Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Tuesday, May 10, 1910 PAGE TWO Hoods Sarsaparilla PEACE-ARBITRATION ' CONGRESS MEETS Leads all other medicines in ( unable to attend, amdassa. the cure of all spring ailments, i dor. jas. bryce sends let humors, loss of appetite, that; ter embodying his views. tired feeling, paleness and nervousness. Take it. mo .,,, n-t It !..!. In ...u..l Ilnul.l form or H-rtfril. Conn. May ft. Utho.,' (ablets abed Kartutabs. 100 Doses Jl. 1 muble to attend thi Now Pence mill Arbitration Congress i which convened hern today, Am TITT nnilOLfl tbnusndor Jimp llrycv sunt tin- fo. inn Trips Abroad Are Not Expensive Thry row I ind of Itr more enjoyment Ihin By Ike t teuton tl fiiMomble (culde or mounlilnrttorl. ' 1 rile u lor detail. THE DAILY ARDMOHEITC CHICAGO CITY OF INNOCENCE IS ON IN EARNEST MOTHERS FRIEND A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. No woman who 'dears children need suffer daring tho period BY SOUTHERNER GOVERNOR WILLSON OF KEN TUCKY says hard.headed PREJUDICE EXISTS IN SOUTH. Kansas City. May S - Praise fur the execti'Vo ability of President Tnft and deprecation if what ho character ized as "tho hard-headed pathetic po litical prejudice of the hotith." woro tho feature of the address of Govern or August K. Wlllson of Kontucky. bo fore tho Kansas Cl:y liar association hero tonight. "President Tnft I a big unit." sn'--Governor Wlllson. "A man whoso wis dom. Integrity and sympathy are un questioned. Let us lie for him while ho Ib president, if we want to change afterwards, that Is another thine." Referring to the political attitude of the south, the governor said: "The hard-headed, pathetic prejudice of the south has kept the soitth'n best brains and Its men from forging to the front. AW keep on voting ns if no were mad because the norm won, when really we aro glad they did win. I hope to live to see the po litical granite wall of the south shat tered. I wish this not as a partisan, but as an American." Governor Herbert S. Hadlcy of 3! Is sourl. aleso addressed the meeting j lowing lottor (inoodyliiK his views ( 'on K-ace and arbitration: I M Dear Sir: It i a matter -t great regret to me that I cannot attend the , meeting Of the New Hnglnnd Peace and Arhltmtiuii Cotigros. owing to tin- numerous other eiijtngenients whlen I hiv for th wwk In which' It l to he held. I i-pj Ire to know that a demur, i 1 titration of opinion In favor of peace and arbitration o large and so ear- nest as that which thin conference i Is expected to Rive will proceed from j the people of New Kngluud. The ImiMirtance of the miration It-, elf cannot be exaggerated and ou) are right In thinking that It ought to be constantly kept bof;re public attention. : Though the feeling dlsrlosed similar congresses In tin North German mm J From New York I I Al Tm Eirren ulllnn lllllVII IniY IIISD4T, I0.M. "VJ Tln-Serev Fut Mill tUITTHl' T0 Mefltemnein Porti M'lrtltii in J Submirlne Sltnili. Independent Around ibe -world I our i. Treretcri' checks eood ill our the world. Iliultralrd HoolUti on Rnutit. ortKICHSACOCen'lliH. S IrMdwsr, New Ttrk City II. Clausseiilus & Co., Oon'l Wostcrn Agts., 93 Dearborn St., Chicago or local agent WHEAT KING SAYS NEW YORK IS GOLD BRICK TOWN IN COM-PARISON. COMMERCIAL BODIES APPEALED ' of waiting, ncr at tho time- of baby's coming, if Mother's TO IN MOVEMENT TO AMEND Friend is used as a massage for the muscles, tendons and glands CONSTITUTION. of the body. Mother's Friend is a penetrating, healthful lini ment which street hens the ligaments, lubricates and renders pliant those ; , muscles on which the strain is greatest, prevents caking of the brests by koep- Tho Oklahomaa Informs us that A. -ucla open, and relieves nausea, backache, numbness, nervousness, etc. .- (i . its rriminr linn win nrrnarn everv uuiuuu v wtu njotvm v v-. ten of Chicago, who made a fortune, "alKLr aurIKa, secretary o , . m and d hen tno mtle onb New York, May S. James A. I'at- L0N10N PARIS ' BREMEN tti. ulnlii .-i-n. I .v.. ... ,.,......, . . .... (Itn AAA Mlt rt IN II I &l lI l t Villi variously est mated at J20.000.000 to clubs, and L. 1'. Arnold, of tho Ijiw KT.,000,000 by speculation In tho ,on c)mmerclai clubH woro n Ulu gram and cotton markets, thinks a city Sunday in the Interests of the man has more chnnce to win In tho j proposed amendment to Article !, exchanges of Chicago than he has In Section 3. Messrs. Arnold and V.-' - r. i are on Me executive committee of the' state; organization. I The KeJeratcd club's plan Is to have BALLINGER SAYS RECORDS ARE THERE New York. Or to put it In his own expressive language, a man Is more likely to be "trimmed" hero thnn In the Windy City. various commercial clubs throughout i u'hv. uimn 1 entne to New York." i 1110 HliUL' n,1(,It- resolutions urging the lu said. "It makes me think that I n'"oal of th ronstltutlonnl provision. Chicago is a little village of inno-1 wh'c" . ' ' clalme.1, prevents building cenee' I am always looking around I b' railroads onoratlng only In the me here In fear that some one will 8tat''- Kollowlng is a resolution along trv to sell me a gold brick. i wl,lch ne u,u campaign will be con- "u-h,,. fi,ro u-mild I nit. for ex-! ,,,lc,'1. n"11 wl,,cl " Presented . . . .. .. . . . - r .... r i . v.i.u comes. Mother s rricnti is mmo ai urug stores. mo jut um um uuu, nuv contains valuable information for expectant mothers. THE MADFtELD CO., ATLANTA, -Mr We Don't Mind the Owner watching us while wo aro doing a Job of plumbing for him. Wo do hori ost work nil tho tlmo and it mnkes no dlfforcnco who looks on or who iloen't. Wo shall bo glad to figure rn your nest job. If we got it you and wo will both bo pleased. i to tho various commercial bodies eltli- : ALL RECORDS IN THE HASKELL TOWN LOT CASE ARE AVAIL ABLEDISPROVES SMITH. at been most encouniglng. and though none now ventures openly t opMme the propaganda In which you are en-! gaged, there are still some disquiet ing symptoms which cannot bo Ig nored. All the great nation profes? to desire pence, yet all maintain enormous naval and military arma ments which Impose an almost in tolerable burden upon tho peopled Of course, eaeli nation declares that these armaments are only for its own protection, Intended In' to secure peace, and that It has no aggressive designs agalnnt others. Governor Hadlcy told the lawyers that j Yet each nation does not seem to In his opinion the courts were fallible, credit the others with the same pn- tho samo as persons, and ought to be criticised after tho verdict is In. "Tho judge who renders a wrong decision Is as deserving of criticism as an executive who does wrong, or a legislature that passes a had law," he paid. "Tho sooner we members of the bar say what we think of bad Judg clflc Intentions It professes fo- It self, and so nu atmosphere of iron eral suspicion refgnn. Allegat'oti' of Intended , attacks by some one na tion upon another, however reckless ly they are made, however Improb able In themselves, are constantly scattered forth and receive an Washington, I). C. .May X. Kxcep Men was taken today by Secretary past has iatu.,.r ,,f tne interior department I and Ills a-etistant, Frank I'lerce, to statements by Orville T. Smith, attor ney for (Jovemor C. N. Haskell, In the Muskogee town lot eases, name ly that he had been refused access tc papers having an important bea--Ing upon the case. Secretary Ilalllnger denied that such was the case, lie stated that every assistance was offered Mr. Smith, and that the department file had been thrown open to the gov ernor's lawyer. Assistant Secretary I'lerce corroborated his superior, and milled that Mr. Smith had nuked for papers that the department knew ab solutely nothing about. iiniMiii f.ii Tin. mnr-K eYPiuiime Here. Why, I would look like a dwarf be- p b" th committee l person or aide the men with the fortunes that '' l..eun..e.1iu: . I run up into the hundreds of millions. 1 "Whereas an amendment entitled - And what chance would I stand with ! section vj to Article of tho Oklaho- piir; OTtTr IP DPV mv money against the weight of , '"a constitution hns been proposed by I Hr I fl I r MIIM f -Ml W rww SAMUEL A WEEKS 2tl SOUTH WASIHNOTONJST. incuts or bad decisions, the sooner! amount of credit surprising to those It will be unnecessary for members , w ho kn w the real facts In the caiie. of our association to be engaged Il You doubtless recall an Instance of working to reform our Judicial procedure." Removal Notice. Hall's Texas Wonder will remove .Kidney, Illadder and Hheuiunttsm trouble. M.00 bottlo contains CO days treatment and seldom one bottle falls to cure. Sold by all druggists. The Weather. Washington, May S. An nrea of clear and cold weather will appear over the northern Rockies tomorrow, overnpread the middle and northern plains states on Tuesday, advance over the central valley and lake re gions and reach the Atlantic Mates Thursday, according to the weather bureau. A disturbance attended by copi ous rains and thuudorhtorms promis es to appear in the e-outhwcAt to morrow or Tntuday, advance over tho central valleys and lake region Wednesday and Thursday and reach the Atlantic coast stateh Friday or, Saturday ! Constipation Cure Free With the first signs of constipa-l tion you resort to the home methods of relief, such as hot or cold water on this kind which occurred not long ago affecting your own country. lJach such stvry. each such alarm, has the effect of Increasing the demand for a further Increase In naval and mil ltnry preparations. Tho alarm usu ally passes away after a few months but the result reinalnc In tho creased arninuients and In the stl. ulus given to the latent but ever present warlike sentiment that seems to exist In the less educated mil less thoughtful part of the popula tion. This sentiment when soni.' eaiiHe cf International dispute arise, which, though possibly real. Is ca pable of pacific adjustment, tends to Inflame men's minds, and has some- ii.t. . ... .. t .i i ...,ti .. i theirs? "iHiimiimuM aiiu win uo toiuii No.' sir. Chicago for mo. I am a lon June 11. 1010. and wctUern man, bom In Illinois, and "Whereas the executive committee j I know that wo have men out there ' of tho Oklahoma Federation of Coin- that arc as good and as honest as inorclal Clubs and Industrial Organ!-. - any In the world, and as for ourzatlons bollovo that the proposed j APPROPRIATION MADE BY evehaiiL-es the safeguards that are amendment Is In the Interest of the thrown around them are better than ! development, growth and prosperity! those In New York. 1110 mate anu mo weiiare or an .Mr. Fatten, too. Is of tho opinion 1 classes of citizens In the new state, that a man has more chance to win ' "nd In the grain markets than he has 1 "Whereas, since tho adoption of the In tho stock exchanges. Oklahoma constitution, the building of "Dealing In tho products of the ! now railroads and the extension of ex noil you can see what you are do- Istlng lines hns practically ceased, ex lug." he said. "You know when I cept such lines as were financed prior there are frosts or drouths or when j to statehood nature has done something to affect "Whereas, the amendment proposed tho crops. Hut who can tell what I will modify tho constitution of tho hns been done In the offices of the state I nsuch a way as to bring about big coriKiratlons who have stocks to B renewal of the railroad hullillng i tjct.ome the of many ganio birds. sell.' who outsiuo oi incir ouiccra witjiout ill any way iiiminisiiing thelas formerly it was the natural homo and directors can say what tho com- control of the present or future lines, j)f tn; w(1 j,,,',, and turkey, prairie panics have earned? How do you or making of freight rates by. tho coi-: chckcn and numerous other birds. know wnen tney are going w im iiorauon commission, , T),o $32,000 set nsldo by the recent dividends, or what faith to put In j ".m, whereas, Uie adoption of the ; legislature, l but the starter for at the promises of dividends? proposed amendment will bring mil-Minn lu- future law-makers. In that 'No, tho stock market Is an af- Hons of dollars Into the state and will f henceforward the program will bo to therefore greatly reduce tho rate of I appropriate annually a certain amount taxation, ' 0f tho gamo protection fund for such "Therefore, bo It resolved, that v, purposes. Tho game laws of tho state tho executive committee of tho Fedo-;have already earned $S0,000 from II ration of Onninerclnl Clubs and Indus- cense fees, fines from violators of the trial Organizations of the stnto of Ok-, law and other sources, and It was SAVING GAME BIRDS LAST LEGISLATURE IS CREATING IN TEREST IN PROPAGATION. Cluthrle. Okla., May 9. Tho actions of tho recent sepclnl legislative ses sion in setting, aside 3'J,00fl of the state game protection fund for pro pagation purposes has had the effect of encouraging club organization throughout the state for the purposo of propagating gamo birds and with the stringent game laws enforced it is expected that Oklahoma will again It was learned upon good author ity tonight that l.lent. Kmest Steck er. United States Indian agent at Lawfon. will bo dismissed from In dian service some tlmo during the coming week. Steeker has had charge of tho Kiowa. Comanche and Apache agency for several years, and has given satisfactory nervlco until re cently, when grave charges woro pre ferred against him. An Investigation was had, sustaining. It Is said, lu part the charges. Ills removal there upon will come in the Interest of the service, It is said. Mr. Steeker will probably enter h!n old command nl Fort Sill. fair I touch very gingerly, ami I should advise everyone elso to be a, careful, unless they aro In ex-' ceptlonal position to get at the facts." Mr. Fatten, an a youth, left a pn- Your Vacation now Is the limp to plan It Colorado and California Ideal places tn speed It Via no is the best way there Drop me a pontal today, for our beautiful booklet on Colorado and California. W. S. nr.fc.NAN o. r. a., a. c. a s. r. . OslvsstoB, Teias. Tho wells In thegrena (Jlenn 1001 average from '.',000 to 2,100 feet. Tho status of the field will bo determined within tho next few weeks ns no los than a half dozen wells havo been completed by that time. Another well sltlon paying $100 a month to take iilll0nia. hereby recommend to the peo- from this fund that the $32,000 wns;wl,c' ' attracting attention Is being lake llamon of I.auton, former chairman of the republican statu committee, stated today that the con tinuance of the Haskell town lot cas,. until the Juno term of court piobably will mean the end of the caves. drilled three miles northwest of Sa pulpa. Hundred of people have come to Sapulpa since the drilling of this gush er and certain oil men take an opti mistic view of tho future of the now Sapulpa field. Lion Fondles a Child. In Pittsburg a savage lion fondled one of $- a week In a grain com- plo of Oklahoma, without regard to appropriated. mission house In Chicago. UucatiKO j jKjUtlcal afrillatlon. tlio ndoptlon of the An attempt was made during the he believed he saw a better chance ,)rop0i,C(1 amendment." j early days of the recent legislative for success there. His career has T10 commercial organization hasi session to transfer $."i0,000 from tne Justified his belief. Hut ho attrlb- j prepared a brief pamphlet entitled,! accrued fund Into tho general revenue utes all his Hiiccttis to reasoning, 'yhy the Proposed Change In the! fund of the state, but the attempt and thinks that any man who does ; Constitution Should Ho Made," in I mot with such a storm of disapproval the samo can be equally successful, which the reasons are set forth In a ! from all sections of tho state, that It j He Illustrates what he calls reas-1 oloar. 'oonclso manner. In part Itiwns abandoned. A campaign of odti-: Notice. onlng by tho following story: roads: 'cation resulted from tlii attempt to ill-1 iM the County Court, Carter Coun- "One day," ho said. "V was told ( "Artlclo f. Section 0. should be re-j vert tho protection fund, and tho as-l ty, State of Oklahoma. the wheat crop In Argentina would pealed becauso under tho present con-1 slstnnce of the state gamo wardens of j the matter of the estate of be a railiire. utner men i mio ; stltution raiiroail uuiiuing cannot He-, Illinois, icxas ami outer situcs wat0Ut. Hartholomew, heard the name thing, and sent mo ' velop. That means few cities, less '.n-J secured to show the benefit? from pro-' trjji state deceased. No. times been found to hurry a na-1 tju, lmnd that a child thrust Into his down thore to look over the sltua-; dustry, decrease In the valuation of I tectlon and propogatlon funds In those Now comes Itobt. It. Novland. ad- Hon into war. , cage. Danger to a ciiiiu is sometimes toii. I simply cabled to tnreo ponus i rnrni lands, poor facilities for ship- state? 1 lt.lnlstrator of the said estate, and Your deliberations will doubtless I great when least regarded. Often it , tlu, wheat belt for the lowest png produce nnd less opportunity for It was during this campaign of edu-J rt,.K)rts t0 tno c tnt ' ., or re-i;.. i" ' ;,.r. "i. -r ..... -i" .1... temiieratiire experienced More on . the worklnginan." .cation turn .iiiugo .lames it. uniting be addressed to some means of ro-1 ; .,,.,, ,P, ' , ,,' ,,, temperature experienced Mere on , the worklnginan." . duclng these still present ilnng.M . that Dr. King's New Discovery could a certain day. The reports I got' "A foreign company should be per- ham of Outhrle, general counsel lu to peace, and of endeavoring to dla-1 havo saved. "A few doses cured our .convinced mo that the wheat, in i mlttcd to buy a domestic company be-1 Oklahoma for tho Santa Fe railway nany or a very uau caso ot croup, ..ondltlon In which I know tt I cause If It cannot there will bo no , system and one of tho best known pel the atmosphere of mutual am' usually groundless suspicion. in which tho great nation of the world seem to bo living. With every good nli for the ;uc cess of your congress, I am Faithfully yours. JA.Mi:S llltYCIJ. Arthur D. Call, Kq. writes Mm. Oeorge 11. Davis, of Flat I l.iL- V f nhraio ulrn If tn I i.i... ii..',, I,,'! mi-.., rni.i its n wnn.inr. I made ui my 111I111I accordingly, and i would seldom construct a largo build- a letter to Governor C. N. Hnskell fill medicine for babies." Hest for, they were successful.' Coughs. Colds, l.afirlppe. Asthma, I l.nimiirlinL!ti Wenlr I.hucm. fiOe.! $l.i)0. Trial bottlo free. Guarantee!! 1 by Ardmore Pharmacy. i E THE DEAF BODY UNIDENTIFIED. Horseback Around the World. Muskonee, Okla., May S. ttiptaiu! Harry Hicks, tl" years old, who inndo' a trip around the world on horseback arising, lots of stewed fruit with your, No Clew to Identity of Unknown Body' In lSHS-l'.Mll. today announced his in- nrcaKiast, etc , but what do you do when these fail? The majority tlun start on salts and Found at Lawton. Iiwton. Okla.. May S.- tentlon of dupllcatlg the long ride. He Mytery expects to lonvo Muskogee the first t'urK-jtlve water, then chance to cathar-i deepens mound the unknown suicide of June Captain Illcks Is a veteran X now discovery. In the form of an Invlsiblo device which will enable deaf persons to hoar music, conversa tion and even whispers, is attractln.; wide attention all over the country, and has received the I physicians generally. Indorsement "i It Is as great Ing If It was not worth something to i that a portion of the gamo protection him at sale. Rnmll stato railroads fund bo set aside for propogatlon pur cannot bo built becnuso they aro not Ikisos. In this lottor Mr. Cottlngham self-supporting." , outlined tho benefits that would result "Independent linos are not being to the stato from such a fund, ami built In the stato becauso thero Is not ho asked that tho governor recom money enough In the stato available mend in a measure to tho legislature for railroad purposes to build and tho uso of somo of tho gamo fund for equip twenty miles of railroad. He-1 propogutlng game birds and tho estab cause they cannot sell after they arc I llshment of fish hatcheries In the state, constructed. A man wilt not buy what Tho governor accepted tho sugges ho cannot sell." j tlon of Judge Cottlngham, mado the "Tho fanner and tho worklnginan , recommendations In a special message, but try sonu thlni; pr u tlcnl ami m-ndble forts to Identify fall. Frida a woman ltooevelt's Hough Hlders. Ho is ono of the best riflo aud pistol shots In tho world. Ho believes that his en durance Is as good 'now r It was who' he Cartel on his former trip around James the world. muartc nro tralnd lo nuuln Uo their worn normauv, to Hint in ilia onil Todav however, the real lint In ItiA ml vrml . ... ran Uo away with nu.licln of I TCin'.u I'ollaru sliowoa up Him iiemiM mm ai- That It will do thin Mr . a. Y. Dodnon of is dead. Thousands of people hau WHIM'S. B. HWoanVY4rVa?V9vl'M tho body In the Hitter morgue l.a'yoTovSe'ar'iilln1.1 X wu"' l' '"" "llt out a pi-nny of expense: Simply eml your clew, bollovetl to be opened, when nnmo ami nililrcM to Dr. Caldwell ntul ob- ,-... ,i,.... ,.,vl!it,i In f illnre tnln a freo sample bottle. After tiMtiif lt, lr'U down loslllteil In r.lllllie If you nro then convlnretl It h the rrm- Two Oklahoma City detectives Ms dy you need buy a fifty cent or ono .. , , . , , ... . .. dollar bottl- of your druKKlm and con- lt'd the nun 4110 today and asked t tlnuo tn usr It for a brief time until t. luidv be hold for a few d.i , s be- imd The directions nre simple and tha . ,M'" ' , 11 , , doKc It t'nall, It Ii iileanant to tho taste,", llev lug that they havo a clew wM'll does not gripe and U promptly erfeettve. ... , ,...,.. ., vi. fmind the nrir and tbese ftntements nro guaranteed oc w"' lJO,llu . lien loilliil, tiii m.u moriey wm refunded, wore a black mask over his ric - This remedy Is over n qunrtrr of a ren , . , , , . ,, . tury old and Is personnllv taken by but when examined by ii specialist m rnor druggists than any other Mmtlnrl nllment win discovered V bu' i remedy on the American market Tl-rnnso almlfl,u wab "ll,lmurtl, of its etTcrtiveness, inwliv and pi-asant wound on each hip and one on ri taste It Ii the Ideal laxative remedy for ,.,... , ,i i,.,u..,. i. ,. children, women and old folks generally, "ock load officers to bellej he was Or Caldwell personally will be pl.-used fU)titiie from Justice, to give you any medlrul ndvlee yo-i may desire for yourself or fuinllv in-rl:iliilng to the stomach, liver or bowels abxidutely New illnistor "Your husband Is I. free of charire, Explain your inee In a ,, ....... , , letter nnd he will renlv to vou In detail. rlillMl to bt bibulous U ho not? Mrs m.aUdrn'a't; Tw.s,,-"No. Sir: he doesn't know SOlid flStl tO the body, otherwise For .ther reiiueat Uie doeior's no more about the lllble than a snow . 0 . aJ,,,,r',",.1:.Dr x,v 11 ',6ucai4. .. ... .Take No Substitute. well tulldlnir, Montlcillo, III. i blfU, to defective vision, and In tlmo is said 9, Section 0, becauso through it thoj-1 d heievnrio Just iHnt of l.uwton Tliursd iy scout and plainsman, having sorv -d v"?" ' ", ' . '..".! should support tho repeal of Article and the gani0 propogatlon fund result all useless, so ftTr ; trmV,.ent .nll.' f ..I,..... ...1 ,.l ...! l,V, a """ ' l" a Je'K'w" c-.,.. ,. , ,. f.?.'. l.J'.,'uu,' ry. J'i't "nee agn In.i , ,.. ... , ...... J uuv iry BMiiiiiMini; pr'U'lirni and senslble.ii I'Tis I" lueuiiij inn. riiuii.t n, Fin. in a remedy in uie nu t Intended for the pur- ... .. ,.,i r,.ini tMltlelv de- pose -ou ai tninK to accomplish, Surlu "r an ' a"1 ml ' "r lM,,l,l ' u remedy :is ,li . mands can testify, is clared that tho suicide was James Pol- Kurar.Inateedl,ioJ Ay,!.,,,m,an In uS" re! lard of Parsons. Kan., commonly MUCH WATER IN FLOW. AN OLD ADAGE SAYS "A light purse Is a heavy curs" Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER Is the scat of nine tenths of all disease, Tutt'sPills go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly .-safely and restore tho action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the rstem and . i-.. .ii ... . to euro deafness and head noises,1"'1 J " io resources m .no; without pain. An Interesting book has unt"-' w mako work for th..( been published, which explains tho , " ' 7, ... . , .. Saoulpa'. Bin Well Is Gas OH and new device, and Is now being fienl, that It bu Ids tho towns and cltle,. Sulpa s Big Well Is Gas, OH and free of charge by F. Iliscox. of 2S Ta wl" lowered fully 10 per Water. Clinton street. Newark. N. J-. to every , l"1 ? ,v n'lT.m il" f 5 Sa'Mll. '-That a largo one who writes to him for It. " ?to t0 an,, bu"rt tho n("v j ,WreentaRo of tho flow from tho gush- Campbell's Stain and Floor Finish' Is tho most durable finish for floors and surfacos that are walked upon Made transparent anl In colors imi tating natural woods. Coloman Pros, upon request will show a sample cf old flooring coated with this finish It wears longer than regular floor varnish. er on tho Tholma Weaver farm drilled Never hesitate nuout civlntr Cham-! 1,1 a fuw Jn' K i WIt'- ' the berlaln's Cough Honiedy to children. ; It contains no opium or other nar . cotPs and can bo given with Im plicit confidence. As a quick euro for i coughs and colds to which children ! aro susceptible, It Is unsurpassed, i Sold by all dealers. opinion of several drillers who havo visited the well. There is a heavy volume of gas and tho fluid Is shoot ing far nbovo tho top of tho rig. Tho tools aro still in tho holo and an ef fort will bo made to shut In the well this week. Tho sand was found at a depth of This is tho time of year when tho ' S.,an' a nian 3sts h i ?;"G 'L "'".v"1.!!"!. V'.0 . inasing nisiory is reauy mnKing ii oui ; i mu niiu-vunnm.-nu uum nun office boy's grandmother seems have very little to live for. of tho wholo cloth. a well was completed at this depth, have on hand In cash, belonging to tho said estate, the sum of $4,9.17.60. As there aro no debts ngalnt tho sold estate that havo not heretofore been paid, except the cost of ad ministration of this succession; that moro than six months have elapsed since this administration was open ed; that (J. I). Page, Ada Terry and Helen Frazler, are tho neareit or kin and only heirs at law of th ;ad Itobt. Hartholomew, deceased, that they aro each related to him lu tho same degree, and Uiat each of them Is entitled to" a one-thpd Interest In tho sum ot money here inbefore stated; that all of sal.I helm reside, so reporter is Informed, in tho County of Wake, In the State of North Carolina; that the said heirs aro willing to mako bond In tho Eiim of $3,000.00, conditioned .13 required by law, and deslro the court to enter an order requiring tho reporter to distribute Mi') said funds equally among them, tha snid helm. HOHKftT It. NEYLAN'D, Administrator Subscribed and sworn to before me this tho 9th day of May, 1910. (JliH.NTH MITCHKM.. . Notary Public (Sean My commission expires December 1. 1911. May 10-lOt It doesn't pay to cry ovor spilled milk, nor lo grlevo moro than a dol lar's worth over a lost dollar. Danderine A Man Wants to Die !v.or.r-W(".!L';r-... ! only when a lazy liver and sluggish as surely as rain nml suublne rsl.e crop. lmw'-ls causo frightful despondency. 1 II produces a unci, growth or niiuriunt nut ur. Kings .New L,iro Pills expel hair when all other remedies full. We I iwiUnnx frnm the Rvstnm- lirlni- hnnn guarantee llund.-rlne. All drugtUti sell It , if""! '""L a., j. siw and $i in-r Untie To prote It i n'"l courage; euro all Liver, Stomach, worth send tun su with me in stamps or ' and Kidney troubles; impart health i cblcnco, III. I mllng. 25c at Ardmore Pharmacy. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR Does not Color the Hair Does not Color the Hair Muk!.rMr?:: ,,.Does not Co!or the Hair Stops Falling Hair Makes Hair Crow Slops Tallins Hair