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Ardmore, Tuesday, May 10, 1910 PAGE BIX THE DAILY AROMORCITE We have a full a n cl complete line of SCREEN DOORS S crcen Wire and other Screening Material. T. K. KEARNEY Just Received M Felker's Grocery Store New krout, sour and sweet pickles, sweet Mango pickle, Dill pickle, Queen bulk olives, seeded ribbon cane, sorghum, fresh line new evaporated fruits. Call and buy of our new goods. Fresh line of Chase and Sanborn coffee andHeinz's 57 varieties of pickles and preserves. Our facilities for furnishing you with ELECTRICITY For light, power and heat are unexcelled by any city in the state. We also endeavor to employ gentlemanly drivers to supply your wants for. PURE DISTILLED WATER ICE and THE BEST OF MOLESTER COALS Our many pleased customers are the best evidence of the quality of our products. Any irregulariticsjjwill be promptly and gladly corrected. Phone 156. Ardmore Ice, Light & Power Company MM WRITER opinion, calls for government cou,rcl of monopolies, the safe-guarding of! bank deposits and savings, vi .nclii other measures as will jciir,: to tile workeri! n more equal !Wv:iiiiMc s of the proceeds of their laVr. To pro mote the phyMrol wolbbolng of the American people, he linn Introduce1 1 and i pressing n bill to oj sb'N'i a I WORKS FOR THE PEOPLE AND IS department of public lieal'h, wbli is -A STRIKING FIGURE IN AMRI.' recoiling enthusiastic npprovrl of the; BOOSTS FOR W CAN POLITICS. Most Industrious in Collecting Data and a Master In Handling It Stands for the Guarantee of Bank Dsposl'. Influenced Platform. Amcrcnn Medlcnl association, -in,! of I public-spirited men In general throur,. 1 out the entire country. I "These nro some of the more l:n lortant of Senator Owen's nchlevi , men tii. Always at work and usually 1 along Kuecessful lines, he has goim I from victory to victory. Today Sena 1 tor Owen Is at the zenith of his ca pacity for doing things, Just at tni time when the people are about to turn to power, which opens for Him Immeasurable opportunities for utsef,il service." Uiifhiimlt.n. I). C. May if Untie." the caption of progressive leaders In the United State somite, (leorge II. Hlillih-y. the well known magazine writer, lins the following to any In the I Slav r umber of the Twentieth fen ttir magazine about Senator Itobcrt , I,. Owen of Oklahoma: "One of the most striking figures 1 In American politics today Is Senator Itobert ).. Owen, A. M. A.. R, of Ok lahoma. In personal appearance he is tall, well developed ami hnndsnmc. Ills sympathies are with the people, and ns he Is a prnctlcal statesman. l:ee ., 'resourceful and an orator of the first rank, he Is a tower of strength In the senate He Is constantly presenting important facts ard directing atten tion to baste principles. Industrious In collecting data anil masterful u hind ling It. he has delivered great speeh es against the tariff-shelter for trusts, agnlnst privately-owned paper money, for the guarantee of bank deposits, for direct election of United States senators by the people, for an Income tax and an inheritance tax, for a de partment of public health, for the re moval of burdensome governmental restrictions In Oklahoma, for a postal savings bank system In which the funds shall be kept In the several communities and not diverted to Wall Street; anil he has vigorously promot ed the movement for the Initiative and referendum. For two years he has served as chairman of the nation al committee of the People's Rule ROBBERSON. Uobberfon, Okla., .May !. -A good rain Toll here last week, which was of great betietlt. Com l looking well. Nearly eieryone is about done plant ing cotton. Crops wore damaged here by the front of ,1 week or so ago, but It Is thought some of the cotton will come out yet. The people In general are very busy. Some few, however, have to attend j court at Pauls Valley this week, among whom are Abby Centers, jas. . Good. Claud Scruggs, Shep M.ibry and ' others. ' A .Mr. Newel, from Western Oklaho ma, has bought land from Will Chris tian and will live In our neighbor hood. Wo are glad to welcome .Mr. Newel and family as our neighbors. Mr. Christian, however, will not leave but Is having a nice house built on his farm and will tay here. J. A. llager, county assessor. Is very busy llnlshlug up with the people. .Mr. Crowder Is here prospcetlng In the copper mines that have lately beon discovered near the home of Mrs. Hello Wright. Mr. Knlghtlngton is also hero prospecting. i Will Shclton and 'Miss Maude Kim-' brell were married yesterdaj. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Walter lnle.i a girl. I A good crowd of eager listeners heard the stirring speeches of W. IJ.j M. Mitchell for re-election for county! Judge and J. I). lltchell for prose cuting attorney; also Albert Plaster.. " ;. It's a wise nickel that buys the OWL CIGAR, 5c 7 r considering how many chances it has to get less value. No nickel brand has ever equaled the Owl in steady patronage. "Three millions a week." The quality improves with age. Always the foremost and .". never so good as now. Successfully better for A fliirfxr irftire Now made in two alleles, j iijc rerlccto you Know.' The Corona is new. S ROTHENBERQ & SCHLOSS, Distributor! Kansas City, Ma. league of Amerlcn, during which tltnej wll0 3 011t for county cerl; he has presented to congress three memorials on the Initiative and refer endum anil secured the publication by congress of '.'0,000 copies of each me morial. One of these helped to es tablish the Initiative and- referendum In Maine. In UHVi, In Oklahoma, he took steps which helped to bring about tho questioning of candidates nnd the establishment of the initiative and ref erendum In that state "During July, 1!M)S. ns chalrm ni of the national committee of the Peonies Uulu League, he visited Mr. Ilrym at Lincoln, Neb., and secured from him a letter to his personal representative at the democratic untlonal convei.tiou at Denver, requesting that fue plat' form emphasize the need of restoring the people's rule. That accounts for the splendid platform declaration on that subject. And Senator Owen pre pared the details of the now tuitions leniocratlc national plank of P.iOS. for the guarantee of bank deposit. "During the past year he has put In many days planning wltu other' for a widespread uatloual movement Prof. J. C. Morgan of Ardmore -and family were visiting here a few days ago. J. C. has many friends hero, who weru glad to shake his old demo cratic baud once more. A. P. Jarrell of Davis Is here on bus iness this week. Politics Is about all we hear nowadays. How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. .1. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known T. .1. Cheney for the past llfteen years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligation made by his Arm. Waldlng. Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally, neting directly upon tho blood nud mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7." cents i 'lake Halls Family Pills for con ' stlpntio'i. A BRIDGE COII AGES OSAGE COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, FINDS THE STONE ARCH TYPE PAYS. NO MAINTENANCE EXPENSES Tin Bridges Were Found to Cost 15 a Lineal Foot, While the Stone and Concrete Cost Only $29, With No Maintenance. Government Lots Sell High. MeAknter. Okla.. May if. Indian for the jestorutlon ut the people'' mlei Agent Kelsey was hero today and as a result of the P.iN) campaign. sold twenty-slv unsold and forfeit- It Is clear that Senator Ovwu 1. I d lots In the townsltes of South Your Money In real eatatu. There Ih 110 safer investment on earth, in fact it Is the earth, (.let a piece of It. Wo have on our list some of the tie At InirgahiH that have been ot tered in Ardmore. Hero are some of thorn; .'houses nud lots close In lor I1.S00. An entire block close in on Main St., with .1 good liousoi, and all mod ern conveniences. You will he surprised to II ml how clump this nrnnertv can be had. Some of the best business property 011 Main ritroet nt bargains We will loan you money on botlelty property aiiii.fiirinllliiiulH..nt the moat reiioouiible rate of fnteiest. W. S. SMITH SPORTINGIGOODS WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF BASE BALL GOODS BALLS, BATS, GLOVES, ETC. Wi: IINMI,i', SCHOOL HOOKS ND ST VTIONKH V, Ol'lTCK AN'J TYPKWHU'KIt SI PI'l.llV.. (1L8S, PUNTS AND WALL PAPKI! CITY BOOK STORE-" FRAME &. CRINER UseArdmoreite Want Ads at war with the "System" being at the t-nme time a constructive statesman. He Is an iipbulldor. Horn at Lynch burg, Ya educated in Virginia and Maryland, he has lived thirty-one years In Oklahoma, where his mother was born In IS" I. He organized the Kir lit National Dank of Muskogee, at, Muskogee, Okla., and was Its president' for ten years. As a lawyer he has han dled the leased district case for thei Clioctaws and 'Chlckasaws, recovering1 $:!'01,(i00; and he recovered I.1.O0O, 00(1 for the Kasteru Cherokees, llls argument in this latter case was dc- dared by Chief Justice Nott, forts i years In the federal court of claims to be the ablest he had ever heard In' that court. Mr. Owen received a MV", compliment from the chief Justice of the federal Mipromc court. 1 "A democrat, he belles e In con structive government. He was a mem ber of the sulwHinnulttee that framed the democratic uatloual platform In IS'.iO. democratic national committee-1 man. lSHfi-1'.HK); vice-chairman of the. democratic state committee In 1000, ami I nlted States senator in P.Mi; H' zeal Is manifested In numerous ways In pressing what appears to be Vu- iblif Interest of his lite, the Improve ment of the political, ph)-slcal and nri-i terlal well-being of tho American pen. pie. 1 "The people's political welfare if to be secured, he believes, through the I Introduction of tho initiative and ret-1 eionduni, tho mandatory direct nil-, miiry, corrupt practices, acts and o'h-j er governmental mechanisms where by the people's will shall prevail. The people's material well-being, In his McAlester and North McAlester. All brought large prices. The lot on which the federal Jail lu this city Is located was ads'ertlsed for sale, but home agreement may be reached so It will not be sold. It nppears the Cnlted State never acquired title to this lot. An Ideal Husband Is patient, even ssith a nagging wife, for he knows she needs held. She may be so nervous and run-down in he-ilUi that trifles annoy hor. If sho Is melan choly, excitable, troubled with loss ot appetite, headache, sleeplessness, con stipiUon or fainting and dizzy spells, she needs Klectrlc Illttors tho most wonderful remedy for ailing women Thousands of sufferers from fen.ti'o troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used them and become healthy and happy. Try them. Only HOc. Satisfaction guaranteed by Ardmore Pharmacy. "Much reading niaketh a full man," quoted the Wise (luy. "And that's about the only way It can be accom plished on Sunday hore In Philadel phia." added the Slmplo Mug. I'KOM THE SfNNY SOUTH LAND. Nature has been lavish in her gifts to the South, and none is more important ami practical than her gift of the Cotton Plsut. In the soil, warmth and sunshine of the South, the Cotton plant attains its highest perfection. Formerly, only the white, do wny lint of the Cotton lloll was preserved, but today, from the kernel of the cotton teed U pressed an oil which compare favorably with the purest olive oil. From this oil of the cotton Med is made a cooking fat called Cottolene. In efficiency, purity and wholesotueness, Cottolene far excels the fat of the hog, and. It has well been Bsed "Nature's gift from the Sunny Sooth." Sklatool;, Okla., May 'J. In the last year Osage county the last In Ok liihonia to emerge fropi the condi tions of an Indian resors-atlon hat! built thirteen substantial bridges over its streams, and of this number three were model permanent bridges. At I'alrfax, over Salt creek, Is a graceful bridge of reinforced con ciete, while Clear creek, near Paw htiska, and Qunwpaw creek, near Ski atook, are spanned with strong stone arch masonry bridges. Four of the new bridges ure over the Arkansas river, and are of wood and steel. The designs for the permanent bridges were drawn by 11. .1. Helm ing, county surveyor, who said late ly: "I Invite contest, friendly or otherwise, of our boast that Osagt! County has the best and cheapest brldgos In tho state." Mr. Helming believes that it is a mistake to build steel or "tin" bridges, as they .ire known, and that public moneys for bridges should be used only In the building of permanent bridges of reinforced concrete or stone. Throughout Osago county, wher ever bridges are needed, may lie found Inexhaustible quantities of ex cellent bridge building stone. Til" material for the Clear creek and Quawpaw bridges was quarried with in a tulle of the bridge site. The l-ilrfax bridge Is 1C0 feet lu length and thirty-two feet above the bed of the stream, the Clear creek brldga at Pawhuskn spans a 100-foot stream channel and has a total length ot I'eet, while the Quawpaw bridge with a Ifi.foot arch, has a length ol ISO feet. Tho stone lu nil these bridges Is laid In cement mortar. The objection is made In somo counties, whero permanent bridges nro not in use, that their cost I so much greater than steel bridges ns to make them prohibitive. Osago county did not find this to be true, ns tho steel bridges named cost . $25 a lineal foot, while the stone and concrete bridges cost only $29 a lineal foot. "There should be no hesitation In preferring and building the perma-! ncnt bridge," said Mr. Helming. "There Is cndlcKS expense In tho maintenance of the temiwrary bridge, while the cost of repairs for stone and concorte bridges is trifling. Our plans In Osage county for the Im provement of roads and highways contemplate the uso of natural re sources, to macadamize the roads with crushed limestone, found every where and to build our bridges of stone or concrete, thereby saving ) t.'lvnavetK for f-enerntlon to emne I the expense of repairing, and ulti mately rebuilding and replacing tem porary bridges with permanent bridges." Cole, Involving the' eae of Albert Siglon who seeks a dismissal on the ground that his case was not tried during the first term of court after the offenso alleged was com mitted. 2,000 criminal eases In Okla homa will ho affected. The case was filed ten days ago and was followed tcday by another one from McAlester, wherein Ir.i KubankB and IJenedlct Klder, lawyers, charged with forgery, are demanding that the cases bo dismissed. Judge Cole was represented hy Attorney General 'West, who filed a demurrer In which he held that the criminal court of appeals Is without Jurisdiction In the matter. Decision Will Affect Many. Outhrle. Okla., May 0. Should tho criminal court of apiieals sustain the mandamus proceedings that are being brought against District Judgi CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY who vatiiu tUt-lr own comfort and the welfarunf Ihtlrchllilreu, thnulil netrr be without box of Mothrr tiroy's Snot rouilvrafrirChiUrfii, for us I hroughout I tic caon. They lire ik up t.'nhN, Cure Keverlhne, Cou(iiatln, Trcthluif !! orders, UcMtar-hn unit Stomach Trouble. TIIKM! I-OWDKIISNKVKU FAIL Sold by ll llnmstorc, in'f atvtui any mMUt A trinl pju-kas Hill be nml fltKKto miy mothrr who will al(lrtt Alluu S. Oluislcd, Lu Koy, N. V. Automobile Tires! We wish to announce to all automobile owners that we now have in stock a line of automobile tires and inner tubes. Sizes 32x3 1-2 to 34x4. Our prices are right, and we ask your patronage when you need a new tire or tube. Give us a trial. Stevens, Kennerly and Spragins Co. Ardmore, Oklahoma.