Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY ARDMOREIT.t Aramore, Thuriday, March 17, 1910 PAGE EILiHT Do Not Think of Buying Your Easter Clothes Until You Look Through Our Store Wo have a handsome line, at prices within reach of all. of Woolen Suits and Skirts. Fancy Capes. Silk Dresses. White Shirt Waists, Ramie Cloth Suits and Dresses. New Collars. Jewelry Novcl ities. Shopping Bags. Etc. Spend sometime look ing through our store and the sight alone will pay you for your time. While looking through our store examine the following Whin- I'tuiuYil Wilis', made in St. ( ttiul, benuty. at 5.0() Whito , poIum in ii nou (Million Waist, lute stylo-, SO tn) and (.)( Nu- UpmuIiIii'Ii Cupt's. neatly tniiimoel, lf iiiilu.s leiiif.', si' color", our prii'O oncli $fc.i8 A ft ally many arc tulnny neh'ftntuxe of our clicckcd and striped t lotli suits, nmdn up in the 1'ito stylos, tliat wo arc sillmjat $9.98 Do . ii ictt!i.o what a larnitJ an nil v ol si""yo suit, .sat n lined, full plaited skirt, four or live hliados to select from, we lmf it at eadt 1 2.39 Wt-at' a very j.'ood a.sbDrtmcnt ef In? tor alius, piui ranging from flfr.Wj-io $21.08, see thom. If ,oii want on? of the ncivelilios of tlie pu(imii, color, stile anil all taken into coniderat'on. Wo show tliein' Von see tliuin' FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS GOVERNMENT NOT IE WITH CASE : DISTRICT ATTORNEY SAYS HE HAS RECEIVED FIFTY COMMUN ICATIONS FROM VICTIMS. s SO Kid (ilovos lor $1.29 This mean" any $1 ."0 laelte kid glo- o to be found in the house I $1.00 Kid CUm s lor 83c Thih mollis your die ice of any $1 do Kid (llove that ve have in the hotine 2 1 M..Uhi: Kup-", liflxTL', special while they !uM, each I lot of T.'Vand (illc l:itlieft' Hose, lancy emliroide-ry. e do n and drop stitch, your e hoice a pair 52e plain 39c J. O. Fuller. Mgr. Ardmore'.s Growing Store ( Mitii II IliiilT", Ion. Mar (.hhhii.v hi oppctstlotn. tlie xuiei li nn 'H wn utiab'o tn roii"li eoncliiiilons ..! '- in"." ty iiMin In tlit trial of M i i . i mill hid MwoeinlP. Tin- Kowrnitietil thin momiiiK re nh I a letter fonn .1. .1. rienilni: of ltiril, KnniuiK, ttwlnttiiK time he lu-t $I7."(i0ciii h prize flRltt nt Iti tiuT, folo t'olimil Tempi . iliKtllel attorney, . I hut n iir'y lllty Mliiillnr (Oiiimuiil i itluiiH IiiiiI iiuelieil lilin Mliee opened, il"o to t ! Kenernl pub "n it uht ii tlx n-i . Tlu amount ii hi il 1 1 , tln- c-oi 1 1 1 ii i 1 1 1 :t 1 1 . i i'V . di d 4 Ifto.doti CRISIS EXPECTED AT TODAY'S SESSION MINERS AND OPERATORS OF iN DIANA AND WESTERN PENN SYLVANIA CANNOT AGREE e nu iniiiiti, Ohio, MiiH'li IT i N III till' 111 KOtllltluilH IlltHI III .Ii miner-' ami the operator of ti,. i-ciitriil colllii'titlve tlebl of liull.i i i and western PeiiiiKylvnnlu H'-i- ;he want nenle n expected to lie i- o. h i' today. With aliuont the hist hope of i.K'l e nu lit gone, the slllinllo.t in the bituminous iiiIiiIdr Nectloiu iiNu mailc tense. Notice of Sale. Iir)an County. State nf Oklahoma. xotick in iu:iti:iiv givi.w Tim lrtur of an order of the County 'ouit of Ilryrm t' anty, tik'.nliom;. , ii.mle on the SIM day of February, . 1 1 1 0 Itoberl I.ninlr.'li. tint iiiiiIit Vztl- I'd. Kimiill.ili of tlie pittite of I.e tll" ' ; Itnotiibby, n minor, will Hell to tlie ! , lichen bidder for eaeli, at prlruto 1 0lin'l" ! Hule. ulJct i confirmation nt diiJ j court, Die Intercut of until inliuir in (In following ,' ' nbetl lands v. or uftr .March IP. IP 10, towll: T;i.' 'S'Vj of NWW 'I HKV,. ami the NliVi of SV ,, and the H'fc of XWi'i of SW'i. and the Xi of SV, of HWM. and tin- SK'i oi Olilahoin.i; and bldn wllj be rjcelved for said lands In one tract cr In biiIj i1IIrIoiih theieef; bldH ami offer? mutt be accomiianled with u (em lied I'hocK for 10 per cent of the amo.tnt offered. Slsneil this 2Mb day of Kiluunry, iioiikut i.ANimirrn. of l,"iili) luiolitbb), Minor. liy ii.vTOiiirrr - Knitorsox, Attorney. wU.2!-li! SWf, or SW',, and Xv' of Si:', of SXX i,, mid NIC of 8 HI, of sw;, and .ViXVU of SXV, of SH", of See tlcn 27; and tli' X'W 'f N'H1, f '.Ni:.',, and tho XV 'i of NH', of S.-"- tl1(ton .1,1, Ton iihIii j I South. ItaiU' : XX'ixt of the Indian !'ane ,'iiul M... 1 I Will the innllelne tlu- Okiahoni.i ie I pnblleaiiH air ninkiiiK eoni under the i ban of tlie put'i' food and drugs an ' Sorrnrn, uf Mnlhf rlinoA. ' Th Joyn, fortunntPty, oiitwclRli th norrowfi of motliorhooa. Hut tlioro Ir no deoylnp thero nro nomo Horrow. Vor ttxnmpie, Ijin't It pnlliutlc to licar the baby cry, or tho child refuse fnoil, mul not know what to do for It7 The nixt tlino thin linppptis In your fnmllv. In stead of nlvlnir a nnrcotlc, sen If tho younjfMor'H bowelR Iiiivp mnvot tlmt I, . .. nm it I, ! nllinrwl.n lillliiltH Tn Ian. Cartur County, Oklahoma. ,ci, cbbpii kIvo tt Dr. Cnldwoll'n Hyrup fllTiTM ninl for il,,. iiiih Ii i rcpln. the Croat lnxntlvi ; Ionic ; ror tno Ullers llllil mil ioi me pun 0'nnet) Vor and IhiwpIh. Tho child of hii i iind-f liiilHt he In wiitlim alul ! will tnKo. tn It rpmiuy may be left with the County .lud-;i l' lliyan Conniy. Oklaln mu, at Un taut, or delhiiid to hahl uardhi'i at .lolner, OM.ilionia, or to llntehett S. I'erKUiioii, .ittoriuys, at Dur.un. It riaillly tioenuso Ita tftnto Is plenxutit. It l liro In Inirro illpntu: pffpctlvo In rp"UltK. Try a 50 cpiiI or f 1 tiotllp. which you can obtain of any ilrub'Blt. Head Ardniorolto Want Afli. an I., Nctlee of tn lie' i i Shorn Saic of Private .,n: i ol Hrow a. Real 5,ilc Estate nt tin KU.iliH.lli I llllliil In hereby an order llankell fount), the Sod ilny ( tthpit in pur mi of the County Oklnliomn, Mareh. X. N'ottce if e Of ' nirl of Lie Oil 10 U. that the untlenduneil a.t ..iidhiii of the t'Htnte of Shorty i own, the aboee iiamed ill. an or nftpr the 2Mb Vliin h. 19111, e! lit prllHte ' hlslieft and bent bidder, ooufli tnatlon of I lined Court, all of llir lighl. title lid IllU'tVht of till' altow IIKllUll -ihorly llroveu In and to the following : m rilied real eMUte, ultualtil III l.iikell Cuunty? Oklahoma, tow It: s li . K r.iiniiu. XMoiiuy at Stlnler. eil.'.ilinni:i Until) tin- i i- Ttt, ,m nf Mareh. I !''ii I K IIUCKMAX, (limiilliiii. Ity 1101,1, t?Y .X: KAXNIX. ItUl.hMY .4 KA.VNIX. .ttorne.K. Aflldavlt of Taker-Up. St 'ie of eikluhoinn. Carter eoautj, tin tliU Sth day of .Xlnrth. A. !., lliiu. pi rMonally appearifil befori' nr. XX in. II. l'rniiie. eoauty clerk In an! ioi - 'Id (ounty and Htiile, llo'i ilnliiuiii wln. belli;; by me llriit duly sworn. and hjvh: I did, on the Ifi-h da ii, rebri, .i., A. .. ll'lu. on y preiulMi, to vi : the ini 'iter of Section 22 Township IS, itatlt-'e 2XV I .XI , in mid County and Stale, take up an WM ray. iteserineii ;im rniiowH. to wit: One Hleer. eomliiK to years o'.l. i Mark hpllt in eaeh i;ar, color pale tel. ! That I did, within three dus froai wk !i ir.-2'i Sllnler. eikla. minor, lay of Mill., til I hillijert atn"v Are you frequeatly bourne? Du you have Hint anuo)ln tltklliiK In your throat? Does your ceniKh annoy you at night, ami d you r.ilno rotteux In the moniliig? Do you want roller? If ao, take CliamiH'rlnln'A Cemgh Iteiaedy ami you will be ploaxod. Sold by all Uenlnr. 1 am for mon owl v. iR-r. nrnn 'i of XUU of XKVi of Seetlou i .. and N'tt't, of Xl?4 .f XU'-i and j NW'i of NIJV, ami KXfc of XI5', of X' of Swtkui IR and SJ of -V, of SKM of Section In. ill! Ill l'ii. 1 , llaliKe I XXVtU Said real CMtale will be ttuld on i tollowiuK term and condition, Caah upi u event Ion ami do i y " cl",d. I ml i'iivehm thereof uinat In I'nl nniat ! aceompn- i' 'I i 'i a certified cheek. .! I i I lent hunk for tell per 'i i in i' t - i old, ii h a ii -y . i r ,it!i nnd to wj 'I nu- of the bid 'i' ii')- the bidder. '1 j .i to the umlei- ii' d a! S!ki, r. nuialiuiiia. .. in .linl.i i ('.nu u c il , ( .. tn ii.i. ..i i.. It.. "St. Elma,'' a (Jieat Play. .Xi.iirdliiK to the uinmiKeiuent of "St. KIn.o." the drama built iimiii AiiKMiia .1. Kvau.' fiimoip not el of ! the Atone name, the iduy will he ii iii iiie.1 iii ii way to hiiIIhI.v tho IiiokI ' liti.'iil taxte when it U seen in !(- eit at the Itohlxon open Iioiik. on Miidny, March 2lt. X c.ii' of NH-lal Hfenery ha been built for the production, and tie cast l iiiiide up of picked pluycrt, who hate been drilled under the ,u ImiaIMiui of the auth r. Xell Two me). Seat ale p. n Siitui.lav it H't n lIUU HI re I'mll woniin, wnnum ilnrliiK nu imtrtin 1 1 ii li. iir.-Kiiiim y in- niiriliiK Ktmiilil li'i'P tin- ImwiN u.ll i...n Ti-v lr I'.il.l wiH'n Siuii 1. e-ii. i -i iirti lull i I ' I'l.l $1 . K.ltll. mild date and llfteon dayn prior to thli date, pot up In throe public p':.c(" In wild county notices (a copy of which U herein allnclii'il mid U d "I'.Milhit A", an teipilKHl by law: thnt Kill diiiiiiiinl wa known to ne a in twtray for at loant nix iiioihIik bofoie tliu sumo wii8 taken tip. and that I .li I not drlvo or eanne mhl otray to driven on mild premises ; thnt ihe niarkii and lirniuln nro the rnino wore on hupIi estrny when It was tal.t m up, and that the value of said .( rpv i.t the time the wnno was taken n;i waa l'lftern liollam; thnt I am a honiestoader. land owner, leee, .if Maid county; that my pot office a ! iln Is Hewitt. OUla. It. T. 1 10 1, MAX. Snlmerlbed and sworn to before m till 7th day of Mareh. 1010. Win. II. Kit AXIK. Count CI. ik. 10.17-21 l Mill Wnn.lfr Srrrr Ctanrl 1 Wo know a mlnlHtcr In Uuthcrforil, i Tciiti., wtio hail ImtlKPstliin and othur ctomarli coinnliiliitrt for over clxtv years (lio la toilay). It Is porlmps j ,i,T,'ii n-i.,. in nil lifeil in' , iniiiuii.-1 could toll htm of a "cure" that hu ill.ln't try. In this way a lot of money went out but no hoiilth came In. Klnnll) 1 he tl til Rut n hint that was Ronuliu1. . ' frlcnit told lilm his own etporliMiOP with lr. C'alilwi'll's Syrup IVpsln. He I thought ho woiitil try once niialii, lb' did. and this tliun was ciii' .l, tlimiKl ho had the trouble for slMy ir It Is a n'oii.liTf ul euro for all - l imarti, liver nml bowol coiiuiluliiti, 1'rlee ."1 cents mul 1 ut alt drut; -mires Our Magazine Bargains for 1910 Tin lollowini! an Hu bmt club offers that will bo made this season The I.ndlc' Home Journal and the Saturday MveiihiK I'ost. both $3.00 The Youth's Companion (Incltidlni; all extra numbero, the r.2 issues for HMO. and the "Venetian" Cal endar for l'.MO). all for SI. 75 The Aidiuorelte $1.00, I'letorlal Uovlow $1.00, Success .XIiiKiizllie $1.00; all three S2.20 Thi' Ardmoitdte $l.OU, Modern l'rlsellla 7ie, Tho Housekeeper 7.c; alt three 81.70 The Ardinorelte $1.00, The Independent $U.OO, Success .Xliipa.liie $1.00; all three 2.75 The Ar.laiorelte $1.00. I'letorlal Hevlow $1.00, Homo, .Needlework 7je. Tho Ilousckeeiier 7."c; all four. .$2.20 Tho Ardmorelle $1.00, Tho IIous(deepor 7."e, Homo .Needlework 75e; all three 81.70 Tin. Ardinorelte $l.0ii, XX'oild To-Day $1.50, I'letorlal ItoWew $1.00, Success I.-ma.liio $1.00; all four. .83.20 The Arduiorelte $1.00, Metropolitan $1..',0, XX'orld To- Day $l.r.0, all three 83.00 The Ardmoielle $1.00, Home and Kami .0e. Poultry Siittess fiOe. ParU Modes TiOc, ((ncluillnt; oik; pattun free): all four 81.70 Ihe Xrdmorelto $1.00, Homo & Kami r.Oc. Kami Poultry, Paris Modrs .'Or, (Including one pattern tree); all four 81. 70 Tie- Arilnn relte $l.t'0. Karin Journal (. years) $1.00, The Housekeeper 7.c; all three 82.0F T!i - Xrdmorelle $1.00, Pictorial Itcvlcw $1.00, Amer ican ltoy $1.00; all three 82.10 Tii.- Xriliuorolte $1.00. I'letorlal Kevlew $1.00, Ladles' World line. Modern Prlscllla 7.1c; all three 82.20 T.i. Xtiluioreite ?1.U0, Pearson's Magazine $.li"0, Suoeehs Mannzlne $1.00; all three $2.40 Th Xvilinorelte $1.00. Pearson's Mngnzluo $1.00, Amer ican Hoy ?l.i10; all three $2.10 The .Xrdiuoreite $1.00, 'World To-Day ?1.."0, Pearson's Magazine $1X0; all three $2.70 'I he Xrdiuoreite $1.00, Sueces Magazine $1.00, I'lc- t'.rlal Itevlew $1.00, Ainerlean Hoy $1.00. all four.. $2.00 Tie Xrdmorelte $1.00. I'anner's X'olce r0e, Home and Karin eOc, Poultry Success TiOe; all four 81.70 Tin- Xriluioielte $1.0", Karmpr's Voice ,"0c, Homo & Karin ."He. Paris .Modes Title, (Including one pattern free); all f ur 81.70 To" Anlinoielte $1.00, Home .t J'ariu ."Oc. Uellabb Poultry Jouinal .Vic. all three 81. 70 Tiie Xrduionlte $1,00, Housekeeper 7."c, Modern Prls- liia 7,'e. American Hoy $l.oo; all lour $2.10 Tli" Xrdinor ite $1.00, Metropolitan $1.50. Success Magazine $1.00; all three $2.70 The ArilniorPlto $1.00. Technical World (or XX'orld To-Day) $U0; both $2.00 Tii" Xrdinotvlto $1.00, Alnslee's Magazine $1.50; both.. $2.00 The Xnlincrelte $1.00, Success Magazine (or Pictorial ltovicw) $1.00; both $1.70 Ti." Ardinorelte $1.00, Paele Ilemiis'-IIomu $1.00, Met lopolltati $1.50, Paris Modes 50c (Including one nattern free) all four 82.70 Xddress all orders to The Ardmorcite, Ardniore, Okla. The Xrdmorelte at $t 00 may Include XX'eekly one year or Daily two m nths DEPOSITS GUARANTEED Guaranty State Bank AKD.MOKI5, OKIiAIIOMA 4 Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits Wu solicit your business on liberal tornii .1. M. Spvuins M. GoniKiii N. M. Kenyan .I.M. iJ.'tiiel l'. 0. Dliiff S. T. nictlsoi W. A. Gilliam J. W. llnnnah .fa. K, IIun;i)liii',s Ardmore State Bank Ardmorc, Oklahoma CAPITAL $25,000 Deposits guaranteed. Fastest growing bank in Oklahoma. A home hank owned by home people. Our Motto; Safety, Courtesy and Promptness. BANK OPENED JUNE 1, 1908. Dcpcslts, Individual, Juno 1, $18,57.1.0:; Deposits, Individual, July 15, S 15,25 t.O.'i Deposits, Individual, Sept. 23, $100,098 11 Deposits, Individual, Nov. 27. ,1 19,937.5'J Deposits, Individual, Feb, 5, $152,150.21 Deposits, Individual, April 28, $162,035.03 Deposits, Individual, June 23, $190,356.05 Total Deposits. September J. $216,263.44 Total Deposits, Nov. 16, $304,567A7 Don Lacy, President J. A. llivens, V-Pres. A. II. Palmer. V-Prcs, V. I.. Andorson, t'nhblor O. II. XX'overton, Asst (Jnsii Kd Snndlln, Asst. ('ashler Don Htissell, Ast. Cashier FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ardmore, OHla, Capital Paid In $100,000.00 Surplus Funds 100,000.00 The oldest bank in Oklahoma. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited upon the most liberal terms consistent with good banking. Place Your Order With Us FOR Engraved Cards Engraved Stationery Engraved 3 Wedding Stationery. All orders executed neatly and promptly. The Ardmoreite Publishing Co. Bids Called For. Staled hills will he nee! veil li, i'.o t'oiiiiiil-sjloner of StreetH, All" a ami ( Public- Property, until Yi o'clock nuon .March P.ith, P.U0, for the loiihtiuctlou of all Hldo-wnlks not at reent Imllt I on Second Avenue, X. W. and N K. from A Street X. U. to IC Street X. XV A eert tiled cheek niado in the name of XX' It. Itiirnltt, Commissioner, ni it accompany each hid for this const! u. tlon ns a guarantee thnt thy aiicrer.5 fill bidder will execute the enutra"'. and furnish a Katlstactory bond fur the faithful performance of tho -work tit'CordliiK to the contract. Tho audi certified chock wll' oc re turned to the uiiHiicceBsful bidder and to the xucccxtifiil bidder upon the furnlHlilns of the satisfactory bond .. nhovo stated. Specifications may be obtained v tho offlre of the city engineer. xv. it. nunxiTT. ' CouitnlKBioner of Streets, Alleys and Public Pioporty TIP Clot sumetliliiB tor Falo? Want ad I c P The HOME OUTFITTER THIRD AND CADDO STREETS New and Second-Hand Household Goods of All Kinds. Bought, Sold. Repaired, Rented. j Exchanged, Stored. Packed, Grated, Shipped WK GIVE A TALKING MACHINE with every $25 PURCHASE If you buy Ihe Records OUR SPECIALTIES IN NEW GOODS Bridge Beach Cook Stove, Favorite Gas Stoves. Axminsttr Art Stuares, Vudor Porch Shades, Straw Matting, derrick Refrigerators, Columbia Oil Window Shades, Linoleum, Davenports, Iron Beds, Kockers and all Kinds cf mixed' Furniture, bought by the carload from the factory. Special pains taken with new married people and can fit up rooming and boarding houses from kitchen to parlor on easy payments, to rich or poor. Remember the place my cheap house on Caddo stieet, no rent to pay and can do it cheaper. Call, send xvord, write or wire. No harm to price goods whether you buy or not, WK DO GAS FITTING AND REPAIRING. C. P. HALL Corner Third and Caddo Streets. Telephone Number, 366 10 Clerks and Hepnir Men 10 Clerks and Hepnir Men v V