Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Thursday, Mrth 17, 1910 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY ARDMOREITE .- w JuJflUy iillOlllOlCllC. AonMnoriTP DiInLiHlNG CO ARDMOREITE PUBLISHING CO. S1DNFY SUGGS. . . President int. a nt tho i'ostofflnt ArdiiioTe" as Second Class Matter. . OFFICIAL ImPER CARTER CO. ! AND THE CITY OF ARDMORE , If It Is In tho Ardtnoieltp, It Is leftiil. TERMS OF GUDSCRIPTION 1 The Dally Ardmorelte. One Your .J0 uno Month One Week If' The Weekly Ardmorelte. Per Year by Mall $1.00 Sir Months SO Throo Months '! ' Phonet. fliislness Manager' Offlco S3S City Editor's Office f IOiiR Distance MS ..... ...n.tln. .... t Vtn character. Ktai.dhiB or ropntatlmi 0f mv nnrsnn. firm or eoriioratloll which may appear In tho coliiiima of, Oklahoma In ao nnolly domocratlo Tho Ardniorolto will ho (?ladly cor- t lint giooinlnx a ronih1lP'in rr rov rictp.l upon Its IipIiir hrotmht to th(.nor ,s ,,IW prtK-pss. ttontion of tho niaiingeiiiPiit. 0 Eastern Representatives. ,.u,ry t1(1 rt.p,Wpnn aaya "l(HiX Will. II. aru, luiiuim iiiiniiiiiB, New York. Ardmore, Thursday, March 17, 1910 POLITICAL CAMPAICNS AND DUSI- How much l o inn R rfpttlilU-an can NESS INACTIVITY. ndato runnlnu on an nntl-prohlhltlon I'oMoal t-.iinp.iiiins aiwn.xH loud to.tlpfcpt put In Oklnhoma noxt Nuvmif t ill tmsliiiss. I'aitii-uliirlv Is this j hot V What's th; answer? 'mo when a kIiiIp aiupalun Is IioIiir I O and .piPstlous of w,t l.niHirt ! "htahunm noods Is loss poll , .,r,.mi the pi. for oo.i.ldora'lo.i " "r" (' "r .n uhlch nro to ho dool I upon !,v ,' " "" "' " ' h,H .., , xprcl f his s..ffrao. Ok- ' "' "ilnm ..u In I.. ,.,.rl.Ml. I ''" ""' '"" ,f ,l,"lr ayalOlllS, hill ti -t.ito hit Just omotKod fiom i Hrritc lal foriu of Kovorutiu nt, tho Ini ,iii o: which will be long MvimI and 'i.i'it to orHHo. While many wood, a i .Ic-uiiM' htWH hate l cu eiiactod du I 'k' the first two enrs of stuto huod some indlcal loKlslatlnu has also been Kiven blith. Constitutional pro hi il'lon has been saddled upon lis tin- daiiittini; Influences of which bo( n wltiipssod in overy nook i ul i .ii nor of the state; this will be an Issue in the campaign. 1 hero nre constltiitliiual umcudineiitH to ho conshleted and voted on. and taken nil in all Oklahoinaiis will this vt ,ir witmsrt a most spectiicutar iind a bitter conflict bitweim the domn i rats and republicans. Tho republicans are now and wilt lontiinio to use the high ta "war ! tmt this little bit of (i. O. I. iirgnmeiit won't hold water, for by a i in. ill iimouut of 'inostlgatlou the tav p.O r tluds that ho has not .boon ovor iitili in ,1 with toH and that ho ha utteii full and I'Mict alue for oery mil lie has boon taxed. That (a luihlile U easily burstod. 'high Ilui Lit - turn Oklahoma loose Uti.i' Oklnhoma needs more than in k else - and what Oklahoma inn-.t 'i no - U mntcriul growth nnit do i ' i;i:iM iit. A busliioHH nilmlniatr.i Mon ie Hie state's affairs Is what tho ii o.ile aio c'ntuoiiiig for and that's w i. iiio are Kolug to demand. 1 I i 'ipht and bro.idest liusluess iuoii I i.'tlci . they hhouhl bo Induced to c in the running and thou thpy io i d In elected and the democrats . ih iionile-ii upon and opiK-toit to bi.. rn, condltlou hImui. With Leo, N,Uc 8, 8illr ol (enl K, C i- In the governor'a phulr nnd . i muled by h sit of oxporieticsl i n, the Couiity Court of (!art in Couii . i-ii-. - una the douund will hawi j ,Vi rftll,t. 0,. oKmbomn. 'J ' 1 ""' In tht matter of the guiii'dlauHhlp T ii etes of tho wor'd were focuasetl : ..r 11...1..1 '.,i. 1 1-.... n-, 1 t 111 It' 11 O.l tlfltS lt I I Ik ySalVa Ail. ! '"uuiwaru prior to mo states ail-1 noieneo Hell Wntu, minors. No u Into the union; p nk who , Uctt uf u,e of w, ( -iliiv foresaw puilleiu opportunl ; N,,.(( , ,Miri.,,, ,, , MJp. MC- 'in llltpstllK'tlt hoif. he'll bm-k ,. f ,111 ,ir.l(.r nf anl.. i.e..!. hv - ul ..ti'ed tu woe what kind ol 11 eon 1 .itioit inir folk would frame " (' i' 11 would lie t.ieiidlt 01 un ' . 1 , : -1 1 t.t fen !, 1 and for 1 .1 , 'i , Mirations and whether tiw'o ill any fp nuns thai would , .m nuostuunt hero hna.rdous. 11'. do no- mean to attack our I . .1-1 Hon a. a whoh. yot wo can . .very man who has the wet- ' ie ... the state at heart see them m w , . 8,.mo bad- v( ry bad- ladnta ' it no, u. bad Imkmu,.. they pie-, t .t 1 ... settling up an I .Unclopuu ut ' . t stau ; capital Is timid and In "ing lo eomu liwe knowing that t 11 uM for littestun nt Is not profit- n'n, more untnMtlng. tr .i!i..ii must be turned Imo--i mi 1 iat wo do not mean that vh t..,. itst ho mrucd looae lltorally ; 01: . ' tuns' bo elwitgod ao i t t..t . id al .-nn come hole anfoly '.. ' mild ."d make rulltoad ostenalons, l. Ml... .air vast resouicos ami op- e ,v t.. torles. Wi. must nmko tho , tiell 1 gnnrantoelng to tho 1 11 1 who would cotuo here, tho prlv- lie-., of working unhamjiorod and an a.ti.iad of piotoctlon and co-opera- tl"" Ok i' :a:t must have uutalde help In , i.- i- to expand and ever- legitimate , li d ie .i.i nt at tbo contuiftnd of our ':' - uoiid be evt. n.led uP who wtd' ' ' m!' I li 1 iU' 1 t , ..I i 1 Hit 1 1 1 t 1 . ,11.1, . vi 1 " inatitro her will niiliirally await tho imtpont" of IV e'eetlon before . lug. Why? Ito. au.o titey are nrr.ri ,,f h,,mv of ,h wiiiHtloiw horn-thov ! ministration will Ik a btialneM one "; h' In toganl to the ponding constitution- niiiPlidmPtita. If Oklahoman show the nullity and Msnoslilon to ronilitet tho stato'a nf- fl,, " l"'',, th wno Imti in on waiting to soe u gel right, will rush In and oaatat In the up- puHtllng of tho fomntrniwofllih. In tln meantlmo Lot okhboma Brow! If Onior K. Honodlrl don't look out hft'l! choke to drain nn high tax" xUiirat. .. 0 IJuoitlon: Will t!io pwpit of Okla homa take thr medicine that tho i- "u,,,"'m" ",!,t at your tax rwulnt and thoii vote' imImp him In tho fatr nlth a t.trwv nit plipp. -O- tot s don't foi net tin Interesta of tho stn'e tiom an liidiiHtrlii! Hlandpolnt. O Mister Flynn Is Irish, Uut Ias Angolos. March 17. Mister .lltu Flynn of I'uoblo. Colo., formerly a llii'inan but now an exponent of th manly art of self defense. Is Irian -And thl Ih St. Patrick's l.iy ltllt yo, there's the but-- Whother Krln's patron saint will aid Flynn In administering defeat to Sam l.iitiKford, when the pair of them meet In n flntli' encounter in Mister Tom MoCnrey's spacious and bountiful arena Just out of town, where the cops can't Interfere, the fight being scheduled for forty-flvo rounds, which Hhouhl bo plenty long enough to furnish the material for a flrstchiKS funeral - :il1hotlgh, for once, the mourners nro not likely to say. "Don't ho look natural?" -whether the fact that thU is St. I'ittrlck's Hay will have anything In do with the result, Flynn being an Iriithiiiiwi, as pei-vlously st.ited, depo iient say nix. Nevertheless, It may wifely be proKtnwt looted that 'twill be a brnw fight If tt lasts Innn uough. b'ome of the fans are betting their plh k nit ,11m, who In n regular hIiiiiu-r.-.n nan from tho Comity Corker ith, with th( nssttranco that no yel low innn- although Uingfto-d rnn't fairly be culled that, being several shudi s darker than yellow with the nvtiirttiee thnt no man who hu the slighted Hugo of yellow, or near orHlue, hi his make up, couM nisI bl win n fight on Si. Patrick's day. aim 1 nit"i iiriii"(i 11 (ill nt t ii 1 h .. ... . I tht- Judge of the county court of Ciar 'tin count), ttklahouut, 011 tho asth day of He mil her. IIHIH. Ul" under signed guardian of tho estate uf Dan iel Watts, He n I i 111 Wrnit mid Flor mit ,. m. SVhU w, , -h ,. , w, UdUtT ri,lJw., l.onUl.malou by galu rtn ,bf, ,ulh ,u. of Mttrli. ,u,t at th(. nou,. of 8 oVUu.k , thl) af,rl(0n a, ,c ,ourt ,,OUHO of (ar. Ull t.uty. Oklahoma, nil the right. ,m0 aIU (mereM of said Daniel Wntt. iumiUoi, Wait, and Flown. hVh W)llu , ua tu llt, fi.0lug ot.,ol.U ,,u rwt, 1 in tiartln au.l VnvWr t.,mnt,,t. state of Oklahotna. 0-wlt: Und of l)r.Ul Watts The s of ,,. gw of the of 0i -p.,, t 8outb( JUnge ., Wwtt Un-H , wUlrh tWfU of MU wanli. hUp Watts. llei.Uoii Wait, and piorouco Hell WatU owu ait umUvldod 0He-ixt)i Interest oaoh. after tfie life e.tat,. of Ithoda Wis and (!eore w. wtu, to-wit: Th Nh of th 8Wy, 0t .K'tlon 30. Twp. I North, itango 2 inut. Suld roal estate will be sold for 0tt-h uoject to confirmation by tbo county court of Oarvln county-. Okla- bomR. nat(Hl thl, 2Ut lUy of Klirunry. iq, 1UIODA WATTS, (lunrdlan. THOMPSON' A. JON'KS, Attorneys. Vi,:; - 1 ds arc the belt : :i tt tt a tt it .J ST. PATRICK'S DAY. it tt j n j J Jf M K Jf J St. Patill.'-. Day' If v ii had any doubt uliout I:, nil -)U lind to do was to take n walk up anl down Main treet b. hind a rim- old Irish gentleman with a green stave-pip" hat and y.mU of urot n ribbon and a shninro"k""ir big ne your hand on tiu iii.'l of hi coat. It w Fttclc llorryhlli the robin nntiouncea V .wmim of the spring, 0oa I'iipI! Merry a't n th harhlnoor of thi day tho Irish celebrate. Thin morning I 'nolo Hp'' was abroad parly A-it i n flnr phi I amllo rn his iaco and lookln as ; If ho was humming over In his hoart tho "Wparlng of tho Oireen." "Tho lop o' tho mornln' to yon,'" said t npl terry to the ronoiter. "Where's your shamnck?" Tho ri'imrtor i(lnttl to a no it .Ittie tri r Unto thnt his wife had pinned o:i his pat a ho loft th hntisp In tho iiuirnlng. ' "rttirp- I didn't sop It," wall! rn.-lo lk'ri. hMIi a giln. " "I'wa no amnll atf i.liaint d of or color? IUto, sths this In your button !n:." and hp pill led out ii nil of gippii rllihon thai tt u'd lute miiilo a fine sash j an lil.-'t o'. eii at a lair. ' -Hur... i i.i, times are gone, .tnitl t'id l I i'lide Iteiiy. ! mind the day wlin St. Patrick's was a blggei' day tiiin Wlishlilgt ll's blrtllilay. Ail the tinilie Incut cltlieiw would turn u.r from tho mayor down to the city aeiviot ger and sure, ihoy were nil Irish I mi way, back In liijianny. Well, well, how times do change. We really ought l: hae a god p.irado t nlav, mid what a fine wiin I could ar range, even bore lit Ardmore, where we nr.' so lar removed from the Irish National pouters. In the first place, I'd make Huek thirrett griiud uiurHhiil of the day. And then In chnrge of tho First Dlvllnn Id put I 011 Friiine " "Li. n Frame?" said thi roporte "Why. LonV not Irish." "What? What? L:n Frame not Irlfh? Do yon menu to tell 1110, my lad. that the O'Fratnes of Tullemue clescrag are not Irish? 'Gtvim! Ye'r." klddln' nie. Why, I mind tho day well when Paddy O'Framo came over to tliU country and lauded at Castle Harden - " "Well, liefer lllllld go oil with tho organization." "Then, Mike Ooriiinn I'd put him III 1 barge of the second division. Ve'l' 11 t bo denyln' he's nn Irishman. Then there's Snyder, .luilgo MnsonV major donio " "Why, Snyder's a Dutchman. "Whit an t-te ve htvo for color,' snld I'iipIp I Wry. "Did ye over ee ilint brand of hair and thnt good fpllowfhlp grin on the fate of any but n true born Irishman? Wbat'j In a iiiime, anyway? Hp has th- map of Ireland all iver his faco. Then In command of the third ill Mslon, I'd put doe IIpii Champion " "Now look here. Fncle." ald the rps.iter. "you kn that .toe lb 11 la n IContucklan." "Av coorso--ho adopted Kentucky for his blrthpl ice, hut I know the Mae m million' of (inlwny as wo 11 ns I know yon, nt boy. They drop ped tho Mac In tho ocean com in' over, bill the '.11111111.1011 nr. all Irish. Thou I'd line tip 1 hp llainlltoim, tho put tor, the Dings, nio Itutnseys they say their S.-ucli, but their forobonrs wen- from LlnierL'k- the Pinning- I tons, the Whittlngtons. the Hus,oi:s, lite (illls, tho nildnjs and tho Clill hiinn -sure thoro'i no denyln' them's Irish, mid I'd put little Jlutmlo M nth era on a big horo caparisoned In reen -.llmmie's a Catan man- I re menibi r his grandfather well hi., name was Patrick Saafleld O'.Matherv but ye know hutv them name git chuiuod, an 1 then there' Daubo " Dave "Now, look hi'te. I'nclo. jjii know Dave I is iiIh- n't an Irishman. " "Dauhc? Dtvo Dnuho? A Irish as ye niako 'em. Look at hU fa. Ho cornea of tho O'IMrby's of Dnrbyvlllo, Iu the North, by Donegal Hay. Suto an' lit-' Irish. Then would come CommUsliu). r .lone ami li.irultt "Well, Hurnlit Is Irish, I wl'I grant you ho wrltiw poetry. Hit' how about Jone?" "Well, stir, the .lones's are from all nationalities, and I've known lots of Irish, .tones lot him deny it, If ho will. Then wou'd como Krueger, tho shoe man ' Now, look hori, Fnclo liorry you know that jqu etn't make an Irish - maa opt of Krupgor It sounds too much llko oom Paul ' Krueger? If ho Isn't Irish today 1' I cat my shamrock." ' Vo;i, how do you make It out?" "Well, Union, mo boy," said the old .ii.ti as he tipped ills green hat on ono i' a I snrcnj his grcn ribbon our to wid r vlev 'Wp'jo :dl Irish on t l'j.t'i, ks l)av ti tt tt tt it ttti : :: IS III URGES CONSERVATION CONDEMNS WASTE: HIGH PRICES S' I'aill, Mar h 17 .11:1 .1 Hill dolhoiod an nililrt'i-. tt t'io Mitm xota Coiti'orviitloii ('otip:itlc! t'lil'iy, III whloh ho urKi'd tin ooiisorvatlott of onpl'iil, poii loniliod otranmniro, nv tho piuhis of tho Inrroaso In pricoa, mid told how tho ultuati.Hi diacrli)od hy him iiiIkIiI bo rotnudlcd. Croat Intorost was tnkon In tho afHPoh of Mr. Hill, who dwlurod thnt " HvIiik In an hr of world-wide llnanplnl dtdlrnun": thai "noM nltpr j tin (onsotvutloii of tho Intnl. Its aroii, ; nso and fertility, must poiiip tho run- oNppinlltiiro has nlriady prodmpd a soruitlott of national capital In tho plentiful prop of public Ills. It Is ono shape or ensli iind eredlt. j of tho causes of the Inctenst In prlos Mr. Hill fnld In pnrt: Tito I tit- now dlst'iiblnjc the people. ThK In rnenso Inpronso of wealth nil over tho 'ipnse follows In a unostlvo way ti) world has urojitly .inainontod the. so;)- j lullatlou of naMotinl and local bud-r ply of capital. Tho mobility of this j capital, tho ease lit which thtough tornnllnuul oxplmnge It cntt ho made to Hiitlsfy a need now In one country nnd now in anotliei. streimtluus Cr Impn hsIoii that It Is inexhaustible. id lilting of the price let id. Food The addition of nmoutited billions to stuffs cost fioui lb to 7 per cent the aggregate wuilth of the world ! hnM .(mi,,lltl.(1 tI, s,,lt.u of ,nnkln.l . ! f ntnllahlllty hns lulled to s!ci p! ,,., ,,.,. .,, .,llt..t...t tbo nlarm tIl! M,(M.t. nmi nlotod tho alarm . lltom ., f sll!,tv tho spend- t ...... x ...... tlulffs Hie. The Inctenso oi appar- j out rosounos by an easy ro"tt lo hnnowliig, the mortgaging of a patri- mony not our own to obtain material j for pro, ut extravagiinco, the diver- j slon of wealth front proilu:'tlto to nn-, tnl gold pinductlon of tho world; protliictlte tisps,-all those Imvo gone 1 which ro from .?1 IS.siS.uOu In IS'.nl fntthor thun mos: iicop'e ronllc. i to ovor $ IH7.iHin.oon In ll'OS, has boon "The people of tho United States J made tin basis for ono form 'and an inherited front Its founder a whole- other of credit Wsues aui-'ro'-'atlng m sunn; tr.iillilon ngnlust debt, whl.-h Is i vast sum. nnl now disappearing from the con- duct of national affairs." Mr. 11111 said tho national debt now tends to rise, I'ouceuled under the pollto fiction of eortlllcates or Indebtedness to cot or treasury detlclts. "It," ho continued, "tho advocutes of large bond Issues for all miinnor of Internal Improto nieiits should carry their point, If that resource Is not definitely restricted to the emergency of war, wo will bo In the condition of F.uropo, where the motto of every chancellory now seems to be, "After tho deluge.' "Ill our cities, modern extravagance tlnds its most oxpies slon. The total debt of tho states, In cluding all minor civil divisions In croused $13,!t2t.ll3, or l.'jr. per rent between IPSO nnd 1S!H). Hot wet it IM0 and llo.:' It Increased ?727.77S,W:!. or it por cent. Nearly three-quartern of a billion in tw.-ho years, an average of $i'i0,0ou,iMiii a year !n th. amount borrowed by the people, ought to make and countrv stop and think. Moi-t of 'Jie actual material levelop niont Is financed and carries its own bonded Indebtedness, which I said Mr. Hill. "This must be credit. vl the public limine, s cannot take into ' to the lavish expenditure which has nccouut. Tho ilgures down to P.ilO. I now grown to bo a national trait outside of and In addition to tlu nut- ' "Waste. Idleness and rising wines, lonnl debt, would probably show an t all Inter-related to 0110 another, now liiPtoaM. of a billion and a iprirt'-r I ns cause 1111 1 now as effect, are. next to a billion and a half dollars for the ! to an over-Issue of irredeemable pap last twenty t Hrs. and a gruiul total 'if er, the threo most powerful forces In oti-r two and a quart. r bl'llon dollars; , tlfe worl 1 to raise prices. about louble Writ It was in tV.'O. "Debt Ilgures, however, do not be gin to tell tho story of our national oxtrnt.ignuce. Only a small part of our 1 xp ndlture Is represented by debt tables. The vest is raised by Increas ed taxation. I know of nothing bear ing more directly or forcibly upon tlto subject of national waste ami the con tort alien of ti'itlounl resources t!i" tho pi..fllgac dlsc'osid by our pub lic t xp.niso loiUers. "Although the great business expan sion of this country began right utter tho Civil War. tho expenses tor IVI0 wild but four million dollars gr.u'or than thoie of twenty years beforo. Since isdiO, these expenditures have gtowu hy lsO,O00,flO0 and each nine jears on tho utonuo, or IliO.tioo.uoo a year, until now Uipv are 131. 1 per cent more than they wore olghtoen years ago. Expressed in term of p.-.' capita outgo. theo charges, which are only part of the cost of innlutiilulnt: the fe Jural government, rose ftom $. 75 in ImUO to '!.;!: In I'.'OO and to $7.1!i'i In 1000. "It Is nlttay asserted, when tho truth Is told and a. drinatul for econ omy is made, that tho development if tho country and Its Increase of wea'th have been so great as both to require and Justify enlarged outlay. The answer to the charge ol a billion dol- lar eloti of congress Is that this much of It to tho unproductive, ptii has become a billion dollar country. , jioses that tho state represents when 1 The npo!oy Is neither relevant nor 1 true. It Is rut necessary that expense Lhould lucteaso iu the anio rat H ;n growth. Hut the growth of ov- peudltuto has so far outrun tho growth, of the country tli tt the uctqV figures nro nbnost Incredlb'e. The fol'otting Utile table, txhlb't- (ng the whole sltu.ttloii ml-'lit lo .printed nt the top of every lc erhead uid by. any man In. public offlco nnv- wbnro In tho I'n'tcJ States Increases, Wp illh. I.S70 to I Sim. II'. if i p it. 1S!H) to I'.iPl, r.." ppr (Ptit. I'oiolun Trail. IS7 to i, !0 por rout, '."i to 1!ius, por '.ollt. Vnlup MiiuiifiK'turod products. 17 to isno. ii'i por ppnt, iMMi to iiior., &s p! colli. Not Ordlnnty Hp. f. S. liovt., ISM to lyn, l.i por cnt, istm to, ll'l. I por ti'iit. Ilxpptidltuiot', U states, isiio to Kit", 2 S, iu.r wnt. "Tito piionoinonnl linre.ino of pub'lj Tho nuiiige cost of the supp'len tint must lie- bought for pructlcally every household has Incensed about ib per rent hetwuti lfb'. and l!"M). HurliiR tho past jear. theie has been a mark- more than ten years ngn. Soniothlng Is d tency Inflation. 'I due to enormous cur- I'ho total per capita i.. tin. tT.iitoi State In ism! was J'Jl In the Fulled Stat ..... II. nml in I'.uMi It was $:!.V00. Al Ciou-ili populntlon had grown by ninny millions in tins:- thirteen tears, the amount of money to each Individual had Incased by l!l.r.ii. or than i;n per cent. The Inctoaso In the to- i "The tnrlff Ih another cotitribuiing ouitfo. It Is trpe that it ran lurnlsii j j,ut u partial explanation. For to on:y u limited extent can tho rWe In prices b. affected by or traced to tin' tarlll. As to conitnodltlt s that te ex pott, tho tariff Is inoperative. It gen-1 orally affects prices dfrectly as te become importers. Novertlioh ss. tho ntrlff must hoar its hump of respotisl blllty for rising prices. "Combinations which are actually n restraint of trade, which liavo mon- opollzcd their Hold and nro either con-, trolled by a common secret manage ment or 11 secret agreement to main tain exorbitant charges are part'y sponsible. "Still moro of tho rise of prices is duo to tho decline of agticttltnr 1 1 products as compared with the in crease of population." Decrease Sn the number of cattle and swine was also given as a reason. "When due allowance has been mado for the effoct of thesn forces that make for dearer living, there still ronmlns a large unexplained balance,' "Perhaps the greatest factor of .1'! In the price pre' 'in is the wage rat . Everybody knows that labor cost s the principal Item in a'l form of li -.lastly. The wage rule has been its Ing steadily in this country. Power ful forces aio back of this iii'.tentoiit It has public sympathy. To resist it. is difficult nml may bo dang 'tons. -. cost of production is chiefly labor cost, the price of the finished artlc.o must go up If Hip price of labor Is lain I. This Is Just as true of the farm as of the factory. "Tho effect of national waste of ("',' ital Is f. It Immediately In the add 1 weight of taxation. Tho taxes colli t oil annually from tiie railroads of tic count 1. v hnte luenitsed more than - 0 ; por cent since l.SSH. They Increa. .1 by forty million dollars and by ui " thnn lo 1 por nitlo of trntk between 11100 and lHOs." Franchlso taxot, ,n- hotltauco taxes, taxes 011 corpnrui'ot and Incoino taxes nre leferred to w 1 1 neither approval or disapproval, "The modern theory that you e.i 1 hiifoly tax tho wealthy Is Just as ih noxious as tho medieval theory you can safely oppress or kl'. h-1 poor. It is obnoxious not br Mi. s wealth deserves special conslde '.I'lou, but because eapltnl Is tho mali.s.uvi ; . of all industry nnd material '.levhj.v 1 niont ; and, nfter you have devo'e I 1 it transcends its primary funrt.ri s , keeper of tho peace and,i''. ! of Justice, there will be Just so tun .1 less left to pay out Iu wages anl ( .vote to tile creation of other wea'tn ' "The saving featuro of our s't . tlon is Hint it is not complex, nnd h '' the reiuoJy is not obscure. The Lb. .1 of Intelligent economy must bo 'e- stored. Let tho ru'o bo that ever unprolltably spent marks a , crime ngninst posterity Just as tn a its does tho dissipation of material re fouives. Ilxpendlttiro tntist !) cut down all nloin; tho lino. ' 'ledlt oxorywhero shotlhr bo p lit sorvi 1 by a sharp scrutiny of now bond Issues. Tin; nation should re sorxc them for the crisis :f war; no state need nw hortow ukuIu If It !s wisely and lionostly Koverm'd. "Htop urnftlue, the ofTsprlni: of pu )lc o.stinviiKaiiee and llto pnront of civ ic decay, lu lhlduiil and public econ omy; a Just distinction between it ItlKh t standard of coinfort on one sldo anil ' vulBiir ostentation or criminal was'o on the other; a check on income wait ing, debt creation mid credit Inflation thou; are tho essentials of the now and hotter consonntlon. The toforiii Is yo K'ont, mo Indlspptisnblp, so link ...I ,.i ..ill iti.irut fiu it ..11 nj ,1111 unit. ' erlal pionress that It would (cin to appeal to the hoart and mind of overy Atnorlcan and win his ontlnislas:lc do-. oil(lll ll li li nn iimi iiiiiiii- niiiiu nn v , .... won. Patriotism and self-lnter- est Mrlko hauls hert for tho i.totc Hon of our hollies nnd li.ipplnestt ftom .....i ii i... t...i.i.. ..i. ..ii t ,i .i ..r ,.ii ......, i. w 1 1 1 1 1 n l - IIHI1 illlllMJIHiin wi .ill i mi-...,. -.. j the foes within our own borders." How Good News Spreads. "fMtn 70 years old and travel most of tho tltuo," writes II. F. Tol - son, of Kllzabethtown, Ky. ICvery - wnoro 1 go i reconiinomi cieciric lliuerti, iiecini-ie I ono iny e.i-i...eii- i health and vitality to them. They! etfoct a euro every time." They nov-1 or fall to tone tho stomach, regit- j Into tho Mdncy and bowels, atlnt "Into the liver, invigorate tho nerves rt. ......l... ,l..i lilni.l T-lwii. t',,1-1.' illlll flllllj lliu uniuvi. i.ij wonders for wonlc, run-down men W()mt,( restoring strength, vigor I , nnd health thnt'a n dally Joy. Try! them. Only f.Oe. Satisfaction is pos- '"ey. -"iiuioro , ' ' . WANTICD- Wagon driver at once. Apply .1. Y. I.jikIoii Sto.un Hyo lloii-e, next to Citlmor Hotel. Phono 301. 17-.1 Don't miss "Tin College Widow-' o- night, - KINKADE , REALTY- COMPANY Till: .IKI'FJOHSON TUFST COMPANY JIAS MON BY TO LOAN ON COUNTRY AND CITY PROPERTY, AND WE REPRESENT THEM HERE. WE INSPECT THE LOANS AND PASS ON TITLE AND YOU C.BT THE MONEY WHEN WE ACCEPT THE LOAN. THAT'S LL, 120 ACRES OIL I. N1) FOR SALE WE WANT TO SELL LOT NO. 2 IN UI.OCK NO 2. Mc LISII ADDITION TO ARD MORE. THIS IS ONE OF TIIE REST BUYS IN ARDMORE TODAY. LOT 60x110. HOOD STONE FOUNDATION FOR HOUSE. CHEAP AT $.r.:.0. COME AND SEE US. WE II AYE THE REST HWIOAIN IN CITY AND COUNTRY PROP ERTY TO HE FOUND IN OK LAHOMA TODAY. WE HAVE SOME EXCELLENT TILXOKAOB PROPERTY ON THE ROCK ISLAND-FRISCO AND ON THE SANTA FE FOR SALE OR TRADE. WE HAVE SOME OF T1I13. REST FRM LANDS IN CARTER COUNTY TO TRADE FOR CITY PROP ERTY NND SOME OF THE REST CITY PROPERTY IN ARDMORE TO TRADE FOR FIt.l LANDS, IF YOU FAIL TO LIST YOUR STUFF WITH US YOU MISS THE CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME. WE WANT YOUR IIl'SINESS. THAT'S AVI IAT WE ARE PAYINC. OFFICE RENT FOR. YOU WNT TO UUY, OR SELL THE STUFF. LET'S C.ET TOUEHER. WE HAVE A 11UYER FOR WHAT YOU WANT TO SELL, AND WE HAVE A. SELLKR. FOR WHAT YOU WNT TO RUY. KINKADE REALTY . COMPANY ARDMORE SECRET AND FRATERNAL SOCIETIES Ardiiioro Lodge No. CS7 FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES Moots every Wcdm sday night at K. of 1'. Hall. JOHN C W HOFFMAN. Worthy l'ronldcnt J k011T ' v ' -ccrctar), Washitn Tribe No. 33 IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN fleets every Wednesday night in ltod Men's Hall, HotHh Washington Stteot. II. A. KH.MIILH, Sachotn. 1). T. NIS1IKTT, C. of H. uacuita u avmak-cdc ACff.... .riw..,.n ,iri,i,imiMnu nddUwIn- ,T,nM I ATION NO Z3'2. Mcotjj , Hci, UM ibQ . Thllrstiay ,,, PV 1 ,, n ..., ,, ., w. T NISlliri'T, V. of H. Canton Ardmoro, No. -I PATRIARCHS MILITANT, I, O. O. F, 1 Mcot every Friday In Odd FoHowb' ' Hall. . jj WALKlCIt, , ! 'p NIS11ETT, Captain. Ulorlt. Indlanaol.t Hncarajimeia No. 10 I. O. O. F. iMceU In Odd Fellow-j' Hall every Vlday night nt S o'clock. T. L13U HOPSON, C V 11. T. N1SJJHTT, Scribe. Ardmoro Lodge No, 9 I. O. O. F. Meets In Odd Fellows Hail every Tuesday night nt S o'clock. J. F. CAllTEil, N. G. W. W. TALJAFKUKO, Sec. Ardmo'e Rebokali Lodge, No, 20, I. O. O. F. 'Meets every Thursday night In Odd Fellows' Hall. .MISS JENNIE HARVIOY, N. 0. L J. HERNDON, Sec. Cump C3.t WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meets nt K. P. Hall first, second and third Fridays in each month. Y. IJ. LYNN, C. U. J T .lONES. floik. WOODMEN CIRCLE. Moots at K. P. Hall every first Mandoy afternoon and third Friday evening. MRS. ED. SANiDLIN, Guardian. MRS. N. i:. MARTIN, Cleric. Myrtlo I)dgo No. 107 KNIGHTS PYTHIAS. ' M'eetH every Thursday night at I Castle Hall. I A. LOWENSTE1N, C. O. ' W. T. SAL1SI1URY. K.of R. and S PYTHIAN SISTERS, No. 29. Meets second and fourth Tuesdays Iu each month at Cast la Hall. JESSIE DAWSON, M. K. C. GRACE RERRY, M. R. of a Ardmoro Ix)dgo No. CI8. B. P. O. E. Meets second and fourth Tuesday nights at Elks' Home. ARTHUR WALCOTT, Ex. Rul. JODIE ADAMS, Sec. Ardmoro Chapter No. 11 R. A. M. Meets ocond Tuesday In eacn month at Masonic Hall. GEO HI3NRY IJRUCE. High Priest. JNO. L. GAIT, Secretary. Ardmoro Cotninanacry No. 3 K. T. Meets first Tuesday in each month at Masonic Hull. HODERT 11. HENttV, EM. Com'd'r. GEO. HENRY itRUCE, Recorder. Ardmoro Council No. 11 R. and S. M. Meets tlrat Thursday in each month ut Masonic Hnll. A. II. PALMER, T. I. Master. GEO. HENRY 15RUCE, Recorder. Aidinoro Lodge No. 31 A. F. and A. M. .Meets second Saturday night In eacn month nt Masonic Hall. W. M. GRIFFITH. Worshipful Master. GEO. HENRY IIRU1CE, Secretary. ORDER EASTERN STAR NO. 70. Meets fourth Monday in each j month at Masonic Hall, i MISS RESSIE PALMER. I Worthy Matron. I MRS, IRENE RRYAN, Secretary. I KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF ' SECURITY. NO. 1457. Moots overy Monday night In Odd ' Follows hall at 8:30. It. L. SCOTT, President. MRS. T1LLIE CIIADDICK, Sec Modern Woodmen of America. , Chickasaw Camp No. 7205, M. W. 1 of A., meets every Monday night Iti 1 K. ol V Hall. ' R. D. KNIGHT, V r 1 S. F. IIAYNIE, Clerk.