Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Tuesday, M 10. 1910 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY ARDMOREITC. IDaU Bvbntovette. ra mum. ARDMORElTE PUBLISHING CO yt SI'M'fS Pr-!dBt 1 , ,1 a. .r... i'.,.toff,4. at Ardmore v- Second i'Iim Matter OFFICIAL PAPER CARTER CO. AND THE CITY OF ARDMORt.' 1' ,n i nt Ardmorelte, It U jeil, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. The Dally Ardmorelte. Ono Y-r The VeeViy Artmerelte Pc Vf by Mall S v i' . .M . . Wont ha Pbefies. Manager's Office MS SHOT'S Otic DtaUiac Ma P - i rroneous reflection on tlo , staadlrg or rtratatlon of ;! son. tirm or corporation i . mny appear In the ooIbbbs oi irrfiLiroi will be tladlr cor- V. I IP n a"- i j por it twins; orougai to xne, k.- of t h manacemcnL Eastern Representative. D ard Tribune Building. Western Representative. Rof K Douglas. r Mafia- 't n it. Chicago Ardmore. Tueiday. May 10, 1910 a a a NEWSPAPER CHAFF. a a a lp married Mf. whn JwUmi foan Intrud'. And doulitn ilMturh tho limbic of love' j Mll. Thr woman thlnka ght In not niMlor utood The inan' afraid hs undortitooil too wolli IJfo. a "Tlic avcraKo clilll Is a vnrltahlo barliarinii," mild tbu ptyoholoKy pro fussor, "and until ItH mind Ik kuITI r rntly dcvelopod to coinpn'hund Its doerx-r rnoanlnK of rollclon, It ro inaliiR a llttlo I'aKan." Yoimk Mth. Wltidwm Kiulled polite ly; but with a my-chlld-lH-not-aii-othiTclilldren-arc oxprorlon Mild: "That may b tnio In many In Htance. but I do wUh you could hear my little lls say her prayers. ! She Is so earnest that 1 believe she - fnllv un.t,,U nil fv., tHt tn t11 1 her " It was tho professor' turn to look politely Incredulous. "I'll call her In and let her anwwer for herself," she added, somowhat nettled by his Indifference. In rcflponfte to her summons, a Hinall girl entered the room. "D.irllng," said the mother, fondly, tell Professor llrindlv to whom vott I say your llttlo prayers." IIk looked up with an expros Klon of angelic sweetness. "To the ImhI," she atiawered brief ly -- l.lpplncott'.M. Justice tempered by mercy Is ft praiseworthy thing. Hut this story, related by an ox-supervlsor of edu cation In the Philippine, gnus to pro- that common sense Is quite as dudrublo an accompaniment of the Justice dlMpenaed by the local magistrates of our inland posseastlons. Tills Ik the tale: I came homo oae day Juat In tlin! to see a thief climbing out the win dow with the hotter part of my wardrobe. I nave chasu o earnestly that tho thief finally dropped the ! the. In the street and diwippmred. s I Katherel up my Ih'IoiikIiiks a ; naic policeman came aloiiK and arreted me He t(Mik me "before a' Kl ipino Judge, where I told my i Ktory very plainly and emphfitleally. V' - I had flnUhed the Judxe sill "You are dismissed, but you in.iy have the nlothea here." Hut why?" 1 Inaltted nrwrily. Mxause. aaid lie, witn aage tie- 1 atlon. "how caui 1 tell that you si" nk the truth? When the thief .- back to Identify the clothe- at tiie oues he stole you may have in "Youth's Companion. hammock war built fr two, ) it she was occupying It alouo. i nave wotireo. .aid th wan in the poroh chair. "Uist tho pre - nest girls always mnrry the biggest "4)''1 " say no more. Mr. Slowboy." re- Joined the fair maiden. "I appre - cat. y ur frieudohlp. but I eon nev rr e your wire.- cntcago News, ti The rural free delivery reaches Its flower of perfection In Vermont, ac cording to the Saturday Hvonlng Post. "Mr. Carrier," said a lady who v, as summering among the moun tains, 'T have a letter, recelvoil fcevornl days apo. saying a pnekag-t hog been forwarded to me by mall I liave not received It yet. Havo you aeon anything of It? "A p.tek - age?" asked tho rural freo dellvorcr, "Yea, nlr." "What kind of a pack Be7" "Why, a small package a box, In fact, coveted with rripcr coa - , tAtn;ng some of my property -m-ll bos: pasteboard i'-..t...' Yes." "Let a.'- i n ! ! HWr. A pacK.i I guess tDSt XOHr delivered to Mrs. Brown the foot hlll few - hadB bad Mf ! time, sad I Mad a f-l' brt Wit the jeamx teach- r wettera fr York fclnd.-rsr. rather taaea aback t HMttr. "Iff Chaun A tow day :atr ha : that Cbanncy w ill. ' inquire for him. The door wae opened i locking Irtaawonian, who. asked. "In this Mrs. ! ; di.j. ' . I :ni nui. Haia yarn mmpiu'-n Cbaunret told iw hi Cbauncey Dpw." "Bur. It la promit I,. nt ,, "I n.,,,.,1 Ith' prowl ' ntn" 1 senator oneself. My nam- , .j. f I'iih. an' hla la Cbaan" 1 i t in v I). I'UKh." Youth (V.fnpa-iio. -a "Y-u can tfll to the n.uns ' : twelve upotHI. Snm?" all 't p t , ty Sunday Sftbool tich-r nw i j In. .Sam'n face foil, a id tx i- i ' i nI hU wi-lcht from on- dxit to .) othr. "Can't df It. itm'mn." hi- raul .. cufully; ami thon bin ir,x' )'ned;biit I can' mill off tht namt i of tho pltohiTH In tho P-auc tciins ' I ho volunt'rtil. Iliinxr'H Wi-ckly Tho witty Champ Clark, i1 iciibi Inn tho iatoxt political 8Cjnda1, naid "Some of tho Umtlmony wan bad, -iry bad; In fact. iinniiHworahlo. You could not et round It. It was llko the remark of the now parlor maid. "This Kirl was a sreonhorn. Sho didn't Unow tho prtitty daughter was cticaKfd to bo married, and wh"n the pretty daunhtor's Intended call ed after u weekV abHenco from town .. . . . . .. . mis is wuui me panor iiiuiu Mill tc him: m t i VMIsh Minnie you're wantln'? . Monday nfternoon at tho iA-e-Hucklns Well, I don't know whether she's In hotel Immediately after tho democratic oi not. Hut If you'ro the young gen- j Htnte committee meeting. Plans rela tlomnn tbnt was here last night till ' to to the campaign were discussed h1'Ps,Kt twelve, and got caught hug-1 ,m" "cr 'Mr,"r- wl'- Rh' nWi " '0" n0 ,nr,r. ', and never will be.' X- V.. -I. I lor i Telegraph. las Jockey his what his plans were for next year. l'H j "Well." said Veltch. "1 gtnms n,L" l"" m,m" 11111 'ui,r , as I did Uils. with the exception , j if another two-year-old, which I ' liaven't nnmed yet." I "What are you going to call tho i j filly?" continued his friend. ! I "Oh," replied tho ex-knlght of the I pigskin. "I ain't decided yet; but I 1 guotm It will Im somothlng begin- niug with 'rf.' MaylM) 'Psyoho' or Cinch.' ' New York Telegraph. "Have you any children?" do mandod the landlord. "Yon," replied the would-be tenant solemnly, "six all In the cemetery." Toward Uio end of last season SI-1 announcement of the new hcadquar- ,h.rall!.n. , ,.pr f.nrntlon if dutv. I ture acquisition by one lino of steam-' n-,,.. i, ! Slml two-thirds cents for each. The Veltch, the former steeplechase tors In the Campbell building. Tem-Mr(. . an. ,' 0rs by a competing line. It Is true I ,,.,,.,.. , ...., v, ',.,. i.v i verdict of tho Jury, however, or- . who now tralnH a stable oi ixirary roomH In charge of Mr. Wll-'..,, v..,l MUlt t,,n, u.n- u. that such an act atfeetlnir interstitel, ... 1. "Ialned that the defendant should ... . , , ' . . , - v. " - - " I II IDUJ IwJ 1.111 UiinsiuUtK lua, jtllll 11 linn , M , ... own. was asked by a friend Hams are open In the .,. num,,.r of Vears she had seen, commerce might be part of a consnlr- !,.... tv, P")' the funeral expenses of the "Hotter there than here," said the new with which he has taken up Int landlord consolingly; and proceodod i rtan? matters Is reported to augei to execute the dealred lease. well for victory. In due time the children returned I Kxtractt from several of Mr. Cruce's from the cemetery, where they liod ' speech it were read nnd his htand on been aeiit to play, ladles' Home i every question tinanlnioiisly endorsed, .lou rnal. DoliiantoH from tho east and southern II counties reported In full tho progress Small Tommy had 1hn sent to a in the movement and they showed ilnw tore for a poroua plaster. , remarkable additions to tho already "Mamina." ho auld. a he hnnded i long list of stipportors. i It to her. "this la the poorest plna- i ter they had." -lixcbanpte. ' , ".Vow. Harry." said the teacher. "cnu you give the name of some , wjj( flower?" i un Harry after a moment's thought. "Indian meal Is , wiUlmt fI(llr , twx tMnk nt ( hjxuj,.. . "The Prayer on The Cross" Will tio the subject discussed to night by Mr. C. It. .Nlcnol, at the ; Chun of Christ, on Droadway. j (.Ve,,lng the attendance was m and the loason was delivered i In a very Interesting manner. At thB (.,oso of mh service pennliHloii 1 ta , nHk (ll,)f,iotl, on RUy j ,,,, ,,olltB llol thomugly under- Mood. If tho woaUier Is favorable the services will bo hold nftwwards un der the tent. Song service conducted by Prof. Hurt will begin at S p. tn. Kveryonn Is rordlally Invited to attend. delightful evening with Xorlleot , gistorn Thursday at the Hroadway 1 ijaptlst church. Tbo press and pulpit praise them everywhere. Don't mlan It. Admission 25 and CO cents, mt j Ardmorelte -want ads bring results, FYaVaXl - m - - - Ffy Year the Standard Dr.PRICE'S C R E Baking Powder Made from Grapes Makes the food of superior healthfulness and finest quality DISCUSSING THE CRUCE CAMPAIGN HELD I CITY i ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING YESTERDAY IN OKLA SHOWS STEADY CRUCE GAINS I e Cniro of Ardmore, democratic n.i,.. . ...c i.ntinwl. "- , - i astlcally received by 2(hi democratn j,y the represenUtlves from every miy. The session was call. I i.t n-dor at I . . o ciock uy .1. it. wiuiaijwo- inuau, manager of the Cruce campaign, i he first proposition dNcussed was the hotel nnd these will be used until the,T,jls lntlmat(. (lt.tai tho iatu.r thought new ones can be furnished. 1 nobiy-g business. The result h.ts Tho clilef business of the afternoon j anil the purpose of the gathering was ' to discuss the Cruco situation In the state. In March a similar meeting hold .productive of good results and Manager Williams desiring to rehearse the situation, called the second. According to reioris, Mr. Cruce U galniiiK eory day. The clear stand ho has taken on every Important quos' I tlon has won him a host of friends i and those who stipixirtod him from the J beglunlng aro working note, ardently 1 In his behalf. There .a an increasing I seiitluient among the laboring class I for his nomination and the thorough- Itocdutlons endorsing tho donincrat- 1c meeting h.dd previous were unanl , imiiiklv tiiuwed and sevorul minor mat . , cnm ,, for n discussion. The ' n,.,..., ..,.. ,.r ..ntliiisliistln over the headquarter soon to bo opened. Lit erary matter and simochos by Mr, Cruce will bo put into print and dis tribute! statewide. Throunh tho southern counties where th0 candidate will make a tour, there is every roasou to bollovo thou - sands of new votes will lie sained. In Ponca City, where he spoke ro-1 worth more than a hundred sermons," eontly, thoro was a large crowd andBnld Warden Moyer. "The prlsonom one of the blggt demonstrations ev- er accorded a candldato before tho primaries was given him. Hoforo the close, instructions were glvtm tho representatives to send tot headquarters detailed summary of situation lu each division and to fol- low this up each week with matter relative to tho sentiment. Tho moot - lug was adjourned at C:.10 on call by Manager Williams. Oklahoman. John D. Kockofeller would go broko If ho should spend his entire Incomo trying to proparo a better inodlclno'to thein; It Is becauso thoy aro un- than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, nm' Diarrhoea Hcniedy for diarrhoea, ( dysentery or nowoi complaints, it is, not any money ho could havo offered simply Impossible, and so says evory Would havo Intorestod mo, but now ono that has used It. SolJ by all I mado o.n especial effort to please dealers. anBBBBBI flTTTH AM ENUMERATOR HAD TO SIT ON FLOOR : 1 WOMAN REFUSED TO TELL HER AGE IS ARRESTED AND HELD FOR ACTION OF FEDERAL JURY. San Antonio, Te.xw, May 10. Miss . .Minio iiiinnam oi mis cuy is in wie tolls of the law and faces an indljt-, holding to 100 per cent," he explained, ment by the federal grand Jury all j Thls WJ1 not .proposal with tne because she insisted that Mrs. Ida i view of strengthening the control Kastou, a census enumerator, should , tbe acquiring company of 50 per cent sit on the floor while using a chair! I contended, but it was to keep to fill out tho blank that was to con-, l'-'ii a market to the minority stocK tain her censusjdata. The enumera-, holders. tor requested the use of a table roi "This, too. It was thought In some ,, ....,. ,, ,vnK fni.i .-. ' .AOU)(1 t.noiiL'h for her and 1 i,.-.- .,,. ........... ,.i.,,.r. tn u .... fir nr.. .i itwinlxitlvn ho ,JW,n ,hat Nat M Washer, the census .supervisor, had the woman arrested ! and that tho t'nlted States commls-iof sloner Is holding her for the action of I tho Federal grand Jury. STAR SINGS TO CONVICTS. prisoners WeeD As They Listen to Miss Farrar's Old-Time Melodies. ,"Ti'a. (la., May D. One tnousanrt c i' ,o In the United States Pen:- and will be able to dispose of tho busl-, uver, slnco Gabe Parker, who has been I the FHtST DROPS of a simple com tentlary here were in tears ono nay j ness before It promptly and give cm-s superintendent the last six years his , pound of oil of wlntorgreen, thymol last week as Oeraldlne Farrar, grand , cacy to the orders of the orders of the i had charge of the academy, so much I and glycerine mixed In D. D. D. opera star, sang to them nnd noting the emotion of the prison-garbed men before her. Miss Farrar herself wept. lu some way tho convicts learned! feet of the Interstate commerce com that Miss Farrar would be here this j mission procedure heretofore week with the Metropolitan Opea has been delay. I regard Company and they sent her a request I tho commerce court as practl to slnit to them. Miss Farrar gladly 1 cally tho most ImjKirtant feature In agreed, an J went to the prison where the convicts were gathered In tho large auditorium. The convicts cheer - ed her as she entered. Miss Farrar played her own acton, jmnliiiftitx ot, the piano, and for noar - ly forty minute she sang old ballads to tho convicts She ao them "An- nlo Iturle." " My Old KHiiturky Hoine." "Suwanee ltlver" and othei old-time ballads. Sho concluled with "Home Sweet Homo," and by that time nearly ev- , ,.ry irson In tho auditorium was weeping and tears wore .streaming down Miss Farrar's cheeks. ' Mlsg Farrar's singing has been win i,o better men for years." Among the prisoners who heard , n.Mlns Fnrrnr rung was Chafes W. , j Morse, the Now York banker. "It Is strange to think about." said, ! Miss Farrar, "that I had In my audi- once at tho prlfon more than ono real music lover, who has heard grand op - 1 era tunny a tlmo when I wan In New I York, and I have no doubt there aro 'others. What a chango from tho gild - cvl boxes In which thoy used to sit. Hut It Is not bocauso they were oncoi rlch or famous that I wanted to Bins happy now W and powerful hen Morse was a free banker In Now York, him and tho other unfortunates." SAYSPETMEASURE IS SURE TO PASS PRESIDENT DECLARES THAT HIS RAILROAD BILL HAS NOT BEEN EMASCULATED BY ODDS, STILL RETAINS VITAL FEATURES Newtpapcr Reports On Bill Have Been Exaggerated Both Branches of 'he Congress Will Adjust and Support BUI on Final Passage. l'asalc, N. J., May C In a speevii twforo the I'assalc Hoard of Trade Acre tonight In which he diit-uscd the legislative situation in Washing ton. President Talt declared with a great deal of emphasis and amid au outburst of applause that the railroad b r has not been emasculated In anv way. and predicted that a satl.ta' '.ir law would le pasftM. The bill." said the President, xfi!. retalrs its Important features, and 1 am hopeful that within the next le.v eektt we shall see the passage of tne bill lu both houses, the adjustment of the differences between the two houses and Us final enacenient." The President declared that the newspaper reports of the crippling o! tho railroad bill had been greatly ox. nggerated. He said he hoted the pro-! .islon which permits a road owning I 0 per cent of tho stock of a com- iM'tlng road to acquire the remaining! Block would be restored. j 'That Is tho section that forbids the , ltil'Hon by one rallrond company of the stock In a competing line, but , where such an acquisition has already been made of CO per cent authorizes w luniwv iu way Infringed on tho anti-trust law. and th0 whole section was dropped l nm huTw.fnl tho section mnv t, i. ! stored to the extent of forblddlm; lie' acy to restrain Interstate trade anil commerce and so be punishable under tho Interstate commerce law, but It would greatly facilitate prosecutions the sieclflc act of the acquisition of stoc k n a comitctlng line whica I j could bo prevented by Injunction." , 10 mo coimneitu couii leaiure, no saw: "The advantage of the court Is that wo shall have a court of experts a. Washington very familiar with the wholo business of Interstate com- morco and tho decision affecting P. Interstate commerce commission that nni legal. The whole object of the court is expedition, and the whole do- the bill. Thus far It has remained In! the house, although by a close vote,g will recelvo a general overha i , nnd It has not been stricken out In I oho senate. "Concluding hi lefe'once to the rail- 'roau bill, President Talt said: "Its passage means a great stop for- Ward lu tho power of regulation in-' trustol to the Interstate comnior.'e! j commission for a court of review. It ' does not transfer and I should bo loath to do this from tho board ot directors to the IntorsUtte commerce commission the power of running and , operating the railroad. It still leaves wldo discretion In the owners of tho: i nronertv. but tho nowers exercised by j tho commission, 1 feel confident, can '' be exercised for good, and It will not remove the existing motives of ei- lightened selfishness for tho Improve- ment by tho owners of railroads lu thel methods and cost of transportation.", In his review of pending legislation, Mr. Tart expressed tho belief that tho following measures besides the rail- 1 road bill will bo enacted Into law: ! Statehood for Arizona and New Mexico. 1 Postal savings banks. Anti-Injunction, Tho so-called validating bill of tho conservation measures. Tho publicity of cnmpalgn expcndl- , hires, In his comment on tho delay In pass ing tho statehood bill, tho President acknowledged that thoro Is a hesita tion on the part of th Republicans In tho Henate to pass a bill which Is They Satisfy Anv of oiir c irbonatcd beverages itify the lliiit relieve you of tli.i' tued Iff lintr and do you good, every article tl at goes out is Absolutely Pure You don't yet any "dope ' or s'up fr m us. We are exclusive bjitifi in tins .-ection for L'oca Cold, the world '.-drink. When you buy CMiid e. nr carbonated bever-aire.- ask fir the Crown Brand and you uill '-t the best. Crown Bottling Mfg. Works MOKOAN J. HAYS. 1'res. ..nil aiBiBinM - "o likely to add four Democrats to I the senate "Or If not Democrats," he added in taklcg w hat was regarded as a little passing reference to some Insurgents "Republicans so radical that they are entirely out of sympathy with the mor conservative nations of the Hast." In ."plte of this, tho President said ho was very anxious that the party should carry out Its statehood pledg- es. nnd he did not think he would Le disappointed The President came to Passaic this afternoon from New York, where he attended the Actors Fund fair. He returned to Washington tonight. Educating Choctaws. Durant. Okla.. May O.-The youth of tho Choctaw nation are not to be neg lected, says Uncle Sam. They are ai. Intelligent tribe of Americans and give value received for all they get. and nil they ask Is a chance. Kducatlon is j .v,..i i.i.i,. .i ..f liUh.xi. nninr i?n;ii of a brief period during the civil war, ever since. Tho boys from different parts of tho Choctaw nation have dur ing this time been making pilgrim ages to this fountain of learning, ro manB during the w Inter months and rnhienlni tistnwt In itin ctieiMf in ncclut , plowing the fields and sowing U10I" jj, - raln. it for tho la3t eleven years the In- i j stltutlon has been In tho hands of the ! national government, which nt times1 j has doubted tho expediency of having I u Indian school nt this place, llow-l has been accomplished and the results 1 have been so evident, that the gov. eminent has loB since ceased to think of discontinuing tho Arinntro s Orphan Academy. Word has Just been received fro.n headquarters that great Improvements will be made at tho school during the coming vacation. The academy bin ! ing, the class rooms will be refurnish ed and decorated where needed; . cement floor will bo put In to the promenado on the north side for tho students to form on drill and Inspection. Notice for Publication. State of Oklahoma, Carter County. In the bistrlct Court, Nora Covey, plaintiff, vs. James Covey, defendant. J , No, OS". Said defondant James Covey, will take notice that ho has been sued in the above mimed court for divorce ! and must answer tho petition Hied thoreln by said plaintiff on or before tho 13th day of June ,A. D., 1010, or said petition will bo taken aa true, and a Judgment for said plaintiff In Bald action for divorce will bo reie dered accordingly. Dated this 2nd day of May, 1910. JAMBS H. MATHKHS, Atorney for Plaintiff. (SHAW Attest: C. T. VBILN'OH, District Clerk. Ily S. M. Parker, Deputy. 2-9-1 C. A delightful evening with Norfle.t sisters Thursday at the nroadvvny Haptlst church. Tho press and pulpit pralso thorn everywhere. Don't miss It. Admission 2S and CO cents. 10 II. Ardmorelte want ads bring results. Si Miir THIS HUMAN LIFE WORTH FIFTY-CENTS i THREE LAWYERS GET FEE OF I SIXTEEN AND TWO-THIRDSCTS. EACH FOR DEFENSE. San Antonio, Texan, May 10. A Jury' In the Fifty-seventh district court of this city has set a now standard of the monetary value of human life, having reduced the famous i damage decision or a ' New Jersey Judge to fifty cents. Th0 a"ma avariei by It to Wll- Ham t'mscheld for the loss of a five- year-old son Is $1, but the proviso was added that one-half of this should go to the three lawyers who had handled the case for tho plaln- tin, thus constituting the smallest fee ever awarded to a lawyer tn a 'ca' ex'urt, amounting to sixteen child, amounting to $IC. The child was drowned In a concrete founda tion hole which had been left un covered. I'mscheld asked for dam ages In the sum of $10,000, but the ro,lrt 'It'dded that negligence on the part of the parents was re- ITCH RELIEVED AT 01CE That terrible Itch disappears with Prescription. This noothlng. healing lotion, used externnlly kills tho ec zema genu Instantly. Heretofore the I). D, D. remedy has been sold only In $1.00 bottles; but as a special offer, any sufferer In this town who has never tried U. D. 1). can now try this remedy In a special bottle at 23c, It cures the Itch Instantly. We KNOW this. W. H. Frame, Ardmore, Okla. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. STCHcicTiATn doiuigned, receiver, by order of court, will sell at public sale to tho highest bidder for cash, on Juno 11, 1910, all proprety of tho Ardmore Traction company, situated In and near Ardtnoro, Oklahoma. Including 4.7 miles track In operation, traik and equipment in good condition, 3,313 feet 73-pound steel In paved district (pavlni; paid for) balance lu city, and suburbs (10-pound rails. 00 trolley wire, 0000 bond wire, ere osoted plno poles, two now uptodato single truck, seml-couvertlble, two double truck convertible, and ono summer car; $0,500 supplies cm hand, consisting of copper wlro, ties, poles, rails and- other mater ials. Contracts for lands adjoining city, estimated at $50,000; amuse, ment park with natatorlum, baseball diamond, grandstand, etc. Most lib eral fifty-year franchise Said salo shall bo mado at public out-cry In front of court house door In tho city of Ardmore, Oklahoma, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock p. m., on Juno 11, 1910, on tho following tcrniB: 10 por cent cash down, bal anco paid when salo Is conflrmod by court. Minimum price $30,00'). Address Jlecclvor, Ardmore, Oklaho ma. C. U Byrne, IUcelver