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The Ardmoreite Is the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press Neius Service FARTHING BROTHERS Clothing French dry leaned and steam presso Only French dry cleanc.-H f 'ty. FIRE ESCAPES bnllt and erect ed to conform with city and statu lnwa, hnvo us to do It. JoneS'Evacll Machine Co. Phono 190 Hluu. J VOLUME XVI AKDMORE, OKLAHOMA WEDNESDAY EVENING APRIL 27 1910 NUMISER 277 Wit "VbU PUT IN THE BANK IS ANOJ THE CHAIN or FORTUNE. THE STRONGEST CHAIN OF .lLLi . WHEN IT5 IN THE BANKTOU KNOW ITS SAFE ! Th flrl llnti In Ihr rlinln l Inrlunr arr the liardrtl ohm In tor dr. Allrr you hvr forced ihr flrtt tnr, lhor nu lir mini Mill help ou furjr Ihr ollirr,) lU.PONIT THAT MO.NKY IN TOUR POOKKT Make OUR bank YOUR bank First National Bank ARDMORK, OKLAHOMA Capital and Surplus, $200,000 ASSETS - - - $1,000,000.00 Don l.noy, Pres; A. It. Palmer, V.-Prcs. J. A. IIIvlmib, V.-Pres; U. I.. Anderson, ('ash; O. II. Wolvnrton, F.d Sandlin, Dun ltussull, Ass't. Cashiers. BUDWEISEfl PLANT fllH BY FIRE THE. ANHEUSER-BUSCH DRAWING PLANT DAMAGED TO EXTENT OF HALF MILLION DOLLARS. WHOLE PUHT THREATENED Streets About Dig Saint Louis Brewery Flowed with Beer (or More Than an Hour Many Very Valuable Paint, lugs Were Destroyed. St. l.ouis, Mo.. Ayrll l!7. Fire of unknown origin caused a loss estimat ed at J.'.'iO.OOu In the maminoth plant of the Anheusor-llusch nrovvlng com pany early today ami for a time threatened the entire establishment with destruction. A half million bottles of licer wcro destroyed. The streets about the plant flowed with beer for over an hour. The bottling ami storage house was completely destro)ed. Valuable paint ings stored In the building by K. It. Faust, vice president, were also destroyed. :: tt :t tt n it it it it it , t: WEATHER FORECAST. j New Orleans Iu . prll 27. it it - The weather for-cist for St . :t Oklahoma for tonight U fair tl it and warmer. Thursday fair tl I ;: it i t: :: :: s; u tt tt u u u tt it ti it tt tt tt SilSenf is DEADLY POISON AT HIDE TRIAL CYANIDE OF POTASSIUM PLAYED IMPORTANT PART IN TODAY'S EVIDENCE AT TRIAL. CONDITION OF GROWING WHEAT CROP IS ESTIMATED AT SEV-ENTY-SIX PER CENT. PIERCE BUYS GARDEN OF MEXICAN EMPRESS BEAUTY SPOT OF THE WORLD 200 YEARS OLD SOUGHT BY OIL MAGNATE H. C. PIERCE. San Antonio,, April 1!7. II. Clay Pierce, the American millionaire aud railroad and oil magnate is making efforts to get possession of tho historic ltordn Hardens at Cuor navaca near Mexico City, onco tlio favorlto resort of impress Carlota, -wlfo of Maximilian. The Hardens, although neglected ulnco tlio execu tion of the unfortunate Hupsbtirg prince, are tUlll one of tho beauty Bpots of tho world. They wcro laid out over "00 years ago ami are said to have been the favorite re that of .Montezuma princesses, Mexi cans living lu tho vicinity claim that the Ilorda Gardens are haunt ed and that tho spirits of Maximil ian and Aztec empororn congregate there at nights to lament their rates. Mr. Pierce has ofTered $1:1,000 for then z Farm Loans Burwcll & Dexter arc making farm loans, as heretofore without any delay, They inspect all lands and pay cash down. Office over Guaranty State Bank. Convicts Planned Jail Delivery. Leavenworth. Kaiw., April i!G. That a wholesale prison delivery had been planned by rthtir Hewitt and Theodore Murdoch, two of the pris oners who had escaped last Thurs day, was the purport of a confes sion madn today by Mtirdock to K. II. I.omon, deputy warden for tho federal penitentiary. Murdock nnd Hewitt wero cell mates for tho month preceding their escape. Tho two convicts Intended to get some prisoner whose torm had expired to throw rifles and re volvers over tho wall of tho prison next fall, but later Hewitt hit upon tho tichemu of capturing the switch engine. illowltt and his confederates os caped by having a discharged prls oner throw firearms over tho stock ado In 1101 when twenty-six con victs escaH'J) after a guard and one of their number had been killed. Wreck Barely Averted. Lawton, Okla., April 20. A hun dred passengers aboard the Frisco No. -114, duo In Lawton at 2:20, nar- rowly escaped death at 3 o'clock this afternoon when tho engine. driven by Engineer McK"nnon, dash ed Into an open switch at tho Sec ond street crossing in Lawton, but by menus of perfectly working air brakes, stopped, derailed, at the door of the Lyons-Matthewa lumber yard. As It resulted, nobody wan Injured nui the only damage resulting was uprooted track. Tho engine and sev eral of the cars were derailed and the engine ran entirely out Into the street. Had tho airbrakes failed to work perfectly tho train, with ev oral hundred alioard, would have dashed Into the lumber yard build ings or on into a string of heavily loadent freight cars but a few yards ahead. Norwegian Poet Dead. Paris, France, April 2fi. ltjornst Jerno lljornson, the 'Norwegian poet, novelist and dramatist, died tonight He was bom at Kolkne, Oatordn len, In Norway, Dec. S, 1S32, the son of a clergyman. He was educated at tho University of Christiana and received honom at the hands of his sovereign, as well as from other lOuropean jiowers. Ho traveled lu America In 1SS0. $ RUV PrOIlptv Whl,e 11 Is Cheap m.j nm, . tho ,)cruaH0 , value. mm Have a number of cheap homes to HH I sell, some on monthly payment plan, Iwl O tm M " i'ou have Bomoiliing you want to 1 1Q AC trade otT in mercantile stocks, hiiHiness " projerty or real estate of any kind boo HSHsanH mo at onco. I have nil sorts of tradlntr propositions. Ardtnoro olty property to trade for farm lauds; also make desir- Money $ uhlo FA KM nnd CITY LOANS. Your hiilnp Is Cordially Siillcln-d O. L. Chancellor Office, Rundol IVItlii-. over Dltlcr I). G. Co. OKlcr I'hiine III Hfsldt-nce Plume IVSJi MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECURITY. Chattel Mortgages Preferred. See McElroy & Sass 202 Main Sired Topeka, Kan., April 27. I'. I). Co- burn, secretary of the Mtato board of agriculture, gave out his first bulletin of the crop conditions In Knns.iH tohiy. lie places the con dition of growing wheal at 7i per cent. In tho wheat counties, the greatest losses are In the following counties: McPherson county, !() per cent; Marlon, OS per cent; Dickinson, 75 per cent; Harvey, 70 per cent; Sa Una. f.2; Hlce, r.S; Clay, CI; i:is- worth, SO; Suaner, 10; Ottawa, 15; Sedgwick. 4S. WILL ELECTROCUTE GIRL'S MURDERER ALBERT W. WOLTER TO DIE IN ELECTRIC CHAIR AT SING SING WEEK OF JUNE SIXTH. DRUGGISTS ON THE STAND Hugo Breckliens and Thrte of Hit. Employes Tell of Unusual Purchases of Deadly Poison by Doctor Hyde in September and December. KatiNus City, Mo., April 27. Cyanide of potassium, the deadly poison which the state contends Doctor Hyde useu in killing .Colonel ttwopo, piued an Important role in the physician's mur der trial today. Hugo Ilreckllens, a druggist, and three of his employes testllled that on three occasions In September and De cember, Hyde purchased a total of twenty-live grain capsules of the pois on at their place of business. .lust before tho noon recess, Or, Stuu.irt, bacteriologist, took the stand. It was from him that Hyde obtained the germ with which he Is alleged to have Inoculated the tfwopo family members. New York. SO. Y., April 27. Albur' V. Woller, convicted of tho mur der of Itnth Wheclor. 15-year-old girl, was sentenced toUny by Judge Foster In tln general sessions court to dlo in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison during tlio week begin ning Juno Cth. Tho condemned man displayed only languid Interest In the court proceedings. Broncho Buster Killed. l.Mangum, Okla.. .April 215. Patrick Flynn, ngd 22, a broncho biwter of Mangum, has Ix-on killed at Wichita Falls Texas. He had Just finished his nightly stunt with a wild west show when his horse became en tangled lu a rope and fell with him, fracturing Flynn's skull. Wants Children Admitted. 'MVAlester. Okla., April 20. T. U. rirlfflth brought mandamus proceed ings today against tho city Hchool board to compel his children being admitted to tho public schools, they having been sent homo because they did not hnvo certificates of vaccl-nation. KILLED IN CHURCH. Quarrel Over a Woman Brings Death to One. I'ortagevllle, Mo., April 2fi. ilamoa C Young, director of public schools, was killed lu tho Methodist church here Sunday night by his cousin, Welton lllchburg. Tho two men had 'tun-roled over Young's attontion to Ml. Cltda Swllley, a 20-year-old hIhUt In-law of Itlehburg. lllchburg mot Young lu tho ulslo at church Suuday nlghL When they were about five feet apart Ulchburg diew a pistol and flrud two shots at Young's .breast. When these did not bring him down, Hlchtmrg grasp ed him by tho collar and threw him on tho floor, emptying tho .38-cal-Hire gun Into thu prostrate figure. "I think you're dead now," said Itlehburg. "If you're not X will load this gun again ami give you some more." Several persons were lu church when the .firing began. Most of them rushed frantically for thu ex It or hid beneath tho pcwti until it was over. Young was 11 years old. Ho was a widower audi le.wo' s'x children. Money Talks lied ''. i i I- . : , i, . 'K .iImmi i t k , til lltl.'ll fll. I made application through your MWiti, Mewra. It Company, of thin city for a loan of 7ii0.00 to finish j . my home In this city, and and received tho money on n ration right npon tho da'.'i your agents promised me .in: :i few days earlier. I wish to express my entire satisfaction In the man " you do ImalroKS nnd to way that yiu carrhtl out every r-;i t uta tlon you and your agents made, exactly Mceordlns; to contract I regard Jur stem as the In-st I ever lieard of for a man of smnll meaiiH ami I gladl recommend you to all dc-ir,rf in easy loan by which to procure a home 1 shall be glad to :,ay a good word for you wheneer and wherever I hao an opportunity - i' ', i! i Mill Your trul' ItOHT. II. HAllIHSON WE WOULD BE PLEASED 70 SFRVE YOU IN THE SAME WAY R. A. White & Co. GORMAN BUILDING OPTIMISM EXPRESSED IN STATE CONVENTION WHICH BEGINS ITS MEETING TODAY. ......... n...l ..(' ...ill kuv lil.ll-.liK Ul IIIUIUIUUI .... ...(.. v. ... I'l.iu.flia UJ (fc I IU illation provision. SCREENS Serci'ii doors nnd windows miido t o ordor. Speeiul door scroons for store fronts, inudo of whito plno, with lixturcs, at IViiloy's lMuninii Mill II. T. HlTNT Phone 89 and we do the rest n Snaps for Quick Purchasers A Southeast C3 foot corner lot in Mcl.lsh Addition, worth $500, for a milck salo (on terms) ..IIIKOOO Two Insldo lotH on 3rd Ave., S. W. easily worth $100, for quick sale (on terms,) each IMO.UO V o have several red hot snaps for quick actors. Phone 8-10 or see McElroy & Sass Democratic Rally at Alva. Alva, Okla., April 20. Plana fill the safety of tho future that will counteract what Kdttor Kavanaugh calls "a venomous fight being waged by tho big corporations to overthrow tho best laws that have ever been devised, assisted by men who are lost to nlf nenso of patriotism," will he made during n democratic rally to bo held hero May 7. Among the spoakorH are Governor Shallcn berger of Nebraska, H. J. ('.hidings of Oklahoma City, .ItwtlceH Jesse Dunn or Alva and IL U. Williams of Duraut, aud J. C. Graham of Marietta. Just Received A Lot of. Ready - Made Clothing J. Nat Moore & Son I' hone MiJt See Us For City Money Liberal loans at low interest on easy payments Gorman, Bogie & Company Gorman Uldt.'., Phone 50 Does Your Family Deserve ton host? Thoy certainly do. Then there is but one best when it comes to the place to buy fresh iiiont. That one best placo is tilt' COLD STORAGE MARKET Wholesale and Retail. Your Phone Orders Will be delivered promptly to any part of the city. We are agents for Ilawkes celebrated eye glasses. The City Drug Store W. 11. FHAMK, Prop REASONS There aro various reasons why we have such a large number of reg ular customer! and always keep thorn on our list, when once secur ed. Imt tho principal reasons are that wo handle tho best In our line, givo good hervlco and our prices aro r'glit. W. A. GILLIAM East Main Street. Phone 66, Ramsey & Ramsey Farm and City Loans Wo inspect our own loans 200 W. Mam St. Ardmorc, Okla. Indianapolis. lad., .April 21. Opti mism Is tho prevailing note In tho con versation of the klelcgatcs who are gathered In the capital of Hooslerdom today to hold the slato convention of tho democracy. With a democratic governor ami a legislature that is democratic oiu Joint ballot, and with consldeiabledisxatisfnctlou lu the re publican ranks, thu political descend ants of JcfTorson are confident of fol lowing up past triumphs with a great victory, thu sending of a democrat to thu United States senate to succeed Albert J. Iloverldge. ThoninH Taggart democratic leader of Indiana, aspires to the toga now worn by tho lusurglug republican. The convention will begin this after noon with district organization meet- Iiik at tho state hotiBo for tho selec tion or the members of tho various committees. Immediately after these organiza tions meet tho committees will meet nt (he Deulsou Hotel and formulate their report. Later In the ovonlni;. perhaps at 7:!i0 or 8 o'clock, tho co'.veiition will assemble lu Tomllnson Ha'.! and hear tho reports of tho committees. Tho delegates from tho various coun ties wero apportioned among thu nine ty-two counties on a basis of ono for every two hundred votes cast at tho last state election for Thomas It. Mor shall for governor. This makes 1,717 delegates, ono of the largest represent, utlotis tho democratic statu convention has had for many years. Today's transactions aro prellmlna- ' ry to tho real business of tho con- wnlloii. which Is slated for tomor- row. In forming a platform, par llculur attention will he paid to the i tariff act of Payne and Aldrlch. which will bo denounced in lan guage picturesque and fervid. Thero 1 Is great dlssatlKfautioii in Indiana with the tariff "revision," aud but for the fact that .Senator Iloverldge worked valiantly against tho bill, the democrat might looo upon vic tory as already assured. As It Is, many democratic voters will prob ably come to the support of llevor idgo because of his fight agalus: the "stand-patters." At that, tho re publican situation in sufficiently mud died at present to give the demo crats ground for hopo. Tho leaders aro divided as to plat form policy in respect to tho liquor question .Some favor letting tho question .severely alone, others wunt the convention to leclaro for ward and township local option, while still others believe It would ho good pol I Icy to declare lu favor of nigh 11' Provence Odd Fellows Celebrate. iProvence, Okla., April U7. Tho t. In J I t A . r inai i irk. 1 1 1 1 : in iiui i i: i hundred and fifty In uttcmJunce, llles and friends. .mil pilfer! nlnlnir emittlutlni nf vji nml Iriatl-fltiinntnt ti.nuln nn.l mraa - , tliril.'ln f. Thn Drni'nnnn Uui tiered some very effective mu under tho direction of Prof. 0. Adams. Cornet ducts wcro rendered T 1 . .. r ... , it r . . it m r ... r . m .. a i mi. ueu. n. gunman, canuiu an address on the foundation principles of Odxl Fellowship, wh to all. The rccontlon committee, mmm Pearl Fenley and Salllo Harris, t cnargo ami nerveu ico cream grand Htyle. Ketchel-Langford Bout. Ketchel, mlddlenelght champl will L-o mi :iirnliiHt the renl t wneu no meets aam i.angroru, Ixuit Imfnrn (ln Vnllnii!il At Club this evening. This will be first ring meeting between the thought It Is generally agreed uiy rntitutti will rinrmv imi siirr for the netrrn to tihnw what he do. The bout will bo at weights. Kaiigford han been axlous bout lu this city, as thu Jkiston wn.n mi imiisiieii nrr ir in three rounds last May, and since that time lie has .been a favorlto with the Philadelphia clans. Raiding for Booze. Deputy Sheriff Glun rah number of places on Caddo whisky was being nod. few bottle of beer ero foi ono of tho places aud no inai lie mui xno ueer lor n use. The officer, however, all parties who wcro con ..1.... ...i...... i . .. U ........ J . . any amount of whisky or hi would bo armUed. Church Burned at Hlcko uicKory, tiKia., .prn so.. tlst church here burned The loss is partly covortl Burance.