be bought from 25c to $1.50 New Cord Ruching We are showing the new cord ruching in the new shades at per ruch 15c Table Linen and White Quilts A splendid line of table damask with napkins to match is shown here, damask from 35c to $2.00 yard White quilts shown in plain spreads, scalloped edges, solid fringe and cut corner fringe Marsaile. ranging in price from 75c to $5.00 YOUR INDULGENCE Wc are making extensive improvements and naturally crowded and torn up. The workmen promise to he out of the way shortly and then we promise id have one of the best appointed stores in this section. The Place to Buy Children's New Oxfords. I i of i i I" In il! ! : j tt ' tt w HUSBAND S DEATH WIDOW OF .MISSOURI SCHOOL TEACHER lb CHARGED WITH FIRST DECREE MURDER. Relative of Woman Qualify fop One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol lars as Dondsmen No Date for Her Hearing Set. Kirl.itWIle, Mo.. Koli. 2'!. Mi 1 Alma Viiiijjlian, nrriMteil im n war rant charj;liiK her with the munl i of tier husband. l'rufeHHor Vaughn, , tliU iniiniliiK. u.ih released toila on .$J."..(Hi0 bJiul. I Jll'S. MII1KIUI went lO X lit ( lll.'t Ul Sheriff WIlllfiniH and surrendered at : 10 till morning. DurliiK the twen- ty minutes' wait, while her nttor-1 neys wore consult she sat in the fherlll's office and then v e t Into tlie court room. Indue .Shclton told her she wax charged with first di-srco murder. She replied with u nod of her head. : She wan calm until told to stand up and swear that she wjiiIiI appear In court when summoned, thou eli'j luolu do.wi nml wept ami alter tali 1 n K the oatli she sank Into a cnnlr. Mines S. Scott, her unc'.e. .1. At. j l'roctor. Jr.. her brother, and i:. K. ,Yovcl or .Monroe City, iiuallfied n I her bandsmen, sweat Inn their ,-ik- Kicit wealth wan In excess cf tl. "0.001) Her attorney. William T.I liiiKlaii.l. a.iliod the court to :t the hearing, hut JiiiIki' Hlieltuu said It couldn't he before tin Alay term court. :: WEATHER FORECAST. N'ew Orleans, l.a.. Feb. 20. The weather foii-cast for Sun tlay Is generally fair :: tt :: t: :: tt :t Thanks to Candidates The Parker Printing Co., wishes to thank the many candidates who have already come forward ami had us print their campaign cards nml other literature. Don't wait till your opponent gets ahead of you, but start NOW. Come to see us. Parker Printing Company Anlmore, Ukinnonia When in Need Of anything kept in a dry goodsstor, a grocery store, a hardware store or when you need anythinir try J. Matt Moore & Son Phone iM'-' THE COIN In the future it will he cash on delivery for everything wit sell. Wo pay the cash anil will save you motley If you trade with us. We hnndle the best in meats' and "roceritti. The Cash Market Hen t Forbes. I'rop. SATISFIED Kvery cus;oiner we have Is a satlsllc I cuKtomei. We handle nulyihc best In .Meats and do ctrUii ami always stud what u onh r TUV I'S. W. A. GILLIAM Phone 66 E. Main St. Five Hundred Teachers Made Happy ! The teachers used "Golden Gate" Coffee, furnished from our stock, pronouncing it the "best cult" - rarr a Kcncnil titlj f ewry t Itf iik In moi'crleo ait the bent, a few of our ne.l known brands Hunt's Stintoine line of gisitls. Club House brand. Cross ami lllnekwuir Imported g oils, lllnhop'A entire line, the Whit Swan line, (juall Itniml, and the Human Cold Hue of California fruits, an entire Hue or Imported Roods. The only place In Anlmore where ou can pet miy brand of high jcraile kJ. tin. Krenh venntalilei i'ery day in the year We handle ohl high untile nood One month. lii-dmo ulll rem luce yon th.r out goods are stiperioi. ami cet mmi no in re Telephones No. 247 and 441 109 East Main Street T SEC. BALLINGER GIFFORD PINCHOT TESTIFIED YES TERDAY IN INVESTIGATION OF THE CONTROVERSY. Belief That Pinehot Would Testify Saturday Caused Large Attendance at Session Pinehot 3ays Balllngcr Should he Dismissed from Service. Washington. 1). ('., Pel). 20. tllfford J'liichnt, tnkliiR the witness stand in the nallliiKer-riiichot Inquiry this nf- , tcrnoon read a statemont to the com mittee, before belli; sworn. In which lit charged Secretary Halllnger with falsehood anil disloyalty to 'I'resiilen Talt, an.', declared that HallliiKt r should lie dismissed from the servle . Kspectlnn: to hear IMnchot testify today, a 'aw crowd of spectators gathered la the senate office. It was announced that IMnchot would call several witnesses, bringing out the I'largcs mailt against llalllnger, "s pecially tegardiiu the disposition of water power sites. I'iuchot is ex pected to do all that he can to sub stantiate (ilavls, as he believes In blni Implicitly. i C. 1" Wheeler or Oklahoma City , who is Interested In the Fidelity Mil ' tual Mfe liiHuranct company was n . Ardmore yestertlay on business. Are You Looking for the Best If so wc havo it. Our line is complete, our equipment thehest. liverytliinff clean and sanitary. We arc at your cfiictnund. Phone us your order. Cold Storage Market I'lioiie 12 I'hono r! Ramsey & Ramsey Farm and City Loans Wo insppct our own loans LlOtl W. Main St. Ardmore, Oklu. BuyYourKodaK Films at Webbs' Studio and uso his Kodaks FREE Tho best in photographs, always at Woods' Eight years in Ardmore PINCHQ SCORES W. J. Good Things to Eat Kisli Oysters Krosh meats of all kinds Kosher moats California fruits ISverything fresh n d clean. Prompt delivOt. J. A. CLARK'S Mmi, Fhh unj Oyter Parlor Phone m. SEE ME I'or bargains in tint Wheelttr Oil District, Arbuekle Mining District nntl Woshltn Valley lands. I buy tllrect from tlio allottee which saves tho pur elinser a nluo niurgitv, B. S. CURTIS Olllctt Sims I'eiinliiKtoii IIU1. Ollleo I'honu .'(I, Itos. I'lionti fir.n Hed. Money and Land Money Ionian) on Inml at 8 per cent iii'erost, payable aiiliually. Wo pay strict attention to all applications for loans ami get tlio money without ilelny. We havo purcliasers for farms, who will buy, also have lands for sale. I. tit us know your wniiti. LEDBETTER & WIMBERLY llledsoo Itltlg. I'hono OKI Farm Loan's Burwcll & Dexter are making farm loans, as heretofore without any delay. They inspect all lands and pay cash down. Office over Guaranty State Bank. FRANK HUNT I'll nun 61 W. Main Kt. Notice All prices quoted on circular subject to change. So worry nhout high prices when you do your grocery buy ing here. :: :: :: :: t: :: MANY REASONS. I I tt There are many reasons why tt ')ou should use Crown Hranil I tt (loods. Tlio main reason Is .. n "ritrii Mir; itr. i i rii. tt t- A honie nroiluct. bit sun to I tt ask for the Crown llriind. ft tt tt CROWN BOTTLING & tt MFG. WORKS, tt Morgan J. Hays, Prop, and Mgr. I . ' tt tt tt a tt tt tt tt k tt tt tt tt tt tt Harold Wallace ami K. C Jones left yesterday for a IninlneBs visit to Okla homa City. LANE The Ckys Grocer AL RICE "Knows How to Shoe a Horse" Rest equipped shop in Southern Oklahoma for all kinds of Mlacksmith work. Figure with us on anything in our line. One ol our specialties. J Heavy wagons built to order. AL M. RICE 19 Broadway Tornado Season IN NOW ON- IS YOUR PROPERTY INSURED AGAINST LOSS BY STORMS? If not. NOW IS THE TIME to let u fix you up a policy J. C. King FARM LOANS $500,000.00 of life insurance money to loan at 8 per cent annual interest. No brokerage to pay. Privilege to pay off and stop interest. Large loans handled as well as small. Prompt service. City Loans on desirable improved property. Wanted, to buy some desirable farm lands. A list of your for sale, trade or exchange property solicited. Sec me before placing your business. O. L. CHANCELLOR Office Itandol Illdg., over DIUIer Office phono ill. lies, uuone Dry Goods Co. :i :t . it t: It , tl ; tt n , TELEPHONE NO. 190 Will bring you the nicest and best ilosed carriages in Ardmore. We have two bran new carriages, good teams and do our own driving. We give all calls prompt attention-Try us and be convinced that our service is prompt. We make calls anywhere, any time, night or day CHANCELLOR BROS. n tt it 1 H tt tt tt ' i tt .1. (!. Marsh, nitterlutet:det!t of city schools at Wapamn ka, amoiiB tint Ardmoro visitors yoster day. He has been in Oklahoma the iast wo years and says he ARDMORE, OKLA. Company the jKanln It as the inotit jtronresslvo state waB ,. 0U , ideational mattuw. for re- He was dellKhtod with asphalt as a pavlntc material.