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The Ardmoreite Is the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service Mm FARTHIMC BROTHERS Clothing French dry cleaned nnd team pressed. Only FIRE ESCAPES built and erect od to conform with city and state laws, have ua to do it. Joncs-Evcrcll Machine Co. French dry clentio city Phono 496 Uluo. VOLUME XVI ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY II 1910 NUMBER 281) 00-'7, - . --- - HUH. ME EXCURSIONISTS GUESTS OF MORE LAST tt a n tt :: n a HIGH T t: a i a a i a WEATHER FORECAST. Xt'iv Orlenna, La., May 11. Tho weather forecast for Ok lahoniii for tonight and Thum day Is uimctttcd with showers The flower of Oklalioniii City's man hood, iiliout two hundred strong, reached Ardmoro on their Itinerary over the state hint night. The special train arrived from Maillll over the Frisco at 7:00 o'clock and led by the ICpworth University band, the vlalto-H marched double column tip Alain rtrcet. They passed to C Htreet om Mnln and double back to Warring ton, where a concert wan held. Presi dent ttray, Secretary McCoy and hun dreds of members of the Commercial club were at the station to give the visitors a cordial greeting. Among the enthusiastic Ardmore people were many women. Following the concert on the street, the visitors were accompanied to the K. of V. Hall, where a program of speech-making was carried out. Presi dent (Iray of the Commercial cluti, presided. Mayor .lames A. Cotaer mado the address of welcome. Ho made tho visitors feel at home In a cordial speech of only a few mlnutc3. Ho said Aril more was proud of the op It: 1 f i 'a In the day. north tonight or Thurs- to Imbibe foiuo of the enthusiasm which Oklahoma City has. Mayor Cot- II II 8 S 8 II !l a M nor then drew a beautiful pen plctun of the class of men who got away from the old home and go out to build em j plres of their own, such men are tlw strongest In the nation and of such men t Oklahoma is nintlo up exclusively. The best class of citizenship of the Nortn and South, tho Kast and West aro here. Their coming In contact with each other the mingling of the dif ferent Ideas have served to broaden a a 1 a 1 ai a a tt T FIRES SWEEP STATE ATTACKS NORTH HYDE TEST MONY EARTHQUAKE IN COSTA RICA AGAIN WISCONSIN AND MINNESOTA CIT IES THREATENED BY FOREST FLAMES TODAY. EVIDENCE PRODUCED TO ATTACK EVIDENCE GIVtN BY MRS. HYDE FOR HER HUSSAND. E WILL BE GREAT i STATE'S REBUTTAL EVIDENCE: I THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE JOSE ARE LEAVING HOMES IN ALARM. IN SAN THEIR tho lKDple, the narrow Ideas of onoi section given pace to tho broad views, of the cosmopolitan state and city and an unprecedented growth follows such a mingling of Ideas. He addressed a portion of his speech to the ministry of Oklahoma, who is represented aniorg the visitors. In recounting the products of Car ter comity, the mayor expressed re gret that the Oklahoma City people had not risen In their might and de manded Ardmore paving material, which Is tho best In the world. The mayor sail- Ardmore could not hope San .lose, Costa idea. May 11. Heavy earthquake shocks were felt hero today. Thousands of persons are alarmed and leaving the city. A se ries of severe nhockB were experi enced yesterday. poriunity to omertnin mo visitors ami t(( C0I1).)e,0 .,Nltll Oklahoma as a ills that every section of the sta'e needs , trulltlnt. ct.nt.r( imt s!lItl .Wo do our part toward making a great' state. Wc can harness the Washita nt our very door, we can make thoj manufacturing city of the slate and i when wo have done that we will take I pleasure In turning these nmnufactur-1 ed products over to your Jobbers for! San Domingo Feels It. San Domingo, May 11. A severe earthquake shock was felt here this morning. No los of life, nor loss of property occurred. Reports from tho Interior have not yet been received. Things You Ought to Know Wc nri! loPHteii on i'tt Main SI. AnliiMiri'. Okla. Our telephone In No.'JI'J. Our cikxIs are the liet and always frech. Our price? You can t neat tliem. Wc lire never In dispute with our cutmitm-rs about their mvounts, "Honesty lirlnsi Confidence." "f ontldmre lirlnes lliinlnens." "llusliifMi tirliiL'-i Appreciation.' Thiink you. J. Mat Moore ? Sons POSTPONE TRIAL WIFE MURDERER Ten Residences, Four Stores and Postolflce at Moslne, Wisconsin, Consumed Grand Marines on Lake Shore, Believed Destroyed. Wnusau, Wis., May II. .Forest fires have swept the nuth half of the town of Moslno Just before wire communication was cut oft this morn ing. A number of buildings had al ready been destroyed, Including ten residences, four store and the post olflce. Later reports say that the fire Is now under control. Grand Marines Destroyed. Duluth, Minn., May 11. (irnnd Ma rlnes on the north hore of 1ike Is believed to have been by forest fires advancing Superior, destroyed upon It. You Deserve It At tho present prices that you pay for the necessities of life, you should Ret tho very best. If you will buy your meats and groceries hero you will Rot the best, and wo will also save you many dollars. W. A. GILLIAM East Main Street. 66, RED HOT BARBECUE Fat hens, spring chickens, fresh eggs, fresh country butter, creamery butter, vegetables in season, and all llret class meats kept in n llrst class market. Pay cash and save 10 per cent collector's bill. COLD STORAGE MARKET O. G. WARREN, Prop. We loan on city real estate and pro bate titles. See us before you borrow. Gorman, Bogie Company Gorman Bldtf.. Phone 50 & distribution over tho state." These re marks were received with hearty ap plause and throughout his KpecsU Mayor Cottier was generously applaud ed. Senator Stafford was tho next speaker called. He wiis Introduced nB Senator Stafford, but Ardmore peo ple know hltn as "Hoy." They know Hoy Stafford when ho published the Okhtlifimmi nti : 1i:iml nriwM thov know hi... when bo Minted over his I vUe' b arsenlc l'"lS. l"" weekly pay roll, they knew him when he was a struggling boy and they have seen him surmount tho obstacles that fell In Iris way and have seen him build ono of tho great papers of the union, they have rejoiced in hU good i fortune won at tho holm of Incessant! and intelligent work and' there Is no man In the Htate who Is held closer In tho affections of the Ardmore peo ple than Hoy Stafford. The editor of tho Oklahoinan spoke feelingly o" his friendship for tho Ardinoro peo ple, he congratulated the town upon Its splendid growth. He told the poo plo that Oklahoma City could do very little without the co-oprratlon of th other towns of tho eta.o and hanked the peoplo of Ardmoro for tholr friend ship. Ho said Oklahoma City had always stood with the best lntcrost3 of tho state and he wanted to sec the citizens of Ardmore and Oklahoma City seal their bonds of friendship. Ho simke of tho advantages of trading In Oklahoma City and said that city hnd ! prepared not only to sell tho people goods, but 1o purchase their products and referred to tho packing houses. which they were building. He went I SERIOUS Into a plain common sonso discussion ! of tho capltol location question, the moral question Involved was clearjy explained and tho business advantag- jis of locating the capltol at Oklaho- ,0WUm,, May 11. Reports ate ,mn City were portrayed. He said he j t.rr,.l nt -)ovur of (l 80rOus explo wanted th. capltol to remain at riuth-! , (,n (ll0 fmgH,p iX),ion," of the rle until r.u:i, nut tnougni mo peopio j UrilUh Atlantic battleship fleet lu should be using the time that would ; xorweglun waters. Hear Admiral Sir Intervene between now and 191:! ami' ColU KVVQtx ,s commauJ. said it would require that length ot PRELIMINARY HEARING OF LOU IS W. POTTERTON AT ARKAN SAS CITY CONTINUED. Arkansas City, Kan., May 11. The preliminary hearing of Uiuls W. Pot tertnn and Mrs. Kmma A. Allen, charged with causing the death of Franclrt K. Potterton , Potterton's tinned today until May L'rtth. ROOSEVELT TO BE REPRESENTATIVE TEDDY ACCEPTS APPOINTMENT AS SPECIAL AMBASSADOR AT KING EDWARD'S FUNERAL. Washington, I). C. May 11 Roose velt today accepted by cablo the ap pointment by President Taft, to bo special ambassador representing the United States at tho funeral cf King Kihvard. Flames Raging, Near Bayfield. Hayflchl. Wis.. May 11. Setero forest fires are raging north and noithwest of llayflehl today. PRIVATE SINECURE. County Judges not Required to Turn In Fees to County Treasurers. (Juthrle. Okla., May 10. County Judges do not have to account fo mid turn Into the county treasury fees received for porforiiring mar rlage ceremonies, tinder a decision of the supreme court today lu the test case brought by County Attor ney K. K. Heardcn of Oklahoma county against County .ludge Snm Hooker ot tln same county. Tlu court holds that prior to the passage cf the fee and salary bill at tho re cent special session county Judgea were not given tho right under the law then existing to charge a fee for tho performance of marriage cor einonles. It Is u!m held that where tho meaning of a stiuuto is doubt fill long usage Is a just medium to expound It ami that tho fact that the county Judges had never been re quired to turn over such fees Is to coneldered. Two Scientists Swear That It Is Im possible to Amalgamate Formalde hyde and Ammonia So As to Pro duce Hydrocyanic Acid in Body. Kansas City, Mo., May II Determ ined attacks were made by the slate today in tho Swoh poisoning case upon Mrs. Hyde's story regarding the whereabout of her brother. ThomuB, on the night of December 18th, ami the testimony of the Hyde chemists relating to the formation of hydrocy anic ncld In nrorpse. Mrs. James 'Clinton of Independence swore that young Swope telephoned Dr. Twytnau from her residence ii-i- comber 18th at the time when Mrs Hydo had testified that he was at Mrs. Swope's residence with her Mrs. Clinton said Swope held noire thing In his hand while telephoning. Swope then testified that it was capsules, said to have contained cy anide which were dropped by Hyde that he held In, his hand. Two scientists then swore that it was Imposslblo for the amalgamation of formaldehyde and ammonia to pro duce hydrocyanic add In a dead bodv. The indication this afternoon are that tho state will begin Its closing argument tomorrow. Mich side wll' be given ten hours in which to ad dress the Jury. E A EXPLOSION REPORTED TO HAVE OCCURRED ON THE FLAGSHIP "LONDON." time to corstruct the state buildings. ThREE CHEERS FOR ARDMORb. Claude Weaver followed In a hap.iy (Continued on pago eight) DEMANDS FORMAL TRIAL. McAlester Merchant Not Guilty Killing Burglar. ONLY ONE WEEK To pick your choice of lots in THE WALCOTT ADDI TION at tho presunt price of MOO.OO por pair. Monday, May UUh, the add tt ton will bo graded in price according to location and desirability, and thereafter bo sold at a lixed price por pair. Prico to be governed ontire ly upon the merits of tho individual lots. Wo have kopt faith with tho people and done just what we advertised to do in every instance, and wo aro in dead earnest tliis titne. You can only get your choice at pres ent price this meek. To test tho virtue of advertising in Ardmore, wo aro going to givo everybody in iho city TEN DOLLARS as lirst payment on a piir of lots, who neatly cut out tho fol lowing coupon and bring it to our otlico this week, and makes ti contract for a pair of lots. NOT GOOD AFTER THIS WEEK. Good For Ten Dollars At our ollice, until May 10th, 11)10, as lirst payment on a pair of lots in Wtilcott Addition to Ardmore. R. A. WHITE fif CO. Now get busy lent you lose out again, cheap loans to improve with. We still make R. A. White & Co., Agts. GORMAN BUILDING. ANOTHER REAR ADMIRAL DEAD ANDREW KIRKSTED DIED TODAY AT HIS HOME IN PHILADEL PHIA FROM APOPLEXY. Buy Property $ Make Money $ Is Cheap lurenso in value. II live a number of cheap homes to sell, some on monthly pnyment plan, If vou have Bomo'hlng you want to trade otf in mercantile stocks, business proprty or real estate of any kind see ine at once. I liavo all sorts of trading propositions. Ardmore ciiy property to trade tor farm hurls: also make desir able FA KM and CITY LOANS. Your lnsliii-s l Cordially Sollclli-d O. L. Chancellor Offlco, Kandol Iiltlii-. over Dltzler 1). G. Co. OHIce fhon 141 Kesldencn Fhiiii Oklahoma City People Saw the Best Paving Material in the Country. Last evening whon the Oklahoma , City boosters had stopped at the In- lA-rseetlou ot Main and Washington for tho band concert noino ono cried with a loud volco: "Look under our feet at this paving." Kvory fellow did the natural thing and cast his eyes downward. Stretches of asphalt there more beautiful, more uniform and bettor than, they had ever seen before. Then another voice said "Three cheers for Ardmoro and its paving material." and the cheers wero given with a will. K, H. Lucai', president of the 21".,. 1 (ion club at Ada, was on tho streets, ! at the time and he took a keen do- ' light In the manifested enthusiasm for, turn you did us please accept $10. ' J Ardmoro asphalt. Mr. Lnens neve" 'llefoto the curate could protest tnu misses an opportunity of speaking a couplo hud gone and ho was loft flng good word for the Carter county pav-jorlng tho easiest $10 that hud ever lug material. come hl way. Now York Sun. AIsAlcstor, Okla., May 10. Demand lug that ho be formally tried for mur der. John M. Latham, tho North .Mc Alester merchant who shot and killed C.eorge .Miller, a burglar. In his store yesterday morning, had a warrant for his arrest Issued today and waived arralgnmoi.t when an Information .n filed, A Jury was Impaneled In th" superior court, evhlenco was admitted' tJie jury regularly Instructed nnd ie turned a verdict of not guilty. In all outward forms tho murder trial was conducted Just us any such prosecu tion. A sweet young thing and a palpi tating youth entered tho curate's study' nud laid ta $10 note on his desk. "What's that for?" said tho curate "Your wedding fee," said the youth. ".Wo wero married day bofnrn cs terday." "Ihit I didn't marry you." "No," said the youth, "but you h'dn ed us almost as much as the man who did. I guess you didn't know anything about It at the time, but you prevented Interference) from two set of angry parents. Hints dropped in their hearing made them think wo wero going to be married by you at 4 o clock and sent thoni scurrying down hero to head us off. That gave us a charcn to slip away and be mar ried by somebody else. For the good New Suits Filed. Ihnlly Todd has through her at torney filed suit for divorce against .Ion Todd. Hlu also an lis for the custody of their son Walter, aged nine. She tates In her complaint us caiisu for action that the defend ant deserted her In l'J07, and has failed to contribute anything to her supiKirt and that she has never heard from him ami that his where abouts aro unktionu to her. Margaret llendon has filed suit for divorce against .1. K. llendon. She alleges In her complaint that they wero married at Immi in ISSfi and lived together until 100S, when the defendant, without any cause, do nerted her and has since that time failed to contribute anything to her support. The Ardmore State Hank has filed suit against Lcaford and Fatty Stevenson to foreclose a mortgago on certain real estate locuted In Car ter county. The mortgage was given to secure a note of $150. They also :isk fcr attorneys fees in the case, WILLIE COLLIER WEDS AN ACTRESS WELL KNOWN PLAYER MARRIED TO MEMBER OF "LUCKY STAR" COMPANY TODAY. Philadelphia, IH., May II. Hear Admiral Andrew Klrksted Is dead at his home here, following u stroke of apoplexy. Ho was seventy-seven yeam of age. The deceased served with Farragut throughout tlio" civil war. Il. was retired In ISO I with the rank of rear admiral. bllo struck him on the other side and hurled him back into tho uir. While ho was up the second machine dlsaii pen red as the first had done, save lu the opposite direction. "My word! I called tho first golrg, but this Is both golni? and coining!" New York Telegraph. Dos Moines, lowo. May 11. Willie Collier, the actor, was married at Dav enport, Iowa, yesterday lu the Haptlst church to Miss l'auhi Mary, one of tho women of the "Lucky Star" company. TRACK IN FINE SHAPE. Conditions Favorable for Record Breaking at Cheyenne. Cheycno, May 11. With weather and track conditions perfect for fast driving, it is expected that some -world's records will bo equalled or broken nt tho autumn automobile race meeting today of tho Cheyenne motor club. A southbound automobile strti'ic htm broadside and hurled him Into the air. it wiis traveling so fast that It pass ed beneath him while be was up, and disappeared beyond the horizon. "I call that going!" ho gasped Then he struck tho road. Ah he did so a northbound niitomn- Your Phone Orders Delivered Wo are soiling fountain pens at manufacturer's cost. $ I 00 and itf.OO pens for $l.2fj and SI. 50. The City Drug Store W. 11. FKAMK, Prop. HAVE WIFE AND BABY DftftTRf!TED WITH A SCREENS Screen doors and windows made t o order. Special door screens for store fronts, made 6f white pine, with tixttircs, at Fralcy's Plunlnii Mill II. T. HUNT Phono 89 and vro do the rest 'I Ik oii wty lo he vtithmit feur lor your family is to save your iiioui-y. lb Ink of whut niliiht happen to litem If you hud no money .-.lived. .Make OUK bank YOUK luinU. First National Bank ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA Cupitul and Surplus, $200,000 ASSETS - - - $1,000,000.00 Don l.auy, I'res, A. II. Palmer, V.-l'res. J. A. Itlvons, V.-Pres; O. L. Anderson, dash; O. H. Wolverton, lid Saudlln, Don Russell, Ass't. Cashiers.