Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Tuesday, May 10, 19j PAGE ElUHT THE DAILY ARDMOREITE ! r 4- For Gentlemen Clothes values depend entire ly on the establishment that makes the garments. The clothes that we are placing on sale this week embody all the advanced ideas of the fashions for the Spring and Summer, as they will be worn by the best dressed men in the busi ness and social world. Fancy worsted and blue serge suits at the following greatly re duced prices: 7.50 Suit 1 0.00 Suit 12.50 Suit 15.00 s.t 16.50 Suil 17.50 Suit Wt' want you to come in and see them whether you are ready to buy or not. DISORDER TODAY IN MINING DISTRICT! KANSAS STRIKERS TIRE OF CON TINUED IDLENESS AND AT TEMPT VIOLLNT ACTS. Plttaburg, Knu.. May 10. Marching iiilaei resumed t'le rruaa lc Hntuai .h ntiura'-iou of th mines In this vi tally todii; and hi. -te I'lsordc result Hi. Porty-sevon minwrs at Croborg " ewptiHl to pirll (ho tints In the minus '-leru 'Wit wore rutmlaetl and drtv(M way by the niljnrs noeklnu to p-o-. - at UoMblo. At Cwntvllle the marchers iucciwMl--I In willtn rhe fires In the I in way Kill mines and the men wot xt 1-4 in Mi., micas were drHeii away. The fires under the boilers of the iil company' waterworks wore at-o iravn and the town I IU.out water. The roarcherj- then ttartod fur :l.e eiiea near Mu'jerry. I'leian Land S.iles Postponed. " kocee. OkU.. May 9. -The Bc- -1 of the Interior wired the Con itl v of the Wve Plvlllsod Tribe ' iy to postpone (he aaU of 'n 1 da In the Memlivole coutv r Nov. 19, becaut the farm- I - time had no money to You csn't nuike a small boy belie. o 1 it a switch In tho band is tn the lunti Bargains A. B. RAWLIN riin now now now 5.98 7.98 9.98 now H.98 now 12.48 14-98 now MEETS DEFEAT AMENDMENT PROVIDED FOR AC QUISITION BY RAILROADS OF NON-COMPETING LINES. Washlnaton, 1). C.. May 10. lly a vote of 1011 to lfO. the lioiue today defeated the aniondmont to the rail KWil bill, orrered by Maun of Illinois. auUiortzltiK the aiNulsitlou of non t IllpeiiniC traiiH)3rtutioU linos Railroad Bill Pastes. iWnshlntetou. I). C. May 10. m tiun to recommit the nillnmil lull In the hou mm defeated by h ot of M7 to 170. The bill passed the house thU uf tornoon. the vote beiiiK 2t)o t 1 I'.m; VANDERVOORT TRIAL DELAYED. Alleged Wife-Murderer Awaits Se , curing of a Jury. Wel'litKton. K'au. May l The nlul of June Vandervoc rt, (twrgrd with iiturderinK his wife, was delayed to daj- by the exhaustion of the resulsr panel of Juror. A special venire h.m been ordered. Beaver Has Bad Firs. Reader 'uy, Okla.. May Fire de Ktroyod the west side of the square here last Light, the loss being about 00.O00. Aniontt the buildt:'s burned w- the sirm;old court house, one of the mot hl- lurli sttlKlii'es !n the c ' this week, V CASE ON TRIAL SENSATIONAL FEATURE BROUGHT OUT IN TRIAL OF C DETECTIVE TODAY. LETTERS 10 FOSTER MOTHER State Introduced Letters Written ey Captain Tllletson to Mr. Barclay for Whom the Child Wa Kidnaped. .. H:tT, Kan., MSy 10. A tun t Ion a! Nature In the Incubator baby kL! i ii. t. ease, in which Captain Ti: i L-.m of the Kama Citjr tKt i y. la being tried for kidnap !iv ear-old Marion Bleakle), dee. wjk-.i today. Three letters, written by Tllleuo.i io Stella Barclay, foster mother of mid, for whom She wa- V . il. were pronounced In court. They I to r ,f nrrar tenienta made with T'liet-; -on to kidnap the child from ila home ui lopeka. The lgr.eture to the let-' tits w.n Identified b r crt ai being those of Captain T'l-I ' let . ti The state will complete It vl dome today with the testimony of Charlotte Hlonktoy. the kidnaped ''M fot-ti-r mother THREATENS GENERAL STRIKE. Oklahsma City Industries Tied Up. May Be Oklahoma City, May 0 - That all organized labor union in this cltv i.lll go out on u general strike, f ri-cesmiry. for tho laundry worker- ind bakers, to win their demands. Is the statement made by C. C 1'T. president of the State Federation of tabor. The demands of the laun dry workers are for the recognition of their union and a working day of ten hours, whllo the bakers de mand recognition of their union and the prrncnt scale of wages. In neith er strike is there a demand for Increased pay. Samuel Compers, who will arrive in June to enter the campaign against the proposed nnieiidmeut of section 0. article S. of the constitution, relating to railroad will go ovor the labor situation -.villi local unions during his visit to this city. Arrangements are being made for a grand labor celebration and street parade on the occasion of Mr. (lomperH visit here. Notice for Publication. riiate of Oklahoma, Carter County, In i tho District Court: 1 ! Kmlle Todd, Plaintiff, vs. Joe Todd, NCI1T0R Defendant. , ference With Commission. S.ild defendant, Joo Todd, will tnko, Guthrie. Okla.. May It. Represent notice that lie has ben sued in ihojntlvos of the school laud leases wer aime name.i court ror divorce, ana i iiMody of child, and must answer the petition riled therein by said plaintiff j oil or before the 21st day of June, A. I). 1'JlO. or said petition will be taken 'as true, and a judgment for said plain- tiff In said action for divorce and eus-l I tiy of child will be rendered accord' lugly. Dated this pith day of May, 1010. CHAMPION i CHAMPION. 1 Attest- Attorneys for Plaintiff I C T. VERNON. District Clerk Ry S M. PVHKKR. IVputy ! KMT-'JMI. JUDGE CHAMBERS THIRD ARBITRATOR WILL ASSIST FERENCES ROADS AND IN SFTTLING DIF BETWEEN .RAIL PEOPLE. Washington. 1). C. May 10. Judge William Lee Chsutbers of this city vi aa Unlay appointed as third arbltra - tor of the controversy between the farty-niue railroads ooeratlng in the territory west of Chicago and the Hrotherh id of Ixtoomottvc Firemen and Knginemen. The fisherman who ban U 1 o- 1 he :not jiiic fill! 1 el let. on liquid IllCeShful b a s making room for new goods due DISMISSED COMPLAINT VIANDS IN PANTRY OF KANSAS MILLERS WINES IN CELLAR FEDERAL JUDSE MePHERSON RE. FUSED TO ENJOIN SEIZURE OF BLEACHED FLOUR. IVs Molne. Iowa, May 10 Jndg Smith McPherwin la the federal court tfday dismissed the complaint of the Shawnee Milting Company of Kanss ami the UMrke Ml trine Com pany of Omaha, brought In behalf i of the Western Milling Company, ask ing that the United States di.trlct attorney of Iowa be enjoined from aetata btoaehed f,or stripped Into kw-a. The ccurt upho d the rul ing tecardlnt: lilaitiod flour TEDDY ARRIVED IN BERLIN TODAY FIRST ENGAGEMENT IN qERLIN TODAY WAS WITH A THROAT SPECIALIST SPECIAL TRAIN. Merlin. May 10. Ilooaevelt arrived here thia morning from Sweden. He wa met at the atatlon by the sec retary of foreign affairs, Von Schoon er, in behalf f the emperor. The colonels first engagement this morning was with a throat specialist j as he Is ritill suffering from hoarse-1 noes. A special train will convey the party this afternoon to Pousdani. where Kooieveh. will bp the lunch-1 vn Z'lst of tho emperor and em press. TWO MAKE ESCAPE INMATES OF KANSAS REFORMA. TORY ESCAPE FROM TUDERCU- LOSIS HOSPITAL TODAY. Hutchinson. Kan.. May 10. Frank Tiller and Frank F;x, Inmates of the i state reformatory, escaped from the i tuberculosis hospital of that Instltu I tlon toda, after sawing several steel I bats and climbing down from the I third floor on a rope made of bed I clothes. lioth lioj hud been allowed unu- sual freedom, because It was thought they could not live long. I An organized search Is being made ! an over Kansas. QUESTION OF LESSEE'S RIGHT. Lessees of School Lands Hold Con- here again today to confer with tho 0ill0 i,ui( commissi, n in regard to the projsised test case on the ques tion of whether a Urisce has a preference right to more than lfiO acres and whether he Is entitled tn 1...... ,h ,,.,, ..,.. ,lf ,,, land 01 er its raw t-tate counted as mi Improvement. Some of tho mem-ttt'i-s of the board expressed their wllllngtiesn to have the test ease brought under an agreed statement of fact, but tho board did not take final action because of the absence cf the attorney gcuuml. In conse quence of the MM.hlllty of such r. suit. Hei retary Ed Cnssldy toilay notified the board that he has sus pended all further proceedings In gard to the sale of Indemnity and pub ic buildings lauds which are under base, as It would be impos sible to tell Just how far such a suit 1 would affect thone lands. Mr. Cns- J sidy stated that if milt were biought 1 the proposed third sale district , would be dropped altogether and the ! stile of the now college lands, which not under preference right lea.e. ' ,,mW tl" tsknn up. The leasee claim 1 lnmt 11 4,111 wouW "ol interfere ,tn "'' l au" 'e whore ! " gr ment could be reached be- teeii the state and the lessee In rcsxrd to the appraisement of the laud, but the policy of the echooi hind department seems to be not to with an s-ilc-, niaht I. ( .i'l. the .1 11 lalULty f ' COMPANY CONTINUED PROM PAOH ONH McConnellee; Oklahoma Cltr Mill & Blevator Co., J. J, Stinnett Mattress and lied Springs (man ufacturing! Oklahoma Spring lied Manufacturing Co., N. H. Page. , Ministers Iter. J. H. O. Smith, pastor First Christian church; Rev. I' rcy Knickerbocker, pastor St. 1 jke's M- E- church. ML.mery (wholesale) HIrsch & Kaufman, H. P. Wolff. Mwslc Fmlerlcson-Kroh Music Co., J. I. Constant; .1. W. Jenkins Sons Music Co.. S. E. Reatty. Motor Cars Oklahoma Motor Ci Co.. Floyd R. Thompson. Notions (wholesale) The Mll'.e--.Mltscher Co.. O. A. Mltscher. Oil i wholesale) AVaters-rierce Oil Co. H. C. Lldner. Office Supply Companies Western Hank Supply Co., D. W. Collins. Packing Companies SckwartschlM Suliberger, S. S. Itktfsotn . Photographers Watum A Wells. ! R. Alex Wells. Photographic Supply Companies I Kansas City Photographic Supply Co., I W .W. Kfske. Produce (whoknale) W. D. , Wright Produce Co., W. I). Wright, ; K. CI. Shoemaker. Publishers The Dally Okrahomnn. ! R. K. Staffcrd. K. K. Oaylord; The ; Oklahoma City Times, II. (1. Kuit- man; OKianoma Farm Journal i. FleW. Tho veertes Vsms. n M. Little; Sturm's Okjahoma Magazine, O. P. Sturm. Reul I-3state lllacloveider & Co., Robert Chownlnn: F. J. Hloes, F. J. UI"m: Scott Hraden & Co., Scott Rraden; Classen Company, A. II. Clnssen, J. .1. Johnston; I). W. Orior, D. W. Crier Putnam Company, W. K. Hodges, J. M. Postelle; Workman L Co., O. P. Workman, I.. C. Mc Clure. Railroads Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe, II. R. Teasdale; Chicago, Reck Island & Pacific, Pat Portel; Missouri, Kansas & Texas. J. J. Hart nett; St. Louis & San Francisco, H. C. Conley. Sash and Doorn Curtis ft Gartslde, A. 1.. Oartslde. G. W. Whltten, J. L. Itell. R. S. Williams: Oklahoma Sash I & loor Co.. N. S. Darling, H. II. Dar j ling. L. D. West, C. P. Walker, Otis ! Mercer. 1 State Fair The State Fulr of Okl.v , homa, I. S. Malmn; Oklahoma City j Jockey Club, Klllott Alton. Stockyards Companies National Stockyards Co.. K. F. Dlsbee. i Stoves (wholesale) Kxcclslor Stove I fc Mfg. Co.. John II. WiUm. Arthur I wnson. 1 Tolograph and Telephone Compa I nles 'PIonwr Telephone & Telegraph , Co.. E. D. Nlms. John M. Noble, O. I N. Dalley, E. K. WestorvoU. J. W. Wilson. Percy Redmund, Jas. F. No I bio, J. J. Hayes, G. F. Hardewlck.-. ! Traffic Association Oklahoma Traf I flc Asscdation, W. V. Hardle. j Fnlversltlos Epworth University, Geo. II. Urailford, chancellor. j When n singer loses her voice she 1 still manages to do a lot or loud talk I Ing alwut It. Ardmorelto want ads bring rcsul's, Railroad Time Tabid SANTA FE. Northbound, 12:07 a. u. :':4.r. p. ui. 11:'-"-' a. m No. 0 . No. 12 No. IS Southbound. No. r. 5:10 a. m. No. 17 4:23 p, in. No. 11 1:13 p. in FRISCO SYSTEM. Westbound. 9:30 a m. 12:30 p, in. 1:25 p. m. 8:55 p. in. No. 523 No. con No. 527 No. 603 Local Freight. No. 543 3:30 p. in (Daily except Sunday.) Eastbound. No. COfi 7:00 a. m No. C21 11:00 a.m. No. 526 j 1:45 p. m. No. C01 1:00 p.m. Local Freight. No. 540 G:00 a (Dally nxcopt Sunday.) ROCK ISLAND SYSTEM. Westbound. 073 1:45 p. C51 :50 p. in No. No, No. No. Di. m. Eastbound. 052 7:30 a. m. 074 3:30 p m. , House P. C. DINGS, Pres. M. GORMAN, V-Pres. J. W. HANNAH, Cashier. Guaranty State Bank ARDMORE, 4 Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits We solicit your business on liberal terms. DEPOSITS GUARANTEED Oif SoitoY To Myc A ACCOM Of All the Unhappy Homes, Not One in a Hundred Has a Bank Account and not ono home In a hundred who has a bank account Is unhappy, u seems almost foolish to put It off any longer, when It Is such a sim ple, easy matter to start a bank account. ONE DOLUMt starts an ac count with us. DEPOSITS GUARANTEED. Wc pay FOCR PER CENT ON TIME DEPOSITS. ARDMORE STATE BANK C. T. BARRINCER, Pres. AN OLD-TIME GAMDLER DtAD. William H. Hufflngton Had Houses In St. Joseph and Leavenworth. St. Jospeh, Ma., Mny y. William 1' ISufflngton, 01 ears old, who was the king of the gambling fraternity along the Missouri River thirty years ago, died at S. Jseph's Hospital today. Hufflngton conducted the old Long Branch gnmbllng house hero after the Civil War and It was known all over the country west of tho Mississippi is a "square" place. Most of the last fifteen years he had a gambling house In Leavenworth. At one time Puffing ton was wealthy, but like most men Ice Boxes Lawn Mowers Refrio-erators Garden Hose All other sum mer cjoocls for less than others sell for. C. P. HALL REMEMBER; "The Mill will never grind with the water that is passed." Apply this quotation to the opportunities here today. Como and talk over tho land business with us If you want n farm, a ten-acre tract, or one acre. PLENTY of money to loan on farms and good city property -lowest rates easy terms. Wo carry tho highest class Klro nnd Tornado Insurance In th. land. Don't run tho risk of loss. "He can who thlnkn ho can, ho can't who thinks he can't.'" ADAMS BROTHERS Rooms 7-9 Potterf Qldg. Ardmore, Oklahoma Furnishers to arrive this week OKLAHOMA mi: HAROLD WALLACE, Cashier. who made? money in this way, he died 'almost penniless. He was 11 veterin I of the Civil War, having served In an j Indiana Infantry, and he drew a pen 1 slon, which had been his only means . In late years. I Interesting stories of big games an 1 I tho largo amounts of money won ami 1 lost In the old lxng Branch are told, j and It, is said that "Old Puff never I R'as detected In a "crooked" act. A 1 number of men who know Hufflngton In his palmy days gave money to de- fray the expense of his burial in Mt. Mora Cemetery, nnd the funeral will be conducted tomorrow. Ho had no I known relatives. When in Doubt Ask Fraley Don't plko all over town to gather up Screen Supplies. Come hero whero all kinds and widths of wire, hinges, mould ing and all Screen Supplies can bo bought at one place. Smith- Fraley Lumber Co. Phone 89