Newspaper Page Text
Ardmort, Thursday, March 17, 110 PAGE SIX THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. AN ODD MISTAKE THAT WOMEN MAKE mi " In I i ti i .1 l fall Into ;i i t .ik. u nb-.i I lint any lnln about 1 1 1 1 - mi ni Ihc hiii.iI! of the baek f null weakneim," nnil mint he nl'ir. 'I is ii trouble to Ilii' -i 1 1 , ;mlii'lic' In noble, biit too oft i mm .-ary nnd tinalne. Ki'i'. ' weakness, Iii man ot wo in i'l mno bnckiiohe, sharp hi; , wln'ti wtooptiiK or lifting, in ik .1w n pitim, HU of "blue," . ini-.ii'. ill..y k)I, lnmlm iif-8, i n v tlNouliTH and Hel!lliK ot the1 k '' 11' lllllll. Tii I- t it- kIii: ! ii"t wony ' 'iiNs( female weakness until i ii very uttr hnt It In ii'jl , i , ,li-ini- thM l musing your r "i .! - The nature of a wotnnn'i. .mil work make hr fall mi ,, m itm of kMiwr sickness. Tin and utooplntt of homework, tight clothing worn, the strain n.Mhlrth and wo'ry of paring i lil -. n tii.' Indoor llf.'. i h'A ft- ,' I I ('Iv'il.'ltl'll III' " 'Ml !(! , u ' i Villi" i .ii, y n i. .'ili. ' , ,. ' ,ii-i.l !--:! - Li 'HI -., ... - IK' - u: ir I ii. i mI ' - Overlook the C.iuc ot Common, but Mysterious Aches and IIIj, of or very Picture jftryj, Tells A Story Vv i. i Ti" I"!'. .i:i I II III -.' 'fcl I i !i ! :. i. h- . 'II tllllll to kit ' ' lii,iii- Knl.i'.v nirl.i I,. !( ,,,ns 1 1 1 A' II n :: i i n Ij i ', ,.i i :i ;iii''ii Don 'i. wait for n nerlous casr illiitH'tcri, dtotwy, Bright disease jtravt'l tii develop. Dohu'h Kidney Win in a simple netiiiili' remedy, ytt very quick i lt henlliiK and stieiiRthenlng notion on (lie kidney. It contains nolhln,? of n nnrrntlr. poisonous nor liable' foriiilnj? nature nnd enn bo inken by any man, woman or rlilld, of even the 1 most (IMIeotc ntule of health t Ardmore Proof. Mrs .M. A. I'rnek. 121 Ninth avi mie, Aidmore. Okln., says: "I have ' recehed the best pooslblr rcIIit from the use of D.wii'h Kidney Pilli. I'or two years I wiu ttoubled by, backache nnd the pains In my loliu were ko Intense itt times that 1 thought I hoy would drive be tranttc I eoiild not stoop and the least move, tiient mailt- my suffering moie aoute. Tie- doctor failed to help ine nnd at' Inn when Donn's Kidney 1MIU woi r r.nntnendi'd to me, I piocured a sup p'v at H IVano's droit "tore. Tin- oiiipb :ly cured me lint I i t.-i ti . ' Imd a M'tuni of my old iron l.'. Kin, I ,iii, owijoyid at the ic-l iiiiik.-l'l. Ii. in fit 1 have 1. cc Hed and i will helciifti'i' leclilinelld Dot's K.,lii. I' Hi- io any in rMiii I !i :ir ouij.l.iiiiiiin i'l kidniv iioubli A LIVELY TILT IN THE LEGISLATURE HOSTILITIES NARROWLY AVERT ED IN DEBATE OVER THE CODE DILL. 4 DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Soldby&WdfMiJISi rWC9 5o cents, rotTtn-Hlt6UBW Co., PtiffAlo. N Y . Proprietors Iff Tit T2a mVirKiteTi os 1 1 m i i ntUM i(.i. i imi.i: .in in. .no l 1 1 1 111 I .' i nil' i ' ' n 'i if il in not Ml " , . , I'll " I' lit ii " HniH i , call that to Kiinu, .aid an lmi'itineiice, 'ii o'lt of ll.- , III,- I illliler -,,lim to :,lloth' r -111 umpltitt lint into why the I'll' - U u mUtuken deluaion," -,-,'d Chester, "amonn people ii moo Into N'ew Vortt from tltolr vii Minium toat thfy ?oubl nvvw live ii hotel or a boarding house. Tliu i ' n starts with soiui ehaneo re i'K Mich as: 'Oh. l could never ii Hie house will) a lot of people tout Kl.i'U. mi I lo H i- I Iii-iii ili i ;i I ( Om , i,it',.i iili " .i,li' m a imardltit; ion- - .in unite illtt' M-lit Tlie arc iiliiml - in ihiMihhs. and liae fixed Iniiiis. Iii the ( cnlngs ihpy have their mil uffaii-H and eiigneineiitM to thlllk of The ilanuer Is rather one ot loin lincMh and u.cIukIoii t liun of liavlnu anyone lutiuslw or comse. thre N lonslderublo iui limit y about one"s if fnlr. but ls. as u rule, thnn In the .uetago country tlllnge" "ltut It Is so much rhtNiper t;i live in a rial." protestod Miss Foster. " not in r IihIIih limilou. although a wry widespread one," said t'hest-r. "You don't get proper things lo eat. You don't get them at the proper i nor.n." hours. Often. ou forget to b ivc any- Miss I'osier laughed. II 11 1 (1 l M'll' 1 1 I !l 1)1 - bOll . tl ' "Nil, I dull' believe I li.nt .' .tld Mis Kosior. "I him- iki much tUurln:; la do at the olllro that I oarhew It at home." ' It la umiuluK. continued OhosU--. dteamtly. "how niossengcr bos can ninlntnin life on cocoantit pie. 'I'lu y nil do. Ilauk r'erks havo the annie ten dency except wher. the Institutions havo beui wise enough to sorvc a de cent .lunch Otherwise u pUx' ef pie :iud a glass of' mill; or cnffn la the unhersal regimen. If you don't believe It Just itlnnco Into any cheap rout an nul I. In the Wall Street district at Ciitlule. Okln.. March It'.. A tlot him time wna bad in the house to day durltiR consideration of the bill n Hmtitor Thomas. flppruprlatlUR IHi.non to romplit.- the codltl-atlon r the Oklalioiim ttntut'-s. It -pieseiitnthen Ti-rrii: of Kiowti anil Hwell of lliyan. aevi rely crit icised the code lomtnlsHlon. Kwell said that "The code commission U a shame and a illsgrnL-e to the Mat"." It n si ntatlvo Diirant of Hryan dlf-f.-rd frun lCwell. A dubat" followed that threatened to terminate In pliys I al iKHtilltlos. A c:imn to the ar Kimiclit came when the ehnlnnan ot tii committee of the whole. Hopro MiitiiUo llrvan. atteinitted to make Hwell take hU seat, declaring him of order Kw. lt eontlntiml talklns and Hryan tried to drown his re marks with the gavel. Thli continued until the whole h .use was III an up rt .ii'. The extraordinary t-.cune con tit'tnd for sveral minutes The sena tor b.'Knn desertluR their work to sUr what was the matter anu the houso chamber was soon crowd ed with spectators which Increased the eonftMlon. The speaker pro tern f the house, ltepresentntlve Hani , won. dually stepped up on the speak ! e.'s stand, checked Ilryan's h.imui'-r-, liiKandHtopiioil Hwell's rnnarks. none of which had been heard. During the argument on tin- bill ' Terrlll aalil that the allowed prepared by tin- chairman ; rotary of the code lutlges Harris and Day plet.' , and n ' the Hcnate, commonly hnown as the state fair ground bill, provldlnB for th' sale of 100 acre of achool land now occupied by the state fair at j Oklahoma City and also tracts of ' land at Shawnee nnd (luthrle. A suiatc bill, Kcnernl In scope, i but merely Intended to validate f 100. I 00u wortll of bollilH held by the state fair at Oklahoma City and also tracts j of land at Shawnee and (luthrle. , j A senate bill goncrnl In scope, but merely Intended to valldnto $100,-1 j 00U worth of bonds held by the state 1 i banking board nut ot the asset of the Columbia Hank and Trust com- ; iMiiiy, ih panned flnallv. The .lahn i nnd liuinett bill, which orlnlnnlly In-! j tended to make some minor ntnend ! meats to the prohibition law, was I later amended In the house by Itoss ; to abolish the state dispensary and still later changed In the senate so i that It merely ie-onacted Senator ' Hlllups old bill to create an alcohol 1 aijcncy at (luthrle ennie up In the housi. On motion of M'ixey the house , refused to concur In the oenute J amendment ami a conference com- ! mlttec will be appointed. j llrnnt Kirk of Oklahoma City was called to the speaker's desk, pre t-nted with tlie pen that sinned the Confederate home bill and made a neat tiddress In acceptance D t Ke.l f' iiii'lul urn ,- 'M-l ,1 milli thing In thi, house, and are driven ( to convenient it staurants. "(liillty or not guilty?" "Oul'ty." admitted Miss riistei', I smiling, "lint h w tin you bapiten tn ' kl'ow hi i inileh about me?" ; It is nut iiinlUliltia.l.eil," explaluetl Cliihter "All people IhiliH iiioiie In, 'luiitii'.iiilH are Hie -auie wa I hatt 1 1 en through it m - If lint . you e r YourNerues 1 1 ., -II n i .-. .7 U, it Your nerves must he fed with pure, rich blood, or there wi'l be trouble. I'oorl) fed nctcs arc weak ncrc4; sail wciik ii. rves mean nervousness, I tit,tir.ilRii, h idaches-.dehlhlv. Weak i rvi s tvc.l j;ood food, fresh air, and AVer's Sarsapurilla. i. n me LOW KATES TO CALIFORNIA and the NORTH PACIFIC COAST only ON li WAY $25.00 ONK WAY AKDMOKE Tt Los Angeles oi' San V raneisco vta 1 1, ivt :s i n i.i tlai . M.n i Ii I I t ii p ti I 1 1 1 (.'on esp.itiiiniK t iw fnre-i to inntit otiier western pi lilt-- Stopovers allowed at lnitit-, nt I I v . i ii nuic ir,i. t,' Si.O I' !.-. 1 it'l Ask lor It'ltl' i' Ciiiiuil. ut I'l ii Toitn-f SLvpirw Cor ' II M IIHOWN, Ue. lioi k, ii Div Tax? Aut . Okla ( lt Okl.i Hi lie "I hnven'i laced audi t sot Ions ar talguiuent aineo I lift home." sle Mild.. "I knew that you hud come irom home." said Chester. "Hut let nit you an lllustrption. I was up at the Tliiiif bui'tliiig apiilyiuK for a Job; lor the tlility-m'M'iitli time one alter noon a few months :io ulitn a boy tame thioiigh the door with his nauiH full ot illches. 1 hold the tloor op-n lilm to pass, anil he glanced at appi 'datively as he st t the tlMn-H n- ile-li Ills ileiueauor was sliKht .iin irlnu- In cause he had a Job ,i t'U newspaper and I had not - otlicittisc affnb'e. I i ou know.' In rnlil to me with (nil, ri attirally iuciI evpresalon ei a i me I mv in n nowspaper oitice iliat 1 l,in been horo since nine " .'ii'k ibl.H mortilug, mi ! this is the In i -ii u-t itut I ii soMd looil I Inn bad lint ij ' I itlanced al his 'iibstmilt,il food.' Ii Kin-li-t.d of a hum cup ot Col'i.e nnd a wedge of co 'oanut pie." And no wl'l probably glow up to ne a piUe fiKhtei, and survl.e both," impleted Miss l-'oste.. That is hceauif lie h.i no nerve o- cons'.-lcnce," explaint ,1 Cheater. They were luwy at v.-ork while thlh i-onversatioii was going on, dls iii.uit Hiik the few remaluinK things i Km were already packed. There were c bwebs 111 tile CJniers of the . I .'itnieiit, and much accumulated ilUM w.i revealed when the rugi wie le.lleved from the couches 1-2 v- lytluuK was lu order, but the dust was t vi i ywhere. and the general iui i'H .slmi that Chmter gathered was t liai Miss router was more nccus mined to work with her head than wuii li.- handi. Immaculately dainty .'mm in i self, there her activities iiliiil to cease. Her neAt olmervn .mi erviil to cinflnu his therj Code and sec coinmlsslon. 'Is not com- Miongh, n it accurate enough, t worthy iiourIi to be adopt ed tn any way." He said that he had heard the chaiiman ot the cod' commission say that the Junk in the alleged finished code was thrown together by him. the secretary and seven or eight derks In fourteen HoWs ThU7 We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caso of Catarrh that can not be cured by I fall's Catarrh Cure. F. .1. Oiin.VHY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known V. .1. Cheney for the past fifteen years and believe him perfectly hon orable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by his firm. Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In ternally, acting' directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces ot tho sj'stcni. Testimonials sent free. 1'rlco 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Take Hall's I'aniily Pills for con stipation, d&w da vs. Ills entile speech on the W'iwas a bitter denunciation , code commission members ', b Miylng i lug them bill ; of or the , He ended ; ho wo- in favr of allow- 1 to complete the code, If they desired to stive tlietr reputations j as 'awyers and pelf-respect as citl ' ens and were willing to complete 'tlulr work without any more pay 1 fioin the state. i The code coiumls-don got very lit tie dermse from any one. even those ' finoi'lng (he Thomas bill having noth lug to say coinpllnientary. Tho Hwell I motion to kill the bill wa defeated : by lour votes and the bill rue- oniiuended for passage with one vet-' j to spare. ! The code . omiulnslou is composed ' o! W. 1! Urowiilee of Kingfisher and .1. It. Thomas of .Muskogee, repub ' Means; leiie I'. Day of I'deau, Sam II Harris of Oklahoma City and .bhii 1'. Hayes of Hobart, democrats. ' They weie appointed by Cove tnor Has 'koll and began work April I. H't0, They were to have finished the work j of (ompl'ilng the Oklahoma laws by December 1. 1!'09, but fell ait among thenueives. dividing Into two fac tions, making one compilation of tlie Order For Hearing Petition For Pro. bate of Will. State of Oklahoma, County of ('al ter, ss: In County Court In the matter of the estate oi W. II. Hill, deceased: Kllie A. Hill having on the tilth, day of March. A. I), lt'10, filed lu this Court an Instrument purp rting to be the last will and testament ot W. II. Hill, deceased, with a pe tition that the same be admitted ii pronato ior mo nisi win aim iesii nient of W. II 1 1 111, deceased, and tint letters of administration with will an nexed Issue to Kllle A. 1 1 111. A II. l'altner and K. .1. Uaniscy. It Ii hereby ordered, that tile liSth day or March, H'lo, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, at the c urt room ot this Court, at Aidmore, In said County or Carter, be. and the same aie, hereby appointed tne time una place for proving said will and hear ing the petition of said KIMc A- Hill, and any person Interested may then and there appear find contest .said 111 and file objections lu writing to the granting of letters of admin Istratiou with will annexed as prayed for by said petitioner. It Is further ordered, taut notice therefore be given by publication not less than 10 days before said '.'Sth day of March. A. D.. 1910, lu the Ardir.orclte, ;i dally newspaper statutes and a partially completed j printed nnd published lu said Carter code. The Th imas bill piopohes to dlsdinrge the code commission and appoint, through a legislative com mittee of sl. three representatives 1 and three senators, some one com ' pt'tent man to complete the, wot!: ot codifying tin statutes. Tin rc Is con ' slderable doubt expressed as to th ! passage of the Thomas bill finally, i It did not have the requisite I' ii t ic pitu-s lor furnishing ou with ELECTRICITY I i i t:i i i, it it ' ;n Ae- '!l."l I i mv i;t' - il' ' t'lK'iLMW'l l' uf u.uus for i';m,' i'iU'."ii.l"l i'l PURE DISTILLED WATER ICb ariti WE BEST OF McfUESTER C0fLS ;r I 1 ;iM'd i n-t' hi. ... i lu. t 'IN .1' 1 tl t I I Vldi I i tt it1 w j Ardnwte Ice, Lighi & Powet Company Saved a Soldier's Life. nil,.: death from shot and shell ti- iwl war .was more agree 1 ,til, re ,1. A. Stone, of Kemp, Tex., iii. in i .ting it from what doctors il was consumption "1 ecntracted ' tiibliuni cold." he writes, "t'.ii: ' loi'i 1 a cough, stuck o ne i i !.c of all remedies for je.ns r .iliilp lan down tn Kin poiu d 'l ,i, n I began to it'e l)r King's New D.'Circiy, which completely fund tne. I now weigh I'.s pound'-." I'o: Coii.j is, Colds, I,a Crlppe, Asthnii, Hi "iion lingo. Hoarseness, Croup, U noiipliiK Cough .u nl lung tiMiible, '.' - ipieme. TiOc. $1.00. Trial bottle free Cu.t inteed by Ardmore I'harmaiy. I'ully ulne out of every ton eases of rheumatism Is simply rheumatism of t'ie muscles due to cold or damp, or ihnnlc rheumatism, neither ot v .,i,-'i require any Internal treatment Vi is needed to afford relief tii. fi-.e application of Chamber ,n'- Liniment. (Jtve It a trial. You i '.lain to be pleased with the .1 U uh i wlibji l affoid-. Sold bj .1 dealers v tes this atteinoou. The house recomiiu tided for pass age in committee of the whole th.' ft Slowing bills: Jly .Stewart of th") sm.ite apptopriatlng $1,010 for the expense of the otlice of the garni warden; two bills by the senate K-ht,o'. laud committee, appropriating i'L'.'.'T" to reimburse tlie common Mie I liind lor tiv ncy spent lu pa.v liv t'u ,;iiii-is of tlie -.iiool land d .I'tnuut iiul appropriating Jlt'.,l."0 i pav ir xpensts of the school '. in i iTln I'nill l'Hl, by Stafford of Countj'. And that mitten or printed copion of said notice be addressed to the heirs cf said testator resident lu this state, and to iA. II. Palmer and V. .1. Hainsoy of Ardmore, Okla homa, at their places of resldeuce, I i If known to said petitioner, and de-; posited In the postoi'fico, with the 1 I jm-tage thereon prepaid by said in 1 tltlouer at least ten days before the . day set for heating said petltl-n. Dated this liith day of March. ' I).. 1010. j 1. It. M.VSO.V, j H'-lot County Judge. Attention Rebekahs. Our President, Mrs. l,I.le Cuter, j will visit our llcbckah l.odg, ut Its regular M'ssiou on Tlutrsday ul iitt. We want i very member who pos.-1'ily can to be pres-en at t tat time MKS KKSTI.Klt D. D, Tie Head Ardmoreltu W.i t Ada. Ruhscr be fo1 The V'dmoieitt MOTHER'S FRIEND A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. 1 Cheerfulness and a bright disposition (lit tins the months before baby comes, are among the Greatest blessings a mother can bestow upon tho little life about j to begin. Her happiness and physical comfoit will largely novcm tho proper development of tho health and uatuio or the child. Mother's Friend contributes i much to tho mother's happiness and health by tho icliof and mental comfort it artords. It is a llnlmcut composed of penetrating oils and medicines which lubiicate the muscles and tendons of tho body, soothe the swollen mammary Clauds, causa a gradual expansion of tho bkin and tiuuei, aud aid in the relief of nausea. The rgnlar uso of Mother's rriend neatly lessens the pain and danger when baby comes, and assures a quick aud natural recovery for the mother, Motuer'i rriend ii told at drag itores. Write (or our free book, coa tatatng valuable Information for expectant Mothers. THC mUOFKlO CO., ATLANTA, A. Don't Get Discouraged It's no use to sit on a keg, spit red, and cuss Uncle Sam, because you have paid too much for your hog wire. Get busy, go to T. K. Kearney and see your Troubles Vanish. A Warm Welcome Awaits You i a Just Received M Felker's Grocery Store New krout, sour and sweet pickles, sweet Mango pickle, Dill pickle, Queen bulk olives, seeded ribbon cane, sorghum, fresh line new evaporated fruits. Call and buy of our new goods. Fresh line of Chase and Sanborn coffee and Heinz's 57 varieties of pickles and preserves. When the Agent Talks lite Insurance Ask lilm to com pare )uh tlgurcM with tlienc. Cut thin out, keep It on hands, Btudy Woodcraft nnd you enn show It's the best inmir mice in tho world HERE ARE SOME FIGURES First npficssnient. levied September 1, IS01. Henelits pnid to .Inn. 1, 1001),$ US.Iii:i,M7.71. AvernKO hro of membership lu lflut, :?o yenrH nnd I months. AvornKo mortality per 1,000, pur cont. Avornge amount collected per $1,000 in surance in IPOS, $1-2. Totnl iucotno during lUOb, Hi,lll,i!l I. Totnl disbursements dining 1PU8 H,mi,iM. HurpluH for IPOS liS,3S7,lBlt. K.vponso ot miiiingement for IPOS, wiih Me per member. It is tho most economically managed in- surnnco society in tho world. During 1009 more thnn ono hundred thou sand men wero granted Woodmen cer tillenteB. If you want to JOIN THE WOODMEN OF IE WORLD n nd get tho best Insurance per, or call or write See nny chop. J. N. mmt District llrfjsitr. Wo will loan you nione Your Money In ronl eetate. llioro is no safer investment on earth, in (not it is tho earth, (let u piece of it. Wo have on our list soino of tho best bargains Hint hnvo been of fered in Ardmore. Hero nre somo ot them: IJ houses nnd lots close in for I1.S00. An entlro block closo in on Main St., with IS good houses, nnd nil mod cm conveniences. Yon will bo surprised to llnd how cheap this property can bo had. Somo of tho best business property on Main Street nt bargains, on both city property mid farm InmU nt tho mot-t reasonnblo rate of Interest. W. S. SMITH CITY BOOK STORE A store of known reliability for School Books, Stationery, Office and Typewriter Supplies Glass, Paint and Wall Paper. Large, attractive stock at prices not under quoted by anybody.