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Image provided by: Oklahoma Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
The Ardmoreite Is the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service FARTHING BR. ''s'RS FIRE ESCAPES built nnd erect ed to conform with city nnd statu laws, hnvo us to do It Joncs-Evcrclt Machine Co. Clothing French dryt 1 ami stcnm pressed, v French dry clontiers In oh. i'hono tDO llltiu. ' VOLUME XVI ARDMOKE, OKLAHOMA FRIDAY KVKN1NG MARCH I HMO NUMBER 231 wmm Special Sale of Men's Winter Suits, Pants and Shirts For Friday and Saturday Two Days Only We will place on sale every Winter Suit, Pant and Shirt in our stock at exactly ONE-HALF THE MARKED PRICE- 150 Sample Hats rnngliiK in price from $1.50 to III.OO, will go 1,1 tnis B1,' nt One-Half Price Great Reduction in Men's Work Pants. Shirts, Socks, Etc. This will be your opporlunily to lay in your supply of work ing clothes for the spring and summer at a saving of 50 per cent to you. Ml Winter Suits Price Cut Half Into 20.00 Suit will OHt you 15.00 Suit will cost you $10.00 Suit will cost you 18.00 Suit will cost you .$10 $7.50 $5.00 $4.00 Wool Shirts at 5o Discount 2.r0 Shirt to co3t you 2.0l Sliirt to cost you 81.60 Shirt to cost you 11.00 Shirt to cost you fiOu Shirt to cost you . 76o Ores Shirts in good rnngo of in all sizes RESCUE CREW OF SINKING VESSEL FORTY-EIGHT MEN TAKEN OFF OF RUSSIAN VESSEL BY AN CHOR LINE STEAMER. Now York. X. Y,, M.ueh I.-Tho Russian steamer Kore.i, buffeted by a ritJrm on the North A'l.ritl' and louuded into helplessness 'jy .h. Parker PrintingCo's.TradeMark hTAM)S nut I I'AliK K!!, Tin: l'lttSTnu Positively Prompt Peculiarly Perspicacious Perfect Printing Powerfully PleasltiK Call and See Us. Old City Hall Building FARM LOANS $500,000.00 of life insurance money to loan at 8 cr cent annual interest. No broKfirae to pay. Privilege to pay r(T and slop inteiest. Lerfje loans handled as well as small. Prompt service. City Loons on desirable improved property. Wanted, to bur some des rablo farm lands. A list of your for sale, trade cr exchange property solicited. See me before placing jour business. O. L. CHANCELLOR Office phooe 141. Res. phono 322, J ALL I". frr 1 (MfritliHW1tf rM(UikftHktft toms, nils pant ills like ntall-or-mnde pnnt, nnd wenrH like Imcksltin; regulnr jirleo is 1.75 nnd $1.60; for Friday nnd tf4 )Q ' Saturdnj only you can buy them for jl..y Per Cent Beautiful Neckwear-The Season's Newest Stylos, made of n good futility of bilk, reg- - ulur price -Mc, special 1 7C Four pair of good heavy grey cotton Sox for.... 25c These are bargalus worthy of your consideration. Do not fail to pay h s store a isU',dur'mg this special salt $1.25; Sl.00 75c 50c 25c patterns nnd 38c b'fivy Mas, .vas -ihainloird by hr r w on Marih 1 , -ml o her f.Uc. Ti.e e-sel was ilnk.tu tup-' Idly when!on.l. The Korea's crew of forty-eight !!) ii Ann ta!;ei off by twi Anch.n l.lue .'tuuim", Caledonia, a:c! tlu-y nr.- now on their way b iv. BRAKEMAN THROWN OFF TRAIN. In Encounter With Someone Stealing a Ride In Police Court. One party charged with buliiK drunk and a case of vanraiiey were in police court this morning. Tho party cliarned with vagrancy was I'ttnUm; a ride on a freight train hound towards Ardmoro last night, lie was dlscovured by the brakumaii a fw miles tills side of MarUtta. The brakeinan tried to make hint b.ave tho train, n fight followed and the brakeinan wa. thrown from the moving train. Tho brakemau caught the next north Lioitnd train and caught his man at Overhrook, where lu h d left the freight train. Office. Ilandol llldg., over Dittier Dry Goods Co, Men' s Pants Sll.OO Innt3 will cost you 85.00 Pants will cost you J 1.00 Punts will cost you Sll.OO Pants will rout you $5.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 We carry the biggest line of Overalls and Work Pants of any merchant in tho city, nnd for thoso two days only you enn buy "Tho llendlight,M "I'nion Special" and "Tlie llnwk Hrnnd," for the pair.... yOC Tho Hendllght nnd the Hnwlc llrnnd are strictly I' S I O X MA 1)13 (lOOI)S, nnd nroohovp ut tho nhovo price. Genuine Kaiki Pants with belt straps nnd mill bot HAYS TRIAL BEGUN IN KANSAS CITY OKLAHOMA CATTLEMAN CHARG- ED W)TH KILLING ANOTHER MAN NAMED HAYS. Kansas City, M 3., March t -The t.iklng of testimony In tlie trial of Kiigenu Hays, the Oklahoma cattle man, with the murder of Kdwnrd Hayes, was begun here to- I day. The wifo of tho defendant and th t widow of the dead man were both In tlie court loom, SATISFIED livery (iioiic" v.i have Is a 1 (itstomei. We hand'.e only :h be.-t In Muds ami (iro e.rlis nml always send what yen order TRY rs. W. A. GILLIAM Phone 66 E. Main St. When in Need Of anything kept in a dry goodssto'o, a grocery store, a hardwaro storo cr when you need anything try J. Matt Moore 6? Son Phone 2IL' PINCHQT IS TODAY IMMUNITY TO ONE CROSS QUESTIONED LONG ARGUMENTS BETWEEN PINCHOT AND VENTREES, COUN SEL FOR BALLINGER MEANING OF THE QUESTI0HS;F0UR HUNDRED WITNESSES Ventrcss Drew from Pinchot Fact that Reflection on Bnlllnncr Was Contained in Letter Latter Wrote to President Taft. Wellington, 1). C March 1. The cross examination of Pliirhot pro . ceded Hlowly today. Vci trees, counsel for lJalllngcr, and Pinchot got Into long arguments as to the inclining of some of the lawyer's HMcsMoiih. The attorney drew fioin the Willie the fact that his only llrst hand kuowh dge of any act reflecting upon lUllltucr was In connection with tlr Cunningham cases, was based on a letter sent by HallliiKcr to President Taft, November 16th. tt t: t: :: :: :: t: :: :t :: WEATHER FORECAST. New Orleans. I.a., .March I. The weather forecast for Oklahoma for tonight nml Sat- tt urdny Is not much change In JJ tt U miniature from that of to- St tt day ami last nigh' , n " tt t: tt tt tt tt tt ti' tt tt tt tt tt Farm Loans Burwell & Dexter arc making farm loans, as heretofore 'without an delay, They inspect all lands and pay cash down. Offic over Guarant) State Bank. :: :: ti :: tt tt tt tt tt tt t it tt :: MANY REASONS. tt tt There are many reasons why '.I it you slioul 1. use Crown IlramI tt '.' Coods. Tlie main reason is tt tt "TUKY Alti: lSICTTKIl." it A home prodnct, be sure to ask for the Clown llnnd. CROWN BOTTLING & MFG. WORKS. Morgan J. Hays, Prop, and Mgr. :: :: :: t: tt tt tt tt t: tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Are YouLooking for the Best If so wo have it. Our lino is eomploto, our equipment thebest. Everything dean and .sanitary. Wo aro at your command. Phono us your onlor. Cold Storage Market i'hono 12 I'hono fill Buy Your Kodah Films nt Wuhbs' Studio and use his Kodaks FREE Tho best in photogruplw, always at Wobb.s' Eight years in Ardmoro 9 I Ramsey & Ramsey B Farm and City Loans I Wo inspect our own loans H A rd more, Okla. H IB OF BEEF PACKERS BEEF PACKER. WHOSE NAME IS NOT DISCLOSED, SAID TO HAVE GIVEN EVIDENCE. In Prosecution of Cases Against At leged "Beef Trust" in Missouri, At torney General Has Called Many Witnesses.. St. I-ouls, Mo., .March I. One of tin Independent beef packers was granted I Immunity today from proHi cutloii b the assistant to the attorney general. , In the probe Into the mcit packing ! Industry. Tho man, whoso unme is not ill losed, Is snbV to liavo given the go i ernmont some valuab'e Information 1 Four hundred witnesses hae bci n culled to testify at the hearing whle'i Is to begin here soon. LAUDS SENATOR BAILEY. Washington Newspaper Says He Courage on Income Tax Problem. Washington, .March :!. Anent the ! appearance of Senator Joseph W. Hall- oy In Richmond, Va., where he ad dressed tbe legislature tonight on the Income tax, the Washington Star this afternoon says editorially: "Senator liallcy Is an income taxer not only with the courage, but the In dustry of his convictions. A week ago he spoke on the subject before the South Carolina legislature ami his speech carried the proposition." ROBBERS DYNAMITE TWO SAFES. Post Office at Crccnwood, Ark., is Looted of $500. Toit Smith, Ark., .M.ircli :: Ito.i hers dynamited two safes lu the pot office ut Crccnwood, 15 miles miiili east of here, early today and stole l.00 in cash. Ilh.odhoimds followed the robbers' trail for a mile and then lost It. It Is believed the nun f.i caped Into the iiioiinlaiiis. They are piepartd to resist arrest, having broken Into ti hardware store prior to robbing the postotflce, and sto'en sev eral guns and knives. ELEVATOR BURNS. Muskogee Plant Sustains $75,0C0 Loss by Fire. .Muskogee, Okla,, .March :!. The ele vator and warehouse of the .Midland Klevator company, at this place, burn ed nt mi early hour this morning, en tailing it loss of 7i'.,000, with ha'f that amount of Insurance. Twenty thous and bushels of corn burned In the ele vator. The lire Is believed to have ) been of Incendiary origin. Cameron Seeks Re-Election. ! (luthrle, Okla., .March X Kd Cam-1 eron, state superintendent of educa- i tlon, today formally announced h I candidacy for reelection. Kstabllsh nient of rural high schools is si lead- , lug feature of his platform. ; Good Things to Eat Fish Oystors Fresh moats of all kinds K'oshor moats California frulLs Bvory thins: fresh n d clean I'rompt dolio.y J. A. CLARK'S M'uf. t'ith an J OyMer Purlor Phono USD SEE ME For bnrKnliiH In tho Wheeler Oil District, Arbueklo Mining Dlstrlut nnd Wnshltn Vnlluy lauds. 1 buy direct from the nllotteo which saves tho pur chaser u nice margin B. S. CURTIS Ollleo Sims l'cnniiigtoii llldg. Olllee IMiuno MI, Una. Phono S50 Itod. Every Rent Payer Who investigates our homc-buildino: proposition in the beautiful Walcott Addition Lose no time in taking hold of it. Willi our plan, a person is worse than foolish to pay rent, he or she is crimi nally negligent. If you can pay your rent, you can own your home with us. If you cant pay your rent, you are in a bad fix, ami we sympathize with you. Investigate our plan Walter A. Evans & Co. Over Cily National Bank. Escapes from Penitentiary. McAlcster, Okla., .March ::. Wll Ham Caiitoiiwlne, ,cnteiieeil In .laim- ary lust from Rogers county, to serve live years in the state penitentiary for robbery, escaped yesterday even ing. Ho wus missed from nmoiu tin NO MORE COURT Owing to the lack of funds and extension of payment of taxes, it has become neces sary to abandon the Crimi nal Term of the District Court which was to com mence Monday, March 7th, 1910. All jurors and wit nesses will take notice and not report. Please notify everybody whom you know to be a juror or witness that they must not attend. Stillwell H. Russell, Judge. Robt. F. Scivally, Chm. Board of Corns. James H. Mathers, County Attorney TELEPHONE NO. 190 Will bring )ou the nicest and best closed carnages in Ardmoro. We have two bran new carriages, good teams and do our own driving. We give all calls prompt attcn tion. Try us and be convinced that our service is prompt. We make calls anywhere, any time, night or day CHANCELLOR BROS. I ( outside workers nt tho stockade ou i lle site of the new penitentiary when tIll'y w,,r checked lu yesterday even ing, hut it was not reported until to day. The dogs failed to take the trail. j Ardmorelto Want Aas aro the be3L