Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Wednesday, May 11, 1910 PERSONALS C. B. Mcrrell ot Itavla was a bus iness visitor horo today. Col. K. O. Tabor, Sr., and It. G. Tabor, Jr., left today for a business visit to Oklahoma City. A. H. N'csblt was a buslnow) vis itor hero today from Ills home at Tishomingo. H. M. Carr of Pauls Valley wbr transacting business hero today. II. It. McOIll of Oklahoma City, who travels this territory for the Central Paper Co., was hero last siIrIH with the Oklahoma City Roost era. J. W. Drnughon, a well known bus Iiuh man of Mill Creek, was a vis itor hero today. N. II. Simmons was a business via ' ltor hero today from Aylesworth. S. Worley of Paula Valley was nmoni; the out of town visitors hero today. J. S. Downard left today for a bus iness visit to iolnts north. W. A. Prldo Is in Davis today look ing after busliutts affairs. .Max draff was hero today from Tishomingo. Hunter Cochran was a visitor here today from Marietta. Hon. A. C. Cruco left today for a business visit to Pauls Valley. Mrs. Wlllard Hloakmoro In In" Guthrlo visiting with relatives. M. G. N'orvell of Marietta was here today on official business. A. N. Tlppott Is hero from Mnrletta vlnltlng with relatives. W. K. Warren Is In llcrwyn to day. Mrs. S. II. Kussoll accompanied Judge Hus3ell to Oklahoma City. Miss Wanda Cox has returned to Oklahoma City after a visit with friends and relatives here. U. T. Hcxroat was hero today from his homo at Keller. h. 13. Grabendlke of Oklahoma City Is hero today talking llurroughs Add ing machines to the people. W. P. Hlgglns, a prominent banker of Poolevllle, was ;vlitor hero to day. . Hubert V. Sclvnlly7,was hero today from his homo at 'Sirlngor. W. P. Terrell was" a visitor here today from Keller. W. It. Ingram Is In the city from Ifealdton. Hugh Cathcy came in today from Texas and will Bpcnd a few weeks hero with his parents. M. L. Alexander left yesterday for u few weeks' visit In Georgia and South Carolina. "Alex" says that he expects to do bomo missionary work and Mill try and bring some pcopln lioni the east to Oklahoma. Legal Notice. State of Okliihomn, Carter County, ss. Before M. P. Winfrey, Justice of Peace for Ardmoro Township. Itartlett, Frazler & Carrlngton, (a corporation.) pinlntlff, vs. Thud M. Tnlcott, Sr., et nl. defendants. Said defendant, Thad M. Talcott Sr., Is hereby notified that on the 23rd day ot April 1910, the plaintiff In tho nbovo entitled causo filed its bill of particulars against tho defendant, al leging that said defendant Is Indebt ed to plaintiff in tho sum of $109, on account of a Judgment rendered In the Circuit Court In and for St. Joseph County State of Indiana, on tlm 2Sth day of October, 1909, against said defendant, Thad M. Talcott, Sr., and on said day said plaintiff also filed its nffidavlt for service by pub lication alleging that said defendant Thai! M. Talcott. Sr., Is a non-resident of the State of Oklahoma, and thai said cause will be heard on tho 2iUl day of May, 1910, at 10 a. m. Bartlett Frazler & Carrlngton, Attest: Pinlntlff. M. F. Winfrey, Justice of Pence. 21-1-S-ir.. A dollghtful ovonlng with Norflcot slstors- Thursday at tho Broadway Baptist church. Tho press nnd pulpit prnlsn thoni everywhere. Don't miss It. Admission 25 nnd DO cents. 10-1. Subserlbo for Tho Anlmorolto. RINGER'S Aha Vista Ice Cream Wo inuhc a specialty of tho tino Alta Vista Ico Cream manufactured in Ft. Worth. Wo talro pleasure in askiug you to compart' it with other Ice Creams. Orders are taken for fancy designs or prints of this Cr.-am for Rec eptions, Han quets, etc We ask you to watch us gn-w. RINGER DRUG COMPANY T. N. COLEMAN THE CITV Telephone 4 Street Stories Ardmore't Pioneer Merchant. Frank Krensloy, a former resident of this city, Is hero from San Marcos, Texas, looking after business affairs. Mr. Krcnsley lived hero for many years and accumulated considerable property. Ho was one of the first mer chants who camo to Ardmoro and Is known to all tho old time residents of this section. Ho moved to Texas about two years ago the benefit of tho health of his wife and Is pleased with his new homo but says that It Is good to be In Ardmore again. Crops Look Fine. j. J. Akcrs Is here todny from his homo at Woodrord visiting with Slier Iff Akcrs nnd attending to business affairs. When, asked about crop con ditions In that section, bo until that! ovcrythlng on tho farms were In Unoj condition, the farmers aro well up I with their work and the Indications j never! for a fine crop wor; better. Stolen Horse Recovered. Tho horse that was stolen fiom Will Moore on Monday night was recovered yesterday afternoon. It was found on the outskirts of the city by Polite Of ficer Leo McCoy, fresh saddle marks on the horse Indicated It had been ridden. It Is supposed that tho par.y who stolo tho horso decided that ho would bo unable to get away and roJo It as far us ho thought advisable and turned It loose and tho horso was re turning homo when found. Business Quiet. Tho moHt business thnt Judge Gait can get In his court during the day now Is one drunk. Tho Judge gives them tho usual fine along with tho good advlco to "go forth and In -no more." Chlcago Prospectors. A number of prospectors from Chi cago were hero to day en route homo from n vlalt to points in Texns where they went to look at farm lands. They wcro In a special car belonging to the Columbia Land Co., of Chicago, a company who deals It. Texas lands. Harvey Garrison Case. Judge S. H. Kussoll left today for Oklahoma City, where ho will hear the case of Harvey D. Garrison, the deposed sheriff, who Is asking to bo reinstated to office- on tho grounds that ho was convicted on perjured testimony. Garrison formerly lived hero and has many friends who are watching tho outcome of the case. Garrison was convicted on tho tes timony of alleged gamblers and Joint keepers, tho case has atraeted con siderable attention over tho state and the outcome Is being closely watched. add personals Mrs. W. T. Roberts has returned from Austin, Texas, where she has been visiting with her daughter, Mndge, who Is a student In tho statu university. G. W. Dixon, a banker of Welch, Okla., was hero today visiting with his friend, Rev. Henry B. Smith. John Cornish nnd family arrived In tho city yesterday evening from Cor nish nnd havo spent tho day hero shopping. Notice. Miss Kffic I.ano. who Is In the con test for tho piano to bo given away by A. C. Young, desires to thank her many friends for tho coupons given hor nnd will nppreclato nny favors shown. Thoso who havo coupons for her may phono 217 or 411 and they will bo called for. 11. Struck Wth Ball Bat. Miss Gertrude, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Cnnnavan, whllo watching her brother play ball today, was struck nccdcntnlly wth tho bat and her head sevoroly cut. Medlcnl nU was summoned and tho young lady Is reported resting nicely this aft .noon. Do you take Tho Ardmorolte? DRUGGIST 9 W. Wain St. 'THE ELKS PARADE ! WAS BIG SUCCESS WILD MAN FROM DUNCAN IN AN IRON CAGE NOVICES PUSHtD DABY BUGGIES. Tuesday wa8 Hlks day In Ardmore. .Members of tho local lodge i other towns wore lsltors in tho city, traveling men made It convenient to remain here for tho '.orfl!es and about sixty members of the Oklahoma City crowd Joined with the an herd. The occasion was tho Initia tion of a class of eighteen. Kory May the Hlks Institute a roundup nnd this year they caught in the wilds of the forest ns fine n bunch of novices as was ever corrnlloL Deb Jo1 who was found In tho Jungles of Dun tan, was tho wildest of the en l'i lie- d. He was bound In rop "' Ilfu'd In Irons nnd confined in a cage. Hie cage was drawn by a midget . the mulo variety nnd was untie- ' two other caiHlldates. The candidate was violent at times throughout tho 1 parade. Hoys who eanio too close were frightened nwny by the efforts of tho Dnncanlto to cocure his release. The police mounted and armed rodo close behind to take care of the Innocents In ease an outbreak occurred. The Konmn chariot w.iddb'd up ' fctrects with novice Harry I.owoiihtelu as driver. One of tho golden wheels fell from the axle, but the old Uoninii stood by his guns and there was no accident that caused loss of life or limb. True to the Instinct of tho ICl'rf, wherever ho may bo found there was a hunch ot fellows that made a run for the water wagon. As odd as it may seem the Mnrletta novices made a specialty of riding 011 the water wagon. Emblematical of tho lovo of fnmliy and of homo, that every l-'lk has In stilled Into his very soul, some of the young fellows sought out baby bug gies and from their own preferences of particularly displaying those home ly qualities rolled tho buggies through out tho entire length of the parade. iitoso same young men nesiiateu to waH (.rll,.mo,i, stating thnt most poo part with the baby buggies after' plo l!UI(.ht ,h.,t ,,,, wng cruclf,cd OI1 reaching the Klks' home and In orJer J ,,rl(1,ly .u)(1 rnge)1 ,m Sumlny Mr. to restore them to the mothers who Nk.Ilo, declared that such could not had been deprived of their use dur-,)(, truo r()r ,,0 wn , ,(J , 10 Ing tho parade tho novices had to bo j f.lavi. 0m,o (,.,y8 ,m(1 three nlKhtgi promised some nig red sucks 01 cnuuy before they would glvo them up. Tho parade was led by tho Junior concert band, long lines of mnrching Klks wcro lined up, automobiles dec orated In purple and white and with mounted bonds of elks wcro filled with officers and prominent visitors. Ksqulro Suggs mounted 011 a hand some gray charger, marshalled the pa rade and herded the novices In Iln. Tho parade was one of spectacular beauty and the crowds of cheering people lined the sidewalks. The initiation began In tho nfter noon nnd lasted until almost Iwelvo o'clock, when all the Klks repaired to ithelr homes. The May class was mado tip of a flno set of young fellows, who will add strength and dignity to th order and tho locals are well pleased with the work of the day. ALL NEWSPAPERS SHOULD COP! THIS Wo cheerfully copy tho following: "1 hope that every nowpaM'r In tho country will copy this. If they will, they will do worlds of good for thou sands of sick people who are now suffering ns I did for years with my stomach and kidneys, but thank to tho wonderful medlclno that Is now doing so much good all over tho country, I am liberated from my years of torture nnd am onco more enjoying the great blessing of good health. For several years my back wan hurting me most of tho time, and 1 would havo to get up from ten to fifteen times every night on ac count of my kidneys. My food would sour and burn In my stotnnoh anil I would bloat and belch until 1 w'Ltild get dizzy nnd norvous. I was badly constipated nnd had to bo taking something all of tho time, it I didn't I wns sure to have a bad spoil of sick headncho. No ono knows how much l did suffer, but after taking the uront remedy, Root Juice, a short time, I began to Improve, nnd after using about Fix bottle I um strong and well, mid feel like a boy. I am glad to tell every tick penuu I nil about It, because I sympathise with tho-e vho suffer as I did." L. K. I Pratt. South Brnd. Ind, It Is well I known lit re that Root Juloe 1 cor talaly a wonderful medlolne. It is 1 sold for no dollar a bottle or threo j bottles fur two dollars and a half. C Ity Drug Store, W. II. Frame, Pro prietor. FOR SALK Ono dozen choice young Barred Plymouth Uncle lions and cockerels. Soo Oscar Shumate. 11 -a THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. OLD BOARD WILL CONTROL SCHOOLS THE CHANGES WERE SO SLIGHT THAT NO TROUBLE WILL BE HAD IN REORGANIZATION. From a hurried reading of th' opinion of tho supreme court, it seems plain that the former school board must come In nnd take tho ptoce of the present board. Tho court says that the w-hools aro ol general Interest, that they must come under tho control of the state and not be controlled by lnunlclpalltlei This opinion Is not a surprise U the people of Anliimn- who have kept up with tho question. Judge Har rln of Toledo, Ohio, who rendoreJ tho opinion for tho Ardmorelto on tho ipieslon ot making payments on tho street pavements, aim) wroto an! opinion on the charter control ot the I schools and cited III reasons why the charter could not loutrol the scho.ils. The opinion of tho Oklahoma court Is In keeping with the opinion of Judge Harris, anil tliose who haw 'icon directly Interested in the qnos- tloti aro not surprised. There could not be a change In a board scarcely that would entice -as little trouble as the contemplated change hero will cause. Y. B. Lynn will retire from the board and T. L. Smith will again assume member ship. W. 1. Cruco will again assume membership nnd these aro all the changes that will be made. The board wits practically all re-elected. Tho old school board was composed ot W. I. Cruco, C. i. Anderson, T. L. Smith. G. 11. Bruce, A. II. Palmer and A. C. Voting. At the Tent, on Broadway. Kvangellst N'lchol preached In the tent on Broadway last night, and for the remainder of tho meeting the sorvlcin will be conducted In the tent. Last night there wan an Interested audience to hear him discuss the "Prayer of Christ on the Cross." In cidentally, Mr. Nlchol made rotor ence to the day on which Christ nnd It was Impossible to get threo days and threo nights between Fri day and Sunday. By reiiuest, Mr. Xlchol Is to tell tho peoplo tonight why he does not believe In "foot-washing" ns a church ordinance. Hear what he has to say about this matter. Ho proposes to answer any question relative to what he and Ills brethren teach or prac tice. After his remarks on "foot wiikIi lug," ho will preach on: "You Can and You Can't." Song service begins nt S o'clock. Notice to Contractors. Senled bds will be received, by the Mayor and Board of Commission ers until 12 o'clock noon, May 21th, 1910, for tho construction of a fi-Inch water main In Xorth Wash'ngton Street from Fifth Avenue to North Boundary Street. Also a 4-lnch water main In First Avenue, Southwest, from Washington to D Street. Tho contractor will furnish all la bor and material necessary for the complete construction of tho name nccurdlng to tho plans and specifica tions on fllo In tho City Clerk's office. Also bids will bo received for a 0 and S Inch sewor with 4-lnch lattorals In First Avenue, Southwest, from Washington to C Street. Tho contractor to furnish nil labor and material necessary to construct tho scmo according to tho plans nnd spec - mentions on file in tho City Clerk's cfflce. Kach proposal must bo accompanied by a certified check In tho sum of f250, paynblo to the city dork, to be forfeited to the city of Ardmoro by the successful bidder in case ho fulls to enter Into a contract nnd glvo the re- quired bond In the time spociflod Tho Hoard of 1 ommlftslnnora ro eervo tho right to reject any or All bids or to let tho work soparatoly as thoy may doom best for tho clty'i Intorost. 0. II, HRUCK. City Clerk. First published the 10th day of May. 1910. 10-10. Tho rarest mimlenl tront of V eoaaon the Norfleot sisters at V Broadway Baptist cburoh Thursday ovoalng. Admission and 50 eonts. 10-3. With the Sick. Mre. "W. It. Slvldfo is reported aerl ousiy 111. Tom Hell has reenvoro from a so voro attack of mnlarla. A raro troat tho Norflcot slater nt tho Broadway Hnptlgt church, on Thursday ovonlng. Admission. 25 an! CO cents. 10-3. ALL GETTING READY FOR THE BIG PICNIC MISSOURI WILL BE IN PARADt WITH APPLES AND MULES AID FOR HILLIS. Kvorybo.y ts getting lntctestcd in tho picnic, and most every man you nice: wan.s to know wheio ou are rroin, so that If you happen to be from ills state ho can enlist you uh a mem tier. The peoplo Horn Mlsxonil, the "show me' SUM-, want to bo repre sented lit tho picnic and 1. It. Dost and .1. V. Kemp say that they will havo some big red app'.es as well as tho crowd from Arkansas. They abso propose to have In the parade a pair of tho finest mules on earth tha. were raised In tholr state. "I'liclo" Skelly Wolwrttm says that he hardly knows what crowd that ho will go with, no; has lived In Tennessee and Texas and was water-bound In Arkansas for some time. A meeting will bo called aim a state society organized by those from tho different states and tho at rnngomcnts for tho big picnic will bo made. A. M. Sosbee, .1. C. Lively and J. I-:. Hamilton say that they will hao an o team and wagon loaded with logs for tho parade and that Mark lllllls will do the driving. Hul ls has not agreed to this, as ho says It has been some time since lie hauled saw logs, but Tom Smith, who halls from Mississippi and says that no wit once the best ox driver In the state, has agreed to help Mr. lllllls In case he falls, so that part of the progranj Is arranged. Tho members from until state aro at work and tho picnic prom ises to be tho event of the year In Ardmore. Call for Kansans. In order that tho 'Sunflower State" may bo adequately represented at tin proposed Joint states picnic to be held at a time mid plnce to bo decided upon nt a later date, and to tiiaugu rate plans therefor, natives of Kansas aro nereiiy respectiiii'y requested to meet at tho city hall Sunday, May 15, at .'1 o'clock p. m. L. II. BRADFORD, ARTHUR ADAMS. IIO.MKR ADAMS, And Others. Call of Goober Grabbers. All persons who hall from the state of Georgia arc hereby requested t' meet at tho district court room at 2:30 Sunday afternoon for the purpose of organizing a Georgia Society. 'a want to choose our prettiest Georgia girl as sponsor, wo wanX to affiliate with the state society and also to take part In tho Ardmore reunion of states. Kvery Georgian Is requested to bo p'resent. Tho nicetlns wi;r lie cnlled to order sharp as tho veterans will be In session within thirty minutes nfter our meeting Is called to order. iMUS. JOHN F. HASLHY, JOHN L. GALT, It. -M. LKSTKR, J. K. PAUKFJI, And Others. Voice from Long Horns. All natlvo Tcxnna are hereby cal ed to moot in tho district court room Sunday afternoon at -I::t0 o'clock, for the purpose of organizing tho state society. Kvery man and woman, who j loves his natlvo stato and whose soul I Is stirred by tho recollections of the Alamo and San Jacinto aro urged to be present. ARTHUR WALCOTT, DON IjAiOY. BRUT SIMEON, MOHAN SCOTT, And Others. A raro treat tho Norflcot sisters nt tho Broadway Baptist church, on Thursday evening. Admission, 2.1 an- 1 50 cents, 10-1. Real Estate Transfers. List of transfeiK filed for record yontorday. Furnished by the Carter County Abstract Company. W. R. McClatchoy to C. h. Carroll, warranty deed; consideration $."0n: individod half Intorost in Lot V Block 2, Mol.lsli Plate addition t .rdmore. Mary H. Ileos and W. II. Doci tj Charles Handler, wnrrnnty deed, part of Sees. 31, 35 and 36 in Twp. IS R2W. , Conielln ,(!aaway ami S. C. Casta way to B. B. Prairie, warranty deed; 160; I.ots 5 and (I, In Hick 18. Wheeler. MoWnorton Weir to 8am Cobn, ht ntv $2600; K of of 8KM: NK'4 "f K' t BV. Bee. :!5; X, of N'K', of 8W14 SWVi of NK'i ' sW'i- NW4 of .Vis of SWU of SWVi, See. 36, T3S. R.iW. ? .A TO MOTHERS. MRS. VIHSLOWS SOOTHING 1 hnt hn uaivl lr Million of UaUMy for Uwlr 'tilblrpb wIjIIh Trt-lbllur fur ovtir I'uiv leiu-ft. PHiu. i'Hr wma umm, mmx u in unit fm4y roraurriitvft. IWrvrV-rMK I'l'M- IIOTILI'. TENNIS If 1 LYNN, The BLUES FATTED E LOCALS POUNDED ANDERSON TO ALL CORNERS OF THE LOT BRYAN PITCHED EFFECTIVELY The Blues obtained ample revenge yesterday for Monday's defeat by Coalgato, annexing the decisive game of tho serioa 10 to II. Anderson, who pitched good ball hero last season, occupied tho box for Coalgato, but seemed off-color and was given nit iwful drubbing. Bryant on tho other hand held the visitors to four hits. The Blues began hitting Anderson lu tho first liming and kept nt him until ho was relieved by Mntion. Tho scoro: 1 2 .1 I 5 fi 7 8 9 H.U.K. Coalgato 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 2 .'I -I G Ardmoro 1 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 x 10 I I II Tho Blues will bo Idle the balance of the week. The Colbert Indians play hero next Sunday. Knights Templar, Attention. Ardmoro Couiiiimulcry No. 5, K. T. will confer Red Cross and Templar degrees, Thursday evening nt 7 p. m. Banitiet nil members requested to attend. Visiting Knights welcome. HOI IT. H. HFA'RY, K. C. GWO. H. HRUCK, Recorder. WANTHD A girl for Solomon'B now place. U-3 PLAY BALL You can't play good ball with a poor glove. Try a Spauhling glove anil see how easy it Is. They aro recognized as the bust made and everyone fully guaran teed, both by the manufac turers and by us. We car ry their entire lino. Western Pharmacy 4 WKST MAIN HT. Phone Your Electric Troubles to RITTER BROS. NO. 806 We have expert electricians in our employe and can do your work right and can do it quickly. Throw your troubles on our shoulders, Central Livery Barn When you want, a first class single rig or a road team, phone 35. WILL FORD, Munatfor. LOST Two steers necked ' together, both red and white Ipided, one lias no brands or j murks, the oilier branded jon hip. Liberal reward lor information. J. B. Criner, I Ardmore, pdswa PAGE FIVL OXFORDS I Black, Tan White 8 1-2 tp II - 1 1 1-2 to 2 - 2 1-2 tO 1 I - nd a 5oc 65c 75C Shoe Man I Make A Specialty Of Curing Nervous Diseases No Drugs Dr. Howard Cox Chiropractor Phono 401) Noble UltlR. I Good Report I Always follows the use of our services, whether it is transferring, packing or storing. Take the hint. Entrust your jobs to us. WILSON & SMITH Transfer & Storage Co. Phone 72. Ardmore, Okla. The treat procession of jx'ople who use economy aro itmrchlnc down to the London Steam Dye Hoise with tlielr obi clothe to to CleatirJ liyiil. Prem-tl anil Itcimiretl, Spi-clal Thirty ! huies Hull I'll'Ilncil . I'hIii I'loitlii'il Hklrt tit-iiiK'tl 7V to $1.01) Vr Dyit 07 Dlltrrrnl Cnlnrs 3. V Nrxl iftmr . LONDON u Olluirr rhuiif.101 Board and Rooms Boarcf, per week $3.50 Board and Room, per wk. $5.00 '.01 M- C nnd Went Main StH. GOOD SERVICU. WELL LOCATED. MRS. G. L. LOWERY Telephone 560. C. Boone Taliaferro LICENSED EMBALMEP. Oklahoma License No. Missouri License No. 4-its Embalming guarnr ,J hu. :. tor tor shipping t nuVt.i',. forwardi: t; bodies to tlil- - V for, or to tmss thuutt to u'tiiT (lointit, ran ruly on their pit 'on rtuelvmi: iiroiniit nnd nolliv uiiiu.titiu jf coin ii my win . i