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Ardmort, Wednesday, May 11, 1910 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE PAQE THREE lY u tt tt it it :: :: :: :t :t :: tt tt it :t TOMORROW'S CALENDAR. tt tt KnaliiiM IClub wltli .Mrs. It t: llenly. tt it Hocltal at church, tt :: u tt :: tt tt tt t: tt tt tt :t tt tt tt it a THE WAII. OK A HACIIKI.OU. , I inn a most unlucky man In matters of the heart. From ycnth It's lioun my wish to ; play A matrimonial - part; 1 must. liavi ho ! :t hundred times And In a hundred ways. Hut nil In vain, a bachelor I'll liavo to end my days. '.My first love I remember well. Miss Shlpp. her I ndort'il: Hut when I nsko ilto lie her mute She threw mo overboard. Miss Coiii, wim ni'xt, I told hi r tha.' Ir her I pined, hut she Snld If a husband she desired She'd never pitch cn mi'. I asked .Miss l'ngo to ln my hrldi', She turned uii down, alas! .Miss Hay said: "(!o to grass!" .Miss lllrd I bogged to fly with me. Hut alio could give iio hope; MIhs .Mullen listened to my pleas. Hint said, "I eantelopc." i Miss Soiile refused her heart to give. .Miss KIiik my queen to he. In vain I bogged Miss l-'rost to melt, .Miss Leach to stick to me. .Miss Pond throw water on my hopes. .Miss I'oote raised her hand, I tried, to pop to fair Mls Itench, Hut did not have the sand. i' Miss I'ott I asked to cook my beans, .Miss Lodge with me to dwell. I told .Miss Ladd I'd he her man. I tried to ring .Miss Hell: And thus from maid to maid 1 uent I'roposlng, but in vain Alas! u Icnely bachelor I'm destined to reninln. Kl. II. W. In Hoston Transcript. :: Presbyterian Aid Society. Tint l.adlen' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church met yesterday with Mrs. I'M Sandlln, with a good attendance. Visiting the sick of the church and the new members was discuss ed and each one present iiinile a resolution to try to do more in the future along these lines than they had done In the past. .Mrs. Ilynl served refreshments and a free will offering was made. a Broadway Baptist Ladies. The Uullcs' Aid Society or the Uroadwny Baptist church met on yesterday afternoon. On Sunday week at this church Itcv. Dr. Scarborough of Ft. Worth will address the congregation. Or. ScarboroiiKh Is the president of the Haptlst Theological Seminary In that city and Is a pulpit orator of much fame. a Circle Three. Clrclo Three or the Christian church hold a business meeting esterday afterncou with .Mrs. G. H. AVebb. VeIvaI Breakfast Syrup The Top and Bottom of a Good Breakfast Velva Breakfast Syrup makes a new delicacy of the good old-fashioned griddle-cake. It does the same with biscuits and waffles. Everything is good better than ever before, with Velva. Once tried, it becomes the breakfast essential. Velva is Pure Sugar Cane Syrup, made in the inimitable P. A F. way. It's at Your Grocer's. And it's served by hotel i and dining cats. Pemick & Fond, Ctm. MIW ORLEANS, MARY GWYNN WIHTEMAN TELEPHONE ONE-roUR-TWO They have postponed their Satur-1 day market until a week from next Saturday. On next Saturday at the Uluger Drug Store in the afternoon and In the evening they will share the pro ceeds of the fountain, and the la dles solicit a geneious patronage. -a- ' That Spellln' Bee. j The school teachers and the law yers will spell for the benefit of ' the Confederate Home. The book to j be used Is the old-fashloneil blue-1 hack spellln' Ixtok and It Is now , being eagerly conned by the aiuhl tloiM lawyers and school teacheis! who hope to make a Rood record for ' themselves. ; The lawyers have somewliat th ' advantage or the teachers. In that some or tliein may have studied the blue-hack speller In their youth, when a mis-spelled went was lm-1 pressed upon their memory by a hickory switch on the seat or their Irousem an ancient method that I has proved more successful than many or our mcdern ones. The school teachers, with the ex ception or two gentlemen, are pretty and charming young women, and numlH'r the blue-back speller anions the traditions that come from the past. Anyway, they mean to spell, an J .Mm must cast your sympathy with one of them. The dt,. lias not been definitely decided upon, hut It Is thought the Ubth will be the date. Tho ladles , will try to Kccure the skating rink j for the evening. :: Afternoon Tea. At .Mrs. II. W. Randal's on yes terday nfternoon .Mesdames Morris Sass, .Mm Stouiim and W. H. Frame entertained with an afternoon tea as hostesses with .Mix. Haiidol, for the benefit or tint Home Mlslson Society or the Ilrandway Methodist church. The hospitality was an unusual success, both from the standpoint or entertainment and contribution and a great many ladles availed themselves or the opportunity to be pnticnt. A musical program of our best talent was enjoyed, with selections by .Miss Honne and .Miss Drew and .Miss Wolvorlon, Louise Ive, Annie Thouioii ami lluby llandol. In the illnliiR rcom red was ob served as a color scheme and red roses used In decorating. A delirious two-course luncheon was served. .Miss Hoone and Mrs. W. 1). Pot ter asslntiil the hostesses. a At Mrs. Say re's St. Philip's (iiilld met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. II. II. Sayro and continued their diligent work of tacking carpet rags for their rug sale. They aie making a rug for every housekeeper In Ardmore and want them to be sure and count to their sale and select one. tt Put Ban on Hats. .Many cluij women In attendance at the national convention of tho Conorul Federation of Women's Clubs In Cin cinnati are up In nrms because tho committee In chargo has declared that LA. A WEAK WOMAN ANDJER STORY In Floral, Ark., Lives a Lady Who Feels That Her Strength Was Restored by Cardui. Floral, Ark. "I must speak a cood word for Cardui," writes Mrs. viola linker, of Ihis place. "About a month ago I was In very had health. I was so weak and nervous thai 1 was not able to do my housework. "My husband bought tnc one bottle ol Caidm, the woman's tonic. I took it according- to directions and now 1 am in good health. "I think Cardui is a line tonic for weak women." And you are not the only lady who thinks so, Mrs. Baker. Thousands, like you, have written to tell of the wonderful benefit Cardui has been to them. Cardui contains no minerals, or other powerful drugs. It contains no glycerin or oilier mawkish-tasting ingredients. It is just a pure, natural extract, of natural vegetable herbs, that have been found to rcculatc the womanly functions and strengthen the female system. All druggists sell Cardui, Sec yours about it. N. K-Wrttt to: Ladles' Adlor; Dept.. Clutts. nooja MtdtcireCo ,ChaUanooj.1rnn..lor.Srffal liutmtttons, anilM-pape book. "Home Treatment lor Women, sent In pUin wrapper, on request.. no hats are to he worn lt the conven tion hall. Tile rule prohibiting head jear Is denounced In Mime tiarte'-s as "foolish" and "absurd," but the offi cials reninln firm, and taboo on hats will continue throughout the conven tion. The committee has provided Ii'iko signs calling atatentlou to the fact that there Is a law In Ohio which for bids tlie wearing or hath In pubic halls and theatres. Another commit tee will act 'as cuusor or literature to bo distributed. AdertlsIi.R agents have pioved to be a great nuisance! at Koine or tho biennial meetings, as tho opiKirtunlty to reacli thousands or women Irom all parts or tho country at one time has a strong appeal. Hut tlie Cincinnati women ale wary, and no one can hope to distribute as much as a leaflet unless It litis been approv ed by the censors. A meeting or tlie council was held this morning, at which thte rollowlng topics were discussed: "Itelatlons of National Organiza tions to the (lenerai Federation;" "Affiliated Organizations. Their Priv ileges and Duties;" Revision of the lly-Laws; 1'ho Offclal Organ or the I'ei.erauou; Miggesuous ior .aaii--.oi of Arrangement In the Organl.a-! tlon." This afternoon there was a recep rclon by the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs, and the general con vention will be rornmlly Inaugurated this evening with Mrs. l'hlllp N. Moore, president, In tne chair. -Mr. Lawrence Maxwell, chairman of the local biennial board, will welcome the convection for tho local clubwomen, followed by addresses of welcome by Gov. .liulsou Harmon, for the Statu; Mayor Ixmls Schwab for tho city. W. II. .Mellsh for tho Citizens' Com mittee, and Ttlrs. Addison nroonihnll, president ot the Ohio State Federa tion or Women's Clubs. Mrs. Moor will mnko tho address or respond nnd will Introduce the speaker or tlie evening. James H. (Inrrield, ox-Secretary or the Interior. Tho music ,u this session will bo furnished by the Orpheus Club. The sessions will continue dnlly to May IS. a Miss Norfleet's Recital. Miss Catherine Norfeet, violinist and pupil or Carl Vonth, gave hor graduating recital In tho auditorium or North Toxas College Tuesday even ing of this week, to a well filled house. Tho program with which MUs Nor fleet delighted her audlenco was a dif ficult one. nnd comprised niimlors which might he found on tho program of artists or many years' experience, all or which she played with remark able technique. The number with which she opcnol, ' the l'agnnlnl Concert I) Mnjor, Is noted ror Its difficult passages, which she handled with an ease surprising In fo youthful an artist. , Miss Norfleet's performance wis roted throughout for the beauty of her technique and tlie brilliant tonal i effectH. livery number wa-, enthusias tically encored, and she received flow ers In profusion. She wns assisted nt the piano by her sister, .Miss Helen Norfleet, whose rep utation as a pianist Is too well known In musical circles In North Texas u, need any comment here. Tho .Misses Norfleet will be heard I In a musical recital In Ardmoro short ly, and will doubtless repent the trl- ! tiinphs they havo been enjoying on ! ninny other occasions, Denlson Her- I aid. Here and There. Mr. William I-ovo, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, b visiting Mr. nnd .Mrs. L. H, 1ovo. This evening thoy will bo the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Sayro at six o'clock dinner. I I ,rpheS Clue ;l 1 By CAROLYN WELLS. (Copyright, 1909, by J. B, Llppineott Company) Synopsis, Madeleine Van Norman, an heiress. Is found stabbed to death on the eve of her wedding by her fiancee, Schuyler Oarleton Uobt Fesscn den, the best inai, and an amateur detective seeks to unravel the mys tery. Coronur llcnsou is con ducting the Impicot CHAPTER XI (Continued) "I Decline to Say." "You are Hiire, Mr Hunt, that your statement ns to the time Is correct?" said the coroner, turning again to him. "Perfectly nure, sir. It Is my bus iness to be sure of the time." "Mr. Carleton," said Mr. Uleiidon, "there Is an apparent iliscrepaucy here which It Is advisable for yuu to explain. If you came Into this house at a quarter after eleven, and rang the hells for help at hair past eleven, what were you doing In the meantime?" It was out at last. The coroner's qucstlui, though quietly put, was equivalent to an accusation, livery eye In the room wan turned toward Carleton and every e;ir waited In suspense tor ills reply. At last the answer came. The dazed uncertain look had returned to Carleton's race and hi voice sonndi d mechanical, like that or an automaton, as he replied, "1 de cline to say." "I think, Air. Carleton, you scarcely realize the gravity or moment, or the mistake you making In refusing to answer can the are this question." "I have nothing' to say," repeat ed Carletcn, and his pallor changed to a Taint angry fliwh of red. "I am sorry," said Mr. Ilenscn gently. He seemed to have lost his pompous manner In his genu Ine anxiety for his witness, and he looked sorrowfully nt Carletou's Im passive, yet stubborn face. Ah so much hinges on the quo) tlon of who wroto that paper." he resumed. "I will make a test now that ought to convince us all.. Miss Diipuy, you say you wiote It, I be lieve." "1 dlil, yes. sir," said Cicely, slninnierlng a little now, though she had been culm enough a few min utes before. I lien you Know the words on the paper by roto?" "Yes. sir," said Cicely, uncertain or where thin was lending. "I will ask yen, then, to this paper nnd pencil, and the snme words In the sanu once more," take write way "Oh, don't iisk me to do that!" livery one who has a "stunt" seems nnxIotiK to use It to raise funds for tho Confederate Home. Mr. Selvldge, of the business collego, challenges tho ten best spellers of the teachers and Iwyern to a spellln' bee. It Is with genuine regret that tho friends of Mrs. C. O. Hunn learn that Mr. Dunn has decided upon Oklahoma City ns a porninnent location. While Mr. and )Mrs. I'4tnn have been in (tiithrle qulto n while, they never re garded It an a permanent homo and always felt there was a possibility of returning to Ardmore. Mr. C, IT. Hanks has sold two or his lots on Stanley Houlovnrd to Mr, Houghton, who will ereot a modern six-room bungalow on the property. THERE was a time when housekeep ers felt it neces sary to keep half a dozen different kinds of soap on hand. But that was before Ivory Soap was made. Such a thing is no longer necessary; or de sirable. For the bath, for the toilet, for fine laundry purposes, Ivory Soap an swers every requirement. Ivory Soap 994So Per Cent. Pure F Chronicles 5. (6) Implored Cicely clasping her hands and looking very distressed. "I not only ask y u. but I direct you to do It, and do It nt once." 'An attendant handed paper and pencil to Cicely, and, atter a glance at Carleton, who did not meet It, slut began to write. Though evidently agitated, shu wiote clearly and evenly, and the paper she handed to Commit- Heli con a moment later was practi cally an exact duplicate or the one round :n the library table. "It does noc require a handwriting expert," said the coroner, "to declare that tin tie two papers were written the same hand. The poi":;.insnlp Is Indeed similar to .Miss Van Nor man's or whose writing I have hero many specimens, hut It Is only sim ilar. It Is by no means identical. You may all examine these at your leisure and can only agree to what I say." Thu district attorney, who had been comparing tlie papers, laid them down with an air or finality that proved IiIh agreement with tho statements made, "And so," went cn .Mr. llenRou, "granting, as we must, that .Miss Dttpuy wrote tho paper, we have nothing whatever to Indicate that this case Is a suicide. We are tlieroforo seeking a murderer, ami our most earnest efforts must lm made to that end. I trust, Mr. Carle ton, now that you can no lougar Ithlmk My-i Van Norman wiroto tho message, that you will aid us In our work by stating frankly how you were occupied during that quarter-hour which elapsed between ycur entering this house ami your raising the nlnrni," lint Carleton preserved his stony calm. "There was no quarter-hour," he said; "I may have stepped into the drawing-room a moment before go ing to the library, but I gave the alarm almost immediately on en tering the house. Certainly Immedi ately on my discovery of of t!t" scene In tlie library." Cicely looked defiantly at Mr Hunt, wlio In bin turn, looked per plexed. Tho man had no wish to insinuate against Mr. Carleton, but, ns he said, it was his business to know the time, and he knew that Mr. Carleton caino Into the house at a quarter after eleven, and uoL at half-past. The pause tliat followed w.n broken by C ronor llensou's voice "There s nothing more to be done at present. Tho Inquest M adjourned until tomorrow afternoon. Hut wi have discovered that there has been a crime committed. There Is no doubt that Miss Van Norman was murdered, ami that tlie crime to k place between luiU-p.iHt ton and half-past eleven last night, it Is our duty to spare no etTort to discover the criminal. As an audi ence you are dismissed." N T of the Grouch Family This is her brother. By cruel He was always around to spoil CHAPTER XII. The peuple rose lowly rrotn their chairs, and most or them looked as IT they dlil not quite coniprehenr what It all meant. Among these wok Carleton himself. Ho seemed quite oblivious oT tho Tact that he was at least tacitly an nccused man, ami stood quietly, us if await ing any further developments that might come. "look at Scliuyl-r," nald Kitty French to Fessenden. The two had withdrawn to a quiet comer lo ills ciihs the affair. Hut Kitty was do ing most ol the talking, while Fes senden was quiet ami seemed pre occupied. "Of course, I suppose he must have killed .Madeleine," went on Kitty, "hut It's so hard to be lieve it, after all. I've tried to think or a reason ror It, nnd this Is the only ono I can think of. They quar relled yesterday afternoon, and he went away in a huff. I believe he came back last night to make It up with her, and then they quar reled again, and he stubbed her." I'Vsrioiulon looked at hor thought fully, "f think that Hunt man tes tified accurately," ho said, "And If so, Carleton was In tho house just fifteen minutes before he gave the alarm. Now, fifteen minutes Is an awfully short tlmo to quarrel with anybody so desperately that It leads to a murder." "That's true; but they both have very quick tempers. At least Made leine had. She didn't often do It, but when she did fly Into a fury It was as quick as a flnnh. I've never seen .Mr. Carleton angry, hut I know ho can be, lor Muddy told mo so." "Still a quarter of an hour Is too short a time for a fatal quarrel, I think. If Carleton killed her he eaine here for thnt purpose, ami It was done p.-viiicdltntedly " "Why do yen say 'If he killed her"? More Friends We'll scon count It's iust a matter more housewives style. hich-priced. -Powders. Thousands are turninc to i, ounces i One trial docs bpeak to your DaKing or money refunded. Far Def ter. Costs much less. You won't believe it till seii. S3 Uaacca Ut3UAW' A Z fates tete-a-tetes. Looks like the limit of trouble. But don't miss the next scenet It's been orovod that sho didn't kill herself; It's been proved that no one could enter the house without a hitch-key, and It's been proved that the deed was done In that ono hour between ten and hair-p.-wt eleven. So It had to bo .Mr, Carlo ton." "Miss French, you have a logical mind, and I tluiih you'd make f clover little detective. Hut you have overlooked the possibility that She was killed by some cue In the house." "Some of us?" Kitty's look ot amazement almost made Fessenden smile. "Not you or .Miss Gardner," he said. "Hut a burglar might have been concealed In tho house." "I never thought of that!" ex claimed Kitty, her 'i opening wldo nt tho thought. "Why, ho might have killed us all!" "It Isn't a very plausible theory," said Fessenden, unheeding the girl's, remark, "and yet I could think ot nothing else, Kvory Instinct of my mind denies Carloton's guilt. Why, he isn't that sort of a man!" "I'erliaiw ho Isn't as good as he looks," aald Kitty, wagging her bead wisely. "I know a lot about li I in. You know he wasn't a bit In lovo with Alnddy." "You hinted thnt beroro. And was. ho really a mero fortune-hunter? I can't believe that of Carleton. I've known the man for years." "lie must have been, or else why did ho marry her? He's In lovo with, another girl." "I don't know who. Hut Madeleine hinted It to mo only a few days ago. It made her miserable. And that's why everybody thought she wroto that paper that said, 'I lovo S., hut he does not love mo,'" CONTINUED ON PAGB SIX Gaaraataed ondar II far Food Lawa Every Year vou amoner them. of time. More and are civine uo the nld- Trust-made Bakincr BAKING POWDER it. You'll never go back. grocer. Lighter, sweeter you try for your- for 83 CeaU Jaques Mfg. Ca. Cblcaarn